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The global component of the large-scale magnetic field is identified using two methods applied to Stanford Observatory data on the photospheric magnetic field obtained in 1976–2000. Two significantly different phases are observed in the evolution of the global magnetic field detected during the 11-year cycle. Phase I includes the cycle growth and maximum, while Phase II includes the cycle decay and minimum. During Phases I and II of the 11-year cycle, two different processes dominate both the magnetic-field generation and the solar activity as a whole. At lower latitudes, Phase I demonstrates a longitudinal splitting of the magnetic field, which takes the form of stripes of opposite polarities located parallel to the equator. The long dimensions of these stripes are grouped near 90° and 180°. The global magnetic field rotates as a rigid body with a period that is appreciably shorter than the Carrington-rotation period and reaches about 27.225 days. During reversals of the polarity of the global magnetic field, the field displays opposite signs in antipodal longitude intervals with lengths of about 135°. Thus, the equatorial dipolar field is clearly manifest during Phase I. Transitional longitude intervals with widths of 45° located between 135° intervals correspond to the positions of active longitudes of sunspots, indicating a close relationship between the global and local magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Variations in the positions of the intersection points of tangents to ray structures in the polar corona of the Sun during the solar cycle are considered. At first glance, the decrease in the distance q between the tangent intersection point and the center of the solar disk during activity maximum contradicts harmonic analyses that indicate that the relative weight of higher harmonics in the global field increases during this period. Indeed, the higher the harmonic number in an axisymmetric field, the closer the intersection point of the field-line tangents (the magnetic focus) to the solar surface. It is shown that q for a field composed of two harmonics with opposite polarities at the poles can be smaller than q for either of them taken alone. A simple model representing the global field using the third and seventh harmonics is analyzed; this model can reproduce quite satisfactorily the observed dynamics of magnetic foci of the polar field.  相似文献   

This paper presents a statistical study of various integrated parameters of solar active regions, such as the distance between the polarity centroids, the inclination of the magnetic axis, the flux imbalance between the polarities, and the interosculation parameter of the magnetic fluxes of opposite polarities. The study is based on observations of the longitudinal photospheric magnetic field. We analyze ten active regions for which an appreciable volume of data with good spatial resolution are available. The distributions of the above parameters with field strength are very different for quiet and flare-productive active regions and for quiet and flare-active evolutionary phases of the same active region. Some distributions exhibit substantial and characteristic variations during the development of certain flare processes. The first moments of the distributions reflect specific features in the configuration of the photospheric magnetic fields and are correlated with the level of eruptive processes in the active regions.  相似文献   

The asymmetry of the magnetic field of the Sun and its manifestation in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) are studied. The dominant magnetic polarity of the radial component of the IMF alternates from cycle to cycle, but with an overall systematic dominance of polarity directed toward the Sun. The global asymmetry is also manifest in the component of the IMF perpendicular to the plane of the solar equator. The dominance of positive values of B z together with an appreciable linear trend in the cumulative sum of this quantity is interpreted as a manifestation of a relic solar magnetic field. The strength of this relic magnetic field near the Earth is estimated to be 0.048 ± 0.015 nT, based on the growth of the linear component of the cumulative sum of B z . Time intervals, in which negative values of the B z component of the IMF dominate and enhanced geomagnetic activity is observed, are identified. Our analysis of solar and heliospheric magnetic fields in an integrated representation has enabled us to compare various types of measurements and estimate their stability.  相似文献   

Evidence that the distribution of the abundances of admixtures with low first-ionization potentials (FIP < 10 eV) in the lower solar corona could be associated with the typology of the largescale magnetic field is presented. Solar observations show an enhancement in the abundances of elements with low FIPs compared to elements with high FIPs (>10 eV) in active regions and closed magnetic configurations in the lower corona. Observations with the ULYSSES spacecraft and at the Stanford Solar Observatory have revealed strong correlations between the manifestation of the FIP effect in the solar wind, the strength of the open magnetic flux (without regard to sign), and the ratio of the large-scale toroidal and poloidal magnetic fields at the solar surface. Analyses of observations of the Sun as a star show that the enhancement of the abundances of admixtures with low FIPs in the corona compared to their abundances in the photosphere (the FIP effect) is closely related to the solar-activity cycle and also with variations in the topology of the large-scale magnetic field. A possible mechanism for the relationship between the FIP effect and the spectral type of a star is discussed in the framework of solar–stellar analogies.  相似文献   

