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North America's Atlantic Coast has been a focus of human settlement and subsistence for millennia, but sea‐level rise, sedimentation, and other processes pose significant challenges for archaeological research. Radiocarbon dating of 31 shell middens near the Rhode River Estuary, Maryland provides an opportunity to evaluate human land use, settlement, and cultural chronologies on the Chesapeake Bay. Sixty calibrated radiocarbon dates on eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) shell and charcoal demonstrate that Native Americans, colonial, and historic peoples harvested oysters and other shellfish from at least 3200 years ago through the 19th century. The number of dated sites increases during the Late Woodland period after about 1000 cal yr B.P., a factor probably related to greater site visibility and preservation, as well as increased human exploitation of the watershed. Accumulation rates for five of the shell middens provide preliminary indications that some of the sites accumulated rapidly suggesting, along with other evidence, that many of the region's shell middens were logistical or perhaps seasonal camps. Our study demonstrates the importance of regional watershed surveys and radiocarbon dating programs to help build and refine cultural chronologies in coastal regions threatened by sea‐level rise and other processes.  相似文献   

Few strong relationships exist along the Chesapeake Bay shoreline between the historic erosion rate and the distribution of any of several coastal parameters which were defined and tested using traditional regression and discriminant analysis procedures To develop a simple predictive equation for shore erosion that could be used by coastal managers, the entire Chesapeake Bay shoreline was partitioned into naturally occurring reaches 2–5 km in length, and the historic erosion rate on each reach was modelled as a function of five variables (a) shoreline type, (b) “100-year” storm surge height, (c) mean tide range, (d) wave climate, and (e) potential littoral drift rate The statistical analysis yielded a multiple correlation coefficient (r 2) of 30 8%, discriminant analysis showed only the first two variables listed above are useful predictors (i e, statistically significant) of historic erosion rates A 95-mile portion of the same bay shoreline in Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties was then partitioned into shorter reach lengths (1/2–2km) and more variables were included The multiple correlation coefficient (r 2) improved slightly to 32 9%, but only shoreline type and potential littoral drift rate were found to be useful predictors of historic erosion rates Curiously, the ability to model statistically the historic shore erosion rate is best on those reaches already substantially protected by structures For Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties, the multiple regression coefficient improved to 61 5% when only reaches 1/2–2km in length protected by structures were considered.  相似文献   

Macroscopic marine algae were collected at a variety of intertidal sites and on cruises throughout the Maryland Chesapeake Bay in 1972–73, and numerous specimens from the University of Maryland herbarium were examined. The revised species list contains 62 taxa as follows: 26 Rhodophyceae, 1 Xanthophyceae, 6 Phaeophyceae, 29 Chlorophyceae. Grinnellia americana, Neoagardhiella baileyi, Porphyra sp.,Vaucheria sp.,Desmotrichum undulatum, Ectocarpus confervoides, Enteromorpha compressa var.lingulata, E. linza, Entocladia viridis andUrospora sp. are new records for the flora of the upper Bay. Records ofAscophyllum are believed to represent discarded bait-packing material rather than an endemic population in the upper Bay. Ceramium, Polysiphonia, Cladophora, Enteromorpha andUlva are the genera most likely to be encountered in the upper Bay. In winter, brown algae, mainlyEctocarpus species, become a more conspicuous component of the flora. Comments on distribution, seasonality, taxonomic problems, and invalid or questionable records are included. Literature pertinent to the Delmarva region is reviewed briefly.  相似文献   

