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Extraterrestrial organic matter in meteorites potentially retains a unique record of synthesis and chemical/thermal modification by parent body, nebular and even presolar processes. In a survey of the elemental and isotopic compositions of insoluble organic matter (IOM) from 75 carbonaceous, ordinary and enstatite chondrites, we find dramatic variations within and between chondrite classes. There is no evidence that these variations correlate with the time and/or location of chondrite formation, or with any primary petrologic or bulk compositional features that are associated with nebular processes (e.g., chondrule and volatile trace element abundances). Nor is there evidence for the formation of the IOM by Fischer-Tropsch-Type synthesis in the nebula or in the parent bodies. The elemental variations are consistent with thermal maturation and/or oxidation of a common precursor. For reasons that are unclear, there are large variations in isotopic composition within and between chondrite classes that do not correlate in a simple way with elemental composition or petrologic type. Nevertheless, because of the pattern of elemental variations with petrologic type and the lack of any correlation with the primary features of the chondrite classes, at present the most likely explanation is that all IOM compositional variations are the result of parent body processing of a common precursor. If correct, the range of isotopic compositions within and between chondrite classes implies that the IOM is composed of several isotopically distinct components whose relative stability varied with parent body conditions. The most primitive IOM is found in the CR chondrites and Bells (CM2). Isotopically, the IOM from these meteorites resembles the IOM in interplanetary dust particles. Chemically, their IOM resembles the CHON particles of comet Halley. Despite the large isotopic anomalies in the IOM from these meteorites, it is uncertain whether the IOM formed in the interstellar medium or the outer Solar System, although the former is preferred here.  相似文献   

The detailed examination of meteorites and interplanetary dust particles provides an opportunity to infer the origin of the organic matter found in primitive Solar System materials. If this organic matter were produced by aqueous alteration of elemental (graphitic or amorphous) carbon on an asteroid, then we would expect to see the organic matter occurring preferentially in interplanetary materials that exhibit evidence of aqueous activity, such as the presence of hydrated silicates. On the other hand, if the organic matter were produced either during the nebula phase of Solar System evolution or in the interstellar medium, we might expect this organic matter to be incorporated into the dust as it formed. In that case pre-biotic organic matter would be present in both the anhydrous and the hydrated interplanetary materials. We have performed carbon X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy on primitive anhydrous and hydrated interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected by NASA from the Earth's stratosphere. We find that organic matter is present in similar types and abundances in both the anhydrous and the hydrated IDPs, and, in the anhydrous IDPs some of this organic matter is the “glue” that holds grains together. These measurements provide the first direct, experimental evidence from the comparison of extraterrestrial samples that the bulk of the pre-biotic organic matter occurs in similar types and abundances in both hydrated and anhydrous samples. This indicates that the bulk of the pre-biotic organic matter in the Solar System did not form by aqueous processing, but, instead, had already formed at the time that primitive, anhydrous dust was being assembled. Thus, the bulk of the pre-biotic organic matter in the Solar System was formed by non-aqueous processing, occurring in either the Solar nebula or in an interstellar environment. Aqueous processing on asteroids may have altered this pre-existing organic matter, but such processing did not affect in any substantial way the C=O content of the organic matter, the aliphatic C-H abundance, or the mean aliphatic chain length.  相似文献   

An analytical electron microscope study of dispersed interplanetary dust aggregates collected in the earth's stratosphere shows that, in spite of their similarities, the aggregates exhibit significant differences in composition, internal morphology, and mineralogy. Of 11 chondritic particles examined, two consist mostly of a noncrystalline chondritic material with atomic (SFe) ≥ 2 in places, one consists of submicron metal and reduced silicate ‘microchondrules’ and sulfide grains embedded in a carbonaceous matrix, and another consists of submicron magnetite-decorated unequilibrated silicate and sulfide grains with thick low-Z coatings. Although the particles are unmetamorphosed by criteria commonly applied for chondritic meteorites, the presence of reduced chemistries and the ubiquity of mafic, instead of hydrated, silicates confirm that they are not simply C1 or C2 chondrite matrix material. The observations indicate that portions of some particles have not been significantly altered by thermal or radiation processes since their assembly, and that the particles probably contain fine debris from diverse processes in the early solar system.  相似文献   

