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The principal features which distinguish the atmosphere on Venus from that of the Earth are the slow rotation of the planet, the large mass of the atmosphere, and the opacity of the atmosphere to long-wave radiation. The slow rotation of the planet gives rise, first of all, to nongeostrophuc dynamics (the atmosphere gas has a tendency to move along the pressure gradient), with the result that the region of the main influx of solar energy is located on one side of the planet, and the region of maximum cooling on the other. These considerations lead to a much simpler scheme of circulation than that in the Earth's atmosphere.The large mass of the atmosphere is the cause of a high thermal and mechanical inertia, which explains why the atmospheric circulation is asymmetrical relative to the solar-antisolar axis. The daily center of circulation is displaced to the second half of the Cytherean solar day, i.e., to the line of zero budget of thermal energy corresponding to a height of the Sun abobe the horizon of about 20°. The notions of cold and warm regions are very relative for Venus. While the horizontal temperature differences on the Earth may reach 100°, a mean horizontal temperature drop as small as 3° in the Cytherean atmosphere may be looked upon as an exceptional phenomenon. This high thermal homogeneity is due to a very large thermal inertia, with cooling at the poles never manifesting itself in the temperature fields obtained.The opacity of the Cytherean atmosphere to long-wave radiation results in vertical heat transfer by turbulence, mesoscale convection, and large-scale currents. This produces adiabatic stratification in the troposphere and a high temperature in the lower layers.These phenomena were studied in a general manner using two- and three-level models. Steps have recently been undertaken to investigate in greater detail the vertical structure of the troposphere on Venus using ten-level models. It appeared that the vertical dynamic structure of the troposphere is very much dependent on the distribution in height of the solar energy influx. In the greenhouse model, the entire atmosphere is affected by circulation. Pronounced velocity maxima are observed in the lower and upper layers. In a model with adsorption of solar radiation in the upper layer, the velocity is small in the lower layers, but it rapidly increases and changes its direction several times in the upper layers. The mean kinetic energy of the atmosphere proves to be two to three times smaller than in the greenhouse model.Attempts have been made in the calculations to find the principal modes of the statistical fluctuations. The results obtained show that atmospheric circulation may be represented by a global mean basic state following the rotation of the planet with deviations from that basic state which are indeterminate disturbances. The mean basic state exhibits a high degree of symmetry relative to the equator. On account of nonlinearity, the disturbances were observed in all the models independently of space and time resolution. This phenomenon appears to reflect the actual properties of the Cytherean atmosphere and has no bearing on the details of the numerical scheme.  相似文献   

Donald M. Hunten 《Icarus》1974,22(1):111-116
A summary is given of our current knowledge of Titan's atmosphere, based on the report of the 1973 Titan Atmosphere Workshop.  相似文献   

It is proposed that a large temperature inversion exists in the atmosphere of Titan due to absorption of solar radiation by small “dust” particles. A very simplified preliminary analysis indicates that this inversion model can expain the high infrared brightness temperatures in the absence of a greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

We identify mechanisms controlling the distribution of methane convection and large-scale circulation in a simplified, axisymmetric model atmosphere of Titan forced by gray radiation and moist (methane) convection. The large-scale overturning circulation, or Hadley cell, is global in latitudinal extent and provides fundamental control of precipitation and tropospheric winds. The precipitating, large-scale updraft regularly oscillates in latitude with seasons. The distance of greatest poleward excursion of the Hadley cell updraft is set by the mass of the convective layer of the atmosphere; convection efficiently communicates seasonal warming of the surface through the cold and dense lower atmosphere, increasing the heat capacity of the system. The presence of deep, precipitating convection introduces three effects relative to the case with no methane latent heating: (1) convection is narrowed and enhanced in the large-scale updraft of the Hadley cell; (2) the latitudinal amplitude of Hadley cell updraft oscillations is decreased; and (3) a time lag is introduced. These effects are observable in the location and timing of convective methane clouds in Titan’s atmosphere as a function of season. A comparison of simulations over a range of convective regimes with available observations suggest methane thermodynamic-dynamic feedback is important in the Titan climate.  相似文献   

