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The fishery of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Mediterranean needs several ecological approaches to be properly managed. As such, several surveys were carried out to study the ecology of larvae and juveniles of this species, which reproduces during the warmest period of the year (May through September) in the Gulf of Lions. In particular, we studied the late larvae (15 mm total length until metamorphosis), especially as other authors have focused on larvae below that size. Unexpectedly, we also collected anchovy late larvae during the December 2007 survey, whose range in size corresponded to a later spawning period than previously reported. Differences in the nutritional condition of these larvae were assessed by comparing indices of lipid composition and estimating growth rates from otolith measurements to provide information on the probability of survival between the two groups. The analysis of fatty acids, used as tracers of trophic relationships, indicates that these larvae fed mainly on zooplankton. Nutritional conditions of summer and late autumn larvae were very similar. In contrast, growth rates were higher for August larvae, probably due to the different temperatures in the two seasons. Our results are especially relevant in an ecological context where the increasing mean water temperatures in the Western Mediterranean could favor the extension of the anchovy spawning period up to late-Autumn months.  相似文献   

Spawning location and timing are critical for understanding fish larval survival. The impact of a changing environment on spawning patterns is, however, poorly understood. A novel approach is to consider the impact of the environment on individual life histories and subsequent spawnings. In the present work, we extend the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory to investigate how environment variability impacts the spawning timing and duration of a multiple-batch spawning species. The model is successfully applied to reproduce the growth and reproduction of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Bay of Biscay. The model captures realistically the start and ending of the spawning season, including the timing of the spawning events, and the change in egg number per batch. Using a realistic seasonal forcing of temperature and food availability derived from a bio-physical model, our simulation results show that two thirds of the total spawned mass already accumulates before the start of the spawning season and that the condition factor increases with body length. These simulation results are in accordance with previous estimations and observations on growth and reproduction of anchovy. Furthermore, we show how individuals of equal length can differ in reproductive performance according to the environmental conditions they encounter prior to the spawning season. Hatch date turns out to be key for fecundity at age-1 as it partly controls the ability to build up reserves allocated to reproduction. We suggest the model can be used to realistically predict spawning in spatially and temporally varying environments and provide initial conditions for bio-physical models used to predict larval survival.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (L.), was studied from monthly random samples of purse seine catches. A total of 1477 anchovy specimens were collected from January to December 2003 in the Zrmanja River estuary (Novigrad Sea). The analysis was based on the temporal evolution of gonadosomatic index, mass and stage of gonads. The total length of anchovy ranged from 4.5 to 14.5 cm and mass from 0.56 to 19.80 g. Sex ratio was slightly different from 1:1; the females were insignificantly predominated (♂/♀ = 0.99). The period of reproductive activity was from April to September coinciding with the most developed stages of gonads as well as with the highest gonad weights, and gonadosomatic indices. To estimate the length at maturity, a sub sample of 454 anchovy was taken from May to July (peak of anchovy spawning period). The length at which 50% of anchovy were mature (L50) was calculated to be 8.2 cm. The length–weight relationship of anchovy was described by the expression: W = 3.51 × 10−3 LT3.211 (r2 = 0.998). The relationships between total length–standard length and total length–fork length are LT = 1.1405LS + 0.2420 and LT = 1.0425 LF + 0.3944, respectively.  相似文献   

