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Models of the production of cosmogenic nuclides typically incorporate an adjustable production rate parameter that is scaled for variations in production with latitude and altitude. In practice, this production rate parameter is set by calibration of the model using cosmogenic nuclide data from sites with independent age constraints. In this paper, we describe a calibration procedure developed during the Cosmic-Ray Produced Nuclide Systematics on Earth (CRONUS-Earth) project and its application to an extensive data set that included both new CRONUS-Earth samples and samples from previously published studies. We considered seven frameworks for elevation and latitude scaling and five commonly used cosmogenic nuclides, 3He, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, and 36Cl. In general, the results show that the calibrated production rates fail statistical tests of goodness-of-fit. One conclusion from the calibration results is that two newly developed scaling frameworks and the widely used Lal scaling framework provide qualitatively similar fits to the data, while neutron-monitor based scaling frameworks have much poorer fit to the data. To further test the fitted models, we computed site ages for a number of secondary sites not included in the primary calibration data set. The root-mean-square percent differences between the median computed ages for these secondary sites and independent ages range from 7.1% to 27.1%, differences that are much larger than the typical uncertainties in the site ages. The results indicate that there are substantial unresolved difficulties in modeling cosmogenic nuclide production and the calibration of production rates.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic 21Ne was utilised to determine exposure ages of young subaerial basaltic lava flows from the Newer Volcanic Province, western Victoria, Australia. The ages (36–53 ka) determined from co-existing cosmogenic 21Ne and 3He in olivines separated from basalts are consistent within analytical uncertainties with ages previously determined by cosmogenic 36Cl exposure dating. This paper illustrates the potential of cosmogenic neon exposure ages in studying the eruption, surface morphology, and erosion history of young volcanic rocks, which are difficult to date using other conventional methods, such as K-Ar or 40Ar/39Ar dating. The present study demonstrates that combined cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne dating, specifically measured cosmogenic 3He/21Ne ratios, on the same samples, is powerful for evaluating the validity of calculated cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne surface exposure ages.  相似文献   

3He is among the most commonly measured terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides, but an incomplete understanding of the 3He production rate has limited robust interpretation of cosmogenic 3He concentrations. We use new measurements of cosmogenic 3He in olivine from a well-dated lava flow at Tabernacle Hill, Utah, USA, to calibrate the local 3He production rate. The new 3He measurements (n = 8) show excellent internal consistency and yield a sea level high latitude (SLHL) production rate of 123 ± 4 at g?1 yr?1 following the Lal (1991)/Stone (2000) scaling model [Lal, D., 1991. Cosmic ray labeling of erosion surfaces: in situ nuclide production rates and erosion models. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 104, 424–439.; Stone, J.O., 2000. Air pressure and cosmogenic isotope production. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 23753–23759.]. We incorporate the new measurements from Tabernacle Hill in a compilation of all published production rate determinations, characterizing the mean global SLHL production rates (e.g. 120 ± 9.4 at g?1 yr?1 with Lal (1991)/Stone (2000)). The internal consistency of the global 3He production rate dataset is as good as the other commonly used cosmogenic nuclides. Additionally, 3He production rates in olivine and pyroxene agree within experimental error. The 3He production rates are implemented in an age and erosion rate calculator, forming a new module of the CRONUS-Earth web-based calculator, a simple platform for cosmogenic nuclide data interpretation [Balco, G., Stone, J., Lifton, N.A., and Dunai, T.J., 2008. A complete and easily accessible means of calculating surface exposure ages or erosion rates from 10Be and 26Al measurements. Quaternary Geochronology, 3, 174–195.]. The 3He calculator is available online at http://www.cronuscalculators.nmt.edu/.  相似文献   

