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湿地是一种独特的自然景观格局,可为人类社会提供多种重要功能和服务。随着我国经济的飞速发展和城市化进程的加剧,内陆湿地面临面积减少、湿地功能减弱、湿地生态环境恶化等一系列问题。因此,对内陆湿地的生态健康状况进行定量评估,对于生态系统的可持续发展至关重要。然而,对湿地生态系统的评估大多是针对单一湿地或流域湿地,很少有研究对国家层面的湿地进行整体健康评估。本文基于土地覆盖数据、气候数据、社会经济数据,利用压力-状态-效应-响应(PSER)模型建立了内陆湿地健康评价指标体系,该模型包含15个评价指标。结合层次分析法对2010–2018年中国内陆湿地的生态系统健康状况进行了评估,结果表明:(1)与行政区划的生态系统健康评价不同,基于网格的湿地生态系统健康评价可以提供更详尽的湿地健康信息。(2)2018年内陆湿地面积比2010年增加了16328km2,2018年湿地生态系统健康指数平均值为3.45,2010年的平均值为3.24。(3)2018年,状况较好、良好、中度和较差的湿地分别占内陆湿地的26.3%、46.4%、26.9%和0.5%。研究结果为湿地生态系统资源的保护和管理提供了实践指导,为土地利用规划和开发提供了可靠的信息。  相似文献   

生态系统为人类提供了必要的服务,其中大部分是没有市场价格的,因此被认为是"自然的免费赠品"而被大量使用。近年来由于快速的工业化和城市化,不断增长的人口已经使人们认识到生态系统服务也是有限的。环境退化是用来描述生态系统服务的损失或损害的常用指标,而移民往往是环境恶化的后果。那么,生态系统服务退化到什么程度才足以导致人们搬迁?本文通过对移民和环境退化相关文献的综述,力求寻求及时监测生态系统退化状况、避免人类承受生态移民痛苦、探求不同环境下人类更好地生存与发展的途径。  相似文献   

生态系统利用强度成倍的增加使得生态系统服务与居民需求间的矛盾日益严峻。"一带一路"倡议的提出对老挝生产生活带来了极大的影响,科学评估生态系统服务消耗是探究居民对生态系统影响程度的重要手段。本研究通过收获指数和料肉比等参数对老挝1961–2013年农产品、水果和畜产品消费数据进行转换,分析得到了以下结论:(1)老挝以农田、森林、草地生态系统服务消耗为主,其中农田生态系统服务消耗占比超过80%且有下降趋势,森林生态系统服务消耗占比高于10%且有上升趋势,草地生态系统服务消耗占比不足2%且基本不变,三类生态系统服务消耗量均呈现出先增加、后波动、再增加的变化趋势;(2)老挝生态系统服务消耗在1961–2008年期间形成了"农田生态系统服务消耗一家独大"模式,在2008–2013年期间形成了"农田、森林和草地生态系统服务消耗均衡发展"模式,并且有从前一个模式向后一个模式转变的趋势;(3)老挝生态系统服务消耗模式形成及变化受供给和贸易的影响,老挝在1961–2008年期间以发展农业为主,形成了"农田生态系统服务消耗一家独大"的模式;得益于农、林、畜产品进口种类的不断丰富、贸易额的增长、进口量的增加,2008年后老挝生态系统服务消耗从"农田生态系统服务消耗一家独大"模式转变为"农田、森林和草地生态系统服务消耗均衡发展"模式。本研究为生态系统服务消耗研究提供了实证参考。  相似文献   

以贵州省为核心的中国西南岩溶区面临双重危机:生态恶劣,石漠化严重;人口贫困,全国1/3强的贫困县分布在该地区。石漠化综合治理需要从岩溶生态系统结构和运行规律出发,重点关注岩溶地下水的开发和可持续利用,水土保持和土壤改良,植被恢复和可适应性的经济植物选择,力求区域生态经济双赢、农民脱贫致富。  相似文献   

受气候变化和政策因素的影响,哈萨克斯坦是中亚地区生态退化和草畜矛盾最为突出的国家。研究哈萨克斯坦草地承载状态对认识草地生态系统对气候变化和人类活动的响应尤为重要。本研究基于哈萨克斯坦遥感数据和畜牧业统计数据,以生态系统的供给与消耗为基础,分析哈萨克斯坦草地生态系统与承载状态的格局变化。结果表明:(1)2003–2017年,哈萨克斯坦牲畜养殖数量呈现持续平稳增长的趋势,受冻害影响,在2011年数量有所减少,牲畜养殖结构空间差异不明显。(2)哈萨克斯坦草地供给量波动上升,而畜牧业生产消耗量持续增加,导致草地承载压力不断增加。(3)2003–2017年间,哈萨克斯坦整体的草地承载状态一直呈现富余状态,但草地承载压力指数呈现平稳上升趋势,草地承载压力较大的地区主要位于草地生产力低下的克孜勒奥达尔州、耕地集中的南哈萨克斯坦州和北哈萨克斯坦州,并逐渐向农牧交错区和半荒漠带推进。  相似文献   