We used an individual-based model of anchovy (Engraulis ringens) early life history coupled with hydrodynamic outputs from the regional oceanic modeling system (ROMS) to investigate the factors driving variability in egg and larval survival rates in the northern Humboldt upwelling region off Peru. Individuals were released within a coastal area and followed for a period of 30 days. Those that were still in the coastal area at that time were considered as retained. We investigated the spatial and temporal variability in the release locations of the individuals retained, and compared these to observed egg concentration patterns reconstructed from a 40-year period of monitoring. A first set of simulations using passive particles to represent anchovy eggs and larvae revealed a large sensitivity of the results to the initial vertical distribution of particles. We then conducted two additional sets of simulations that included the effect of egg buoyancy, larval vertical swimming behavior and lethal temperature. We obtained (1) maximal coastal retention close to the surface in winter and in deeper layers in summer, (2) a large influence of egg buoyancy and of larval vertical behavior on coastal retention in all seasons, (3) a partial match between dates and locations of enhanced retention and observed egg concentration patterns and (4) a low effect of lethal temperature on survival except when associated with high egg density. The model suggests that an optimal temporal spawning pattern for maximizing coastal retention would have two maximums, the most significant in austral winter and the second in summer. This pattern agrees roughly with observed spawning seasonality, but with temporal discrepancy of about two months in the peaks of both series. Spatially, we obtained higher retention from 10 S to 20 S, whereas the observed maximum egg concentration was located between 6°S and 14°S. Among the three sets of simulations, the one taking into account larval vertical swimming behavior lead to the best match with the data.  相似文献   

Numerous studies of interactions between urchins and algae in temperate areas have shown an important structuring effect of sea urchin populations. These studies focused almost wholly on the effect of high urchin densities on laminarian forests. In contrast, algal communities below 5–6 m depth in the northwestern Mediterranean are characterised by low sea urchin densities (<5 ind m−2) and the absence of laminarian forests. No previous research has addressed sea urchin/algal interactions in this type of community. To determine the effect of the most abundant echinoid species, Paracentrotus lividus, on well-established algal communities in this area, we performed a removal–reintroduction experiment in rocky patches located between 13 and 16 m depth in the northwestern Mediterranean, where sea urchin densities ranged between 0.9 and 3.4 ind m−2. After 6 months, the cover of non-crustose algae was significantly higher in the plots from which sea urchins had been removed than in control plots (84 vs 67% cover). These removal plots reverted to their original state upon reintroduction of sea urchins. The non-crustose algae consisted of turfing and frondose forms, with the former representing some 70% of the non-crustose algal cover. Change in the cover of turfing algae was responsible for the significant increase in algal development in the sea urchin removal plots. The response of frondose algae to the treatment varied between algal species. It is concluded that grazing by P. lividus exerts a significant effect on habitat structure, even in communities with low sea urchin densities, such as those found in vast areas of the Mediterranean sublittoral.  相似文献   

The Peruvian anchovy or anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) forages on plankton and is a main prey for marine mammals, seabirds, fish, and fishers, and is therefore a key element of the food web in the Humboldt Current system (HCS). Here, we present results from the analysis of 21,203 anchoveta stomach contents sampled during 23 acoustic surveys over the period 1996–2003. Prey items were identified to the genus level, and the relative dietary importance of different prey was assessed by determination of their carbon content. Variability in stomach fullness was examined relative to the diel cycle, the distance from the coast, sea surface temperature, and latitude, using generalized additive models (GAMs). Whereas phytoplankton largely dominated anchoveta diets in terms of numerical abundance and comprised >99% of ingested prey items, the carbon content of prey items indicated that zooplankton was by far the most important dietary component, with euphausiids contributing 67.5% of dietary carbon followed by copepods (26.3%). Stomach fullness data showed that anchoveta feed mainly during daytime between 07h00 and 18h00, although night-time feeding also made a substantial contribution to total food consumption. Stomach fullness also varied with latitude, distance from the coast, and temperature, but with substantial variability indicating a high degree of plasticity in anchoveta feeding behaviour. The results suggest an ecological role for anchoveta that challenges current understanding of its position in the foodweb, the functioning of the HCS, and trophic models of the HCS.  相似文献   

