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在评述国际上近年开展综合灾害风险研究进展的基础上,总结了笔者对综合灾害研究的一些想法与开展综合灾害风险防范的实践,提出了建立综合灾害风险防范模式,即发展区域灾害系统的理论;综合灾害脆弱性、恢复性与适应性,全面理解灾害风险的形成机制;整合政府、企业与社会减灾资源,系统集成区域减灾范式;建立巨灾风险转移机制,实现减灾由区域防范到全球防范的综合。  相似文献   

综述了第一届世界风险大会关于灾害与风险科学研究的进展,分析了其发展趋势,并对我国加强这一领域的研究提出了对策。灾害与风险研究的目标正在趋向一致,都集中在为可持续发展模式提供科学依据;基于灾害研究的区域安全建设正在向基于风险研究的区域风险管理体系转变,由此认为可持续发展模式就是接受一定风险水平条件下的区域发展模式,一定风险水平依赖于由区域经济水平与社会文化体系相关联的区域安全建设水平;加强我国灾害与风险科学研究的学科建设、国家实验室建设、重大项目的组织与实施已势在必行;重点开展灾害脆弱性评价体系与评价模型、风险评价体系与风险评价模型、典型区域灾害与风险管理范式、灾害与风险应急控制预案(情景分析)、灾害与风险区划等方面的研究。为此把灾害科学和风险科学,与全球变化科学和可持续发展科学统一纳入到地球系统科学体系之中,以加强与完善我国在这些领域的综合多学科交叉研究能力。  相似文献   

Global climate change featured with warming has created serious challenge to world sustainable development and human security. It has become an important consensus of the international society to assess global change risk at the global scale and carry out tailored governance and risk-based adaptation. National Key Research and Development Program “Study on global change population and economic system risk forming mechanism and assessment” aims at quantitatively predicting future global climate change and population and economic system exposure and vulnerability change, developing global change population and economic system risk assessment model based on complex system dynamics, synthesizing risk assessment model with proprietary intellectual property rights, assess global change population and economic system risk of the near and mid future at the global scale, and compiling the atlas of global change population and economic system risk. The outcomes intend to serve the participation of global risk governance and international climate negotiation, and to provide scientific support to the implementation of international disaster risk reduction strategy.  相似文献   

全球环境变化与综合灾害风险防范研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
实现可持续发展,需要加深理解全球环境变化对可更新资源保障能力和灾害发生频率、强度和时空格局的影响。近年来发生在世界各国的巨灾造成了严重的灾情,如2008年中国南方的冰冻雨雪灾害,2007年孟加拉国的台风灾害,2005年的美国卡特里娜飓风等。加强对全球环境变化背景下的综合灾害风险防范研究已成为一个迫切需要解决的可持续发展问题。为此,在CNC IHDP的领导下,CNC IHDP RG工作组向IHDP提出了开展全球环境变化与综合风险防范研究的建议。经过2年多的努力,作为IHDP新一轮国际性核心科学计划——综合风险防范(IHDP IRG)已经得到IHDP SC的认可,即将于2009年4月在德国波恩IHDP科学大会期间正式宣布启动。该核心计划为从事风险研究、管理和具体实践方面的全球顶级专家和组织搭建交流平台,并引导未来国际综合风险防范研究从综合灾害风险防范的科学、技术与管理问题入手,通过案例对比,从多学科角度,对综合灾害风险防范的理论和方法进行创新性研究,以推动全球综合减灾实践的深入发展。CNC IHDP RG作为这一核心科学计划的倡议、发起和主要组织者,通过该计划的成功实施,不但可以在国际上充分展现我国综合灾害风险研究领域的成果,更将有助于大幅度提升中国在全球环境变化研究中的国际地位。  相似文献   

A brief introduction to the Fifth Session of Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, which was held in Cancun, Mexico, organized by United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) and hosted by the Government of Mexico from 22 May to 26 May 2017, was firstly provided. Combined with “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030”, “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, and related work on natural disaster risk reduction at global, regional, country and local scales, some hot-topics and prospects of global platform for disaster risk reduction were put forward. Some findings were concluded, consisting of understanding disaster risk, disaster risk governance, building and enhancing resilience to disasters, coherence between the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). Implementing the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) through cross-sectoral collaboration, removing barriers and promoting public-private cooperation in DRR and other types of partnership among multi-stakeholders will become the main force pattern of DRR in the near future. Large-scale disaster risk governance caused by multi-hazards (disaster cluster), disaster chain and disaster compound will be the main trend in scientific research of DRR. Building regional disaster risk reduction platform (e.g. the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road) and sharing the technologies and information of disaster risk reduction will be the main contents of DRR practices. Building and optimization of institutional mechanisms on DRR will be the trend of DRR idea. Improving and enhancing the support to communities, vulnerable groups and locals on DRR will be the main trend in DRR achievements’ application and demonstration in China.  相似文献   

