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The paper reports the mineralogical and geochemical features of the Kysylga gold deposit located in the hornfelsed Norian sedimentary rocks and classified with low-sulfide gold–quartz type of deposits typical of the Verkhoyansk–Kolyma metallogenic province. Detailed typomorphic study of the major minerals (quartz, arsenopyrite, and gold) of the ore veins shows that the deposit is assigned to the gold–silver type. Mineralogical and geochemical data substantiate this conclusion.  相似文献   

The results of geological and geochemical studies of terrigenous rocks of the main stratigraphic subdivisions in the northeastern flank of the South Mongolia–Khingan orogenic belt and also the results of U-Pb (LА-ICP-MS) geochronological studies of detrital zircons from these deposits are presented. It is demonstrated that the studied rocks differ significantly in the nature of distribution of detrital zircon ages and, consequently, they cannot be members of a single sedimentary sequence. The data obtained confirm the standpoint according to which the northeastern flank of the South Mongolia–Khingan orogenic belt represents a “joint” zone separating the Argun and the Bureya-Jiamusi Superterranes. This joint zone was formed as the result of closure of the oceanic basin separating the specified continental massifs in the Paleozoic era. The geochemical features of the studied rocks indicate their formation in the conditions of the island arc or the active continental margin. Lack of zircon generations younger than Ordovician age in the studied samples allows assuming that the sedimentary sequences identified within the northeastern flank of the studied belt as the Necla, Dagmara, siltstone-sandstone, and Gramatukha sequences that formed from the end of the Vendian (?) to the Devonian correspond to the youngest stages of belt formation. These sediments in the current structural plan evidently represent fragments of accretion complexes cropping out in fragments among the Cenozoic sequences of the Amur-Zeya Depression.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the new data for geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of stockworks consisting of steep and gentle quartz veins and veinlets forming a complex multilevel structure at the Rodion deposit. These stockworks range from 25 to 150 m in thickness. Average gold grade is 1.8 g/t. Ore minerals pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, and native gold are predominantly concentrated on the vein and veinlet walls. Thermal metamorphism caused by the intrusion of the Ulakhan granodiorite pluton is the important singularity of the deposit. The deposit ore is enriched in chalcophile microelements Au, Ag, As, Sb, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Bi as compared to the average composition of the upper crust and hosting Permian sequences. The enrichment factors range from a few to hundreds of times. Bi, W, Pb, Ag, and Na2O are positively correlated between each other and with Au. The highest correlation coefficient 0.59 is between Au and Bi. Au is negatively correlated with Ba, Li, Co, Ni, Mn, Ti, and Be. The stockwork ores were formed involving homogeneous low-saline (9.4–4.3 wt % NaCl equiv) substantially aqueous bicarbonate-chloride fluid at 275–330°C and 300–1840 bar fluid pressure. Fluid has a high concentration of CO2 (up to 349 g/kg of water) and is reductive (СО2/СН4 = 17–37.3). Na and Ca are the major cations in the fluid, whereas K and Mg are minor. In addition, many microelements were detected in the fluid: As, Li, Rb, Cs, Mo, Ag, Sb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, U, Ga, Ge, Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, V, Cr, Y, Zr, Sn, Ba, W, Au, Hg, and REE. The results obtained are consistent with the metamorphic–magmatic formation model of orogenic gold–quartz deposits within the Yana–Kolyma belt.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Ores of epithermal Au–Ag deposits of the Okhotsk–Chukotka volcanoplutonic belt are characterized by enrichment in a wide spectrum of elements in relation to the...  相似文献   

