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The electrical conductivity of upper-mantle rocks—dunite, pyroxenite, and lherzolite—was measured at ∼2–3 GPa and ∼1,273–1,573 K using impedance spectra within a frequency range of 0.1–10Hz. The oxygen fugacity was controlled by a Mo–MoO2 solid buffer. The results indicate that the electrical conductivity of lherzolite and pyroxenite are approximately half and one order of magnitude higher than that of dunite, respectively. A preliminary model involving water and iron content effects on the electrical conductivity was derived and is summarized by the relation:
The results also indicate that pyroxenes dominate the bulk conductivity of upper mantle in hydrous conditions and suggest the maximum water content in oceanic upper mantle is as high as ∼0.09 wt%.  相似文献   

Initial Nd and Sr isotopic ratios have been measured for Cretaceous acidic and related intermediate rocks (24 volcanic and two plutonic rocks) from the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan (IZSWJ) to investigate the genesis of acidic magmas. The initial Nd and Sr isotopic ratios for these rocks show three interesting features: (1) Nd values for acidic rocks (+2 to –9) are negatively correlated with Sr values (+10 to +90) together with those for intermediate rocks ( Nd=+3 to -8; Sr=0 to +65). (2) The Nd values for silica rich rocks (>60% SiO2) correlate with the longitude of the sample locality, decreasing from west to east in a stepwise fashion: Four areas characterized by uniform Nd values are discriminated. (3) Low silica rocks (<60% SiO2) in a certain area have distinctly different Nd values from those of the high silica rocks in the same area.These results as well as those deduced from the additional samples collected, for comparison, from other provinces in Japan suggest that the acidic rocks can be formed neither by fractional crystallization processes from more basic magmas nor by crustal assimilation processes. The isotopic variations of the acidic rocks may reflect regional isotopic heterogeneity in the lower crust, and this heterogeneity may ultimately be attributed to the regional heterogeneity of the uppermost-mantle beneath the Japanese Islands.  相似文献   

Angelo Peccerillo 《Lithos》1998,43(4):267-279
The Pleistocene intra-Apennine volcanic (IAV) centres occurring east of the potassium-rich Roman comagmatic province show variable petrological and geochemical composition. Some rocks have a strongly undersaturated ultrapotassic kamafugitic affinity with K2O/Na2O=8–20, whereas the rocks from the southern center of Mt. Vulture are still strongly undersaturated in silica but are enriched in both Na2O and K2O with K/Na around unity. Carbonate-rich pyroclastic rocks, believed to represent carbonatitic magmas, are found in the IAV centers. Kamafugites have high abundances of LILE and high LILE/HFSE ratios, and their incompatible element patterns resemble closely those of ultrapotassic rocks from the adjoining Roman province. The Vulture volcanics also display high contents of LILE, but their LILE/HFSE ratios are intermediate between intraplate alkaline rocks and kamafugites. The carbonate-rich rocks exhibit an exotic mineralogy and high enrichments in LILE, which speaks for a carbonatitic affinity. However, they have similar incompatible element patterns but consistently lower abundances of almost all the elements than the associated silicate volcanics. These data favour the hypothesis that the IAV carbonate rocks may represent mixtures of silicate magmas and geochemically depleted carbonate material. The sedimentary carbonates that crop out extensively along the Apennine chain may be the source of barren carbonate material. Overall, geochemical data of IAV centres and of the rocks from the Roman province display strong geochemical and isotopic evidence of being generated in an upper mantle that was modified by addition of upper crustal material brought down by subduction processes. A possible exception is represented by Mt. Vulture which, however, occurs east of the main axis of the Apennines, on the western margin of the foreland Adria plate. The occurrence of strongly undersaturated alkaline rocks requires magma generation at high pressures and . This is in agreement with the hypothesis that subduction processes under the Apennines occurred by consumption of poorly hydrated thinned or delaminated continental crust.  相似文献   

