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利用2007—2013年福建省区域自动站和基本气象站小时降水观测资料,确定精细时空尺度上热带气旋暴雨突然增幅的阈值标准,分析暴雨突然增幅的时空分布特征及其与同期热带气旋之间的关系。结果表明:满足1 h、3 h和6 h暴雨突然增幅的热带气旋个例数随时间分辨率的降低而明显减少;3 h突增个例数主要出现在6—10月,且个例数和突增次数年分布总体呈上升趋势,突增次数日变化呈现"三峰型",高值区位于17—20时;暴雨突然增幅的热带气旋大多数在福建中南部沿海登陆,且不同的热带气旋中,强度较弱时发生突增次数较多,极值最大;暴雨突然增幅大多数发生在热带气旋登陆后24 h、距中心400 km内、西南方向,与登陆路径有关。对比分析了热带气旋登陆福建前后暴雨突然增幅的特征,发现登陆中部的热带气旋个数最多、暴雨突增次数也最多;热带气旋登陆后暴雨突增次数明显比登陆前多。  相似文献   




热带气旋暴雨增幅造成北方特大暴雨的预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用人工神经元网络的非线性决策特性,采用前向多层的误差反向传输网络,研制了一个登陆北上热带气旋暴雨增幅造成北方特大暴雨的预报方法--能自动判虽有无暴雨增幅及其出现地区的人工神经元分类预报网络。该方法简便客观,试用效果较好,即可投入业务使用。  相似文献   

华北地区登陆北上热带气旋的暴雨增幅研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
根据1956 ̄1991年的《台风年鉴》资料,研究登陆北上的热带气旋造成华北地区暴雨增幅的天气气候规律,提出确定暴雨增幅的标准,为建立预报判据提供了依据。  相似文献   

沈树勤  胡洛林 《气象科学》1997,17(3):290-297
本文以9015号热带气旋登陆后造成的省淮以南大暴雨天气为例,与8闪一般暴雨天气的热力动力条件进行对比,分析它们之间的异同点,并利用二维点尺度力学模式对地面中尺度锋区引起民环流进行模拟试验,结果表明,在热带气旋伸向东北部一条辐合线的偏北旗帜的中尺度锋区驱动扰动涡旋,在涡旋的上升部位可对大暴雨有增幅作用。  相似文献   

热带气旋与河北特大暴雨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙寿全  魏文秀 《气象》1995,21(7):34-37
利用1965-1994年资料统计表明,约有70%左右的河北特大暴雨与西太平洋热带气旋有直接或间接的关系。综合归纳了热带气旋影响的河北特大暴雨的三种类型,并对其中快速发展型进行了进一步的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

广西热带气旋特大暴雨的特征分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  

登陆北上热带气旋的特大暴雨落区探讨   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
朱官忠  赵从兰 《气象》1998,24(11):16-21
由台风降水资料分析发现,登陆北上热带气旋在我国北方地区造成的特大暴雨,集中出现在华北平原西北部和山东 ̄辽东半岛东南部两个相距较远的区域内。对比分析表明,这两个特大暴雨落区的形成,除地形增幅因素外,主要与前期副热带高压位置、热带气旋北上路径及物理量场的分布状况直接相关。同时,相应给出了判别上述两个特大暴雨落区的预报指标和方法。  相似文献   

南海季风槽影响下热带气旋暴雨增幅的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
卢山  吴乃庚  薛登智 《气象》2008,34(6):53-59
使用NASA的热带测雨卫星TRMM资料、常规气象观测降水资料、NCAR/NCEP-2再分析资料及NCEP全球数据同化系统(GDAS)资料,分析研究南海季风槽伴随热带气旋登陆华南而导致热带气旋暴雨强烈增幅的事实,并根据观测事实提出季风槽伴随热带气旋登陆华南的定义.结果表明:(1)南海季风槽伴随热带气旋登陆导致热带气旋降水强烈增幅的天气现象发生在盛夏季节;(2)环流背景表现为副热带高压带状西伸,稳定控制华中一带;同时,西南季风活跃,南海季风槽位于南海北部之时;(3)热带气旋登陆后的填塞消亡时间因为季风槽的伴随而大大延长,热带气旋云系有再生、加强和扩展现象;(4)伴随登陆的季风槽对热带气旋暴雨无论是空间,时间,还是强度上均有强烈增幅作用,热带气旋暴雨在季风槽南侧延伸,尺度可达1500~2500km.  相似文献   