Within the numerical general-circulation model of the Martian atmosphere MAOAM (Martian Atmosphere: Observation and Modeling), we have developed the water cycle block, which is an essential component of modern general circulation models of the Martian atmosphere. The MAOAM model has a spectral dynamic core and successfully predicts the temperature regime on Mars through the use of physical parameterizations typical of both terrestrial and Martian models. We have achieved stable computation for three Martian years, while maintaining a conservative advection scheme taking into account the water–ice phase transitions, water exchange between the atmosphere and surface, and corrections for the vertical velocities of ice particles due to sedimentation. The studies show a strong dependence of the amount of water that is actively involved in the water cycle on the initial data, model temperatures, and the mechanism of water exchange between the atmosphere and the surface. The general pattern and seasonal asymmetry of the water cycle depends on the size of ice particles, the albedo, and the thermal inertia of the planet’s surface. One of the modeling tasks, which results from a comparison of the model data with those of the TES experiment on board Mars Global Surveyor, is the increase in the total mass of water vapor in the model in the aphelion season and decrease in the mass of water ice clouds at the poles. The surface evaporation scheme, which takes into account the turbulent rise of water vapor, on the one hand, leads to the most complete evaporation of ice from the surface in the summer season in the northern hemisphere and, on the other hand, supersaturates the atmosphere with ice due to the vigorous evaporation, which leads to worse consistency between the amount of the precipitated atmospheric ice and the experimental data. The full evaporation of ice from the surface increases the model sensitivity to the size of the polar cap; therefore, the increase in the latter leads to better results. The use of a more accurate dust scenario changes the model temperatures, which also strongly affects the water cycle.  相似文献   

Observations by several instruments onboard the Cassini spacecraft revealed the existence of heavy hydrocarbon and nitrile species with masses of several thousand atomic mass units in the ionosphere of Titan. These very large molecules are in fact aerosols. The goal of this paper is to compute the concentrations of the charged aerosols in the upper atmosphere (950-1200 km) of Titan. The charging of these aerosols has been studied using the charge balance equations, where positive ions, negative ions, electrons, neutral and charged aerosols are included. Number concentrations of charged aerosols are compared with those observed by the Cassini instruments. The present work estimates the aerosol mass density as 1-10 kg/m3, which is within the predicted range. The results show that the aerosols must be smaller than 10 nm in order to have reasonable agreement with observations by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer.  相似文献   

The data obtained in space-borne measurements and the findings of turbulence theory show that turbulence, of both small and large scales, has a decisive influence on the structure and dynamics of the atmosphere of Venus. The small-scale turbulence generates anomalous convection, while large-scale turbulence induces the return spectral flux of energy that is the main element of the superrotation mechanism in the atmosphere. Ways for improving the general circulation model of the atmosphere of Venus are proposed.  相似文献   

R.F. Knacke  T. Owen  R.R. Joyce 《Icarus》1975,24(4):460-464
Infrared photometry of Titan, Saturn, and Saturn's Rings at 3.5, 4.9, 17.8, and 18.4 μm is reported. Comparison of the albedo of Titan in the 4.9 μm “window” with the albedo of the rings and with laboratory spectra suggests that frost, possibly water ice, could be a major constituent. If thick clouds are present they must be very dark at 4.9 μm. The 17.8 and 18.4 μm data are not consistent with a clear, dense molecular hydrogen atmosphere.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(10-11):1347-1354
Cosmic ray radiation is the main mechanism for ionizing the lower atmosphere of Titan. Their higher penetration power, in comparison with solar photons, allows cosmic rays to penetrate deep into the atmosphere of Titan, ionizing the neutral molecules and generating an ionosphere with an electron density peak, placed at around 90 km, similar in magnitude to the ionospheric peak produced by solar radiation in the upper atmosphere. In the lower atmosphere, the electron density profile, in the absence of a magnetic field, depends mainly on the modulation of cosmic rays by the solar wind and on the nature of the ionizable particles. We present here the first results of a new numerical model developed to calculate the concentration of electrons and most abundant ions in the Titan lower atmosphere. The present knowledge of Titan’s atmosphere permits us to include new neutral and ionic species, such as oxygen derivates, in a more detailed ion-chemistry calculation than previous lower ionospheric models of Titan. The electron density peaks at 90 km with a magnitude of 2150 cm−3. The ion distribution obtained predicts that cluster cations and hydrocarbon cations are the most abundant ions below and above the electron density peak, respectively. We also discuss the effect of solar activity at the distance of the Saturn orbit on the spectrum of the cosmic particles. We obtain that from solar minimum to solar maximum the ionization rate at the energy deposition peak changes by a factor of 1.2 at 70 km, and by a factor of 2.6 at altitudes as high as 400 km. The electron density at the concentration peak changes by a factor of 1.1 at 90 km, and by a factor of 1.6 at 400 km.  相似文献   

