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The concentrations of dissolved aluminum (Al) in the upper St. Lawrence Estuary were determined during periods of high and intermediate river-discharge. Laboratory experiments simulating estuarine processes were also conducted in order to examine possible mechanisms controlling the Al distribution. During the high river-discharge, the Al concentration at river end-member was 1.63 µM and decreased exponentially with increasing salinity. An almost complete removal of dissolved Al was observed in the low salinity area up to 10 with an intensive removal in the turbidity maximum zone. Principal mechanisms responsible for the Al removal inferred from the laboratory experiments were flocculation and adsorption onto suspended particulate matter (SPM). During the intermediate river-discharge, the Al concentration was 0.72 µM at the river end-member and again decreased with increasing salinity. However, the removal was less pronounced, being only about 25%. Good fits with model predictions and laboratory experiments suggest that principal removal mechanisms were authigenic aluminosilicate formation and adsorption onto SPM. In the upper St. Lawrence Estuary, Al distribution is controlled by a combination of three removal mechanisms: flocculation, authigenic aluminosilicate formation, and adsorption. Each mechanism can become a dominant factor depending on the concentration level and speciation of dissolved Al in the river water.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of chlorophyll concentration is potentially affected by the presence of inorganic matter in the water column. Seasonal variability of total suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration and its partition into organic and inorganic fractions was thus measured in the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence during five cruises. These measures were made in the surface layer down to the depth of the 0.1% light level. Results indicate that vertical variability was small for the entire study area. Data analysis lead to the definition of two main regions having different SPM characteristics: 1) the estuary zone characterized by a strong spatial variability, intermediate SPM concentrations and a clear spring phytoplankton bloom that is combined to an increased inorganic matter load; 2) the gulf region characterized by a relatively low SPM concentration and phytoplankton blooms in the spring and fall periods. Combined with in situ measurements of remote sensing reflectances, the database was used to validate existing inorganic matter retrieval algorithms and develop a new one better adapted to the low concentrations encountered in the St. Lawrence estuary and Gulf.  相似文献   

Surface sediments along the Rimouski section in the St. Lawrence estuary were sampled at the surface and at 10 cm depth. Fatty acids were extracted and analysed. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acid contents at the two depths vary with the nature of the sediments. The clay sediments rich in organic matter contain more fatty acids than the corresponding sand or gravel. Unsaturated fatty acids were more abundant in the surface sediments. Some iso- and anteiso-odd carbon fatty acids were detected in the sediments; these acids could indicate a microbial activity. Correlation is made with the fatty acid contents of the water column together with the surface microlayer of the estuarine water.  相似文献   

Water column concentrations and benthic fluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and oxygen (DO) were measured in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Upper and Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (USLE and LSLE, respectively) to assess the nitrogen (N) budget in the St. Lawrence (SL) system, as well as to elucidate the impact of bottom water hypoxia on fixed-N removal in the LSLE. A severe nitrate deficit, with respect to ambient phosphate concentrations (N*∼−10 μmol L−1), was observed within and in the vicinity of the hypoxic bottom water of the LSLE. Given that DO concentrations in the water column have remained above 50 μmol L−1, nitrate reduction in suboxic sediments, rather than in the water column, is most likely responsible for the removal of fixed N from the SL system. Net nitrate fluxes into the sediments, derived from pore water nitrate concentration gradients, ranged from 190 μmol m−2 d−1 in the hypoxic western LSLE to 100 μmol m−2 d−1 in the Gulf. The average total benthic nitrate reduction rate for the Laurentian Channel (LC) is on the order of 690 μmol m−2 d−1, with coupled nitrification-nitrate reduction accounting for more than 70%. Using average nitrate reduction rates derived from the observed water column nitrate deficit, the annual fixed-N elimination within the three main channels of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and LSLE was estimated at 411 × 106 t N, yielding an almost balanced N budget for the SL marine system.  相似文献   

Observations of the turbidity and velocity fields in the near-bottom waters of the St Lawrence estuary were obtained with a package which includes a self-recording attenuance meter and a currentmeter. The latter also measures salinity and temperature. Time series varying in length between 26 h and 26 days, and with repetition rates between one and 15 min are discussed for 3 typical open-channel and nearshore stations. A high-frequency sampling mode provides a means to observe the passage of a frontal disturbance over the bottom during the semi-diurnal cycle. With lower frequency records having lengths of one week to one month, contributions to the turbidity fluctuations due to the spring-neap oscillations, seasonal changes in run-off, and the sudden rise in solid discharge of local tributaries following storms, can be resolved. From turbidity polar diagrams, local onshore sources of particulate suspended matter can be identified. Among other advantages, it is possible from such records to time precisely the occurrence of turbidity peaks in relation to the ebb and flow velocities, to assess the importance of resuspension, and to specify exactly the time rate of change of the turbidity. On the whole, self-recording equipments provide a wealth of information unavailable from more traditional hydrocast sampling techniques.  相似文献   