We analyzed interannual variability in a long-term record of chlorophyll concentration and phytoplankton species composition in the Rhode River, Maryland (USA). Over the approximately 30-year record, there was no long-term monotonic trend in phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration, though temporary directional trends related to precipitation patterns sometimes persisted for a decade before reversing. From counts on preserved samples, we estimated the dominance by different pigment-bearing groups and size classes. Diatoms, dinoflagellates, and cryptophytes comprised about 80–97% of the annual averaged class-specific biovolume. Cryptophytes dominated the first 2 years in the data set but displayed a long-term decline, after which diatoms dominated in all but four consecutive years in which there were large dinoflagellate blooms. There was a long-term increase in cells with equivalent spherical diameters from 4 to 10 μm, accompanied by declines in the proportion of cells in the 2- to 4- and 10- to 20-μm size classes. The main cause of these changes in size classes was a long-term increase in Chroomonas sp. and Apedinella radians and long-term decline in Microcystis sp. and an unidentified cryptophyte, respectively. These taxa were cosmopolitan in their seasonal and spatial distributions, and hence the long-term changes in taxa did not conform well with conceptual models based on succession of “life-forms.” The segregation of diatoms and dinoflagellates expected on the basis of “life-forms” applied to seasonal and spatial patterns. Characterizing the phytoplankton community in terms of diversity, size, and class-specific biovolume gave results that were consistent with one another and added insight to the broad-scale changes in chlorophyll concentration. Subtle changes in the size distribution of cryptophytes were not apparent from biovolume measures and would not have been apparent without microscopy. Though causes of such shifts may be difficult to identify, identifying the causes and predicting potential consequences cannot even be attempted without awareness of the phenomena.  相似文献   

External nutrient loadings, internal nutrient pools, and phytoplankton production were examined for three major subsystems of the Chesapeake Bay Estuary—the upper Mainstem, the Patuxent Estuary, and the 01 Potomac Estuary—during 1985–1989. The atomic nitrogen to phosphorus ratios (TN:TP) of total loads to the 01 Mainstem, Patuxent, and the Potomac were 51, 29 and 35, respectively. Most of these loads entered at the head of the estuaries from riverine sources and major wastewater treatment plants. Approximately 7–16% for the nitrogen load entered the head of each estuary as particulate matter in contrast to 48–69% for phosphorus. This difference is hypothesized to favor a greater loss of phosphorus than nitrogen through sedimentation and burial. This process could be important in driving estuarine nitrogen to phosphorus ratios above those of inputs. Water column TN: TP ratios in the tidal fresh, oligohaline, and mesohaline salinity zones of each estuary ranged from 56 to 82 in the Mainstem, 27 to 48 in the Patuxent, and 72 to 126 in the Potomac. A major storm event in the Potomac watershed was shown to greatly increase the particulate fraction of nitrogen and phosphorus and lower the TN:TP in the river-borne loads. The load during the month that contained this storm (November 1985) accounted for 11% of the nitrogen and 31% of the phosphorus that was delivered to the estuary by the Potomac River during the entire 60-month period examined here. Within the Mainstem estuary, salinity dilution plots revealed strong net sources of ammonium and phosphate in the oligohaline to upper mesohaline region, indicating that these areas were sites of considerable internal recycling of nutrients to surface waters. The sedimentation of particulate nutrient loads in the upper reaches of the estuary is probably a major source of these recycled nutrients. A net sink of nitrate was indicated during summer. A combination of inputs and these internal recycling processes caused dissolved inorganic N to P ratios to approach 16:1 in the mesohaline zone of the Mainstem during late summer; this ratio was much higher at other times and in the lower salinity zones. Phytoplankton biomass in the mesohaline Mainstem reached a peak in spring and was relatively constant throughout the other seasons. Productivity was highest in spring and summer, accounting for approximately 33% and 44%, respectively, of the total annual productivity in this region. In the Patuxent and Potomac, the TN:TP ratios of external loads documented here are 2–4 times higher than those observed over the previous two decades. These changes are attributed to point-source phosphorus controls and the likelihood that nitrogen-rich nonpoint source inputs, including contributions from the atmosphere, have increased. These higher N:P ratios relative to Redfield proportions (16:1) now suggest a greater overall potential for phosphorus-limitation rather than nitrogen-limitation of phytoplankton in the areas studied.  相似文献   

From 1977 to 1980, samples of barnacles were collected (as opportunities arose) from 61 subtidal locations (mostly oyster beds) around Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Three species were identified from the area.Balanus improvisus dominated, comprising 83% of the 8,231 barnacles identified, and was collected at all locations but one. It occurred over a collection salinity range of 0.8‰ to 17.9‰.Balanus subalbidus (14% of the barnacles identified) was collected over the same salinity range, but mainly in lower salinity waters.Balanus eburneus was scarce (2% of the barnacles identified) and was collected at higher salinities (8.5‰ to 17.1‰).  相似文献   