The enrichment of gold–quartz ores from the Rodionovskoe deposit in chalcophile elements (Au, Ag, As, Sb) is established. The ores are characterized by small negative Eu anomalies and low REE contents, which are typical of magmatic fluids. Slight enrichment of ores in Bi is evidence of the possible involvement of magmatic fluid in ore formation, which may have been superimposed on early metamorphic quartz veins and veinlets. The variously oriented REE patterns also indicate the presence of another magmatic fluid source, which could be related to the post-ore granitic intrusion. These results generally confirm the metamorphic–magmatic model of the formation of the gold–quartz deposits of the Yana–Kolyma belt. Our data are of practical interest for regional metallogenic forecasts, search, and evaluation of gold deposits.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Data on the petrographic–geochemical and U–Th–Pb geochronological studies of granitoids of the Bukeschensky and Samyrsky massifs of small intrusions...  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic terranes (Birimian) of West Africa are well known to host numerous economic gold mineralizations. The Angovia gold mineralization is located in a brecciated and mylonitic zone within the Birimian greenstones. The sulfide–gold mineralization is mainly represented by gold associated with pyrite and chalcopyrite. A fluid inclusion study undertaken on mineralized quartz veins revealed the presence of aqueous-carbonic (CO2–H2O) fluids, the association of carbonic (CO2) and early aqueous fluids, followed by later aqueous (H2O-salt) and finally nitrogen-rich fluids. Entrapment of the initial homogeneous aqueous-carbonic fluids prior to fluid immiscibility depicts the evolution of the P–T conditions during the exhumation of the terranes after the peak of green-schist metamorphism. The CO2 rich-fluid occurs especially in gold-bearing quartz, and are considered as the main evidence of the ore-forming process in the gold-bearing quartz veins. It is considered as a product of immiscibility of the CO2–H2O parent. The volatile fraction of carbonic and aqueous-carbonic fluid inclusions is dominated by CO2, containing minor amounts of N2, even smaller amounts of CH4 and sporadically, H2S. The aqueous-carbonic fluids have moderate salinity (3–10 wt.% eq. NaCl). Late aqueous and N2 – (CH4–CO2) fluids are considered as later, unrelated to the main ore stage, and were trapped during the cooling of the hydrothermal system from 300 to 200 °C.The immiscibility has been favored by a strong pressure drop, the main trapping P–T conditions being 320–370 °C and 105–135 MPa. The mineralizing process is likely related to the immiscibility event, which was probably favored by the release of the fluid pressure after fracturing along the main shear zones. The ore process is likely to have occurred along the main shear zones or related secondary structures affected by cycling of the fluid pressure and quartz sealing–fracturing processes. The superimposed process can also explain the relative complexity of the quartz textures and fluid inclusion microfractures, and the rather wide range in the density of both parent fluid and CO2-dominated fluid.  相似文献   

The paper presents a study of the gneissic granitoids of the Malkhan Complex and the intruisve granitoids of the Daur and Bichur complexes developed within the Khilok–Vitim fold belt of Central Transbaikalia. In the state geological map, these complexes have been attributed to the Early and Late Paleozoic. New 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data indicate that these rocks are Mesozoic rather than Paleozoic in age, which suggests the much broader manifestation of the Mesozoic granitoid complexes in this area. The studied Mesozoic granitoid massifs exhibit temporal and compositional zoning reflected in a westward decrease in age (from Early to Late Mesozoic) and increase in total alkalinity and potassium content at the appropriate trace-element characteristics. The obtained results of study of the Khilok–Vitim Belt are interpreted in the framework of the model of the formation of domal–cupola structures by the multiple activity of deep thermochemical plumes.  相似文献   

