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Sandstones, located in the Kuching area, western Sarawak, are known as the ‘Plateau Sandstones’ (of possible Eocene to early Miocene age). However, based on a number of factors, including: (i) anomalous kerogene compositions; (ii) proximity of the on-lap surface; and (iii) palaeocurrent direction (generally to the NNE), it is thought that the sands exposed on the Bako Peninsula are unrelated to the Plateau Formation (located to the south of the Bako Penisula) and therefore a new name is coined; the Bako Sandstones, which form a subgroup of the Bako Sandstone Group. The Bako Sandstones form the Bako Peninsula, a flat-topped cliffed plateau which extends into the South China Sea at a latitude of 1°30′N. The plateau has a gently dipping surface, sloping northwards from a height of about 300 to 150 m. The sandstones form a succession of very thick bedded sandstones (up to 6 m thick), with lenses of conglomerates and subordinate sandy mudstones. The sandstones consist of pebbly coarse-medium grained sands, interbedded with polymictic pebble conglomerates. The sandstones are mainly lithic arenite, poorly to moderately sorted and consist of subangular to subrounded grains. Isolated pebbles are common throughout the sandstones. The most common structure in both sandstones and conglomerates is cross-bedding; planar cross-bedding and trough cross-bedding, together with thick sequences of climbing ripples. These structures suggest extensive tractional transport, forming both ripple and dune structures along the base of the channel. The geometry of the sands is either (i) lensoidal, or (ii) tabular, with the channel-fill interpreted as scour-fill channels or migrating dunes, respectively. Both types are commonly stacked vertically or amalgamate laterally to form thick interconnected units. The conglomeratic lenses, scour-fill features and rip-up shale clasts are related to higher energy erosional events, whilst the mud-draped ripples, ripple rejuvenation surfaces and two-tiered channel margins indicate a lower energy and stasis period. Slope instabilities at the channel margin are inferred from the slump structures present and shale clast slurries. The sandstones at Bako are thought to have formed within a braided channel environment (subject to exposure, from the presence of mud cracks within the formation).  相似文献   

The Lower Freshwater Molasse (Untere Susswasser Molasse) crops out over a wide area of the Swiss Molasse Basin. Coarse grained alluvial fan conglomerates dominate in proximal basin areas along the Alpine front. These conglomerates pass northwards into sandstones and mudstones of an extensive northeastward draining meandering river system which ran parallel to the basin axis. Sedimentological study of outcrops, quarry exposures and boreholes in the basal Miocene (‘Aquitanian‘) has permitted detailed facies analysis of this distal alluvial sequence. The distal Aquitanian is made up of distinct ‘architectural elements’characterized by their geometries and sedimentary structures. Each may be assigned to a particular depositional setting: meander belt, levees, crevasse channels and splays, overbank fines and palaeosols, and lacustrine. Meander belt sandstones were deposited in mixed load channels with a dominant bedload component. Sandstones commonly comprise amalgamated and locally stacked ribbon bodies 2–15 m thick and 150–1500 m wide. Interbedded rippled, laminated and mottled fine grained levee sandstones and siltstones form lenticular packages up to 3 m thick and 30–100 m across. Small scale crevasse channel sandstones 2–4 m thick and 5–10 m across pass laterally into metre scale, medium to fine grained crevasse sandstone sheets. Rare laminated lacustrine siltstones occur only in the north-east part of the basin. Floodplain mudstones and marls make up the remainder of the succession. These display a variety of pedogenic features recording cyclical palaeosol development. Palaeosols show strong variations in morphology and maturity both laterally across the floodplain and downstream along the basin axis, reflecting local variation in aggradation rate associated with proximity to alluvial channel courses as well as regional variation in subsidence and floodplain drainage. Analysis of the organization and distribution of the various sediment bodies permits reconstruction of the fluvial system and allows development of a model for the sedimentary architecture of the Lower Freshwater Molasse in the study area. Integration of palaeosol studies into a well defined architectural framework assists recognition of areal facies belts and may aid location of sand-prone sequences in the subsurface.  相似文献   

