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钦州市国土资源局以"四抓手"深入开展"两整治一改革"专项行动,取得了明显成效,部门正面形象得到进一步提升,保发展保红线能力进一步增强,制度建设进一步完善,国土资源基础性工作进一步加强,国土资源改革创新意识进一步提高。一是抓认识。该局高度重视"两整治一改革"工作,分别召开党组扩大会议和动员大会,及时学习贯彻国  相似文献   

农村集体所有土地"以租代征"问题,有其产生的特殊历史背景和复杂原因,在如何处罚上也经历了一个历史演变过程,这就给在实践中对"以租代征"如何处罚带来了分歧。自从2003年初开展治理整顿土地市场秩序工作以来,通过园区治理整顿、土地市场治理整顿和经营性用地招拍挂出让情况检查,各地违法用地的势头得到了有效遏制,农用地转用和土地征收得到了进一步规范,最严格的土地管理制度得到落实。在这  相似文献   

正近年来,淮滨县国土资源局在省厅、市局和淮滨县委、县政府的带领下,各项工作取得优异成绩。先后获得"河南省节约集约用地模范县"、"河南省省级文明单位"、"河南省法制教育先进单位"、"河南省创先争优先进单位"、"河南省信访工作先进单位"、"淮滨县十佳优秀单位"等荣誉称号。——保护资源更加严格认真。一是耕地保护得到进一步落实。确保了全县耕地保有量稳定在7.5208万公顷,基本农田稳定在6.6498万公顷。该县耕地保护连续15年实现耕地占补平衡,顺利通过市政府耕地保护目标考核。二是积极开展土地  相似文献   

正为全面贯彻落实省委省政府关于精准扶贫、精准脱贫的工作部署,我于2015年10月派驻到天峻县木里镇聚合根村担任第一书记,开展帮扶脱贫工作。半年来,我与"村两委"班子并肩同心,访牧户、搞调研、摸实情、谋实策、出实招,齐心协力,基层组织建设得到加强,集体经济进一步壮大,党员干部理想信念进一步坚定,夯实了社会和谐基础,为实现基层组织后进变先进,贫困群众如期脱贫  相似文献   

正今年以来,民权县国土资源局把推进"五个国土"建设与"两学一做"学习教育紧密结合,充分发挥党组织的政治优势、组织优势,紧贴实际,务实创新,在"学"上浓氛围、在"改"上动真格、在"做"上树标杆、在"干"上下实功,单位的学习氛围浓了,干部职工的责任心、担当精神强了,党风廉政建设更加入心入脑,作风建设得到明显加强,进一步激发了广大干部职工干事创业的精气神,"五个国土"建设  相似文献   

正在此次张家界迎接联合国教科文组织的专家检查行动中,张家界市国土资源系统全力以赴,上下一心,打好了一场攻坚战,得到广泛赞誉。11月10日,本刊记者专访了张家界市国土资源局局长周远莽,他最大的想法就是"进一步做好张家界地质公园的管理工作"。管理者、建设者、协调者《国土资源导刊》(以下简称"导刊"):从张家界市委市政府的任务分解表中可以看出,张家界市国土资源局在此次"迎检"过程中起到了重要的执行作用。那么,具体来说,张家界市  相似文献   

年初以来,我们坚持"两线串并"(国土资源部门的"天线"、基层村居组织的"地线"),"两腿走路"(政府为主导、村居为主体)、"两轮驱动"(国土部门负责指导监督,其他部门全力配合),"两套嫁妆"(水利防汛器材、村居自购器材),"两手并握"(一手抓群测群防,一手抓灾害治理),以地质灾害群测群防"十有村"建设为抓手,使"十有县"创建工作进一步得到细化、深化和具体化.今年5月份,<中国国土资源报>头版头条对此作了报道.  相似文献   

正耕地为人类提供粮食等基本物质,是整个人类社会发展的物质基础。我国耕地资源具有人均耕地少(远远低于世界平均水平)、高质量耕地少、耕地后备资源少三大特征。伴随城市化与工业化水平的不断提高,城市面积不断扩大,城市发展对土地资源的"自然需求"与"人为需求"也日益增长,耕地非农化趋势进一步加快。"自然需求"使土地资源得到重新配置,而"人为需求"造成城市规模迅速扩大,耕地环境恶化,从而使我国耕地保护雪上加霜。他  相似文献   

正近年来,东阳市上下高度重视农村住房问题,通过危旧房治理改造、"三改一拆""一户多宅"空心村整治、农村土地综合整治、地质灾害搬迁等工作,农村住房条件和人居环境得到一定改善。但农民建房的需求和向往依然很大,农村居民点布局和村庄规划有待进一步优化,农村节约集约利用土地水平有待进一步提高。如何加快农村住房改造建设,彻底改变  相似文献   

