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区域重力调查资料整理及数据处理,主要是外业数据采集,按"五统一"计算布格异常值,通过数据处理,将布格异常进行网格化、异常圆滑、异常解析延拓、异常分量转换、异常导数计算,求取异常体埋深,最后实现成果图件。本文通过几年的工作总结,将各种整理计算公式编写出来,为今后工作提供参考。  相似文献   

A survey involving 860 gravity measurements over the Fylde area of Lancashire is described. A line of movement in the pre-Permian basement rocks is shown to cross the area from north north east to south south west forming the eastern edge of a deep sedimentary basin. Displacement of the Carboniferous along this line has reached 1000 m in places and was probably an important influence on Permo-Triassic deposition in Northwest Lancashire.  相似文献   

张婉  张玄杰  李筱  佟晶  范子梁 《地质学报》2020,94(8):2545-2555
海陆过渡区是海洋与陆地复合与交叉的地理单元,是资源与环境条件最为优越的地区,将航空重力与地面重力有效融合,形成连续的重力场资料,对海陆过渡区资源与环境评价具有重要意义。本文选择日照—连云港海陆过渡区为示范区,开展了航空重力数据与地面重力数据的融合研究。通过数据整理与对比分析,总结了数据间系统差的确定方法,提出了空地重力数据间一致性与差异性的评估方法,并分别采用剖面和平面两种形式对数据间的一致性和差异性进行了量化评估;在数据量化评估的基础上,采用平面均方根误差法分别对混合法与缝合法的数据拼接质量进行了定量评价,为数据融合方法的选择提供了定量依据。研究结果表明,日照—连云港海陆过渡区航空重力与地面重力数据间剖面上的一致系数为0. 81~0. 99,平面上的一致系数为0. 95,数据间一致性较高,具备较好的数据融合基础;对比试验表明,缝合法对于海陆过渡区空地重力数据融合效果更佳,采用缝合法融合后的重力数据与原始空地重力数据间的均方差分别为2. 63×10 -5 m/s 2 、0. 98×10 -5 m/s 2 ,取得了较好的融合效果。日照—连云港海陆过渡区空地重力数据的融合,为同类地区开展多源重力数据的融合提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

It is observed that the daily mean temperature of the soil is linear with depth and the variation of the temperature is sinusoidal with a period of a day. Based on these observations the one-dimensional heat conduction equation for the soil can be solved which gives the amplitude and phase variation of the temperature wave with depth. Given the temperature data at three levels below the surface, the amplitude and phase variation and hence the surface temperature variation over the day are estimated. The daily mean temperature of the surface is estimated from linear extrapolation of the daily means at the three levels below the surface. Estimated values of soil thermal diffusivity show a subtantial change after sudden and heavy rains.  相似文献   

We present a gravity model of the crustal structure in southern Mexico based on interpretation of a detailed marine gravity profile perpendicularly across the Middle America Trench offshore from Acapulco, and a regional gravity transect extending into continental Mexico across the Sierra Madre del Sur, the central sector of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, the Sierra Madre Oriental, the Coastal Plain, and into the Gulf of Mexico. The elastic thickness of the Cocos lithospheric plate was found to be 30 km. In agreement with a previous seismic refraction study, no major differences in crustal structure were observed on both sides of the O’Gorman Fracture Zone. The gravity high seaward of the trench is interpreted as due to the incipient flexure and crustal thinning. The gravity low at the axis of the trench is explained by the increase in water depth and the existence of low-density accreted or continental-derived sediments (2.25 and 2.40 g/cm3). A gravity high of 50 mGal extending about 100 km landward is interpreted as caused by local shoaling of the Moho. The crust attains a thickness of 42 km under the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt but thins beneath the Coastal Plain and the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico. Gravity highs around the Sierra de Tamaulipas are interpreted in terms of relief of the lower–upper crustal interface, implying a shallow basement.  相似文献   

