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使用currentBATSE catakog中的一部分数据,定义了2个分别反映γ射线暴的能谱形和光变曲线的物理量FR和TR,同时对它们的分布作了统计分析,发现对于两类不同的γ射线暴,它们的分布存在统计上的较为明显的差异。这意味着两类暴可能产生于不同的辐射区域,两类暴的暴源可能有本质的差异,这些结果支持了把γ射线暴分为长暴和短暴的分类方法。  相似文献   

本文对相对论电子的辐射性质、能谱演化和加速机制等进行了简要的介绍。同时,对相对论电子在高能天体中的辐射作用和特性进行了简要的综述。本文给出了相对论电子在Blazar天体的射电辐射机制、光变机制、BL Lac天体的辐射机制以及γ暴的辐射机制等方面的应用研究成果。1、提出了相对论电子的光学薄同步辐射模型:解释Blazar天体的射电平谱:Blazar中心体的剧烈活动,使射电辐射区处于等离子体湍动状态,其中的相对论电子在湍动等离子体波的二交费米加速、激波加速、辐射损失、粒子逃逸和辐射区的绝热减速等物理过程作用下,形成较平的能谱,产生射电平谱。2、提出了新的Blazar天体光变模型:当Blazar天体爆发时,中心天体产生大量的相对论电子,注入喷流中;相对论电子产生同步辐射,并不断损失能量和逃逸辐射区,使它们的能谱快速变化,引起辐射发生快速光变。3、给出了BL Lac天体的等离子体反应堆模型:大量相对论电子从中心天体注入周围的等离子体反应堆中,通过同步辐射快速损失能量,同时这些电子同步吸收反应堆中不透明的光子,产生一个稳定、各向同性的幂律分布,其谱指数为γ=3;然后,这些相对论电子通过等离子体反应堆的爆发或其表面扩散过程逃逸出来,辐射低频的同步辐射。模型解释了BL Lac天体的高频辐射表现出快速的谱变化性质,即流量减小时谱变陡。4、提出了相对论电子的内激波加速模型,解释γ暴的尖峰光变特性:在γ暴产生的相对论运动的壳层中,有内激波产生;激波在壳层中传播,耗散壳层的运动能,使其中的部分电子加速成为相对论电子。然后,这些电子通过同步辐射产生观测到的γ辐射。模型认为,γ暴中的每个尖峰辐射是一对内激波加速相对论电子的辐射过程,复杂的γ暴光变曲线是多对内激波辐射过程的叠加。  相似文献   

γ射线暴研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎卓  戴子高  陆埮 《天文学进展》2003,21(4):334-369
γ射线暴(简称γ暴)的研究自1997年以来由于余辉的发现而有了很大的突破。在此,对γ暴的观测作了简要的概述,而对γ暴的理论进展和存在问题进行了较为全面的评述,内容包括γ暴本身、余辉、能源机制、寄主星系、暴周环境、高能粒子和引力波辐射、宇宙学意义等。  相似文献   

本文研究了CGRO卫星上BATSE探测器对硬X天空监测过程中触发和记录到的1 0 0 0多个γ暴和 40 0 0多个太阳硬X射线暴的强度和时间性质 ,发现它们的强度分布相似 ,这也许意味着硬X射线天空中两种主要的爆发现象机制相似 ,同时对将γ暴的强度分布作为其宇宙学起源的证据提出了疑问 .对太阳暴的持续时间分析表明 ,其强度和持续时间呈正相关 ,而γ暴是弱负相关 .太阳暴的强度和持续时间在BATSE运行过程中有长时标变化 ,最近对γ暴的研究也发现了这种现象  相似文献   

申荣锋  宋黎明 《天文学报》2002,43(4):341-346
分析了Balastegui等(2001)应用神经网络划分出的两类长γ暴的平均傅里叶功率谱(PDS),两类暴的平均PDS都具有明显的幂律谱结构,对两类暴分别按亮度和能谱硬度分组,计算各组的平均功率谱,两类暴都具有平均功率谱随亮度和能谱硬度的增加而变平的趋势。  相似文献   