Sustainable development has always been a hotspot in Chinese geographical research. Herein, we conduct a systematic statistical analysis of the contribution of Chinese geographers to sustainable development research using bibliometric methods. Based on the review of a vast amount of literature, we identify the main research teams, research funding sources, journals, and key research fields. The findings are as follows:(1) the resources and environmental institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have a significant influence on sustainable development research;(2) China's central government foundations(the National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Social Sciences Fund) are the main research funding sources;(3) most of the highly cited articles are published in journals sponsored by the Geographical Society of China; and(4) sustainable development theory and its research areas are being constantly enriched and perfected. Based on the statistics of keywords, the theory, research methods, research regional scales, and key research areas are summarized and expounded.  相似文献   

中国生态交错带(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态交错带(Ecotone)是指两个群落或两类生态系统之间的过度带,具有脆弱、敏感和易变等特性。20世纪70年代以来,在典型生态系统研究的基础上,生态交错带逐步成为生态学研究的重点。中国地域广阔,地质、气候、植被等生态类型复杂多变,蕴育了不同类型、不同尺度和不同规模的多种生态交错带,不仅为科学研究奠定了广阔空间,而且对我国经济、社会发展,以及文化多样性保护具有重要支撑作用。本文根据我国大尺度下生态交错带的地理分布及其生态环境特点,构建了以土地利用类型、自然气候特征和农业经济发展"三位一体"指标体系,并以此为依据对中国典型生态交错带进行了划分和空间分布范围的界定;在此基础上,分别对北方森林草原交错带、北方农牧交错带、西北荒漠绿洲交错带、西南川滇农林牧交错带和东部海陆交错带的动态变化、基本特征和存在问题进行了研究,对全面认识我国生态交错带自然演变规律,促进区域生态环境保护和优化经济发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

青藏高原的生态平衡对中国乃至亚洲的生态安全具有极为重要的作用。本文提出和改进了针对高山高原陆地生态系统生态敏感性和脆弱性评估的指标和方法;评价了西藏自治区的冻融侵蚀、土地沙化、水土流失和土地盐渍化的敏感性;并从综合生态敏感性、生态压力和生态弹力三个方面评价了其生态脆弱性。结果显示,西藏陆地生态系统对冻融侵蚀、土地沙化和水土流失问题非常敏感。极度和高度敏感区分别占西藏自治区总面积的9.62%和83.69%。极度和高度脆弱区分别占0.09%和52.61%,主要分布在西藏西部的喜马拉雅和冈底斯山山区,念青唐古拉、唐古拉、可可西里和昆仑山区,及羌塘高原西北部和北部地区。这些结果有助于根据各区域存在的生态问题提出具有针对性的保护方案。  相似文献   

农田生态系统服务价值由供给服务价值、调节服务价值、支持服务价值和文化服务价值构成,充分认识农田生态系统服务价值对于农业发展与农田保护有重要指导意义。在构建农田生态系统服务价值评估指标体系基础上,利用市场价值法、碳税法、造林成本法、替代成本法、当量因子法等方法,评估了1997、2002、2007、2012和2017年青岛市农田生态系统服务价值。评估结果表明:1997–2017年青岛市农田生态系统总服务价值由499.74×10~8元增加到681.74×10~8元,单位面积农田生态系统服务价值由6.57×10~4元/公顷增加到9.73×10~4元/公顷。农田的产品供给服务、固碳释氧服务和土壤保持服务是青岛市农田生态系统服务的主要方式,产品供给服务价值、固碳释氧服务价值和土壤保持服务价值占青岛市农田生态系统服务总价值的比重大且呈上升趋势。提出了保护和合理利用农田、因地制宜发展农业生产、提高农业生产效率、加快现代农业园区建设、推进农业供给侧的结构性改革,以及发展生态休闲农业、农业生态旅游等充分利用农田生态系统的间接服务价值,为市民提供最大化福利的青岛市农业发展措施。  相似文献   

