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随着网络技术的不断发展,Web信息系统的安全性与服务器端的系统安全应用紧密联系在一起,为了保证存在于Web服务器上的服务过程,例如网络数据库、数据库应用系统、文件服务等在网络应用中不被非法用户使用,提出通过引入二进制验证文件的方法,利用设计的软件对服务器端的ASP程序进行验证,并且在成功连接数据库后实时地对验征文件进行验证码位修改及加密.通过这种方法可以达到对ASP连接过程安全控制的目的.  相似文献   

从结构主义到转换生成语法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪极具影响力的两大理论流派--美国结构主义描述性语言学和乔姆斯基的转换生成语法都曾引起现代语言学领域的革命.尽管转换生成语法激烈反对结构主义描述性语言学的语言哲学思想,从方法论的角度来看,转换生成语法和结构主义其实是一脉相承.  相似文献   

正年,越来越近了,她就像一个快乐的使者,穿行在热闹非凡的超市里,行走在熙熙攘攘的街道上,倘徉在人头攒动的车站和机场中,把亲情、友情、爱情以及人世间所有的幸福和吉祥,传递给身边的每一个人。我们盼望着年的到来,我们在浓浓的年味中感受着温馨和愉悦。年的味道就是快乐的味道。小时候,每到过年时候,妈妈总是会给我们换上一身漂亮的新衣服,买回我们爱吃的糖果、饼干,然后,在厨房里忙里忙外,  相似文献   

运用Halliday系统功能语法的语篇功能理论详细分析了广告"孩子的承诺"的主位结构和信息结构,以此说明这两种结构的相互关系.还以讨论该广告的主位推进模式来揭示该语篇中句子及小句层面上的内在联系.最后说明主位结构,信息结构及主位推进等概念对英语教学,尤其阅读与写作教学的启示.  相似文献   

提出的基于AOP的Token算法,将Token处理过程作为AOP的一个方面(Aspect)抽取出来,能在较大程度上减少Token处理代码的冗余度,使Action模块具有较好的可移植性,使系统结构更清晰,具有一定的实用性.  相似文献   

从能源安全迈向能源独立——印度能源战略简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同样是人口大国,同样怀着民族复兴的梦,中国和邻国--印度,因为太多相似而备受瞩目. 特别是在能源问题方面,印度承担的压力和面临的难题,并不比中国少.国家的资源状况和人口增长、经济发展的速度影响着能源的总量和消耗.2006年,联合国人口活动基金会发布的《世界人口白皮书》显示,印度人口约为11亿1950万,约占世界人口总数的17%.但印度目前已探明的石油和天然气资源储量,仅占世界总量的0.8%.  相似文献   

基于XML的Web服务允许网络上的所有系统和用户通过Internet或Intranet进行交互,它提供了适用于各种不同平台和产品的基础.开发人员可以利用现有的Java技术开发遵从XML标准、功能完整、共通性的Web服务.利用现有的J2EE(the Java 2 Enterprise Edition)系统,无需对系统架构进行改动,就可以构建复杂强大的Web服务应用.介绍了如何方便地利用Java和XML技术来实现Web服务.  相似文献   

蒙古国拥有丰富的矿产资源,但落后的经济基础严重制约了矿业的发展.为改变这一现状,吸引外资成为蒙古国的重要方针之一.从上世纪末开始,蒙古国政府通过颁布新矿法和制定一系列优惠的政策,改善矿业投资环境,众多的国际矿业公司纷至沓来,目前这里已经成为世界矿业投资的热点区域之一.  相似文献   

技术性贸易壁垒已成为国际贸易中最主要的贸易壁垒形式.随着我国对外贸易的迅速发展,技术性贸易壁垒已对我国对外贸易的发展带来较严重的影响.因此,分析了我国遭受技术性贸易壁垒的现状、原因以及技术性贸易壁垒对我国对外贸易带来的不利影响和应该采取怎样的应对之策,具有较强的现实和理论意义.  相似文献   

国外调控房地产市场政策种种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于房地产市场具有垄断竞争性、周期性和外部性等特点,市场失灵问题较为严重,需要政府及时有效的宏观调控。我国房地产市场发展的时间不长,相关的管理、调控经验不足,市场上存在较多的问题,因此有必要借鉴发达国家调控房地产业的政策、手段,提高自身的理论认识和实践水平。  相似文献   

黄河北煤田是山东省仅存的没有全面开采的煤田。该煤田主要可采煤层位于太原组,主采13煤层位于太原组底部,距离徐灰和奥灰较近,开采时受底鼓水威胁。该文通过收集大量的各勘查区不同勘查阶段的地质资料,并进行了充分的分析、归纳和总结,找出了黄河北煤田具有"东多西少"、"上薄下厚"的赋煤规律和徐灰、奥灰含水层厚度大、富水性强、具有较高的静水压力等特点。通过充水因素分析结合其他煤田的开采经验,对开采11、13煤层,提出了注浆改造奥灰顶部30 m的工作思路和建议。  相似文献   

