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In this paper we develop economic measures of vulnerability to climate change with and without adaptation in agricultural production systems. We implement these measures using coupled, site-specific ecosystem and economic simulation models. This modeling approach has two key features needed to study the response of agricultural production systems to climate change: it represents adaptation as an endogenous, non-marginal economic response to climate change; and it provides the capability to represent the spatial variability in bio-physical and economic conditions that interact with adaptive responses. We apply this approach to the dryland grain production systems of the Northern Plains region of the United States. The results support the hypothesis that the most adverse impacts on net returns distributions tend to occur in the areas with the poorest resource endowments and when mitigating effects of CO2 fertilization and adaptation are absent. We find that relative and absolute measures of vulnerability depend on complex interactions between climate change, CO2 level, adaptation, and economic conditions such as relativeoutput prices. The relationship between relative vulnerability and resource endowments varies with assumptions about climate change, adaptation, and economic conditions. Vulnerability measured with respect to an absolute threshold is inversely related to resource endowments in all cases investigated.  相似文献   

During the last decades, a large number of climate change impact studies on agriculture have been conducted qualitatively and quantitatively in many regions of the Asia-Pacific. Changes in average climate conditions and climate variability will have a significant consequence on crop yields in many parts of the Asia-Pacific. Crop yield and productivity changes will vary considerably across the region. Vulnerability to climate change depends not only on physical and biological response but also on socioeconomic characteristics. Adaptation strategies that consider changes in crop varieties or in the timing of agricultural activities imply low costs and, if readily undertaken, can compensate for some of the yield loss simulated with the climate change scenarios. The studies reviewed here suggest that the regions of Tropical Asia appear to be among the more vulnerable; some areas of Temperate Asia also appear to be vulnerable.  相似文献   

农业生产对气候变化的脆弱性研究方法初探   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
在总结脆弱性的定义与介绍相关研究方法的基础上,提出了农业生产对气候变化的脆弱性的初步定义、研究思路、指标体系及计算方法,并讨论了区域农业生产对气候变化影响的适应对策应遵循的有关原则。  相似文献   

近几十年来我国旱涝事件频发,同时农业是对气候变化最为敏感的产业部门,因此本文基于“敏感性—暴露度—适应力”脆弱性评估框架,选取敏感性、暴露度与适应力评价指标,结合层次分析法与熵权法确定指标权重,分别对1991~2019年我国农业生态系统干旱和洪涝敏感性、暴露度、适应力及脆弱性进行评估。结果表明:我国农业生态系统干旱高敏感地区分布在湖北、湖南等中南省份,而洪涝高敏感地区分布在沿海省份海南、上海和江苏,旱涝高暴露地区均分布在甘肃、河南、黑龙江,旱涝低适应力地区包括西南省份西藏、重庆、贵州和云南。总体而言,我国农业生态系统旱涝脆弱性呈现从中部向四周减弱趋势,中部省份河南和湖北属于旱涝高脆弱性水平,建议中部省份通过因地制宜调整农业生态结构,开发和采取针对旱涝灾害的应变种植、饲养和作物保护技术等措施来降低和适应其高脆弱性。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国东部季风区水资源脆弱性的影响评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将耦合暴露度、灾害风险、敏感性与抗压性的脆弱性评估模型应用于中国东部季风区水资源脆弱性评价,从水资源供需平衡角度分析了气候变化对东部季风区水资源脆弱性的影响。结果表明,2000年气候条件下,我国东部季风区接近90%的区域水资源处于中度脆弱及以上状态。其中水资源中度和高度脆弱区域约占全区的75%,极端脆弱区域接近15%。中国北方海河、黄河、淮河和辽河流域的水资源脆弱性最高。未来气候变化影响将加剧水资源脆弱性的风险,不同RCP排放情景下2030年代我国东部季风区水资源中度脆弱及以上区域面积有明显的扩大,极端脆弱区域将达到20%~25%。由于未来需水的进一步增加,中国北方水资源脆弱性的格局并未发生根本变化,而南方东南诸河等区域将面临可能发生的水危机。  相似文献   

自IPCC第四次评估报告以来,对城市和农村地区气候变化影响、脆弱性、适应和风险管理文献都在增加。第五次评估报告取得了进展。主要包括:气候变化风险、脆弱性与所受的影响在全球范围不同规模、不同经济水平和地理位置的城市中心均在增加。改善基本服务不足的状况以及建设有恢复力的基础设施系统,可以显著降低城市地区的脆弱性和暴露度,特别是对于风险和脆弱性最高的人群来说。气候变化对农村地区的主要影响将体现在对淡水供应、粮食安全和农业收入的影响等方面。发展中国家农村人口更容易遭受多种非气候压力,包括农业投入不足、土地与自然资源政策问题和环境退化。包括增加可再生能源的供给、鼓励生物燃料种植或发展中国家减少砍伐森林和森林退化而造成的碳排放(REDD+)项目等在内的气候政策,将对有些农村地区有重要的间接影响,既有正面的影响(增加就业机会),也有负面的影响(景观变化和稀有资源冲突增多)。  相似文献   

