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Acreage estimation of Rabi sorghum crop in Ahmadnagar, Pune and Solapur districts of central Maharashtra has been attempted using synchronously acquired Landsat MSS and TM data of 1987–88 season and IRS LISS-I data of 1988–89 season; in conjuction with near-synchronous ground truth data. The remote-sensing-based acreage estimations for the districts were compared with the respective estimates by Bureau of Economics and Statistics (BES). As the acreages were underestimated with the classification of standard four-band MSS data, the atmospheric correction of fourband MSS data and normalised differencing (ND) of the atmospheric-corrected MSS data were attempted. The main observations are: (1) the use of Landsat MSS data results in underestimation of sorghum acreage in comparison with BES estimation, (2) the atmospheric correction and ND transformation of MSS data are necessary for bringing acreage estimates in agreement with BES estimates, (3) Mid-IR data in band 1.55 to 1.75 μm are useful in improving the separability of land-use classes, and (4) remote sensing data with radiometric sensitivity comparable to LISS-I or Landsat TM and Signal-to-Noise ratios comparable to LISS-I data are suitable for accurate acreage estimation of sorghum.  相似文献   

Microwave sensors having all-weather capabilities provide an opportunity to monitor rice grown in monsoon season. An attempt has been made to identify rice crop using multitemporal ERS-1 SAR data in C-band (5.3 GHz). Data acquired on August 15 (D1), September 19 (D2), October 24 (D3) and November 28 (D4) 1993 were taken. Combinations of data acquired on different dates were used for identification of rice crop. Single-date IRS-1B LISS II data in visible and NIR bands acquired on October 23, 1993 was also used for comparison of estimated rice area. Analysis of the results has shown that a combination of SAR data acquired at the tillering (August), booting (September) and heading (October) stages of rice crop enabled identification and area estimation of rice crop grown under lowland conditions. Single-date SAR data acquired in the month of October was found to be better for identification of rice compared to other dates.  相似文献   

Fusion of optical and synthetic aperture radar data has been attempted in the present study for mapping of various lithologic units over a part of the Singhbhum Shear Zone (SSZ) and its surroundings. ERS-2 SAR data over the study area has been enhanced using Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) based filtering approach, and also using Frost filtering technique. Both the enhanced SAR imagery have been then separately fused with histogram equalized IRS-1C LISS III image using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique. Later, Feature-oriented Principal Components Selection (FPCS) technique has been applied to generate False Color Composite (FCC) images, from which corresponding geological maps have been prepared. Finally, GIS techniques have been successfully used for change detection analysis in the lithological interpretation between the published geological map and the fusion based geological maps. In general, there is good agreement between these maps over a large portion of the study area. Based on the change detection studies, few areas could be identified which need attention for further detailed ground-based geological studies.  相似文献   

The DEM of the Bhuj earthquake affected area of 50 x 50 km was generated using the ERS-1/2 SAR tandem data (May 15—16,1996). Region growing algorithm coupled with path following approach was used for phase unwrapping. Phase to height conversion was done using D-GPS control points. Geocoding was done using GAMMA software. A sample data of DEM of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) of the Bhuj area is made available by DLR Germany. The intensity image, DEM and Error map are well registered. The spatial resolution of this DEM is about 25 m with height accuracy of a few meters. The DEM derived through ERS SAR data is prone to atmospheric affects as the required two images are acquired in different timings where as SRTM acquired the two images simultaneously. An RMS height error of 12.06 m is observed with reference to SRTM though some of the individual locations differ by as much as 35 m.  相似文献   

There is an urgent necessity to monitor changes in the natural surface features of earth. Compared to broadband multispectral data, hyperspectral data provides a better option with high spectral resolution. Classification of vegetation with the use of hyperspectral remote sensing generates a classical problem of high dimensional inputs. Complexity gets compounded as we move from airborne hyperspectral to Spaceborne technology. It is unclear how different classification algorithms will perform on a complex scene of tropical forests collected by spaceborne hyperspectral sensor. The present study was carried out to evaluate the performance of three different classifiers (Artificial Neural Network, Spectral Angle Mapper, Support Vector Machine) over highly diverse tropical forest vegetation utilizing hyperspectral (EO-1) data. Appropriate band selection was done by Stepwise Discriminant Analysis. The Stepwise Discriminant Analysis resulted in identifying 22 best bands to discriminate the eight identified tropical vegetation classes. Maximum numbers of bands came from SWIR region. ANN classifier gave highest OAA values of 81% with the help of 22 selected bands from SDA. The image classified with the help SVM showed OAA of 71%, whereas the SAM showed the lowest OAA of 66%. All the three classifiers were also tested to check their efficiency in classifying spectra coming from 165 processed bands. SVM showed highest OAA of 80%. Classified subset images coming from ANN (from 22 bands) and SVM (from 165 bands) are quite similar in showing the distribution of eight vegetation classes. Both the images appeared close to the actual distribution of vegetation seen in the study area. OAA levels obtained in this study by ANN and SVM classifiers identify the suitability of these classifiers for tropical vegetation discrimination.  相似文献   

