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Three new species of Batrachospermum Roth (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) from China are described in this paper. B. yunnanense sp. nov. has long-cylindrical trichogynes with long stalks and is diagnostic of section Virescentia. Within this section, B. yunnanense is similar to B. helminthosum Bory emend. Sheath et al., but it is dioecious and has curved carpogonial branches, while the latter is monoecious and has straight carpogonial branches. It is also similar to B. transtaganum Reis, but it differs from the latter in long carpogonia,big carposporophytes and carposporangia. It is considered that B. nothocladoideum sp. nov. is assigned to section Contorta, subsection Kushiroense, because its carpogonial branches are twisted and gonimoblast filaments are loosely agglomerated. This new species similar to B. iriomotense Kumano, but with short fascicles, long-ovoid or subpyriform cells, numerous terminal hairs, long-ellipsoid trichogynes, big carposporophytes and small carposporangia. The plant is quite tough and cartilaginous and similar to Nothocladus in gross morphology, but its carposporophytes are compact instead of diffuse. This shows that it may be a transitional species between section Contorta and genus Nothocladus. So, B. transitorium sp. nov. should belong to section Contorta, subsection Kushiroense, because of its curved or twisted carpogonial branches and loosely agglomerated gonimoblast filaments, with globose or subglobose cells in fascicles similar to B. spermatiophorum Vis et Sheath, but no colourless spermatiophores. In terms of small and numerous carposporophytes, B. transitorium sp. nov. is similar to some species of section Batrachospermum. However, their other features are unique, indicating its transitional nature between section Contorta and Batrachospermum.  相似文献   

The nuclear-encoded small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA) of 16 isolates of Chondrus from 8 countries were sequenced. A total of 1796 nucleotides were obtained and aligned with the phylogenetic analysis conducted. The results suggest that the entity from Dalian, China, regarded as C. sp1 is C. pinnulatus. The C. sp2 previously depicted as C. yendoi or Mazzaella japonica may belong to genus Chondrus. So, 4 Chondrus species, i.e. C. ocellatus, C. nipponicus, C. armatus, and C. pinnulatus are distributed in China. However, the entity from Connemara, Ireland, named C. crispus, is not a Chondrus species but that of Mastocarpus stellatus, although it is morphologically similar to C. crispus. Phylogenetic analysis based on complete 18S rDNA sequence data shows that genus Chondrus includes 3 main lineages: the Northern Pacific lineage, containing C. ocellatus, C. yendoi, and C. nipponicus; C. armatus, and C. pinnulatus form the sub-North Pacific lineage; and the Northern Atlantic Ocean lineage, comprising samples of C. crispus from Canada, Portugal, Ireland, Germany and France. The phylogenetic relationships indicate that genus Chondrus might have a North Pacific ancestral origin, radiated to North Atlantic area, and then formed the species C. crispus.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThegenusPraebebaliawasestablishedbyRathbun ,1 91 1 .Itscarapaceisbroaderthanlongaslongasbroad ,orslightlylongerthanbroad ;theposteriorborderisusuallyarmedwithaspineortu bercleoneachside ,thehepaticandintestinalregionsaredistinctlyelevated ;thechel…  相似文献   

Specimens of a new species of Cerithiidae, Cerithium mangrovum n. sp., were collected during two surveys along the coasts of Hainan and Guangdong Province, China. Usually associated with potamidid snails, this species often occurs in large populations between the mid-high tidal zones in a range of habitats, including mangroves, grass beds, silt, mud, and coral reefs. C. mangrovum n. sp. has a slender and tapering shell and the straight-sided whorl bears three aligned beaded spiral cords. The thick outer lip has a wide posterior sinus. It morphologically resembles C. coralium Kiener, 1841. The shell of C. coralium is usually larger and wider and the spiral cords are not as beaded as in C, mangrovum n. sp. Its radula has a rachidian tooth with a shallow, wide, median basal projection while the rachidian tooth of C. mangrovum n. sp. has a moderately long, median basal projection.  相似文献   

A new species of deep-water barnacle that belongs to the family Scalpellidae is described from the South China Sea. A rcoscalpellum liui sp. nov. is morphologically similar to A rcoscalpellum gryllum Zevina,but differs from the latter by the absence of longitudinal striae on the capitular plates and the presence of caudal appendages with few terminal setae.  相似文献   

已知多丝藻科(索藻目,褐藻门)约有50种,我国仅仅报道2种。记述多丝科的美丝藻属Compsonema、小孢藻属Microsponigum和原水云属Protectocarpus等3个中国新记录属,以及球状美丝藻Compsonema coniferum、多线美丝藻C.myrionematoides、匍匐美丝藻C.serpens、放射百丝藻Hecatonema diffusum、繁育百丝藻H.distromatica、初级百丝藻H.primarium、球形小孢藻Microspongium globosum、考氏多丝藻Myrionema corunnae、原水云Protectocarpus speciosus等9种中国新记录种。研究的标本采集于中国海区,保存在中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生物标本馆(AST)。  相似文献   

报道中国红质藻科的新记录种,尖根星丝藻Erythrotrichia biseriata,加粗星丝藻E.incrassata,日本星丝藻E.japonica,垫状星丝藻E.pulvinata,分枝星丝藻E.welwitschii。  相似文献   