Climate change is considered as the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. The increasing adverse health effects of climate change has been a public concern worldwide. In order to develop the specific health response strategies, a key research project, "Climate change and human health: Risk assessments, early signals and response strategies", was approved by the National Key R & D Program of China in May 2018. This project will integrate researchers from multidisciplinary background, such as public health, medicine, meteorological sciences, disaster management, to address the following scientific questions: ①The impact of climate change on population health and its regional heterogeneity; ②The underlying mechanisms and pathways of how climate change and extreme events impact on health; ③Capture of the early signals of climate system anomalies which may lead to regional health risks; ④The comprehensive health risk assessments and development of coping strategies for tackling climate change. This project will improve our understanding of climate change and health and help policy maker to develop national and local responses to climate change in China.  相似文献   

The construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt is one of the major strategic initiatives to promote the sustained and steady growth of China's economy at current and the new normal stages. Comprehensive enhancing the governance levels of various natural disaster risks in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is the basic guarantee for promoting the implementation of the development strategy. Based on the multi-hazard integrated risk theory, the main disaster risks of the core cities (Shanghai, Wuhan, and Chongqing) of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the major risk-earthquake disaster chain were systematically analyzed. The status and existing problems of multi-hazard integrated risk governance in the Yangtze River Economic Belt were expounded in this paper. The main problems include: Insufficient understanding of multi-hazard integrated risk formation mechanism; low level of safety fortification; Imperfect regional coordination and linkage mechanism; and insufficient role of insurance and reinsurance in risk transfer. Finally, the overall promotion strategies were proposed, including establishing multi-hazard integrated risk identification mechanism and governance capability evaluation system; comprehensive improving the fortification level of multi-hazard integrated risk prevention; establishing multi-hazard and multi-party linkage disaster monitoring and early warning systems; strengthening major disaster risk management and evacuation facilities construction; accelerating the construction of catastrophe insurance systems based on multi-hazard risks. This will provide a theoretical reference for major disaster risks studies in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.  相似文献   

地球系统动力学模式和模拟研究的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述地球系统动力学模式的由来及国内外目前的研究和模拟进展。地球系统动力学模式是描述全球气候以及生态和环境系统的整体耦合演变的数学表达。利用他作大规模数值模拟,以便认识和预测全球和区域的气候和生态环境变化,有效应对防灾减灾和规划可持续发展等。目前国内外尚未完全研制出可供实用的地球系统模式,还须二三年时间。  相似文献   

Climate change and land use/land cover change have resulted in water shortage, degraded ecosystem services, and increased disaster risks across the world. Developing strategies and measures for achieving regional and global sustainability in the face of these environmental problems is a key topic of current climate change research. This paper provides an overview of the 973 project, entitled “Integrative Modeling and Strategic Planning for Regional Sustainability under Climate Change”, including its background, relative progresses, key scientific questions, major research elements, methodology, and expected outcomes. The proposed research is based on sustainability science, guided by the idea of Orderly Human Activities (OHA), and implemented through an integrated methodology of combining field observations, simulation experiments, and scenario analysis. The main objectives of the project are: to quantify the relationship between human activities and climate change, to assess the impacts of human activities on ecosystem services and human well being in the face of climate change, and to develop an integrated model of climate change, OHA, and regional sustainable development. The ultimate goal is to provide a landscape/regional-scale strategy for sustainable development in the face of climate change. The project is expected to help advance the science and application of landscape sustainability science and land system design, particularly in terms of linking climate change, ecosystem services, and human well-being in the dry land region of China.  相似文献   

自然灾害脆弱性曲线研究进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
在全球变化与全球化背景下自然灾害风险逐年增大,灾害评估就成为风险防范的重要基础。灾害评估包括灾情估算与风险评估2个方面,而脆弱性分析是把灾害与风险研究紧密联系起来的重要桥梁。脆弱性曲线作为定量精确评估承灾体脆弱性的方法,近年来在多领域被广泛运用,成为灾情估算、风险定量分析以及风险地图编制的关键环节。从致灾因子角度综述脆弱性曲线的研究进展,重点阐述基于灾情数据、已有曲线、调查和模型的脆弱性曲线构建。研究表明脆弱性曲线构建由单曲线向多曲线库、单一参数向综合参数、单一方法向多领域综合应用发展,具有综合化和精细化的趋势。进一步开展多领域、多方法综合脆弱性曲线研究,对灾损快速评估及风险评价,防灾减灾具有重要意义。  相似文献   