Ionising radiation is an energy source capable of generating and altering complex organic matter. A full understanding of the radiolytic formation and evolution of organic matter is essential to appreciate the budget of organic chemicals that exist in cometary and interstellar ices, carbonaceous meteorites, and to understand the results of analyses of irradiated extraterrestrial organic matter, such as that in cometary nuclei. The effects of ionising radiation on a set of 10 naturally occurring, terrestrial organic assemblages have been revealed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS), carbon isotopic analysis, and stepped combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (SC-IRMS). Progressive radiolytic alteration of biogenic complex-hydrocarbon mixtures induces a decrease in the average size and extent of alkylation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and an increase in the abundance of oxygen-containing compounds, as indicated by Py-GC-MS, and an enrichment in 13C. These changes are attributed to reactions with free radicals, produced by ionising radiation. In contrast, the progressive radiolytic alteration of bitumens proposed to have derived from the radiolytic polymerisation of methane into an organic solid produces, upon pyrolysis, PAH of increasing average size and degree of alkylation. This, the opposite of the trend observed in the irradiated complex-hydrocarbons mixtures, cannot be explained in terms of the radiolytic alteration of a pre-existing array of complex organic molecules. Instead, it suggests the gradual construction of PAH from smaller molecules, supporting the hypothesis of a methane origin. Radiolytic alteration is also associated with a previously unrecognised increase in the mean combustion temperature of organic matter. This leads to predictions regarding the combustion characteristics of the irradiated organic matter present on cometary nuclei. A full understanding of the relationship between the combustion characteristics of organic polymers, radiation dose and the atomic H/C ratio should lead to the better design and implementation of in situ extraterrestrial sample analysis hardware and aid the interpretation of data from such missions. This study establishes predictable organic chemical responses of organic matter, upon exposure to ionising radiation. Our results support proposals that extraterrestrial PAH may be formed by the cosmic irradiation of simple hydrocarbons in interstellar ices. Our data may also be relevant to analogous material formed in other hydrocarbon-rich environments, such as the surface and atmosphere of Titan and other icy bodies, such as comets, and to the results of in situ analyses of extraterrestrial organic matter.  相似文献   

Nitrogen concentrations and isotopic compositions were measured by ion microprobe scanning imaging in two interplanetary dust particles L2021 K1 and L2036 E22, in which imaging of D/H and C/H ratios has previously evidenced the presence of D-rich macromolecular organic components. High nitrogen concentrations of 10-20 wt% and δ15N values up to +400‰ are observed in these D-rich macromolecular components. The previous study of D/H and C/H ratios has revealed three different D-rich macromolecular phases. The one previously ascribed to macromolecular organic matter akin the insoluble organic matter (IOM) from carbonaceous chondrites is enriched in nitrogen by one order of magnitude compared to the carbonaceous chondrite IOM, although its isotopic composition is still similar to what is known from Renazzo (δ15N = +208‰).The correlation observed in macromolecular organic material between the D- and 15N-excesses suggests that the latter originate probably from chemical reactions typical of the cold interstellar medium. These interstellar materials preserved to some extent in IDPs are therefore macromolecular organic components with various aliphaticity and aromaticity. They are heavily N-heterosubstituted as shown by their high nitrogen concentrations >10 wt%. They have high D/H ratios >10−3 and δ15N values ≥ +400‰. In L2021 K1 a mixture is observed at the micron scale between interstellar and chondritic-like organic phases. This indicates that some IDPs contain organic materials processed at various heliocentric distances in a turbulent nebula. Comparison with observation in comets suggests that these molecules may be cometary macromolecules. A correlation is observed between the D/H ratios and δ15N values of macromolecular organic matter from IDPs, meteorites, the Earth and of major nebular reservoirs. This suggests that most macromolecular organic matter in the inner solar system was probably issued from interstellar precursors and further processed in the protosolar nebula.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight monocarboxylic acids are the most abundant water soluble organic compounds in the Murchison and many other CM type carbonaceous chondrites. In this study, we examined the monocarboxylic acids in Murchison and EET96029.20 carbonaceous meteorites using a new sample preparation and introduction technique for gas chromatograph recently developed for volatile, water-soluble organic compounds: solid phase micro-extraction (SPME). We identified more than 50 monocarboxylic acids from Murchison compared with the 18 compounds reported previously. Formic acid, a known interstellar molecule, has been fully analyzed in these carbonaceous meteorites, with its δD value suggesting an interstellar origin. We determined both carbon and hydrogen isotopic ratios of individual monocarboxylic acids in Murchison, to better define the origins and genetic relationships of these compounds. The compound-specific isotopic data reveal a large enrichment in 13C (δ13C up to + 32.5) and particularly D (δD up to + 2024). The branched acids are substantially enriched in both 13C and D relative to the straight chain acids, with those branched acids containing a quaternary carbon showing the greatest isotopic enrichment. The isotopic difference may be attributed to variations in the different synthetic regimes or terrestrial input of straight chain acids.  相似文献   