Eight ophiuroid species, six from the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak and three from the northern Adriatic Sea, were examined for regeneration of arms. The species were separated into groups based upon mode of feeding and habitat. Comparison between groups collected in the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak showed that infaunal suspension- and deposit-feeding species (Amphiura filiformis and A. chiajei) had significantly more scars per arm (mean number 0.78) than epibenthic suspension feeders (Ophiothrix fragilis and Ophiocomina nigra, 0.29) or epibenthic carnivores and deposit feeders (Ophiura ophiura and O. albida, 0.13). Spatial variation in arm regeneration incidence was found between sampling sites in the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak for Amphiura filiformis and in the northern Adriatic Sea for Ophiothrix quinquemaculata. The ash-free dry weight (AFDW) and nitrogen (N) contents were measured in arms of six species of brittle-stars from the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak. Differences between species were found, with highest concentrations of AFDW and N in Amphiura filiformis, intermediate in A. chiajei, Ophiocomina nigra and Ophiothrix fragilis, and lowest in Ophiura ophiura and O. albida. As the infaunal suspension- and deposit-feeding brittle-stars (Amphiura spp.) had the highest proportions of damaged arms and highest AFDW and N contents in their arms in this comparison, it is suggested that selective cropping of arms by demersal fish is the main cause of arm damage on Amphiura spp. in this area.  相似文献   

Abundance, population structure and production of the macro-invertebrates belonging to the functional feeding group of the shredders were studied in the Ichkeul wetland, northern Tunisia, from July 1993 to April 1994. Mean above-ground macrophyte biomass was at a maximum in September followed by a complete breakdown of the Potamogeton pectinatus L. meadow from October onward due to high salinity following an exceptionally dry winter. Only the meadow of Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande at Tinja remained in place. Abundance of Gammarus aequicauda (Martynov 1931), Idotea chelipes (Pallas 1766) and Sphaeroma hookeri Leach 1814 was significantly related to the R. cirrhosa biomass. Gammarus aequicauda presented two recruitment periods in spring and autumn, and S. hookeri a third one in winter. The population of I. chelipes was renewed during winter by continued reproduction without any spring generation. Recruitment of all three species was not very successful during the study period. Life span of all three species was between 12 and 15 months. Despite their relatively low biomass and production rate, the shredders have a key function in processing macrophyte matter to different trophic levels through fragmentation and accelerating the decomposition of macrophyte biomass accumulated at the end of the growth season in the Ichkeul lagoon.  相似文献   

During the 2006 Italian Antarctic expedition a diel sampling was performed close to Cape Hallett (Ross Sea) during the Austral summer. Under-ice seawater samples (4 m) were collected every 2 h for 28 h in order to estimate prokaryotic processes' variability and community structure dynamics. Prokaryotic and viral abundances, exoenzymatic activities (β-glucosidase, chitinase, lipase, alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase), prokaryotic carbon production (3H-leucine incorporation) and community structure (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis – DGGE fingerprints) were analysed. Results showed that the diel variability of the prokaryotic activity followed a variation in salinity, probably as a consequence of the periodical thawing of sea ice (driven by solar radiation and air temperature cycles), while negligible variation in viral and prokaryotic abundances occurred. The Bacterial and Archaeal community structures underwent an Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) temporal shift from the beginning to the end of the sampling, while Flavobacteria-specific primers highlighted high variations in this group possibly related to sea ice melting and substrate release.  相似文献   

A simple numerical model, based on the Reynolds stress equations and kε turbulence closure scheme, is developed for the coastal wave and current bottom boundary layer. The current friction velocity is introduced to account for the effect of currents on waves. The implicit Crank–Nicolson finite difference method discretizes the governing equations. Vertical changing step grids with the constant ratio for two adjacent spatial steps are used together with the equal time steps in the modeling. Vertical profiles of mean current velocity and wave velocity amplitude are obtained. These modeled results are compared with the laboratory experimental data of Van Doorn [1981. Experimental investigation of near bottom velocities in water waves with and without a current. Report M1423, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands; 1982. Experimenteel onderzoek naar het snelheidsveld in de turbulente bodemgrenslaag in een oscillerende stroming in een golftunnel. Report M1562, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands]. It has been shown that modeled and observed (Van Doorn, T., 1981. Experimental investigation of near bottom velocities in water waves with and without a current. Report M1423, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands; 1982. Experimenteel onderzoek naar het snelheidsveld in de turbulente bodemgrenslaag in een oscillerende stroming in een golftunnel. Report M1562, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands) mean velocity profiles within the wave and current bottom boundary layer are in better agreement than outside. Modeled and observed (Van Doorn, T., 1981. Experimental investigation of near bottom velocities in water waves with and without a current. Report M1423, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands) wave velocity amplitude profiles within the wave and current bottom boundary layer are in better agreement than outside. Modeled wave velocity amplitudes are in good agreement with the laboratory experimental data of Van Doorn [1982. Experimenteel onderzoek naar het snelheidsveld in de turbulente bodemgrenslaag in een oscillerende stroming in een golftunnel. Report M1562, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands].  相似文献   