简要介绍了2011年9月15~16日在菲律宾马尼拉召开的"亚太气候(灾害)移民政策响应"地区会议,并着重阐述了当前国际灾害移民领域的重要进展和发展趋向,结合气候变化背景下中国重特大自然灾害移民案例,初步提出了气候变化背景下灾害移民的政策响应。区分渐发性、突发性灾害,综合"自上而下"与"自下而上"的工作方式,建立"政府—企业—社区/个人"协同合作机制,形成区域内—外合作,统筹短期安置与长远发展的灾害移民政策。所提的灾害移民响应政策综合多时空、多方法、多要素,可为气候变化背景下提升中国综合灾害风险防范能力,最大限度地降低灾害损失提供重要参考。  相似文献   

自然灾害灾情评估研究与实践进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
自然灾害灾情评估是科学开展灾害管理工作的基础。灾情评估以单次灾害过程的灾前预评估、灾中应急评估、灾后综合评估以及区域灾情评估为主要内容,基于历史灾情统计资料的评估方法、基于承灾体易损性的评估方法、现场抽样调查统计方法、遥感图像或航片识别法、基层统计上报方法、经济学方法等是灾情评估的主要方法。灾情评估的目标从对灾情的估算和统计扩展到对灾情大小的分级,评估内容上逐步重视灾害的社会经济影响评估,评估方法上注重多种方法的综合应用,以及建立灾情评估系统是灾情评估研究与应用的主要发展方向。国内外研究和实践成果在减灾工作中的实际应用亟待加强,迫切需要形成包括对单次灾害过程的灾前预评估、灾中应急评估、灾后综合评估以及区域灾情综合评估在内的自然灾害灾情评估的内容体系、评估指标体系、评估标准体系和评估方法体系。  相似文献   

中国城市洪涝致灾机理与风险评估研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,在全球气候变化和城市化快速发展的共同影响下,中国城市洪涝灾害日益严重,已经成为影响中国城市公共安全的突出问题,严重制约经济社会的持续健康发展。变化环境下城市洪涝致灾机理与风险评估研究是完善城市防洪除涝减灾体系、提升城市防洪除涝能力的重要依据。本文阐述了气候变化和城市化发展对城市洪涝灾害的影响机制,系统分析了城市洪涝灾害的驱动要素和致灾机理,梳理了城市洪涝灾害的风险评估和分区方法,并以济南市海绵城市示范区为例,对城市洪涝灾害风险分区方法进行了分析和对比。  相似文献   

干旱灾害是制约中国西北地区社会经济发展、农业生产和生态文明建设的重要自然灾害,而且随着气候变暖西北地区极端干旱事件发生频率和强度均呈增加趋势,影响不断加重。"中国西北干旱气象灾害监测预警及减灾技术研究"成果是在数十个国家级科研项目的支持下,经过过去20年的理论研究和应用技术开发所取得的一系列创新性成果。该成果对西北干旱形成机理及重大干旱事件发生、发展的规律取得了新认识,尤其是发现了形成西北干旱环流模态的4种主要物理途径;研制了西北干旱预测的新指标、干旱监测的新指数及监测农田蒸散的新设备,明显提高了干旱监测准确性和针对性;提出了山地云物理气象学新理论,研发了水源涵养型国家重点生态功能区——祁连山空中云水资源开发利用技术;发现了干旱半干旱区陆面水分输送和循环的新规律,揭示了绿洲自我维持的物理机制;认识了干旱气候变化对农业生态系统影响的新特征,建立了旱作农业对干旱灾害的响应关系;开发了旱区覆膜保墒、集雨补灌、垄沟栽培、适宜播期等应对气候变化的减灾技术,为西北实施种植制度、农业布局及结构调整和农业气候资源高效利用提供了科学方案。该成果的完成提升了中国干旱防灾减灾技术水平,培养了中国干旱气象科技队伍,推进了西北地区干旱气象业务服务能力,对西北地区社会经济发展、农业现代化和生态文明建设等方面起到了重要的促进作用。在此基础上,展望了西北地区干旱气象科学研究中迫切需要、有可能突破的主要领域。  相似文献   

