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《China Geology》2018,1(2):210-224
The analysis of available Nd isotope data from the Tanzania Craton places important constraints on the crust-mantle separation ages, and events marking juvenile crustal addition and crustal recycling. Nd model ages date the oldest crust extraction to 3.16 Ga in the Tanzania Craton, although a rock record of such antiquity is yet to be found there. The most significant period of juvenile crustal addition as well as crustal recycling is 2.7–2.6 Ga. The Nd isotopes of mafic samples show that chemical heterogeneity existed in the mantle beneath the Tanzania Craton, with some samples originating from significantly depleted mantle, and most samples originating from the mixture of primitive mantle and depleted mantle. The Nd isotope section reveals significant differences in Nd isotopes between the north craton and central craton; compared to the north craton, the central craton yields a Nd model age that is approximately 100 Ma older, and its εNd(t) values are more negative, indicating that the two parts of the craton have different mantle source regions. Different types of granitoids are distributed in the Tanzania Craton, such as high-K and low-Al granite, calc-alkaline granite, peraluminous granite and transitional types of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs). Most of the granitoids formed later than the mafic rocks in syn-collision and post-collision events.  相似文献   

The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is renowned for massive generation of juvenile crust in the Phanerozoic. Mongolia is the heartland of the CAOB and it has been subject to numerous investigations, particularly in metallogenesis and tectonic evolution. We present new petrographic, geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses on Phanerozoic granitoids emplaced in west-central Mongolia. The data are used to delineate their source characteristics and to discuss implications for the Phanerozoic crustal growth in Central Asia. Our samples come from a transect from Bayanhongor to Ulaan Baatar, including three tectonic units: the Baydrag cratonic block (late Archean to middle Proterozoic), the Eo-Cambrian Bayanhongor ophiolite complex and the Hangay–Hentey Basin of controversial origin. The intrusive granitoids have ages ranging from ca. 540 to 120 Ma. The majority of the samples are slightly peraluminous and can be classified as granite (s.s.), including monzogranite, syenogranite and alkali feldspar granite. Most of the rocks have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.705 and 0.707. Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic granitoids (≤250 Ma) are characterized by near-zero Nd(T) values (0 to −2), whereas older granitoids show lower Nd(T) values (−1.5 to −7). The data confirm the earlier observation of Kovalenko et al. [Geochemistry International 34 (1996) 628] who showed that granitoids emplaced outside of the Pre-Riphean basement rocks are characterized by juvenile positive Nd(T) values, whereas those within the Pre-Riphean domain and the Baydrag cratonic block, as for the present case, show a significant effect of ‘contamination’ by Precambrian basement rocks. Nevertheless, mass balance calculation suggests that the granitoids were derived from sources composed of at least 80% juvenile mantle-derived component. Despite our small set of new data, the present study reinforces the general scenario of massive juvenile crust production in the CAOB with limited influence of old microcontinents in the genesis of Phanerozoic granitoids.  相似文献   

Whole rock elemental and Sr–Nd isotope geochemistry and in situ K-feldspar Pb isotope geochemistry were used to identify the sources involved in the genesis of Neoproterozoic granites from the Embu Terrane, Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil. Granite magmatism spanned over 200 Ma (810–580 Ma), and is dominated by crust-derived relatively low-T (850–750 °C, zircon saturation) biotite granites to biotite-muscovite granites. Two Cryogenian plutons show the least negative εNdt (−8 to −10) and highest mg# (30–40) of the whole set. Their compositions are strongly contrasted, implying distinct sources for the peraluminous (ASI ∼ 1.2) ∼660 Ma Serra do Quebra-Cangalha batholith (metasedimentary rocks from relatively young upper crust with high Rb/Sr and low Th/U) and the metaluminous (ASI = 0.96–1.00) ∼ 630 Ma Santa Catarina Granite. Although not typical, the geochemical signature of these granites may reflect a continental margin arc environment, and they could be products of a prolonged period of oceanic plate consumption started at ∼810 Ma. The predominant Ediacaran (595–580 Ma) plutons have a spread of compositions from biotite granites with SiO2 as low as ∼65% (e.g., Itapeti, Mauá, Sabaúna and Lagoinha granites) to fractionated muscovite granites (Mogi das Cruzes, Santa Branca and Guacuri granites; up to ∼75% SiO2). εNdT are characteristically negative (−12 to −18), with corresponding Nd TDM indicating sources with Paleoproterozoic mean crustal ages (2.0–2.5 Ga). The Guacuri and Santa Branca muscovite granites have the more negative εNdt, highest 87Sr/86Srt (0.714–0.717) and lowest 208Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb, consistent with an old metasedimentary source with low time-integrated Rb/Sr. However, a positive Nd–Sr isotope correlation is suggested by data from the other granites, and would be consistent with mixing between an older source predominant in the Mauá granite and a younger, high Rb/Sr source that is more abundant in the Lagoinha granite sample. The Ediacaran granites are coeval with profuse granite magmatism attributed to continental arc magmatism in northern Ribeira and Araçuaí belts. However, their evolved compositions with low mg# and dominantly peraluminous character are unlike those of magmatic arc granites, and they are more likely products of post-collisional magmatism or correspond to an inner belt of crust-derived granites.  相似文献   

