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Tropical estuaries are under increasing pressure worldwide from human impacts, but are poorly studied compared with temperate systems. This study examined a tropical macrotidal estuary, Darwin Harbour, in northern Australia, using a combination of direct measurements and literature values to determine the main sources of primary production and the sources of nutrients supporting growth. The main source of primary production was calculated to be the extensive area of fringing mangroves and resulted in a net autotrophic system (PG:R = 2.1). Much of the carbon in the mangrove forests appears to be retained within the forests or respired, as the water column was also net autotrophic despite the carbon inputs. Phytoplankton were the second largest primary producer on a whole-of-harbour basis, with low biomass constrained by light and nutrient availability. The phytoplankton were likely to be nitrogen (N) limited, based on low N:phosphorus (P) ratios, low dissolved bioavailable N concentrations (ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3), urea), and evidence that phytoplankton growth in bioassays was stimulated by NH4+ addition. The largest new source of N to the system was from the ocean due to higher N concentrations in the incoming tides than the outgoing tides. Atmospheric inputs via N fixation on the intertidal mudflats and subtidal sediments were substantially lower. The rivers feeding into the harbour and sewage were minor N inputs. Nitrogen demand by primary producers was high relative to available N inputs, suggesting that N recycling within the water column and mangrove forests must be important processes. Darwin Harbour is adjacent to the rapidly growing urban area of Darwin city, but overall there is no evidence of anthropogenic nutrient inputs having substantial effects on primary production in Darwin Harbour.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether there was significant spatial and temporal variation in macroalgae epiphytic on pneumatophores of the Grey Mangrove, Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh., in the Clyde River, located 280 km south of Sydney, Australia. Three estuarine sites in the Clyde River were surveyed seasonally on four occasions over a two-year period, and algal distribution and abundance assessed in respect to temporal, inter-site, intertidal (from front to back of mangrove stand) and vertical (from bottom to top of pneumatophores) variation. Sediment and water characteristics, including nutrient levels, were also assessed in order to examine all variables of potential influence on algal distribution and abundance. The results indicated that intertidal position within sites, and vertical height along the length of the pneumatophore, were the greatest influence on algal frequency and biomass. Individual species dominated in different intertidal and vertical zones. These observations, together with the identification of three species of macroalgae that fulfil the criteria for bioindicators/biomonitors of environmental impacts are discussed.  相似文献   

采用14C与15 N核素示踪方法,于2008年12月—2009年1月对东海和南海北部海域的初级生产力和新生产力的分布进行了研究,并对其环境制约机制进行了初步探讨。结果表明:调查海域叶绿素a质量浓度在空间分布上呈近岸高、外海低,表层高、真光层底部低的分布趋势。东海海域的积分初级生产力(IPP)和积分新生产力(INP)均低于南海北部海域,f比值为东海海域>南海北部海域,东海海域新生产力(NP)对初级生产力(PP)的贡献大于南海北部海域。浮游植物对氨盐的吸收速率(ρNH4)显著大于对硝酸盐的吸收速率(ρNO3)(P<0.05)。水柱平均新生产力与环境参数的相关性分析结果表明,营养盐是影响冬季调查海域新生产力的主要因素,温度和盐度为次要因素。  相似文献   

Papua New Guinea has sometimes been called the world's last frontier for relatively undamaged coral reefs and their resources. In 2007, the country joined its neighbours in the marine aquarium trade. By licensing a private company, Papua New Guinea tried an alternative approach to the introduction of this activity. Under the so-called SeaSmart Programme, over 100 fishers were trained in sustainable collection techniques and handling of organisms, until the programme was shut down in 2010, and replaced by its successor, EcoAquariums PNG. This article contains the first study on the introduction of the marine aquarium trade into Papua New Guinea. It evaluates the overall outcomes of the SeaSmart Programme, lists targeted species, and their prices. The main focus is on the local collectors, and on the impacts of this new activity on them and their communities. Benefits from collecting marine ornamentals are assessed and their contribution to household income is quantified. Perceptions on non-financial benefits of the SeaSmart Programme are also gathered. The empirical work was carried out between September 2010 and February 2011 in the Central Province of Papua New Guinea. A total of 199 fishers including 44 aquarium fishers were interviewed in eight different communities in the Central Province of Papua New Guinea. The results show that marine aquarium fishing does provide benefits to local resource collectors, but also that this “sustainable” way of collecting of marine ornamentals might lead to some depletion.  相似文献   

胶州湾水温和营养盐硅限制初级生产力的时空变化   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
根据作者近年来对胶州湾水域的主要研究结果,分析和探讨了营养盐硅和水温对浮游植物生长的变化和其集群结构的改变影响,研究了胶州湾初级生产力的年变化过程是如何受到营养盐硅和水温的限制和提高,其时间阶段和空间区域又如何划分,营养盐硅和水温如何控制不同阶段和不同区域的初级生产力。同时,揭示了营养盐硅或水温在时间和空间的尺度上如何控制浮游植物生长的变化过程,而且在时空的变化中,2种因子营养盐硅和水温在时间和空间的尺度上又如何有顺序的控制,产生出各种类型的生产力。研究结果展示了在初级生产力的时间和空间的变化过程中,营养盐硅和水温控制初级生产力的不同时间阶段,尤其用增殖能力展示了水温对浮游植物生长的控制时间阶段;营养盐硅控制初级生产力的不同空间区域。从而阐明了营养盐硅和水温控制初级生产力的变化过程。从陆地到海洋界面的硅输送量决定了初级生产力的时间变化过程;硅的生物地球化学过程决定了初级生产力的空间变化过程。因而,营养盐硅和水温是浮游植物生长的“发动机”,营养盐硅是主要的,而水温是次要的。  相似文献   

2009年2月在南海北部海域现场观测粒度分级叶绿素a质量浓度和初级生产力(PP)的分布。结果表明,调查海域水柱平均叶绿素a质量浓度的变化范围为0.11~8.37 mg/m3,平均为(1.28±2.23) mg/m3,高值区出现在珠江口及近岸海域;初级生产力的范围为344.8~1 222.5 mgC/(m2·d),平均为(784.2±351.4) mgC/(m2·d),高值区位于近岸及陆架海域。浮游植物粒度分级测定结果表明,在生物量较高的近岸海域,叶绿素a的粒级结构以小型浮游植物占优势,其贡献率为40.9%,微型和微微型浮游植物对总叶绿素a的贡献率分别为34.6%和24.5%;而在生物量较低的陆坡和开阔海域,各粒级浮游植物对叶绿素a的贡献率由大到小依次为微微型浮游植物(78.9%),微型浮游植物(17.2%)和小型浮游植物(3.9%)。相关性分析结果表明,调查海域分级叶绿素a的区域化分布特征与洋流运动下营养盐的分布密切相关,同时叶绿素a又高度影响着此区域PP的分布。此外,我们将调查海域实测所得浮游植物最佳光合作用速率与采用垂向归一化初级生产力模型估算的数据进行对比,发现后者明显低于前者,这说明通过水温估算最佳光合作用速率的算法在冬季南海北部可能存在低估。  相似文献   

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