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Marine Geophysical Research - This study entails the characterization of the depositional environment of the Hupo Basin shelf. By means of sedimentary structure analysis, grain size, textures,...  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence for the presence of shallow-water contourite drifts on the south-western shelf and shelf edge off Mallorca in water depths between 150 and 275?m. These are called the Mallorca contourite depositional system (CDS). The elongate-mounded shallow-water CDS in this area is ascribed to an offshoot of the Balearic Current, which flows north to south through the Mallorca Channel as part of the overall thermohaline circulation in the Mediterranean Sea. Drift geometry suggests that the north?Csouth current is deflected into an east?Cwest flow pattern by interaction with a marked seafloor bathymetry, associated with major fault displacement. Four seismic units separated by three prominent discontinuities can be identified. The three internal discontinuities are correlated to large-scale basin-wide events: the lower Pliocene revolution (4.2?Ma), the upper Pliocene revolution (2.4?Ma) and the mid-Pleistocene revolution (0.9?Ma). The Plio-Quaternary succession has been deposited on top of a Miocene reef, which serves as an acoustic basement and is affected by a large fault, offsetting the basement on average by 150?m. Marked erosional features throughout and further incision of the Sant Jordi Channel along the basement fault in the Pleistocene deposits indicate stronger currents in this period. The Pleistocene deposits also show a pronounced cyclicity, which is tentatively ascribed to climatic variations and the effects of eustatic sea-level fluctuation over the south-western Mallorca shelf at that time.  相似文献   

Some geotechnical parameters, such as water content, bulk density, shear strength, and Atterberg limits, result directly from sedimentation mechanisms. The results of geotechnical tests for each physiographic zone of the Rhône Delta system—continental shelf, continental slope, and upper rise (base of slope)—are presented in this paper. These geotechnical parameters are correlated with the hydrodynamic, morphologic, and structural environmental conditions. They are also used to explain and forecast the instability of superficial deposits.  相似文献   

A 120 m thick section of the Cozy Dell Formation (middle Eocene), southem California, consists of a graylaminated mudstone and a tanungraded mudstone; sandstone beds are associated with the laminated mudstone. Sedimentary structures, stratification sequences, foraminiferal distributions, and composition indicate that the ungraded mudstone is an upper slope hemipelagic deposit, while the laminated mudstone is an overbank deposit associated with shallow channels or gullies in which the sandstone beds were deposited. This depositional setting may be analogous to that of the modern Mississippi River delta front.  相似文献   

Fluxes of the heavy metals chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) delivered by rivers to the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea) were estimated over a three year study of the River Rhone and its smaller tributaries. Most of the particulate metal fluxes (80–90%) delivered by these rivers occurred within a very short period of time (less than 12%), a typical trend for the Mediterranean environment, where highly contrasting hydrological regimes were observed over the year. Temporal and spatial variations in the fluxes of these particulate metals were driven by the fluxes in both water discharge and suspended particulate matter load. On the shelf, these particulate metal fluxes, largely arising from the Rhone watershed, were two to ten times more important than those resulting from atmospheric deposition. Co, Cr and Ni in the rivers and on the shelf surface sediments were mainly natural and associated with the finest particles. Cd and Phosphorus appeared to be associated with the silt fraction and to be enriched in the prodelta areas. Pb, Zn and Cu were more closely associated with the organic matter content and also showed enrichment in the organic rich prodeltaic sediments. Anthropogenic influences diminished offshore, except for Pb and Zn which could be supplied from the atmosphere by man-made aerosols. Although most of the metals tended to be enriched in the prodelta areas, these did not constitute a permanent sink due to resuspension processes affecting these shallow depths. A resuspension experiment conducted on sediment cores from the Rhone prodelta demonstrated that metal deposited on the surface layer, especially those associated with the organic matter, may be resuspended; this should be taken into account for a complete understanding of the biogeochemical cycle of these metals.  相似文献   