本研究了CGRO卫星上BATSE探测器对硬X天空监测过程中触发和记录到的1000多个γ暴和4000多个太阳硬X射线暴的强度和时间性质,发现它们的强度分布相似,这也许意味着硬X射线天空中两种主要的爆发现象机制相似,同时对将γ暴的强度分布作为其宇宙学起源的证据提出了疑问。  相似文献   

韦大明 《天文学进展》1995,13(3):234-248
介绍了ComptonGRO卫星对Ⅱ暴的最新观测结果。观测表明,γ暴源的空间分布是各向同性但不均匀的。这种分布基本上排除了γ暴起源于银盘内中子星的模型,表明γ暴要么位于展延的银晕里,要么位于宇宙学距离上。  相似文献   

γ暴余辉的发现是γ暴研究史上的一个重大突破,火球模型几乎可以较好地解释γ暴余辉的观测特性。但在标准的火球模型中,通常只考虑电子的同步加速辐射,没有考虑电子逆康普顿散射的贡献。这里我们详细计算了逆康普顿散射对γ暴余辉的影响,发现在一定的条件下,逆康普顿散射的影响是很重要的,它可以显著地改变辐射能谱,进而改变γ暴余辉的光变特性。  相似文献   

伽玛暴νfν谱的峰值能量E_p是伽玛暴的一个很重要的观测物理量,观测系中伽玛暴νf_ν谱的峰值能量Ep分布很宽.根据各向同性光度L_(iso)、初始洛伦兹因子Γ_0和暴源系中峰值能量E_p,z之间的关系式估算伽玛暴的初始洛伦兹因子Γ_0,再把伽玛暴νf_ν谱的峰值能量E_p和光度L_(iso)修正到共动坐标系,发现共动系中峰值能量的分布还是很宽.这意味着观测系中E_p的宽分布可能是伽玛暴的真实物理分布.检验了共动坐标系中光度和峰值能量之间的关系,发现它们之间仍然存在相关性.最后,进一步对伽玛暴的辐射物理进行限制,认为共动坐标系中峰值能量分布很宽可能是由于辐射电子的洛伦兹因子γ_e分布很宽.  相似文献   

伽玛暴是宇宙中最剧烈的爆发现象之一,观测伽玛暴预警和暂现源实验卫星(Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory/Bursts and Transient Source Experiment,BATSE)、高能暂现源探测卫星(High Energy Transient Explorer,HETE)和Fermi提供了大量的伽玛暴样本,对这些数据进行分析,用统计的方法寻找其中蕴含的伽玛暴辐射物理信息是必要的。伽玛暴能谱νFν的峰值能量Ep是伽玛暴一个很重要的物理量,并且每个暴的峰值能量不同。研究比较不同仪器观测的伽玛暴νFν谱的峰值能量Ep分布,发现伽玛暴的峰值能量Ep分布很宽,不同仪器的Ep分布相似,BATSE样本Ep分布的峰值比HETE-2和Fermi样本的Ep峰值要大一些,这可能是由于选取的BATSE样本都是亮暴造成的。3种仪器观测的Log N-Log Ep分布也没有显著差异。即从统计学的角度上讲,3种暴的Ep分布没有本质不同,不同仪器观测到的伽玛暴的辐射物理信息应该是一致的。  相似文献   

In the present paper, we investigate the distribution of the hardness ratio (HR) for short and long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in different time-scales for the first two seconds. After including and subtracting the background count, we performed a Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test on the HR distributions of the two classes of GRBs in each time interval. Our analysis shows that the probabilities of the K–S test to the distributions are very small, suggesting that the two classes of bursts are unlikely to arise from the same HR distributions. The result indicates that the two kinds of bursts probably originate from different mechanisms or have different central engines. In addition, we found that the HR of short bursts within the time interval 0–0.96 s changes from hard to soft; the HR of long bursts does not. The two kinds of bursts have different characteristics in the first two seconds, which might be associated with different physical mechanisms.  相似文献   

