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Strömgren and H photometry of 25 stars in the field of Serpens are presented. The excesses, the absolute magnitude and the temperatures of the stars are obtained. The masses and the ages are also estimated.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the spectral metallicity parameters S of the RR Lyrae stars in the course of light change is considered. Electrophotometry results of 9 stars of the given class inUVbY are presented. Analysis of the data obtained shows that the variables for which variation of S with the light phase was established do not show any real variations of metallicity indexm 1.  相似文献   

The determination of the luminosities of planetary nebula central stars from H nebular fluxes is investigated. A correlation is obtained with the luminosities derived from independent stellar parameters. An average scaling factor is determined for H luminosities of optically thick nebulae, as well as correlations of this parameter with the Zanstra He II and H I temperatures.  相似文献   

During the last two years auvby photometric survey of 85 Ca II emission stars from the Mount Wilson program on stellar activity has been carried out at the Calar Alto Observatory (Almeria, Spain). We present preliminary results for theuvby and calibrations. Some stars displaying anomalousc 1 andm 1 indices, with photometric or spectroscopic data from previous studies, are reported. A reddening study for the complete sample is given.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Flare periodicity has been found in the flare star Pleiades No. 484. The period of its flare activity is determined from an analysis of the flares’time distribution. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 159–160, January–March, 1999.  相似文献   

We have measured the ratio of H to H central intensities in the peak kernels of 14 flares, using simultaneous filtergrams. The ratio is typically one with some scatter. By contrast, in stellar flares the ratio is about 0.8.  相似文献   

We collected infrared and radio data on 110 OH/IR stars, 65 S stars and 184 C-rich stars from the literature. We analyzed their spectral energy distributions, bolometric magnitudes, infrared colors and mass-loss rates. Our study confirms that OH/IR stars and C-rich stars reach similarly high mass-loss rates at similar luminosities, supporting the idea that mass-loss rates are determined by internal stellar activities such as pulsation rather than the properties of their envelopes. The mass-loss rates of OH/IR stars and C-rich stars are strongly correlated with the color indices K-[A], K-[C], K-[D] and K-[E], and the two populations can be described with one formula. Our study also reveals that only those stars with color indices K-[A]<4 or K-[C]<5 have SEDs that peak in the near-infrared waveband.  相似文献   

We observed the line-of-sight magnetic field in the chromosphereand photosphere of a large quiescent filament on the solar disk on September 6, 2001 using the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope in Huairou Solar Observing Station. The chromospheric and photospheric magnetograms together with Hβ filtergrams of the filament were examined. The filament was located on the neutral line of the large scale longitudinal magnetic field in the photosphere and the chromosphere. The lateral feet of the filament were found to be related to magnetic structures with opposite polarities. Two small lateral feet are linked to weak parasitic polarity. There is a negative magnetic structure in the photosphere under a break of the filament. At the location corresponding to the filament in the chromospheric magnetograms, the magnetic strength is found to be about 40-70 Gauss (measuring error about 39 Gauss). The magnetic signal indicates the amplitude and orientation of the internal magnetic field in the filament. We discuss several possible causes which may produce such a measured signal. A twisted magnetic configuration inside the filament is suggested .  相似文献   

Summary. Soft X–ray Transients (SXRTs) have long been suspected to contain old, weakly magnetic neutron stars that have been spun up by accretion torques. After reviewing their observational properties, we analyse the different regimes that likely characterise the neutron stars in these systems across the very large range of mass inflow rates, from the peak of the outbursts to the quiescent emission. While it is clear that close to the outburst maxima accretion onto the neutron star surface takes place, as the mass inflow rate decreases, accretion might stop at the magnetospheric boundary because of the centrifugal barrier provided by the neutron star. For low enough mass inflow rates (and sufficiently short rotation periods), the radio pulsar mechanism might turn on and sweep the inflowing matter away. The origin of the quiescent emission, observed in a number of SXRTs at a level of , plays a crucial role in constraining the neutron star magnetic field and spin period. Accretion onto the neutron star surface is an unlikely mechanism for the quiescent emission of SXRTs, as it requires very low magnetic fields and/or long spin periods. Thermal radiation from a cooling neutron star surface in between the outbursts can be ruled out as the only cause of the quiescent emission. We find that accretion onto the neutron star magnetosphere and shock emission powered by an enshrouded radio pulsar provide far more plausible models. In the latter case the range of allowed neutron star spin periods and magnetic fields is consistent with the values recently inferred from the properties of kHz quasi-periodic oscillation in low mass X–ray binaries. If quiescent SXRTs contain enshrouded radio pulsars, they provide a missing link between X–ray binaries and millisecond pulsars. Received 4 November 1997; Accepted 15 April 1998  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(1-2):93-98
Recent theoretical and observational progress has substantially improved the definition of the lower main sequence and established a new basis for a comparison of main sequence stars and the secondaries in CVs. The evolutionary sequences of Kolb & Baraffe (1999) imply that the secondaries in many CVs are expanded compared with main sequence stars of the same mass as a consequence of unusually high mass transfer rates and/or pre-CV nuclear evolution. We show that the location of the secondaries of all well-studied CVs in the spectral type period diagram implies that they are consistent with having near-solar metallicities. We show, furthermore, that the surface brightness of K/M stars depends on gravity and metallicity and present new Barnes–Evans relations valid for dwarfs of near-solar metallicity and the secondaries in CVs of the galactic disk population. Distances derived by the surface brightness method agree with recent measurements of the trigonometric parallaxes of a few selected systems.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》1999,43(6-7):441-447
Reported mode changes in δ Scuti stars can usually be explained by data insufficient to obtain multiperiodic solutions and by the effect of time-variable amplitudes. The extensive data on 4 CVn obtained by the Delta Scuti Network are used to illustrate that the large changes in the appearance of the power spectra over the years from 1966 to 1996 can be ascribed to amplitude variability. The period changes of δ Scuti stars have been collected or redetermined from the available observations and are compared with values computed from evolutionary models. For the radial pulsators of Pop. I, the observations indicate (1/P)(dP/dt) values around 10−7 yr−1 with equal distribution between period increases and decreases. The evolutionary models, on the other hand, predict that the vast majority should show increasing periods a factor of about ten smaller than observed. Arguments are given why the rate of evolution for these relatively unevolved stars cannot yet be deduced from the observed period changes.  相似文献   