In order to provide an operational reference for tropical cyclone precipitation forecast,this study investigates the spatial distributions of precipitation associated with landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) affecting China using Geostationary Meteorological Satellite 5(GMS5)-TBB dataset.All named TCs formed over the western North Pacific that made direct landfall over China during the period 2001-2009 are included in this study.Based on the GMS5-TBB data,this paper reveals that in general there are four types of distribution of precipitation related to landfalling TCs affecting China.(a) the South-West Type in which there is a precipitation maximum to the southwestern quadrant of TC;(b) the Symmetrical South Type in which the rainfall is more pronounced to the south side of TC in the inner core while there is a symmetrical rainfall distribution in the outer band region;(c) the South Type,in which the rainfall maxima is more pronounced to the south of TC;and(d) the North Type,in which the rainfall maxima is more pronounced to the north of TC.Analyses of the relationship between precipitation distributions and intensity of landfalling TCs show that for intensifying TCs,both the maximum and the coverage area of the precipitation in TCs increase with the increase of TC intensity over northern Jiangsu province and southern Taiwan Strait,while decreasing over Beibu Gulf and the sea area of Changjiang River estuary.For all TCs,the center of the torrential rain in TC shifts toward the TC center as the intensity of TC increases.This finding is consistent with many previous studies.The possible influences of storm motion and vertical wind shear on the observed precipitation asymmetries are also examined.Results show that the environmental vertical wind shear is an important factor contributing to the large downshear rainfall asymmetry,especially when a TC makes landfall on the south and east China coasts.These results are also consistent with previous observational and numerical studies.  相似文献   

登陆粤西的热带气旋降水特征分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
利用1949~2000年《热带气旋年鉴》资料,对51年来登陆粤西的热带气旋在陆地维持时间、不同强度的降水之间的分布、相同量级强降水的分布等进行统计分析,揭示登陆粤西热带气旋降水分布实况和特征。结果表明,登陆粤西的热带气旋在登陆后的维持时间和其造成陆地强降水范围成正相关的关系;热带气旋造成不同强度(暴雨、大暴雨、特大暴雨)的降水在其路径左右侧分布,雨强越大,出现的几率越少;热带气旋登陆后造成的暴雨量级降水在热带气旋路径右侧比左侧产生的几率更大;而大暴雨、特大暴雨落在路径左侧的可能性比落在右侧的可能性大。  相似文献   

Landfalling tropical cyclones(LTCs)include those TCs approaching the land and moving across the coast.Structure and intensity change for LTCs include change of the eye wall,spiral rain band,mesoscale vortices,low-layer shear lines and tornadoes in the envelope region of TC,pre-TC squall lines,remote rain bands,core region intensity and extratropical transition(ET)processes,etc.Structure and intensity change of TC are mainly affected by three aspects,namely,environmental effects,inner core dynamics and underlying surface forcing.Structure and intensity change of coastal TCs will be especially affected by seaboard topography,oceanic stratification above the continental shelf and cold dry continental airflow,etc.Rapid changes of TC intensity,including rapid intensification and sudden weakening and dissipation,are the small probability events which are in lack of effective forecasting techniques up to now.Diagnostic analysis and mechanism study will help improve the understanding and prediction of the rapid change phenomena in TCs.  相似文献   