A re-compilation of magnetic data in the Weddell Sea is presented and compared with the gravity field recently derived from retracked satellite altimetry. The previously informally named ‘Anomaly-T,’ an east–west trending linear positive magnetic and gravity anomaly lying at about 69°S, forms the southern boundary of the well-known Weddell Sea gravity herringbone. North of Anomaly-T, three major E–W linear magnetic lows are shown, and identified with anomalies c12r, c21–29(r) and c33r. On the basis of these, and following work by recent investigators, isochrons c13, c18, c20, c21, c30, c33 and c34 are identified and extended into the western Weddell Sea. Similarly, a linear magnetic low lying along the spine of the herringbone is shown and provisionally dated at 93–96 Ma. Anomaly-T is tentatively dated to be M5n, in agreement with recent tectonic models.Although current tectonic models are generally in good agreement to the north of T, to the south interpretations differ. Some plate tectonic models have only proposed essentially north–south spreading in the region, whilst others have suggested that a period of predominantly east–west motion (relative to present Antarctic geographic coordinates) occurred during the mid-Mesozoic spreading between East and West Gondwana. We identify an area immediately to the south of T which appears to be the southerly extent of N–S spreading in the herringbone. Following recent work, the extreme southerly extent of the N–S directed spreading of the herringbone is provisionally dated M9r/M10. In the oldest Weddell Sea, immediately to the north and east of the Antarctic shelf, we see subtle features in both the magnetic and gravity data that are consistent with predominantly N–S spreading in the Weddell Sea during the earliest opening of East and West Gondwana. In between, however, in a small region extending approximately from about 50 km south of T to about 70°S and from approximately 40° to 53°W, the magnetic and gravity data appear to suggest well-correlated linear marine magnetic anomalies (possible isochrons) perpendicular to T, bounded and offset by less well-defined steps and linear lows in the gravity (possible fracture zones). These magnetic and gravity data southwest of T suggest that the crust here may record an E–W spreading episode between the two-plate system of East and West Gondwana prior to the initiation of the three-plate spreading system of South America, Africa and Antarctica. The E–W spreading record to the east of about 35°W would then appear to have been cut off at about M10 time during the establishment of N–S three-plate spreading along the South American–Antarctic Ridge and then subducted under the Scotia Ridge.  相似文献   

Semivariogram parameters are estimated by a weighted least-squares method and a jackknife kriging method. The weighted least-squares method is investigated by differing the lag increment and maximum lag used in the fit. The jackknife kriging method minimizes the variance of the jackknifing error as a function of semivariogram parameters. The effects of data sparsity and the presence of a trend are investigated by using 400-, 200-, and 100-point synthetic data sets. When the two methods yield significantly different results, more data may be needed to determine reliably the semivariogram parameters, or a trend may be present in the data.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional interpretation of the newly compiled Bouguer anomaly map of the Main Ethiopian Rift is discussed. Then, the crustal thickness distribution beneath the Main Ethiopian Rift is confirmed using a — dimensional inverse approach to gravity data interpretation. The depths to the crust-upper mantle interface form the inversion parameters. Both approaches are constrained with the results of the seismic refraction experiments of the region. The degree of ambiguity of the final model parameters is then quantified.The Bouguer anomalies along the axial portion of the rift floor, as deduced from the results of the regional and residual separation, are mainly caused by deep-seated structures. The high resolution 3-D forward modeling reveals a possible crustal thickness and density distribution beneath the graben.The results of the inversion confirm a strong crustal attenuation zone (≤ 31 km) closely associated with the rifting of the graben and an abrupt fall of the Moho interface on either side of the rift (up to 51 km) related to the formation of the western and southeastern plateaus. However, no indication of crustal separation is observed.The ambiguity analysis reveals that greater ambiguity of the model parameters exists in the southeastern plateau. There, these model parameters represent the depths to the Moho interface where the seismic control is relatively less.  相似文献   

为了验证位场偏移快速成像方法的有效性以及对比基于重力和重力梯度数据的偏移成像的效果,笔者利用MATLAB编写了重力及重力梯度数据位场偏移成像的算法,并进行了模型正演计算,发现基于梯度数据的偏移成像的横向分辨率、抗噪性和抗背景场能力好于重力数据的偏移成像,并且能够较好的确定模型的中心埋深。将此方法应用于葫芦岛市黑鱼沟的某铅锌矿洞的深度计算中,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

