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SIMBOL-X is a hard X-ray mission based on a formation flight architecture, operating in the 0.5–80 keV energy range, which has been selected for a comprehensive Phase A study, being jointly carried out by CNES and ASI. SIMBOL-X makes uses of a long (in the 25–30 m range) focal length multilayer-coated X-ray mirrors to focus for the first time X-rays with energy above 10 keV, resulting in at least a two orders of magnitude improvement in angular resolution and sensitivity compared to non focusing techniques used so far. The SIMBOL-X revolutionary instrumental capabilities will allow us to elucidate outstanding questions in high energy astrophysics, related in particular to the physics and energetic of the accretion processes on-going in the Universe, also performing a census of black holes on all scales, achieved through deep, wide-field surveys of extragalactic fields and of the Galactic center, and the to the acceleration of electrons and hadrons particles to the highest energies. In this paper, the mission science objectives, design, instrumentation and status are reviewed. PACS: 95.55 – Astronomical and space-research instrumentation 95.85 – Astronomical Observations 98.85.Nv – X-ray  相似文献   

The Robonet‐1 homogenous telescope network consists of 3 fully robotic 2 m class telescopes. I describe how the observation requests submitted by external users and automated user agents are selected for observation by the individual telescope schedulers. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

结合中国的实际情况提出了一 新的中国21世纪的10米光学/红外望远镜的方案,它是属于一种非常规概念设计的望远镜。这种新的大望远镜方案吸收了或主要参考了Arecibo射电望远镜、美国的HobbyEberly9米望远镜和LAMOST方案的前身一光谱巡天望远镜方案。它的主镜是六角形子镜拼成的球面,在观测过程中主镜不动,由焦面的改正镜做跟踪,造价约为同样口径的常规设计望远镜的五分之一,并能满足绝大部分天文  相似文献   

We introduce a novel concept to sense the wavefront for adaptive optics purposes in astronomy using a conventional laser beacon. The concept we describe involves treating the light scattered in the mesospheric sodium layer as if it comes from multiple rings located at infinity. Such a concept resembles an inverse Bessel beam and is particularly suitable for multi-conjugated adaptive optics on extremely large telescopes. In fact, as the sensing process uses light apparently coming from infinity, some problems linked to the finite distance and vertical extent of the guide source are solved. Since such a technique is able to sense a wavefront solely in the radial direction, we propose furthermore a novel wavefront sensor by combining the inverse Bessel beam approach with the recently introduced z -invariant technique for a pseudo-infinite guide star sensor.  相似文献   

A method for producing a laser guide star wavefront sensor for adaptive optics with reduced focal anisoplanatism is presented. A theoretical analysis and numerical simulations have been carried out and the results are presented. The technique, named Sky-Projected Laser Array Shack–Hartmann (SPLASH), is shown to suffer considerably less from focal anisoplanatism than a conventional laser guide star system. The method is potentially suitable for large telescope apertures (∼8 m), and possibly for extremely large telescopes.  相似文献   

Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (L AMOST) is one of the major on-going national large scientific projects in China. Active optics is a key technology for the LAMOST with which the thin-mirror active optics and segmented-mirror active optics are tied in. A pre-calibration method considering all active forces and displacements specially for LAMOST has been developed in early 2004. We give a detailed mathematical derivation and calculation including numerical simulation and computer program realization of the pre-calibration method of LAMOST open-loop control for the third-order as-pherical aberration. We have also carried out calculations on the application of the pre-calibration method and the parameters of actuator design in LAMOST active optics in observation mode, including estimations of the actuator ranges, the interval of active optics correction and the ranges and trends of load changes on all the actuators during LAMOST tracking a given star.  相似文献   

主动光学─新一代大望远镜的关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对主动光学技术在现代天文光学望远镜中的作用和工作原理作了较全面的介绍和评论。结合作者近十年的工作对薄镜面主动光学技术和拼接镜面主动光学技术的各个关键部分,如波前检测、波前拟合、校正力的确定、共焦和共面的检测作了较详细且深入的讨论和评述.也介绍了我国目前正在研制的同时采用薄镜面主动光学和拼接镜面主动光学技术的大天区面积多目标光纤光谱望远镜的主动光学系统。  相似文献   

Hard X-ray/soft gamma-ray astrophysics is on the verge of a major advance with the practical realization of technologies capable of efficiently focusing X-rays above 10 keV. Hard X-ray focusing telescopes can achieve orders of magnitude improvements in sensitivity compared to the instruments based on coded apertures and collimated detectors that have traditionally been employed in this energy band. Compact focal planes enable high-performance detectors with good spectral resolution to be employed in efficient, low-background configurations. We have developed multilayer coated grazing incidence optics and solid state Cadmium Zinc Telluride focal plane systems for the High Energy Focusing Telescope (HEFT) balloon-borne experiment, and for the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) Small Explorer satellite. In this paper we describe the technologies, telescope designs, and performance of both experiments.  相似文献   

According to the influence mechanism of the antenna track irregularity on the telescope pointing accuracy, the distribution of the track errors and their influence on the pointing of the Urumqi Nanshan 26 m telescope are reanalyzed after the antenna track was reformed by using the whole-body welding technology, and hereby the pointing error model is correspondingly revised. By using the moving least-squares method, the measured height errors of the antenna track plane are fitted with a closed curve, and the tilt of the antenna azimuth axis caused by the track irregularity can be determined accordingly. Comparing it with the measured deviation of the antenna azimuth axis caused by the deformation of antenna pedestal, it can be found that both deviations are strongly correlated. A new pointing error model is established in view of the gravity deformation of antenna pedestal, which includes the north-south and east-west components, as well as the antenna track irregularity. Finally, by scanning a known calibration radio source at different positions in the sky, the measured pointing errors are fitted with the new pointing error model. The result shows that the sinusoidal component of the model error can be well constrained by the new pointing correction model, indicating that the new model can reflect very well the antenna pointing error, and can amend it to a certain extend.  相似文献   