The diverse pelagic fish assemblage of sub-tropical southern Queensland includes fishes with predominantly temperate distributions, such as tailor Pomatomus saltatrix, sardine Sardinops sagax, round herring Etrumeus teres, and Australian anchovy Engraulis australis. The peak spawning seasons of P. saltatrix, S. sagax and E. teres occur during late winter and early spring (June–October). Eggs and larvae of these three species are widely distributed in shelf waters and comprise >50% of the ichthyoplankton assemblage during this period. Mean monthly sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during late winter and early spring range from 21 to 23 °C, and are thus similar to those recorded in southern Australia during summer and autumn, which is the spawning season of these three species in those temperate waters. E. australis eggs occur mainly in inshore waters, and comprise >50% of fish eggs collected during summer and autumn when mean monthly SSTs in southern Queensland exceed 27 °C. E. australis also spawns mainly during summer and autumn in temperate Australia. Hence, water temperature may be less important as a determinant of the spawning season of E. australis than it is for the other three species. The suitability of southern Queensland for spawning by predominantly temperate species during late winter and early spring may contribute to the high diversity of the region's pelagic fish assemblage. Adult P. saltatrix, S. sagax and E. teres appear to migrate northwards into southern Queensland during early winter to spawn, and larvae may be transported southwards into temperate waters by the East Australian Current. This dispersal-migration pattern is similar to those observed for several species, including P. saltatrix, in the western boundary current systems off the east coasts of North America and Africa. Hence, pelagic fishes in ecosystems off the east coast of three continents migrate into sub-tropical waters to spawn, and larvae are transported back into temperate nursery areas by the prevailing current.  相似文献   

本研究以野生福建牡蛎(A)为亲本一方, 分别与野生长牡蛎(G)、熊本牡蛎(S)、香港巨牡蛎(H)进行杂交, 除A♀×S♂、A♀×H♂两组杂交不育外, 共得到AG(A♀×G♂)、GA(G♀×A♂)、SA(S♀×A♂)、HA(H♀×A♂)、AA(A♀×A♂)5个不同组合, 并研究不同盐度与温度对其幼虫孵化率、早期生长及成活率的影响。结果表明, 盐度25时AG、GA、SA、HA、AA五组孵化率分别达到最大值78.33%、75.00%、63.33%、55.00%、71.67%; 温度低于25℃时, GA孵化率高于其他组, 温度高于25℃时AG孵化率最大, 其中25℃时达到最大孵化率83.33%; 不同盐度条件下D型幼虫经过7 d培育, HA在盐度20时壳高达到最大值97.8 µm, 成活率46.67%, 在盐度为35时第5天全部死亡。AG、GA、SA、AA四组在盐度为25时壳高有最大值, 分别为124.7 µm、121.2 µm、93.7 µm, 111.8 µm; 不同温度条件下D型幼虫经过7 d培育, 在温度为25℃时各组壳高和成活率均有最大值, 大小排列依次为AG>GA>AA>HA>SA, 各组成活率随温度升高呈现出先增大后减小的趋势, AG在25℃时成活率在所有组中最高, 为88.89%; 孵化后在适宜温度盐度条件下连续培养16 d, 不同组之间壳高表现为: AG > GA> AA > HA > SA, AG壳高、壳高SGR及成活率始终大于其他组, 而SA、HA两组壳高、壳高SGR及成活率始终小于自交组AA。研究表明, 相较于福建牡蛎与熊本牡蛎、香港巨牡蛎的杂交, 以及福建牡蛎的自交, 福建牡蛎与长牡蛎的杂交子代表现出明显的生长及存活优势, 生长潜力较好, 且AG优于GA; AG组在盐度25、水温25℃条件下生长速率最大, 成活率最高。研究结果可为福建牡蛎育苗行业良种选育提供参考依据。  相似文献   