Thin-bedded beach-bar sandstone reservoirs are common in the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es4s) of Niuzhuang Sag, along the southern gentle slope of the Dongying Depression. Here we report on the link between sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary facies and diagenetic effects on reservoir quality. Seismic data, wireline logs, core observations and analyses are used to interpret depositional settings and sequence stratigraphic framework. Petrographic study based on microscopic observation of optical, cathodoluminescence (CL), confocal laser scanning (LSCM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were used to describe the fabric, texture, allogenic and authigenic mineralogy of these highly heterogeneous sandstone reservoirs. The Es4s interval is interpreted as third-order sequence, composed of a lowstand systems tract (LST), a transgressive systems tract (TST) and a highstand systems tract (HST). On the fourth order, twenty-nine parasequences and seven parasequence sets have been identified. Sand bodies were deposited mainly in the shoreface shallow lake beach-bar (clastic beach-bar), semi-deep lake (carbonate beach-bar) and the fluvial channels. The depositional and diagenetic heterogeneities were mainly due to the following factors: (1) fine grain size, poor sorting, and continuous thin inter-bedded mud layers with siltstone/fine-sandstone having argillaceous layers in regular intervals, (2) immature sediment composition, and (3) even with the dissolution of grains and several fractures, destruction of porosity by cementation and compaction. Secondary pores from feldspar dissolution are better developed in sandstones with increased cementation. Grain coating smectite clays preserved the primary porosity at places while dominating pore filling authigenic illite and illite/smectite clays reduced permeability with little impact on porosity. Due to the high degree of heterogeneity in the Es4s beach-bar interval, it is recognized as middle to low permeable reservoir. The aforementioned study reflects significant insight into the understanding of the properties of the beach-bar sands and valuable for the comprehensive reservoir characterization and overall reservoir bed quality.  相似文献   

ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Site 1119 was drilled in drift successions deposited by northward flowing currents on the Canterbury slope, South Island, New Zealand. Pliocene (∼3.9 Ma) to Pleistocene drift accumulation was concomitant with tectonic uplift and sediment supply from the Alpine Fault plate boundary to the west, glacial development and eustatic sealevel change that created cyclicity in sandy input. Sand detrital and biogenic modes of very fine and fine sand fractions from 24 unconsolidated core samples (44 thin sections) were determined. Fine sand fractions contain an average of 52% bioclastic debris, with bioclasts making up 23% of the very fine sand fraction. Foraminifers are the dominant bioclasts, with pelagic more common than benthic varieties. The average proportions of monocrystalline quartz, plagioclase and potassium feldspar are similar in both size fractions (average QmKP of ∼25:12:63). In contrast, the very fine sand fractions have, on average, higher lithic (QFL%L of 16 vs. 3%), mica (Totalgrain%M of 10 vs. 6%), and dense mineral (Totalgrain%D of 8 vs. 5%) content as compared with the fine sand fractions. Younger clinoform drape (Unit I) and older mounded drift (Unit II) seismic facies showed no distinct detrital compositional differences in their sand fractions, though bioclast content ranges higher in the fine sand fraction of Unit II. Albite feldspar, metamorphic rock fragment, and chlorite components in the sand are consistent with a schist provenance. Other components such as biotite, plagioclase, and K-feldspar require a contribution from metasedimentary and volcanic rocks. Thus there is some along-slope mixing during sediment transport by south-to-north flowing currents. Cemented microporous sandstone at the base of the section provides some insight into contourite burial diagenesis. This work provides a better understanding of the compositional variability of sand components of drift successions which are potential hydrocarbon reservoirs elsewhere.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that most beaches and coastal dune systems of the world are currently eroding but very few have investigated the combined sediment budgets of subaerial and nearshore submarine systems. In the case of the dune field of the Maspalomas Natural Special Reserve (in the south of Gran Canaria), the adjacent Maspalomas and El Inglés beaches and the adjacent submarine platform, the sediment budgets have been severely affected by erosion over the past few decades. The objectives of this study were to investigate the availability of sand within the modern sedimentary system, including the coastal dunes, the beaches and the submerged shelf, but also to assess local sediment sinks. An isopach map generated on the basis of topo-bathymetric data and seismic-reflection profiles revealed that sediment thickness varies from 0–22 m in the study area. Expanses of relatively low sediment thickness were identified in the south-western sector of the coastal dune field along Maspalomas beach, and in the nearshore region to the south of this beach. These localized sediment-deficit areas earmark Maspalomas beach as the most vulnerable shore strip threatened by erosion. The shallow seismic data also revealed that the submarine platform south of Maspalomas represents a marine terrace cut into an ancient alluvial fan, thus documenting an influence of the geomorphological heritage on the present-day morphodynamics. A side-scan sonar mosaic of this nearshore platform enabled the delimitation of areas covered by rock, boulders and gravel, vegetated sand patches and a mobile sand facies, the latter including ripple and megaripple fields. The megaripple field in a valley close to the talus of the marine terrace has been identified as a major sediment sink of the Maspalomas sedimentary system. It is fed by south-westerly storm-wave events. The sediment deficit in the coastal dune field and along Maspalomas beach can therefore only be explained by a currently faster loss of sediment to an offshore sink than can be compensated by the supply of sand from outside the system.  相似文献   