The δD values of over 40 amino acids and two pyridine carboxylic acids of the Murchison and Murray meteorites have been obtained by compound-specific isotopic analyses. For compounds with no known terrestrial distribution, these values range from approximately +330 (for cyclic leucine) to +3600 (for 2-amino-2,3-dimethylbutyric acid). The latter value is the highest ever recorded for a soluble organic compound in meteorites and nears deuterium to hydrogen ratios observed remotely in interstellar molecules. Deuterium content varies significantly between molecular species and is markedly higher for amino acids having a branched alkyl chain. The δD value of Murray l-isovaline, with an enantiomeric excess of ∼ 6% in the meteorite, was within experimental error of that determined for the combined dl-isovaline enantiomers. Overall, the hydrogen isotope composition of meteoritic amino acids is relatively simple and their δD values appear to vary more with the structure of their carbon chains than with the number and relative distribution of their functionalities or 13C content. The magnitude and extent of deuterium enrichment shared by many and varied amino acids in meteorites indicate that cosmic regimes such as those found in the interstellar medium were capable of producing, if not all the amino acids directly, at least a suite of their direct precursors that was abundant, varied, and considerably saturated.  相似文献   

We detected additional CAI-like material in STARDUST mission samples of comet 81P/Wild 2. Two highly refractory cometary dust fragments were identified in the impact track 110 [C2012, 0, 110, 0, 0] by applying high resolution synchrotron induced confocal and conventional XRF analysis (HR SR-XRF). The use of a polycapillary lens in front of the detector for confocal spectroscopy dramatically improves the fidelity of particle measurements by removing contribution from the surrounding aerogel. The high spatial resolution (300 × 300 nm2; 300 × 1000 nm2) obtained allowed the detailed non-destructive in situ (trapped in aerogel) study of impacted grains at the sub-μm level.For the two largest particles of the track, the terminal particle and a second particle along the impact track, Ca concentration is up to 30 times higher than CI and Ti is enriched by a factor of 2 compared to CI. High resolution (HR) SR-XRF mapping also reveals that the highest concentrations of Ca, Ti, Fe (and Ni) measured within each grain belongs to different areas of the respective maps which indicate that the particles are composed of several chemically diverse mineral phases. This is in agreement with the finding of a complex phase assemblage of highly refractory minerals in the first ever detected Stardust mission CAI grain “Inti” of Track 25.Principle component analysis (PCA) is a powerful tool for extracting the dominant mineral components and was applied to the two grains indicating that regions in the terminal particle and the second particle are consistent with anorthite or grossite and gehlenite, monticellite or Dmitryivanovite (CaAl2O4), respectively.Our new findings demonstrate that the HR SR-XRF with confocal geometry and PCA analysis is capable of identifying CAI-like fragments without the need to extract particles from the aerogel matrix which is a time-consuming, complex and destructive process.Furthermore, the detection of new CAI-like fragments in the coma dust of comet 81P/Wild 2 strengthens the observation that strong mixing effects and, therefore, mass transport before or during comet formation must have occurred at least up to the region where Kuiper Belt comets formed (30 AU).  相似文献   

Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are often considered as abundant and widespread organic structures in the universe and such structures are known to build the macromolecular network of the organic matter in carbonaceous chondrites. Assuming that interstellar PAHs are properly identified from infrared bands, these meteoritic aromatic moieties can be compared with their interstellar counterpart. The main structural parameters of the aromatic units of the insoluble organic matter of the Orgueil and Murchison chondrites are directly determined through high resolution transmission electron microscopy along with image analysis. These aromatic moieties appear weakly organized and of a smaller size than those present in the interstellar medium (containing ∼30 and ∼150 C atoms). Provided chondritic and interstellar polyaromatic hydrocarbons are derived from a similar organosynthesis, the smaller units were selectively preserved in meteorites, likely thanks to their fast accumulation on grains, which would protect them from solar UV photodissociation at the surface of the protosolar disk.  相似文献   

The results of a detailed study on mineralogy, chemistry, and the carbon and oxygen isotopes of two exotic Krymka carbonaceous xenoliths are presented in this article. The investigated xenoliths are metamorphosed and shocked and have the following characteristics, which distinguish them from the Krymka host: 1. resemblance of their SiO2/MgO ratio to that of carbonaceous chondrites; 2. higher Fe content and FeO/(FeO + MgO) ratio; 3. lower concentration of Si, Ca, Al and an enrichment of S and probably of Ag; 4. smaller sizes and lower content (10 vol%) of chondrules and their clasts, and correspondingly higher content of matrix; 5. dominance of porphyritic chondrules and lack of nonporphyritic chondrules; 6. occurrence of an amoeboid olivine grain with 16O-rich composition; 7. existence of carbon in three different forms: graphite, carbon-rich material, and organic compounds.The bulk chemistry of the xenoliths is similar, but not identical, to that of carbonaceous chondrites, suggesting that they represent a chondrite parent body that has not been previously sampled. Among any known type of meteoritic material the mineralogy of the xenoliths corresponds only to that of other Krymka graphite-containing xenoliths. It differs, however, from the latter by having a lower grade of metamorphism. We infer that metamorphism of the primary carbonaceous body of the xenoliths and/or shock of the Krymka parent body are responsible for the major metamorphic alteration of the xenoliths, including the crystallization of graphite from primary organic compounds.A comparison of the features of the Krymka xenoliths with the inferred characteristics of cometary meteorites attests that their genetic relationship to cometary material remains highly inconclusive.  相似文献   

We have investigated the presolar grain inventories of two CR chondrites, QUE 99177 and MET 00426, which are less altered than most members of this meteorite group. Both meteorites contain high abundances of O-anomalous presolar grains, with concentrations of 220 ± 40 and 160 ± 30 ppm for QUE 99177 and MET 00426, respectively. The presolar grain inventories are dominated by ferromagnesian silicates with group 1 oxygen isotopic compositions, indicative of origins in low mass red giant or asymptotic giant branch stars. Grains with pyroxene-like compositions are somewhat more common than those with olivine-like compositions, but most grains are non-stoichiometric with compositions intermediate between these two phases, consistent with recent work suggesting that amorphous interstellar silicates have stoichiometries between olivine and pyroxene type silicates. Although structural data are not available, one grain contains only Si and O, and has a stoichiometry consistent with SiO2.Our presolar grains are much more Fe-rich than predicted by astronomical observations. Although secondary alteration may play a role in enhancing the Fe contents of presolar grains, it seems unlikely that the large and ubiquitous Fe enrichments observed in the grains from this study can be due only to secondary processing, particularly given the highly primitive nature of these two meteorites. Grain condensation in the stellar outflows where these grains formed likely proceeded under rapidly changing kinetic conditions that may have enhanced the incorporation of Fe into the grains over that expected based on equilibrium condensation theory.Both QUE 99177 and MET 00426 appear to contain unusually low abundances of oxide grains and have higher silicate/oxide ratios than other primitive meteorites analyzed to date. We explore various possibilities for this discrepancy, but note that most scenarios are not likely to result in the preferential destruction of oxides relative to silicates. Thus, the highest silicate/oxide ratios, such as those observed in the CR chondrites, should reflect the true initial proportions of presolar silicate and oxide grains in the parent molecular cloud from which the solar nebula evolved.  相似文献   