Following previous studies of the rainfall forecast in Shenzhen owing to landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs), a nonparametric statistical scheme based on the classification of the landfalling TCs is applied to analyze and forecast the rainfall induced by landfalling TCs in the coastal area of Guangdong province, China. All the TCs landfalling with the distance less than 700 kilometers to the 8 coastal stations in Guangdong province during 1950—2013 are categorized according to their landfalling position and intensity. The daily rainfall records of all the 8 meteorological stations are obtained and analyzed. The maximum daily rainfall and the maximum 3 days' accumulated rainfall at the 8 coastal stations induced by each category of TCs during the TC landfall period(a couple of days before and after TC landfalling time) from 1950 to 2013 are computed by the percentile estimation and illustrated by boxplots. These boxplots can be used to estimate the rainfall induced by landfalling TC of the same category in the future. The statistical boxplot scheme is further coupled with the model outputs from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) to predict the rainfall induced by landfalling TCs along the coastal area. The TCs landfalling in south China from 2014 to 2017 and the corresponding rainfall at the 8 stations area are used to evaluate the performance of these boxplots and coupled boxplots schemes. Results show that the statistical boxplots scheme and coupled boxplots scheme can perform better than ECMWF model in the operational rainfall forecast along the coastal area in south China.  相似文献   

热带气旋科学观测试验及研究进展概况   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
由于缺少针对热带气旋背景下的观测资料,使得目前对热带气旋发展演变机理的认识还很有限,这也是当前热带气旋机理研究及数值模式中物理过程参数化方案改进的主要瓶颈。在回顾国内外有关热带气旋的科学试验计划基础上,围绕以提升热带气旋路径和强度预报水平为主线,阐述了不断丰富和发展的热带气旋观测试验的科学目标。从大气观测和海洋观测两个方面,总结了包括飞机探测、下投式探空观测、海上观测平台、地面移动观测、浮标探测等针对热带气旋的观测技术发展概况。基于对热带气旋的观测资料分析,从热带气旋背景下海气相互作用及其对热带气旋的影响、热带气旋边界层结构特征、下投式探空资料在热带气旋研究中的应用等几个方面概述了当前最新的观测研究进展。最后,简要指出了热带气旋观测试验中存在的主要问题及未来发展方向。   相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋迅速增强特征及其影响因子   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选取西北太平洋上热带气旋(TC)24小时风速变化累积频率达95%所对应的15.4 m/s作为迅速增强(RI)的标准,研究了RI个例的基本特征以及TC自身特征因子与环境因子对RI的作用。结果表明,TC迅速增强过程的持续时间平均为33小时,最长可达78小时,并且TC经过迅速增强过程几乎都达到了台风级别以上,其中,一半以上达到了强台风级别以上。对比迅速增强(RI)和非迅速增强(non-RI)个例得到,RI个例相对于non-RI个例发生区域偏南偏东,两者的移动速度没有明显差异,但RI个例有较大向西移动分量并且前12小时增强较大;相对于non-RI个例,RI个例离最大潜在强度较远并且发生在较暖水区和55%~75%的低层相对湿度的条件下;RI个例发生在较小的垂直风切变和较弱的对流层上层东风气流情况下,由上层槽或冷低压引起的强迫弱于平均状况时RI较易发生。TC前12小时强度变化(DVMX)、海表面温度(SST)和垂直风切变(SHR)是影响迅速增强的主要因子,当DVMX≥6.3 m/s时RI发生的可能性最大,达到17.2%。当有若干个影响因子共同起作用时发生RI可能性显著增加,其中以较大的前12小时强度变化(DVMX≥6.3 m/s)、较高的海表面温度(SST≥29.4℃)、较弱的垂直风切变(SHR≤5.9 m/s)、较小的相对涡旋角动量通量辐合(REFC≤-1.6 m/(s.d))、偏东经度(LON≥138.2°E)和低纬度(LAT≤16.7°N)共同作用时,RI发生的可能性达到最大,可达66.7%。  相似文献   