In the Eastern Dharwar craton, among the many shear zone-hosted lode gold deposits, those at Ramagiri and Penakacherla are located near the western margin of the craton. Mineralized quartz (± sulfide ± carbonate) veins are hosted by the schistose (metavolcanic and carbonaceous metasedimentary) rocks, in close spatial association with granitoids having quartz and quartzofeldspathic veins representing hydrothermal activities associated with them. Mineralized quartz veins from the ore zones (in Ramagiri and Penakacherla regions) and quartz (or pegmatitic) veins from the surrounding granitic terrane were chosen for δ18O analysis. Samples from the schistose and granitic domains show δ18Oquartz values in the range of 10.4–14.9 and 9.3–10.9‰ respectively. The ore-zone fluids from the Ramagiri and Penakacherla regions give δ18O values of 7.9 ± 1.5 and 5.1 ± 0.8‰, calculated at pressure-corrected temperatures obtained from fluid inclusion microthermometry. The late-magmatic fluid is relatively 18O-poor with δ18O values estimated at 4.5 ± 0.7‰ and the value is closer to what is obtained for the ore zones. Based on the δ18O values reported and a possible magmatic contribution to ore fluid deciphered from fluid inclusion characteristics, a genetic relationship between granitic magmatism and gold mineralization is surmised. The observed increase in the 18O/16O ratio from the magmatic fluid to ore fluid in the shear zone is attributed to interaction of the magmatic fluid with host metasediments, that agrees well with the variation in the CO2/CH4 ratio of carbonic component in such fluids.  相似文献   

The breccia-hosted epithermal gold–silver deposit of Chah Zard is located within a high-K, calc-alkaline andesitic to rhyolitic volcanic complex in the central part of the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc (UDMA), west central Iran. The total measured resource for Chah Zard is ∼2.5 million tonnes of ore at 12.7 g/t Ag and 1.7 g/t Au (28.6 t Ag, 3.8 t Au), making it one of the largest epithermal gold deposits in Iran. Magmatic and hydrothermal activity was associated with local extensional tectonics in a strike-slip regime formed in transtensional structures of the Dehshir-Baft strike-slip fault system. The host rocks of the volcanic complex consist of Eocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks covered by Miocene sedimentary rocks. LA-ICP–MS U–Pb zircon geochronology yields a mean age of 6.2 ± 0.2 Ma for magmatic activity at Chah Zard. This age represents the maximum age of mineralization and may indicate a previously unrecognized mineralization event in the UDMA. Breccias and veins formed during and after the waning stages of explosive brecciation events due to shallow emplacement of rhyolite porphyry. Detailed systematic mapping leads to the recognition of three distinct breccia bodies: volcaniclastic breccia with a dominantly clastic matrix; gray polymict breccia with a greater proportion of hydrothermal cement; and mixed monomict to polymict breccia with clay matrix. The polymictic breccias generated bulk-mineable ore, whereas the volcaniclastic breccia is relatively impermeable and largely barren. Precious metals occur with sulfide and sulfosalt minerals as disseminations, as well as in the veins and breccia cements. There is a progression from pyrite-dominated (stage 1) to pyrite-base metal sulfide and sulfosalt-dominated (stages 2 and 3) to base metal sulfide-dominated (stage 4) breccias and veins. Hydrothermal alteration and deposition of gangue minerals progressed from illite-quartz to quartz-adularia, carbonate, and finally gypsum-dominated assemblages. Free gold occurs in stages 2 and 4, principally intergrown with pyrite, quartz, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, and Ag-rich tennantite–tetrahedrite, and also as inclusions in pyrite. High Rb/Sr ratios in ore-grade zones are closely related to sericite and adularia alteration. Positive correlations of Au and Ag with Cu, As, Pb, Zn, Sb, and Cd in epithermal veins and breccias suggest that all these elements are related to the same mineralization event.  相似文献   