Precise 40Ar/39Ar age determinations made on basalt groundmass collected from the SP and upper and lower Bar Ten lava flows in the San Francisco and Uinkaret volcanic fields of Arizona, USA, yield ages of 72 ± 4, 97 ± 10, and 123 ± 12 ka (2σ; relative to Renne et al., 2010, 2011, full external precision), respectively. Previous ages of the SP lava flow include a K–Ar age of 70 ± 8 ka and OSL ages of 5.5–6 ka. 40Ar/39Ar age constraints, relative to the optimization model of Renne et al. (2010, 2011), of 81 ± 50 and 118 ± 64 ka (2σ; full external precision) were previously reported for the upper and lower Bar Ten lava flows, respectively. The new 40Ar/39Ar ages are within uncertainty of previous age constraints, and are more robust, accurate, and precise. Preliminary cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne production rates from the Bar Ten flows reported by Fenton et al. (2009) are updated here, to account for the improved quality of the 40Ar/39Ar data. The new 40Ar/39Ar age for the SP flow yields cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne production rates for pyroxene (119 ± 8 and 26.8 ± 1.9 at/g/yr; error-weighted mean, 2σ uncertainty; Dunai (2000) scaling method) that are consistent with production rate values reported throughout the literature. The 40Ar/39Ar and cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne data support field observations indicating the SP flow has undergone negligible erosion. The SP flow contains co-existing phenocrysts of olivine and pyroxene, as well as xenocrysts of quartz in a fine-grained groundmass facilitating cross-calibration of cosmogenic production rates and production-rate (3He, 10Be, 14C, 21Ne, 26Al, and 36Cl). Thus, we propose the SP flow is an excellent location for a cosmogenic nuclide production-rate calibration site (SPICE: the SP Flow Production-Rate Inter-Calibration Site for Cosmogenic-Nuclide Evaluations).  相似文献   

The Huancané II moraines deposited by the Quelccaya Ice Cap in southern Peru were selected by the CRONUS-Earth Project as a primary site for evaluating cosmogenic-nuclide scaling methods and for calibrating production rates. The CRONUS-Earth Project is an effort to improve the state of the art for applications of cosmogenic nuclides to earth-surface chronology and processes. The Huancané II moraines are situated in the southern Peruvian Andes at about 4850 m and ∼13.9°S, 70.9°W. They are favorable for cosmogenic-nuclide calibration because of their low-latitude and high-elevation setting, because their age is very well constrained to 12.3 ± 0.1 ka by 34 radiocarbon ages on peat bracketing the moraines, and because boulder coverage by snow or soil is thought to be very unlikely. However, boulder-surface erosion by granular disintegration is observed and a ∼4% correction was applied to measured concentrations to compensate. Samples from 10 boulders were analyzed for 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl. Interlaboratory bias at the ∼5% level was the largest contributor to variability of the 10Be samples, which were prepared by three laboratories (the other two nuclides were only prepared by one laboratory). Other than this issue, variability for all three nuclides was very low, with standard deviations of the analyses only slightly larger than the analytical uncertainties. The site production rates (corrected for topographic shielding, erosion, and radionuclide decay) at the mean site elevation of 4857 m were 45.5 ± 1.6 atoms 10Be (g quartz)−1 yr−1, 303 ± 15 atoms 26Al (g quartz)−1 yr−1, and 1690 ± 100 atoms 36Cl (g K)−1 yr−1. The nuclide data from this site, along with data from other primary sites, were used to calibrate the production rates of these three nuclides using seven global scaling methods. The traditional Lal formulation and the new Lifton-Sato-Dunai calibrations yield average ages for the Huancané samples that are in excellent-to-good agreement with the radiocarbon age control (within 0.7% for 10Be and 36Cl and 6% for 26Al). However, all of the neutron-monitor-based methods yielded ages that were too young by about 20%. The nuclide production ratios at this site are 6.74 ± 0.34 for 26Al/10Be in quartz and 37.8 ± 2.3 (atoms 36Cl (g K)−1) (atom 10Be (g SiO2)−1)−1 for 36Cl/10Be, in sanidine and quartz, respectively.  相似文献   

In-situ cosmogenic 36Cl production rates from spallation of Ca and K determined in several previously published calibration studies differ by up to 50%. In this study we compare whole rock 36Cl exposure ages with 36Cl exposure ages evaluated in Ca-rich plagioclase in the same 10 ± 3 ka lava sample taken from Mt. Etna (Sicily, 38° N). The exposure age of the sample was determined by K–Ar and corroborated by cosmogenic 3He measurements on cogenetic pyroxene phenocrysts. Sequential dissolution experiments showed that high Cl concentrations in plagioclase grains could be reduced from 450 ppm to less than 3 ppm after 16% dissolution. 36Cl exposure ages calculated from the successive dissolution steps of this leached plagioclase sample are in good agreement with K–Ar and 3He age. Stepwise dissolution of whole rock grains, on the other hand, is not as effective in reducing high Cl concentrations as it is for the plagioclase. 