We investigated spatial correlations between wave forcing, sea level fluctuations, and shoreline erosion in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay (CB), in an attempt to identify the most important relationships and their spatial patterns. We implemented the Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) model and a parametric wave model from the USEPA Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) to simulate wave climate in CB from 1985 to 2005. Calibrated sea level simulations from the CBP hydrodynamic model over the same time period were also acquired. The separate and joint statistics of waves and sea level were investigated for the entire CB. Spatial patterns of sea level during the high wave events most important for erosion were dominated by local north-south winds in the upper Bay and by remote coastal forcing in the lower Bay. We combined wave and sea level data sets with estimates of historical shoreline erosion rates and shoreline characteristics compiled by the State of Maryland at two different spatial resolutions to explore the factors affecting erosion. The results show that wave power is the most significant influence on erosion in the Maryland CB, but that many other local factors are also implicated. Marshy shorelines show a more homogeneous, approximately linear relationship between wave power and erosion rates, whereas bank shorelines are more complex. Marshy shorelines appear to erode faster than bank shorelines, for the same wave power and bank height. A new expression for the rate of shoreline erosion is proposed, building on previous work. The proposed new relationship expresses the mass rate of shoreline erosion as a locally linear function of the difference between applied wave power and a threshold wave power, multiplied by a structure function that depends on the ratio of water depth to bank height.  相似文献   

During a 14-month phytoplankton study in the lower Chesapeake Bay, there was a bi-modal pattern of population peaks with fall and spring maxima. The phytoplankton was dominated bySkeletonema costatum and other diatoms similar to major dominants found on the continental shelf. The composition in an inlet adjacent to the Bay was similar throughout most of the period, but differed from Bay populations during the summer months when larger concentrations and diversity of phytoflagellates and small sized diatoms occurred. Seasonal phytoplankton assemblages characteristic for the lower and entire Chesapeake Bay are given with the seasonal appearances noted for 219 phytoplankters. The importance of nanophytoplankters, both diatoms and the phytoflagellates, to the total phytoplankton composition is also emphasized.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in phytoplankton biomass and production, total zooplankton biomass, and biomass and potential production rates of the two dominant copepods, Acartia hudsonica (formerly called Acartia clausi) and Acartia tonsa are described for several stations in Narragansett Bay, R.I. Plankton in the bay behaved as a single population with simultaneous changes occurring at the upper bay (Station 5) and the lower bay (Station 1). Phytoplankton biomass was higher in the upper bay ( \(\bar x\) =16.95 mg chl a·m?3) than in the lower bay ( \(\bar x\) =6.37 mg chl a·m?3) and these 0269 0101 V differences in biomass were reflected in the phytoplankton production rates. The zooplankton, which was dominated by A. hudsonica in the spring and early summer and A. tonsa during summer and fall, showed no such consistent differences between the stations. Mean A. hudsonica biomass (St 1, \(\bar x\) ;=82.7 mg dry wt·m?3; St 5, _ \(\bar x\) ;=95.2 mg dry wt·m?3) exceeded that of A. tonsa (St 1, \(\bar x\) ;=56.7 mg dry wt·m?3; St 5, \(\bar x\) ;=60.0 mg dry wt·m?3). Potential production rates of the two Acartia 0269 0101 V spp. were strongly temperature dependent. Despite the higher biomass levels of A. hudsonica, low temperatures resulted in lower potential production rates ( \(\bar x\) ; St 1=7.25 mg C·m?3 day?1; \(\bar x\) ; St 5=10.77mg C·m?3 day?1) and biomass doubling times of up to 9.6 days. Potential production rates of A. tonsa at summer temperatures were high ( \(\bar x\) ; St 1=19.0 mg C·m?3 day?1; \(\bar x\) ; St 5=22.9 mg C·m?3 day?1) and biomass doubling times were generally less than one day.  相似文献   

Submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) have been a prominent feature on the Susquehanna Flats, the shallow, subaqueous delta of the Susquehanna River, Maryland. SAV were absent from the Flats between 1972 and 2000, but have since recovered. While it is well established that SAV can improve water quality by promoting sediment and nutrient retention, it is not well understood how SAV on the Flats modulate sediment input from the Susquehanna River into the Upper Chesapeake Bay over different timescales. This study evaluates sedimentation on the Flats over seasonal to decadal timescales, using naturally occurring radioisotopes (7Be, 210Pb) within the context of SAV biomass and Flats geomorphology. Results indicate that sedimentation on the Flats is both spatially and temporally variable. Although this variability cannot be explained by relationships with grain size and SAV biomass, river discharge, sediment supply, and geometry over the SAV bed likely control sedimentation in this system. Decadal-scale sedimentation is influenced by both flood events and changes in SAV biomass abundance. Average annual sediment accumulation was higher when SAV were present than when SAV were absent. SAV bed area was strongly correlated with average annual accumulation rate. These results suggest that a positive feedback between SAV abundance and accumulation rate exists; however, sediment supply and transport pathways are also important factors.  相似文献   

 The aim of this paper was to analyze the processing and transport of aluminum speciation through the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the Chesapeake Bay landscape. Stream waters were sampled in 14 different streams from the Susquehanna River watershed to the upper reach of Chesapeake Bay. The basic water quality data were documented and Al speciation was evaluated by modified MINEQL computer model. It was found that the increase in acidity in some of the stream waters near New York were closely linked with a marked decline in basic cation concentrations. In these areas, the sum of the toxic forms of Al3+ plus AlOH2+ and Al(OH)2 + concentrations exceeds the critical level of 5 μmol l–1. A potential threat from aluminum may occur. Received: 3 January 2000 · Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   

Six synoptic samplings of nutrient concentrations of the water column and point-source inputs (rivers, sewage treatment plants) were conducted in the Seekonk-Providence River region of Narragansett Bay. Concentrations of nutrients (NH4 +, NO2 ?+NO3 ?, PO4 ?3, dissolved silicon, particulate N, particulate C) were predicted using a conservative, two-layer box model in order to assess the relative influence of external inputs and internal processes on observed concentrations. Although most nutrients were clearly affected by processes internal to the system, external input and mixing explained most of the variability in and absolute magnitude of observed concentrations, especially for dissolved constituents. In the bay as a whole, two functionally distinct regions can now be identified: the Seekonk-Providence River, where dissolved nutrient concentrations are externally controlled and lower Narragansett Bay where internal processes regulate the behavior of nutrients. A preliminary nitrogen budget suggests that the Seekonk-Providence River exports some 95% of the nitrogen entering the system via point sources and bottom water from upper Narragansett Bay.  相似文献   

A 16-month data set of phytoplankton assemblages and environmental parameters were studied in the lower James, York (-Pamunkey), and Rappahannock rivers using several exploratory statistical approaches. Based on species composition and river station relationships, three site groups were established and subsequently identified as predominantly tidal fresh, oligo-mesohaline, and mesohaline sites. Phytoplankton assemblages within these rivers were influenced and subsequently augmented by the onset of the spring freshet which was different in 1986 and 1987. Five temporal assemblages of phytoplankters were also identified and designated into seasonal groupings of spring 1986, summer-fall, summer-winter, fall-winter, and winter-spring 1987. Discriminant analysis (MANOVA) evaluations were made for water quality parameters to site and seasonal phytoplankton assemblages and these relationships are discussed. Moving downstream along an oligohaline-mesohaline gradient, the nitrogen and phosphorus levels decreased and the phytoplankton composition was more similar at several corresponding site locations in the different rivers than at stations relatively close to each other in the same river. Within these data sets approximately 58% of the explained variance was associated with site (spatial) effects, 30% with temporal effects, and 12% with site-temporal interactions. A transition from dominant bloom-producing freshwater diatoms to estuarine species occurs from the tidally influenced freshwater zone downstream. This change may be rapid as the decline ofSkeletonema potamos, or more gradual, as withCyclotella striata andCyclotella meneghiania. These are replaced downstream bySkeletonema costatum, Cyclotella caspia, andLeptocylindrus minimus as dominant species.  相似文献   