SOHO/MDI magnetograms are used to analyze the time variations in the magnetic parameters of the active region (AR) NOAA 10486, which was part of a large activity complex that passed over the solar disk from October 26 to 31, 2003, during solar cycle 23. The results are compared with X-ray flares in the AR and the parameters of coronal mass ejections associated with the AR. The time variations in the distributions of themagnetic-field strengths associated with the total magnetic flux (Fa), the flux imbalance between the northern and southern polarities (Im), the complexity of the field, as a measure of the mutual overlapping of the opposite polarities (Co), and the tilt angle of the magnetic axis (An) are considered. The time variations in the free energy accumulated in current sheets of ARs were traced using a parameter introduced for this purpose (Sh). The following results were obtained. First, the parameters Fa, Im, Co, An, and Sh quantitatively describe the current state of the AR and can be used to trace and analyze the dynamical evolution of its magnetic field. Second, variations in the magnetic-field-strength distributions and the mean values of Fa, Im, Co, An, and Sh are associated with flares and coronal mass ejections, and the variations have considerable amplitudes. Third, the parameter Sh characterizing the degree to which the magnetic field is non-potential in regions adjacent to the main neutral line increases before eruptive events, and is thus particular interest for monitoring the states of ARs in real time. Fourth, the magnetic field of the AR manifests a sort of quasi-elasticity, so that the field structure is restored after active events, on average, within 1–3 h.  相似文献   

An analysis of the characteristics of unipolar structures detected at latitudes from ?40? to +40?, longitudes of 0??360?, and altitudes of 1–1.15 solar radii during the period from May 1996 (the 23rd solar minimum) to October 2000 (the 23rd solar maximum) has been carried out. Synoptic maps of the solar radial magnetic field calculated in a potential approximation are used. The boundaries between unipolar structures with opposite magnetic polarities (“+/?” and “?/+” polarities) form chains extending along meridians at all the considered latitudes and altitudes. Depending on the latitude, the single-peaked distributions of the number of structures found at the lowest altitudes are replaced by double-peaked distributions at higher altitudes. The time variations of the total number of structures are non-monotonic. The growth in the number of unipolar structures begins before the growth in the Wolf number. This indicates that new unipolar structures already appear together with flocculi, preceding the formation of sunspots. It is found that structures with positive field have larger mean sizes that do structures with negative field. The polar field in the northern hemisphere penetrates to middle latitudes of the southern hemisphere. The existence of sets of structures with typical sizes is shown. The sizes of the smallest structures vary little with latitude, but increase slightly with altitude.  相似文献   

The behavior of magnetic foci—intersection points of tangents to ray structures in the polar corona of the Sun—is studied. This behavior reflects the evolution of the large-scale magnetic field near the poles, and is one of only a few sources of information on the polar magnetic field of the Sun. For the first time, the positions of the magnetic foci are plotted as a function of the solar-cycle phase for a full cycle, based not only on total-eclipse images but also on daily coronal observations in the FeIX and FeX (171 Å) lines carried out with the EIT telescope on the SOHO satellite. The temporal behavior of the foci over a cycle differs appreciably from that inferred from isolated observations during eclipses. The curve agrees fairly well with the model of the global-field evolution suggested by us previously.  相似文献   

The large-scale stream structure of the solar wind near the Sun and its evolution during the 11-year solar activity cycle are investigated. The study is based on observations of scattering of the radiation from compact natural radio sources at radial distances R≤14R S (R S is the solar radius). Regular observations were conducted in 1981–1998 on the RT-22 and DKR-1000 radio telescopes of the Russian Academy of Sciences at Pushchino, at λ=1.35 cm and 2.7 m, respectively. The radial dependences of the interplanetary scintillations m(R) and the scattering angle 2?(R) are considered together with the structure of large-scale magnetic fields in the solar corona at R=2.5R S. The entire range of variations in the level of scattering and the associated heliolatitude flow structures in the subsonic solar wind forms over the 11-year solar cycle, as a direct result of the large-scale structure of the evolving magnetic fields at the source of the solar-wind streamlines.  相似文献   