The Famennian-Tournaisian conglomerates and sandstones of the Ksiaz Formation are interpreted as marine resedimented deposits. Matrix- and clast-supported conglomerate beds are equally common, and two textural sequences (motifs) have been recognized: (I) matrix-rich conglomerate → pebbly sandstone → sandstone, and (II) clast-supported conglomerate → sandstone. Variation in clast type partly controls motif type, and therefore, to some extent, matrix percentage in the conglomerates generally. Grading is extremely common in both clast- and matrix-supported conglomerates: inverse (19%), inverse-to-normal (14%) and normal (26%). The studied succession, itself part of a 4 km thick, fan delta, basin-fill sequence, is organized into large (110–150 m) and small-scale (5–30 m) sequences, both of which show (1) upward coarsening and thickening, (2) upward trend of sandstones and pebbly sandstone → matrix-rich conglomerates → clast-supported conglomerates and (3) a less clear upward tendency of massive and normally graded beds → inversely graded beds. Variation in matrix percentage in beds is therefore also partly controlled by fan processes, during the progradation of fan bodies and lobes. It is predicted that individual resedimented conglomerate beds or motifs show general downfan trends in thickness, texture and structure opposite to those evident in the vertical sequences.  相似文献   

High resolution stratigraphical analysis divides a rock succession into the basic genetic units of stratigraphy which are here termed small scale stratigraphical cycles. Each cycle records the sedimentological response to an episode of shallowing and deepening. Assuming that these changes in water depth reflect changes in the shoreline position, they can be considered as regressive/transgressive episodes. Each cycle comprises a regressive and transgressive facies tract which will be variably proportioned; in some examples a facies tract may only be represented by a hiatal surface of no deposition, erosion and/or bypass. In the Annot Sandstones of south-east France, variations in facies types, proportions and associations can be demonstrated both laterally and vertically through the succession. First, it is demonstrated that facies variations occur within regressive or transgressive facies tracts as a function of the stratigraphical stacking pattern of the cycles (i.e. landward, vertical or seaward stacked); this is termed ‘vertical facies differentiation’. Second, the proportions of facies tracts and their constituent facies types within an individual cycle vary between more landward and more seaward palaeogeographical locations; this is termed ‘lateral facies differentiation'. The upper Eocene/lower Oligocene Annot sandstones outcrop in the Maritime Alps of south-east France, within the thin skinned outer fold and thrust belt of the Alpine arc. The sandstones are well exposed in the area of the Col de la Cayolle on the north-west margin of the Argentera Massif, where lithostratigraphical correlations are possible over 3·5 km in a NNW/SSE direction, perpendicular to the edge of the depositional basin. Traditionally, these outcrops have been interpreted as deep marine turbidite lobe sediments; this study reflects a significant reinterpretation of this succession as having been deposited in a shallow marine environment. Seven sedimentary sections were measured through the succession, which is divided into 10 small scale stratigraphical cycles. These cycles are described in terms of eight facies which are separated into their transgressive or regressive facies tracts. In eight of the 10 cycles, the regressive facies tracts reflect the progradation of storm influenced braid deltas over shelf muds and silts. In two of the 10 cycles, the regressive facies tracts reflect barrier inlet and wash-over sands interfingering with back barrier deposits. These latter two cycles are located within landward stepping cycle sets; this is an example of vertical facies differentiation. Transgressive facies tracts locally reworked the upper surface of the regressive facies tract and also comprise barrier and back barrier deposits. The facies succession within each cycle varies according to its position with respect to the palaeoshoreline. The more landward portion of an individual cycle comprises a deltaic shoaling upward succession, culminating in coarse distributary channel conglomerates, overlain by a transgressive barrier/inlet system with extensive back barrier deposits. Beyond the delta front, the more seaward equivalent of individual cycles comprises an erosive base, with aggradational massive pebbly sandstones sitting directly upon offshore heterolithics; these sandstones are interpreted as hyperconcentrated fluvial efflux into the nearshore environment. This grades upward into offshore heterolithics and graded storm deposits representing the products of ravinement, which are then overlain by shelf mudstones. In summary, the more landward portions of cycles preserve predominantly regressive facies tracts, whereas the more seaward portions preserve aggradational to retrogradational strata of the transgressive facies tract; this is an example of lateral facies differentiation.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Juniper Ridge Conglomerate (JRC) near Coalinga, California, provides a rare, high-quality exposure of a submarine channel to overbank transition. The facies architecture of the JRC comprises a thick, predominantly mudstone sequence overlain by a channellized conglomerate package. Conglomeratic bounding surfaces truncate successions of interbedded turbiditic sandstones and mudstones both vertically and laterally. Thick-bedded, massive sandstones are interbedded with conglomerates. Facies architecture, palaeocurrent indicators, slump features, sandstone percentages and sandstone bed thickness trends lead to the interpretation that these elements comprise channel and overbank facies. A vertical sequence with conglomerate at the base, followed by thick-bedded sandstone, and capped by interbedded turbiditic sandstone and mudstone form a fining-upward lithofacies association that is interpreted as a single channel-fill/overbank system. Three similar lithofacies associations can be related to autocyclic processes of thalweg migration and submarine fan aggradation or to allocyclically driven changes in sediment calibre.  相似文献   