利用新近完成的1:25万区域地质调查资料和笔者分析数据,初步研究了西藏冈底斯带晚侏罗世-早白垩世火山岩的分布特点及地层古生物、同位素年代学约束的火山活动时代以及冈底斯中北部火山岩的性质、构造环境、岩石成因和俯冲极性.冈底斯带晚侏罗世-早白垩世火山岩主要分布于南冈底斯、中冈底斯、北冈底斯和班公湖-怒江缝合带南缘,基本同期开始于早白垩世(大约120~130 Ma)并可能延续到晚白垩世,以冈底斯中北部地区规模最大为特征.已有数据显示中冈底斯则弄群火山岩包括部分中钾钙碱性系列的中基性岩石和占优势的高钾钙碱性系列的中酸性火山岩,不同于传统岛弧火山岩,但与中安第斯厚地壳背景下的岛弧火山岩相似,北冈底斯主要为与传统岛弧火山岩相似的中钾钙碱性系列火山岩.中冈底斯则弄群中基性火山岩很可能与来自消减沉积物和/或蚀变玄武质洋壳的含水流体引起上覆地幔楔物质的部分熔融有关,并在岩浆上升过程中经历了明显的分离结晶作用和中上部地壳物质的同化混染(即AFC过程),长英质火山岩很可能主要与地壳重熔有关,但并不能完全排除镁铁质岩浆的分离结晶作用.目前冈底斯中北部晚侏罗世-早白垩世火山岩地球化学数据揭示的成分变化、地壳厚度、与俯冲带的距离以及冈底斯带同期火山岩的分布特点暗示冈底斯中北部火山岩很可能与班公湖-怒江特提斯洋壳向南的俯冲作用有关.  相似文献   


The mechanism for uplift of the eastern Tibetan Plateau is still a matter of debate. There are two main models: extrusion and crustal flow. These models have been tested by surface observations, but questions about the uplift remain. In addition, the devastating 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake along the Longmen Shan fault zone (LMSFZ) reminds us that the tectonic activity within eastern Tibet is complex and poses a major natural hazard. This activity is accompanied by dramatic uplift along the LMSFZ, but only minor convergence (<4 mm year–1) against the Sichuan basin is observed. In order to investigate the mechanism for uplift of Longmen Shan (LMS) area, we explored the lithospheric structure across the Songpan–Ganzi terrane (SGT), LMS, and western Sichuan basin by undertaking an integrated analysis of a variety of data including new, logistically challenging controlled-source seismic profiling (reflection and refraction) results, receiver function estimates of crustal thickness, gravity and magnetic data, GPS data, and geologic constraints. Our analysis of crustal structure indicates that the crust is not thick enough to support its current elevation and that the crust is essentially composed of three layers of similar thickness. Thus, based on our crustal structure model, 2D numerical modelling was conducted to investigate uplift mechanisms. The modelling results indicate that the middle crust beneath the SGT is the most ductile layer, which is the key factor responsible for the crustal-scale faulting, earthquake behaviour, and periods of uplift. In addition, the modelling results indicate that the strong Sichuan block acts as a backstop for the thrusting along the LMS and crustal thickening to the west.  相似文献   

晶质岩石的地震波性质及其地质、地球物理意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
嵇少丞  王茜  孙圣思 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1113-1135
人类有关地球内部物质成份、结构和物理状态的认识绝大多数来自于地震波的资料,而地震波资料的正确解释又离不开岩石地震波性质的高温高压实验研究。地壳和地幔岩石的地震波性质和各向异性是当今世界地学前沿研究的一项重要内容,该领域横跨了地震学、岩石物理学和构造地质学,在过去一段时间里非常活跃并取得许多重要的成果。本文仅将作者近年来研究岩石地震波性质(例如,岩石波速滞后性,地震波速随围压的变化规律,纵、横波速之间的关系,泊松比等)的部分进展做一简扼的综述,并谨以此纪念已故中国科学院院士张文佑先生诞辰100周年。  相似文献   