LANDSAT-TM has been evaluated for forest cover type and landuse classification in subtropical forests of Kumaon Himalaya (U.P.) Comparative evaluation of false colour composite generated by using various band combinations has been made. Digital image processing of Landsat-TM data on VIPS-32 RRSSC computer system has been carried out to stratify vegetation types. Conventional band combination in false colour composite is Bands 2, 3 and 4 in Red/Green/Blue sequence of Landsat TM for landuse classification. The present study however suggests that false colour combination using Landsat TM bands viz., 4, 5 and 3 in Red/Green/Blue sequence is the most suitable for visual interpretation of various forest cover types and landuse classes. It is felt that to extract full information from increased spatial and spectral resolution of Landsat TM, it is necessary to process the data digitally to classify land cover features like vegetation. Supervised classification using maximum likelihood algorithm has been attemped to stratify the forest vegetation. Only four bands are sufficient enough to classify vegetaton types. These bands are 2,3,4 and 5. The classification results were smoothed digitaly to increase the readiability of the map. Finally, the classification carred out using digital technique were evaluated using systematic sampling design. It is observed that forest cover type mapping can be achieved upto 80% overall mapping accuracy. Monospecies stand Chirpine can be mapped in two density classes viz., dense pine (<40%) with more than 90% accuracy. Poor accuracy (66%) was observed while mapping pine medium dense areas. The digital smoothening reduced the overall mapping accuracy. Conclusively, Landsat-TM can be used as operatonal sensor for forest cover type mapping even in complex landuse-terrain of Kumaon Himalaya (U.P.)  相似文献   


The vision of a Digital Earth calls for more dynamic information systems, new sources of information, and stronger capabilities for their integration. Sensor networks have been identified as a major information source for the Digital Earth, while Semantic Web technologies have been proposed to facilitate integration. So far, sensor data are stored and published using the Observations & Measurements standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) as data model. With the advent of Volunteered Geographic Information and the Semantic Sensor Web, work on an ontological model gained importance within Sensor Web Enablement (SWE). In contrast to data models, an ontological approach abstracts from implementation details by focusing on modeling the physical world from the perspective of a particular domain. Ontologies restrict the interpretation of vocabularies toward their intended meaning. The ongoing paradigm shift to Linked Sensor Data complements this attempt. Two questions have to be addressed: (1) how to refer to changing and frequently updated data sets using Uniform Resource Identifiers, and (2) how to establish meaningful links between those data sets, that is, observations, sensors, features of interest, and observed properties? In this paper, we present a Linked Data model and a RESTful proxy for OGC's Sensor Observation Service to improve integration and inter-linkage of observation data for the Digital Earth.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to evaluate the satellite-based hyperspectral data available from Hyperion onboard EO-1 of NASA for agricultural applications. The study was carried out for Daurala block of Meerut district, using data of March 2005. The preliminary data analysis showed that there are 196 usable bands out of a total of 242 bands. Principal component (PC) analysis showed that about 99% of the information explained in 10 PCs. The atmospherically corrected reflectance, derived from satellite data had good agreement with the ground reflectance, observed using handheld spectroradiometer, with r2 ranging from 0.85 to 0.98. A set of twenty most usable bands was selected by the criteria of maximum contribution to first five PCs and the band combinations with least inter-band correlations.  相似文献   

Many regions remain poorly studied in terms of geological mapping and mineral exploration in inaccessible regions especially in the Arctic and Antarctica due to harsh conditions and logistic difficulties. Application of specialized image processing techniques is capable of revealing the hidden linear mixing spectra in multispectral and hyperspectral satellite images. In this study, the applications of Independent component analysis (ICA) and Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM) algorithms were evaluated for Landsat-8 and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) remote sensing data for geological mapping in Morozumi Range and Helliwell Hills areas, Northern Victoria Land (NVL), Antarctica. The results of this investigation demonstrate the capability of the two algorithms in distinguishing pixel and subpixel targets in the multispectral satellite data. The application of the methods for identifying poorly exposed geologic materials and subpixel exposures of alteration minerals has invaluable implications for geological mapping and mineral exploration in inaccessible regions.  相似文献   

