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森林是陆地生态系统的重要组分,为人类社会提供着多种多样的服务产品。明确不同类型森林生态系统服务的空间特征和驱动机制对优化森林资源管理和提升服务综合效益具有重要意义。基于InVEST模型、CASA模型和GIS技术对赣江流域森林生态系统固碳、蓄积量、水源供给和土壤保持4种服务进行了价值评估和空间制图,并分析了各类自然和社会-经济因子梯度变化与生态系统服务生产之间的联系。结果表明:赣江流域4种森林生态系统服务具有空间异质性。赣江流域周边山地和高丘区域固碳和蓄积量服务较高,林型以阔叶林和竹林为主;水源供给服务较高的区域则为赣江流域东北部,林型以松林和杉木林为主;土壤保持服务空间分布较离散,赣江流域东北部区域略高于西南部区域。生态系统服务是自然过程和人类活动共同作用的结果:随海拔或坡度增加,人类活动干扰减少,森林固碳和蓄积量服务增加,但水源供给和土壤保持服务减小;随区域人均GDP增加或总人口减少,森林固碳和蓄积量服务表现出增加趋势。未来还需进一步评估各类自然和社会-经济因子对不同类型生态系统服务的限制作用和格局影响,以更好地应对区域生态问题。  相似文献   

Energy eco-efficiency is a concept integrating ecological and economic benefits arising from energy utilization and serves as a measure of efficiency in the energy–environment–economy system. Using the slacks-based measure(SBM) model considering undesirable output, this study first measures the energy eco-efficiency of provinces in China from 1997 to 2012. It then analyzes the spatial distribution and evolution of energy eco-efficiency from three aspects: scale, intensity, and grain of spatial patterns. Finally, it examines the spatial spillover effects and influencing factors of energy eco-efficiency in different provinces by means of a spatial econometric model. The following conclusions are drawn:(1) The overall energy eco-efficiency is relatively low in China, with energy-inefficient regions accounting for about 40%. Guangdong, Hainan and Fujian provinces enjoy the highest energy eco-efficiency, while Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai, and Xinjiang are representative regions with low efficiency. Thus, the pattern of evolution of China's overall energy eco-efficiency is U-shaped. Among local regions, four main patterns of evolution are found: increasing, fluctuating, mutating, and leveling.(2) At the provincial level, China's energy eco-efficiency features significant spatial agglomeration both globally and locally. High–high agglomeration occurs mainly in the eastern and southern coastal regions and low–low agglomeration in the northwestern region and the middle reaches of the Yellow River. Changes in spatial patterns have occurred mainly in areas with high–low and low–high agglomeration, with the most remarkable change taking place in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region.(3) There exist significant spatial effects of energy eco-efficiency among provinces in China. For the energy eco-efficiency of a given region, spatial spillovers from adjacent regions outweigh the influence of errors in adjacent regions. Industrial structure has the greatest influence on energy eco-efficiency.  相似文献   

采用样方法和土地利用转移矩阵,以贵州省西南部的晴隆县为研究区域,研究了典型喀斯特峡谷区不同土地利用类型在1988、1999和2009年的碳储量空间格局和演变过程,并由此估算了贵州省喀斯特峡谷区的碳储量及贡献率。结果表明:晴隆县喀斯特区域的碳储量和平均碳密度呈先减少后增加的趋势。由晴隆县不同情况下的碳储量比例关系,估算出贵州省喀斯特峡谷区碳储量的实际值为42.55 Tg。同时,研究结果表明人类活动对碳储量的空间格局和演变有很大的影响。此外,估算的贵州省喀斯特峡谷区生态系统的平均碳密度远高于中国陆地生态系统的平均值,土壤平均碳密度则接近全国陆地生态系统平均值,但其植被平均碳密度却远高于全国陆地生态系统平均值,与全国森林系统的植被平均碳密度持平。这说明喀斯特峡谷区具有极大的固碳潜力,对其进行石漠化防治,是极其必要的。  相似文献   