Porphyry copper-gold, skarn copper-gold, sediment-hosted (Carlin-style) gold, breccia pipe, low-sulphidation epithermal gold, pluton-related (mesothermal or orogenic) gold vein and volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits associated with alkaline rocks are commonly broadly similar to those hosted by their calc-alkaline counterparts. In contrast, porphyry molybdenum-gold deposits are confined to alkaline igneous centres. Alkaline suites are notably deficient in high-sulphidation epithermal gold deposits and even in the advanced argillic lithocaps which host them. This is surprising, given that the required oxidised sulphur species are seemingly more abundant than in calc-alkaline igneous centres. Highly efficient buffering of acidic fluid by metasomatised alkaline rocks may offer a viable explanation. All types of intrusion-related zinc deposits also appear to be poorly developed in alkaline provinces. The characteristics of several gold and copper deposits associated with alkaline rocks, including the giant Porgera, Cripple Creek, Ladolam, Olympic Dam and Phalaborwa examples, are judged to diverge appreciably from their most closely related deposit types, rendering them arguably unique. Most of these aberrant mineralisation styles may be due to variations in magmatic-fluid compositional and liberation characteristics consequent upon the extreme diversity of ore-related alkaline magmas. Most types of gold and copper deposits developed in calc-alkaline provinces also constitute exploration targets in and around alkaline igneous centres, although porphyry copper-gold and low-sulphidation epithermal gold deposits are considered to possess the greatest potential. Perhaps of even greater interest, however, is the possibility of encountering unconventional giant gold and copper deposits which lack closely analogous examples. If already-defined aberrant deposits are truly unique, then exploration designed specifically to detect additional examples is pointless. Furthermore, exploration for new unique deposits is difficult because their defining geological parameters are unknown. Alkaline rocks within or behind calc-alkaline arcs at convergent plate boundaries probably offer the greatest exploration potential, although anorogenic intracontinental extensional settings should not be ignored.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2010,17(3-4):401-413
We present new pieces of evidence from seismology and mineral physics for the existence of low-velocity zones in the deep part of the upper mantle wedge and the mantle transition zone that are caused by fluids from the deep subduction and deep dehydration of the Pacific and Philippine Sea slabs under western Pacific and East Asia. The Pacific slab is subducting beneath the Japan Islands and Japan Sea with intermediate-depth and deep earthquakes down to 600 km depth under the East Asia margin, and the slab becomes stagnant in the mantle transition zone under East China. The western edge of the stagnant Pacific slab is roughly coincident with the NE–SW Daxing'Anling-Taihangshan gravity lineament located west of Beijing, approximately 2000 km away from the Japan Trench. The upper mantle above the stagnant slab under East Asia forms a big mantle wedge (BMW). Corner flow in the BMW and deep slab dehydration may have caused asthenospheric upwelling, lithospheric thinning, continental rift systems, and intraplate volcanism in Northeast Asia. The Philippine Sea slab has subducted down to the mantle transition zone depth under Western Japan and Ryukyu back-arc, though the seismicity within the slab occurs only down to 200–300 km depths. Combining with the corner flow in the mantle wedge, deep dehydration of the subducting Pacific slab has affected the morphology of the subducting Philippine Sea slab and its seismicity under Southwest Japan. Slow anomalies are also found in the mantle under the subducting Pacific slab, which may represent small mantle plumes, or hot upwelling associated with the deep slab subduction. Slab dehydration may also take place after a continental plate subducts into the mantle.  相似文献   