The high-temperature metamorphism recorded in the Valuengo and Monesterio areas constitutes a rare occurrence in the Ossa-Morena Zone of Southwest Iberia, where low-grade metamorphism dominates. The metamorphism of the Valuengo area has been previously considered either Cadomian or Variscan in age, whereas that of Monesterio has been interpreted as a Cadomian imprint. However, these areas share important metamorphic and structural features that point towards a common tectonometamorphic evolution. The metamorphism of the Valuengo and Monesterio areas affects Late Proterozoic and Early Cambrian rocks, and is syn-kinematic with a top-to-the-north mylonitic foliation, which was subsequently deformed by early Variscan folds and thrusts. The U–Pb zircon age (480±7 Ma) we have obtained for an undeformed granite of the Valuengo area is consistent with our geological observations constraining the age of the metamorphism. We propose that this high-temperature metamorphic imprint along a NW–SE ductile extensional shear zone is related to the crustal extension that occurred in the Ossa-Morena Zone during the Cambro-Ordovician rifting. In the same way, the tectonothermal effect of the preorogenic rifting stage may have been wrongly attributed to orogenic processes in other regions as well as in this one.  相似文献   

Three types of periglacial deposits (breccias, stratified breccias and grèzes litées are described from Córdoba Province in southern Spain. Their physico-chemical properties, in particular clay mineralogy in relation to terra rossas in the area, indicate two different ages for these deposits. Younger terra rossas and younger periglacial deposits contain illite and kaolinite whereas older terra rossas and older periglacial deposits contain vermiculite and kaolinite. Geomorphological evidence (altitude and relationships to the surfaces described by earlier authors in southern Spain) indicate approximate ages for the deposits. Secondary carbonate from one of the younger breccias gave a uranium series date of 80 000 yr BP, suggesting that some of the younger breccias were deposited in a periglacial climate before 80 000 BP. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李鹏川  郭巍  关庆彬  刘杰勋 《岩石学报》2016,32(9):2839-2855
对板石沟表壳岩中的斜长角闪岩和角闪片岩进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、地球化学以及Hf同位素分析,以探讨华北克拉通东北部新太古代晚期的构造环境和地壳演化。板石沟表壳岩主要岩石类型包括斜长角闪岩、斜长片麻岩、角闪片岩和磁铁石英岩,LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年显示斜长角闪岩(BA-1)岩浆锆石形成于2548±11Ma,绿帘角闪片岩(BA-6)岩浆锆石形成于2548±23Ma,代表了表壳岩的形成时代,在绿帘角闪片岩中识别出3颗年龄为2754±80Ma~2710±92Ma的捕获锆石,表明板石沟地区可能存在新太古代早期岩浆事件。斜长角闪岩和角闪片岩的原岩为玄武质火山岩,微量元素特征指示其形成于岛弧环境。Hf同位素分析结果显示斜长角闪岩εHf(t)为正值(0.29~8.89),单阶段模式年龄(tDM1)分布在2877~2469Ma之间,绿帘角闪片岩多具正的εHf(t)值(-0.78~8.03),tDM1介于2871~2544Ma,表明岩浆主要来源于亏损地幔,伴随少量古老地壳物质的再造,部分tDM1与207Pb/206Pb年龄相近,并同时具有高εHf(t)值的锆石反映板石沟地区新太古代晚期(2550Ma)发生过地壳增生事件。结合其他地区表壳岩研究成果,认为华北克拉通可能存在新太古代吉-辽-冀弧陆碰撞造山带,板石沟地区属于该造山带的一部分。  相似文献   