Comprehensive information on geographic patterns of leaf morphological traits in Chinese forests is still scarce.To explore the spatial patterns of leaf traits,we investigated leaf area(LA),leaf thickness(LT),specific leaf area(SLA),and leaf dry matter content(LDMC) across 847 species from nine typical forests along the North-South Transect of Eastern China(NSTEC) between July and August 2013,and also calculated the community weighted means(CWM) of leaf traits by determining the relative dominance of each species.Our results showed that,for all species,the means(± SE) of LA,LT,SLA,and LDMC were 2860.01 ± 135.37 mm2,0.17 ± 0.003 mm,20.15 ± 0.43 m2 kg–1,and 316.73 ± 3.81 mg g–1,respectively.Furthermore,latitudinal variation in leaf traits differed at the species and community levels.Generally,at the species level,SLA increased and LDMC decreased as latitude increased,whereas no clear latitudinal trends among LA or LT were found,which could be the result of shifts in plant functional types.When scaling up to the community level,more significant spatial patterns of leaf traits were observed(R2 = 0.46–0.71),driven by climate and soil N content.These results provided synthetic data compilation and analyses to better parameterize complex ecological models in the future,and emphasized the importance of scaling-up when studying the biogeographic patterns of plant traits.  相似文献   

The Heihe River Basin is located in the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China.Here,the terrestrial ecosystem is vulnerable,making it necessary to identify the factors that could affect the ecosystem.In this study,MODIS-NDVI data with a 250-m resolution were used as a proxy for the terrestrial ecosystem.By combining these with environmental factors,we were able to explore the spatial features of NDVI and identify the factors influencing the NDVI distribution in the Heihe River Basin during the period of 2000–2016.A geographical detector(Geodetector) was employed to examine the spatial heterogeneity of the NDVI and to explore the factors that could potentially influence the NDVI distribution.The results indicate that:(1) the NDVI in the Heihe River Basin appeared high in the southeast while being low in the north,showing spatial heterogeneity with a q-statistic of 0.38.The spatial trend of the vegetation in the three sub-basins generally increased in the growing seasons from 2000 to 2016;(2) The results obtained by the Geodetector(as denoted by the q-statistic as well as the degree of spatial association between the NDVI and environmental factors) showed spatial heterogeneity in the associations between the NDVI and the environmental factors for the overall basin as well as the sub-basins.Precipitation was the dominant factor for the overall basin.In the upper basin,elevation was found to be the dominant factor.The dominant factor in the middle basin was precipitation,closely followed by the soil type.In the lower basin,the dominant factor was soil type with a lower q-statistic of 0.13,and the dominant interaction between the elevation and soil type was nonlinearly enhanced(q-statistic = 0.22).  相似文献   

农作物秸秆还田作为农田土壤和养分管理的推荐做法之一,对于土壤有机碳(SOC)固定和CO_2减排具有重要意义。本研究利用环境政策综合气候模型(EPIC)模拟了4种作物秸秆还田情形下2001年至2010年中国农田表层土壤有机碳变化及其空间格局。模拟结果显示,秸秆完全移除(CR0%)下的土壤有机碳损失为28.89 Tg yr–1,当前30%的秸秆还田(CR30%)能够减缓22.38 Tg C yr–1的碳损失。若秸秆还田率从30%提高至50%(CR50%)乃至75%(CR75%),中国农田表层土壤将变为净碳汇。中国农田表层土壤固碳潜力在CR50%和CR75%情形下分别可达25.53 Tg C yr–1和52.85 Tg C yr–1,且在不同农业区存在空间异质性。单位面积土壤固碳潜力在西北和华北地区最高,而华东最低。华北地区具有最高的区域固碳潜力。在这十年间,CR50%和CR75%情形下增加的土壤表层有机碳相当于减少了1.4%和2.9%的中国CO_2排放总量。总之,我们建议鼓励我国农民将原本直接焚烧或用作家用燃料的秸秆返还田间以改善土壤性质和减缓大气CO_2增加,尤其是华北地区更应推行这一举措。  相似文献   