A new species of cymothoid Isopeda, Nerocila donghaiensis, collected from the body of a sciaenid fish, Johnius sp., is described in the present paper. The new species can be distinguished from the other species of genus Nerocila by its endoped of uropods with deep notch, sharply serrated on the lateral margin and strongly serrated on the medial margin; antennule with 1 st article swollen; dactyli of pereopods Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ swollen.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of gerreid fish,Gerres septemfasciatus,based on four specimens collected from the northern South China Sea.G.septemfasciatus most closely resembles G.limbatus in general appearance.However,G.septemfasciatus is distinguished from the latter and other congeners by having 3 to 3.5 scales between the base of the fifth dorsal spine and lateral line.This species has a distinctive color pattern,including 7-8 regular,vertical,blue-grayish bands on its side.The distribution of this species ...  相似文献   

Effects of temperature, salinity and light intensity on growth rates of Gracilaria lichenoides and G tenuistipitata var. liui Zhang et Xia were tested. Eight to ten levels of each factor were first tested separately. The best growth rate was obtained under the conditions of 32~C, 30 and 240 μmol/(m2·s) for G. lichenoides, and 24℃, 20 and 200 μmol/(m2.s) for G. tenuistipitata, respectively. Then a uniform design was used to evaluate the optimal combinations of the three factors. The best conditions for the highest daily specific growth rates (% increase in wet weight) are determined to be 31.30℃, 32.10, and 287.23 μmol/(m2·s) for G. lichenoides (16.26%/d), and 25.38℃, 21.10, and 229.07 μmol/(m2·s) for G. tenuistipitata (14.83%/d), respectively.  相似文献   

Synedra ulna var. repanda Q. X. Wang & Q. M. You, a new variety of Synedra (Bacillariophyta) from Xinjiang, China, is described and illustrated, and the characteristic of the variety: includes undulate-linear valves and straight pseudoraphe, differs from other species of Synedra.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species of Nassarius from the South China Sea,which was recognized when re-sorting the collection of Nassariidae in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao,China.The shells were collected during several investigations,including the National Comprehensive Oceanic Survey in 1958-1959,and the China-Vietnam Co-Investigation on Marine Resource of the Beibu Gulf during 1959-1962.The morphology of the shell and the radula places the new species of Nassarius within the subgenus Zeuxis.It is named Nassarius(Zeuxis) nanhaiensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

描记采于云南省邱北县一地下洞穴盲金线鲃一新种,以其头上骨质突形状如鹰喙命名鹰喙角金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus aquihornes sp.nov.。新种头形及完全退化的眼与分布于云南泸西阿庐古洞的透明金线鲃S.hyalinus Chen et Yang(1994)相近,但有下列特征可区别:1)角形如鹰喙,后者为一向前的直突起;2)侧线完全,侧线鳞为36,后者侧线不完全,侧线鳞孔9-11;3)背鳍起点位于体中点,至吻端的距离等于至尾鳍基的距离;后者背鳍起点位于体中点之后,至吻端的距离大于至尾鳍基的距离。  相似文献   

In this paper,three deep-water species of the family Goniasteridae,Ceramaster misakiensis(Goto,1914),Nymphaster arthrocnemis Fisher,1913 and Pontioceramus grandis Fisher,1911,are recorded for the first time from Chinese waters based on collections deposited in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences.The specimens examined were collected during the period 1956 to 1978 from the East China and South China Seas at depths of 184 to 472 m.Diagnosis,detailed figures,and the geographic distributions are provided.A revised list of Goniasteridae recorded from Chinese waters is proposed.  相似文献   

云南洞穴金线鲃属鱼类(鲤科)一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描记采于罗平县—地下河金线鲃属一新种,命名为瓦状角金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus tileihornesMao,Lu et Li,sp.nov。新种外形与犀角金线鲃S.rhinocerous Li et Tao(1994)相近,但新种无侧线鳞,角顶部分叉呈瓦状,腹鳍较长,后伸超过肛门或达到臀鳍起点可与之相区分。  相似文献   

Effects of temperature, salinity and light intensity on growth rates of Gracilaria lichenoides and G. tenuistipitata var. liui Zhang et Xia were tested. Eight to ten levels of each factor were first tested separately. The best growth rate was obtained under the conditions of 32°C, 30 and 240 μmol/(m2·s) for G. lichenoides, and 24°C, 20 and 200 μmol/(m2·s) for G. tenuistipitata, respectively. Then a uniform design was used to evaluate the optimal combinations of the three factors. The best conditions for the highest daily specific growth rates (% increase in wet weight) are determined to be 31.30°C, 32.10, and 287.23 μmol/(m2·s) for G. lichenoides (16.26%/d), and 25.38°C, 21.10, and 229.07 μmol/(m2·s) for G. tenuistipitata (14.83%/d), respectively. Supported by the 908 Special Program (908-02-04-07), the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, No. 2006CB400608), and K. C. Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University  相似文献   

A new species from the caridean family Hippolytidae, Eualus heterodactylus sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on the specimens collected from Chinese coast of the Yellow Sea. The new species is a part of an informal species group characterized by the possession of epipods on the anterior three pairs of pereopods, and is distinguished from other species of this group by the dactyli of the third to fifth pereopods possessing distinctly stair-like flexor margins in males.  相似文献   

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