刀鲚、凤鲚和湖鲚矢耳石的形态学比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
选取凤鲚(Coilia mystus)、湖鲚(Coilia nasus taihuensis)以及采自崇明、黄海和瓯江口3个水域的刀鲚(Coilia hasps)的矢耳石为对象,描述了这些鱼类耳石的形态特征,并进一步使用基于12组形态数据的框架测量进行了种间和种内比较和判别分析.结果表明耳石形态的差异种间较种内更为明显...  相似文献   

The relationships between the seasonal fluctuations of the copepod Eurytemora affinis and the mysid Neomysis integer were studied from observed data and experimental results, using a predator–prey model in the oligo-mesohaline area of the Gironde estuary. Mean seasonal fluctuations of abundances were derived from long term data series collected from 1978 to 2003 for both species. In situ predator–prey experiments over a seasonal cycle were used to estimate the seasonal variation of the consumption rate of N. integer on E. affinis and to verify the order of magnitude of the biological parameters given by the model.Predator–prey experiments revealed a high seasonal variation in maximum consumption rates with a mean of 56 ± 9 ind. pred−1 d−1. Maximum consumption rates were always higher for adults than for juveniles of Neomysis integer. Recorded selectivities were higher on nauplii than on copepodids + adults of Eurytemora affinis, both for the juveniles and the adults of N. integer. Neomysis integer mainly fed on meroplanktonic larvae, when they were available in higher abundances, than E. affinis in their environment.Spring increases of abundance for Eurytemora affinis copepodids + adults seemed to be mainly controlled by temperature whereas its decreasing abundance in summer was more related to Neomysis integer predation, suggesting that summer fluctuations of E. affinis abundance are probably controlled by mysid predation at summer times. Using a Lotka–Volterra predator–prey model, the seasonal peak of abundance of the mysid N. integer was well reproduced considering a predation on copepodids + adults of E. affinis, and suggested a dependence between mysid and copepod seasonal variations. However, the seasonal peak amplitude could not be explained solely by a predation on copepodids + adults or on nauplii of the copepod. Thus, N. integer is probably dependent on the seasonal fluctuations of the copepod's abundance, complementing its diet with macrophytal detritus during periods of scarce food.  相似文献   

The muricid gastropod Bolinus brandaris exhibited imposex, a phenomenon linked to the use of organotin biocides. Several stages of imposex development (1–5) could be distinguished and were documented with SEM-photographs for the first time in this species. Additional alterations of the genital tract in females (blocked vulva preventing copulation and deposition of egg capsules) and males (excrecences on the penis and vas deferens) were shown. Imposex intensity on the Catalan coast was very high. The frequency of imposex off Barcelona and Vilanova i la Geltrú was 100%, with all females showing stage 4. Imposex frequency off Sant Carles de la Ràpita was 99.7% and the VDS index scored 3.9. Despite regulations of TBT-containing antifouling paints in Spain since 1990, the present study revealed that frequency and intensity of imposex have increased on the Catalan coast, at least since 1997. However, at present, imposex does not apparently affect the population dynamics of B. brandaris in the studied area, since no serious consequences on female reproduction (only one case of female sterilization) were detected. Gonadal activity and oogenesis were not suppressed or supplanted by spermatogenesis. Sex ratios were not male-biased. Possible sources of organotin biocides are examined.  相似文献   

