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The seasonal trait of Nitzschia population was studied between May 2004 and February 2005 in Zhelin Bay. Twenty-five Nitzschia taxa were identified from samples. Among them, Nitzschia delicatissima, Nitzschia hybrida, Nitzschia longissima, Nitzschia panduriformis, Nitzschia paradoxa and Nitzschia pungens appeared all year round. The average population density of Nitzschia was 20.29 × 103 cells/dm3, contributing 16.59% to total phytoplankton. Comparing with other regions, Nitzschia population of Zhelin Bay have high species richness and intermediate population density. Nitzschia species richness of May and August was apparently lower than that of November and February, and this may be caused by water temperature and interspecific competition; Nitzschia population density was high in warm seasons (May and August) and low in cold seasons (November and February), and this may be caused by water temperature and zooplankton community structure; and underwater light intensity was important factor influencing spatial distribution of Nitzschia density.  相似文献   

This paper compares the management of recreational fisheries for pink snapper (Pagrus auratus) in the inner gulfs of Shark Bay (Australia) and the closely related red sea bream (Pagrus major) in Sagami Bay (Japan). Fishing and other factors have resulted in population declines of these species in both regions. In response, fishery managers have employed contrasting management, more conventional catch controls in Shark Bay and stock enhancement in Sagami Bay. Although recreational harvest levels were higher than commercial levels in both fisheries, the driving mechanisms are comparatively different due to historical, social, economic and political issues in the respective locations.  相似文献   

Caging and a mark–recapture design were used to estimate the growth rate of the brittle, infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba in the Hopkins River estuary. The growth of both caged and uncaged individuals was monitored at three sites near the mouth of the estuary over 180 days. Growth rates did not differ for caged and uncaged bivalves, or for bivalves subject to different amounts of handling, or between sites. Growth did differ between consecutive time intervals, which was attributable to negligible growth occurring during the colder months of autumn/winter. Comparisons of the condition (as indicated by total mass for length3) of S. alba were inconsistent between sites for caged and uncaged bivalves and for those subject to different amounts of handling. Soletellina alba is a rapidly growing bivalve with mean growth rates for the three time intervals being 0.04±0.002 mm day−1 in summer, 0.02±0.001 mm day−1 in autumn and 0.03±0.001 mm day−1 from summer to winter. Using existing literature, it was shown that a significant relationship exists between maximum shell length and onset of sexual maturity in bivalve molluscs. This relationship predicts that S. alba should reach the onset of sexual maturity at 15.8 mm length. Therefore, it appears that it may be possible for juvenile S. alba (<1 mm) to grow, reach sexual maturity and reproduce in between annual mass-mortality events caused by winter flooding.  相似文献   

Benthic faunal activity and density play an important role in determining the rates of benthic nutrient fluxes, which enrich the water column and contribute to phytoplankton growth. The intensity of nutrient fluxes in the Bay of Brest depends on the density of the invasive gastropod, Crepidula fornicata. In order to study the impact of benthic fluxes on phytoplankton dynamics, realistic daily nutrient inputs simulating various densities of C. fornicata were added to six enclosures during three weeks. The increase in fertilization intensity influenced the phytoplankton biomass. A succession from Chaetoceros spp. to Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and Leptocylindrus danicus was observed in all enclosures, but the dynamics of successions were different. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. was favored in the three more fertilized enclosures, while Chaetoceros spp. persisted longer in less enriched enclosures. Despite an apparent nitrogen limitation, the quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) was high (>0.5) and stable in all enclosures. The maximal photosynthetic capacity (PBmax) was also invariable and oscillated around an average value of 2.23 mg C (mg Chl a)−1 h−1. The stability of Fv/Fm and PBmax observed at different nutrient input intensities demonstrates that the daily inputs maintained the physiological balance of the microalgae. The maximal light utilization efficiency (α) and the light saturation parameter (Ek) were also quite stable after day 8, which reveals that photosynthetic parameters were driven by growth constraints due to nutrient availability and not by incident light or species successions. We suggest that our results correspond to an “Ek independent variation” regulation. We propose that such regulation of photosynthetic parameters appears when there are frequent nutrient additions which do not allow replete nutrient conditions to be reached but lead to physiological equilibrium.  相似文献   