Darrell F. Strobel 《Icarus》1974,21(4):466-470
Detailed photochemical models are constructed for two model atmospheres: (1) 100% CH4 and (2) 50% H2, 50% CH4. Both models predict large column densities of C2H2 and C2H6 (~1 cm atm) for eddy mixing rates ~105 cm2 sec?, which are comparable to rates appropriate for Jupiter. These column densities vary inversely with the eddy diffusion coefficient. The models confirm the interpretation by Danielson et al. (1973) of the 12μ feature in the spectra of Gillet et al. (1973) as emission by C2H6 in a thermal inversion region. The C2H6C2H2 mixing ratio is sensitive to the net escape rate of H atoms from the exobase.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(13):1990-2009
This study aims at interpreting the zonal and meridional wind in Titan's troposphere measured by the Huygens probe by means of a general circulation model. The numerical simulation elucidates the relative importance of the seasonal variation in the Hadley circulation and Saturn's gravitational tide in affecting the actual wind profile. The observed reversal of the zonal wind at two altitudes in the lower troposphere can be reproduced with this model only if the near-surface temperature profile is asymmetric about the equator and substantial seasonal redistribution of angular momentum by the variable Hadley circulation takes place. The meridional wind near the surface is mainly caused by the meridional pressure gradient and is thus a manifestation of the Hadley circulation. Southward meridional wind in the PBL (planetary boundary layer) is consistent with the near-surface temperature at the equator being lower than at mid southern latitudes. Even small changes in the radiative heating profile in the troposphere can substantially affect the mean zonal and meridional wind including their direction. Saturn's gravitational tide is rather weak at the Huygens site due to the proximity to the equator, and does not clearly manifest itself in the instantaneous vertical profile of wind. Nevertheless, the simulated descent trajectory is more consistent with the observation if the tide is present. Because of a different force balance in Titan's atmosphere from terrestrial conditions, PBL-specific wind systems like on Earth are unlikely to exist on Titan.  相似文献   

We present in this work an application to Titan, Saturn's satellite of the transposable planetary general circulation model (PGCM), which was developed based on the second version of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM2) of NCAR. The PGCM is a spectral model with the sigma coordinate (where σ is the pressure normalized to its surface value, commonly used as a vertical coordinate in general circulation models) and is integrated in time using the semi-implicit leapfrog scheme. The horizontal resolutions of the model are based on 128 points in longitude and 64 points in latitude, and the vertical discretization is of 26 σ-levels. In Titan's conditions we apply the PGCM to simulate Titan's general circulation in this study. Some interesting phenomena such as equatorial superrotation, vertical meridional circulations, vertical structure, etc. are well replicated. This demonstrates the good performance and applicability to Titan of our model and provides a foundation for further studies on simulating and understanding Titan's general circulation and its variability by coupling the physical processes. The features of Titan's circulation under the condition of the Earth's rotation rate are also investigated. The results suggest that different rotation rates can significantly affect the dynamical structure of Titan's circulation.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of a low dimensional martian climate attractor is investigated by the application of the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to a simulation of martian atmospheric circulation using the UK Mars general circulation model (UK-MGCM). In this article we focus on a time series of the interval between autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere, when baroclinic activity is intense. The POD is a statistical technique that allows the attribution of total energy (TE) to particular structures embedded in the UK-MGCM time-evolving circulation. These structures are called empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs). Ordering the EOFs according to their associated energy content, we were able to determine the necessary number to account for a chosen amount of atmospheric TE. We show that for Mars a large fraction of TE is explained by just a few EOFs (with 90% TE in 23 EOFs), which apparently support the initial hypothesis. We also show that the resulting EOFs represent classical types of atmospheric motion, such as thermal tides and transient waves. Thus, POD is shown to be an efficient method for the identification of different classes of atmospheric modes. It also provides insight into the non-linear interaction of these modes.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical model for space-time distribution of the basic parameters of the general circulation of the atmosphere at ionospheric levels (E-and F-regions). The model is based on the results of a physico-statistical analysis of experimental data on the measurement of horizontal ionospheric drifts by close spaced receivers, carried out by the world network of stations in 1958–1970. This model allows an evaluation of the motion parameters at a given latitude, local time, season and the level of solar activity to be made. The limitations and shortcomings of the model are discussed, the results are compared with theoretical and semi-empirical schemes of the atmospheric general circulation, as well as with data of both rocket measurements of wind and drift measurements of plasma by the method of incoherent scatter of radio waves. The physics of the results obtained are stressed. The characteristics of the model are tested and defined using the materials af the coordinated program of drift measurements in the E-region from 8 stations of the northern hemisphere in 1971–1974. The characteristics of motions at higher latitudes and the longitudinal effect are discussed.  相似文献   

The seasonal evolution of the H2O snow in the Martian polar caps and the dynamics of water vapor in the Martian atmosphere are studied. It is concluded that the variations of the H2O mass in the polar caps of Mars are determined by the soil thermal regime in the polar regions of the planet. The atmosphere affects water condensation and evaporation in the polar caps mainly by transferring water between the polar caps. The stability of the system implies the presence of a source of water vapor that compensates for the removal of water from the atmosphere due to permanent vapor condensation in the polar residual caps. The evaporation of the water ice that is present in the surface soil layers in the polar regions of the planet is considered as such a source. The annual growth of the water-ice mass in the residual polar caps is estimated. The latitudinal pattern of the seasonal distribution of water vapor in the atmosphere is obtained for the stable regime.Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 38, No. 6, 2004, pp. 497–503.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Aleshin.  相似文献   