Soil humic carbon is an important component of soil organic carbon(SOC) in terrestrial ecosystems. However, no study to date has investigated its geographical patterns and the main factors that influence it at a large scale, despite the fact that it is critical for exploring the influence of climate change on soil C storage and turnover. We measured levels of SOC, humic acid carbon(HAC), fulvic acid carbon(FAC), humin carbon(HUC), and extractable humus carbon(HEC) in the 0–10 cm soil layer in nine typical forests along the 3800-km North-South Transect of Eastern China(NSTEC) to elucidate the latitudinal patterns of soil humic carbon fractions and their main influencing factors. SOC, HAC, FAC, HUC, and HEC increased with increasing latitude(all P0.001), and exhibited a general trend of tropical subtropical temperate. The ratios of humic C fractions to SOC were 9.48%–12.27%(HAC), 20.68%–29.31%(FAC), and 59.37%–61.38%(HUC). Climate, soil texture, and soil microbes jointly explained more than 90% of the latitudinal variation in SOC, HAC, FAC, HEC, and HUC, and interactive effects were important. These findings elucidate latitudinal patterns of soil humic C fractions in forests at a large scale, and may improve models of soil C turnover and storage.  相似文献   

进一步利用国际农产品市场、世界农业资源和拓展对外农业合作潜在空间,是保障新时期中国粮食安全和优化国内粮食消费结构的有效路径。本研究基于分国别潜在耕地和粮食自给率的估算,并结合上述两个指标对中国海外粮食合作国家进行分类,从而初步刻画其空间格局。结果显示,中国的粮食进口目标空间主要位于澳大利亚、北美、南美、东欧和中亚;中国粮食企业"走出去"的目标空间重点应在撒哈拉以南非洲和拉丁美洲的北部区域。研究提出,在维持好与美国、加拿大、巴西、阿根廷和澳大利亚等传统粮食贸易关系的同时,中国可以面向"一带一路"沿线国家拓展粮食合作空间:可加大从俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和乌克兰等东欧中亚国家的粮食进口量,粮食企业"走出去"的重点方向可以是撒哈拉以南非洲。  相似文献   

中国陆地生态系统的碳储量及其空间格局(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地球系统的碳库变化和碳循环过程机制是气候变化成因分析、变化趋势预测、减缓和适应对策的科学基础,受到科技界和国际社会的广泛关注。从20世纪80年代中后期开始,中国学者就开展了陆地生态系统碳循环研究工作,并且在许多研究领域都取得了可喜的进展。本文在回顾中国的陆地生态系统碳循环研究发展历程基础上,重点评述陆地生态系统的碳储量及其空间格局方面的研究成果,评价有关研究的不确定性以及亟待解决的重要科学问题。分析表明,中国的陆地生态系统碳循环研究经过了陆地生态系统碳循环的前期研究、区域尺度生态系统碳循环综合研究、生态系统碳循环过程对环境变化适应性实验研究,以及生态系统碳-氮-水耦合循环及其区域调控管理研究4个主要发展阶段。大多的研究表明,中国陆地生态系统碳储量及其空间格局是温度和降水控制的。全国土壤、森林和草地植被储存约为97.95 —118.93 Pg C;自20世纪70年代中期以来,我国的植树造林和林业管理、草地保护、农作制度改革和保护性耕作等措施发挥了重要的固碳功能,但是各种方法评估的结果仍然存在较大不确定性。今后的研究重点工作是建立天地空一体化碳储量和碳汇动态监测体系、开展生态系统碳-氮-水耦合循环及其区域调控管理的前瞻性研究,定量评价中国区域生态系统的碳收支状况和增汇潜力,评估各种典型生态系统增汇技术的经济效益,为国家尺度的温室气体管理和碳交易机制与政策体系的建立提供可报告、可度量和可核查的科学数据和技术支持。  相似文献   

土壤氮磷钾和土壤有机质明显影响森林生长。但是,这些土壤特性具有空间异质性,这使得进行可持续森林经营变得更加复杂。因此,必须深入了解土壤氮磷钾和有机质的空间分布及其变异状况。在本研究中,我们在中国广西壮族自治区西南部的热带林业实验中心,布设了181个样点并进行了采样,应用地统计学方法研究了土壤中氮磷钾和有机质的空间变异性。块金值与基台值的比值表明土壤中氮具有很强的空间依赖性,主要受内在因素影响(如土壤质地、母质、植被类型和地形),而土壤中有机质、磷钾具有中等的空间依赖性,受内在因素和外在因素(如栽培技术、施肥和种植模式)共同影响。在土壤中氮磷钾和有机质的空间变异性的基础上,本研究采用普通克里格方法进行空间插值,制作了土壤氮磷钾和有机质空间分布图。模型验证表明,土壤性质空间分布图能够可靠地指导森林经营活动。  相似文献   