This paper reports the integrated application of petrographic and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses for studying the provenance of the Neoproterozoic Maricá Formation, southern Brazil. This unit encompasses sedimentary rocks of fluvial and marine affiliations. In the lower fluvial succession, sandstones plot in the “craton interior” and “transitional continental” fields of the QFL diagram. Chemical weathering probably caused the decrease of the 147Sm/144Nd ratios to 0.0826 and 0.0960, consequently lowering originally > 2.0 Ga TDM ages to 1.76 and 1.81 Ga. 143Nd/144Nd ratios are also low (0.511521 to 0.511633), corresponding to negative εNd present-day values (− 21.8 and − 19.6). In the intermediate marine succession, sandstones plot in the “dissected arc” field, reflecting the input of andesitic clasts. Siltstones and shales reveal low 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.511429 to 0.511710), εNd values of − 18.1 and − 23.6, and TDM ages of 2.16 and 2.37 Ga. Sandstones of the upper fluvial succession have “dissected arc” and “recycled orogen” provenance. 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios are also relatively low, from 0.511487 to 0.511560, corresponding to εNd values of − 22.4 and − 21.0 and TDM of 2.07 Ga. A uniform granite–gneissic basement block of Paleoproterozoic age, with subordinate volcanic rocks, is suggested as the main sediment source of the Maricá Formation.  相似文献   


Previous studies of the Southern Qiangtang (SQ) Terrane in Tibet have shown significant growth of continental crust during the late Mesozoic (ca. 170–120 Ma) through underplating of mantle-derived melts beneath ancient lower crust. However, the mechanism of crustal growth remains defective during the Late Jurassic. In this contribution, we report new zircon U–Pb ages, whole-rock major and trace element concentrations, and zircon Hf isotopic compositions of Late Jurassic rhyolites from the Duobuza area in the SQ Terrane. Zircon LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating yields concordant ages and weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 151–149 Ma, indicating that the rhyolites were erupted during the Late Jurassic. The rhyolite samples yield high SiO2 (69.1–73.4 wt.%) and Na2O (3.82–6.49 wt.%) concentrations, high values of the differentiation index (95.4–98.5), moderate Al2O3 (13.1–15.5 wt.%) and K2O (2.55–3.26 wt.%) concentrations, and relatively low TiO2 (0.34–0.44 wt.%), MgO (0.14–0.67 wt.%), and MnO (0.01–0.10 wt.%) concentrations and Mg# values (8.9–33.5). They are enriched in Rb, Th, Ba, and Pb, depleted in Nb, Ta, Sr, Ti, and P, and yield negative Eu anomalies. These characteristics suggest that the Duobuza rhyolites represent medium- to high-K calc-alkaline, highly fractionated I-type granitoids. Variations in major and trace element concentrations indicate that the rhyolites underwent significant fractionation of Fe–Ti oxides, plagioclase, K-feldspar, hornblende, biotite, and apatite. The samples yield positive zircon εHf(t) values (+0.08 to +10.9) and young TCD M model ages (816–386 Ma), indicating that they were generated through partial melting of juvenile lower crust of the SQ Terrane. These data are distinct from those of Late Jurassic intermediate–felsic plutons in the SQ Terrane that generally yield negative εHf(t) values and ancient TC DM model ages. We suggest that the occurrence of the Duobuza rhyolites is the significant witness. The presence of juvenile lower crust beneath the SQ Terrane during the Late Jurassic (ca. 150 Ma) rather than during the Early Cretaceous (ca. 120Ma). The transition from ancient to juvenile lower crust has already began in the SQ Terrane during the Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