Weekly variations in total dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPt) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) were investigated in relation to the phytoplankton assemblage from spring to fall 1994 at a coastal fixed station in the St. Lawrence Estuary. DMSPt and DMS concentrations showed a strong seasonality and were tightly coupled in time. Maximum concentrations of DMSPt and DMS were observed in July and August, during a period of warm water and low nutrient concentrations. Seasonal maxima of 365.4 nmol l−1 for DMSPt and 14.2 nmol l−1 for DMS in early August coincided with the presence of many phytoplankton species, such as Alexandrium tamarense, Dinophysis acuminata, Gymnodinium sp., Heterocapsa rotundata, Protoperidinium ovatum, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Chrysochromulina sp. (6 μm), Cryptomonas sp. (6 μm), a group of microflagellates smaller than 5 μm (mf < 5), many tintinnids, and Mesodinium rubrum. The abundance of mf < 5 followed the general trend of DMS concentrations. The temporal occurrence of high P. ovatum abundance and DMSPt concentrations suggests that this heterotrophic dinoflagellate can either synthesize DMSP or acquire it from DMSP-rich prey. The calculated sea-to-air DMS flux reached a maximum of 8.36 μmol −2 d−1 on August 1. The estimated annual emission from the St. Lawrence Estuary is 77.2 tons of biogenic sulfur to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated the existence of a considerably higher planktonic biomass in the deep waters of the Saguenay Fjord as compared to corresponding depths in the adjacent St Lawrence Estuary on the other side of a shallow sill. The hypothesis that has been put forward to explain this phenomenon is related to the advection of near surface estuarine waters, at times very rich in particulate matter, over the entrance sill into the deeper waters of the fjord. Mixing processes associated with the development of a density flow, the presence of a hydraulic jump or other mechanisms are assumed to be responsible for the common occurrence of lower density subsurface water within the basin as compared to that penetrating over the sill.The exchange processes between the estuary and the fjord are described and an estimate made of the estuarine water volume that penetrates into the lower layer of the fjord over a semidiurnal tide cycle. From these calculations, the replacement time for the outer basin was estimated to range between one and four days. The biological characteristics of this water were used to establish a budget for particulate matter exchange which showed, in early August, a typical net input of ? 188 t of particulate organic carbon into the deep waters of the fjord over one tide cycle.  相似文献   

Mass-balance models have been constructed using inverse methodology for the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence for the mid-1980s, the mid-1990s, and the early 2000s to describe ecosystem structure, trophic group interactions, and the effects of fishing and predation on the ecosystem for each time period. Our analyses indicate that the ecosystem structure shifted dramatically from one previously dominated by demersal (cod, redfish) and small-bodied forage (e.g., capelin, mackerel, herring, shrimp) species to one now dominated by small-bodied forage species. Overfishing removed a functional group in the late 1980s, large piscivorous fish (primarily cod and redfish), which has not recovered 14 years after the cessation of heavy fishing. This has left only marine mammals as top predators during the mid-1990s, and marine mammals and small Greenland halibut during the early 2000s. Predation by marine mammals on fish increased from the mid-1980s to the early 2000s while predation by large fish on fish decreased. Capelin and shrimp, the main prey in each period, showed an increase in biomass over the three periods. A switch in the main predators of capelin from cod to marine mammals occurred, while Greenland halibut progressively replaced cod as shrimp predators. Overfishing influenced community structure directly through preferential removal of larger-bodied fishes and indirectly through predation release because larger-bodied fishes exerted top-down control upon other community species or competed with other species for the same prey. Our modelling estimates showed that a change in predation structure or flows at the top of the trophic system led to changes in predation at all lower trophic levels in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. These changes represent a case of fishery-induced regime shift.  相似文献   

