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全球变化背景下景观生态适应性特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
全球变化包含气候变化、经济发展、土地利用变化等自然、人为及共同作用下引发的转变,是当前景观结构与功能保障面临的主要挑战。景观生态适应性是指景观这一地表镶嵌体吸纳上述影响并维持主要功能的特性,涉及不同景观类型、组成单元及层级在不同时空尺度中的不同程度转变。本文从景观生态学视角切入,以景观系统作为缓解与适应全球变化冲击的主体,整合农业景观、城市景观等相关研究案例,凝练当前景观系统适应全球变化过程的特征为:①由部分因子的绝对主导转向复合因子共同作用;②景观类型内部趋同,景观多样性及独特性降低;③同类景观间功能等级分明、分工明确,跨区域时空联系增强;④不同景观类型间空间边界清晰,过渡带景观功能退化。就当前全球变化议题,建议后续研究应加强:不同景观类型或组成单元的适应能力对比及其不确定性分析;基于景观系统整体健康的适应途径尺度联系解析;多学科、多部门研究在全球变化情景下的有效整合;景观系统适应性或适应能力量化分析方法的深化。  相似文献   

The Global Rainforest Mapping (GRFM) project was initiated in 1995 and, through a dedicated data acquisition policy by the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA), data acquisitions could be completed within a 1.5-year period, resulting in a spatially and temporally homogeneous coverage to contain the entire Amazon Basin from the Atlantic to the Pacific; Central America up to the Yucatan Peninsular in Mexico; equatorial Africa from Madagascar and Kenya in the east to Sierra Leone in the west; and Southeast Asia, including Papua New Guinea. To some extent, GRFM project is an international endeavor led by NASDA, with the goal of producing spatially and temporally contiguous Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data sets over the tropical belt on the Earth by use of the JERS-1 L-band SAR, through the generation of semi-continental, 100m resolution, image mosaics. The GRFM project relies on extensive collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC) and the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for data acquisition, processing, validation and product generation. A science program is underway in parallel with product generation. This involves the agencies mentioned above, as well as a large number of international organizations, universities and individuals to perform field activities and data analysis at different levels.  相似文献   

The Global Rainforest Mapping (GRFM) project was initiated in 1995 and, through a dedicated data acquisition policy by the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA), data acquisitions could be completed within a 1.5-year period, resulting in a spatially and temporally homogeneous coverage to contain the entire Amazon Basin from the Atlantic to the Pacific; Central America up to the Yucatan Peninsular in Mexico; equatorial Africa from Madagascar and Kenya in the east to Sierra Leone in the west; and Southeast Asia, including Papua New Guinea. To some extent, GRFM project is an international endeavor led by NASDA, with the goal of producing spatially and temporally contiguous Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data sets over the tropical belt on the Earth by use of the JERS-1 L-band SAR, through the generation of semi-continental, 100m resolution, image mosaics. The GRFM project relies on extensive collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC) and the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for data acquisition, processing, validation and product generation. A science program is underway in parallel with product generation. This involves the agencies mentioned above, as well as a large number of international organizations, universities and individuals to perform field activities and data analysis at different levels.  相似文献   

Rates of sediment supply by landsliding to an alluvial channel in a small catchment in central Switzerland were estimated over an 11-month study period. Fluvial sediment transport in the channel is independently monitored at the upstream and downstream ends of the study reach, yielding a unique opportunity to quantitatively compare the volume of sediment supplied to the channel with the volume in fluvial transport. Landslide-derived sediment discharge to the channel was greatest during the winter and spring months, while most of the fluvial sediment transport occurred during short, intense summer storms. Approximately 98 m3 of sediment was delivered directly to the study reach by landsliding,  80 m3 was transported into the reach from upstream, and  70 m3 was transported out of the reach. Thus, there was a net accumulation of  100 m3 of sediment during the 11-month study. Decadal-scale channel aggradation was independently assessed by comparing channel longitudinal profiles in 1993 and 2004. During this 11-year period, a total of  1500 m3 of sediment has accumulated in the study reach. Aggradation has occurred largely in two broad zones that correspond with both the locations of major landslide complexes and reaches of high channel slope, indicating that hillslope sediment input left an imprint on the morphology of the channel bed that appears to be stable over at least decadal time scales.  相似文献   

正From October 26th to 27th, 2018, the Academic Workshop on Ecological Civilization and Green Development in Sandy Area, co-sponsored by China Society of Desert in the Geographical Society of China, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification, CAS, Key Laboratory of Eco-hydrology of Inland River Basin, CAS, Shapotou Desert Research and Experiment Station,Naiman Desertification Research Station and Linze Inland River Basin Research Station, was successfully held in Changsha, Hunan Province.  相似文献   