自然灾害风险初议   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
自然灾害风险的研究与评价是制定减灾对策、土地利用规划、社会发展与经济建设规划及保险展业的基础工作。自然灾害风险是灾害科学的前沿性研究课题。本文对自然灾害风险的特点、分类、形成原因、构成要素、结构层次、分析方法和研究风险的基本步骤进行了初步的讨论,以期在推动我国自然灾害风险研究中起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

Managing the risks of extreme events such as natural disasters to advance climate change adaptation (CCA) has been a global focus. However, a critical challenge in supporting CCA is to improve its linkage with disaster risk reduction (DRR). Based on discussions on similarities and differences between CCA and DRR concerning their spatial–temporal scales, main focuses, preferred research approaches and methodologies, etc., this paper tentatively put forward an analytical framework of “6W” for linking DRR with CCA. This framework presented preliminary answers to a series of fundamental questions, such as “What is adaptation with respect to disaster risk?” “Why adaptation is needed?” “Who adapt to what?” “How to adapt?” “What are the possible principles to assess the adaptation effect?” To bridge the research gaps between CCA and DRR, it is imperative to associate the adaptation actions with both near-term disaster risk and long-term climate change and formulate adaptation strategies at various spatial–temporal scales by embracing uncertainty in a changing climate.  相似文献   

环境沉积学的兴起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲜本忠  姜在兴 《沉积学报》2005,23(4):677-682
面对生态、环境、灾害、全球变化等重大问题和环境科学、沉积学的发展,环境沉积学应运而生。环境沉积学的发展经历了萌芽和兴起2个阶段,直至20世纪90年代中后期,其研究始得以广泛关注。在前人研究的基础上,初步厘定了环境沉积学的概念和研究目的,指出其研究内容既包括沉积学中的环境问题,又包括环境科学中的沉积问题,4个研究方向分别为原生环境沉积学、污染物环境沉积学、生态环境沉积学和全球变化环境沉积学。环境沉积学以环境和灾害研究为己任,将在解决人类面临的环境污染、生态破坏、地质灾害、全球气候变化等重大问题的研究中发挥越来越重要的作用,是未来沉积学发展的重要方向之一。  相似文献   

灾害学定义之下的土壤盐碱化风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善灌区中低产地的产量、提高其田间管理及粮食综合生产能力、防止土壤盐碱化灾害的扩展,在土壤盐碱化灾害学研究的基础上,建立了土壤盐碱化灾害风险评价指标体系。选用基于熵权的灰色关联评价方法来构建土壤盐碱化灾害风险评价模型,根据标准自然灾害风险原理,建立土壤盐碱化灾害风险指数计算模型。在松原灌区土壤盐碱化灾害风险评价中的应用表明,灌区各灌片盐碱灾害风险值为0.10~0.36,属于中度风险和重度风险区,风险值由小到大排序为:前郭片、安字片、有字片、龙海片、水字片、大布苏片、潜字片、套浩太片、戎字片、红星片、洪字片。该模型与灌区实情符合较好,客观性较强,表明所建模型可用于土壤盐碱化灾害风险评价。  相似文献   

矿产资源全球分布不均,在全球范围内配置所需资源是各国无法回避的必然选择。矿产资源全球配置体系面临诸多跨国公共问题和挑战,需要构建一套公平、均衡、有序的矿产资源全球治理体系保障其有效运行。与经济贸易、卫生、气候、能源等已经有较为成熟的全球治理框架的领域相比,矿产资源全球治理基础理论研究较为薄弱且体系构建滞后,还缺乏综合性和权威性的框架公约或国际组织来引领和主导体系构建与完善。全球资源民族主义情绪高涨和供应链区域化、阵营化、本土化趋势等对矿产资源全球治理体系形成新的要求和挑战。基于全球治理五要素概念分析框架,本研究对矿产资源全球治理进行概念界定,剖析了矿产资源全球治理的价值、主体、客体、机制、效果等五个核心要素内涵和发展现状,并初步构建矿产资源全球治理的要素理论框架,以期为矿产资源全球治理基础理论研究提供支持,推动矿产资源全球治理体系进一步完善。  相似文献   

区域自然灾害风险分析研究进展   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
讨论了区域自然灾害风险的含义,指出了保险与灾害研究中对风险含义的不同理解,着重说明可能性风险概念,综述了区域灾害风险分析的内容及区域灾害风险估算的数学模型,指出风险分析可归结为风险辨识,风险估算,风险评价三个环节,风险估算数学模型的演进可概括为极值风险模型,概率风险模型,可能性风险模型三个阶段,着重介绍区域自然灾害风险分析的可能性风险模型。  相似文献   

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