A survey for emission line stars was carried out in 1980 with the Schmidt telescope of Konkoly Observatory in the region of IC 1396 (Kun, 1986a, hereafter referred to as Paper I). This work was aimed at a preliminary mapping of the probable medium mass members of the association Cepheus OB 2. The stars of the region have been followed since then with the same telescope in order to obtain a more complete view on the stellar content of this giant star-forming region. The common variability of the H emission strength makes the sense of repeating such surveys. The new survey resulted in the discovery of 65 further emission stars. Equatorial coordinates and finding charts are given for them.PhotographicBVRI photometry was carried out for all known emission stars of the field. The colourmagnitude and two-colour diagrams derived from theB, V, R, andI magnitudes show that these stars are probably F-G-type (1.5M <M<3M ), partly pre-Main-Sequence members of Cep OB 2, whereas a few of them may be distant red giants.The youngest objects of the region can be found among the IRAS point sources. Their properties are discussed on the basis of IRAS data alone.  相似文献   

Numerical solutions for the expansion motion equation in the equatiorial plane of a rotating early type Be star are presented. Decreasing terminal velocities are obtained as lower values of the radiative parameter are used.  相似文献   

We give the first results of a study in F-type MS stars using the Hei D 3 absorption feature at 5876 Å as an indicator of stellar activity and structure. The observations were obtained with the QUB echelle spectrograph at the Cassegrain focus of the 4.2 m William Herschel telescope, and have spectral resolution /6×104, and signal-to-noise ratios 200. We chose as a first sample 17 F-stars of the Hyades Main Sequence. It was found that Hei D 3 and X-ray emission appear aroundB-V 0.3, indicating the onset of sub-surface convection zones. Below this value, in stars withB-V0.42–0.44 the behaviour of the Hei D 3 equivalent width against Rossby number is different from that observed in later type stars, indicating that the presence of nonradiative mechanisms other than dynamo must be important in heating the chromospheres of these hotter stars.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.Based on observations made with the William Herschel telescope, operated on the island of La Palma by the Royal Greenwich Observatory, in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.  相似文献   

In this paper an attempt has been made to determine the effect of Coriolis force on the shapes of Roche equipotential surfaces of rotating stars and stars in binary systems. Equations of Roche equipotential surfaces have been obtained for rotating and binary stars which take into account the effects of Coriolis force besides the centrifugal and gravitational forces. Shapes of Roche equipotentials and values of Roche limits are obtained for different values of angular velocity of rotation for rotating stars and for different values of mass ratios for the binary stars. The obtained results have been compared with the corresponding results in which the effect of Coriolis force has not been considered.  相似文献   

High dispersion CCD spectra are used to study the profiles of the Hα and Hβ lines of 48 stars in early spectral classes in the young diffuse binary cluster h/χ Per. In addition, moderate resolution spectra of 15 B and Be stars were taken over the interval 4400–4960 Å. One or, possibly, two new Be stars are discovered. The major parameters of the Hα line are measured for the observed B and Be stars. The spectra over 4400–4960 Å are used to estimate Teff, logg, and υsin i. No traces of emission are detected in the Hα line profiles for 28 of the stars and emission is observed in the Hα line for 20. During our observations an absorption profile of the Hα line was observed for some of the stars, such as Oo146, Oo566, Oo922, and Oo1268, although they have previously been identified as Be stars. A significant long-term variability of the Hα line is discovered for the Be stars Oo1161 and Oo2242. Oo2371 manifests a variability in its faint emission spectrum which is typical of close binary systems that include a Be star. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 305–319 (May 2008).  相似文献   

The H observations of a selected sample of bright Be stars are presented. The available infrared observations at K band (2.2 m) of these stars have been used to find the infrared excess emission. The analysis of the combined data show thatL H, the luminosity of the H emission line, is proportional toL IR, the luminosity of the infrared excess emission. The linear correlation betweenL IR andL H shows that both the infrared excess and the H line originate in a common region. It is also detected that the infrared excess emission is produced throughout the whole envelope whereas the H is emitted in some defined region of the circumstellar (CS) envelope.  相似文献   

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