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东海中南部鱼类群聚结构的空间特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
依据1997~2000年东海中南部(25°30'~29°00'N,120°30'~127°00'E)四个季节的底拖网调查资料,运用聚类分析和非度量多维标度(NMDS)的方法分析了东海中南部鱼类群聚结构的空间特征,结果显示,东海中南部鱼类群聚大致可分为近海群聚和外海群聚.在不同季节两个群聚的种类组成保持了相对的稳定,并且具有一定的持续性.近海群聚的特征种类为带鱼、发光鲷等.外海群聚的特征种类主要为黄鳍马面鲀、短尾大眼鲷、黄鲷等.鱼类群聚与环境因子水深有较好的相关关系.  相似文献   

The Barents Sea ecosystem, one of the most productive and commercially important ecosystems in the world, has experienced major fluctuations in species abundance the past five decades. Likely causes are natural variability, climate change, overfishing and predator–prey interactions. In this study, we use an age-length structured multi-species model (Gadget, Globally applicable Area-Disaggregated General Ecosystem Toolbox) to analyse the historic population dynamics of major fish and marine mammal species in the Barents Sea. The model was used to examine possible effects of a number of plausible biological and fisheries scenarios. The results suggest that changes in cod mortality from fishing or cod cannibalism levels have the largest effect on the ecosystem, while changes to the capelin fishery have had only minor effects. Alternate whale migration scenarios had only a moderate impact on the modelled ecosystem. Indirect effects are seen to be important, with cod fishing pressure, cod cannibalism and whale predation on cod having an indirect impact on capelin, emphasising the importance of multi-species modelling in understanding and managing ecosystems. Models such as the one presented here provide one step towards an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to assess the role of trophic relations of the dominant pelagic fishes capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea with regard to distribution and accessibility as prey for the Atlantic cod in warm years (2004–2005). Unlike in the previous period, during these warm years a dramatic increase of the polar cod population resulted in a northwards expansion of the feeding grounds where overlapping of polar cod and capelin concentrations was observed. This caused an increased competition for copepods, which are the main food item for young fish. In the areas dominated by polar cod the shortage of copepods forced immature capelin to switch to the chaetognath Sagitta, which affected their fatness negatively.During the warm years the feeding grounds of Atlantic cod also expanded, to a large degree caused by the shortage of their main food, the capelin. In 2004–2005 the cod formed feeding concentrations in the north and northeast Barents Sea where they fed on the capelin. In this area the consumption of polar cod by cod increased, and in some local areas the polar cod practically replaced the capelin in the diet of cod. In general polar cod in the diet of Atlantic cod were more important in the northern than in the southern part of the Barents Sea. The fatness of cod was extremely low during the whole spring–summer period (until August), and after the feeding period the fatness index of the Atlantic cod became lower than the average long-term autumn value.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton composition and distribution were investigated by Juday net hauls in the Pechora Sea (south-eastern Barents Sea) in July 2001. A total of 66 taxa were identified. The total mesozooplankton abundance varied between 2416 ind m−2 in the northern part and 1458?935 ind m−2 in the south. The biomass ranged between 81 and 19?078 mg DW m−2. Three groups differed greatly in composition, abundance and biomass as delineated by cluster analysis. Copepod species Calanus finmarchicus, Pseudocalanus species and Limnocalanus macrurus dominated in terms of the total biomass within each single cluster. There were significant Spearman rank correlations between mesozooplankton abundance and oceanographic variables, and phytoplankton concentration. Salinity was the main factor affecting the mesozooplankton distribution in the coastal waters, while temperature had greater influence on the abundance and biomass in the central and northern parts. The mean mesozooplankton biomass in the region was higher in comparison with some previous investigations probably due to higher water temperature in summer 2001.  相似文献   

The shrimp spawn in autumn, and the females carry their eggs as out roe until spring when the larvae hatch. Within a period of 2 months the shrimp larvae settle to the bottom. It has been claimed that the year-class strength probably is determined during the larval phase. Today's assessment and forecast of the shrimp stock productivity and potential fishing yields are weak. This is partly due to poor knowledge on population dynamics from hatching until the shrimp are caught in the fishery at the age of 3 or 4 years. We, therefore, here identify the most important abiotic and biotic factors that affect recruitment in addition to spawning stock biomass. Since 1995, a net attached to the underbelly of the survey trawl used at the annual cruise in the Barents Sea has caught juvenile shrimp. The abundance of settled shrimp larvae varies in time and space. The recruitment to the fishery has been quite stable with the exception of the 1996 year-class, which was observed as 1-year-olds but has not been registered since. The temporal pattern of the three youngest year-classes is studied in relation to abiotic factors such as sea temperature, ice index and North Atlantic Oscillation, as well as biotic factors such as spawning stock biomass and presence of copepods, euphausiids and predating cod. Recruitment indices and factors identified by the Spearmann correlation to be significantly correlated with recruitment were used as input in a principal component analysis (PCA) and a generalized additive model (GAM) was applied. Abundance of 1-year-old shrimp is positively correlated to spawning stock biomass the previous year and to temperature of the previous winter, and negatively correlated with the number of 1-year-old cod. Two-year-old shrimp show significant correlation with temperature, whereas there is a strong negative correlation with euphausiids. Three-year-old shrimp are significantly correlated with the number of 2-year-old shrimp the previous year but negatively correlated to temperature at sampling time. This is probably due to less overlap with the main predator cod when cold. Ricker functions indicate an increased density-dependent mortality with age. When predicting the recruitment of shrimp to the fishery, the spawning stock biomass, the abundance of cod and euphausiids, as well as the temperature should be included.  相似文献   

Evolution of the western Barents Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Information from multichannel seismic reflection data complemented by seismic refraction, gravity and magnetics forms the basis for a regional structural and evolutionary model of the western Barents Sea during post-Caledonian times. The western Barents Sea contains a thick succession, locally > 10 km, of Upper Paleozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary rocks covering a basement of probably Caledonian origin. The area is divided into three regional geological provinces: (1) an east-west trending basinal province between 74°N and the coast of Norway; (2) an elevated platform area to the north towards Svalbard; and (3) the western continental margin. Several structural elements of different origin and age have been mapped within each of these provinces. The main stratigraphic sequence boundaries have been tentatively dated from available well information, correlation with the geology of adjacent areas, and correlation with the interregional unconformities caused by relative changes of sea level. The main structural elements were developed during three major post-Caledonian tectonic phases: the Svalbardian phase in Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous times, the Mid and Late Kimmerian phase in Mid Jurassic to Early Cretaceous times and Cenozoic tectonism related to the progressive northward opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The sediments are predicted to be of mainly clastic origin except for a thick sequence of Middle Carboniferous — Lower Permian carbonates and evaporites. Salt diapirs have developed in several sub-basins, especially in the Nordkapp Basin where they form continuous salt walls that have pierced through > 7 km of sediments.  相似文献   

DNA adducts in cod embryos and larvae were analysed by 32P-postlabeling to test the hypothesis that anthropogenic substances, which could form reactive intermediates, are involved in the reproductive failure of cod (Gadus morhua) from the Baltic Sea. A comparison with cod from the Barents Sea was performed. The mean value of DNA adducts in cod embryos/larvae from the Baltic Sea was 2.3 nmol of adducts/mol nucleotides, compared to 0.12 nmol of adducts/mol nucleotides in the embryos/larvae from the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

The temporal structure of the iceberg hazard in the central part of the Barents Sea is studied. Using the concept of iceberg activity for risk-management purposes is suggested and the values to measure it are presented. Recommendations for an iceberg detection system are given.  相似文献   

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