全球气候变化和人类活动已经威胁到流域生态系统。金沙江作为长江上游,研究其生态系统服务功能对维护整个长江流域的生态安全、促进生态可持续性具有重要意义。基于生态系统服务与权衡综合评价(InVEST)模型和修正通用土壤流失方程(RUSLE)模型,对2000–2020年金沙江流域生态系统提供的5种生态系统服务功能:产水量(WY)、生境质量(HQ)、土壤保有量(SR)、食物供应(FS)、碳储量(CS)进行了评价,并分析了它们的时空变化特征,权衡协同关系及其驱动因素。结果表明:(1)2000–2020年间,金沙江流域的各生态系统服务总量除生境质量外都存在不同程度的波动,各生态系统服务在空间分布上基本呈现出东南高西北低的空间格局。(2)CS_SR_HQ和WY_SR_FS之间存在显著的协同关系,WY_CS之间存在显著的权衡关系。(3)CS_SR_HQ的主要驱动因素是净初级生产力(NPP)和土地利用类型(LU),WY_SR_FS的主要驱动因素是年降雨量(PRE)、LU和降雨侵蚀(R),WY_CS的驱动因素在研究期内较多变。  相似文献   

The ratio of transpiration to evapotranspiration(T/ET) is a key parameter for quantifying water use efficiency of ecosystems and understanding the interaction between ecosystem carbon uptake and water cycling in the context of global change. The estimation of T/ET has been paid increasing attention from the scientific community in recent years globally. In this paper, we used the Priestly-Taylor Jet Propulsion Laboratory Model(PT-JPL) driven by regional remote sensing data and gridded meteorological data, to simulate the T/ET in forest ecosystems along the North-South Transect of East China(NSTEC) during 2001–2010, and to analyze the spatial distribution and temporal variation of T/ET, as well as the factors influencing the variation in T/ET. The results showed that:(1) The PT-JPL model is suitable for the simulation of evapotranspiration and its components of forest ecosystems in Eastern China, and has relatively good stability and reliability.(2) Spatial distribution of T/ET in forest ecosystems along NSTEC was heterogeneous, i.e., T/ET was higher in the north and lower in the south, with an averaged value of 0.69; and the inter-annual variation of T/ET showed a significantly increasing trend, with an increment of 0.007/yr(p0.01).(3) Seasonal and inter-annual variations of T/ET had different dominant factors. Temperature and EVI can explain around 90%(p0.01) of the seasonal variation in T/ET, while the inter-annual variation in T/ET was mainly controlled by EVI(53%, p0.05).  相似文献   

Net primary productivity(NPP) is the most important index that represents the structure and function of the ecosystem.NPP can be simulated by dynamic global vegetation models(DGVM),which are designed to represent vegetation dynamics relative to environmental change.This study simulated the NPP of China's ecosystems based on the DGVM Integrated Biosphere Simulator(IBIS) with data on climate,soil,and topography.The applicability of IBIS in the NPP simulation of China's terrestrial ecosystems was verified first.Comparison with other relevant studies indicates that the range and mean value of simulations are generally within the limits of observations;the overall pattern and total annual NPP are close to the simulations conducted with other models.The simulations are also close to the NPP estimations based on remote sensing.Validation proved that IBIS can be utilized in the large-scale simulation of NPP in China's natural ecosystem.We then simulated NPP with climate change data from 1961 to 2005,when warming was particularly striking.The following are the results of the simulation.(1) Total NPP varied from 3.61 GtC/yr to 4.24 GtC/yr in the past 45 years and exhibited minimal significant linear increase or decrease.(2) Regional differences in the increase or decrease in NPP were large but exhibited an insignificant overall linear trend.NPP declined in most parts of eastern and central China,especially in the Loess Plateau.(3) Similar to the fluctuation law of annual NPP,seasonal NPP also displayed an insignificant increase or decrease;the trend line was within the general level.(4) The regional differences in seasonal NPP changes were large.NPP declined in spring,summer,and autumn in the Loess Plateau but increased in most parts of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Soil stores a large amount of the terrestrial ecosystem carbon(C) and plays an important role in maintaining global C balance. However, very few studies have addressed the regional patterns of soil organic carbon(SOC) storage and the main factors influencing its changes in Chinese terrestrial ecosystems, especially using field measured data. In this study, we collected information on SOC storage in main types of ecosystems(including forest, grassland, cropland, and wetland) across 18 regions in China during the 1980 s(from the Second National Soil Survey of China, SNSSC) and the 2010 s(from studies published between 2004 and 2014), and evaluated its changing trends during these 30 years. The SOC storage(0–100 cm) in Chinese terrestrial ecosystems was 83.46 ± 11.89 Pg C in the 1980 s and 86.50 ± 8.71 Pg C in the 2010 s, and the net increase over the 30 years was 3.04 ± 1.65 Pg C, with an overall rate of 0.101 ± 0.055 Pg C yr~(–1). This increase was mainly observed in the topsoil(0–20 cm). Forests, grasslands, and croplands SOC storage increased 2.52 ± 0.77, 0.40 ± 0.78, and 0.07 ± 0.31 Pg C, respectively, which can be attributed to the several ecological restoration projects and agricultural practices implemented. On the other hand, SOC storage in wetlands declined 0.76 ± 0.29 Pg C, most likely because of the decrease of wetland area and SOC density. Combining these results with those of vegetation C sink(0.100 Pg C yr~(–1)), the net C sink in Chinese terrestrial ecosystems was about 0.201 ± 0.061 Pg C yr~(–1), which can offset 14.85%–27.79% of the fossil fuel C emissions from the 1980 s to the 2010 s. These first estimates of soil C sink based on field measured data supported the premise that China's terrestrial ecosystems have a large C sequestration potential, and further emphasized the importance of forest protection and reforestation to increase SOC storage capacity.  相似文献   

