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根据狭义相对论 ,讨论相对于静止参照系运动的源电荷在空间产生的电场。并证明该电场是有源有旋场。  相似文献   

简单介绍了狭义相对论的基本假设和基本时空观,运动物体观测论的基本假设和基本时空观。提出了视时空的概念。导出了运动坐标系真实时空、静止坐标系视时空与静止坐标系真实时空的关系。通过对比分析认为,运动物体观测论解决了运动物体的测量问题,运动不会产生长度变化、时间变化和质量变化,不存在光障。应该放弃狭义相对论。  相似文献   

一种新型的数码相机室内检校场的建立方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现普通数码相机应用于摄影测量任务前的检验,提出了一种简易室内数码相机检校场的建立方法和流程。首先进行检校场地的建立,包括场地的选择、标志点的制作及其坐标的量测,然后对检校场的可靠性进行了验证。结果表明所建立的简易室内数码相机检校场能够满足普通数码相机应用于近景摄影测量的检校要求。并且,检校场建立简易,费用较传统数码相机检校场大大降低,是对传统大型室内数码相机检校场的改进。  相似文献   

根据共线方程的基础理论,提出一种直接代替检校场改正POS定位测姿数据中系统误差的新方法。试验证明,这是一种比检校场更简单、更直接、更适用的POS系统误差改正方法,能大大提高航摄、航测生产的工作效率和经济效益。  相似文献   

随着城市化建设水平的不断提高,城市结构日趋复杂,给城市应急疏散的设计和实施带来困难和挑战.针对复杂城市道路网络中高密度人群的多出口疏散问题,以疏散时长和拥堵时长为优化目标,提出了一种基于协同优化的有组织疏散方案.首先,对道路网络和疏散人群进行建模;接着,为每个疏散组分配疏散出口和最短路线;然后,针对出口占用不平衡问题,...  相似文献   

林明森 《遥感学报》2000,4(1):61-65
由于卫星散射计探视雷达回波的各向异性的双调和性质,同时由于散射物理模型函数的非线性及信号中存在噪声,使得常规点方式风场反演中风向有多至4个解的多解存在。给出了一种改进的场方式反演方法,利用该方法从卫星散射计测量的后向散射强度的数据中唯一反演出大尺度海洋风场。通过数值模拟和实际算例计算表明反演结果在风向、风速上都与真解是吻合的。从结果可以看到,所采用的改进的场方式反演方法对模拟数据或真实散射计探测海面风场的反演是成功的。  相似文献   

针对三维灾场环境地表影像动态更新的需求,提出了一种基于实拍照片的地表影像快速更新方法。首先利用相机的内部参数和拍照时记录的方位和朝向等参数,在三维空间中构建一个虚拟的相机视锥体模拟相机拍照时的姿态,与地面求交得到相机的取景范围;然后利用多重纹理混合法将照片叠加于地形表面,从而实现灾区影像的快速更新。实验表明,该方法实现的地表影像更新匹配效果较好,高清照片不仅提供了更多精细的地表信息,还克服了遥感影像所存在的数据获取难、周期长、传输量大等缺陷,简化了影像更新的工作流程,提高了时效性,能够满足实际应用的需要。  相似文献   

针对二维欧氏空间内有向线的特点,将有向线对象区分为起点、内部和边界,建立了有向线对象之间拓扑关系与方向关系集成表达的DLR模型,并给出了一个具体应用实例。与现有模型进行对比分析发现,DLR模型不仅能描述二维空间中有向线对象之间的方向关系,还能够有效地区分相离、内部相交、相切、部分覆盖等拓扑关系,从而提高了有向线对象之间空间关系的区分能力。  相似文献   

为深入研究地磁异常场的分布特性,并将其应用于地磁基准图的构建当中,选取NOAA(National Geophysical Data Center)发布的地磁异常场数据进行了多重分形谱分析,证明了地磁异常场具有明显的多重分形特征。并将多重分形理论与克里金插值方法相结合,提出逐步插值校正法(SSICM),该方法在用克里金法估计未知位置点属性值的同时,利用地磁异常场在小尺度范围内的标度不变性对其进行奇异性校正,在实测数据基础上以网格形式逐级加密,从而构建基准图。实验结果证明与传统方法相比,该方法能够充分刻画地磁异常场的小尺度奇异特征,更加精确地重构真实地磁异常场。  相似文献   

在不同参考系中分析电荷受力,通过相对论变换,揭示电磁之间的内在联系,说明电场和磁场仅仅是电磁规律在选定参考系中的具体表现。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种用于野外测量的综合保障方舱及其设计,侧重介绍了泫方舱的基本组成、功能和设计特点。论述了几个关键部件的设计思想和实现方案。最后简要说明了本方舱的两个辅助系统。该方舱适合在艰苦环境,特别是在无人区使用。经使用表明,该方舱满足野外测量保障的需要,结构紧凑,性能可靠。  相似文献   