In concert with developments in global trade and energy resource transportation, there has been a marked increase in reliance on overseas shipping. Unimpeded marine transportation has therefore become a key issue which influences national maritime interests including the security of trade and energy resources. A strategic shipping pivot thus performs a vital controlling function for global shipping networks. In this study strategic shipping pivots are defined and subdivided into sea hubs, channels and areas. We then develop a model to identify strategic shipping pivots on a global scale. The results show that, depending on differences in location, function, and type, the concept of strategic shipping pivot permits the identification of both spatial and structural differentiation with respect to strategic hubs, corridors, and seas. Now 44 strategic hubs have formed across the globe. These hubs have become the control centers of local shipping network organization. At the same time, seven strategic corridors containing most shipping routes and transportation capacity connect important sea areas, and permit a high-degree of control over the transport of strategic materials. The strategic seas, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific provide vital import and export pathways, so that the formation of strategic shipping pivots is mainly influenced by factors such as physical geographical conditions, the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities, business organization, technical progress, geopolitical patterns and geopolitical disputes. Physical geographical conditions provide the potential foundations for strategic shipping pivots, while the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities and communications determine the strategic value of these points. Finally, business organization, technical progress, and geopolitical disputes all function to strengthen the strategic mechanisms and the mutagenicity of strategic shipping pivots.  相似文献   

Plant moisture content(PMC) is used as an indicator of forest flammability, which is assumed to be affected by climate drought. However, the fire-induced drought stress on PMC and its spatial and temporal variations are unclear. Based on a parallel monitoring experiment from 2014 to 2015, this study compared the PMCs and soil moisture contents(SMC) at five post-fire sites in central Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China. The number of years since last fire(YSF), season, topographic position, plant species and tissue type(leaf and branch) were selected as causal factors of the variations in PMC and SMC. A whole year parallel monitoring and sampling in the post-fire communities of 1, 2, 5, 11 and 30 YSF indicated that drought stress in surface soils was the strongest in spring within the first 5 years after burning, and the SMC was regulated by topography, with 64.6% variation in soil moisture accounted for by YSF(25.7%), slope position(22.1%) and season(10.8%). The temporal variations of PMC and SMC differed at both interannual and seasonal scales, but the patterns were consistent across topographic positions. PMC differed significantly between leaves and branches, and among three growth-forms. The mean PMC was lower in broad-leaved evergreen species and higher in conifer species. Season and soil temperature were the primary determinants of PMC, accounting for 19.1% and 8.3% of variation in PMC, respectively. This indicated phenology-related growth rather than drought stress in soil as the primary driver of seasonal changes in PMC. The significant variations of PMC among growth forms and species revealed that seasonal soil temperature change and dominant species in forest communities are useful indicators of fire risk assessment in this region.  相似文献   