对当代光学天文望远镜控制系统技术之进展进行了综述,同时也对这一领域的未来发展作了一些预测,以期给这一领域的控制工程师们提供一个与他们专业需要有关的概貌。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensors to determine the vertical distribution of atmospheric optical turbulence above large telescopes. It is demonstrated that the turbulence altitude profile can be recovered reliably from time-averaged spatial cross-correlations of the local wavefront slopes for Shack–Hartmann observations of binary stars. The method, which is referred to as SLODAR, is analogous to the well known SCIDAR scintillation profiling technique, and a calibration against contemporaneous SCIDAR observations is shown. Hardware requirements are simplified relative to the scintillation method, and the number of suitable target objects is larger. The implementation of a Shack–Hartmann based turbulence monitor for use at the William Herschel Telescope is described. The system will be used to optimize adaptive optical observations at the telescope and to characterize anisoplanatic variations of the corrected point spread function.  相似文献   

The Telescope Alert Operations Network System (TALONS) was designed and developed in the year 2000, around the architectural principles of a distributed sensor network. This network supported the original Rapid Telescopes for Optical Response (RAPTOR) project goals; however, only with further development could TALONS meet the goals of the larger Thinking Telescope Project. The complex objectives of the Thinking Telescope project required a paradigm shift in the software architecture – the centralised intelligence merged into the TALONS network operations could no longer meet all of the new requirements. The intelligence needed to be divorced from the network operations and developed as a series of peripheral intelligent agents, distributing the decision making and analytical processes based on the temporal volatility of the data. This paper is presented as only one part of the poster from the workshop and in it we will explore the details of this architecture and how that merges with the current Thinking Telescope system to meet our project goals. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

接收机是射电天文中用于探测微弱射电信号的重要接收设备.接收机的强度校准就是将接收机对射电源的响应转换为天文意义上的流量密度.常规方法就是使用经典的冷热负载法,将接收机自身的强度响应转换为一个等效的温度值,之后再据此对射电源做进一步标定.通过搭建基于斩波轮技术的K波段接收机强度校准平台,使用斩波轮法测试K波段常温接收机的噪声温度,并与传统冷热负载法的测试结果进行比对.结果显示,在晴好天气条件下,斩波轮法在30°、90°仰角下噪声温度的最大测试误差为7.5%和8.4%,可以很好地应用于实际噪声温度测试中;但在5°仰角测试中,由于过低仰角引入了地面噪声,使得斩波轮法的测试误差上升至20%–30%之间而无法使用.希望在此基础上进一步开展K波段天空亮温度的理论计算与实测,从而完善斩波轮技术的应用,使之可以满足在不同气象条件下的噪声校准测试需求.  相似文献   

Equipped with a suitable optical relay system, telescopes employing low-cost fixed primary mirrors could point and track while delivering high-quality images to a fixed location. Such an optical tracking system would enable liquid-mirror telescopes to access a large area of sky and employ infrared detectors and adaptive optics. Such telescopes could also form the elements of an array in which light is combined either incoherently or interferometrically. Tracking of an extended field requires correction of all aberrations including distortion, field curvature and tilt. A specific design is developed that allows a 10-m liquid-mirror telescope to track objects for as long as 30 min and to point as far as 4° from the zenith, delivering a distortion-free diffraction-limited image to a stationary detector, spectrograph or interferometric beam combiner.  相似文献   

自适应光学技术已经成为现代地基天文光学望远镜的重要部分。在世界各地的天文台中 ,许多大型光学望远镜的自适应光学系统正在建造 ,不少的系统已经投入使用。自适应光学技术经过二十多年的发展 ,取得了越来越多的令人激动的天文观测成果 ,自适应光学正在接近成熟并正向天文实际应用的阶段转化。本文根据近几年来自适应光学望远镜在天文中的应用 ,对其所取得的天文成果给予介绍 ,并讨论了自适应光学系统所能开展的天文研究课题。  相似文献   

地基光学天文望远镜是人类探索与研究宇宙的重要手段, 对已有地基光学台址的光学观测环境进行监测分析, 可以为后期设备针对性改造以及观测者调整观测策略提供参考依据, 对提升地基光学设备的观测效能具有重要的意义. 吉林天文观测基地(简称``基地'')隶属于中国科学院国家天文台长春人造卫星观测站, 位于吉林省吉林市大绥河镇小绥河村南沟约5 km处(东经126.3\circ, 北纬43.8\circ, 海拔高度313m). 基地大气视宁度均值范围约为1.3$''$--1.4$''$、天顶附近V波段的天光背景亮度为20.64magcdotarcsec-2、年晴夜数最高可达270余天, 具有良好的天文观测条件. 吉林天文观测基地于2016年投入运行, 现有1.2m光电望远镜、迷你光电阵列望远镜、大视场光电望远镜阵列、新型多功能阵列结构光电探测平台等多台(套)光电望远镜设备. 利用上述设备, 主要围绕空间目标探测与识别、精密轨道确定、光电探测新方法以及变源天体的多色测光等开展相关研究工作, 与多家国内高校及科研院所保持着良好的合作关系.  相似文献   

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