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On the basis of the theoretical research results by the author and the literature published up to date, the analysis and the justification presented in this paper show that the breaking products of oceanic internal waves are not only turbulence, but also the fine-scale near-inertial internal waves (the oceanic reversible finestructure) for inertial waves and the internal solitary waves for internal tides respectively. It was found that the oceanic reversible finestructure may be induced by the effect of the horizontal component f (f = 2Ωcosφ) of the rotation vector on inertial waves. And a new instability of the theoretical shear and strain spectra due to the effect of f occurs at critical vertical wavenumber β c ≈ 0.1 cpm. It happens when the levels of shear and strain of the reversible finestructure are higher than those of inertial waves, which is induced by the effect of f along an "iso-potential-pycnal" of internal wave. If all breaking products of internal waves are taken into account, the average kinetic energy dissipation rate is an order of magnitude larger than the values of turbulence observed by microstructure measurements. The author’s theoretical research results are basically in agreement with those observed in IWEX, DRIFTER and PATCHEX experiments. An important impersonal fact is that on the mean temporal scale of thermohaline circulation these breaking products of internal waves exist simultaneously with turbulence. Because inertial waves are generated by winds at the surface, and internal tides are generated by strong tide-topography interactions, the analysis and justification in this paper support in principle the abyssal recipes Ⅱ:energetics of tidal and wind mixing by Munk & Wunsch in 1998, in despite of the results of microstructure measurements for the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate and the diapycnal turbulent eddy diffusivity.  相似文献   

A method of statistical separation of fine-structure fluctuations according to their origin is applied to the analysis of the characteristics of mixing in a layer located below the summer temperature minimum in the Black Sea. The simplification of the procedure of numerical evaluation of the coefficient of vertical wave exchange enabled us to perform the comprehensive fine-structure processing of the data of regular surveys of the Black Sea with an aim to determine the spatial distribution of the field intensity of small-scale internal waves and the intensity of mixing caused by these waves in the analyzed layer. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

The generation of internal waves by the barotropic tide in a two-layer ocean of variable depth is studied within the framework of the linear theory of long waves in view of the Coriolis force. The relationships between the internal wave amplitude, the angle of climb of the barotropic tide, and the bottom elevation geometry are studied.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

Internal waves occurring near an oceanic ridge as a result of impingement of a barotropic tide are scrutinized in terms of the long theory for long waves. The ocean is assumed to be double-layered, the relief continuously changing, and the tidal wave on-running at an arbitrary angle. The dependences of the wave amplitudes and horizontal velocities on the ridge's latitude, the angle of tide running, and the depth of the density jump layer are obtained. Similar investigations for the model bottom relief have been conducted in refs 1 and 3.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Based on micro structure measurements from a repeated sampling station southwest of the Jeju Island during summer,we studied the hydrography,pycnocline turbulence,and vertical salt flux in the Changjiang Diluted Water(CD W).The water column was well stratified with the CDW occupied the surface~20 m.Most of the large turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate(ε) were found in the bottom boundary layer.Interestingly,intermittent strong turbulence(ε>10-6 W/kg) occurred in the pycnoclin...  相似文献   

为完善内孤立波与海底斜坡沉积物相互作用研究,本文着眼于内孤立波破碎后在斜坡上继续运动的阶段,开展物理模拟实验,分析斜坡响应的土压力和超孔隙水压力的变化状况,揭示内波作用过程。研究发现:斜坡沉积物颗粒在内孤立波破碎引起的涡旋和渗流的共同作用下,会发生再悬浮,斜坡坡度变化不改变沉积物产生动力响应的主导动力作用;内孤立波振幅大小影响涡旋与渗流两者的比例,即在小振幅条件下由涡旋作用主导,在大振幅条件下由渗流作用主导;破碎流体在沿斜坡冲出坡顶位置后形成新的涡流,沉积物在新生涡流作用下的动力响应受斜坡坡度的影响。本文结果对于研究内孤立波再悬浮运移海底沉积物、改造海底地形地貌具有参考价值。  相似文献   