The Daqing lakes are located in the region with sub-humid continental monsoon climate. Through histori-cal comparison of the environment before and after oil field exploitation in the area, the paper analyses the impact of oilfield exploitation on the eco-environment of the lakes, including the impact of diversion works, drainage works, exploita-tion and utilization of groundwater, dropped crude oil and petrochemical wastewater on the lakes water body. The analy-sis shows that oil field exploitation caused serious pollution to soil in the lakes area and deterioration of the e-co-environment. The impact became more evident with passage of time, and the intensity varied with areas, gettingmore serious from west to east, which meant that the eastern part of the lakes were influenced much more seriously by thehuman activities. To improve the eco-environment of the Daqing lakes and make them sustainable utilization, the effec-tive protection measures should be taken.  相似文献   

大数据时代,传统犯罪分析将向探索式可视分析的方向转变。本文基于公安犯罪数据的特点和犯罪分析理论,结合可视化技术(Wordle图、故事线图、平行坐标图、散点图矩阵等),从表示内容、表示方法、交互设计等提出面向不同主题的犯罪大数据可视分析方法,其中,包括系列犯罪时空轨迹数据的可视分析、犯罪实时态势数据的可视分析、犯罪时空过程数据的可视分析、时间序列犯罪统计数据的可视分析、犯罪案情文本数据的可视分析、犯罪多维属性数据的可视分析,以及犯罪相关统计数据的可视分析等。相关可视分析方法为案件侦查、犯罪趋势预测、犯罪热点分析等方面提供了支持,也为今后面向其他领域的可视化表达研究提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONMajorcharacteristicsofurbanizationinclude:ur-banconstructioniscontinuouslyspreading,thedemandforurbanlanduseisrapidlyswelling,andalotofa-griculturallandisconvertingintonon-agriculturalland.Whenthesecharacteristicsarereflectedinurbansys-tem,thedevelopingspeedsofbigcitiesandsupercitiesarequickening(CHEN,1999).Basedonthecondi-tionofmarket,landresourcebearsthreetypesofvalueswhicharerespectivelysocialvalue,economicvalueandecologicalvalue.Theexternalexpressiv…  相似文献   

The ability of cell to modulate the fluidity of plasma membrane was crucial to the survival of microorganism at low temperature. Plasma membrane proteins, fatty acids and carotenoids profiles of Antarctic psychrophilc yeast Rhodotorula sp. NJ298 were investigated at -3 ℃, 0 ℃ and 8 ℃. The results showed that plasma membrane protein content was greater at -3 ℃ than that at 8 ℃, and a unique membrane polypeptide composition with an apparent molecular mass of 94.7 kDa was newly synthesized with SDS-PAGE analysis; GC analysis showed that the main changes of fatty acids were the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (C18∶ 1 and C18∶ 2) and shorter chain saturated fatty acid (C10∶ 0) increased along with the decrease of the culture temperature from 8 ℃ to -3 ℃; HPLC analysis indicated that astaxanthin was the major functional carotenoids of the plasma membrane, percentage of which increased from 54.6±1.5% at 8 ℃ to 81.9±2.1% at -3 ℃. However the fluidity of plasma membrane which was determined by measuring fluorescence anisotropy was similar at -3 ℃, 0 ℃ and 8 ℃. Hence these changes in plasma membrane's characteristics were involved in the cellular cold-adaptation by which NJ298 could maintain normal plasma membrane fluidity at near-freezing temperature.  相似文献   

Plants possess effective mechanisms to respond quickly to the external environment.Rapid activation of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C(PLC)enzymes occurs after a stimulus.The PLC in Dunaliella salina play s important roles in growth and stress responses.However,the molecular basis of PLC action in D.salina remains little understood.To gain insight into the potential biological functions of this enzyme,we cloned a phospholipase C gene from D.salina in a previous study,named DsPLC(GenBank No.KF573428).Here,we present the prokaryotic expression,purification,and characterization of the DsPLC gene.The entire coding region of DsPLC was inserted into an expression vector pET32 a,and the DsPLC gene was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli.The DsPLC protein was purified and identified using a polyclonal antibody and western blotting.Expressing DsPLC fused with a green fluorescent protein(GFP)in onion showed that DsPLC-GFP was localized to the intracellular membrane.Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that the relative expression of the DsPLC gene was induced significantly by 3.0-mol/L NaCl at 4 h.Our results support the importance of PLC enzymes in plant defense signaling.This study provides a basis for further functional studies of the DsPLC gene and for additional analysis of the potential roles of PLC enzymes in response to abiotic stress.  相似文献   