Magnetic Hα synoptic maps of the Sun for 1915–1999 are analyzed and the intensities of spherical harmonics of the large-scale solar magnetic field computed. The possibility of using these Hα maps as a database for investigations of long-term variations of solar activity is demonstrated. As an example, the magnetic-field polarity distribution for the Hα maps and the analogous polarity distribution for the magnetographic maps of the Stanford observatory for 1975–1999 are compared. An activity index A(t) is introduced for the large-scale magnetic field, which is the sum of the magnetic-moment intensities for the dipole and octupole components. The 11-year cycle of the large-scale solar magnetic field leads the 11-year sunspot cycle by, on average, 5.5 years. It is concluded that the observed weak large-scale solar magnetic field is not the product of the decay of strong active-region fields. Based on the new data, the level of the current (23rd) solar-activity cycle and some aspects of solar-cycle theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Using observational data obtained with the Yohkoh, SOHO, and TRACE satellites, it is shown that the three-dimensional structure of the large solar flare of July 14, 2000 was determined by the topology of the large-scale magnetic field of the active region giving rise to the flare. The locations and shapes of chromospheric ribbons and brightness centers on these ribbons are explained. The observed behavior of the flare is attributed to rapid magnetic reconnection in the corona. The electric field accelerating particles in the reconnecting current sheets is estimated.  相似文献   

Latitude-time (butterfly) diagrams of the large-scale solar magnetic field differ appreciably from the butterfly diagrams for sunspots. Tilted features corresponding to waves propagating from the middle latitudes to the equator are virtually absent from the diagrams for the large-scale magnetic field. The latitude-time diagram of the 22-year solar cycle based on data for the large-scale surface field appears as a checkerboard pattern rather than a traveling wave. Solutions describing similar behavior for the poloidal magnetic field are found for Parker’s solar-dynamo equations. These solutions agree with observations especially well if meridional circulation is added to the two sources generating the magnetic-field in this dynamo-differential rotation and mirror-asymmetric convection.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the source and formation of large-scale streams in the solar wind is presented. Radio-astronomical data from 1998 are compared with optical SOHO observations and solar coronal magnetic fields calculated from Zeeman data obtained at the Wilcox Observatory. A correlation between the geometry of the solar-wind transition region and the strength of coronal magnetic fields is revealed. For the moderate heliolatitudes studied, this correlation divides into three branches corresponding to three types of coronal magnetic-field structures: open structures with field lines escaping into interplanetary space, closed structures with loop-like field lines, and intermediate structures including both open and closed configurations. High-speed streams of solar wind originate in regions with open magnetic structures. These structures are connected with the lateral lobes of streamers at moderate heliolatitudes. Low-speed flows originate above closed magnetic structures, typical of the main bodies of streamers. The lowest-speed solar-wind flows are not associated with coronal streamer structures, and originate in coronal regions with intermediate magnetic configurations simultaneously containing open and closed field lines. In these regions, the white-light corona becomes an extended and amorphous area with high luminosity, which stratifies into a radial structure with narrow stripes at higher resolution.  相似文献   

The stability of a toroidal magnetic field in the rotating radiation zone of a star is analyzed to estimate the maximum possible magnitude of relic fields. Equations for small perturbations are obtained taking into account the finite diffusivity and the stabilizing effect of the subadiabatic stratification. The numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem indicates that the threshold field strength for the onset of instability in the radiation zone of the Sun is about 600 G. This figure sets an upper bound for the strength of the relic field. The assumption that magnetic instabilities are present in the solar radiation zone disagrees with the observed abundance of lithium. Our analysis of joint stability of toroidal field and nonuniform rotation shows that two-dimensional MHD solutions for the solar tachocline are stable against three-dimensional perturbations.  相似文献   

The effects of a large coronal mass ejection (CME) on a solar coronal streamer located roughly 90° from the main direction of the CME propagation observed on January 2, 2012 by the SOHO/LASCO coronograph are analyzed. Radial coronal streamers undergo some bending when CMEs pass through the corona, even at large angular distances from the streamers. The phenomenon resembles a bending wave traveling along the streamer. Some researchers interpret these phenomena as the effects of traveling shocks generated by rapid CMEs, while others suggest they are waves excited inside the streamers by external impacts. The analysis presented here did not find convincing arguments in favor of either of these interpretations. It is concluded that the streamer behavior results from the effect of the magnetic field of a moving magnetic flux rope associated with the coronal ejection. The motion of the large-scale magnetic flux rope away from the Sun changes the surrounding magnetic field lines in the corona, and these changes resemble the half-period of a wave running along the streamer.  相似文献   

It is shown that, when all components of the large-scale solar magnetic field are longitudinally averaged, the N polarity and the eastward transverse component of the B φ field associated with both local and large-scale fields over the Northern hemisphere are somewhat stronger and occupy a smaller area during odd cycles than does the field of opposite polarity. This behavior is reversed for even cycles or the Southern hemisphere. The regular Hale law is a particular form of the above rule. The nature of this asymmetry seems to be rooted in the dynamo mechanism itself, and should be important for fields on any scale.  相似文献   