Gary Yohe 《Climatic change》2000,46(3):371-390
Three types of adaptation can influence significantly a system's prospective longevity in the face of climate change. The ability to cope with variation in its current environment can help a system adapt to changes over the longer term. The ability to take advantage of beneficial changes that might coincide with potentially harmful ones can play an even larger role; and focusing attention on maximizing a system's sustainable lifetime can highlight the potential for extending that time horizon and increasing the likelihood that an alternative structure might be created. A specific economic approach to adaptation demonstrates that research can serve two functions in this regard. Research can play an important role in diminishing future harm suggested by standard impact analyses by focusing attention on systems where adaptation can buy the most time. It can help societies learn how to become more robust under current conditions; and it can lead them to explore mechanisms by which they can exploit potentially beneficial change. Research can also play a critical role in assessing the need for mitigating long-term change by focusing attention on systems where potential adaptation in both the short and long runs is so limited that it is almost impossible to buy any time at all. In these areas, switching to an alternative system or investing in the protection of existing ones are the last lines of defense. Real "windows" of tolerable climate change can be defined only by working in areas where these sorts of adaptive alternatives cannot be uncovered.  相似文献   

We discuss approaches to the assessment of vulnerability to climatevariability and change andattempt to clarify the relationship between the concepts of vulnerability andadaptation. In searchof a robust, policy-relevant framework, we define vulnerability in terms ofthe capacity ofindividuals and social groups to respond to, that is, to cope with, recoverfrom or adapt to, anyexternal stress placed on their livelihoods and well-being. The approach thatwe develop placesthe social and economic well-being of society at the centre of the analysis,focussing on thesocio-economic and institutional constraints that limit the capacity torespond. From thisperspective, the vulnerability or security of any group is determined byresource availability andby the entitlement of individuals and groups to call on these resources. Weillustrate theapplication of this approach through the results of field research in coastalVietnam, highlightingshifting patterns of vulnerability to tropical storm impacts at the household-and community-levelin response to the current process of economic renovation and drawingconclusions concerningmeans of supporting the adaptive response to climate stress. Four prioritiesfor action areidentified that would improve the situation of the most exposed members ofmany communities:poverty reduction; risk-spreading through income diversification; respectingcommon propertymanagement rights; and promoting collective security. A sustainable response,we argue, mustalso address the underlying causes of social vulnerability, including theinequitable distributionof resources.  相似文献   

Incorporating potential catastrophic consequences into integrated assessment models of climate change has been a top priority of policymakers and modelers alike. We review the current state of scientific understanding regarding three frequently mentioned geophysical catastrophes, with a view toward their implications for integrated assessment modeling. This review finds inadequacies in widespread model assumptions regarding the nature of catastrophes themselves and climate change impacts more generally. The possibility of greatly postponed consequences from near- and medium-term actions suggests that standard discounting practices are inappropriate for the analysis of climate catastrophe. Careful consideration of paleoclimate and geophysical modeling evidence regarding the possibility of changes in ocean circulation suggests a reframing of the source of climate change damages in economic models, placing changes in climate predictability, rather than gradual changes in mean values, at the focus of economic damage assessments. The implications of decreases in predictability for the modeling of adaptation are further discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the experience of the U.S. National Assessment, we propose a program of research and analysis to advance capability for assessment of climate impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation options. We identify specific priorities for scientific research on the responses of ecological and socioeconomic systems to climate and other stresses; for improvement in the climatic inputs to impact assessments; and for further development of assessment methods to improve their practical utility to decision-makers. Finally, we propose a new institutional model for assessment, based principally on regional efforts that integrate observations, research, data, applications, and assessment on climate and linked environmental-change issues. The proposed program will require effective collaboration between scientists, resource managers, and other stakeholders, all of whose expertise is needed to define and prioritize key regional issues, characterize relevant uncertainties, and assess potential responses. While both scientifically and organizationally challenging, such an integrated program holds the best promise of advancing our capacity to manage resources and the economy adaptively under a changing climate.  相似文献   

利用青藏高原98个气象台站日气温、降水以及日降雪和积雪天气现象的观测数据,引进"at-risk"积雪评估方法,对当前气候状态下和未来气温升高情况下高原积雪形成过程的脆弱性进行了评估。研究表明,当前青藏高原约78%(秋季)和81%(春季)台站的固态降水受气温升高影响而减少,而分别约有33%和36%台站的降雪积累与否也受此影响。也就是说,受气温升高影响,青藏高原降雪占总降水比例及积雪占总降雪比例都在减小,这些台站所在区域已成为脆弱积雪区,这加速了高原积雪期的缩短。在到2050年气温升高2.5℃的假设下,青藏高原的脆弱积雪区范围将进一步扩大,这将加剧青藏高原的热源作用,对区域乃至大陆尺度的天气气候产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Climate Change and Agricultural Soils: Impacts and Adaptation   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
This article reviews the current state of knowledge on the response of soils to climate change, and the implications such changes have for agriculture. The article is based on the material reported in the IPCC second assessment report (Watson et al., 1996) and updated with more recent information, where appropriate. The review highlights the importance of understanding the dynamics of soil processes when addressing climate change impacts on agriculture. Rapid soil responses to climate change (e.g. soil water, organic carbon and erodibility) have been widely investigated and reported in the literature. However, it is important that longer-term processes (e.g. pedogenesis) are not ignored by the research community because these have potentially important implications for long-term agricultural land use and are often irreversible. The use of good land management practices, as currently understood, provides the best strategy for adaptation to the impact of climate change on soils. However, it appears likely that farmers will need to carefully reconsider their management options, and land use change is likely to result from different crop selections that are more appropriate to the changing conditions. Perhaps the greatest impact of climate change on soils will arise from climate-induced changes in land use and management.  相似文献   