The supply of detritus is an important food source for many soft-sediment invertebrates, but its importance for their growth and condition is rarely, if ever, tested directly using manipulative field experiments. Therefore, we designed such a study to: (1) test the importance of fine particulate organic matter for the growth and condition of the infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba; (2) indirectly test the feeding mode of S. alba, which has been assumed to be a deposit feeder like other members of the same superfamily (Tellinoidea); (3) compare growth rates across two summers with contrasting patterns of estuary mouth opening/closing; and (4) compare the condition of individuals used in two field studies (i.e. present versus past) and a past laboratory study. Neither growth nor condition differed when organic content of the sediments was varied, which suggests that S. alba is either a suspension feeder or capable of switching modes of feeding. There was considerable interannual variation in growth with greater growth occurring during the summer with a longer period of mouth opening. This suggests that periods of mouth closure may reduce secondary production within seasonally-closed estuaries. Potential artefacts associated with laboratory trials were also identified, with laboratory bivalves exhibiting poorer condition than those used in two field trials. The present study provides no evidence that variable quantities and qualities of organic matter within the sediments influence the growth and condition of S. alba, but future studies should focus on food supplied via the water column when the estuary is open versus closed.  相似文献   

Microsatellite and otolith chemistry variability were analysed to assess fine scale genetic structure in the deep-sea teleost orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus). The Porcupine Bank located on the continental shelf west of Ireland, comprises a complex system of mounds and flat areas that are broken up by canyons. Orange roughy form spawning aggregations on mounds and flat areas, and were heavily fished until the resource was depleted. By analysing adults in spawning condition and juvenile orange roughy from six mounds and one flat area, shallow but significant genetic population structure was evident (FST=0.0031, Dest across loci=0.0306 and G-test). Most of the structure was accounted for by inclusion of a sample from the flats (six of ten significant pairwise FST estimates and G-tests, and five of the highest Dest estimates included the flat sample). While the flat sample contributed most to the genetic structure, there was still significant (albeit weaker) structure among mound samples. The observed structure was supported by otolith analyses. Fish caught as late juveniles in either the flat or mound areas showed consistent differences in chemistry at the otolith core throughout the initial 10 years of growth, which could indicate site fidelity. We hypothesise that seafloor topographic structures (mounds and flats) may provide discrete spawning areas for orange roughy and that the limited gene flow between these spawning areas is insufficient to counteract genetic drift.  相似文献   

The relationship between sedimentary Fe inputs and net seagrass population growth across a range of Posidonia oceanica meadows growing in carbonate Mediterranean sediments (Balearic Islands, Spain; SE Iberian Peninsula, Spain; Limassol, Cyprus; Sounion, Greece) was examined using comparative analysis. Sedimentary Fe inputs were measured using benthic sediment traps and the net population growth of P. oceanica meadows was assessed using direct census of tagged plants. The meadows examined ranged from meadows undergoing a severe decline to expanding meadows (specific net population growth, from −0.14 yr−1 to 0.05 yr−1). Similarly, Fe inputs to the meadows ranged almost an order of magnitude across meadows (8.6–69.1 mg Fe m−2 d−1). There was a significant, positive relationship between sedimentary iron inputs and seagrass net population growth, accounting for 36% of the variability in population growth across meadows. The relationship obtained suggested that seagrass meadows receiving Fe inputs below 43 mg Fe m−2 d−1 are vulnerable and in risk of decline, confirming the pivotal role of Fe in the control of growth and the stability of seagrass meadows in carbonate sediments.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of gulls were examined at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (New York) from 31 May 1978 to 31 May 1979. Gulls were found to be affected by tidal, temporal and weather-related factors. The distribution of gulls was affected primarily by tidal factors on the bay, and by temporal (seasonal, circadian) and weather-related factors on the freshwater ponds. The most important weather-related factors were temperature, wind velocity and wind direction. Herring (L. argentatus), great black-backed (L. fuscus) and ring-billed gulls (L. delawarensis) fed on the bay at low tides, and used the ponds at high tide. Laughing gulls (L. atricilla) fed on the bay at low tide and on rising tides. Herring and great black-backed gulls were present all year, but were most abundant in the winter, ring-billed gulls were abundant in spring and early fall, and laughing gulls were present in the summer following the breeding season but were absent in winter. Gulls used the ponds during high velocity, north winds, when they usually rested or preened. Multiple regression models were used to determine the factors explaining the variability in the numbers of gulls. Temporal variables were important contributors to accounting for the variability in the numbers of great black-backed and herring gulls only; tidal variables were significant for great black-backed and herring gulls on the bay, and for ring-billed and laughing gulls on all areas; and weather variables were significant for all species.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes analyses (SIAs) are an efficient tool to obtain a general insight into the diet of generalist consumers, such as the Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis). Here we analysed δ13C, δ15N and δ34S values in feathers of chicks and adults, and used Bayesian triple-isotope mixing models to reconstruct the diet of a Yellow-legged Gull population breeding in the southeastern Bay of Biscay. Questions to test were (1) whether adults and chicks rely on different feeding resources during breeding period; (2) whether there is a seasonal foraging effect involving a higher proportion of refuse food in winter compared to summer, and (3) the magnitude of the annual variation in diet. Prey consumption differed between colonies, among years, and also varied slightly between seasons, and this was mainly due to a differential use of prey of marine origin. However, diet did not differ between age classes. These results suggest a relatively monotonous diet with only slight variations from year to year, seasonally and at a local geographic scale.  相似文献   