王梅 《国土资源》2014,(2):44-44
正自2013年辽宁在全省范围内开展"批而未用自土地专项清理百日行动"后,土地批而未供、供而未用情况得到遏制,土地供应率大幅提高。为了进一步巩固清理工作成果,加大建设用地监管力度,辽宁国土管理部门以行政监管为主导,以职能部门为支撑,整合系统力量,采取信息监测、动态巡查、实地核查等手段,坚持"权责对应、批管并重、系统联动、平台整合"的原则,加快构建统一的监管平台,实现置"批供用补查"于一体的建设用地全程动态监管,提高监管水平,促进各项建设用地依法依规、节约集约利用。  相似文献   

在城镇化快速演进的背景下,我国建设用地扩展导致耕地面积减少已成为学界共识。农民对城镇化进程成本支付能力低,土地成为来分享财富用于城镇化的工具,导致农村地区频频出现村庄“空壳化”、城镇人口“两头占地”、土地利用粗放等现象。作为城郊型村庄具有明显的区位优势、环境优势和资源优势,不断诱发村庄建设用地扩展、延伸,使土地集约利用的趋势更为严峻。该文通过研究坡草洼村近12年的村庄形态的演变进程,挖掘造成村庄土地利用混乱、耕地面积不断减少、人均建设用地不断增加的原因。在保障农民土地财产权的前提下,应让静态的土地“流”起来,使沉睡的资源“活”起来,不仅能解决“就地城镇化”的土地瓶颈问题,还能让村民生活质量真正的“市民化”。  相似文献   

农村居民点整理不仅要在改善农村生产生活条件、促进新农村建设和城乡一体化发展等方面发挥重要作用,还应在乡土建筑文化保护与传承做出贡献。该文探讨现代村落与传统村落的内涵,并将传统村落区分为一般传统村落和特殊传统村落;分析了传统村落保护状况;提出了农村居民点整理中传统村落保护内容;根据不同的村落类型提出了相应的整理模式与整理方向。  相似文献   

Based on the research on the rural living standard in China in terms of annual net income per capita, we define six types of village-level economy, i.e. "to be extremely poor", "to make a basic living", "to dress warmly and eat one's fill", "to try to enrich (to disengage poverty)", "to be well-off" and "to be affluent". The data of average annual net income of all the 292 villages between 1990 and 2004 in rural Gongyi City, Henan Province were collected, verified and classified. By using standard deviation, coefficient of variation and regression analysis, it is found that the Gongyi's rural economy has boosted up remarkably from the relative-poverty and absolute-poverty stages in 1990 to the well-off in 2004. However, the absolute differences between villages present a trend of enlargement, while the relative differences fluctuating. On the other hand, spatial analysis of village-level economy shows that most villages with relatively high economic development level were located along national expressway and most villages with absolute-poverty lay in remote mountainous areas in 1990. Since the 1990s, the rapid urbanization and industrialization have had strongly positive effects on rural economic growth. Initial economic foundation, natural resources and traditional techniques also contribute to village economy. From the perspective of geography, villages with location advantages, such as near urban center or industrial parks, have more chances for their economic development and the "core-periphery" economic structure has been presented in the process of rural development.  相似文献   

传统村落的保护随着中国第四批保护名录的公布逐渐成为全社会的共识。传统村落是人类与自然环境长期相互作用与有机融合的产物,其周边农田、山林、水塘等自然生态环境使着传统村落生产及生活活动得以延续。1978年改革开放后,快速城市化的背景下,不同背景下的城乡建设使得传统村落周边生态自然环境不断遭受到侵蚀威胁,为其整体保护带来极大的挑战。为开展快速城市化背景下传统村落生态环境的影响研究,本文首先界定了传统村落生态侵蚀的概念,应用侵蚀动力学理论对自我生态侵蚀、外来生态侵蚀、突发性生态侵蚀与生态侵蚀修复4种生态侵蚀方式提出生态侵蚀演变的4种模型,同时以珠江三角洲中国传统村落为研究案例,从时间和空间上对珠江三角洲地区传统村落生态侵蚀情况进行分析,探讨其生态侵蚀演变规律,揭示快速城市化背景下传统村落生态侵蚀的时空演变特征,总结了“城镇建设外侵模式、村落建设扩张模式、道路交通占领模式、综合发展模式”4种传统村落生态侵蚀的用地演化模式,丰富和深化传统村落生态视角的研究,为传统村落的保护和相关规划提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