The food web structure and functioning of two north-western Mediterranean lagoons exhibiting contrasting degrees of eutrophication and marine influences were compared through δ13C and δ15N analysis of major potential food sources and consumers. The Lapalme Lagoon is well preserved and has kept a natural and temporary connection with the open sea. Conversely, the Canet Lagoon is heavily eutrophicated and its water exchange with the open sea has been artificially reduced. In Lapalme, all potential food sources and consumers exhibited δ15N values indicative of pristine coastal areas. Suspended particulate organic matter (POM) and sediment organic matter (SOM) pools seemed to constitute the main food sources of most primary consumers. Both primary producers and all consumers were much more 15N-enriched (by  10‰) and more 13C-depleted in Canet than in Lapalme. This reflected: (1) the assimilation of important amounts of anthropogenic nitrogen in the food web, and (2) a marked and uniform influence of 13C-depleted allochtonous sources of carbon. Based on the mean δ15N of primary consumers, we found rather similar food web lengths in both lagoons with top consumers at trophic levels 3.6 and 4.0 in Canet and Lapalme, respectively. However, the eutrophication of the Canet Lagoon resulted in a simplification of the food web structure (i.e., a single trophic pathway from a 15N-enriched fraction of the SOM pool to top predators) compared to what was observed in Lapalme Lagoon where additional 13C-enriched food sources played a significant trophic role. Moreover, some consumers of Canet tended to exploit primary producers to a larger extent (and thus to exhibit lower trophic levels) than in Lapalme.  相似文献   

Our laboratory study concerns the competitive interaction between two marine rotifer species Brachionus plicatilis and Brachionus rotundiformis at five algal (Nannochloropsis salina) concentrations (0.4×106 to 32.4×106 cells/ml) and at four initial inoculation densities (numerically, 100% B. plicatilis; 75% B. plicatilis and 25% B. rotundiformis, 50% each of the two species; 25% B. plicatilis and 75% B. rotundiformis and 100% B. rotundiformis. The initial biomass varied as 0.33 and 0.22 μg/ml for B. plicatilis and B. rotundiformis respectively. Experiments were performed at (25±1)℃. Population densities were enumerated and the medium was changed daily up to 8 d in the experiment. At the lowest food level tested, B. rotundiformis formed superior competitor than B. plicatilis, regardless of starting inoculation density. Generally when the food concentrations increased, B. plicatilis showed a greater increase in biomass than B. rotundiformis. B. rotundiformis formed the largest in population growth, regardless of increasing food concentrations. When grown alone, B. plicatilis reached peak abundances of (1.311 5±0.028) and (137.5±0.014) μg/ml at low and high food densities respectively. The corresponding values of B. rotundiformis were 0.724 5±0.016 and 18.15±0.021. The adverse effects of B. rotundiformis on the peak abundances of B. plicatilis were observed at the lowest food level and higher initial density. The rate of population growth in controls varied from (0.792±0.162) to (1.482±0.132) μm/d for B. plicatilis and (0.445±0.041) to (0.856±0.012) μm/d for B. rotundiformis, depending on food level. When both species were introduced together, low food levels favoured higher abundance of B. rotundiformis than B. plicatilis, suggesting that increased population density of the smaller B. rotundiformis was more successfull than larger B. plicatilis in brackish waters. Our work reveals that available food (type and quantity) along with starting inoculation density had significant effect on the interspecific competition between marine sibling rotifer species in zooplankton community structure.  相似文献   

The bivalve Scrobicularia plana is an important species of shallow water benthic communities with a wide geographic distribution but also with a general patchy pattern, i.e. irregular in occurrence and in density. This review aims to determine the processes responsible for the species' spatial distribution pattern based on the available information on S. plana. Although several pre- and post-settlement processes are believed to influence spatial patterns of marine invertebrates, the general patchy distribution of S. plana seems to be determined by the existence of specific environmental conditions during settlement. Factors such as temperature, salinity, sediment type, hydrographic conditions and predation affect settlement and spat survival and not one but a combination of factors seems to explain the species distribution pattern. Future work should focus on determining the scale of patchiness, using hierarchical sampling, as well as the connectivity between populations by analysing the population genetic structure.  相似文献   

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