针对内孤立波在行进过程中遇到海底斜坡会对海底产生力的作用,不同坡度斜坡对内孤立波的动力响应应该存在差异。本文通过水槽中制造内波,对不同角度的斜坡对内孤立波的动力响应过程进行了研究。结果表明,内孤立波通过陆架斜坡上方,会造成斜坡沉积物超孔隙水压力的积累;在相同振幅条件下,缓坡沉积物动力响应的幅度比陡坡沉积物大;随着振幅的增加,缓坡发生动力破坏程度大于陡坡;在斜坡沉积物稳定性受到破坏之前,超孔隙水压力的积累和释放同时存在,内孤立波振幅的增大会加剧超孔隙水压力的释放。该结果对于斜坡沉积物在内孤立波作用下失稳破坏的动力学研究和斜坡稳定性分析将起到指导作用。  相似文献   

The influence of the nonbreaking surface wave-induced mixing under the mixed layer on the oceanic circulation was investigated using an isopycnal-coordinate oceanic circulation model. The effect of the wave-induced mixing within the mixed layer was eliminated via a bulk mixed layer model. The results show that the wave-induced mixing can penetrate through the mixed layer and into the oceanic interior. The wave-induced mixing under the mixed layer has an important effect on the distribution of temperature of the upper ocean at middle and high latitudes in summer, especially the structure of the seasonal thermocline. Moreover, the wave-induced mixing can affect the oceanic circulation, such as western boundary currents and the North Equatorial Currents through changes of sea surface height associated with the variation of the thermal structure of the upper ocean.  相似文献   

The relationship between the scale of the spectral minimum of the first differences in temperature fluctuationsL and the local value of the Väisälä-Brunt frequencyN has been analysed using the results of more than 600 soundings made in various regions of the world's oceans. Allowing for the series of theoretical and experimental indications of the fact that the vertical scaleL at the boundary between the fine structure and microstructure in the ocean exists under the effect of processes of breaking of internal waves and hydrodynamic instability with the formation of turbulent patches, and using the energy relationships, the relationship for a solitary patch has been derived through the determining parameters. Based on two expressions forL, derived experimentally and using the energy estimations, the relationships for the averaged rate of absorption of the wave field energy by patches and the coefficient of the density vertical diffusion are derived, which do not contradict a series of independent estimations fromin situ measurements.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

A period of intense mixing, causing an increase in the salinity of the surface layer from 2‰ to 7‰, occurs during the ebb tide in the upper reaches of the Tees estuary. This follows the passage of internal waves of 1–2 min period. Assuming an upstream direction of propagation, the measurements indicate that the internal waves would have been released on the previous ebb tide. The waves, which would then advect with the ensuing flood, could break and cause the mixing period. However, the waves may alternatively travel downstream, and other mechanisms may be responsible for the mixing. It may be, for instance, that the mixing was generated at one of two bridges 2–3 km upstream from the observation station, and then advected downstream on the ebbing tide. Further studies are needed to clarify the situation.  相似文献   

With the latitudinal variability of the Coriolis parameter considered, the influence of the vertical density structure on the parameters of free internal waves is stuided. Numerical calculations are performed for Brunt-Väisälä frequency profiles characteristic of the four seasons of the year in the deep section of the Black Sea. Results of the analysis of the dependences of the wavenumber and group velocity on the frequency are presented, and the domain of application of thef-plane approximation is defined.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

In this paper an interaction method is proposed for estimating the buoyancy frequency as a function of depth based on the frequency dependence of wave numbers of internal normal waves. Examples are given of the numerical reconstruction of buoyancy frequency profiles demonstrating convergence of the algorithm. An iterative scheme for the solution of the given problem with an expanded convergence area is obtained on the basis of iteration by stages.Translated by M M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