The Géant Dormant gold mine is a sulfide-rich quartz vein gold deposit hosted by a volcano-sedimentary sequence and an associated felsic endogenous dome and dikes. The auriferous quartz-sulfide veins were preceded by two synvolcanic gold-bearing mineralizing events: early sulfidic seafloor-related and later disseminated pyrite in the felsic dome. This deposit differs from classical Archean auriferous quartz vein deposits by the low carbonate and high sulfide contents of the veins and by their formation prior to ductile penetrative deformation. The δ18O values of quartz associated with seafloor-related auriferous sulfides average 11.9 ± 0.6‰ (n = 3). The seafloor hydrothermal fluids had a δ18O value of 3.2‰ calculated at 250 °C. The oxygen isotope composition of quartz and chlorite from veins average 12.5 ± 0.3‰ (n = 20) and 5.9 ± 1.1‰ (n = 4) respectively. Assuming oxygen isotope equilibrium between quartz and chlorite, the veins formed at a temperature of ∼275 °C, which is consistent with the calculated temperature of 269 ± 10 °C from chlorite chemistry. The gold-bearing fluids had a δ18O value of 4.7‰ calculated at 275 °C. The δ34S values of sulfides from the three gold events range from 0.6 to 2.8‰ (n = 32) and are close to magmatic values. Sulfur isotope geothermometry constrains the sulfide precipitation in the gold-bearing veins at a temperature of ∼350 °C. The similarity of the isotope data, the calculated δ18O of the mineralizing fluids and the likely seawater fluid source suggest that the three mineralizing events are genetically related to a volcanogenic hydrothermal system. The high value of the auriferous fluids (δ18O = 4.7‰) is attributed to a significant magmatic fluid contribution to the evolved seawater-dominated convective hydrothermal system. The two-stage filling of veins at increasing temperature from quartz-chlorite (275 °C) to sulfides (350 °C) may reflect the progressive maturation of volcanogenic hydrothermal systems. These results, together with field and geochemical data, suggest that formation of gold-rich volcanogenic systems require specific conditions that comprise a magmatic fluid contribution and gold from arc-related felsic rocks, coeval with the mineralizing events. This study shows that some auriferous quartz-vein orebodies in Archean terranes are formed in volcanogenic rather than mesothermal systems. Received: 12 December 1998 / Accepted: 5 July 1999  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of Pb isotope study of several gold deposits of the Russia’s largest metallogenic province of Northern Transbaikalia. Potential sources of the ore material are considered by the example of new and previously published Pb–Pb data on nine deposits and occurrences of different scales. The comparison of Pb–Pb isotope-geochemical characteristics of ores, Paleozoic granitoids, as well as metamorphic pyrite from barren metasedimentary sequences shows that the Neoproterozoic terrigenous–carbonate rocks of the Baikal–Patom fold belt (BPB) served as the main source of lead and other components in the mineral-forming systems of the deposits. Significant variations of Pb isotope ratios typical in general of the considered deposits of the BPB reflect the initial isotopic heterogeneity of Pb source. This heterogeneity is caused by mixing of two geochemical types of continental crust during sedimentation: old (Early Precambrian) crust of the Siberian craton with long-term geochemical evolution and newly formed Late Precambrian crust. Pb–Pb data serve in support of the hydrothermal–metamorphogenic hypothesis of the formation of gold deposits of the BPB.  相似文献   