马海涛  周春山  刘逸 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1057-1065
网络演化是演化经济地理学研究的重要内容和新近热点之一。在当前的理论探讨中主要强调路径依赖和惯例对网络演化的强化作用,对于信任这个关键要素缺乏深入探讨。本文通过深度访谈和问卷调查相结合的方法,对比金融危机前后广东省纺织服装行业生产网络的空间结构,揭示信任与生产网络演化之间的互动机制。研究发现:信任是维系生产网络稳定性的基本要素之一,信任的强弱程度主要受合作类型(市场关系)、地理接近(空间关系)和社会文化接近根植性(社会关系)等因素影响。金融危机作为一种负面外部冲击,重构了广东省服装行业的生产网络。在这个过程中,较强信任关系的网络连结(潮汕地区)得以保留,并在危机过后进一步强化;而部分较弱信任关系的网络连结(珠三角地区)发生断裂,且在经济回暖之后被潮汕地区的网络所取代。  相似文献   

喀斯特山区土地利用变化的 人类驱动机制研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
根据土地利用和相关的社会经济状况及其变化特征分析,提出了表征县域土地利用变化及其人类驱动因素的指标,分析了二者的联系以探讨人类驱动因素对土地利用变化的驱动机制,指出了人类驱动因素在解释土地利用变化过程中的贡献,为协调喀斯特地区土地资源和人类活动的关系提供依据,为进一步进行土地利用  相似文献   

王静  刘海隆  王玲 《干旱区地理》2019,42(1):113-120
近年来干旱区人工绿洲规模不断扩大造成水资源日益紧张,其可持续利用面临新的挑战。为宏观调控水资源提供依据,本文基于水热平衡原理,以干旱区典型绿洲玛纳斯河流域为研究区,采用2000、2005、2010和2015年的水文气象资料和各年(6~8月)TM遥感影像数据,分析了玛纳斯河流域在温室气体中、高排放(RCP4.5和RCP8.5)两种气候情景下,以及理想绿洲结构(AbdEI-Ghani)、现有绿洲结构两种绿洲分布情景下的绿洲适宜规模。研究结果显示:玛纳斯河流域2005、2010、2015年实际绿洲面积分别为2000年实际绿洲面积的109%,114.91%,92.39%;2005、2010、2015年适宜绿洲面积分别为2000年适宜绿洲面积的111.39%,118.8%,115.39%。2020年和2030年的结果对比发现,相同气候情景下AbdEI-Ghani绿洲结构的适宜绿洲面积低于现状结构下的绿洲面积,表明如果按照现状趋势发展,绿洲表现出过度开发的趋势。  相似文献   

Since their post-war inception, Sydney's metropolitan plans have tended to be overtaken by the social, economic and environmental conditions they have had to confront. The depth and scope of Sydney's recent urban transformation threatens again to overtake metropolitan planning capacity creating, in the context of competitive globalisation, a potentially significant market disadvantage for the city, not to mention poor urban development outcomes. This paper reviews Sydney's post-war metropolitan planning strategies, examining the social and economic contexts and the policy paradigms in which they have been framed, in order to draw out the lessons to be learned from their successes and failures. We argue that future success in planning urban development will rely on richly informed and fine-grained understanding of the complex spatial outcomes of Sydney's ever-deeper global integration. Only such fine-grained understanding can empower metropolitan planning to be responsive to the evolving challenges of managing development in the contemporary urban context.  相似文献   

Recognition of the possible consequences of global‐scale pollution has spawned research programs loosely termed ‘global change’. These programs are hampered by the problems of academic apartheid first identified by those attempting to examine the Gaia hypothesis. Global change is, in many ways, a synonym for global geography: the study of processes and their consequences at the human/environment interface. Assessment of highly complex systems demands integrative, interdisciplinary research; the search for, and recognition of, negative feedbacks; and, most importantly, the courage to formulate hypotheses which bridge many single disciplines. I illustrate some of the pitfalls of interdisciplinary research with reference to my own research in atmospheric science, by the application of atmospheric science to the study of climatic impacts and consideration of the integration of climatic impacts into global change.  相似文献   

This study identified spatial patterns of forest change in Hoa Binh, Vietnam, from 2005 to 2017 by integrating Landsat data and Geographic Information System (GIS) data. A Multiple Logistic Regression (MLR) model was adapted to analyse drivers of three types of forest change, including (i) deforestation and forest degradation, (ii) forest regrowth and (iii) plantation expansion. The results reveal that accessibility and local economic development were determinants of forest cover dynamics during the integration and globalization period and that increased population pressure and poverty were no longer the main factors in forest cover transition. Several key policies in this time period positively affected forest cover change, triggering private sector participation in developing the forest economy by including households and small and medium enterprises in particular. The findings of this study can provide learning points for the implementation of sustainable forest management policies in other Vietnamese provinces or in neighbouring countries. This research has provided an effective tool for visualizing human‐forest ecosystem interaction, and this tool can be applied to subsequent studies to determine causes of forest cover change at the provincial level in Vietnam.  相似文献   

