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Urban agglomerations in China have become the strategic core of national economic development and the main component of the new type of urbanization. However, they are threatened by a series of eco-environmental problems and challenges, including the severe overexploitation of natural resources. Eco-efficiency, which is defined as accomplishing the greatest possible economic benefit with the least possible resource input and damage to the environment, is used as an indicator to quantify the sustainability of urban agglomerations. In this work, a traditional data envelopment analysis(DEA) model with a slack-based measurement(SBM) model of undesirable outputs, was used to assess and compare the economic efficiency and eco-efficiency of four major urban agglomerations in eastern China(UAECs) in 2005, 2011, and 2014. The spatio-temporal characteristics of the evolution of urban agglomerations were analyzed. Based on the results of a slack analysis, suggestions for improving the eco-efficiency of the four UAECs are provided. The overall economic efficiency of urban agglomerations located in the Shandong Peninsula, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta displayed a V-shaped pattern(decreased and then increased). In contrast, the overall economic efficiency of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration declined during the study period. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration had a considerable loss of economic efficiency due to pollution, whereas the Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration was less impacted. Overall, the eco-environmental efficiency of the four UAECs declined from 2005 to 2011 and then increased from 2011 to 2014. In addition, the urban eco-efficiency in the four coastal UAECs was characterized by different evolution patterns. The eco-efficiency was higher in the peri-urban areas of the core cities, riverside areas, and seaside areas and lower in the inland cities. The core cities of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta urban agglomerations were characterized by high resource consumption, economic benefit output, and eco-efficiency. In most of cities in the urban agglomerations, the emission of pollutants declined, leading to a reduction of pollutants and mitigation of environmental problems. In addition, a differential analysis, from the perspective of urban agglomeration, was performed, and concrete suggestions for improvement are proposed.  相似文献   

长江口水沙入海通量的观测与分析   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
在长江口用声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)进行走航式断面观测,结果表明,采集水样获取的悬沙浓度与ADCP记录的声学信号(后向散射强度)之间存在显著相关关系,因此可据ADCP声学数据获得沿观测断面的高时空分辨率的悬沙浓度剖面。分析结果表明.在徐六泾附近断面以往复流占优势.大潮期间单位时间最大水、悬沙通量值出现于涨潮期.落潮历时较长.落潮期水、悬沙通量分别大于涨潮期水、悬沙通量,净通量向海。长江口南槽拦门沙外侧主要为旋转流.涨潮期间内的水、悬沙通量均分别大于落潮期间的水、悬沙通量。2003年11月12日的观测结果表明.潮周期内通过徐六泾断面向海输运的水与悬沙通量分别为10^9m^3和10^8kg量级:径流量与悬沙输运率分别为10^4m^3/s和10^3kg/s量级。1998年以来徐六泾ADCP流量观测数据与同时间的大通径流量之间存在着显著的相关关系.故可由大通径流量估算徐六泾径流量。作为长江人海径流量.以作为历史资料整编的一种手段。结果表明,长江人海年径流总量略大于大通年径流总量:而在枯水期间人海径流量小于大通径流量。  相似文献   

Sustainable development has always been a hotspot in Chinese geographical research. Herein, we conduct a systematic statistical analysis of the contribution of Chinese geographers to sustainable development research using bibliometric methods. Based on the review of a vast amount of literature, we identify the main research teams, research funding sources, journals, and key research fields. The findings are as follows:(1) the resources and environmental institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have a significant influence on sustainable development research;(2) China's central government foundations(the National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Social Sciences Fund) are the main research funding sources;(3) most of the highly cited articles are published in journals sponsored by the Geographical Society of China; and(4) sustainable development theory and its research areas are being constantly enriched and perfected. Based on the statistics of keywords, the theory, research methods, research regional scales, and key research areas are summarized and expounded.  相似文献   