生态退化问题在全球范围内十分严峻,尤以中国典型脆弱生态区为甚。在2016年开始实施的"十三五"规划中,中国政府将生态文明建设和生态安全作为国家可持续发展战略的关键议题。然而,长期以来,生态治理研究工作缺乏实施效果评价、忽视生态技术应用、忽略生态技术地域和经济适宜性。针对这些问题,科技部在2016年国家重点研发计划中启动了"典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究"重点专项,包括8个领域的37个项目。其中,"生态技术评价方法、指标体系及全球生态治理技术评价"(2016YFC0503700,2016-2020)项目由中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所牵头,参与单位包括中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所、西北农林科技大学、中国水利水电科学研究院、水利部水土保持监测中心和中科院兰州文献情报中心。项目总体目标为辨识生态技术,构建典型脆弱生态区退化生态系统治理的生态技术评价方法与指标体系;评价生态治理技术,筛选满足我国生态文明建设需求的生态技术;找出国外生态技术需求,推介适合发展中国家生态治理需求的生态技术模式。项目设置了6个密切相关的研究任务:生态退化分布与相应生态治理技术需求分析;生态技术评价方法、指标体系与模型开发;不同类型生态技术识别、演化过程与评价;国家重大生态工程关键技术评估;生态治理与生态文明建设生态技术筛选、配置与试验示范;生态技术评价平台与集成系统研发。本专辑将介绍本项目研究迄今取得的进展,包括生态技术辨识和评估的概念、理论和方法概述,中国及代表性国家水土流失、荒漠化和石漠化治理技术演化和评估案例等。希望本专辑对同类研究以及绿色"一带一路"建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Ecosystem services are substantial elements for human society. The central challenge to meet the human needs from ecosystems while sustain the Earth's life support systems makes it urgent to enhance efficient natural resource management for sustainable ecological and socioeconomic development. Trade-off analysis of ecosystem services can help to identify optimal decision points to balance the costs and benefits of the diverse human uses of ecosystems. In this sense, the aim of this paper is to provide key insights into ecosystem services trade-off analysis at different scales from a land use perspective, by comprehensively reviewing the trade-offs analysis tools and approaches that addressed in ecology, economics and other fields. The review will significantly contribute to future research on trade-off analysis to avoid inferior management options and offer a win-win solution based on comprehensive and efficient planning for interacting multiple ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services have become one of the core elements of ecosystem management and evaluation. As a key area of ecosystem services and for maintaining national ecological security, ecosystem changes and implementation effect evaluation are important in national key ecological function zones, for promoting the main function zone strategy and for improving the construction of an ecological civilization. This article studies the ecological zone of a tropical rainforest region in the central mountain area of Hainan Island, China. Multi-source satellite data and ground observation statistics are analyzed with geo-statistics method and ecological assessment model. The core analysis of this paper includes ecosystem patterns, quality and services. By means of spatial and temporal scale expansion and multidimensional space-time correlation analysis, the trends and stability characteristics of ecosystem changes are analyzed, and implementation effect evaluation is discussed. The analysis shows a variety of results. The proportion of forest area inside the ecological zone was significantly higher than the average level in Hainan Island. During 1990–2013, settlement gradually increased inside the ecological zone. After implementation of the zone in 2010, human activity intensity increased, with the main land use being urban construction and land reclamation. Water conservation in the ecological function zone was higher than that outside the zone. In general, it increased slightly, but had obvious fluctuations. Soil conservation inside the zone was also better than that outside. However, it demonstrated dramatic fluctuations and relatively poor stability during 1990–2013. The human disturbance index inside the zone was significantly lower than that outside, and had a lower biodiversity threat level. Especially in 2010–2013, the increased range of the human disturbance index inside the zone was significantly less than that outside.  相似文献   