330 ppm Cl still remains after 85% dissolution. The 36Cl exposure ages derived are systematically about 30% higher than the ages calculated from the plagioclase. We could exclude contamination by atmospheric 36Cl as an explanation for this overestimate. Magmatic 36Cl was estimated by measuring a totally shielded sample, but was found to account for only an insignificant amount of 36Cl in the case of the 10 ka whole rock sample. We suspect that the overestimate of the whole rock exposure age is due to the difficulty in accurately assessing all the factors which control production of 36Cl by low-energy neutron capture on 35Cl, particularly variable water content and variable snow cover. We conclude that some of the published 36Cl spallation production rates might be overestimated due to high Cl concentrations in the calibration samples. The use of rigorously pretreated mineral separates reduces Cl concentrations, allowing better estimates of the spallation production rates.In the Appendix of this paper we document in detail the equations used. These equations are also incorporated into a 36Cl calculation spreadsheet made available in the supplementary data.  相似文献   

The use of cosmogenic isotopes to determine surface exposure ages has grown rapidly in recent years. The extent to which cosmogenic nuclides can distinguish between mechanistic hypotheses of landscape evolution is an important issue in geomorphology. We present a case study to determine whether surface exposure dating techniques can elucidate the role knickpoint propagation plays in longitudinal profile evolution. Cosmogenically produced 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 3He and 21Ne were measured in olivines collected from 5·2 Ma basalt flows on Kauai, Hawaii. Several obstacles had to be overcome prior to the measurement of In situ-produced radionuclides, including removal of meteoric 10Be from the olivine grains. Discrepancies between the radionuclide and noble gas data may suggest limits for exposure dating. Approximate surface exposure ages calculated from the nuclide concentrations indicate that large boulders may remain in the Hawaiian valley below the knickpoint for hundreds of thousands of years. The ages of samples collected above the knickpoint are consistent with estimates of erosion based on the preservation of palaeosurfaces. Although the exposure ages can neither confirm nor reject the nickpoint hypothesis, boulder ages downstream of the knickpoint are consistent with a wave of incision passing upvalley. The long residence time off the coarse material in the valley bottom further suggests that knickpoint propagation beneath a boulder pile is necessary for incision of the bedrock underlying the boulders to occur. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Well-dated bedrock surfaces associated with the highstand and subsequent catastrophic draining of Pleistocene Lake Bonneville, Utah, during the Bonneville flood are excellent locations for in situ cosmogenic nuclide production rate calibration. The CRONUS-Earth project sampled wave-polished bedrock and boulders on an extensive wave-cut bench formed during the Bonneville-level highstand that was abandoned almost instantaneously during the Bonneville flood. CRONUS-Earth also sampled the Tabernacle Hill basalt flow that erupted into Lake Bonneville soon after its stabilization at the Provo level, following the flood. New radiocarbon dating results from tufa at the margins of Tabernacle Hill as part of this study have solidified key aspects of the exposure history at both sites. Both sites have well-constrained exposure histories in which factors such as potential prior exposure, erosion, and shielding are either demonstrably negligible or quantifiable. Multi-nuclide analyses from multiple labs serve as an ad hoc inter-laboratory comparison that supplements and expands on the formalized CRONUS-Earth and CRONUS-EU inter-laboratory comparisons (Blard et al., 2015; Jull et al., 2015; Vermeesch et al., 2015). Results from 10Be, 26Al, and 14C all exhibit scatter comparable to that observed in the CRONUS-Earth effort. Although a 36Cl inter-laboratory comparison was not completed for Jull et al. (2015), 36Cl from plagioclase mineral separates exhibits comparable reproducibility. Site production rates derived from these measurements provide valuable input to the global production rate calibration described by Borchers et al. (2015). Whole-rock 36Cl concentrations, however, exhibit inter-laboratory variation exceeding analytical uncertainty and outside the ranges observed for the other nuclides (Jull et al., 2015). A rigorous inter-laboratory comparison studying the systematics of whole-rock 36Cl extraction techniques is currently underway with the goals of delineating the source(s) of this discrepancy and standardizing these procedures going forward.