The concentration of the Al and Ti paramagnetic impurity centers in pre-ore and ore-stage quartz at the Peschanka porphyry copper–molybdenum–gold deposit in the Western Chukchi Peninsula, Russia were determined using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR). The [AlO 4 - /h+]0 concentration in pre-ore and ore-stage quartz varies from 29 to 124 and from 13 to 101 at. ppm, respectively. The contents of the [TiO 4 - /Li+]0 and [TiO 4 - /H+]0 centers reach 20 and 6.3 at. ppm, respectively. Pre-ore quartz associated with the formation of biotite–potassium feldspar–quartz alteration and ore-stage quartz associated with the formation of quartz–sericite rocks followed by the ore deposition differ considerably in the Ti center content, especially the [TiO 4 - /H+]0 center. The [TiO 4 - /H+]0 concentration is much higher in the pre-ore quartz (>2 at. ppm) than that in the ore-stage quartz related to copper mineralization (<2 at. ppm). The [TiO 4 - /Li+]0 concentration also decreases from pre-ore to ore-stage quartz. Taking the data we obtained into account, the formation temperature of pre-ore and ore-stage quartz estimated from a titaniumin-quartz geothermometer is 590–470°C (weighted average 520°C) and 510–310°C (weighted average 430°C), respectively. The obtained temperature range of 590 to 310°C is similar to that determined from homogenization of fluid inclusions in quartz.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(3):321-336
Mineralogical, petrographical, and geochemical studies of the weathering profile have been carried out at Omai Au mine, Guyana. The area is underlain by felsic to mafic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Barama-Mazaruni Supergroup, part of the Paleoproterozoic greenstone belts of the Guiana Shield. Tropical rainy climate has favoured extensive lateritization processes and formation of a deeply weathered regolith. The top of the weathering profile consists of lateritic gravel or is masked by the Pleistocene continental-deltaic Berbice Formation. Mineralogical composition of regolith consists mainly of kaolinite, goethite and quartz, and subordinately sericite, feldspar, hematite, pyrite, smectite, heavy minerals, and uncommon mineral phases (nacrite, ephesite, corrensite, guyanaite). A specific feature of the weathering profile at Omai is the preservation of fresh hydrothermal pyrite in the saprolith horizon. Chemical changes during the weathering processes depend on various physicochemical and structural parameters. Consequently, the depth should not be the principal criterion for comparison purposes of the geochemical behavior within the weathering profile, but rather an index that measures the degree of supergene alteration that has affected each analyzed sample, independently of the depth of sampling. Thus, the mineralogical index of alteration (MIA) can provide more accurate information about the behavior of major and trace elements in regolith as opposed to unweathered bedrock. It can also aid in establishing a quantitative relationship between intensity of weathering and mobility (leaching or accumulation) of each element in each analyzed sample. At Omai, some major and trace elements that are commonly considered as immobile (ex: TiO2, Zr, etc.) during weathering could become mobile in several rock types and cannot be used to calculate the mass and volume balance. In addition, due to higher “immobile element” ratios, the weathered felsic volcanic rocks plotted in identification diagrams are shifted towards more mafic rock types and a negative adjustment of ∼20 units is necessary for correct classification. In contrast, these elements could aid in defining the material source in sedimentary rocks affected by weathering. Generally, the rare-earth element (REE) patterns of the bedrock are preserved in the saprolith horizon. This can represent a potentially useful tool for geochemical exploration in tropical terrains. Strong negative Ce and Tb anomalies are displayed by weathered pillowed andesites, which are explained by the influence of the water/rock ratio.  相似文献   

A comparative geochemical characteristics of Late Precambrian sedimentary rocks (Ust’-Kelyana and Tuluya rock units) in the Anamakit–Muya zone of the Baikal–Muya belt is given, and the conditions of their sedimentation are considered. The first results of U–Pb (LA-ICP-MS) dating of detrital zircons and Sm–Nd isotope data on the Tuluya unit deposits are presented. Petrogeochemical study showed that the studied sediments are first-cycle rocks similar in composition to terrigenous island-arc sediments. The low contents of Th, Rb, Zr, Hf, and LREE and high contents of Co, Ni, Sc, V, Cr, and Fe2O3* in the sandstones of the Ust’-Kelyana unit evidence that these rocks are similar to oceanic-arc deposits. In contrast, the enrichment of the Tuluya unit rocks in Zr, LREE, Th, Rb, and Nb indicates their similarity to deposits of continental island arcs or active continental margin. Isotope-geochronological studies of the Tuluya rock unit showed the mixing of detrital material resulted from the erosion of Neoproterozoic island-arc igneous rock associations (625–700 Ma), like those in the Karalon–Mamakan zone (Yakor’ and Karalon Formations), and more ancient associations, like the Kelyana (812–824 Ma) and/or Dzhaltuk Groups. Judging from the minimum age of detrital zircon, the lower time bound of sedimentation corresponds to 0.6 Ga.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of complex geochemical and Sm–Nd isotope-geochemical studies of terrigenous rocks of the Upper Amur and Zeya–Dep troughs, as well as U–Pb geochronological studies of detrital zircons. It is established that the studied troughs have orogenic nature, which is of key significance for understanding the geodynamic evolution of East Asia in the Mesozoic. Such interpretation is consistent with structural features of the troughs (migration of basin axis inward the continent with time, stratigraphic rejuvenation in the same direction), which are typical of foreland basins regarded as analogues of foreland (marginal) troughs. Obtained data indicate that orogenic processes responsible for the formation of the Mongol-Okhotsk fold belt began in the Early Jurassic.  相似文献   