中国生态交错带(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态交错带(Ecotone)是指两个群落或两类生态系统之间的过度带,具有脆弱、敏感和易变等特性。20世纪70年代以来,在典型生态系统研究的基础上,生态交错带逐步成为生态学研究的重点。中国地域广阔,地质、气候、植被等生态类型复杂多变,蕴育了不同类型、不同尺度和不同规模的多种生态交错带,不仅为科学研究奠定了广阔空间,而且对我国经济、社会发展,以及文化多样性保护具有重要支撑作用。本文根据我国大尺度下生态交错带的地理分布及其生态环境特点,构建了以土地利用类型、自然气候特征和农业经济发展"三位一体"指标体系,并以此为依据对中国典型生态交错带进行了划分和空间分布范围的界定;在此基础上,分别对北方森林草原交错带、北方农牧交错带、西北荒漠绿洲交错带、西南川滇农林牧交错带和东部海陆交错带的动态变化、基本特征和存在问题进行了研究,对全面认识我国生态交错带自然演变规律,促进区域生态环境保护和优化经济发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Soil humic carbon is an important component of soil organic carbon(SOC) in terrestrial ecosystems. However, no study to date has investigated its geographical patterns and the main factors that influence it at a large scale, despite the fact that it is critical for exploring the influence of climate change on soil C storage and turnover. We measured levels of SOC, humic acid carbon(HAC), fulvic acid carbon(FAC), humin carbon(HUC), and extractable humus carbon(HEC) in the 0–10 cm soil layer in nine typical forests along the 3800-km North-South Transect of Eastern China(NSTEC) to elucidate the latitudinal patterns of soil humic carbon fractions and their main influencing factors. SOC, HAC, FAC, HUC, and HEC increased with increasing latitude(all P0.001), and exhibited a general trend of tropical subtropical temperate. The ratios of humic C fractions to SOC were 9.48%–12.27%(HAC), 20.68%–29.31%(FAC), and 59.37%–61.38%(HUC). Climate, soil texture, and soil microbes jointly explained more than 90% of the latitudinal variation in SOC, HAC, FAC, HEC, and HUC, and interactive effects were important. These findings elucidate latitudinal patterns of soil humic C fractions in forests at a large scale, and may improve models of soil C turnover and storage.  相似文献   

The ratio of transpiration to evapotranspiration(T/ET) is a key parameter for quantifying water use efficiency of ecosystems and understanding the interaction between ecosystem carbon uptake and water cycling in the context of global change. The estimation of T/ET has been paid increasing attention from the scientific community in recent years globally. In this paper, we used the Priestly-Taylor Jet Propulsion Laboratory Model(PT-JPL) driven by regional remote sensing data and gridded meteorological data, to simulate the T/ET in forest ecosystems along the North-South Transect of East China(NSTEC) during 2001–2010, and to analyze the spatial distribution and temporal variation of T/ET, as well as the factors influencing the variation in T/ET. The results showed that:(1) The PT-JPL model is suitable for the simulation of evapotranspiration and its components of forest ecosystems in Eastern China, and has relatively good stability and reliability.(2) Spatial distribution of T/ET in forest ecosystems along NSTEC was heterogeneous, i.e., T/ET was higher in the north and lower in the south, with an averaged value of 0.69; and the inter-annual variation of T/ET showed a significantly increasing trend, with an increment of 0.007/yr(p0.01).(3) Seasonal and inter-annual variations of T/ET had different dominant factors. Temperature and EVI can explain around 90%(p0.01) of the seasonal variation in T/ET, while the inter-annual variation in T/ET was mainly controlled by EVI(53%, p0.05).  相似文献   

特大城市的能耗在全国能源系统中扮演着极其重要角色,但其能耗已从生产领域转向城市功能和自身发展方面。因此,本文利用迪氏对数指标分解法对1996-2012年间32个特大城市的能耗变化做因素分解分析,综合考虑城市经济增长、人口规模扩大和空间扩张三方面因素的基础上选取5项指标,计算其对城市能耗的贡献率,分析共性与差异,以更有针对性的开展城市能源管理和节能减排工作。  相似文献   

丝绸之路经济带(SREB)为俄罗斯的发展提供了新的机遇,特别是其东部地区,可以通过更大规模、多层次的国际合作获得新的发展机会。俄罗斯东部地区自然资源丰富,资源开采是其传统的重点产业。在SREB的背景下,环境安全成为俄罗斯东部地区新的焦点问题。本文提出了一种"诊断"工具以判断一种区域经济发展模式是否根据绿色经济的理念进行。我们采用基于生态强度的不同指标,研究了俄罗斯东部边境地区在丝绸之路经济带形成的初始阶段的生态-经济发展趋势,认为如果针对中国的生产链实施合作,那么俄罗斯经济增长的质量将会得到明显的改善。  相似文献   