伍卓鹤  伍凯琳 《江苏地质》2018,42(3):370-378
主要介绍了1∶5万高精度重力测量在广东南岭雪山嶂地区地质综合调查中的应用。利用面积性及剖面性重力数据处理和解释所取得的成果,在指导1∶5万地质填图中圈定半隐伏或隐伏岩体、追踪断裂构造、确定地层界线及追索矿(化)体等发挥了重要作用。以成矿地质体、成矿构造和成矿结构面、成矿作用"三位一体"成矿理论指导大宝山矿床外围找矿,圈定了大宝山矿集区含矿建造范围,追踪已知矿段延伸,分析其深部成矿潜力。根据1∶5万重力测量成果,在大宝山矿床外围的北东侧剩余重力正异常部位,成功发现深部厚大铜矿。  相似文献   

Source-depth estimations based on analysis of gravity data enabled us to establish the basement topography in the area of the Mexicali Valley (Mexico). Analysis of the radial power spectrum from all the Bouguer gravity anomaly data indicates that the intermediate wave number interval ranging between 0.025 km−1 and 0.112 km−1 with a mean source depth of 3.5 km corresponds to the sedimentary basin. The gravity spectrum was analyzed to estimate the depth to the basement in different square sectors (windows) of the study area. Linear regression analysis was used to calculate the slopes of the respective power spectrums, to subsequently estimate the depths to the basement in each sector. The basement topography obtained in this way ranged from 2.1 to 4.5 km. Our basement topography is consistent with the depths to the basement reported from wells drilled in the study area. The basement is formed by granites to the northeast, dikes to the southwest, and shaped by structural lows and highs, with graben-horst structures at the center of the studied area.An independent estimation of the mean depth to the basement was obtained based on the ideal body theory. In particular trade-off curves relating the lower bound of the density contrast to the depth to the top of the geological interface were computed. If we assume that the sediments outcrop (as is actually the case), the minimum lower bound on the density contrast is 0.0700 g/cm3. This result would imply a maximum thickness of 13.5 km for the sedimentary infill.Seismic velocities of 5.83 and 4.9 km/s for the basement and the sedimentary infill, respectively, indicates densities of 2.86 and 2.56 g/cm3 according to the Nafe and Drake’s relationship between seismic velocities and densities. The corresponding density contrast of 0.3 g/cm3 helped us to constrain the analysis of the trade-off curves accordingly; the sedimentary thickness is of approximately 3.5 km. This result is in agreement with that obtained from our spectral analysis.  相似文献   

The analysis of the spatial distributions of the density gradients characteristic of spherical sources of gravity anomalies provided grounds for the assessment of the rheological properties of the crust beneath the southern Sikhote-Alin mountainous system, which includes two layers with elevated rigidity and two layers of lowered viscosity. The direct proportional correlation between the rigidity and the density of the modeled mediums is confirmed by solving the direct linear problem of the gravitational potential. The rigid medium is characteristic of the lower crystalline layer of the Amur Plate, the top of which gently dips toward the Sea of Japan coast, and clinoform slabs of the oceanic crust, which underlie the Taukhe and Kema terranes and thrust over the lower layer of the continental crust. The viscous medium corresponds to the subcrustal zone of partial melting beneath the East Sikhote-Alin volcanic belt and to the accretionary complexes of the Samarka and Zhuravlevka terranes, which are involved into shear deformations. The Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic geodynamic history of the Sikhote-Alin crust was characterized by the interaction between the continental and oceanic rigid crustal wedges, which determined the directed accretion of the terrigenous turbiditic and island-arc sequences of the marginal sea to the Amur Plate.  相似文献   