A regional study of the Holocene sequence onlapping the west-central Florida Platform was undertaken to merge our understanding of the barrier-island system with that of the depositional history of the adjacent inner continental shelf. Key objectives were to better understand the sedimentary processes, sediment accumulation patterns, and the history of coastal evolution during the post-glacial sea-level rise. In the subsurface, deformed limestone bedrock is attributed to mid-Cenozoic karstic processes. This stratigraphic interval is truncated by an erosional surface, commonly exposed, that regionally forms the base of the Holocene section. The Holocene section is thin and discontinuous and, north or south of the Tampa Bay area, is dominated by low-relief sand-ridge morphologies. Depositional geometries tend to be more sheet-like nearshore, and mounded or ridge-like offshore. Sand ridges exhibit 0.5–4 m of relief, with ridge widths on the order of 1 km and ridge spacing of a few kilometers. The central portion of the study area is dominated nearshore by a contiguous sand sheet associated with the Tampa Bay ebb-tidal delta. Sedimentary facies in this system consist mostly of redistributed siliciclastics, local carbonate production, and residual sediments derived from erosion of older strata. Hardground exposures are common throughout the study area. Regional trends in Holocene sediment thickness patterns are strongly correlated to antecedent topographic control. Both the present barrier-island system and thicker sediment accumulations offshore correlate with steeper slope gradients of the basal Holocene transgressive surface. Proposed models for coastal evolution during the Holocene transgression suggest a spatial and temporal combination of back-stepping barrier-island systems combined with open-marine, low-energy coastal environments. The present distribution of sand resources reflects the reworking of these earlier deposits by the late Holocene inner-shelf hydraulic regime.  相似文献   

Pronounced variations in slope topography and offshelf spillover have produced a three-fold difference (9 to 25 cm/1,000 yr) in Late Quaternary deposition rates among slope cores southeast of the Mid-Atlantic States. Upper rise cores revealed a high rate but lower core-to-core variability (20 to 44 cm/1,000 yr), largely the result of slope bypassing, i.e., effects of gravity-controlled downslope transport. A transport model suggests temporary slope sediment storage and higher accumulation of mud in more distal rise regions. Eustatic change accounts for the four-fold decrease in slope deposition rate between the Late Pleistocene and Holocene.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic of the Outer Moray Firth Basin can be divided into two main stratigraphic units — the Piper and Kimmeridge Clay Formations. In each of these formations five major sedimentary facies can be recognized. The Piper Formation, of late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian age, comprises very fine to coarse-grained sandstones and minor mudstone of clastic shelf to shoreline origin. Large scale upward-coarsening sequences are well developed in some areas, particularly in the reservoir sands of the Tartan oilfield, and are interpreted as regressive, possibly deltaic deposits. The unconformably overlying Kimmeridge Clay Formation ranges in age from late Oxfordian through Volgian to Ryazanian. The formation is predominantly argillaceous, but also contains locally thick accumulations of sandstone deposited by gravity flow processes. The Claymore Sandstone Member is proposed as a new name for these sandstones in the region of the Claymore oilfield, where they form the major reservoir. Sands of the Piper Formation were derived mainly from the south-west, although some input from the north may also have occurred. Deposition may have extended further eastwards than the present erosional limit of the sands. Thick sand sequences in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation are probably restricted to the margins of the Witch Ground Graben, where contemporaneous faulting occurred.  相似文献   

A high resolution seismic survey was carried out on the continental slope of Israel, NW of Caesarea. The area was studied in order to map the tectonic elements of the Dor structure, and to extrapolate and suggest a structural model of the tectonics of the continental slope of the SE Mediterranean since the Late Miocene. It was found that the continental slope was affected by two faulting systems—NW trending strike-slip faults and NNE trending normal faults. Faults of both systems are associated with numerous slumps along the slope. However, the NW trending faults belong to a faulting system of similar trend that abounds in the adjacent continent and extends northwestwards across the continental shelf and slope to the continental rise. The NNE trending faults form the shelf-edge faulting system that was associated with the subsidence of the eastern Mediterranean basin since the Pliocene. Thus the continental slope is not only a morphological transition zone but also a tectonic one, showing the influence of both the continental and the oceanic structural regimes in the SE Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

根据东营凹陷洼陷带岩性油藏勘探形成的“相—势”控藏理论,结合国内外“相”、“势”控藏研究文献调研,对“相—势”控藏作用原理进行了解剖,并以东营凹陷陡坡带砂砾岩扇体为例进行“相—势”控藏作用研究,验证了北带砂砾岩体成藏受“相—势”控制,总结了东营北带的“相—势”控藏特征,完善和发展了“相—势”控藏理论。同时在研究中发现,由于油气成藏是一个动态过程,虽然现今储层有利相带及成藏动力的耦合是成藏的关键,但是研究证实储层的物性、地层压力的动态演化对圈闭合油气充满度影响很大。应对油气成藏关键时期及其以后的储层物性及地层压力分布规律及其动态演化进行研究,实现含油气盆地的构造演化史、沉积埋藏史、热演化史、成烃史、油气充注史、“相—势”控藏历史等的有机统一,进一步完善和发展“相—势”控藏理论,必将带来陆相断陷盆地油气勘探理论新的突破。  相似文献   