珠江虎门潮汐水道难降解有机污染物入海通量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对采自虎门潮汐水道狮子洋4个采样点表层水样中的多环芳烃、有机氯农药进行了定量分析.洪、枯水期水体中多环芳烃总量(颗粒相和溶解相)分别是786~964 ng/L、11 360~19 603 ng/L;有机氯农药总量分别是9.68~26.29 ng/L、41.65~96.23 ng/L.根据4个采样点洪、枯水期有机污染物浓度的平均值估算多环芳烃、有机氯农药的年均入海通量.初步估算结果显示:多环芳烃的总入海通量(溶解相和颗粒相)为438.4×103 kg/a,其中颗粒相是52.5×103 kg/a;16种优控多环芳烃的入海通量为247.9×103 kg/a.有机氯农药的总入海通量是2.6×103kg/a,其中六六六的入海通量为1.1×103 kg/a,滴滴涕类的入海通量为0.3×103kg/a,其它有机氯农药的入海通量为1.2×103 kg/a.  相似文献   

Geomorphometry,the science of digital terrain analysis(DTA),is an important focus of research in both geomorphology and geographical information science(GIS).Given that 70% of China is mountainous,geomorphological research is popular among Chinese scholars,and the development of GIS over the last 30 years has led to significant advances in geomorphometric research.In this paper,we review Chinese progress in geomorphometry based on the published literature.There are three major areas of progress:digital terrain modelling methods,DTA methods,and applications of digital terrain models(DTMs).First,traditional vector-and raster-based terrain modelling methods,including the assessment of uncertainty,have received widespread attention.New terrain modelling methods such as unified raster and vector,high-fidelity,and real-time dynamic geographical scene modelling have also attracted research attention and are now a major focus of digital terrain modelling research.Second,in addition to the popular DTA methods based on topographical derivatives,geomorphological features,and hydrological factors extracted from DTMs,DTA methods have been extended to include analyses of the structure of underlying strata,ocean surface features and even socioeconomic spatial structures.Third,DTMs have been applied to fields including global climate change,analysis of various typical regions,lunar surface and other related fields.Clearly,Chinese scholars have made significant progress in geomorphometry.Chinese scholars have had the greatest international impact in areas including high-fidelity digital terrain modelling and DTM-based regional geomorphological analysis,particularly in the Loess Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau regions.  相似文献   

The expansion and upgrading of Chinese industries have accompanied with the spatial restructuring process across the country. This paper provides a literature review on China's industrial geography, paying special attention to industrial agglomeration and industrial clusters. The increasing industrial agglomeration and development of industrial clusters have been the prominent characteristics of dynamics of industrial landscape in China. The major driving forces of China's industrial geography include economic globalization, decentralization and regional competition and rebuilding of regional advantages. This paper concludes with a discussion of future research focus.  相似文献   

As an important branch of human geography, transportation geography has experienced three periods of evolution: foundation, systematization, and rapid development of the discipline. It has gradually become a relatively mature discipline. During the period 1930– 1980, the development of transportation geography consisted mainly of the publication of theoretical texts. During 1980–2000, it gradually became a systematic discipline. Since the start of the 21 st century, transportation geography has focused mainly on exploring the impacts of transportation on socio-economic development. Currently, studies on transportation geography have led to significant developments in a number of areas, including transportation theory, facility distribution and planning, transportation flows and network analysis, evaluation of transport modes, transportation planning, and simulation and assessment of urban transportation. Such studies have also enriched human geography research, provided a wider geographical overview and elucidated the development mechanism of transportation, as well as helped to understand the impacts of transport development on socio-economic systems. Some findings obtained by geographers have been widely used in transportation geography and related fields, including the four basic laws of transportation generation, the hub–spoke mode of transport organization, the subordinating and guiding functions of transportation on socio-economic development, regional transport dominance measures, accessibility measures, and spatial organization of port systems.  相似文献   