We consider a solar dynamo mechanism that generates large-scale magnetic fields due to the combined action of cyclonic flows (the α effect), differential rotation (the Θ effect), and the non-uniformity of large-scale magnetic fields (the Θ × J effect). Our results are based on numerical model which takes into account currently available data on the differential rotation of the convection zone and the intensity of convective flows in the solar interior. A reasonable choice of parameters characterizing the intensity of magnetic-field generation by the α and Θ × J mechanisms can account for an oscillatory dynamo regime with properties similar to the 22-year magnetic-activity cycle of the Sun. We analyze the nonlinear saturation of the generation effects in the large-scale magnetic field, due to either magnetic stresses or the conservation of magnetic helicity. Allowance for the helicity of the small-scale magnetic fields is of crucial importance in limiting the energy of the generated large-scale magnetic field.  相似文献   

A new representation for the database created by J. Sykora on the 5303 Å Fe XIV line emission observed from 1939 to 2001 is proposed. Observations of the corona at an altitude of 60″ above the limb reduced to a uniform photometric scale provide estimates of the emission of the entire visible solar surface. It is proposed to use the resulting series of daily measurements as a new index of the solar activity, GLSun (The Green-Line Sun). This index is purely observational and is free of the model-dependent limitations imposed on other indices of coronal activity. GLSun describeswell both the cyclic activity and the rotational modulation of the brightness of the corona of the Sun as a star. The GLSun series was subject to a wavelet analysis similar to that applied to long-term variability in the chromospheric emission of late-type active stars. We obtain that the brightness inhomogeneities in the solar corona rotate more slowly during epochs of high activity than their average rotational rate over the entire time observations. The time interval of slower rotation of the inhomogeneities is close to the epoch when the Sun’s field represents a horizontal magnetic dipole in each activity cycle, but is somewhat longer than the duration of the polarity reversal in both hemispheres. The difference between the periods for the slower and mean rotation exceeds three days, as is typical for some stars with higher but less regular activity than solar one. The importance of these findings for dynamo theory for the origin and evolution of the magnetic fields of the Sun and other late-type stars is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Five-second observations of the solar corona carried out in the FeIX 171 Å line by the KORONAS-FOTON instrument TESIS are used to study the dynamics of small-scale coronal structures emitting in and around coronal bright points. The small-scale structures of the lower corona display complex dynamics similar to those of magnetic loops located at higher levels of the solar corona. Numerous detected oscillating structures with sizes below 10 000 km display oscillation periods from 50 to 350 s. The period distributions of these structures are different for P < 150 s and P > 150 s, which implies that different oscillation modes are excited at different periods. The small-scale structures generate numerous flare-like events with energies 1024–1026 erg (nanoflares) and with a spatial density of one event per arcsecond or more observed over an area of 4 × 1011 km2. Nanoflares are not associated with coronal bright points, and almost uniformly cover the solar disk in the observation region. The ejections of solar material from the coronal bright points demonstrate velocities of 80–110 km/s.  相似文献   

We analyze large-scale solar activity following the eruption of a very powerful, geoeffective coronal mass ejection in the 23rd solar cycle, observed at 175, 284, and 304 Å on November 4, 2001, using data from the CORONAS-F/SPIRIT telescope. In particular, we have shown that the restructuring of the magnetic field above the eruption center was accompanied by the formation of a multicomponent post-eruptive arcade, which was observed in all three bands over many hours and had an extent of the order of 0.5R. Two kinds of dimmings were observed, i.e., compact dimmings on either side of this arcade and channeled dimmings along some extended features beyond the active region. The intensity in the dimmings decreased by several tens of percent. The enhanced emission observed at the top of the post-eruptive arcade can be due to energy release in the course of magnetic reconnection high in the corona at the relaxation stage of the perturbed magnetic field to a new equilibrium state with a closed configuration. It can also be due to an enhanced emission measure because of the oblique direction of the line of sight crossing both loop tops and footpoint regions. The spatial coincidence of the main dimmings in lines corresponding to different temperatures indicates that a plasma outflow from the transition region and coronal structures with opened field lines are responsible for these dimmings. Variations in the plasma temperature associated with coronal mass ejections probably play an important role for some dimmings, which appear different in different lines.  相似文献   

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