Upper Chesapeake Bay can be defined as the segment of the bay extending from its head seaward to the mouth of the Potomac Estuary. The Susquehanna River Estuary provides approximately 87% of the total freshwater input to this reach of the bay. With infrequent exceptions, resulting from summer and early fall hurricanes, the Susquehanna River has a well-defined seasonal flow pattern typical of mid-latitude rivers: high discharge in late winter and early spring, followed by low-to-moderate discharge throughout the summer and autumn. Within this general seasonal framework, there are large year-to-year variations in the magnitude of the early spring freshet and of the summer-fall period of low flow. The large seasonal variations in river flow produce significant responses to this fluctuating signal which are manifested in variations in the milieu of upper Chesapeake Bay. Stratification, circulation, sedimentation, nutrient levels, dissolved oxygen levels, and a number of other important and characteristic properties and processes of the upper bay all are closely coupled to variations in discharge of the Susquehanna River. Effects are not limited to the bay proper. Renewal of the tributary estuaries of the upper bay is controlled by variations in flow of the Susquehanna River.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of hypoxia on macrobenthic communities in the York and Rappahannock Rivers, Chesapeake Bay, in box-core samples before and after hypoxic episodes in 2003 and 2004. Hypoxia occurred in both years and was associated with a decrease in biomass and a shift in community structure toward opportunistic species in both rivers. Long-term data indicate that the frequency of hypoxia in the York has increased over the last 22 years. In previous work from ∼20 years ago, the macrobenthic community structure did not change in response to hypoxia in the York; however, in the present study hypoxia was associated with a reduction in community biomass and a change in community structure. We conclude that currently hypoxia is a more important environmental problem in the York than in previous years. Hypoxia likely negatively affects the estuarine food web, as lower macrobenthic biomass could decrease food availability to epibenthic predators.  相似文献   

We developed an algorithm for calculating habitat suitability for seagrasses and related submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) at coastal sites where monitoring data are available for five water quality variables that govern light availability at the leaf surface. We developed independent estimates of the minimum light required for SAV survival both as a percentage of surface light passing though the water column to the depth of SAV growth (PLW min) and as a percentage of light reaching reaching leaves through the epiphyte layer (PLL min). Value were computed by applying, as inputs to this algorithm, statistically dervived values for water quality variables that correspond to thresholds for SAV presence in Chesapeake Bay. These estimates ofPLW min andPLL min compared well with the values established from a literature review. Calcultations account for tidal range, and total light attenuation is partitioned into water column and epiphyte contributions. Water column attenuation is further partitioned into effects of chlorophylla (chla), total suspended solids (TSS) and other substances. We used this algorithm to predict potential SAV presence throughout the Bay where calculated light available at plant leaves exceededPLL min. Predictions closely matched results of aerial photographic monitoring surveys of SAV distribution. Correspondence between predictions and observations was particularly strong in the mesohaline and polythaline regions, which contain 75–80% of all potential SAV sites in this estuary. The method also allows for independent assessment of effects of physical and chemical factors other than light in limiting SAV growth and survival. Although this algorithm was developed with data from Chesapeake Bay, its general structure allows it to be calibrated and used as a quantitative tool for applying water quality data to define suitability of specific sites as habitats for SAV survival in diverse coastal environments worldwide.  相似文献   

Male, ovigerous female and nonovigerous female blue crabs were collected from seven stations in the lower Chesapeake Bay and lower James River, Virginia. The Kepone concentration in muscle, gonad and hepatopancreas was determined by GC analysis. All crabs from the lower Bay contained little Kepone, while many of those from the lower James River were contaminated. Male crabs contained more Kepone in the backfin muscle than females. Female crabs concentrated Kepone into the gonad, and, to a lesser extent, the hepatopancreas whereas the males did not. Ovigerous female crabs with spent ovaries, had less Kepone in the ovary than the corresponding egg masses. Further, ovigerous females, especially those with spent ovaries, had more Kepone in backfin muscle than nonovigerous females. It is concluded that the differences in Kepone partitioning among tissues of male and female crabs may explain the previously reported observation that males contain more Kepone in the backfin muscle than do females.  相似文献   