Mafic gneisses and associated paragneisses from the Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain in the southeastern part of the Ribeira Belt, along the coast of Rio de Janeiro State in southeast Brazil, were subjected to a geochemical and Sm–Nd isotope study. Four lithotypes are distinguished: aluminous paragneisses (mainly sillimanite–kyanite–garnet–biotite gneiss), calcsilicate lenses, quartzo–feldspathic metasedimentary gneisses and mafic–ultramafic lenses. The whole-rock major and trace, including rare earth element distributions in the mafic–ultramafic intercalations indicate that derivation from subalkaline basalt/gabbro of tholeiitic affinity with E-MORB signature from a non-subduction environment. These mafic rocks have positive εNd(t) and TDM of 1.1 Ga. The metasedimentary rocks have negative εNd(t) and TDM of 1.7 Ga. A Sm–Nd whole rock isochron of mafic rocks yielded an age of 604 ± 38 Ma for the crystallization. This matches with the age of some detrital zircon grains from the paragneisses. The depositional basin, named Buzios–Palmital, was active at least until 620 Ma (age of the youngest detrital zircon) and was subsequently deformed and metamorphosed at ca. 525 Ma (age of metamorphic zircons) during the Buzios Orogeny. It is interpreted as a back arc basin with relation to the 630 Ma magmatic arc of the Oriental Terrane in the Ribeira Belt to the NW. However, after 600 Ma, the Buzios–Palmital basin changed to an active margin setting because the arc collided with the continental margin and the subduction shifted to the back arc environment. By 610 Ma, most of the Brasiliano belts registered collisional events related to multiple convergent blocks. The stress fields and paleocontinent shapes would have allowed the occurrence of extensional areas with not only sedimentary deposition but also ocean floor spreading. Its remnants are preserved in this Brazilian coastal region as an ancient suture, reworked intensively during the Mesozoic rifting events. The reconnaissance of Late Neoproterozoic basins in the Brasiliano–Pan-African belts is of major importance to partially unravel the final amalgamation events of SW Gondwana. Considering that the Buzios–Palmital basin rock units are mostly covered by the marginal Atlantic basins, it is possible that other evidence could be preserved in the coastal regions of SW-Africa and SE-South America.  相似文献   

The In Ouzzal Al–Mg granulites are found within sedimentary units deposited after 2.7 Ga, the whole association being metamorphosed under extreme temperature conditions (c. 1000 °C) at 2 Ga. The Al–Mg granulites are interlayered with other metasediments, including metapelites, quartzites and magnetite-bearing quartzites, forsterite-spinel marbles, and a few meta-igneous rocks (mainly pyroxenites). They do not occur at a specific position in the sedimentary suite, and they do not reflect any particular structural control. The major and trace element compositions of Al–Mg granulites (especially the high Cr, Ni, Co contents) show that their peculiar ‘refractory’ chemistry is more compatible with premetamorphic sedimentary characteristics rather than with metasomatic, metamorphic or partial melting processes. Sedimentary admixtures of a common mature detrital component coming from the weathering of the local acidic igneous crustal protoliths (normal pelitic component) with an extremely immature component derived from reworking of basic/ultrabasic lithologies (Al–Mg–Cr–Co–Ni–rich chloritic component) is consistent with the geochemistry of such rocks. As in other instances, the quartz-garnet oxygen isotopic thermometer here records an apparent temperature close to the peak metamorphism (c. 1000 °C). Although the persistence of pre-existing δ18O variations on a small scale during the metamorphism does not support a major pervasive fluid flow during metamorphism, it does not rule out the presence of syn- to post-metamorphic CO2. The low δ18O (c.+ 5 to + 6‰) of the most typical Al–Mg granulites indicate that the ‘chloritic component’ in these rocks was derived from hydrothermally altered mafic/ultramafic protoliths rather than dominantly from palaeosols. It is suggested that the presence of such Al–Mg–Cr–Co–Ni–rich sediments is indirect evidence for the presence of greenstone belts in the local crust of the In Ouzzal at 2.6–2.7 Ga.  相似文献   