Based on the results of analyzing the characteristics of currents and temperature measured in the water space of the Mamala Bay (the Island of Oahu, Hawaii), we investigate the main properties of the field of short-period internal waves, which is very complex. We focus on analyzing the spectral characteristics and orbit parameters for waves with a period of 20 minutes. The results of investigations reveal two types of short-period internal waves for this area: intense and fast waves propagating predominantly toward the ocean and weaker and slower waves propagating mainly toward the coast. Suppositions are made on how these waves form: the strong and fast waves are likely to be caused by the decay of locally generated internal tides near the shelf edge, while the weak and slow and very short waves seem to result from the specific interaction between the pycnocline and strong tidal currents over a steep slope.  相似文献   

ADCP measurements of the velocity structure in the permanent thermocline at two locations over the continental slope in the Bay of Biscay are presented. The vertical variation of the contribution of the inertia-gravity waveband to the kinetic energy, vertical motion, and current shear are analysed. The semi-diurnal tides together with near-inertial waves appear to provide over 70% of the high-frequency kinetic energy (>1/3 cpd). Over the vertical range of the ADCP observations the phase of the harmonic M2 tide changes up to 155°, while the kinetic energy varies in the vertical by a factor of 3.8, showing the importance of the contribution of internal waves to the observed tidal motion. Both semi-diurnal internal tidal waves and near-inertial waves have a vertically restricted distribution of the variance of the horizontal and vertical velocity, as in internal wave beams. The short-term 14-day averaged amplitude and phase lag of the M2 tide shows large temporal changes, with a characteristic 40–45 day time scale. These changes are probably related to variations in generation sites and propagation paths of the internal tide, because of changes in the temperature and salinity stratification due to the presence of meso-scale eddies. The relatively large shear in the inertia-gravity wave band, mainly at near-inertial frequencies, supports low-gradient Richardson numbers that are well below 1 for nearly half of the time. This implies that the large shear may support turbulent mixing for a large part of the time.  相似文献   

采用能量聚焦的方式产生深水破碎波,并通过增加输入波陡使发生不同强度的波浪破碎现象。实验中,沿水槽中心位置布置22个浪高仪,分析波浪传播过程中的波面演化特征。对水槽不同位置处波面数据进行波能谱与小波能谱分析,发现在聚焦波传播过程中,低频能量部分保持相对稳定,而一次谐波高频部分先逐渐拓宽,经过破碎区域后又逐渐恢复。能量在高频部分有所损失,这种现象在破碎时更加明显,且破碎强度越大,越显著。波浪未破碎时,由于波浪传播过程中高频部分拓宽,导致聚焦前后特征频率略有增加,特征群速和特征周期略有减小;当波浪破碎时,由于破碎导致的能量损失比较明显,且卷破时更加明显,导致破碎后特征频率减小,特征群速和特征周期增大。  相似文献   

次重力波(infragravity waves)是频率范围介于局地平均Brunt-V¾is¾l¾频率和0.05Hz(涌浪频率)之间的一种海洋波动,其能量在深水大洋中一般甚低,但在浅海中却很强.该波动的研究对于浅海海洋内部混合、近岸海洋工程、海洋生态学、海洋沉积学及军事海洋学均有重要的意义.Munk[1]很早就开始研究这类波动,然而主要由于观测技术的限制,对于该类波动的动力学机制的研究进展迟缓.  相似文献   

将置于大尺度密度分层水槽上下层流体中的两块垂直板反方向平推,以基于MCC理论解的内孤立波诱导上下层流体中的层平均水平速度作为其运动速度,发展了一种振幅可控的双推板内孤立波实验室造波方法,并对内孤立波作用下浮式生产储油系统(FPSO)的载荷特性开展了系列实验。结果表明,无因次内孤立波水平力和力矩幅值均与先导内孤立子无因次振幅之间呈线性关系,其斜率与上下层流体深度比有关;在各种上下层流体深度比下,无因次内孤立波垂向力幅值与先导内孤立子振幅之间近似呈幂函数关系。  相似文献   