A year-long study of incident and underwater light transmittance (400–800 nm) in the Rhode River, Maryland, a tidal tributary to Chesapeake Bay, indicated that light transmittance responded in both intensity and spectral quality to changes in the amount and type of dissolved and suspended materials in the water. At times of relatively clear water, transmittance was similar to that previously reported in the literature for coastal waters. With high concentrations of suspended and dissolved materials in the water, attenuation of irradiance was high in the upper part of the water column and different for the various wave bands, depending on the type of material present. At such times, attenuation was higher in the upper part of the water column under sunny, clear skies than on cloudy days. We believe this to be due to higher concentrations of pigments and suspended particles in the water on sunny days, increasing the scattering and adsorption. A second factor was a lower average cosine on cloudy days, decreasing the effect of scattering on the average path length per meter of depth. High attenuation coefficients in the middle of the spectrum are attributed to accessory pigments. Regression of the diffuse attenuation coefficient on eight water-quality parameters explained up to 93% of the variance in the attenuation coefficient. Chlorophylls a and c and mineral suspensates were the three most important variables for data taken under clear skies. In contrast, under cloudy skies, the three most important variables were different for different wavelengths. Models of irradiance attenuation in turbid estuarine waters require the use of more variables than models for open ocean waters.  相似文献   

Sedimentary furrows in fine-grained sediments have been observed in a variety of settings ranging from the deep ocean and deep lake bottoms to shallow estuaries and are commonly described as persistent, long-term features of the seabed. A series of 12 sidescan sonar surveys over the course of three years reveal that transient, longitudinal sedimentary furrows regularly form and then occasionally dissipate within the middle portion of the York River. Varying furrow morphologies were observed depending on current conditions, ranging from large regularly space (0.7–7 m) linear furrows during low current conditions to large patches of meandering furrows as the mean current increases or no bed forms during the higher current conditions. Based on210Pb and137Cs profiles of kasten cores, differences in physical mixing depths of ∼25 cm between cores collected <2 m apart indicate a high degree of small-scale spatial heterogeneity within the seabed. By documenting the position of kasten cores using a digital sidescan sonar system, we showed that a core taken within a furrow had a mixing depth 15 cm shallower than an adjacent core taken between furrows. A time-series of mixing depths over the 35 mo of the study reveals that, along with the ∼25 cm scale differences in mixing depths due to the formation and destruction of furrows, there is a longer temporal signal of mixing producing 100-cm-scale changes in mixing depths on the annual to interannual time frame. Although the formation and destruction of the furrows appear to be a significant process contributing to decimeter-scale seabed mixing, there is a longer-term unknown process which is controlling the meter-scale seabed mixing.  相似文献   

The relationships between egg production (spawning behavior), larval growth and survival, and environmental conditions that larvae encounter were investigated in the Patuxent River tributary of Chesapeake Bay in 1991. Striped, bass (Morone saxatilis) eggs and larvae occurred predominantly above the salt front where conductivity was ≤800 μmhos cm?1. There were three prominent peaks in egg production, each coinciding with increasing temperatures. Estimated growth rates of 6-d, otolith-aged cohorts, which ranged from 0.15 mm d?1 to 0.22 mm d?1 (mean=0.17 mm d?1), were not demonstrated to differ significantly from each other. Observed zooplankton densities and temperature did not significantly affect growth rates. Stage-specific cumulative mortalities of combined cohorts were calculated for eggs (Zstage=0.20=18.1%), yolk-sac larvae (Zstage=5.80=99.7%), and first-feeding larvae (Zstage=2.95=94.8%). The very high mortality of yolk-sac larvae suggests that dynamic during this stage may have had a major impact on subsquent recruitment. Cohort-specific mortality rates of larvae were variable, ranging from Z=0.045 d?1 to 0.719 d?1, and were strongly temperature-dependent. Cohorts that experiented average temperature <15°C or >20°C during the first 25 d after hatching had significantly higher mortality rates than those which experienced intermediate temperatures. Estimated hatch-date frequencies of larvae ≥8 mm SL indicated goo, very good, and very low potential recruitments for cohorst spawned during early-season (April 2–11), mid-season (April 12–24) and late-season (April 25–May 5), respectively. Because seasonal temperature trends and fluctuations are unpredictable, striped bass females cannot select a spawning time that guarantees their offspring will be exposed to optimum temperatures. Consequently, selection may have occured for spawning over a broad range of temperatures and dates, a behavior insuring that some larval cohorts will encounter favorable temperatures.  相似文献   

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