杜胜江  温汉捷  张锦让  杨光树 《地质学报》2023,97(10):3347-3362
滇东南是我国重要的钨锡多金属成矿区,老君山矿集区是其重要组成部分,围绕燕山期老君山复式花岗岩体,分布有都龙、南秧田、新寨大型-超大型Sn-W多金属矿床及多个中小型矿床(点)。该区地质演化复杂,Sn、W多金属可能存在多期成矿作用,包括燕山期、印支期和加里东期。由于目前该区发现的Sn-W矿化多分布于老君山岩体南、东侧,而岩体北部Sn-W成矿作用的研究相对较薄弱,特别是成矿年代学方面,多数矿床依然缺少精确同位素年代学数据,制约了该区Sn-W多金属成矿作用的认识和地质勘探的深入。长田是老君山岩体北缘代表性W (Sn)多金属矿床,区内加里东期和燕山期花岗岩均有分布,由于缺少年代学数据和地质地球化学研究,W(Sn)成矿作用的认识尚缺少实际地质地球化学依据,难以建立合理的成矿模式,制约了区内地质勘探的深入和突破。基于此,本文通过对长田W (Sn)矿床中白钨矿及共生萤石的Sm-Nd同位素定年,分别获得97 Ma和79 Ma两个年代学数据,显示该矿床钨矿化主成矿期应为燕山晚期,与老君山花岗岩活动时限一致,表明长田钨成矿作用与燕山期老君山花岗岩的侵入活动关系密切,而与加里东期岩浆活动关系不大。该成果丰富了...  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope compositions of phosphate in tooth enamel from large mammals (i.e. horse and red deer) were measured to quantify past mean annual air temperatures and seasonal variations between 145 ka and 33 ka in eastern France. The method is based on interdependent relationships between the δ18O of apatite phosphate, environmental waters and air temperatures. Horse (Equus caballus germanicus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) remains have δ18O values that range from 14.2‰ to 17.2‰, indicating mean air temperatures between 7°C and 13°C. Oxygen isotope time series obtained from two of the six horse teeth show a sinusoidal-like signal that could have been forced by temperature variations of seasonal origin. Intra-tooth oxygen isotope variations reveal that at 145 ka, winters were colder (? 7 ± 2°C) than at present (3 ± 1°C) while summer temperatures were similar. Winter temperatures mark a well-developed West–East thermal gradient in France of about ? 9°C, much stronger than the ?4°C difference recorded presently. Negative winter temperatures were likely responsible for the extent and duration of the snow cover, thus limiting the food resources available for large ungulates with repercussions for Neanderthal predators.  相似文献   

In France, the Devonian–Carboniferous Variscan orogeny developed at the expense of continental crust belonging to the northern margin of Gondwana. A Visean–Serpukhovian crustal melting has been recently documented in several massifs. However, in the Montagne Noire of the Variscan French Massif Central, which is the largest area involved in this partial melting episode, the age of migmatization was not clearly settled. Eleven U–Th–Pbtot. ages on monazite and three U–Pb ages on associated zircon are reported from migmatites (La Salvetat, Ourtigas), anatectic granitoids (Laouzas, Montalet) and post-migmatitic granites (Anglès, Vialais, Soulié) from the Montagne Noire Axial Zone are presented here for the first time. Migmatization and emplacement of anatectic granitoids took place around 333–326 Ma (Visean) and late granitoids emplaced around 325–318 Ma (Serpukhovian). Inherited zircons and monazite date the orthogneiss source rock of the Late Visean melts between 560 Ma and 480 Ma. In migmatites and anatectic granites, inherited crystals dominate the zircon populations. The migmatitization is the middle crust expression of a pervasive Visean crustal melting event also represented by the “Tufs anthracifères” volcanism in the northern Massif Central. This crustal melting is widespread in the French Variscan belt, though it is restricted to the upper plate of the collision belt. A mantle input appears as a likely mechanism to release the heat necessary to trigger the melting of the Variscan middle crust at a continental scale.  相似文献   