The Middle Albian Ondarroa turbidite system is a coarse grained, deep water unit which outcrops in the north-eastern part of the Basque-Cantabrian region, west of the Pyrenees. It is about 18 km long and 7 km wide, and shows an unusual ‘L’shape resulting from both a direct morphotectonic confinement and the presence of nearby shallow water carbonate buildups. Eight main facies have been distinguished within this turbidite system: (1) clast-supported conglomerates; (2) mud-supported conglomerates; (3) slump deposits; (4) normally graded pebbly sandstones; (5) cross stratified sandstones; (6) interbedded graded sandstones and mudstones; (7) interbedded non-graded sandstones and mudstones: and (8) mudstones. Inner system, middle system, outer system and basin plain divisions have been distinguished. The inner turbidite system is characterized by stacked channel fill conglomerates and lesser sandy turbidites and mudstones. The middle system consists of sandy and conglomeratic fining upwards sequences, normally several metres thick. The outer system has alternating non-channellized sandstones and mudstones, without any predictable vertical arrangement. The basin plain is characterized by mudstone-siltstone laminations and lesser, randomly occurring thin bedded sandy turbidites. Three main channel fills make up the inner turbidite system. Although all of them can be compared with the valley channel fills of the modern Mississippi Fan, and thus their bases can be interpreted as sequence boundaries, only the lowermost and the uppermost channel bases are documented as allocyclic boundaries. The Ondarroa turbidite system was deposited in an immature passive margin subjected to transtensional movements. It filled a composite pull apart depression with coarse clastics derived from a narrow platform to the north of the present outcrops which was invaded by fan deltas. A major pattern of sinistral strike-slip faulting linked to the opening of the Bay of Biscay is invoked to explain the Ondarroa turbidite system appearance and its tectonic confinement.  相似文献   

The Mesoproterozoic Upper Kaimur Group consists of Bijaigarh Shale, Scarp Sandstone, and Dhandraul Sandstone. Based on the lithofacies data set, two major facies associations were identified, namely—tidal sand flat/sand bar facies association (TSFA) and tidally influenced fluvial channel facies/tidal channel facies association (TIFCFA). The Dhandraul Sandstone has been interpreted as a product of TIFCFA and the underlying Scarp Sandstone in TSFA which endorses a tidal dominated estuarine setting. Detrital modes of the Dhandraul and Scarp Sandstones fall in the quartz arenite to sub-litharenite types. Petrographical data suggest that the deposition of the Upper Kaimur Group sandstones took place in humid climate and was derived from mixed provenances. The sandstone composition suggests detritus from igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, and recycled sedimentary rocks. The sandstone tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest that the provenances of the Upper Kaimur Group sandstones were continental block, recycled orogen, rifted continental margin to quartzose recycled tectonic regimes. It is envisaged that the Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic granite, granodiorite, gneiss, and metasedimentary rocks of Mahakoshal Group and Chotanagpur granite–gneiss present in the western and northwestern direction are the possible source rocks for the Upper Kaimur Group in the Son Valley.  相似文献   