聚焦反演在实际应用中面临着两个问题需要及时解决: 成像的趋肤效应和异常体的过度聚合。利用指数深度加权函数来约束聚焦反演可以克服趋肤效应。结果表明,深度加权可以很好地限制过多异常源在地表的聚合。对于异常体的过度聚合,本文提出了异常源外扩方法,该方法将超出限制的异常源进行向异常体外的迭代式扩充。实验表明,异常体外扩方法成像效果优于常规的异常源截除方法。  相似文献   

Detailed gravity data were analyzed to constrain two controversial geological models of evaporitic structures within the Triassic diapiric zone (Triassic massifs of Jebel Debadib and Ben Gasseur) of the northern Tunisian Atlas. Based on surface observations, two geological models have been used to explain the origin of the Triassic evaporitic bodies: (1) salt dome/diapiric structure or (2) a “salt glacier”. The gravity analysis included the construction of a complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map, horizontal gravity gradient (HGG) map and two and a half-dimensional (2.5D) forward models. The complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map shows a prominent negative anomaly over the Triassic evaporite outcrops. The HGG map showed the location of the lateral density changes along northeast structural trends caused by Triassic/Cretaceous lithological differences. The modeling of the complete Bouguer gravity anomaly data favored the diapiric structure as the origin of the evaporitic bodies. The final gravity model constructed over Jebel Debadib indicates that the Triassic evaporitic bodies are thick and deeply rooted involving a dome/diapiric structure and that the Triassic material has pulled upward the younger sediment cover by halokinesis. Taking in account kinematic models and the regional tectonic events affecting the northern margin of Africa, the above diapirs formed during the reactive to active to passive stages of continental margin evolution with development of sinks. Otherwise, this study shows that modeling of detailed gravity data adds useful constraints on the evolution of salt structures that may have an important impact on petroleum exploration models.  相似文献   

VRANCEA'99 is a seismic refraction line that was carried out in 1999 to investigate the deep structure and physical properties of the upper lithosphere of the southeastern Carpathians and its foreland. It runs from the city of Bacau to the Danube River, traversing the Vrancea epicentral area of strong intermediate-depth seismicity and the city of Bucharest.

Interpretation of P-wave arrivals led to a velocity model that displays a multi-layered crust with velocities increasing with depth. The range of P wave velocities in the sedimentary cover increases from N to S and a structuring of the autochthonous basement of the Moesian Platform is observed. The crystalline crust displays thickness variations, but at the same time the lateral velocity structure along the seismic line remains almost constant. An intra-crustal boundary separates an upper crust from the lower crust. Within the upper mantle a low velocity zone is detected at a depth of about 55-km.

The interpretation of observable S-waves resulted in a velocity model that shows the same multi-layered crust, with S-velocities increasing similarly with depth as the P-waves. The corresponding Poisson's ratio is highly variable throughout the crust and ranges from 0.20–0.35 for the sedimentary cover to 0.22–0.25 for the crystalline crust. The interpretation of the Vp, Vs and Poisson's ratio in petrological terms suggests a large variety of rocks from sand and clay to sandstone, limestone and dolomite within the sedimentary cover. Within the crystalline crust the most probably rock types are granite, granodiorite, granite–gneiss and/or felsic amphibolite–gneiss in the upper part and gneiss and /or amphibolite in the lower part.

Based on the 2-D seismic velocity model, a density model is developed. Density values are assigned to each layer in agreement with the P-wave velocity model and with values accepted for the geological units in the area. After several iterations a good fit between the computed and observed Bouguer anomalies was obtained along the seismic line.  相似文献   

周雪  于平  翁爱华  陈瑞鼎 《世界地质》2018,37(3):897-904
为提高重力及重力梯度数据的正演效率,笔者引入基于MPI (Message Passing Interface)和OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing)的并行计算,通过对比分析不同数据规模的网格数和模型体个数对并行效率和加速比的影响,得出随着正演数据规模的增加,并行效率和加速比均得到提高。同时对比了基于MPI和基于OpenMP的两种并行方式的性能,结果表明,重力及重力梯度数据正演的并行计算中MPI的提速能力优于OpenMP,且在较大规模数据的正演计算中基于MPI的并行效率优于基于OpenMP的并行效率。  相似文献   