The lateral stratification and momentum balance in the lower Saint Lawrence estuary (LSLE) were investigated over a period of six days from current, temperature, and salinity measurements taken in 1979 at the Matane transect. Asymptotic singular decomposition analysis was used to show that the spatial variability of hydrodynamic parameters at that cross-section was more pronounced than their temporal or tidal variability. Classification of the section in the lateral circulation/stratification diagram revealed that the LSLE is one of the most laterally-stratified estuaries examined in the world. Estimates of various acceleration terms in the lateral dynamic balance equation showed that, when averaged over many tidal cycles, the motion can be considered as being quasigeostrophic to a first approximation, with contributions of the same order of magnitude from the baroclinic and the barotropic pressure gradients. Convection accelerations were found to be important only near the north shore, where strong cross-channel currents were recorded, whilst local and centrifugal accelerations were found to be of secondary importance.  相似文献   

Spring to autumn temporal distributions of ichthyoplankton and other oceanographic variables were measured at three nearshore stations in the lower St Lawrence Estuary in 1977 and 1978. The seasonal occurrence of various species of fish eggs and larvae was similar from one year to the next. Inshore-offshore gradients in abundance of eggs and larvae of different species appeared to be primarily related to the spawning location of each species. The semidiurnal variability was considerably less than the week-to-week variability in all physical and biological variables measured. The weekly variability is predominantly a function of spatiotemporal interactions, due to the geographic displacement of different water masses and their associated plankton in relation to the neap-spring tidal cycle. The timing and duration of spawning for each common species, inferred from ichthyoplankton distributions, suggest a unique combination of spawning and hatching times, ensuring a succession in the occurrence of larvae through time. Results of the temporal and spatial distributions of the different species of ichthyoplankton are discussed in terms of reduced competitive interactions. The relationship between ichthyoplankton distributions and the plankton production cycle in the St Lawrence Estuary is discussed in comparison with other areas.  相似文献   

Three stations located in the Laurentian Trough were investigated three times during the summer production maximum (in June-July 1990; COUPPB90-1 cruise). A range of multivariate analyses was carried out to extract major physical-biological features in a large data set covering the whole cruise. This study presents the advantages of combining conventional principal component analysis (PCA) with a three-way data analysis. PCA provides the centre of gravity of the different locations for each variable and each sample during the cruise without temporal information. Three-way data analysis produces the trajectory of the different site/time locations for each variable and each sample, and clarifies spatial and temporal relationships between variables. The results reproduce the main patterns of the lower St Lawrence Estuary during the summer plankton bloom and indicate an upstream movement of warm and less saline waters associated with surface production. Apparently these large changes at the surface are not reflected in the deeper layers. Cluster analysis suggests that autotrophic and heterotrophic activities are decoupled when production is low and are correlated only when production increases.  相似文献   

In order to have a global view of ecosystem changes associated with the collapse of groundfish species in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the early 1990s, Ecopath mass-balance models were constructed incorporating uncertainty in the input data. These models covered two ecosystems (northern and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence; NAFO divisions 4RS and 4T), and two time periods (before the collapse, in the mid-1980s, and after it, in the mid-1990s). Our analyses revealed that the ecosystem structure shifted dramatically from one previously dominated by piscivorous groundfish and small-bodied forage species during the mid-1980s to one now dominated only by small-bodied pelagic species during the mid-1990s in both southern and northern Gulf. The species structure in the northern Gulf versus southern Gulf was different, which may explain why these two ecosystems did not recover the same way from the collapse in the early 1990s. Productivity declined in the northern Gulf after the collapse but increased in the southern Gulf. The collapse of groundfish stocks resulted in declines in the mean trophic level of the landings in both the northern and the southern Gulf. Even though fishing mortality was then intentionally reduced, this part of the total mortality was taken up by predation. The temporal changes in the internal structure of both ecosystems are reflected in their overall emergent properties.  相似文献   

Nearly 2000 pockmarks with diameters ranging from a few tens of meters up to 700 m are present on the seafloor of the St. Lawrence Estuary in eastern Canada. Coring of some pockmarks resulted in the recovery of various-sized and shaped carbonate concretions in a predominantly silty mud matrix. Petrographic and geochemical data on four authigenic carbonate concretions are reported as well as data from shell material in the unconsolidated sediment. Video observations and echo-sounder images indicate that the sampled pockmarks are actively gas venting. The video images show significant look-alike microbial mats in areas where gas is venting. The carbonate concretions are primarily made up of carbonate cements with varying percentage of shell fragments, micrite particles and fine-grained clastics. Orthorhombic crystal morphology and diagenetic fabrics including isopachous layers and botryoids characterize the aragonite cement. Oxygen isotopes ratios for the cement crusts do not record any thermal anomaly at the site of precipitation with δ18OVPDB ratios (+3) in equilibrium with cold (5 °C) deep marine waters, whereas significant negative δ13CVPDB ratios (−9.9 to −33.5) for cement and shell material within concretions indicate that the carbonates largely derive from the microbial oxidation of methane. The δ13CVPDB ratios of aragonite shells (−2.7 to −5.6) taken from unconsolidated sediments at some distance from the concretions/vents show variable dilution of HCO3 with negative δ13CVPDB ratios derived from microbial oxidation of methane with isotopically normal (0) marine bicarbonate. These results are in agreement with other lines of evidence suggesting that pockmarks formed through the recent and still active release of gas from a reservoir within the Paleozoic sedimentary succession.  相似文献   