探究草地生态系统碳储量及其驱动因素对实现双碳目标具有重要意义,藏北高原作为我国重要的草地生态系统,其碳储量现状,空间格局以及驱动因素仍存在很大的争议。本文基于藏北高原150个实测样点数据,通过克里金插值和统计方法,评估分析了藏北高原草地生态系统的地上生物量碳密度、地下30 cm深度根系碳密度和土壤碳密度及其空间分布,以及各碳库的主要影响因素。结果表明:藏北高原地上生物量碳密度平均为0.038 kg C m-2,地下生物量碳密度平均为0.284 kg C m-2,土壤碳密度值最大,平均为7.445 kg C m-2。藏北高原草地生态系统总碳储量约为4.08 Pg C,其中植被碳库0.58 Pg C(包括地上生物量和地下生物量),土壤碳库2.58 Pg C (其余分布在裸地中),碳储量分布格局呈现出从东南向西北递减趋势。植被碳库0.58 Pg C(包括地上生物量和地下生物量),约占青藏高原植被碳库的28.29%;土壤碳库2.58 Pg C,约占青藏高原土壤碳库的26.60%。降水、温度和土壤质地均影响生态系统碳储量,其中降水...  相似文献   

基于生态系统服务供需关系的空间流动研究是连接生态系统服务供给与人类福祉的关键环节。理解生态系统服务产生、流动、使用的全部过程,准确评估生态系统服务供需平衡状况,建立供给与需求之间双向反馈关系,对于科学管理生态系统和保障区域资源可持续发展具有重要意义。综合大量相关文献,本文从生态系统服务供需关系角度出发,归纳了生态系统服务供给、需求的概念和评估方法,阐述了全球变化背景下,土地利用和气候变化两个主要驱动力对生态系统服务时空变化的影响。系统梳理了生态系统服务空间流动方面的研究进展,发现目前研究在文化服务的量化、生态系统服务流动动态研究以及生态系统服务的驱动机制研究方面存在不足,提出明确生态系统服务驱动机制和转移过程、实现生态系统服务不同时空尺度之间的相互转换,是未来将生态系统服务研究更好地用于实践的重要方法。  相似文献   

城市绿地系统作为城市生态系统的一个非常重要的组成部分,在维护城市生态系统稳定、提供生态系统服务以及提高城市环境质量等方面起着积极的作用。本研究以北京市城市区域为例,基于城市绿地空间分布数据和遥感数据,分析了2000-2020年城市绿地景观格局的变化,以及城市绿地生态系统服务及其空间分布的变化,并研究了它们之间的相互作用关系。结果表明:(1)2000-2020年北京城市绿地建设成效较为显著,绿地面积增加了77.41%,主要由耕地和建设用地转变而来。(2)2000-2020年北京城市绿地滞尘量、吸收SO2量、吸收NO2量、降温增湿量、固碳释氧量和暴雨缓排量总体上均呈持续增加的趋势。(3)城市绿地景观变化与绿地生态系统服务之间关系密切,斑块总面积与生态系统服务的相关性最高,除暴雨缓排外,斑块总面积与各项生态系统服务之间的相关系数均高于0.85。研究结果可以为优化北京绿地、更大程度发挥绿地对生态环境的改善作用提供理论指导,为北京市的生态环境建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Land surface is of spatial-temporal heterogeneity. Terrestrial system(TS) comprehensively studies on land surface and physical regionalization objectively describes geographical zonation of the system. China has a vast area with apparent spatial variations in resources and environmental conditions, which highly influence on socio-economic development. In this paper, progress of the TS studies in China is overviewed and research priorities in the near future are prospected. Since the 1950 s, China has paid great attention to the TS study as its socio-economic development, and conducted research on physical geographical regionalization, eco-geographical regionalization and comprehensive regionalization. Along with the deepening of global change research, dynamics of TS have been highly concerned. During the studies, methodology has been developed from qualitative research of integration of experts' brainpower gradually to quantitative research based on field observation and experiments of the natural processes, including physical, chemical and biological processes, as well as application of information technology and mathematical simulation. In the near future, TS would combine with the ideology, objectives and key researches of Future Earth program, to focus on the mechanism and regional effects of interaction among land surface elements, the response of TS to global change, the quantitative recognition on regional unit boundary, and the application to TS in sustainable socio-economic development.  相似文献   

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