The complete gravity data set from France and part of the neighboring countries has been analyzed to compute the topography of the Moho undulations. This work is based on an improved filtering technique and an appropriate assumed density contrast between the crust and the upper mantle. Comparison with deep seismic refraction data reveals that this relief map expresses the continuity and geometry of the Moho undulations better than the sparsely distributed seismic refraction data in France. This gravity Moho map, though may not give absolute depths at places, provides a far better correlation with surface geology than the result from other geophysical techniques. Four domains have been recognized: (a) the Alpine domain where all the Moho undulations are concentric with the Alps; (b) the Armorican domain in which all the undulations are north-west/south-east oriented; (c) the Pyrenean domain, in which the undulations are parallel with the Mountain chain; and (d) the Massif Central Domain which does not show clear structural orientation because of the influence of the strong heat flow located at the lower crust/upper mantle interface. Study of the topography and of the superficial structures associated with these undulations reveals that the undulations delineated in the Alpine Domain result from the Tertiary compression which shaped the Alps. The Armorican Domain was first created during the Lower to Middle Cretaceous opening of the Bay of Biscay. It is now slightly affected by the Tertiary to Quaternary closure of this Bay. The Pyrenean Domain was successively shaped by the Lower Cretaceous oblique opening of the Bay of Biscay and by the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene northward displacement of Spain. Comparison between the Moho undulations map and the stress map of France reveals that most of the undulations are perpendicular to the actual shortening directions. This observation suggests that the Mesozoic, Cenozoic and Quaternary stress directions were roughly the same. Massif Central is characterized by the convergence of these three sets of undulations. Its Post-Oligocene uplift was probably the result of the converging stresses recognized in the three surrounding domains. When the Moho undulations and the topography are compared, two types of periodic crustal instabilities can be recognized. One corresponds to the buckling of the crust developed under compression, the other to boudinage which was associated with extension. Both phenomena show a typical wavelength of 200–250 km which is in agreement with the results of the actual physical and numerical modeling currently available.  相似文献   

本文介绍重复重力测量概况、资料的处理、干扰因素的排除、前兆信息的提取方法,并借鉴已有成果的基础上,对前兆信息提取过程中几个关键环节进行研究和讨论。  相似文献   

Modelling of gravity data taken across the Kohistan Island-Arc terrane in northern Pakistan can be used to constrain the shape and thickness of the Arc.Over 600 new gravity measurements were made across the Kohistan Island-Arc terrane in northern Pakistan. These data were taken along traverses normal to the structures bounding the Arc and were reduced to terrain-corrected Bouguer values. The reduced data were then modelled using standard two-dimensional modelling techniques.The southern margin of the Arc, the Main Mantle Thrust (MMT), dips to the north at approximately 45° and gradually flattens out at a depth of 7–9 km. The northern margin of the Arc, the Main Karkoram Thrust (MKT), also dips towards the north, but at a shallower initial angle (15°). From the models, the Arc terrane now appears to be around 7–9 km thick with the thicker sections occurring closer to the southern margin.The proposed model, in particular the angle of the MMT and the MKT, may have been significantly affected by the recent and rapid uplift that is occurring along the Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif.  相似文献   

In this study, regional evapotranspiration is estimated in a wide flatland area that includes Salado River Basin and four tributary basins by using gravity measurements of the space mission Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). Monthly estimates of large-scale variations in the land-water storage are obtained from the satellite data. Evapotranspiration is computed with the water-balance equation using the GRACE land-water solutions, rainfall data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Center and runoff values obtained as 5% of the precipitation. GRACE-derived evapotranspiration values are consistent with the different climatic scenarios observed, and they satisfactorily agree with estimates provided by a global hydrological model. The overall results show that the method used is a valid tool for characterizing the evapotranspiration in the Argentine Pampas and that it can be used to detect and examine changes in the evapotranspiration pattern associated with the occurrence of extreme climatic events. This study illustrates the ability of GRACE to analyze and predict evapotranspiration and other processes on a regional scale in a flatland area.  相似文献   

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