Dapeng Zhao  Eiji Ohtani   《Gondwana Research》2009,16(3-4):401-413
We present new pieces of evidence from seismology and mineral physics for the existence of low-velocity zones in the deep part of the upper mantle wedge and the mantle transition zone that are caused by fluids from the deep subduction and deep dehydration of the Pacific and Philippine Sea slabs under western Pacific and East Asia. The Pacific slab is subducting beneath the Japan Islands and Japan Sea with intermediate-depth and deep earthquakes down to 600 km depth under the East Asia margin, and the slab becomes stagnant in the mantle transition zone under East China. The western edge of the stagnant Pacific slab is roughly coincident with the NE–SW Daxing'Anling-Taihangshan gravity lineament located west of Beijing, approximately 2000 km away from the Japan Trench. The upper mantle above the stagnant slab under East Asia forms a big mantle wedge (BMW). Corner flow in the BMW and deep slab dehydration may have caused asthenospheric upwelling, lithospheric thinning, continental rift systems, and intraplate volcanism in Northeast Asia. The Philippine Sea slab has subducted down to the mantle transition zone depth under Western Japan and Ryukyu back-arc, though the seismicity within the slab occurs only down to 200–300 km depths. Combining with the corner flow in the mantle wedge, deep dehydration of the subducting Pacific slab has affected the morphology of the subducting Philippine Sea slab and its seismicity under Southwest Japan. Slow anomalies are also found in the mantle under the subducting Pacific slab, which may represent small mantle plumes, or hot upwelling associated with the deep slab subduction. Slab dehydration may also take place after a continental plate subducts into the mantle.  相似文献   

阿尔泰造山带南缘基性杂岩的形成背景及其动力学含义   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:12  
新疆北部阿尔泰造山带南缘出露-套基性杂岩,它们呈透镜状存在于晚古生代片麻状花岗岩中。阿拉尕克基性杂岩的~40Ar/39~Ar坪年龄为262.7±1.1Ma。基性杂岩的地球化学分析结果显示阿勒泰阿拉尕克、塔尔浪乡样品的轻、重稀土元素基本上没有发生分异,富蕴县乌恰沟基性岩的轻、重稀土元素发生了中一弱的分异;在微量元素特征方面,富集Th、Rb。通过地球化学图件判别,认为该基性杂岩形成于海山的构造环境。结合前人获得的花岗岩锆石SHRIMP的年代集中在400~410Ma左右,而花岗岩~40Ar/39~Ar坪年龄为240Ma左右,作者认为基性杂岩的~40Ar/39Ar坪年龄代表了晚二叠世时期的一次构造事件的年龄,基性杂岩寄生于花岗岩中是通过构造混杂作用实现的。在此基础上,提出了形成过程的两个阶段,即:晚古生代早期的俯冲阶段,为花岗岩与含海山玄武岩的增生楔形成阶段,晚二叠世的强烈碰撞阶段,导致花岗岩和增生楔物质的变形和构造混杂。  相似文献   

The paper presents data on the petrology and geochemistry of plutonic rocks dredged from the Stalemate Fracture Zone, Northwest Pacific Ocean, during Cruise SO201-1 of the R/V “Sonne”. We proposed also the reconstruction of their formation conditions and interpretation of their tectonic evolution. The genesis of gabbroids found among plutonic rocks composing the Cretaceous-Paleogene basement of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean was related to magmatism at the ancient spreading center and provides record of the evolution of the parental magmatic melts of N-MORB. Along with related peridotites, basalts, and dolerites, these rocks can be attributed to the disintegrated the Cretaceous-Paleogene oceanic lithosphere of the Pacific Ocean. The shallow mantle beneath the ancient oceanic crust of this area is made up of depleted magmatic spinel lherzolite, harzburgite, and dunite. The fact that gabbro-diorite and diorite that are not genetically related to the rocks of the Cretaceous-Paleogene basement of the Northwest Pacific occur at the eastern termination of the Stalemate Fracture Zone possibly reflects the complicated structure of the tectonic collage of rocks of different age that were produced in different geodynamic environments and were later tectonically brought together near the frontal portion of the Aleutian island arc. Judging by the isotopic-geochemical characteristics of these rocks, they cannot be classed with the family of oceanic plagiogranites. Deformations of the oceanic basement can be discerned throughout the whole Stalemate Fracture Zone as brecciation and large-amplitude vertical displacements within the oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