闽江河口咸淡水混合过程中营养盐含量的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究闽江水体营养盐等物质的输运作用,于2009年11月(秋季),分3个航段(北支、南支及闽江河口区)同步对闽江下游及其河口区表、底层水的盐度、营养盐、悬浮物含量等进行观测,并在北支流、南支流交汇处的19站(罗星塔附近)进行了一个潮周期的连续观测.调查期间闽江表层水体中无机氮含量变化范围在0.640~3.873 mg/dm3之间,平均值为1.789 mg/dm3;活性磷酸盐含量变化范围在0.011~0.059 mg/dm3之间,平均值为0.027 mg/dm3;可溶性硅酸盐含量变化范围在0.82~7.10 mg/dm3之间,平均值为3.77 mg/dm3;总氮含量变化范围在0.67~3.91 mg/dm3之间,平均值为2.39 mg/dm3;总磷含量变化范围在0.027~0.289 mg/dm3之间,平均值为0.087mg/dm3.水体各营养盐含量的平面分布呈闽江北支流的含量均高于南支流,其高值区受陆源输入的影响集中出现在21~23号站区间.受城市污水影响的北支流水体与南支流水体交汇后,近海河段水体营养盐含量迅速降低.在一个潮周期内,涨潮时,随着外海水占比的提高,营养盐含量呈现随着盐度升高而逐步降低的趋势;在退潮时,陆源冲淡水的作用逐渐加强,营养盐在河口表现为随着盐度降低而逐步增高的趋势.闽江河口水体活性磷酸盐含量与盐度没有显著的相关性,为非保守要素;而无机氮、可溶性硅酸盐和总氮整体表现为保守要素.同时,发现在闽江河口盐楔端浊度最大值的"滤器"滞留区,总氮含量受其富集的影响在底层产生一个高值区.  相似文献   

Statistical characteristics of individual waves in laboratory wind waves have been studied by use of a wind-wave tunnel. The individual waves are defined by actual undulations of the water surface at any instant, and are characterized by concentrated shearing stress and strong vorticity at their crests. A conspicuous self-similarity structure is found in the individual wave field. The similarity manifests itself as a simple spectral form, and as the statistical 3/2-power law between nondimensional wave height and wave period, and further as the -1/2-power relationship between nondimensional phase speed and frequency, for waves of the high frequency side. The normalized energy spectrum, specially defined for individual waves, has a form practically equivalent to the traditional spectrum for component waves in the main frequency range from 0.7 to 1.5 in the frequency normalized by the peak frequency, but does not have secondary peaks at harmonics. The phase speed of individual waves also coincides with that of component waves in the main frequency range.  相似文献   

武军林  魏岗  杜辉  徐峻楠 《海洋科学》2017,41(9):114-122
为进一步探究海洋内孤立波诱导流场对海洋工程结构物以及潜航器的影响,本文采用重力塌陷方法和粒子图像测速(Particle Image velocimetry,PIV)技术在大型分层流水槽中进行内孤立波造波以及内部流速场测量,定量分析了下凹型内孤立波诱导流场结构及其影响因素。研究表明:在密度分层流体中,PIV技术可实现对大幅面内孤立波诱导流场的精细测量以及波动结构特征的准确描述;水平流速在上下层方向相反且在跃层处最小,其剪切作用在波谷附近最强;垂向流动在波前和波后分别为上升和下沉流,两者流速值在距离波谷1/4~1/2波长位置达到最大;在相同内孤立波振幅条件下,上下层流体密度差越大、厚度比越小,则波致流场越强;随着振幅增大,流场结构与Kd V、e Kd V和MCC理论模型对应波幅适用范围的描述相吻合。  相似文献   

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