Based on observed rainfall data, this study makes a composite analysis of rainfall asymmetry in tropical cyclones(TCs) after making landfall in Guangdong province(GD) during 1998—2015. There are 3.0 TCs per year on average making landfall in GD and west of GD(WGD) has the most landfall TCs. Most of TCs make landfall in June,July, August, and September at the intensities of TY, STS, and TS. On average, there is more rainfall in the southwest quadrant of TC in CGD(center of GD), WGD, and GD as a whole, and the maximum rainfall is located in the southwest near the TC center. The mean TC rainfall in the east of GD(EGD) leans to the eastern side of TC. The TC rainfall distributions in June, July, August, and September all lean to the southwest quadrant and the maximum rainfall is located in the southwest near the TC center. The same features are found in the mean rainfall of TD, TS, STS, TY,and STY. The maximum rainfall is mainly in the downshear of vertical wind shear. Vertical wind shear is probably the dominate factor that determines asymmetric rainfall distribution of TCs in GD. Storm motion has little connection with TC rainfall asymmetry in GD.  相似文献   

Interannual variability of landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) in China during 1960-2010 is investigated.By using the method of partial least squares regression(PLS-regression),canonical ENSO and ENSO Modoki are identified to be the factors that contribute to the interannual variability of landfalling TCs.El Ni o Modoki years are associated with a greater-than-average frequency of landfalling TCs in China,but reversed in canonical El Ni o years.Significant difference in genesis locations of landfalling TCs in China for the two kinds of El Ni o phases occurs dominantly in the northern tropical western North Pacific(WNP).The patterns of low-level circulation anomalies and outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) anomalies associated with landfalling TC genesis with different types of El Ni o phases are examined.During canonical El Ni o years,a broad zonal band of positive OLR anomalies dominates the tropical WNP,while the circulation anomalies exhibit a meridionally symmetrical dipole pattern with an anticyclonic anomaly in the subtropics and a cyclonic anomaly near the tropics.In El Ni o Modoki years,a vast region of negative OLR anomalies,roughly to the south of 25°N with a strong large-scale cyclonic anomaly over the tropical WNP,provides a more favorable condition for landfalling TC genesis compared to its counterpart during canonical El Ni o years.For more landfalling TCs formed in the northern tropical WNP in El Ni o Modoki years,there are more TCs making landfall on the northern coast of China in El Ni o Modoki years than in canonical El Ni o years.The number of landfalling TCs is slightly above normal in canonical La Ni a years.Enhanced convection is found in the South China Sea(SCS) and the west of the tropical WNP,which results in landfalling TCs forming more westward in canonical La Ni a years.During La Ni a Modoki years,the landfalling TC frequency are below normal,owing to an unfavorable condition for TC genesis persisting in a broad zonal band from 5°N to 25°N.Since the western North Pacific subtropical high(WNPSH) in La Ni a Modoki years is located in the westernmost region,TCs mainly make landfall on the south coast of China.  相似文献   

北上变性热带气旋对辽东半岛降水的影响   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
9711(Winnie)和0509(Matsa)是两个登陆北上影响辽东半岛的变性台风,Matsa直接登陆辽东半岛,但降水量仅为穿过渤海间接影响辽东半岛的Winnie的一半.分析其变性过程与辽东半岛热带气旋降水的关系发现,Winnie和Matsa的降水差异与其北上期间与西风带系统的相互作用密切相关.Winnie变性北上期间被中纬度西风槽"捕获",发生耦合,高层正湿位涡扰动下传,西风带冷空气与热带气旋暖湿气流相互作用,有利于对流云团的生成、发展,在半岛地区产生大暴雨的降水雨带由多个β中尺度云团组成.Matsa在北上变性过程中,只是靠近高空槽底,没有发生耦合,高层正湿位涡扰动不强,没有与低层环流相互作用,冷空气偏南偏弱,变性过程中半岛地区只有1个β中尺度云团生成,降水量较小.  相似文献   

海南热带气旋年际变化与趋势预测   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
利用累积距平,滑动T-检验和Cramer’s,Mam-Kendall等方法对影响海南的热带气旋(TC)的年频数进行趋势分析和突变检测,并利用模糊均生函数正交方法对未来10年TC的年频数进行趋势预测。检测结果,1946年是少台期结束、新的多台期开始的突变点;预测2004年前海南仍处于少台活动期,2005年后可能转入多台活动趋势期。  相似文献   

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