Forecasts of water levels in the St. Lawrence River on the east coast of Canada have been issued every working day since 1997 using a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model (One-D) for periods extending up to 30 days. In order to assess the performance of these forecasts, a comparison between the model forecasts and the observations of the water levels during 2005 was done at 12 stations of the SINECO network located between Montreal and Quebec City. The statistical analysis shows that mean errors are small compared to the water level fluctuations. Confidence intervals of the forecasted values for all stations are evaluated.  相似文献   

At‐sea sampling is a common approach used by fisheries scientists to assess changes in fished populations. Traditional sampling programmes focus on short intensive sampling periods by fisheries personnel, although there has been a move to increase temporal sampling frequency within a fishing season by using harvesters. To determine the suitability of these two options, we compared the precision of estimates obtained for the American lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. The sampling variance estimation for the mean catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) was based on a three‐stage sampling design with days as the primary unit, and buoy and trap as secondary and third stage units, respectively. Using the estimated variance components to predict and compare the variance of the mean CPUE for different at‐sea sampling designs, we show that it would be more efficient to sample a few traps (at least 3) every day for the entire fishing season than the traditional at‐sea sampling of the entire fishing gear twice or three times in a season by scientific personnel. Designing a harvester‐based at‐sea sampling programme could be an efficient approach for reducing costs while gathering essential fishery data, improving dialogue between the industry and scientists, and increasing harvesters’ participation in managing the resource.  相似文献   

An experimental survey of the estuary of Milford Haven has been carried out in which velocity, temperature and salinity have been measured over the full extent of the estuary during a complete spring and a complete neap- tidal cycle. The measurements were taken from three survey vessels, each of which was used to service six or seven survey points so that the measurements comprised a total of about 40 vertical profiles distributed over a grid of 20 survey points for each tide. Tide level measurements at two points were made simultaneously. The experimental measurements of tidal level have been used to calibrate a two-dimensional mathematical model based upon a new numerical representation of the shallow water equations. The predictions of velocity for the model have been compared with vertically integrated velocities calculated from experiments, and good agreement has been found over the full extent of the estuary.The effect of a strong south-westerly wind in the estuary has been examined in numerical simulation.  相似文献   

635 samples of suspended particulate matter (SPM), collected in the St. Lawrence river and estuary during periods of high and low river flow from a series of individual and anchor stations on a transect traversing the turbidity maximum zone, as well as two sediment box cores, were analyzed for Al, Si, Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn.An abrupt change in elemental composition occurs when traversing the front at the landward edge of the turbidity maximum. As the SPM concentration increases across the front from 20–200 mg l?1, the Ca/Al and Mg/Al ratios of the SPM increase and the Si/Al, Fe/Al and Mn/Al ratios decrease. The almost 50% decrease of the Mn/Al ratio is not related to changes in salinity. Within the turbidity maximum the tidal-averaged Si/Al, Ca/Al, Mg/Al and Fe/Al ratios of the SPM do not differ significantly from the landward to the seaward end of the turbidity zone, but on one tidal station the ratios of Si, Ca and Fe to Al are significantly lower at high river flow than at low flow. The Mn/Al ratio is insensitive to the extreme variations of either salinity (0.6–30‰) or SPM concentrations (10–480 mg l?1) within the turbidity zone. A tendency for higher Mn/Al ratios to be associated with near-bottom SPM, observed in the center of the turbidity zone during the low river flow period, is well developed in the lower reaches of the zone.Diagenetic mobilization within the rare fine-grained bottom sediments of the turbidity maximum is responsible for changes in Mn and Fe content of particulate matter, and early settling of coarse-grained components and size sorting within the zone are responsible for other compositional changes. Local sources, desorption and precipitation are apparently of secondary importance. The depletion of both Mn and Fe in the SPM and sediment of the upper estuary implies a net seaward escape of diagenetically mobilized metal.  相似文献   

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