Kenneth Fox 《Icarus》1975,24(4):454-459
The basis for “quasipolar” absorption (QPA) by CH4 is the existence of a small electric dipole moment in its ground state. The integrated intensity αQPA at a temperature of 90K is calculated to be between 4.8 × 10?5 and 1.9 × 10?2 cm?2 atm?1. With an assumed mean pressure of 0.1 atm and a relative abundance of [CH4][H2] = 1, it is estimated that the ratio of quasipolar to pressure-induced absorption (PIA) is 0.05 ? αQPA/αPIA ? 18 for the spectral range from 0 to 300 cm?1. This result suggests that quasipolar absorption may contribute to a weak, CH4-induced greenhouse in the atmosphere of Titan.  相似文献   

The rates and altitudes for the dissociation of atmospheric constituents of Titan are calculated for solar UV, solar wind protons, interplanetary electrons, Saturn magnetospheric particles, and cosmic rays. The resulting integrated synthesis rates of organic products range from 102–103 g cm?2 over 4.5 × 109 years for high-energy particle sources to 1.3 × 104 g cm?2 for UV at λ < 1550 A?, and to 5.0 × 105 g cm?2 if λ > 1550 A? (acting primarily on C2H2, C2H4, and C4H2) is included. The production rate curves show no localized maxima corresponding to observed altitudes of Titan's hazes and clouds. For simple to moderately complex organic gases in the Titanian atmosphere, condensation occurs below the top of the main cloud deck at 2825 km. Such condensates comprise the principal cloud mass, with molecules of greater complexity condensing at higher altitudes. The scattering optical depths of the condensates of molecules produced in the Titanian mesosphere are as great as ~ 102/(particulate radius, μm) if column densities of condensed and gas phases are comparable. Visible condensation hazes of more complex organic compounds may occur at altitudes up to ~ 3060 km provided only that the abundance of organic products declines with molecular mass no faster than laboratory experiments indicate. Typical organics condensing at 2900 km have molecular masses = 100–150 Da. At current rates of production the integrated depth of precipitated organic liquids, ices, and tholins produced over 4.5 × 109 years ranges from a minimum ~ 100 m to kilometers if UV at λ > 1550 A? is important. The organic nitrogen content of this layer is expected to be ~ 10?1?10?3 by mass.  相似文献   

N. Tabarie 《Icarus》1974,23(3):363-373
Several models of the Titan atmosphere are derived, and the corresponding vertical distribution of atomic hydrogen and its Lyman-alpha (1216 Å) emission are determined.  相似文献   

The photochemistry of simple molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms in the atmosphere of Titan has been investigated using updated chemical schemes and our own estimates of a number of key rate coefficients. Proper exospheric boundary conditions, vertical transport, and condensation processes at the tropopause have been incorporated into the model. It is argued that he composition, climatology, and evolution of Titan's atmosphere are controlled by five major processes: (a) photolysis and photosensitized dissociation of CH4; (b) conversion of H to H2 and escape of hydrogen; (c) synthesis of higher hydrocarbons; (d) coupling between nitrogen and hydrocarbons; (e) coupling between oxygen and hydrocarbons. Starting with N2, CH4, and H2O, and invoking interactions with ultraviolet sunlight, energetic electrons, and cosmic rays, the model satisfactorily accounts for the concentrations of minor species observed by the Voyager IRIS and UVS instruments. Photochemistry is responsible for converting the simpler atmospheric species into more complex organic compounds, which are subsequently condensed at the tropopause and deposited on the surface. Titan might have lost 5.6 x 10(4), 1.8 x 10(3), and 4.0 g cm-2, or the equivalent of 8, 0.25, and 5 x 10(-4) bars of CH4, N2, and CO, respectively, over geologic time. Implications of abiotic organic synthesis on Titan for the origin of life on Earth are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A list of volatile nitriles, not yet detected in the atmosphere of Titan, but likely to be present in this environment, has been selected: acetonitrile, propionitrile, acrylonitrile, crotononitrile, allyl cyanide, methacrylonitrile, and cyanopropyne. The spectra of these compounds in the gas phase have been systematically studied, in the mid- and far-infrared ranges. For each selected nitrile, the most intense vibration bands have been determined. Their strengths have been characterized by estimating the monochromatic absorption coefficient at the maximum(s) of the bands, and the integrated absorbance over the entire band. Then, in order to estimate the detectability of the selected compounds by infrared spectroscopy in the atmosphere of Titan, the data obtained have been extrapolated to the case of Titan.  相似文献   

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