Sixteen rock samples were collected from the continental shelf and slope between Napier and Cape Turnagain, southern Hawkes Bay, most coming from offshore anticlinal ridges. Nine of the samples have a foraminiferal fauna of Upper Miocene and Pliocene age. The remainder cannot be dated, but most are probably of similar age. The foraminiferal. faunas are considered to have lived at depths ranging down to at least 1600 m deeper than the depth from which they were collected. Thus, the post‐depositional history of the samples includes tectonic uplift of similar magnitude since Upper Tertiary times. Because most of the samples arc very fine grained, unlike Recent sediments from ridges, it is suggested that the present regime of folding is largely post‐Pliocene in age.  相似文献   

Evidence from over 200 sediment cores, numerous submersible dives, and bottom photographs prove that bioturbation and bioerosion are ongoing processes affecting northeastern U.S. continental slope and rise sedimentation. Evidence of biological activity was found in greater than 95% of the cores examined. Submersible dive observations reveal that the results of biological activity often dominate sea-floor microtopography. Bioturbation can disturb sediments several centimeters deep in a matter of seconds and is in some areas the primary sediment transport mechanism. Many cores with sandy intervals were profoundly disturbed by bioturbation. Biologically camouflaged sand-rich intervals can easily be missed by visual observation.  相似文献   

以频率、连续性、振幅、几何形态为划分依据,将海中凹陷流三段划分为6类地震相。通过区域沉积背景研究,分析其可能发育的沉积相类型,并根据其自身的地震反射特征和浅层有井层段沉积相分析,进行了地震相到沉积相的转化。海中凹陷流三段发育的沉积相类型主要有辫状河-冲积平原、滨浅湖、辫状河三角洲、近岸水下扇和半深湖。研究的意义在于证实了海中凹陷流三段储集层发育,同时推测凹陷深处发育的半深湖和大面积分布的浅湖可能发育大套湖相烃源岩。  相似文献   

平湖油气田是东海陆架盆地投入开发最早的油气田,平湖组是其主要的产层之一。长期以来,由于对平湖组沉积相认识一直存在分歧,影响了对其油气分布规律的认识。综合古生物、地化、岩心、录井、地震等资料,分析认为平湖组的沉积相为受潮汐作用影响的辫状河三角洲相,发育的主要微相类型包括有水下分流河道、河口砂坝、水下天然堤、分流间湾微相。这为油田下一步勘探开发提供了有益的指导。  相似文献   

现代黄河三角洲钓口叶瓣体沉积相及其沉积动力环境特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Huanghe River captures the Diaokou River in 1964 and forms a deltaic lobe in the subsequent 12 a. The progradational process of the Diaokou lobe is in associated with complicated evolution of riverine sheet flooding,merging, and swinging. On the basis of 11 borehole cores and 210 km high resolution seismic reflection data set,the sedimentary sequence and dynamic environment of the Diaokou lobe(one subdelta lobe of the modern Huanghe River Delta) are studied. The stratigraphy of the lobe is characterized by an upward-coarsening ternary structure and forms a progradational deltaic clinoform. Totally six seismic surfaces are identifiable in seismic profiles, bounded six seismic units(SUs). These SUs correspond to six depositional units(DUs) in the borehole cores, and among them, SUs 4–6(DUs D to F) consist of the modern Diaokou lobe. Lithological and seismic evidences indicate that the delta plain part of the Diaokou lobe is comprised primarily by fluvial lag sediments together with sediments from sidebanks, overbanks, fluvial flood plains and levees, while the delta front part is a combination of river mouth bar sands(majority) and distal bar and deltaic margin sediments(minority). As a result of the high sedimentation rate and weak hydrodynamic regime in the Huanghe River Delta, the sediments in the delta front are dominated by fine-grained materials. The grain size analysis indicates the Huanghe River hyperpycnal-concentrated flow shows the suspension, transportation and sedimentation characteristics of gravity flow, and the sediment transportation is primarily dominated by graded suspension, while uniform suspension and hydrostatic suspension are also observed in places. The strength of the hydrodynamic regime weakens gradually offshore from riverbed, river mouth bar, sidebank, distal bar subfacies to delta lateral margin and flooding plain subfacies.  相似文献   

The Transylvanian Basin is a mature hydrocarbon province of Romania characterized by two petroleum systems: Mesozoic (thermogenic) and Miocene (biogenic). An extensive outcrop-based sedimentological and micropaleontological study correlated to seismic and well data discusses the elements of the Miocene petroleum system. The facies associations are indicative of alluvial, fandelta, shallow- and deep-marine settings. These are grouped into four different depositional systems (evaporite, mud-carbonate, sand-mud and sand-gravel). Their evolution in time and space shows large differences between various parts of the basin that have important consequences for exploration.  相似文献   

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