A systematic study on the early X-ray afterglows of both optically bright and dark gamma-ray bursts (B-GRBs and D-GRBs) observed by Swift is presented. Our sample includes 25 GRBs of which 13 are B-GRBs and 12 are D-GRBs. Our results show that the distributions of the X-ray afterglow fluxes (Fx), the gamma-ray fluxes (5r), and the ratio (Rr,x.) are similar for the two kinds of GRBs, that any observed differences should be simply statistical fluctuation. These results indicate that the progenitors of the two kinds of GRBs are of the same population with comparable total energies of explosion. The suppression of optical emission in the D-GRBs should result from circumburst but not from their central engine.  相似文献   

We study the spectral and energetics properties of 47 long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with known redshift, all of them detected by the Swift satellite. Due to the narrow energy range (15–150 keV) of the Swift -BAT detector, the spectral fitting is reliable only for fitting models with two or three parameters. As high uncertainty and correlation among the errors is expected, a careful analysis of the errors is necessary. We fit both the power law (PL, two parameters) and cut-off power law (CPL, three parameters) models to the time-integrated spectra of the 47 bursts, and we present the corresponding parameters, their uncertainties and the correlations among the uncertainties. The CPL model is reliable only for 29 bursts for which we estimate the  ν f ν  peak energy E pk. For these GRBs, we calculate the energy fluence and the rest-frame isotropic-equivalent radiated energy,   E γ,iso  , as well as the propagated uncertainties and correlations among them. We explore the distribution of our homogeneous sample of GRBs on the rest-frame diagram   E 'pk  versus   E γ,iso  . We confirm a significant correlation between these two quantities (the 'Amati' relation) and we verify that, within the uncertainty limits, no outliers are present. We also fit the spectra to a Band model with the high-energy PL index frozen to −2.3, obtaining a rather good agreement with the 'Amati' relation of non- Swift GRBs.  相似文献   

We investigate redshift distributions of three long burst samples, with the first sample containing 131 long bursts with observed redshifts, the second including 220 long bursts with pseudo-redshifts calculated by the variability-luminosity relation, and the third including 1194 long bursts with pseudo-redshifts calculated by the lag-luminosity relation, respectively. In the redshift range 0-1 the Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability of the observed redshift distribution and that of the variability-luminosity relation is large. In the redshift ranges 1-2, 2-3, 3-6.3 and 0-37, the Kolmogorov-Smimov probabilities of the redshift distribution from lag-luminosity relation and the observed redshift distri-bution are also large. For the GRBs, which appear both in the two pseudo-redshift burst samples, the KS probability of the pseudo-redshift distribution from the lag-luminosity relation and the observed reshifi distribution is 0.447, which is very large. Based on these results, some conclusions are drawn: I) the V-Liso relation might be more believable than the τ-Liso relation in low redshift ranges and the τ-Liso relation might be more real than the V-Liso relation in high redshift ranges; ii) if we do not consider the redshift ranges, the τ-Liso relation might be more physical and intrinsical than the V-Liso relation.  相似文献   

Of great importance in distinguishing between models for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is the experimental determination of the highest energy gamma rays associated with bursts. The EGRET detection of a 15 GeV gamma ray indicates that the spectra of at least some bursts extend well beyond the several MeV limit of the BATSE detectors (Hurleyet al., 1994). The low expected flux means that the collecting area of the present generation of satellite-based detectors is too small to detect gamma rays much above this energy efficiently, and such searches are currently undertaken with ground based detectors. In this paper searches made for very high energy GRBs with a southern hemisphere air shower particle array are described.  相似文献   

提供一个基于光变曲线的长γ暴光度的估计量.对BASTE记录到的12个已知红移的γ暴,利用时域上的时变分析方法计算了各暴的功率密度谱,用功率密度的峰值P表征光变曲线变化的剧烈程度.通过拟合发现在共动坐标系P与γ暴的各向同性峰值光度L之间存在着相关关系.这是继Norris等和Reichart等发现时间延迟与光度、变化率与光度的相关性之后又一个γ暴时变特征量与其光度之间的相关关系.  相似文献   