苏里格气田为一致密沙岩气田,油气富集区的预测优选为气藏开发奠定基础。常规的油气富集区预测方法存在着多学科成果综合分析困难、预测过程复杂、效率低下等弊端,本文针对苏里格120区块开展了基于GIS的油气富集区多因素综合预测方法的研究。首先借助GIS的空间数据库,实现多学科成果图件的集成管理;然后基于空间定位,从多学科成果图件中提取预测多因子,构建油气多因素综合预测模型;再次,运用GIS强大的叠加分析方法进行多因素综合预测,自动生成油气富集区预测平面图。本文的研究,为油气富集区的预测提供了新的技术方法,有效地提高了预测效率。  相似文献   

介绍了目前1∶10 000地形图航摄成图的主要技术方案和像控测量的发展,提出了在1∶10 000地形图航摄成图外业生产的技术关键,并结合实际进行了分析、比较与总结。  相似文献   

月球重力场可用来研究月球演化过程和内部结构,是影响绕月卫星精密定轨的重要因素。基于GRAIL任务数据解算的GL0660B重力场模型,极大提高了月球重力场空间频谱信号的强度和范围。本文首先通过计算相应重力场的阶方差和地形相关性分析,对GL0660B模型进行了精度分析;其次,利用GL0660B模型和其他几个月球重力场模型进行比较,对月球重力场的特征进行了分析;然后通过绘制GL0660B模型和LP150Q模型在月球外部不同高度处的重力异常图,分析比较了月球重力场模型在不同高度上所反映的月球重力场的特征和差异;最后,利用GEODYN软件模拟计算了不同高度卫星的轨道变化。可以看出绕月卫星离心率随时间的变化,以及周期性变化趋势,而且不同高度卫星轨道处质量瘤的摄动影响不同,远月点、近月点和偏心率的变化也存在差异。  相似文献   

浙江省第二届测绘技能竞赛要求作业员利用立体测量矢量数据以及调绘资料等完成地图制图以及数据建库。现将iData数据工厂作为主要作业软件,先进行库体数据的处理,后由库体数据导出地形图。  相似文献   

GPS-based pedestrian navigation systems have become increasingly popular. Different interface technologies can be used to communicate/convey route directions to pedestrians. This paper aims to empirically study the influence of different interface technologies on spatial knowledge acquisition in the context of GPS-based pedestrian navigation. A field experiment was implemented to address this concern. Firstly, the suitability of the evaluation methods in assessing spatial knowledge acquisition was analyzed empirically (focusing on the ability of differentiating “familiar” and “unfamiliar” participants). The suitable methods were then used to compare the influence of mobile maps, augmented reality, and voice on spatial learning. The field test showed that in terms of spatial knowledge acquisition, the three interface technologies led to comparable results, which were not significantly different from each other. The results bring some challenging issues for consideration when designing mobile pedestrian navigation systems.  相似文献   

R. Kiamehr 《Journal of Geodesy》2006,79(10-11):602-612
The computation of regional gravimetric geoid models with reasonable accuracy, in developing countries, with sparse data is a difficult task that needs great care. Here we investigate the procedure for gathering, evaluating and combining different data for the determination of a gravimetric geoid model for Iran, where limited ground gravity data are available. Heterogeneous data, including gravity anomalies, the high-resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission global digital terrain model and different global geopotential models including recently published Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment models, are combined through least-squares modification of the Stokes formula. The new gravimetric geoid model, IRG04, agrees considerably better with GPS/levelling than any of the other recent local geoid model in the area. Its RMS fit with GPS/levelling is 0.27 m and 3.8 ppm in the absolute and relative view, respectively. The relative accuracy of IRG04 is four times better than the most recently published global and regional geoid models available in this area. This progress shows the practical potential of the method of least-squares modification of Stokes’s formula in combination with heterogeneous data for regional geoid determination  相似文献   

Inventories of temperate forests of Central Europe mainly rely on terrestrial measurements. Rapid alterations of forests by disturbances and multilayer silvicultural systems increasingly challenge the use of conventional plot based inventories, particularly in protected areas. Airborne LiDAR offers an alternative or supplement to conventional inventories, but despite the possibility of obtaining such remote sensing data, its operational use for broader areas in Central Europe remains experimental. We evaluated two methods of forest inventory that use LiDAR data at the landscape level: the single tree segment-based method and an area-based method. We compared a set of structural forest attributes modeled by these methods with a conventional forest inventory of the highly heterogeneous forest of the Bavarian Forest National Park (Germany), which partially includes stands affected by severe natural disturbances. Area-based models were accurate for all structural attributes, with cross-validated average root mean squared error ranging from ∼3.4 to ∼13.4 in the best modeling case. The coefficients of variation for the mapped area-based estimations were mostly minor. The area-based estimations were varied but highly correlated (Pearson’s correlations between ∼ 0.56 and 0.85) with single tree segmentation estimations; undetected trees in the single tree segmentat-based method were the main sources of inconsistency. The single tree segment-based method was highly correlated (∼ 0.54 to 0.90) with data from ground-based forest inventories. The single tree-based algorithm delivered highly reliable estimates for a set of forest structural attributes that are of interest in forest inventories at the landscape scale. We recommend LiDAR forest inventories at the landscape scale in both heterogeneous commercial forests and large protected areas in the central European temperate sites.  相似文献   

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