辽河盆地大凌河油层湖底扇沉积特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
辽河盆地位于辽宁省南部,渤海湾盆地东北角,是继中生代发育起来的第三纪断陷盆地。分东部凹陷,西部凹陷和大民屯凹陷等二级构造单元(图1)。  相似文献   

杨昌贵  袁志祥 《沉积学报》1988,6(2):123-131
鄂尔多斯盆地晚二叠世湖相沉积主要由灰棕色砂砾岩和红至灰色泥岩组成,厚500-600米。从该套沉积中已识别出五个主要相组合,即水下扇、湖岸冲积平原、湖成三角洲、边缘湖和滨外湖相组合。水下扇相发育于研究区西南缘,冲积平原相发育于研究区北部,湖成三角洲相发育于研究区北部和东部,边缘湖相发育于研究区中部,滨外湖相发育于研究区南部。  相似文献   

林畅松  杨起 《现代地质》1991,5(3):252-262,T001
位于鄂尔多斯西缘的贺兰构造带为一中元古代一古生代的奥拉槽。在区内的中寒武和中奥陶统中识别了一套巨厚的深水重力流沉积,其中包括下斜坡滑塌泥石流复合体、浊积扇以及碳酸盐岩斜坡扇裙等沉积类型。主要的相单元包括充填沟道或进入扇面形成的泥石流钙质角砾岩和砾岩、充填辫状水道的多层叠置的砂岩和砂砾岩、上叠扇的砂、泥岩互层以及浊积砂屑或含砾砂屑灰岩等。在中奥陶世该奥拉槽发展成一深水一半深水海槽,沿盆地西侧发育有浊积扇,而东侧仅有碳酸盐岩滑塌扇裙。它们可能是沿深水盆地两侧深大断裂产生的陡坡或水下断崖分布的,代表了早古生代贺兰奥拉槽在强烈沉陷期特定的深水盆地充填。  相似文献   

The Bolla Bollana Formation is an exceptionally thick (ca 1500 m), rift‐related sedimentary succession cropping out in the northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia, which was deposited during the Sturtian (mid Cryogenian) glaciation. Lithofacies analysis reveals three distinct facies associations which chart changing depositional styles on an ice‐sourced subaqueous fan system. The diamictite facies association is dominant, and comprises both massive and stratified varieties with a range of clast compositions and textures, arranged into thick beds (1 to 20 m), representing stacked, ice‐proximal glaciogenic debris‐flow deposits. A channel belt facies association, most commonly consisting of normally graded conglomerates and sandstones, displays scour and fill structure of ca 10 m width and 1 to 3 m depth: these strata are interpreted as channelized turbidites. Rare mud‐filled channels in this facies association bear glacially striated lonestones. Finally, a sheet heterolithics facies association contains a range of conglomerates through sandstones to silty shales arranged into clear, normally graded cycles from the lamina to bed scale. These record a variety of non‐channelized turbidites, probably occupying distal and/or inter‐channel locations on the subaqueous fan. Coarsening and thickening‐up cycles, capped by dolomicrites or mudstones, are indicative of lobe build out and abandonment, potentially as a result of ice lobe advance and stagnation. Dropstones, recognized by downwarped and punctured laminae beneath pebbles to boulders in shale, or in delicate climbing ripple cross‐laminated siltstones, are clearly indicative of ice rafting. The co‐occurrence of ice‐rafted debris and striated lonestones strongly supports a glaciogenic sediment source for the diamictites. Comparison to Pleistocene analogues enables an interpretation as a trough mouth fan, most probably deposited leeward of a palaeo‐ice stream. Beyond emphasizing the highly dynamic nature of Sturtian ice sheets, these interpretations testify to the oldest trough mouth fan recorded to date.  相似文献   