本文分析了丝绸之路经济带的资源、环境和经济格局,认为该格局有利于丝绸之路经济带沿线国家之间开展多领域、多层次的经济合作;在此基础上,论文提出了丝绸之路经济带主要经济合作模式和可持续发展道路,包括生态文明模式,区域经济一体化模式,交通经济带模式,国际旅游带合作模式;最后,论文总结了丝绸之路经济带实现可持续发展需要解决的关键科学问题,并提出了几个优先行动计划:建立丝绸之路经济带国际科学家联盟和思想库,建立丝绸之路经济带生态环境与可持续发展国际信息共享中心和科学决策支持系统,启动丝绸之路跨国科技交流合作与人才计划,建立丝绸之路经济带可持续发展国际合作委员会,建立应对气候变化和生态环境跨国共建、合作共赢机制。  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial variation in annual actual evapotranspiration(AET) and its influencing factors is crucial for a better understanding of hydrological processes and water resources management. By synthesizing ecosystem-level observations of eddy-covariance flux sites in China(a total of 61 sites), we constructed the most complete AET dataset in China up to now. Based on this dataset, we quantified the statistic characteristics of AET and water budgets(defined as the ratio of AET to annual mean precipitation(MAP), AET/MAP) of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Results showed that AET differed significantly among both different vegetation types and climate types in China, with overall mean AET of 534.7±232.8 mm yr-1. AET/MAP also differed significantly among different climate types, but there were no distinct differences in AET/MAP values across vegetation types, with mean AET/MAP of 0.82±0.28 for non-irrigated ecosystems. We further investigated how the main climatic factors and vegetation attributes control the spatial variation in AET. Our findings revealed that the spatial variation of AET in China was closely correlated with the geographical patterns of climate and vegetation, in which the effects of total annual net radiation(Rn), MAP and mean annual air temperature(MAT) were dominant. Thus, we proposed an empirical equation to describe the spatial patterns of AET in China, which could explain about 84% of the spatial variation in AET of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Based on the constructed dataset, we also evaluated the uncertainties of five published global evapotranspiration products in simulatingsite-specific AET in China. Results showed that large biases in site-specific AET values existed for all five global evapotranspiration products, which indicated that it is necessary to involve more observation data of China in their parameterization or validation, while our AET dataset would provide a data source for it.  相似文献   

水资源短缺是制约北京市经济社会可持续发展的关键因素。本研究基于水量平衡方程从市域、主体功能区、重点区县的多个尺度分析北京市水源涵养服务的时空格局,明确北京市不同土地覆被类型的水源涵养量差异,探究水源涵养量时空格局差异的原因。结果表明:(1)与2005年相比,2010年北京市水源涵养量明显增加,但是总体上水源涵养能力较低;(2)北京市各土地覆被类型中,湿地、林地、草地、耕地、裸地、人工表面的平均水源涵养能力依次降低;(3)北京市各主体功能区的平均水源涵养量差异较大,只有生态涵养发展区的平均水源涵养量为正值;(4)北京市生态涵养发展区内各区县的水源涵养功能也存在明显差异,密云区、怀柔区、平谷区的森林水源涵养贡献率最高。北京市水源涵养的时空格局变化是地表覆被和气象条件变化综合影响的结果。本研究对于实现北京市水资源的可持续利用具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Analysis of casualties due to landslides from 2000 to 2012 revealed that their spatial pattern was affected by terrain and other natural environmental factors, which resulted in a higher distribution of landslide casualty events in southern China than in northern China. Hotspots of landslide-generated casualties were in the western Sichuan mountainous area and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau region, southeast hilly area, northern part of the loess hilly area, and Tianshan and Qilian Mountains. However, local distribution patterns indicated that landslide casualty events were also influenced by economic activity factors. To quantitatively analyse the influence of natural environment and human-economic activity factors, the Probability Model for Landslide Casualty Events in China(LCEC) was built based on logistic regression analysis. The results showed that relative relief, GDP growth rate, mean annual precipitation, fault zones, and population density were positively correlated with casualties caused by landslides. Notably, GDP growth rate ranked only second to relative relief as the primary factors in the probability of casualties due to landslides. The occurrence probability of a landslide casualty event increased 2.706 times with a GDP growth rate increase of 2.72%. In contrast, vegetation coverage was negatively correlated with casualties caused by landslides. The LCEC model was then applied to calculate the occurrence probability of landslide casualty events for each county in China. The results showed that there are 27 counties with high occurrence probability but zero casualty events. The 27 counties were divided into three categories: poverty-stricken counties, mineral-rich counties, and real-estate overexploited counties; these are key areas that should be emphasized in reducing landslide risk.  相似文献   