To better understand the development of the annually recurring late summer red water blooms of the phototrophic ciliate Myrionecta rubra in the Columbia River estuary we examined its standing stocks and measured its growth rates both in the estuary main channels and in Baker Bay, a peripheral embayment situated near the river mouth. Data collected during two summers show a biphasic development of M. rubra blooms, with an initial phase when the protist was only detected in Baker Bay, followed by an established phase when red waters were observed throughout the lower estuary. Ilwaco harbor (Baker Bay’s seaward-end) is at least one of the locations where the bloom starts since M. rubra was detected there at concentrations >100s cell L−1 before Chinook harbor (Baker Bay’s upriver-end) or the estuary main channels. In 2010, this initial phase lasted about 1.5 months, spanning the neap tide of early July to the beginning of the neap tide of mid-August. While high growth rates were measured in Ilwaco harbor during the initial phase (1.2–3.1 d−1) and in the estuary main channels in both surface red (0.7 d−1) and adjacent non-red (1.1 d−1) waters during the established period, growth of the ciliate was not detected in Ilwaco harbor during this second phase. Growth rate data obtained during the established bloom phase also suggest that M. rubra cells in the estuary mostly divide during the daytime and that red water patches might experience self-shading.  相似文献   

The population structure of Mya arenaria has been investigated in the sublittoral zone of the Pomeranian Bay (southern Baltic Sea). Box-corer samples were collected during a 1.5-year period in 1993/94 to follow changes in size and age structure of the clam populations in different parts of the study area. Large spatial differences in population structure were found between the sheltered southwest of the Bay and the shallow and exposed Oder Bank in the centre. The stock of the Oder Bank consisted of two different clam types. A slow-growing cohort was assumed to be autochtonous on the Oder Bank, whereas a fast-growing one was assumed to have immigrated from the surrounding area. The contribution of the two cohorts to the total density varied seasonally. Because of bedload transport of clams, the contribution to the reduction of the clam stock by wintering sea ducks could not be quantified. In the southwest of the Pomeranian Bay erosion was of minor importance. High mortality rates during the first two years of life were assumed to be caused by predation. Mortality rates of older cohorts remained stable until old age. Variations in cohort strength were related to interannual differences in the reproductive success. A mild winter presumably lowers the reproductive success in the subsequent summer. Severe oxygen depletion in summer 1994 caused a strong reduction in the clam stock at stations deeper than 10 m.  相似文献   

The fluxes of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus through an off-shore long-line Mytilus galloprovincialis farm during a typical rearing cycle were estimated by combining a simple population dynamic model, based on a new individual model, and a set of field data, concerning the composition of the seston, as well as that of mussel meat and faeces. The individual model, based on an energy budget, was validated against a set of original field data, which were purposely collected from July 2006 to May 2007 in the North-Western Adriatic Sea (Italy) and was further tested using historical data. The model was upscaled to the population level by means of a set of Monte Carlo simulations, which were used for estimating the size structure of the population. The daily fluxes of C, N and P associated with mussel filtration, excretion and faeces and pseudo-faeces production were integrated over the 10-month-long rearing cycle and compared with the total amount of C, N and P removed by harvesting. The results indicate that the individual model compares well with an existing literature model and provides reliable estimations of the growth of mussel specimen over a range of trophic conditions which are typical of the Northern Adriatic Sea coastal area. The results of the budget calculation indicate that, even though the harvest represents a net removal of phosphorus and nitrogen from the ecosystem, the mussel farm increases the retention time of both nutrients in the coastal area, via the deposition of faeces and pseudo-faeces on the sea-bed. In fact, the amount of nitrogen associated with deposition is approximately twice the harvested one and the amount of phosphorus is approximately five times higher. These findings are in qualitative agreement with the results of literature budget and model calculations carried out in a temperate coastal embayment. This agreement suggests that the proper assessment of the overall effect of long-line mussel farming on both the benthic and pelagic ecosystem asks for an integrated modelling approach, which should include the dynamic of early diagenesis processes, as well as of that of nutrients released from the surface sediment.  相似文献   