林一清 《天文学报》2007,48(4):428-432
Swift卫星的X射线望远镜观测揭示部分伽玛暴的早期余辉光变曲线有一个缓慢衰减的成分,而相当一部分却没有这样的成分.研究比较这两种暴的观测性质发现两类暴的持续时间、伽玛辐射总流量、谱指数、谱硬度比峰值能量等物理量均没有显著差异.然而有该成分的那些伽玛暴谱比较软、早期X射线余辉比较弱、伽玛射线辐射效率显著高于没有这个成分的那些暴.结果表明两类暴的前身星和中心机制一致,是否呈现这个缓慢衰减成分可能取决于外部介质.  相似文献   

The TTE/BATSE time profiles for short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are analyzed. A sample of 287 short GRBs and a sample of 143 background regions are studied. Bursts similar to BRBs with precursors and bursts with time profiles that are not encountered among the bursts whose time profiles were investigated by using a combination of DISCSC and PREB data. In addition, there are fewer events with single-peak time profiles among short GRBs than among long GRBs (many double and triple bursts). A fractal analysis of the TTE time profiles for short GRBs is performed. According to the TTE data, the range of fractal dimensions for short bursts is 0.80≤D≤2.25. The derived fractal-dimension distribution exhibits two peaks that correspond to a similar distribution obtained previously by reducing the DISCSC data for short GRBs (D=1.44±0.02 and D=1.90±0.03) and a third peak (D=1.05±0.03). The bursts with 〈D〉=1.90±0.03 correspond to events in whose sources the processes with long-term variations and (or) quasi-periodicity take place, while the event time profiles with a fractal dimension 〈D〉=1.05±0.03 correspond to events in whose sources many extremely short random processes take place. A more detailed analysis of a subgroup of bursts with D=1.44±0.02 shows that its fractal dimension distribution is broader than that for a group with the same (within the limits of the measurement errors) D. At least two more GRB subgroups can be distinguished in this subgroup: (1) bursts with 〈D〉=1.51±0.04; according to the TTE data, their fractal dimensions correspond to those of the background; i.e., these are events with smooth time profiles without any variability in the sources on the time scales on which the fractal dimension is analyzed; and (2) bursts with 〈D〉=1.31±0.05, whose time profiles can correspond to those of the events obtained from the fireball model with internal shock waves. We present time profiles for the events obtained by using this model. The range of fractal dimensions for the modeled time profiles is 1.213≤D≤1.400, with the fractal dimensions for such an event and for the real GRB 990208 being equal, within the error limits, for some model parameters. A study of the TTE and DISCSC fractal-dimension distributions for the background indicates that the fractal dimension distributions obtained by analyzing these two types of data can be processed simultaneously.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the identification of high-energy neutrinos from gamma ray bursts (GRBs) by means of a large-scale neutrino telescope. The procedure makes use of a time profile stacking technique of observed neutrino induced signals in correlation with satellite observations. By selecting a rather wide time window, a possible difference between the arrival times of the gamma and neutrino signals may also be identified. This might provide insight in the particle production processes at the source. By means of a toy model it will be demonstrated that a statistically significant signal can be obtained with a km3 scale neutrino telescope on a sample of 500 GRBs for a signal rate as low as 1 detectable neutrino for 3% of the bursts.  相似文献   

We compare the radial distributions of known localized gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) relative to the centers of their host galaxies with the distributions of known objects in nearby galaxies (supernovae of various types, X-ray binaries), the hypothetical dark-matter profiles, and the distribution of luminous matter in galaxies in the model of an exponential disk. By comparing the moments of empirical distributions, we show that the radial distribution of GRBs in galaxies differs significantly from that of other sources. We suggest a new statistical method for comparing empirical samples that is based on estimating the number of objects within a given radius. The exponential disk profile was found to be in best agreement with the radial distribution of GRBs. The distribution of GRBs relative to the centers of their host galaxies also agrees with the dark matter profile at certain model parameters.  相似文献   

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