The Sauwald Zone, located at the southern rim of the Bohemian Massif in Upper Austria, belongs to the Moldanubian Unit. It exposes uniform biotite + plagioclase ± cordierite paragneisses that formed during the post-collisional high-T/low-P stage of the Variscan orogeny. Rare metapelitic inlayers contain the mineral assemblage garnet + cordierite + green spinel + sillimanite + K-feldspar + plagioclase + biotite + quartz. Mineral chemical and textural data indicate four stages of mineral growth: (1) peak assemblage as inclusions in garnet (stage 1): garnet core + cordierite + green spinel + sillimanite + plagioclase (An35–65); (2) post-peak assemblages in the matrix (stages 2, 3): cordierite + spinel (brown-green and brown) ± sillimanite ± garnet rim + plagioclase (An10–45); and (3) late-stage growth of fibrolite, muscovite and albite (An0–15) during stage 4. Calculation of the P–T conditions of the peak assemblage (stage 1) yields 750–840°C, 0.29–0.53 GPa and for the stage 2 matrix assemblage garnet + cordierite + green spinel + sillimanite + plagioclase 620–730°C, 0.27–0.36 GPa. The observed phase relations indicate a clockwise P–T path, which terminates below 0.38 GPa. The P–T evolution of the Sauwald Zone and the Monotonous Unit are very similar, however, monazite ages of the former are younger (321 ± 9 Ma vs. 334 ± 1 Ma). This indicates that high-T/low-P metamorphism in the Sauwald Zone was either of longer duration or there were two independent phases of late-Variscan low-P/high-T metamorphism in the Moldanubian Unit.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the isotopic composition (δ18O and δ2H) of interstitial water in bentonites. The study had been carried out from adsorbed vapour in homoionic bentonites. We have worked with the fraction <20 μm of a bentonite from Serrata de Níjar (Almería, Spain). Homoionic sodium and calcium bentonites were prepared as well as variable quantities of exchangeable Na/Ca (75Ca/25Na; 50Ca/50Na; 25Ca/75Na), by mixing pure sodium and calcium suspensions in the appropriate quantities. To carry out the hydration of the samples, every one of them was previously dried at 300 °C overnight, they were subjected to controlled saturation conditions in an atmosphere of different relative humidity and at a constant temperature of 20 °C, until equilibrium was achieved. The different vapour pressures were: P/Po = 0.05; P/Po = 0.078; P/Po = 0.15; P/Po = 0.32; P/Po = 0.45; P/Po = 0.63; P/Po = 0.8; P/Po = 1, obtained from the saturated solutions of different salts or sulphuric acid.The saturation water was extracted for isotopic analysis from an aliquot of a saturated sample. The technique used was vacuum extraction based on a modification of the one described by Araguás-Araguás et al. (1995).The differentiation between the isotopes of 18O and 2H from interstitial water in the bentonite samples, depending on the different relative humidity, may affect the ions diffusion in the interstitial solutions, since in those from low relative humidities, there could be a higher diffusion velocity as they are formed by molecules of light isotopes, versus interstitial solutions from higher relative humidities or those near saturation. This fact should be taken into account in studies on cation and solute transport from these solutions inside bentonite, even though it is important to continue studying and corroborating it with a larger number of solutions isotopically marked.  相似文献   

显生宙陆壳垂向生长是一个新的值得进一步深入探索的课题.在已有的地质、地球化学研究基础上,本文报导了东天山东段矿物组成、成因类型相似的早古生代同造山花岗岩体和晚古生代-早中生代后造山花岗岩体新的Sr、Nd同位素测试结果,并进一步对比研究了它们的Sr、Nd同位素差异.前者ⅠSr值较高(0.7087~0.7288),εNd(t)值较低(-5.8~-15.8),模式年龄TDM大(1.29~2.37Ga),显示以古老陆壳物质为主的物源特征;后者ISr低(0.7069~0.708),εNd(t)值高(-3.8~ 0.3),TDM较年轻(0.80~1.28Ga为主),显示混有较多的年轻幔源组分;同期的煌斑岩脉ISr为0.7080,εNd(t)值为 4.3,TDM为0.8 Ga.这些特征为探讨显生宙地壳垂向生长提供了良好实例.一般而言,显生宙高εNd(t)值后造山花岗岩中的年轻幔源组分至少有3个可能的来源:(1)前造山(前寒武纪)底侵形成的年轻基性下地壳;(2)同造山水平增生的年轻地壳再循环;(3)后造山底侵的幔源岩浆.这3种来源分别揭示了3种陆壳生长方式和时限:前造山垂向生长;同造山水平生长;后造山垂向生长.通常,这3种情况仅仅依据地球化学特征不易鉴别;而通过花岗岩物源演变的对比研究有可能提供鉴别的线索.该区早古生代花岗岩以古老壳源为特点;而地点相同、矿物组成和地球化学相似、侵位深度相近的晚古生代-早中生代花岗岩幔源组分增多,并伴随有辉绿岩、煌斑岩侵入.这种新的年轻组分最可能与新底侵的幔源岩浆有关,它们随后造山花岗岩加入地壳,导致地壳垂向生长,这是造山后垂向生长的一种特征.该研究为中亚造山带后碰撞或后造山陆壳垂向生长的存在提供了一个证据.  相似文献   

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