对广东大亚湾海域1997年7月至1998年6月期间中肋骨条藻Skeletonema costatum种群动态及其与环境因子之间的关系进行研究.结果表明,中肋骨条藻在该海湾全年出现,有春季与秋季两个藻细胞密度高峰期,其中秋季时的藻密度最大.1998年4-6月密集采样期间,各站位中肋骨条藻种群数量变动基本上呈现出表层密度高于底层的趋势,各站位间的数量变动具有一定的空间差异,呈现出养殖区、生活区等近岸海域藻细胞密度高于远岸海域的趋势.中肋骨条藻高频率、高密度出现的温度范围为25-26℃,盐度范围为30.6‰-31.6‰,溶解性无机氮 (dissolved inorganic nitrogen,DIN)、可溶性无机磷 (dissolved inorganic phosphorus,DIP)和SiO32--Si范围分别为9.2-78.3、3.7-5.9和564.0-1054.6μg·L-1.相关性分析表明,影响大亚湾海域中肋骨条藻种群数量的主要环境因子有SiO32--Si、DIN、化学需氧量 (chemical oxygen demand,COD)和氮磷比值,同时水温、溶解氧 (dissolved oxygen,DO)也在一定程度上影响着中肋骨条藻的种群动态.  相似文献   

Surveys of the distribution, abundance and size of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi were carried out in Narragansett Bay, R.I. over a 5-year period, 1975–1979. Yearly variations were observed in time of initiation of the ctenophore increase and maximum abundance. Biomass maxima ranged from 0·2 to 3 g dry weight m?3 at Station 2 in lower Narragansett Bay while maximum abundance varied from 20 to 100 animals m?3. Ctenophores less than 1 cm in length generally composed up to 50% of the biomass and 95% of the numerical abundance during the peak of the M. leidyi pulse. During the 1978 maxima and the declining stages of the pulse each year, 100% of the population was composed of small animals. M. leidyi populations increased earlier, reached greater maximum abundances, and were more highly dominated by small animals in the upper bay than toward the mouth of the bay. The averageclearance rate of M. leidyi larvae feeding on A. tonsa at 22°C was 0·36 l mg?1 dry weight day?1, with apparent selection for nauplii relative to copepodites. Predation and excretion rates applied to ctenophore biomass estimated for Narragansett Bay indicated that M. leidyi excretion is minor but predation removed a bay-wide mean of 20% of the zooplankton standing stock daily during August of 1975 and 1976. Variation in M. leidyi predation at Station 2 was inversely related to mean zooplankton biomass during August and September, which increased 4-fold during the 5-year period.  相似文献   

When the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg) was introduced into France for aquaculture in the mid-sixties, it was initially confined to the sites where it was farmed. Subsequent global warming most likely facilitated the establishment of wild populations throughout the French coastline. This phenomenon of spread has become so great that oyster reefs have recently appeared in sheltered estuaries, on both soft and hard substrate. The present study examined two such sites in the Bay of Brest, Brittany. It is the first to investigate the impacts of this new substrate on the biocoenosis of uncolonised intertidal habitats in France. Increased species richness and abundance of intertidal macrofauna were observed in the presence of oyster reefs on both, mud (4 and 20 fold respectively) and rock (5 fold for both). The dominance of suspension feeders in mud changed to carnivores in reefs and their underlying sediment. Calculation of biotic coefficients (BC) of the soft-bottom fauna revealed only a slight organic enrichment, and the organic and silt composition in the sediment beneath oyster reefs were not significantly different from that on bare sites. On rock, the dominance of grazers remained unchanged between bare rock and oyster reef, while reef on rock was also characterised by deposit and detritic feeders. C. gigas is suspected to cause a homogenisation of coastal habitats with an impoverishment of overall quality but we detected only 11 common species between reefs on mud (60 species) and those on rock (55 species).  相似文献   

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