超高压变质杂岩成因模式的关键是折返机制的解释,笔者将天文事件作为一种地球动力学模式来解释超高压变质杂岩的成因,较好地阐明了这个关键问题。该“天文模式”认为超高压变质杂岩分形成、折返和剥露三个阶段形成。天体撞击陆壳所产生的高温高压形成超高压变质杂岩;撞击后新的动力平衡使陆壳重熔的片麻岩里携超高压变质杂岩沿撞击形成的压力薄弱部位向地表折返运移;后期表层的剥蚀使超高压变质杂岩剥露。  相似文献   

错卧莫-惩香错火山-沉积盆地位于西藏冈底斯陆块中部南缘。盆地内火山-沉积地层称古新世-渐新世林子宗群,岩石地球化学数据分析表明:这套火山岩系属钙碱性系列,轻稀土富集,不同程度表现出负Eu、负Ce、负Nb异常。微量元素K、Rb、Th、Ce富集,Sr、Ba,尤其是Nb、P、Ti亏损。初步认为这套火山-沉积岩系形成于俯冲造弧的构造背景中,是来自于俯冲带的地幔源区基性分异岩浆与陆壳重熔的酸性岩浆在不同的时间段内,按不同的比例混合形成的。同时,俯冲板块上深海沉积物与基性岩浆混合作用也是不容忽视的因素。在综合分析基础上,笔者认为印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞启动时间在45Ma以后。  相似文献   

叶海敏  叶现韬  张传林 《岩石学报》2013,29(10):3389-3401
尼勒克二叠纪火山岩位于伊犁盆地北缘阿吾拉勒山西段,该地区发育一套完整的陆相二叠纪地层。本文对该区二叠纪中下统哈米斯特组和乌郎组火山岩进行了系统的岩相学、岩石地球化学和Sr-Nd同位素研究。尼勒克火山岩岩石类型多样,有玄武岩、安山岩、粗面岩、流纹岩等,地球化学特征复杂。上火山岩哈米斯特组火山岩具有典型的钾玄岩特征,高K2O(2.81%~3.91%)、Sr(>1000×10-6)、稀土(ΣREE>200×10-6)和(La/Yb)N比值(9.7~11.7),低Nb/La比值(大多<0.2)。下火山岩乌郞组可分为二组,一组具最低SiO2,最高MgO,较低Sr(<500×10-6)、稀土(50×10-6<ΣREE<80×10-6)和(La/Yb)N比值(1.6~2.2),相对较高的Nb/La比值(>0.35),类似富集型洋中脊(E-MORB)特征,暗示其岩浆是浅部源区高程度部分熔融的产物;另一组火山岩有着相对较大的变化,总体特征介于哈米斯特组与第一组火山岩两者之间。尼勒克火山岩有高度亏损的Sr-Nd同位素组成,类似MORB,表明它们源自长期亏损的地幔源区。然而,火山岩高度亏损的Nb-Ta、分异且富集大离子亲石元素的特征暗示,地幔源区受到近期俯冲带流体的交代作用,并受部分熔融程度及结晶分异作用的控制,是不同批次岩浆作用在不同演化阶段的产物。尼勒克大规模玄武质火山岩的形成可能和塔里木二叠纪地幔柱活动有关。  相似文献   

Kodjopa Attoh 《Lithos》1976,9(2):75-84
Metamorphic mineral-forming reactions are used to predict the volume proportions (percentages) of minerals in metapelitic rocks. Only minerals whose composition can be expressed in an idealised pelitic system (SiO2Al2O2FeOK2OH2O) are considered in postulating the chemical reactions. The volume proportions predicted from the products of the chemical reactions are compared with the volume proportions of the minerals actually present in selected samples of metapelitic rocks from the Michigamme Formation (Michigan, U.S.A.).Evidence is presented to show that the reaction: 4 muscovite+3(Fe, Mg)2+ ? 3 staurolite+6 quartz+4K++2H+ produces staurolite poikiloblasts in which the estimated quartz to staurolite ratio is 1:2.28.  相似文献   