The Älvestorp conglomerates, deposited in an alluvial fan setting, form part of the Svecofennian orogenic belt in west Bergslagen, south central Sweden and are estimated to be as old as c. 1.85 Ga. Reaching a thickness of one kilometre, their architecture and form suggest an alluvial origin. Along sections, massive conglomerates often grade into pebbly mudstones and greenschist facies slates, while pure slates with dolomite concretions and olistolites occur in dark slatey mudstones on the eastern shore of lake Brunnsjön. Inner fan trenches are filled with massive, clast‐supported conglomerates that contain more than 80 percent epiclastic tuffaceous material. The Älvestorp conglomerate is therefore classified as the product of a Proterozoic stream‐flow channel and debris flow, or alluvial fan. The Grythyttan Basin to the north originated by extension after the first of two orogenic stages of Bergslagen.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Wagwater Trough is a fault-bounded basin which cuts across east-central Jamaica. The basin formed during the late Palaeocene or early Eocene and the earliest sediments deposited in the trough were the Wagwater and Richmond formations of the Wagwater Group. These formations are composed of up to 7000 m of conglomerates, sandstones, and shales. Six facies have been recognized in the Wagwater Group: Facies I-unfossiliferous massive conglomerates; Facies II—channelized, non-marine conglomerates, sandstones, and shales; Facies III-interbedded, fossiliferous conglomerates and sandstones; Facies IV—fossiliferous muddy conglomerates; Facies V—channelized, marine conglomerates, sandstones, and shales; and Facies VI—thin-bedded sheet sandstones and shales. The Wagwater and Richmond formations are interpreted as fan delta-submarine fan deposits. Facies associations suggest that humid-region fan deltas prograded into the basin from the adjacent highlands and discharged very coarse sediments on to a steep submarine slope. At the coast waves reworked the braided-fluvial deposits of the subaerial fan delta into coarse sand and gravel beaches. Sediments deposited on the delta-front slope were frequently remobilized and moved downslope as slumps, debris flows, and turbidity currents. At the slope-basin break submarine fans were deposited. The submarine fans are characterized by coarse inner and mid-fan deposits which grade laterally into thin bedded turbidites of the outer fan and basin floor.  相似文献   

Within the Kinsale Formation (Lower Carboniferous) of southern Ireland are pebbly sandstones and conglomerates contained in what is known locally as the Garryvoe conglomerate facies. In this facies there are three main groups of lithologies: (a) heterolithic mudrocks and sandstones characterized by a wide variety of wave-produced structures; (b) sandstones dominated by swaley cross-stratification (SCS), parallel lamination, and rare hummocky cross-stratification (HCS); and (c) pebbly sandstones and conglomerates occurring as discrete beds or as gravel clasts dispersed through SCS sets. Successions of the facies comprise units of heterolithic mudrock and rippled sandstone alternating repeatedly with coarsening-upward units of SCS pebbly sandstone capped by top-surface granule and pebble lags. The Garryvoe conglomerate facies accumulated in a system of offshore bars on a muddy shallow-marine shelf that was dominated by waves and currents generated by storms. Sands and gravels were bypassed from a contemporaneous northerly coastal zone to the shelf, where they were moulded by the storm-generated flow into low, broad, sand ridges (offshore bars). The elongate bars were spaced kilometres apart, oriented obliquely to the coast, and separated by muddy interbar troughs. Their surfaces were largely covered by hummocky and swaley forms. Long-term, gradual seaward migration of the offshore bars concentrated gravels on landward flanks from the dispersed pebbly sands that were on the crests and seaward flanks. Exceptionally intense storms could form laterally extensive winnowed gravel lags above thinned bar sequences. Such storms could also flush gravel-bearing turbidity currents into muddy interbar trough areas.  相似文献   