为了探究森林植物叶片功能属性的地理格局及其影响因素,在2013年7-8月期间系统调查了中国东部南北样带9个森林生态系统的847种植物的叶片面积(LA)、叶片厚度(LT)、比叶面积(SLA)和叶片干物质含量(LDMC),并结合群落结构计算了各属性的群落加权平均值(LACWM、SLACWM、LTCWM和LDMCCWM)。结果显示:847种植物的LA、LT、SLA和LDMC的平均值(±标准误)分别为2860.01±135.37 mm2、0.17±0.003 mm、20.15±0.43 m2 kg-1和 316.73±3.81 mg g-1。SLA和LDMC表现出了明显的纬度格局,随着纬度增加,SLA逐渐增加,LDMC降低;然而,LA和LT沿纬度的变化趋势不明显(R2 = 0.02 ~ 0.06)。不同植物类型之间叶片属性的差异是影响LA、LT、SLA和LDMC空间变化的主要因素;叶片功能属性的群落加权值表现出了更加明显的纬度分布格局(R2 = 0.46 ~ 0.71),这主要受到了气候因素和土壤N含量的影响。本文结果完善了中国区域森林生态系统叶片功能属性地理分布的数据库,同时强调了在研究植物属性空间格局时,考虑群落结构在尺度扩展中的重要性。  相似文献   

Coal is a basic resource and its use guarantees the development of national economies and human society. Thus, coal transportation is an important part of China's overall transportation system. In this system, ports are the vital transit nodes. This study considered coastal ports in China and analysed the evolution of coal transportation from 1973 to 2013. We focused on the spatial pattern of coal loading and unloading, and summarized the main characteristics and development of the processes. Then, we examined the volumes of coal transported and regional changes in these amounts using mathematical models and indicators. Finally, we analysed the specialized function and spatial differentiation of the ports involved in coal transportation to reveal their spatial relationship and temporal evolution. We found that the spatial pattern of coal transportation changed from "south input and north output" to "all input and north output". However, the prominent ports used for coal unloading are still concentrated in areas south of the Yangtze River. Coal loading is concentrated on the west bank of Bohai Bay. In addition, some ports around Bohai Bay, such as Dandong, Dalian, Yantai, and Qingdao, changed from traditional coal loading ports to unloading ports. This study further developed the theory of transport geography, and improved our understanding of China's coal transportation system.  相似文献   

With a continuously increasing population and better food consumption levels, improving the efficiency of arable land use and increasing its productivity have become fundamental strategies to meet the growing food security needs in China. A spatial distribution map of medium- and low-yield cropland is necessary to implement plans for cropland improvement. In this study, we developed a new method to identify high-, medium-, and low-yield cropland from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) data at a spatial resolution of 500 m. The method could be used to reflect the regional heterogeneity of cropland productivity because the classification standard was based on the regionalization of cropping systems in China. The results showed that the proportion of high-, medium-, and low-yield cropland in China was 21%, 39%, and 40%, respectively. About 75% of the low-yield cropland was located in hilly and mountainous areas, and about 53% of the high-yield cropland was located in plain areas. The five provinces with the largest area of high-yield cropland were all located in the Huang-Huai-Hai region, and the area amounted to 42% of the national high-yield cropland area. Meanwhile, the proportion of high-yield cropland was lower than 15% in Heilongjiang, Sichuan, and Inner Mongolia, which had the largest area allocated to cropland in China. If all the medium-yield cropland could be improved to the productive level of high-yield cropland and the low-yield cropland could be improved to the level of medium-yield cropland, the total productivity of the land would increase 19% and 24%, respectively.  相似文献   

村镇治理是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的基本要求,关乎国家乡村振兴战略的实施和国家治理现代化目标的实现。本文以全国2189个乡村治理示范村镇为研究对象,综合运用最邻近点指数法、核密度估计法、网格维数分析法、空间自相关分析法,探索乡村治理示范村镇的空间分布结构与影响因素。研究表明:全国乡村治理示范村镇空间分布趋于集聚分布,空间分异较为明显;乡村治理示范村镇核密度分析在空间上呈现出多个核中心,以及由核中心向四周递减扩散而形成的呈带状分布的次级中心的分布格局;乡村治理示范村镇系统具有明显无标度区,分形特征显著;乡村治理示范村镇空间分布主要受自然和人文因素影响明显,其中自然因素中地形地貌和湖泊水系是主要影响因素;人文因素中社会经济、交通、民族文化是主要影响因素,人口分布的影响不显著。  相似文献   

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