Land surface is of spatial-temporal heterogeneity. Terrestrial system(TS) comprehensively studies on land surface and physical regionalization objectively describes geographical zonation of the system. China has a vast area with apparent spatial variations in resources and environmental conditions, which highly influence on socio-economic development. In this paper, progress of the TS studies in China is overviewed and research priorities in the near future are prospected. Since the 1950 s, China has paid great attention to the TS study as its socio-economic development, and conducted research on physical geographical regionalization, eco-geographical regionalization and comprehensive regionalization. Along with the deepening of global change research, dynamics of TS have been highly concerned. During the studies, methodology has been developed from qualitative research of integration of experts' brainpower gradually to quantitative research based on field observation and experiments of the natural processes, including physical, chemical and biological processes, as well as application of information technology and mathematical simulation. In the near future, TS would combine with the ideology, objectives and key researches of Future Earth program, to focus on the mechanism and regional effects of interaction among land surface elements, the response of TS to global change, the quantitative recognition on regional unit boundary, and the application to TS in sustainable socio-economic development.  相似文献   

Economic geography in China's mainland has developed in a different way from that in many other countries. On the one hand, it has been increasingly active in participating in academic dialogues and knowledge development led by Anglophone countries; on the other hand, it takes practice-based and policy-oriented research, i.e. satisfying the demands from the Chinese government and society, as the linchpin of research. Since there has been a lot of literature reviewing the development of economic geography in the country before the new millennium, this paper will make a comprehensive analysis of the discipline in 2000–2015, based on a bibliometric survey and research projects done by Chinese economic geographers. The analysis indicates that(1) economic geography research in China's mainland is unevenly distributed but concentrated in several leading institutions;(2) traditional research fields like human-nature system, regional disparity, industrial location and transportation geography remain dominant while new topics such as globalization, multinational corporations and foreign direct investments, information and communication technology, producer services, climate change and carbon emission emerge as important research areas;(3) Chinese economic geography is featured by policy-oriented research funded by government agencies, having considerable impacts on regional policy making in China, both national and regional. To conclude, the paper argues that the development of economic geography in China's mainland needs to follow a dual track in the future, i.e. producing knowledge for the international academic community and undertaking policy-oriented research to enhance its role as a major consulting body for national, regional and local development.  相似文献   

The knowledge of geomorphological evolution from an estuary to a river delta is necessary to form the formulation of comprehensive land-ocean interaction management strategies. In this study, the dominant factor controlling the geomorphological variability and the threshold sediment flux(TSF) to form a river delta in Hainan Island, southern China, including accommodation space, sediment supply, and reworking forces, was investigated by the method of big data analytics. The results indicated the 25 estuaries in consideration can be divided into three geographical groups, i.e. the multi-factors-controlled northern mixed estuaries, wave-dominated western estuaries with river deltas, and typhoon-dominated eastern coastal lagoon estuaries. For alluvial plain(AP) estuaries, the order of magnitude of TSFs is the smallest(10~1 kt·yr~(–1)), for barrier-lagoon(BL) ones is the highest(10~2 kt·yr~(–1)), and for drowned valley(DV) ones is moderate(10~2 kt·yr~(–1)). The river deltas associated with DV systems should be relatively large, and those related to BLs should be small, with the AP deltas being between the above mentioned types. The present study provides a technique to evaluate the role played by TSF for the formation of river deltas in micro-tidal and wave-dominated and typhoon-influenced coastal environments.  相似文献   

通过分析中国东部沙区表层沉积物粒度特征及其与风力、植被覆盖的相关性,探讨了东部沙区现代风沙沉积环境及其区域差异性。结果显示:东部沙区各沙漠/沙地粒径级配相对一致,均以细沙、中沙为主,粒度分布整体呈单峰形态,中等分选,粒度分布和分选性均与西部沙区有较大不同。风力和植被覆盖状况的差异决定了各沙地所处的风沙环境性质和风沙活动强度不同,导致东部沙区表层沉积物粒度特征存在明显的区域差异性。其中,库布齐沙漠粒度特征与该区风蚀、搬运、堆积过程频繁交替的风沙活动方式密切关联;呼伦贝尔沙地粒度特征反映了风蚀主导的风沙环境;科尔沁沙地、浑善达克沙地,毛乌素沙地粒度特征和风沙活动方式相对复杂,与这3个沙地内部风蚀主导区和沙尘沉降主导区镶嵌分布的格局有关。东部沙区表层沉积物平均粒径和分选系数均与沙地年均风速和植被总盖度双因素之间具有显著的非线性相关性。  相似文献   