地形部位是地表形态的基本单元,其分类和提取在地貌发育、数字土壤制图、景观生态制图等领域有着重要的应用。康鑫等提出的多尺度Geomorphons地形部位分类法(简称多尺度Geomorphons法)利用高程相对差异信息和地形部位多尺度特征,可避免受地形属性计算及单一分析尺度约束而误分类,然而其存在分类破碎及分析尺度域难以确定的问题。基于此,本文以多尺度Geomorphons法为基础,提出了其适宜分析尺度域确定方法,建立了以初始地形部位数据层组合的对象多尺度分割和分类方法,进而构建了顾及多分析尺度的地形部位面向对象分类方法。以陕北黄土高原区域5 m分辨率DEM为实验数据,对面向对象分类方法进行了验证与评价。实验结果表明:①均值变点法可有效解决分析尺度域难以确定的问题,实验样区适宜分析尺度域为[5×5, 33×33]栅格单元;②以0,255为二值化的地形部位数据层组合适用于多尺度分割,尺度、形状及紧致度参数组合影响分割结果,且对于实验样区存在最优分割参数;③与多尺度Geomorphons法相比,本文方法得到的地形部位分类结果完整性较好,在地表形态对应和地理认知等方面更具合理性。  相似文献   

资江是洞庭湖的第二大支流,其中上游锑(Sb)矿采矿冶炼工业发达,给资江下游及洞庭湖区带来了严重的重金属污染风险。以资江河口区为研究区,采集了132个农田土壤样品及7个资江水样,综合采用多种污染评价方法、空间分析、多元统计分析方法对研究区重金属进行了污染评价及来源分析。结果表明,研究区农田土壤重金属平均质量分数表现为Zn>Cr>Ni>Pb>Cu>As>Sb>Cd,旱田土壤重金属平均质量分数除Pb外均高于水田。Sb、As、Cd为主要污染元素,Sb达到了中等污染和中等生态风险的程度,总体处于轻微-中等生态风险程度。资江水体Sb质量浓度较高,平均为10.51 μg/L。Sb主要来源于中上游的锑矿工业,受高锑质量浓度地表水灌溉、垃圾填埋场以及燃煤等人为活动的控制;Cd主要来源于农药化肥、生活垃圾和城镇废水等人为活动;Cr主要来源于成土母质,而Cu、Zn、As、Ni、Pb受成土母质和人为活动的双重控制。   相似文献   

空间权重矩阵的生成方法分析与实验   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
区域空间动力学过程 (例如疾病传播、区域社会经济可持续发展等 )所涉及的数据样本和状态变量都是以区域多边形形式存在的。区域群发展在空间上的此起彼伏和相互影响则是通过区域之间相互联系得以实现的 ,空间权重矩阵用以传载这一作用过程。因此 ,构建区域空间连接权重矩阵是建立区域空间动力学方程的核心问题之一。本文分析了空间权重矩阵的不同生成方法 ,并对空间权重矩阵的一种形式.  相似文献   

Gas disasters always restrict the tunnel constructions in mountain area, which becomes a major geological barrier against the development of underground engineering. China is rich in coal resources and has a large amount of gas with a wide range of distribution. However, China experienced not only adverse effects on coal mining but also gas disasters in underground engineering construction, such as tunnels and chambers. With the increased number of tunnels passing through coal-bearing strata, the incidence of gas accidents is also rising. Therefore, the significance of preventing and mitigating gas disasters should be emphasized, and an effective risk assessment method for gas disasters should be established. On the basis of research on over 100 gas tunnels in China, a relatively ideal gas disaster risk assessment method and system for tunnels are established through the following measures. Firstly, geo-environmental conditions and gas situations were analyzed during construction. Secondly, qualitative analysis was combined with quantitative analysis. Finally, the influencing factors of gas disasters, including geological conditions, gas,and human factors, were investigated. The gas tunnel risk assessment system includes three levels:(1) the grading assessment of a gas tunnel during the planning stage,(2) the risk assessment of gas tunnel construction during the design and construction stages,(3) the gas tunnel outburst risk assessment during the coal uncovering stage. This system was applied to the dynamic assessment of gas disaster during the construction of the Zipingpu tunnel of Dujiangyan–Wenchuan Highway(in Sichuan, Southwest China). The assessment results were consistent with the actual excavation, which verified the rationality and feasibility of the system. The developed system was believed to be back-up and applied for risk assessment of gas disaster in the underground engineering construction.  相似文献   

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