Vertical sequence analysis within 1500-2500 m thick coarse-grained coalfield successions allows six sedimentary associations to be distinguished. These are interpreted in terms of depositional environments on, or related to alluvial fans which fringed a fault bounded source region. (i) Topographic valley and fanhead canyon fills: occurring at the bases of the coalfield successions and comprising sporadically reddened, scree, conglomeratic thinning and fining upward sequences, and fine-grained coal-bearing sediments. (ii) Alluvial fan channels: conglomerate and sandstone filled. (iii) Mid-fan conglomeratic and sandstone lobes: laterally extensive, thickly bedded (1-25 m) and varying from structureless coarse conglomerates and pebbly sandstones, to stratified fine conglomerates and cross-bedded sandstones. (iv) Interlobe and interchannel: siltstones, fine-grained sheet sandstones, abundant floras, thin coals and upright trees. (v) Distal fan: 10 cm-1.5 m thick sheet sandstones which preserve numerous upright trees, separated by silt-stones and mudstones with abundant floras, and coal seams. The sheet sandstones and normally arranged in sequences of beds which become thicker and coarser or thinner and finer upwards. These trends also occur in combination. (vi) Lacustrine: coals, limestones, and fine-grained, low-energy, regressive, coarsening upward sequences. Proximal fan sediments are only preserved in certain basal deposits of these coalfields. The majority of the successions comprise mid and distal alluvial fan and lacustrine sediments. Mid-fan depositional processes consisted of debris flows and turbulent streamflows, whilst sheetfloods dominated active distal areas. A tropical and seasonal climate allowed vegetation to colonize abandoned fan surfaces and perhaps resulted in localized diagenetic reddening. Worked coals, from 10s cm-20 m thick, occur in the distal fan and lacustrine environments. These alluvial fan deposits infill‘California-like’basins developed and preserved along major structural zones. In many of their characteristics, in particular the occurrence of thinning and fining, and thickening and coarsening upward sequences and megasequences, these sediments have similarities to documented ancient submarine fan deposits.  相似文献   

The Rozel Conglomerate Formation, a coarse alluvial fan deposit, overlies the Bouley Rhyolite Formation beneath the headland called La Tete des Hougues, on the north coast of Jersey, Channel Islands. Here the rhyolites form an exhumed palaeotopography which in places is smoothly, but irregularly, eroded. Locally however, there is preservation of a deep Lower Palaeozoic weathering profile. Breccia is preserved spalled from these weathered profiles as a fossil scree deposit, which has subsequently been hydraulically reworked in a palaeotopographic low. Overlying the breccia is a prograding succession of alluvial fan sediments. A 4m thick, upwards-coarsening sequence of silty sandstones and fine pebble conglomerates is succeeded by the incision of a 3m deep channel. This is overlain by a 28m thick, upwards-fining sequence of coarse debris flow and streamflood conglomerates. The lower unit is interpreted as a prograding fan sector of reworked fan material, whilst the upper unit is thought to reflect the avulsive initiation and gradual abandonment of a fan lobe sourced from a northern hinterland.  相似文献   

综合岩心观察、薄片鉴定、砂砾岩厚度及百分含量等资料,对东营凹陷北带沙四段砂砾岩的沉积特征、成因类型及沉积演化模式进行了系统研究。结果表明,东营凹陷北带沙四段砂砾岩储层中块状层理、粒序层理、平行层理、叠覆冲刷构造、交错层理发育,同时变形构造、泥岩撕裂屑、重荷模和火焰构造常见。碎屑颗粒表现为无分选-中等分选、棱角状-次棱角状到次圆状的近物源沉积特征。岩相类型以块状层理砾岩相、递变层理砾岩相、递变层理砂质砾岩相、交错层理砾质砂岩相、平行层理砾质砂岩相、块状层理砾质砂岩相、块状砂岩相、平行层理砂岩相、块状层理砂岩相、变形层理砂岩相、泥质撕裂变形砂岩相、薄层透镜状或压扁层理砂岩相为主。综合古地貌、砂砾岩沉积特征及沉积机制等,认为东营凹陷北带沙四段主要发育近岸水下扇、湖底扇和扇三角洲等成因类型的砂砾岩扇体。在沉积演化上,沙四下亚段沉积时期,胜坨地区和民丰地区发育近岸水下扇沉积,利津地区发育扇三角洲沉积,扇体规模较小,横向连续性较差;沙四上亚段沉积时期,胜坨地区和民丰地区广泛发育近岸水下扇-湖底扇沉积,利津西部地区发育扇三角洲沉积,扇体规模较大,横向连片发育。  相似文献   