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic nuclides in rock, soil, and sediment are routinely used to measure denudation rates of catchments and hillslopes. Although it has been shown that these measurements are prone to biases due to chemical erosion in regolith, most studies of cosmogenic nuclides have ignored this potential source of error. Here we quantify the extent to which overlooking effects of chemical erosion introduces bias in interpreting denudation rates from cosmogenic nuclides. We consider two end‐member effects: one due to weathering near the surface and the other due to weathering at depth. Near the surface, chemical erosion influences nuclide concentrations in host minerals by enriching (or depleting) them relative to other more (or less) soluble minerals. This increases (or decreases) their residence times relative to the regolith as a whole. At depth, where minerals are shielded from cosmic radiation, chemical erosion causes denudation without influencing cosmogenic nuclide buildup. If this effect is ignored, denudation rates inferred from cosmogenic nuclides will be too low. We derive a general expression, termed the ‘chemical erosion factor’, or CEF, which corrects for biases introduced by both deep and near‐surface chemical erosion in regolith. The CEF differs from the ‘quartz enrichment factor’ of previous work in that it can also be applied to relatively soluble minerals, such as olivine. Using data from diverse climatic settings, we calculate CEFs ranging from 1.03 to 1.87 for cosmogenic nuclides in quartz. This implies that ignoring chemical erosion can lead to errors of close to 100% in intensely weathered regolith. CEF is strongly correlated with mean annual precipitation across our sites, reflecting climatic influence on chemical weathering. Our results indicate that quantifying CEFs is crucial in cosmogenic nuclide studies of landscapes where chemical erosion accounts for a significant fraction of the overall denudation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) concentrations measured in river sediments can be used to estimate catchment‐wide denudation rates. By investigating multiple TCN the steadiness of sediment generation, transport and depositional processes can be tested. Measurements of 10Be, 21Ne and 26Al from the hyper‐ to semi‐arid Rio Lluta catchment, northern Chile, yield average single denudation rates ranging from 12 to 75 m Myr–1 throughout the catchment. Paired nuclide analysis reveals complex exposure histories for most of the samples and thus the single nuclide estimates do not exclusively represent catchment‐wide denudation rates. The lower range of single nuclide denudation rates (12–17 m Myr–1), established with the noble gas 21Ne, is in accordance with palaeodenudation rates derived from 21Ne/10Be and 26Al/10Be ratio analysis. Since this denudation rate range is measured throughout the system, it is suggested that a headwater signal is transported downstream but modulated by a complex admixture of sediment that has been stored and buried at proximal hillslope or terrace deposits, which are released during high discharge events. That is best evidenced by the stable nuclide 21Ne, which preserves the nuclide concentration even during storage intervals. The catchment‐wide single 21Ne denudation rates and the palaeodenuation rates contrast with previous TCN‐derived erosion rates from bedrock exposures at hillslope interfluves by being at least one order of magnitude higher, especially in the lower river course. These results support earlier studies that identified a coupling of erosional processes in the Western Cordillera contrasting with decoupled processes in the Western Escarpment and in the Coastal Cordillera. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the spallogenic component of nuclide production are investigated through the use of a physics-based model. Calculated production rates for commonly used nuclides indicate differences in scaling up to 15% at very high altitude. Angular distribution of nuclide forming particles suggests the current method of shielding correction, which is neither altitude nor latitude dependent, can be improved on. Subsurface production profiles suggest that erosion corrections should be performed with non-constant attenuation lengths. Results are parameterized for easy application.  相似文献   