In the first part of this paper an overview is given about governmental scientific projects related to the Mediterranean Sea in Italy. The focus of the projects will be on the nearshore and coastal zone. Examples of projects dealing with lagoons are presented. Some case studies are outlined. The second part of the paper deals with a historical view on the management of the Venice Lagoon as an example representing importance of human intervention. This part includes the interventions of the Venetian Republic diverting rivers that were discharging into the lagoon until the last projects to tame the floodings of the city of Venice.  相似文献   

Accompanying the rapid growth of China’s population and economy, energy consumption and carbon emission increased significantly from 1978 to 2012. China is now the largest energy consumer and CO2 emitter of the world, leading to much interest in researches on the nexus between energy consumption, carbon emissions and low-carbon economy. This article presents the domestic Chinese studies on this hotpot issue, and we obtain the following findings. First, most research fields involve geography, ecology and resource economics, and research contents contained some analysis of current situation, factors decomposition, predictive analysis and the introduction of methods and models. Second, there exists an inverted “U-shaped” curve connection between carbon emission, energy consumption and economic development. Energy consumption in China will be in a low-speed growth after 2035 and it is expected to peak between 6.19–12.13 billion TCE in 2050. China’s carbon emissions are expected to peak in 2035, or during 2020 to 2045, and the optimal range of carbon emissions is between 2.4–3.3 PgC/year (1 PgC=1 billion tons C) in 2050. Third, future research should be focused on global carbon trading, regional carbon flows, reforming the current energy structure, reducing energy consumption and innovating the low-carbon economic theory, as well as establishing a comprehensive theoretical system of energy consumption, carbon emissions and low-carbon economy.  相似文献   

IntroductionSustainableDevelopmenthasbecomeacatchwordinthepresentworldsincetheSummitMeetinginRiodeJaneiroinJune1992(UNConferenceonEnvironmentandDevelopment).Althoughitisnotaconceptthatcanbeusedasabasisforeithertheoryoraction(Wibanks,1994)andmeansdifferentth…  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下中国降水量空间格局的变化特征   总被引:75,自引:5,他引:75  
王英  曹明奎  陶波  李克让 《地理研究》2006,25(6):1031-1040
相对于全球性的持续变暖趋势,降水量变化格局及其区域分异有更大的不确定性,因此研究不同区域降水量的变化特征是当前全球气候变化研究的重要内容之一。本研究基于19512002年中国约730个气象台站观测数据,利用空间插值和Mann-Kendall时间序列趋势分析方法并结合GIS技术,分析了过去50多年中国降水量的时空变化特征。结果表明,全国平均年降水量从60年代到90年代呈明显下降趋势,但在90年代后期出现回升,其中夏季和冬季降水量已达到50年代和60年代的水平。同时,降水量变化呈现显著的区域分异特征:华北、华中、东北南部地区持续下降,长江流域以南地区明显增加,而新疆北部、东北北部和青藏高原西部60年代到70年代下降,80年代后期有所回升。中国北方有从干旱到湿润转变的迹象,但华北和东北南部地区仍然处于持续的干旱期。中国降水量的总体下降及90年代后期的回升与全球变化趋势基本一致,但区域变化格局与全球中高纬度地区降水增加、热带和亚热带地区减少的特征正好相反。  相似文献   

Based on monthly mean, maximum, and minimum air temperature and monthly mean precipitation data from 10 meteorological stations on the southern slope of the Mt. Qomolangma region in Nepal between 1971 and 2009, the spatial and temporal characteristics of climatic change in this region were analyzed using climatic linear trend, Sen's Slope Estimates and Mann-Kendall Test analysis methods. This paper focuses only on the southern slope and attempts to compare the results with those from the northern slope to clarify the characteristics and trends of climatic change in the Mt. Qomolangma region. The results showed that: (1) between 1971 and 2009, the annual mean temperature in the study area was 20.0℃, the rising rate of annual mean temperature was 0.25℃/10a, and the temperature increases were highly influenced by the maximum temperature in this region. On the other hand, the temperature increases on the northern slope of Mt. Qomolangma region were highly influenced by the minimum temperature. In 1974 and 1992, the temperature rose noticeably in February and September in the southern region when the increment passed 0.9℃. (2) Precipitation had an asymmetric distribution; between 1971 and 2009, the annual precipitation was 1729.01 mm. In this region, precipitation showed an increasing trend of 4.27 mm/a, but this was not statistically significant. In addition, the increase in rainfall was mainly concentrated in the period from April to October, including the entire monsoon period (from June to September) when precipitation accounts for about 78.9% of the annual total. (3) The influence of altitude on climate warming was not clear in the southern region, whereas the trend of climate warming was obvious on the northern slope of Mt. Qomolangma. The annual mean precipitation in the southern region was much higher than that of the northern slope of the Mt. Qomolangma region. This shows the barrier effect of the Himalayas as a whole and Mt. Qomolangma in particular.  相似文献   

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