A possibility of an efficient condensation of heavy elements, such as iron, on the surface of dust grains in interstellar molecular clouds is studied. A high rate of dust destruction in the interstellar medium from one side, and a high degree of heavy elements depletion from the other indicate that the freezing-out of metals should be efficient in interstellar (predominantly molecular) clouds. This is possible only due to betatron acceleration of dust grains behind shocks that originate under intersection of supersonic turbulent flow. Estimates of the heavy elements depletion due to condensation on the surface of dust grains are given.  相似文献   

From their birth as condensates in the outflows of oxygen-rich evolved stars, processing in interstellar space, and incorporation into disks around new stars, amorphous silicates predominate in most astrophysical environments. Amorphous silicates were a major building block of our Solar System and are prominent in infrared spectra of comets. Anhydrous interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) thought to derive from comets contain abundant amorphous silicates known as GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfides) grains. GEMS grains have been proposed to be isotopically and chemically homogenized interstellar amorphous silicate dust. We evaluated this hypothesis through coordinated chemical and isotopic analyses of GEMS grains in a suite of IDPs to constrain their origins. GEMS grains show order of magnitude variations in Mg, Fe, Ca, and S abundances. GEMS grains do not match the average element abundances inferred for ISM dust containing on average, too little Mg, Fe, and Ca, and too much S. GEMS grains have complementary compositions to the crystalline components in IDPs suggesting that they formed from the same reservoir. We did not observe any unequivocal microstructural or chemical evidence that GEMS grains experienced prolonged exposure to radiation.We identified four GEMS grains having O isotopic compositions that point to origins in red giant branch or asymptotic giant branch stars and supernovae. Based on their O isotopic compositions, we estimate that 1-6% of GEMS grains are surviving circumstellar grains. The remaining 94-99% of GEMS grains have O isotopic compositions that are indistinguishable from terrestrial materials and carbonaceous chondrites. These isotopically solar GEMS grains either formed in the Solar System or were completely homogenized in the interstellar medium (ISM). However, the chemical compositions of GEMS grains are extremely heterogeneous and seem to rule out this possibility. Based on their solar isotopic compositions and their non-solar elemental compositions we propose that most GEMS grains formed in the nebula as late-stage non-equilibrium condensates.  相似文献   