A range of large-scale dunes of oolitic calcarenite composition are exposed in the Corinth Basin of central Greece. These transverse dunes and a very large linear dune (> 15 m high) lie within an Upper Pleistocene, transgressive marine sequence. Tidal flow, accelerated by constriction through a narrow, fault-bounded seaway, is interpreted to have generated the current velocities necessary to produce the dunes. Marine facies in the Upper Pleistocene sequence include beach to offshore conglomerates and sandstones with wave-modified sedimentary structures and herringbone cross-stratification. An offshore facies association comprises variably bioturbated siltstones and sandstones with a varied marine fauna that includes thermophile species such as scleractinian corals and Strombus bubonius. Oolitic sandstone facies also occur. Oolitic sands were apparently produced in shoal environments subject to tidal (and wave) action, and transported by dominant southerly currents over the southern part of the basin. Oolites accumulated in a linear dune 2.7 km long and 15–20 m high and in three-dimensional transverse dunes up to 10 m high having a variety of compound and simple internal geometries. The isolated, WSW-ENE-trending linear form exhibits angle of repose sedimentary dips (up to 35°) of avalanche sets on its SE flank and sets typically with dips of 15–20° to the NW. Internal high-angle discontinuities are developed in the SE-dipping lee face. It is proposed that a dominant north-to-south flow crossed over the crest obliquely, resulting in both net erosional and depositional processes on the lee flank. A subordinate (?tidal) current may have locally and or periodically crossed the dune crest in a westwards direction. A string of transverse dunes, which were located adjacent to a fault/marine terrace scarp, is interpreted to have originally coalesced to form the linear dune. The distribution of transverse and linear dunes together with the palaeogeographical reconstruction suggest that a marine connection periodically existed across the Corinth Isthmus during the Late Pleistocene due to a combination of active faulting and glacio-eustatic highstands of sea level.  相似文献   

Strata of the Bardas Blancas Formation (lower Toarcian–lower Bajocian) are exposed in northern Neuquén Basin. Five sections have been studied in this work. Shoreface/delta front to offshore deposits predominate in four of the sections studied exhibiting a high abundance of hummocky cross-stratified, horizontally bedded and massive sandstones, as well as massive and laminated mudstones. Shell beds and trace fossils of the mixed Skolithos-Cruziana ichnofacies appear in sandstone beds, being related with storm event deposition. Gravel deposits are frequent in only one of these sections, with planar cross-stratified, normal graded and massive orthoconglomerates characterizing fan deltas interstratified with shoreface facies. A fifth outcrop exhibiting planar cross-stratified orthoconglomerates, pebbly sandstones with low-angle stratification and laminated mudstones have been interpreted as fluvial channel deposits and overbank facies. The analysis of the vertical distribution of facies and the recognition of stratigraphic surfaces in two sections in Río Potimalal area let recognized four transgressive–regressive sequences. Forced regressive events are recognized in the regressive intervals. Comparison of vertical distribution of facies also shows differences in thickness in the lower interval among the sections studied. This would be related to variations in accommodation space by previous half-graben structures. The succession shows a retrogradational arrangement of facies related with a widespread transgressive period. Lateral variation of facies let recognize the deepening of the basin through the southwest.  相似文献   

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