This study examines the sensitivity of maize and sorghum crops to global warming in Botswana, a country with arid climatic conditions and shortfalls in locally produced grain. The vulnerability of the maize and sorghum crops to climate change were studied using crop simulation models while climate change scenarios were generated from Global Circulation Models. Simulated yields indicated that rain-fed crop production under the observed climate was a small fraction of what could be produced under optimal conditions. The gap was attributed to both physical (especially lack of rain) and socio-economic constraints. Using the southern African core climate change scenario, simulated yields declined by 36% in the case of maize and 31% for sorghum in the sand veldt region. Yield reductions from thehard veldt region were in the order of 10% for both maize and sorghum. The growing season became shorter, the average reduction in days in the sand veldt region being 5 and 8 days for maize and sorghum respectively, and correspondingly, 3 and 4 days over the hard veldt region. The food security option currently followed in Botswana was found to be a good adaptive strategy under a changed climate.  相似文献   

适应气候变化的国际行动和农业措施研究进展   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对气候变暖采取稳健的适应措施已成为国际社会共识。该文综合了当前适应气候变化的国际谈判进展及已有的农业适应气候变化措施,指出适应资金严重不足,技术研发、应用与转让难以实施,以及适应气候变化行动实施能力的不足严重制约着适应气候变化行动的有效实施;关于农业适应气候变化的技术措施仍缺乏系统的理论研究与应用示范。在此基础上,提出了未来中国农业适应气候变化需要重点开展的研究任务,即农业气象灾变过程的新特点及其风险管理, 农业适应气候变化的大数据决策管理系统研发及适应气候变化的农业气候区划与减灾保产技术研究,以切实推进农业适应气候变化,为确保国家粮食安全与农业可持续发展提供支撑。  相似文献   

IPCC发布的《气候变化2014:影响、适应和脆弱性》进一步提升了国际社会对于适应气候变化和可持续发展的认识水平,主要表现在:适应气候变化的研究视角从自然生态脆弱性转向更为广泛的社会经济脆弱性及人类的响应能力;阐明了气候风险与社会发展的关系,明确了适应在气候灾害风险管理中的积极作用;提出了减少脆弱性和暴露度及增加气候恢复能力的有效适应原则;提出了适应极限的概念,指出这一概念对于适应气候变化的政策含义;提出了保障社会可持续发展的气候恢复能力路径;强调要注重适应与减缓的协同作用和综合效应,指出转型适应是应对气候变化影响的必要选择。报告认为,气候变化、影响、适应及社会经济过程不再是一个简单的单向线性关系,需要纳入统一的系统框架下予以认识和理解。  相似文献   




本文分析了重庆市气候特点及其对重庆农业的影响;并在全球气候变暖的大气候背景下,分析了重庆气候的变化趋势,并就气候变化对重庆农业可能造成的影响进行了初步的探讨;提出了重庆农业应对气候变化的适应性战略和技术措施。  相似文献   

本文分析了重庆市气候特点及其对重庆农业的影响;并在全球气候变暖的大气候背景下,分析了重庆气候的变化趋势,并就气候变化对重庆农业可能造成的影响进行了初步的探讨;提出了重庆农业应对气候变化的适应性战略和技术措施。  相似文献   

阐述了政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第2工作组第四次评估中与决策相关的重要发现。本次评估体现了当前关于气候变化对自然、管理和人类系统的影响、这些系统的适应能力及脆弱性方面的科学认识。该评估基于此前IPCC的评估,并吸收了第3次评估以来的新认识。评估报告认为:从所有大陆和多数海洋得到的观测证据表明,许多自然系统正在受到区域气候变化,特别是温度升高的影响;人为增暖可能已对许多自然和生物系统产生可辨别的影响;气候变化对自然和人类环境所造成的其他影响清晰可辨。当前关于未来气候变化影响的认识,可以更详细地评估未来气候对各类系统和部门,以及对世界各大区域的影响,也可以对全球升温的影响进行估算,预估极端天气气候所带来的影响。必须采取更广泛的适应措施以应对气候变化所造成的影响,可持续发展能够降低对气候变化的脆弱性,兼顾适应和减缓的措施,能够减低气候变化相关风险。  相似文献   

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