The production rate of cosmogenic 3He in apatite, zircon, kyanite and garnet was obtained by cross-calibration against 10Be in co-existing quartz in glacial moraine boulders from the Nepalese Himalaya. The boulders have 10Be ages between 6 and 16 kyr and span elevations from 3200 to 4800 m. In all of these minerals 3He correlates with 10Be and is dominantly cosmogenic in origin. After modest correction for non-cosmogenic components, 3He/10Be systematics imply apparent sea-level high-latitude (SLHL) apparent production rates for 3He of 226 atoms g? 1 yr? 1 in zircon, 254 atoms g? 1 yr? 1 in apatite, 177 atoms g? 1 yr? 1 in kyanite, and 153 atoms g? 1 yr? 1 in garnet. These production rates are unexpectedly high compared with rates measured elsewhere in the world, and also compared with proposed element-specific production rates. For apatite and zircon, the data are sufficient to conclude that the 3He/10Be ratio increases with elevation. If this reflects different altitudinal scaling between production rates for the two isotopes then the SLHL production rates estimated by our approach are overestimates. We consider several hypotheses to explain these observations, including production of 3He via thermal neutron capture on 6Li, altitudinal variations in the energy spectrum of cosmic-ray neutrons, and the effects of snow cover. Because all of these effects are small, we conclude that the altitudinal variations in production rates of cosmogenic 3He and 10Be are distinct from each other at least at this location over the last ~ 10 kyr. This conclusion calls into question commonly adopted geographic scaling laws for at least some cosmogenic nuclides. If confirmed, this distinction may provide a mechanism by which to obtain paleoelevation estimates.  相似文献   

Climate change and high magnitude mass wasting events pose adverse societal effects and hazards, especially in alpine regions. Quantification of such geomorphic processes and their rates is therefore critical but is often hampered by the lack of appropriate techniques and the various spatiotemporal scales involved in these studies. Here we exploit both in situ cosmogenic beryllium-10 (10Be) and carbon-14 (14C) nuclide concentrations for deducing exposure ages and tracing of sediment through small alpine debris flow catchments in central Switzerland. The sediment cascade and modern processes we track from the source areas, through debris flow torrents to their final export out into sink regions with cosmogenic nuclides over an unprecedented five-year time series with seasonal resolution. Data from a seismic survey and a 90 m core revealed a glacially overdeepened basin, filled with glacial and paraglacial sediments. Surface exposure dating of fan boulders and radiocarbon ages constrain the valley fill from the last deglaciation until the Holocene and show that most of the fan existed in early Holocene times already. Current fan processes are controlled by episodic debris flow activity, snow (firn) and rock avalanches. Field investigations, digital elevation models (DEMs) of difference and geomorphic analysis agree with sediment fingerprinting with cosmogenic nuclides, highlighting that the bulk of material exported today at the outlet of the subcatchments derives from the lower fans. Cosmogenic nuclide concentrations steadily decrease from headwater sources to distal fan channels due to the incorporation of material with lower nuclide concentrations. Further downstream the admixture of sediment from catchments with less frequent debris flow activity can dilute the cosmogenic nuclide signals from debris flow dominated catchments but may also reach thresholds where buffering is limited. Consequently, careful assessment of boundary conditions and driving forces is required when apparent denudation rates derived from cosmogenic nuclide analysis are upscaled to larger regions. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Estimation of spatially averaged denudation rates from cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in sediments depends on the surface production rates, the scaling methods of cosmic ray intensities, and the correction algorithms for skyline, snow and vegetation shielding used to calculate terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide production. While the calculation of surface nuclide production and application of latitude, altitude and palaeointensity scaling algorithms are subjects of active research, the importance of additional correction for shielding by topographic obstructions, snow and vegetation is the subject of ongoing debate. The derivation of an additional correction factor for skyline shielding for large areas is still problematic. One important issue that has yet to be addressed is the effect of the accuracy and resolution of terrain representation by a digital elevation model (DEM) on topographic shielding correction factors. Topographic metrics scale with the resolution of the elevation data, and terrain smoothing has a potentially large effect on the correction of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide production rates for skyline shielding. For rough, high‐relief landscapes, the effect of terrain smoothing can easily exceed analytical errors, and should be taken into account. Here we demonstrate the effect of terrain smoothing on topographic shielding correction factors for various topographic settings, and introduce an empirical model for the estimation of topographic shielding factors based on landscape metrics. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We use a numerical model describing cosmogenic nuclide acquisition in sediment moving through the upper Gaub River catchment to evaluate the extent to which aspects of source area geomorphology and geomorphological processes can be inferred from frequency distributions of cosmogenic 21Ne (21Nec) concentrations in individual detrital grains. The numerical model predicts the pathways of sediment grains from their source to the outlet of the catchment and calculates the total 21Nec concentration that each grain acquires along its pathway. The model fully accounts for variations in nuclide production due to changes in latitude, altitude and topographic shielding and allows for spatially variable erosion and sediment transport rates. Model results show that the form of the frequency distribution of 21Nec concentrations in exported sediment is sensitive to the range and spatial distribution of processes operating in the sediment's source areas and that this distribution can be used to infer the range and spatial distribution of erosion rates that characterise the catchment. The results also show that lithology can affect the form of the 21Nec concentration distribution indirectly by exerting control on the spatial pattern of denudation in a catchment. Model results further indicate that the form of the distribution of 21Nec concentrations in the exported sediment can also be affected by the acquisition of 21Nec after detachment from bedrock, in the diffusive (hillslope) and/or advective (fluvial) domains. However, for such post‐detachment nuclide acquisition to be important, this effect needs to at least equal the nuclide acquisition prior to detachment from bedrock. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In situ Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides (hereafter TCNs) are increasingly important for absolutely dating terrestrial events and processes. This study aimed at improving our knowledge of the production rate of Terrestrial Cosmogenic 3He formed in situ in rock surfaces at low latitude and sea level as well as re-evaluation of the Canary Islands as a calibration site for TCNs. For this purpose, we sampled basaltic lava flows from some of the youngest and yet undated volcanic sites and used the 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating method on groundmass samples and in situ cosmogenic 3He on olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts. 40Ar/39Ar analysis was done on a Hiden HAL Series 1000 triple filter quadrupole mass spectrometer with extraction furnace. Incremental heating data shows ages in the Late Pleistocene from 52.7 ± 21.6 ka to 398.6 ± 27.6 ka.We measured cosmogenic 3He concentrations in olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts from flow top samples on a MAP 215-50 sector mass spectrometer with a crushing device and a diode laser extraction system. Exposure age calculations yielded ages in the range 38.9 ± 4.0 ka to 62.3 ± 6.7 ka for the youngest lava flow and the data series is in broad agreement with the argon data up to 250 ka and reveals a more continuous time line of volcanism during the late Pleistocene on the island. However, the dataset was not sufficient for calculation of production rates for in situ Terrestrial Cosmogenic 3He as many samples showed signs of erosion. Calculated erosion rates range from none to as high as 7.3 mm/kyr assuming a rock density of 2.9 g/cm2. This finding puts a constraint on the use of Fuerteventura as a calibration site for exposure histories older than 50–100 ka. A comparison with cosmogenic 36Cl data supports these findings and indicates substantial weathering.  相似文献   

The noble gas nuclide abundances and isotopic ratios of the upmost layer of Fe-Mn crusts from the western and central Pacific Ocean have been determined. The results indicate that the He and Ar nu- clide abundances and isotopic ratios can be classified into two types: low 3He/4He type and high 3He/4He type. The low 3He/4He type is characterized by high 4He abundances of 191×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1 on average, with variable 4He, 20Ne and 40Ar abundances in the range (42.8―421)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1, (5.40―141)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1, and (773―10976)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1, respectively. The high 3He/4He samples are characterized by low 4He abundances of 11.7×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1 on average, with 4He, 20Ne and 40Ar abundances in the range of (7.57―17.4)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1, (10.4―25.5)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1 and (5354―9050)×10-9 cm3·STP·g-1, respectively. The low 3He/4He samples have 3He/4He ratios (with R/RA ratios of 2.04―2.92) which are lower than those of MORB (R/RA=8±1) and 40Ar/36Ar ratios (447―543) which are higher than those of air (295.5). The high 3He/4He samples have 3He/4He ratios (with R/RA ratios of 10.4―12.0) slightly higher than those of MORB (R/RA=8±1) and 40Ar/36Ar ratios (293―299) very similar to those of air (295.5). The Ne isotopic ratios (20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne ratios of 10.3―10.9 and 0.02774―0.03039, respectively) and the 38Ar/36Ar ratios (0.1886―0.1963) have narrow ranges which are very similar to those of air (the 20Ne/22Ne, 21Ne/22Ne, 38Ar/36Ar ratios of 9.80, 0.029 and 0.187, respectively), and cannot be differentiated into different groups. The noble gas nuclide abundances and isotopic ratios, together with their regional variability, suggest that the noble gases in the Fe-Mn crusts originate primarily from the lower mantle. The low 3He/4He type and high 3He/4He type samples have noble gas characteristics similar to those of HIMU (High U/Pb Mantle)- and EM (Enriched Mantle)-type mantle material, respectively. The low 3He/4He type samples with HIMU-type noble gas isotopic ratios occur in the Magellan Seamounts, Marcus-Wake Seamounts, Marshall Island Chain and the Mid-Pacific Sea- mounts whereas the high 3He/4He type samples with EM-type noble gas isotopic ratios occur in the Line Island Chain. This difference in noble gas characteristics of these crust types implies that the MagellanSeamounts, Marcus-Wake Seamounts, Marshall Is- land Chain, and the Mid-Pacific Seamounts originated from HIMU-type lower mantle material whereas the Line Island Chain originated from EM-type lower mantle material. This finding is consistent with varia- tions in the Pb-isotope and trace element signatures in the seamount lavas. Differences in the mantlesource may therefore be responsible for variations in the noble gas abundances and isotopic ratios in the Fe-Mn crusts. Mantle degassing appears to be the principal factor controlling noble gas isotopic abundances in Fe-Mn crusts. Decay of radioactive isotopes has a negligible influence on the nuclide abundances and isotopic ratios of noble gases in these crusts on the timescale of their formation.  相似文献   

Measurements of radioactive in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in surficial material exposed to cosmic rays allow either determining the long-term denudation rate assuming that the surface studied has reached steady-state (where production and losses by denudation and radioactive decay are in equilibrium) (infinite exposure time), or dating the initiation of exposure to cosmic rays, assuming that the denudation and post-depositional processes are negligible. Criteria for determining whether a surface is eroding or undergoing burial as well as quantitative information on denudation or burial rates may be obtained from cosmogenic nuclide depth profiles. With the refinement of the physical parameters involved in the production of in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides, a unique well-constrained depth profile now permits determination of both the exposure time and the denudation rate affecting a surface. In this paper, we first mathematically demonstrate that the exponential decrease of the in situ-produced 10Be concentrations observed along a depth profile constrains a unique exposure time and denudation rate when considering both neutrons and muons. In the second part, an improved chi-square inversion model is described and tested in the third part with actual measured profiles.  相似文献   

The literature on cosmic-ray-produced nuclides in iron meteorites occasionally reports unusual (“anomalous”) abundance proportions for the associated noble gases. The anomalies are in some cases ascribed to excesses of4He, caused by the presence of primordial or radiogenic components; in other cases to abundance deficiencies of3He, caused by partial loss of cosmogenic tritium. The arguments and data used previously for the recognition, identification and determination of anomalies are, however, imperfect or incorrect. New procedures are here proposed. They are based on more reliable data on the abundance patterns of the cosmogenic component and on a novel system of test correlations which describes these patterns. In most cases in which anomalies are recognised, the system allows an unequivocal identification of the nuclide which is the cause of the anomaly. This is a prerequisite for the quantitative determination of excesses and deficiencies. The procedures are applied to evaluate anomalous noble gas data reported in the literature for about 15 samples of various iron meteorites. In some cases, previous identifications of3He deficiencies and of4He excesses prove to be correct. However, guesses that4He excesses were present in certain specimens from Arispe, Cranbourne, El Taco, Hoba, Pin?on, Pitts and Sandia Mountains are invalidated by the present investigation.4He excesses are more exceptional than heretofore believed.  相似文献   

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