The geochemical features of basal fine-grained terrigenous rocks from the Riphean sedimentary megasequences of the Southern Urals, Uchur-Maya region, and Yenisei Range were compared in order to estimate the maturity of the continental crust that was formed by the beginning of the Riphean. It was shown that initial shales from the base of the Riphean sequence of the Yenisei Range and fine-grained aluminosiliciclastic rocks from the base of the Riphean sections of the Southern Urals were formed by the erosion of a rather mature continental crust. In contrast, fine-grained terrigenous rocks from the base of the Riphean of the Uchur-Maya region were derived from immature Late Archean protoliths or their Early Proterozoic analogs. The fine-grained terrigenous rocks of the three sedimentary megasequences show different variations in the (La/Yb)N ratio. In the Southern Urals, this ratio is high (12–15) in the Burzyan Group and decreases upsection to 6–10. In the shales of the Uchur-Maya region, the (La/Yb)N ratio decreases upsection, and the La/Sc ratio shows a sympathetic behavior. This is due to a decrease in the proportion of “primitive” tonalite-trondhjemite associations of the Archean granite-greenstone terranes in the provenance area with time and the appearance of intra-plate (riftogenic?) granitoids and significant amounts of basic and ultrabasic rocks. The latter marks the onset of large rift-forming events in the Uchur-Maya region at the beginning of the Late Riphean. The (La/Yb)N of the studied rocks from the Yenisei Range are mostly similar to the PAAS ratio, but higher values were found in the Upper Vorogovka and Chingasan groups, which was related to the contribution of strongly LREE-enriched granitoids and rift felsic and alkali basaltic volcanic associations to the formation of the terrigenous material. A comparison of Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Hf, Th, U, Cr, and Ni contents and Zr/Y, (La/Yb)N, Ni/Co, Cr/Th, Cr/Sc, and La/Th ratios in the fine-grained terrigenous rocks of the Riphean megasequences of the Southern Urals, Uchur-Maya region, and the Yenisei Range with those in the model geochemical objects (PAAS, UCPR1, UCAR2, and others) showed that, in terms of most of the parameters, the Riphean fine-grained terrigenous rocks from the three regions are similar to each other, PAAS, and Proterozoic cratonic shales. This indicates a fairly high general maturity of the protoliths that were eroded during the Riphean in the eastern East European craton and in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the Siberian craton.  相似文献   

Results of RbSr, PbPb and SmNd whole rock, Rbr biotite and PbPb zircon evaporation analyses are presented for certain granitoid rocks from the Johannesburg Dome. These data indicate that the granodiorite, granite and leucosome from migmatite were emplaced ∼ 3090 Ma ago, were genetically related and were derived primarily from a source between ∼ 3300 and ∼ 3500 Ma old. A portion of the granodiorite and granite might have been derived from a source between ∼ 4000 and ∼ 4300 Ma old. The tonalite was emplaced ∼ 3170 Ma ago and was derived from a source between 3.3 and 3.5 Ga old. RbSr biotite-whole rock ages, ranging between about ∼ 2614 and ∼ 2080 Ma, probably reflect complete resetting during differential uplift, erosion and cooling of the granitoid rocks in the Neoarchæan and Palæoproterozoic. If so, they apparently were not influenced by the emplacement of the ∼ 2060 Ma Bushveld Igneous Complex or the ∼ 2000 Ma Vredefort event. The granodiorite, granite and leucosome were emplaced coeval with and may be genetically related to compositionally similar plutonic and volcanic rocks in the Barberton area, Vredefort structure and Dominion Group.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - The platiniferous gold–palladium belt of Minas Gerais, Brazil, forms an approximately 240-km-long, roughly north–south-trending domain that includes numerous...  相似文献   

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