根据国家一系列关于农村宅基地管理政策,结合农村住房建设和危房改造工作部署,枣庄市宅基地规范化管理试点逐步启动。枣庄市山亭区以"生产发展,生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主"为目标,以宅基地管理为突破口,立足实际,努力改善农村居住环境,全区宅基地管理规范有序,"空心村"治理取得明显效果。  相似文献   

昌邑市多措并举,强化镇村监管责任,推进执法重心下移,探索建立了违法用地"群防群治"立体体系,始终保持对违法违规用地严厉打击的高压态势,建立了土地利用管理新秩序,维护了全市和谐稳定发展大局。  相似文献   

Rural environmental governance is an important strategy to achieve the goal of building "green liveable villages" in China. However, studies on technology and devices for pollution remediation focus mainly on urban areas; in this regard, few studies have focused on rural areas, especially mountainous or hilly areas with interflow. Coordinate remediation techniques and devices for water-soil restoration in mountain areas(CRWS-mountain), a subproject of the "environmental monitoring and remediation in rural areas" project(ERM-rural project), was undertaken to develop techniques and devices for coordinating the restoration of water and soil in rural mountainous and hilly areas with interflow. The CRWS-mountain project will attempt to explore the mechanisms of pollutant transportation and transformation in the interflow-soil-surface water system, establish in-situ and heterotopic remediation systems in landfill, towns and surrounding areas, and construct a comprehensive system for "polluted soilinterflow-surface water" by integrating all the technologies and devices at Yanting, a typical rural mountainous hilly area in Sichuan, Southwest China. We expect that after using this comprehensive system, the water quality will meet the requirements for local water function zoning. The operation cost is 10% lower than that of the existing urban equipment.  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO NDue to acceleratingurban sprawl and suburbanizatio,nlargeareaoffarmlandwere changed intonon-agricultur-allanduse sincethelate1990s,especiallyinSouth Chi-na.Meanwhile some villageswere surrounded by urbanbuilt-upareasand became"thevillagesin urban area",which arenamed hereas"urban villages."Specificallyindefinitio,nurban villageisa ruralcom munity inurbanbuilt-upareasbecause of drasticurban sprawl,subur-banizationand industriadlispersion.A nd inrealityur-ban villagee…  相似文献   

Bamboos are widely distributed in mainland Southeast Asia and have abundant biomass. They are characterized by prolonged vegetative growth and semelparity. Where bamboos are dominant, their synchronous flowering and death has a major impact on forest vegetation. Although the small-scale dynamics of this process have become clearer in recent years, the history, geographical scale and synchronicity of bamboo flowering over broad areas remains unknown. This study focused on the flowering history of six bamboo species, Bambusa tulda, Cephalostachyum virgatum, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii, Dendrocalamus membranaceus, Indosasa sinica and Oxytenanthera parvifolia, over 40 years across a broad area of northern Laos. We also examined the synchronicity of flowering in D. membranaceus. We visited 49 villages in northern Laos and surveyed knowledgeable inhabitants about bamboo flowering history. The timing, scale and synchronicity of gregarious flowering varied among species. D. hamiltonii and D. membranaceus showed higher flowering synchronicity than other species. All the species except I. sinica had both sporadic and gregarious flowering traits, and showed conspicuous variability in their flowering scale. The flowering bamboo population at two gregarious flowering sites for D. membranaceus was surveyed. While this species had the highest synchronicity in this study, its synchronicity was lower than other species in previous studies worldwide. We found that the gregarious flowering of bamboos in northern Laos over the last 40 years showed lower synchronicity than bamboo flowering reported in other areas of the world. The historical dynamics and scale of bamboo flowering must be further clarified to understand the vegetation composition of this area.  相似文献   

Shifting cultivation is the major occupation and the main source of income of the marginal farmers(Jhumias) in Mizoram. At present, net area sown in Mizoram State is only 5.5%, of which, 16.9% area is devoted to shifting cultivation. Meanwhile, about 54% people, living in the rural areas, are engaged in practicing it. This paper examines economic implications of shifting cultivation in Mizoram, the eastern extension of the Himalaya. A total of 16 villages from eight districts(two villages from each district), were selected for case study, based on their location and distance from the district's headquarter. Household level survey was conducted and a purposive random sampling method was employed to select households with 34.2% sampling size. The case study reveals that production and yield of the principal crops grown under shifting cultivation has decreased during the last 17 years(2000-2017), whereas, there is a slight increase in area sown. It further shows that although, a large group of Jhumias are practicing shifting cultivation and growing subsistence cereals, yet, their economic viability is significantly less than cash crops. As a result, a large section of people in rural areas are living below poverty line. The study suggests that for sustainable livelihood, cash crops can replace subsistence crops and shifting cultivation can be converted into permanent cultivation through terracing the Jhum plots.  相似文献   

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