A model describing the main processes determining the evolution of hydrocarbon dust grains of arbitrary size under astrophysical conditions corresponding to regions of ionized hydrogen (HII regions) and supernova remnants is presented. The processes considered include aromatization and photodestruction, sputtering by electrons and ions, and shattering during collisions between grains. The model can be used to calculate the size distribution of the grains and the degree of aromatization during the evolution of HII regions and supernova remnants for a specified radiation field, relative velocity between the gas and dust, etc. The contribution of various processes to the evolution of hydrocarbon dust grains for parameters typical for the interstellar medium of our Galaxy is considered. Small grains (with fewer than 50 carbon atoms) should be fully aromatized in the interstellar medium. If larger grains initially have an aliphatic structure, this is preserved to a substantial extent. Variation in the size distribution of the grains due to collisions between grains depend appreciably on the adopted initial size distribution. With an initial distribution corresponding to that of Mathis et al. (1977), the mass fraction contributed by smaller grains tends to increase with time, while, with an initial distribution corresponding to that of Jones et al. (2013), in which the fraction of small grains is initially high, there is a general decrease in the number of grains of various sizes with time.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotopes were measured in four chondritic hydrated interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and five chondritic anhydrous IDPs including two GEMS-rich particles (Glass embedded with metal and sulfides) by a combination of high precision and high lateral resolution ion microprobe techniques.All IDPs have isotopic compositions tightly clustered around that of solar system planetary materials. Hydrated IDPs have mass-fractionated oxygen isotopic compositions similar to those of CI and CM carbonaceous chondrites, consistent with hydration of initially anhydrous protosolar dust. Anhydrous IDPs have small 16O excesses and depletions similar to those of carbonaceous chondrites, the largest 16O variations being hosted by the two GEMS-rich IDPs. Coarse-grained forsteritic olivine and enstatite in anhydrous IDPs are isotopically similar to their counterparts in comet Wild 2 and in chondrules suggesting a high temperature inner solar system origin. The small variations in the 16O content of GEMS-rich IDPs suggest that most GEMS either do not preserve a record of interstellar processes or the initial interstellar dust is not 16O-rich as expected by self-shielding models, although a larger dataset is required to verify these conclusions.Together with other chemical and mineralogical indicators, O isotopes show that the parent-bodies of carbonaceous chondrites, of chondritic IDPs, of most Antarctic micrometeorites, and comet Wild 2 belong to a single family of objects of carbonaceous chondrite chemical affinity as distinct from ordinary, enstatite, K- and R-chondrites. Comparison with astronomical observations thus suggests a chemical continuum of objects including main belt and outer solar system asteroids such as C-type, P-type and D-type asteroids, Trojans and Centaurs as well as short-period comets and other Kuiper Belt Objects.  相似文献   

Nanoglobules are a form of organic matter found in interplanetary dust particles and primitive meteorites and are commonly associated with 15N and D isotopic anomalies that are suggestive of interstellar processes. We report the discovery of two isotopically-anomalous organic globules from the Stardust collection of particles from Comet 81P/Wild 2 and compare them with nanoglobules from the Murchison CM2 meteorite. One globule from Stardust Cometary Track 80 contains highly aromatic organic matter and a large 15N anomaly (δ15N = 1120‰). Associated, non-globular, organic matter from this track is less enriched in 15N and contains a mixture of aromatic and oxidized carbon similar to bulk insoluble organic material (IOM) from primitive meteorites. The second globule, from Cometary Track 2, contains non-aromatic organic matter with abundant nitrile (CN) and carboxyl (COOH) functional groups. It is significantly enriched in D (δD = 1000‰) but has a terrestrial 15N/14N ratio. Experiments indicate that similar D enrichments, unaccompanied by 15N fractionation, can be reproduced in the laboratory by electron irradiation of epoxy or cyanoacrylate. Thus, a terrestrial origin for this globule cannot be ruled out, and, conversely, exposure to high-energy electron irradiation in space may be an important factor in producing D anomalies in organic materials. For comparison, we report two Murchison globules: one with a large 15N enrichment and highly aromatic chemistry analogous to the Track 80 globule and the other only moderately enriched in 15N with IOM-like chemistry. The observation of organic globules in Comet 81P/Wild 2 indicates that comets likely sampled the same reservoirs of organic matter as did the chondrite parent bodies. The observed isotopic anomalies in the globules are most likely preserved signatures of low temperature (<10 K) chemistry in the interstellar medium or perhaps the outer regions of the solar nebula. In other extraterrestrial samples, D isotopic anomalies, but not those of 15N, may be explained in part by exposure to ionizing electron radiation.  相似文献   

Isotopic data for C, H and N in acid-resistant residues from carbonaceous chondrites show substantial variability during stepwise pyrolysis and/or combustion. After subtraction of contributions due apparently to inorganic C grains, of probably circumstellar origin, considerable isotopic variability remains, attributable to the kerogen-like organic fraction. That variability may be interpreted in terms of three or four distinct components, based on C, H and N isotopes. The relative proportions of those components vary significantly from sample to sample. The different isotopic components are tentatively identified in terms of specific chemical/structural moieties within the kerogen-like material. This combination of chemical, structural and isotopic information suggests a complex history for meteoritic organic matter. At least three components within the organic population as a whole still carry a signature of apparently interstellar Denrichment. Part, at least, of the interstellar carrier consisted of reactive entities, not solely polymers.  相似文献   