为了深入认识与理解南北地震带北段和蒙古中部大陆强震孕育与发生的深部构造环境,在南北纵贯蒙古国全境的苏赫巴托尔-乌兰巴托-达兰扎达嘎德剖面上开展了大规模重磁测量及岩石样品采集。笔者系统地分析与总结了剖面上585块岩石样品的密度、磁化率和天然剩余磁化强度等物性参数。结果表明,整个剖面以火成岩为主,沉积岩为辅,仅有少量变质岩出露,且各岩石大类、类和亚类以及各年代地层之间,均存在着不同程度的密度与磁性差异。火成岩磁化率和天然剩余磁化强度分别具有3~5个数量级差异,密度变化范围较大;而沉积岩磁化率和天然剩余磁化强度相对较弱。一方面,物性差异为利用重磁测量开展剖面地壳结构的反演与研究奠定了基础;另一方面,这些物性参数为相关地球物理测量数据的反演与解释提供了重要约束。  相似文献   

刘俊来 《地学前缘》2004,11(4):503-509
岩石流动性和变形显微构造的发育直接受温度、压力、应变速率和流体相等制约 ,致使在不同地壳层次岩石的流动性表现出很大的差异。对上部地壳环境条件下天然和实验变形岩石的显微构造分析揭示出一系列具有不同特点以及由不同的成核、扩展和联合方式形成的破裂与微破裂型式的存在。讨论了在上部地壳环境中 ,温度与围压的变化对岩石破裂的影响 ,并阐述了高压破裂与低压破裂及其力学、流变学和显微构造特点 ,提出高压破裂对应于天然变形环境下出现的剪切 (挤压 )破裂 ,而碎裂岩带是典型的天然低压破裂 ,其低压环境的出现可以是浅部低围压或深部高流体压力所致。流体相的存在不仅可以引起石英 ,也可以引起方解石类碳酸盐岩矿物的水解弱化 ,并进而导致岩石流动机制的转变。岩石变形及流体等因素所致的岩石粒度变化 ,则从另一个方面影响着上部地壳岩石流动性的变化。从变形环境考虑 ,随着深度的加大 ,温度和压力升高 ,导致岩石由脆性向韧性转变 ;转变域内岩石的变形是一个复杂过程 ,是多种不同脆性和晶质塑性机制的综合。  相似文献   

The newly formed continental crust in southern Kamchatka was created as a result of the Eocene collision of the Cretaceous-Paleocene Achaivayam-Valagin island arc and the northeastern Asian margin. Widespread migmatization and granite formation accompanied this process in the Sredinny Range of Kamchatka. The tectonic setting and composition of granitic rocks in the Malka Uplift of the Sredinny Range are characterized in detail, and the U-Pb (SHRIMP) zircon ages are discussed. Two main stages of granite formation—Campanian (80–78 Ma ago) and Eocene (52 ± 2 Ma ago) have been established. It may be suggested that granite formation in the Campanian was related to the partial melting of the accretionary wedge due to its under-plating by mafic material or to plunging of the oceanic ridge beneath the accretionary wedge. The Eocene granitic rocks were formed owing to the collision of the Achaivayam-Valagin ensimatic island arc with the Kamchatka margin of Eurasia. In southern Kamchatka (Malka Uplift of the Sredinny Range), the arc-continent collision started 55–53 Ma ago. As a result, the island-arc complexes were thrust over terrigenous sequences of the continental margin. The thickness of the allochthon was sufficient to plunge the autochthon to a considerable depth. The autochthon and the lower portion of the allochthon underwent high-grade metamorphism followed by partial melting and emplacement of granitic magma 52 ± 2 Ma ago. The anomalously rapid heating of the crust was probably caused by the ascent of asthenospheric magma initiated by slab breakoff, while the Eurasian Plate plunged beneath the Achaivayam-Valagin arc.  相似文献   

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