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We present MERLIN and VLA observations at 1.4 and 5 GHz of the diffuse radio emission in the centre of M82. We detect a large expanding shell of ionized gas surrounding the brightest supernova remnant 41.95+57.5 with a diameter of ∼100 pc and an expansion velocity of ∼100 km s−1. We observe a 50-pc-scale 'blow-out' from this region, in the form of a 'cone' of missing 5-GHz continuum emission, which appears to be an excellent example of a galactic chimney.
On larger radio scales, we observe four chimney structures extending out to the north ∼100–200 pc along the minor axis. One of these features is almost certainly related to the 50-pc-scale blow-out from 41.95+57.5, although this is not the most prominent feature. The other features have also been traced to expulsion of material from the very centre by using an 'unsharp masked' image from 5-GHz VLA B-array observations, with the supernova remnant removed.
We interpret these chimney features as the base of the superwind, which implies that the ejection of material into the halo does not occur smoothly over the starburst region. Instead, very localized venting of hot gas is clearly in evidence.  相似文献   

We report on the analysis of a deep (100-ks) observation of the starburst galaxy M82 with the EPIC and RGS instruments onboard the X-ray telescope XMM–Newton . The broad-band (0.5–10 keV) emission is due to at least three spectral components: (i) continuum emission from point sources; (ii) thermal plasma emission from hot gas; and (iii) charge-exchange emission from neutral metals (Mg and Si). The plasma emission has a double-peaked differential emission measure, with the peaks at ∼0.5 and ∼7 keV. Spatially resolved spectroscopy has shown that the chemical absolute abundances are not uniformly distributed in the outflow, but are larger in the outskirts and smaller close to the galaxy centre. The abundance ratios also show spatial variations. The X-ray-derived oxygen abundance is lower than that measured in the atmospheres of red supergiant stars, leading to the hypothesis that a significant fraction of oxygen ions have already cooled off and no longer emit at energies ≳0.5 keV.  相似文献   

We analyse Chandra High Resolution Camera observations of the starburst galaxy M82, concentrating on the most luminous X-ray source. We find a position for the source of         (J2000) with a 1 σ radial error of 0.7 arcsec. The accurate X-ray position shows that the luminous source is neither at the dynamical centre of M82 nor coincident with any suggested radio AGN candidate. The source is highly variable between observations, which suggests that it is a compact object and not a supernova or remnant. There is no significant short-term variability within the observations. Dynamical friction and the off-centre position place an upper bound of 105–106 M on the mass of the object, depending on its age. The X-ray luminosity suggests a compact object mass of at least 500 M. Thus the luminous source in M82 may represent a new class of compact object with a mass intermediate between those of stellar-mass black hole candidates and supermassive black holes.  相似文献   

We present the first imaging X-ray observation of the highly inclined  ( i = 78°)  Sab Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 6810 using XMM–Newton , which reveals soft X-ray emission that extends out to a projected height of ∼7 kpc away from the plane of the galaxy. The soft X-ray emission beyond the optical disc of the galaxy is most plausibly extraplanar, although it could instead come from large galactic radius. This extended X-ray emission is spatially associated with diffuse Hα emission, in particular with a prominent 5-kpc-long Hα filament on the north-west of the disc. A fraction ≲35 per cent of the total soft X-ray emission of the galaxy arises from projected heights  | z | ≥ 2 kpc  . Within the optical disc of the galaxy the soft X-ray emission is associated with the star-forming regions visible in ground-based Hα and XMM–Newton optical monitor near-UV imaging. The temperature, supersolar α-element-to-iron abundance ratio, soft X-ray/Hα correlation, and X-ray to far-infrared (FIR) flux ratio of NGC 6810 are all consistent with local starbursts with winds, although the large base radius of the outflow would make NGC 6810 one of the few 'disc-wide' superwinds currently known. Hard X-ray emission from NGC 6810 is weak, and the total   E = 2–10 keV  luminosity and spectral shape are consistent with the expected level of X-ray binary emission from the old and young stellar populations. The X-ray observations provide no evidence of any active galactic nucleus activity. We find that the optical, IR and radio properties of NGC 6810 are all consistent with a starburst galaxy, and that the old classification of this galaxy as a Seyfert 2 galaxy is probably incorrect.  相似文献   

We present VLA A-array 21-cm atomic hydrogen (H  i ) absorption observed against the central region of the starburst galaxy M82 with an angular resolution of ∼1.3 arcsec (≃20 pc). These observations, together with MERLIN H  i absorption measurements, are compared with the molecular (CO) and ionized ([Ne  ii ]) gas distributions and are used to constrain the dynamics and structure of the ionized, neutral and molecular gas in this starburst.
A position–velocity diagram of the H  i distribution reveals an unusual 'hole' feature which, when previously observed in CO, has been interpreted as an expanding superbubble contained within a ring of gas in solid body rotation. However, we interpret this feature as a signature of a nearly edge-on barred galaxy. In addition, we note that the CO, H  i and [Ne  ii ] position–velocity diagrams reveal two main velocity gradients, and we interpret these as gas moving on x1- and x2-orbits within a bar potential. We find the best fit to the data to be produced using a bar potential with a flat rotation curve velocity v b=140 km s−1 and a total length of 1 kpc, a non-axisymmetry parameter q =0.9, an angular velocity of the bar Ωb=217 km s−1 arcsec−1, a core radius R c=25 pc, an inclination angle i =80° and a projected angle between the bar and the major axis of the galaxy φ '=4°. We also discuss the orientation of the disc and bar in M82.  相似文献   

We report results from a spectral and timing analysis of M82 X-1, one of the brightest known ultraluminous X-ray sources. Data from a new 105-ks XMM–Newton observation of M82 X-1, performed in 2004 April, and of archival RossiXTE observations are presented. A very soft thermal component is present in the XMM spectrum. Although it is not possible to rule out a residual contamination from the host galaxy, modelling it with a standard accretion disc would imply a black hole (BH) mass of  ≈103 M  . An emission line was also detected at an energy typical for fluorescent Fe emission. The power density spectrum of the XMM observation shows a variable Quasi-Periodic Oscillation (QPO) at frequency of 113 mHz with properties similar to those discovered by Strohmayer and Mushotzky. The QPO was also found in seven archival RXTE observations, that include those analysed by Strohmayer and Mushotzky, and Fiorito and Titarchuk. A comparison of the properties of this QPO with those of the various types of QPOs observed in Galactic black hole candidates strongly suggests an association with the type-C, low-frequency QPOs. Scaling the frequency inversely to the BH mass, the observed QPO frequency range (from 50 to 166 mHz) would yield a BH mass anywhere in the interval few tens to  1000  M  .  相似文献   

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