The Precambrian is the longest and least understood period in the history of our planet. There is no direct evidence which bears on the primitive Earth environment, the synthesis of organic compounds and the origin of life on our planet, since the geological record only goes back to 3.8 Ga ago. To overcome this deficiency it is necessary to extrapolate backwards from 3.8 Ga ago to the time when the Earth was formed, 4.6 Ga ago, and also make use of additional scientific approaches. These include models of the solar nebula and planet formation, comparative observations with other cosmic environments, and experimental simulation studies under plausible primitive Earth conditions, particularly in regard to the prebiological synthesis of organic compounds. A large number of interstellar organic molecules have been detected by radioastronomy in the interstellar medium, particularly in places where other solar systems may be in the process of formation. It is remarkable that 10 of these molecules are known to be the precursors of the most important biochemical monomers. Furthermore, some of these monomers, e.g., amino acids, purines and pyrimidines, have also been detected in carbonaceous chondrites, which were presumably synthesized on the parent bodies of the meteorites or possibly in the solar nebula. Comparative studies on the terrestrial planets indicate that their primitive atmospheres resulted primarily from outgassing of CO2 and other partially oxidized (CO, N2) and reduced (H2, CH4, NH3, H2S) volatiles. Furthermore, comets and meteorites are thought to have made a significant contribution to the reduced carbon precursors for the prebiological synthesis of biochemical compounds. A brief review of the experiments carried out in the laboratory under possible primitive Earth conditions shows that amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, monosaccharides, fatty acids and other compounds are readily obtained using different energy sources. However, the formation of oligopeptides, oligonucleotides and phospholipids requires more restrictive conditions. They have been synthesized by means of condensing agents, such as cyanamide, as well as by heating under relatively dry conditions of less than 100°C. Experiments have been carried out on the formation of liposomes from prebiotically synthesized phospholipids. Also, using 2-methylimidazolide derivatives of nucleotides, the template directed synthesis of polynucleotides has been demonstrated. In the latter experiments a high fidelity of complementary base pairing has been observed, which if further improved would approach that of enzyme catalyzed replication. However, it is not known how the prebiologically synthesized polymers became organized into a self-replicating system. At any rate the first living systems were probably very rudimentary heterotrophic micro-organisms which used organic compounds from the environment for both cell components and energy. They were probably followed by fermenters and eventually by autotrophic CO2 reducing micro-organisms similar to the methanogenic and photosynthetic bacteria.  相似文献   

地外有机化合物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
球粒陨石中的有机化合物起源于星际介质,是构成太阳星云的初始组分,并与其他物质一起吸积形成小行星和行星。在小行星内,有机质经历了不同程度的水蚀变和热变质作用。球粒陨石中的有机化合物尽管是非生命成因,但组成极为复杂,主要是类似于干酪根的大分子物质,以及少量可溶性有机物。大部分可溶有机分子也发现于地球生物圈,但前者可具有完全不同的H、C、N等同位素组成,这也是它们来源于地球之外的重要证据。星云中宇宙线和紫外线(UV)的辐射、小行星的热变质和水蚀变,是地外有机质演化的主要过程。球粒陨石中的有机质是地球生命起源的物质基础,是生命起源不可或缺的重要环节。同样重要的是,大量的火星探测表明,火星历史上有过满足生命存在的基本条件,而在火星陨石中还发现了一些生物活动相关的线索。未来很可能首先在火星上发现地外生命存在的证据。  相似文献   

This review provides an introduction to presolar grains - preserved stardust from the interstellar molecular cloud from which our solar system formed - found in primitive meteorites. We describe the search for the presolar components, the currently known presolar mineral populations, and the chemical and isotopic characteristics of the grains and dust-forming stars to identify the grains’ most probable stellar sources.  相似文献   

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