The world is currently undergoing profound changes, with a shift in global power centers and reordering of international power spaces, assigning new theoretical tasks as well as providing new opportunities for geopolitics research in China. Despite the peripheral nature of geopolitics research within their discipline, geographers have played a fundamental role in its origins and revival, from classical geopolitics(i.e., the German school of geopolitics and the Anglo-American school of geo-strategy), to internal geopolitics(i.e., electoral geography and administrative geography), to the new geopolitics(i.e., formal geopolitics), and to recent critical geopolitics(i.e., popular geopolitics). Although only few of these researchers were from China, great strides have been made in geopolitics and political geography research in China, with useful results being obtained. After demonstrating the importance of geopolitics research for the rising China, this review provides an overview of geopolitics papers led by China's geographers in the past few decades, describing their achievements, the problems they have faced, and the directions they have taken. Twenty-five years of geopolitics have produced a range of accomplishments, with a growth in the quality and size of research groups and institutions, an expanding literature, and some geo-strategic breakthroughs. Obviously, geographers have successfully reclaimed geopolitics, but some crucial topics are still absent or weak in the geopolitical research agenda, and need to be pursued vigorously. Most of the attention, from a positivistic perspective, has been paid to reflecting Western geopolitical thoughts, describing patterns of international power relations, and offering foreign policy advice(in a problem-focused orientation), rather than determining mechanisms and performing theoretical analyses(in a theoretical orientation), resulting in a lack of independent value judgments and of a theoretical basis for the subject. Moreover, in comparison with other disciplines, in terms of its academic community, research output, and status as a discipline, geopolitics research is very different from how it was three or four decades ago, when it was mainly the property of geographers, rather than political scientists and diplomats. For now, whether to support national geo-strategies or to enhance the diversity of the discipline, the involvement of geographers in geopolitics needs to become both more intensive and more extensive. The top priority is to strengthen theoretical, methodological, and problem- oriented research, including studies of geopolitical philosophy and methodology, the theoretical framework of the subject, global geopolitical evolution and shifts in power space, the roles of major powers and their geo-strategies, as well as China's surrounding geopolitical environment.  相似文献   

黑暗、潮湿、常温的岩溶地下洞穴,使生活其中的动物构成特殊的群落,表现出特殊的行为和体征,根据其生活习性,洞穴动物可分为真洞穴动物(Troglobites)、半洞穴动物(Troglophiles)和洞栖动物(Trogloxenes);中国岩溶洞穴动物研究开始于上世纪70年代后期,已经先后发现洞穴动物新种131个,在洞穴动物行为及特征方面,开始了大量的调查研究,取得了较好的进展。考虑到中国岩溶洞穴分布广泛、数量众多,中国洞穴动物调查研究还有很大的潜力。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国经济的快速发展,空气污染和土地水污染问题备受关注。然而,中国沿海生态系统的环境污染问题也非常严重,而且并未引起足够的重视。基于中国国家统计局和中国沿海海洋环境监测收集的经济发展和海洋生态系统环境污染数据,分析了中国沿海生态环境污染总量以及渤海、黄海、东海和南海等四大海域的污染情况。经过分析,本文认为,中国沿海不同海域的沿海海洋环境污染存在差异,在海水质量、在超标污染物、入海河流水质和赤潮等沿海海洋环境特征指标方面均存在明显差异。根据研究结果,对改进中国海洋生态环境管理提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) in advancing human geography in China by focusing on five key research areas: land use, urban systems and urban agglomeration, economic globalization, climate change and social and cultural geographies. All NSFC-funded human geography programs related to these five topics from 1986 to 2017 comprise the sample for analysis, and the research topics, content, teams, and peer-reviewed journal publications supported by these programs are investigated. Specifically, this paper analyzes the NSFC's promotion of the expansion of research topics in response to national developmental needs and the shifting frontiers of human geography research internationally, its enhancement of interdisciplinary research, and its contributions to the assembly of specialized research teams. The paper also reports important progress in Chinese human geography over the past 30 years through the institutional lens of the NSFC, revealing major characteristics and trends in the discipline. The paper concludes by calling for further collaboration between the research community and the NSFC for the development of a locally suitable and globally influential Chinese human geography.  相似文献   

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