北京地区地表反照率TM数据反演与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯焱  冯海霞 《测绘科学》2012,37(5):164-166
反照率是一个广泛应用于地表能量平衡、中长期天气预测和全球变化研究的重要参数。本文利用2010年的TM影像反演北京地区地表反照率,首先利用6S模型对影像进行大气校正,得到地表反射率,进而,利用TM的5个波段的反射率,根据经验公式,计算了北京地区的地表反照率;对北京市地表反照率的分布情况、不同下垫面的反照率、以及反照率与LST和NDVI的关系进行了分析,得出了结论。  相似文献   

The 3D Water Chemistry Atlas is an intuitive, open source, Web-based system that enables the three-dimensional (3D) sub-surface visualization of ground water monitoring data, overlaid on the local geological model (formation and aquifer strata). This paper firstly describes the results of evaluating existing virtual globe technologies, which led to the decision to use the Cesium open source WebGL Virtual Globe and Map Engine as the underlying platform. Next it describes the backend database and search, filtering, browse and analysis tools that were developed to enable users to interactively explore the groundwater monitoring data and interpret it spatially and temporally relative to the local geological formations and aquifers via the Cesium interface. The result is an integrated 3D visualization system that enables environmental managers and regulators to assess groundwater conditions, identify inconsistencies in the data, manage impacts and risks and make more informed decisions about coal seam gas extraction, waste water extraction, and water reuse.  相似文献   

Land subsidence due to underground resources exploitation is a well-known problem that affects many cities in the world, especially the ones located along the coastal areas where the combined effect of subsidence and sea level rise increases the flooding risk. In this study, 25 years of land subsidence affecting the Municipality of Ravenna (Italy) are monitored using Advanced Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (A-DInSAR) techniques. In particular, the exploitation of the new Sentinel-1A SAR data allowed us to extend the monitoring period till 2016, giving a better understanding of the temporal evolution of the phenomenon in the area. Two statistical approaches are applied to fully exploit the informative potential of the A-DInSAR results in a fast and systematic way. Thanks to the applied analyses, we described the behavior of the subsidence during the monitored period along with the relationship between the occurrence of the displacement and its main driving factors.  相似文献   

The remote sensing of Case 2 water has been far less successful than that of Case 1 water, due mainly to the complex interactions among optically active substances (e.g., phytoplankton, suspended sediments, colored dissolved organic matter, and water) in the former. To address this problem, we developed a spectral decomposition algorithm (SDA), based on a spectral linear mixture modeling approach. Through a tank experiment, we found that the SDA-based models were superior to conventional empirical models (e.g. using single band, band ratio, or arithmetic calculation of band) for accurate estimates of water quality parameters. In this paper, we develop a method for applying the SDA to Landsat-5 TM data on Lake Kasumigaura, a eutrophic lake in Japan characterized by high concentrations of suspended sediment, for mapping chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and non-phytoplankton suspended sediment (NPSS) distributions. The results show that the SDA-based estimation model can be obtained by a tank experiment. Moreover, by combining this estimation model with satellite-SRSs (standard reflectance spectra: i.e., spectral end-members) derived from bio-optical modeling, we can directly apply the model to a satellite image. The same SDA-based estimation model for Chl-a concentration was applied to two Landsat-5 TM images, one acquired in April 1994 and the other in February 2006. The average Chl-a estimation error between the two was 9.9%, a result that indicates the potential robustness of the SDA-based estimation model. The average estimation error of NPSS concentration from the 2006 Landsat-5 TM image was 15.9%. The key point for successfully applying the SDA-based estimation model to satellite data is the method used to obtain a suitable satellite-SRS for each end-member.  相似文献   

重点对地灾监测方面的方案研究进行了阐述,在构建大数据信息平台的设计方案时,以实现高度自动化的全方位监测功能为导向,依托导航卫星数据接收机和多源传感器,集成构建大数据信息平台的系统解决方案,主要包括扼流圈卫星天线、GNSS数据接收机、MEMS传感器、环境测量单元、防雷区域单元等功能元件的组成、多传感器的系统集成,以及全方位监测的功能实现。按照地灾监测大数据信息平台建设、构建大数据平台关键技术突破及检测数据解算软件功能实现的顺序,完成了GNSS实时监测预警应用网络系统HCmonitor的研发。综合应用多种手段实现地灾监测的功能升级,为解决重大灾害预警提供了新的思路和解决方案,该项成果在甘肃舟曲的灾后重建工程得到应用与推广。  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential of multi-temporal signature analysis of satellite imagery to map rice area in South 24 Paraganas district of West Bengal. Two optical data (IRS ID LISS III) and three RADARSAT SAR data of different dates were acquired during 2001. Multi-temporal SAR backscatter signatures of different landcovers were incorporated into knowledge based decision rules and kharif landcover map was generated. Based on the spectral variation in signature, the optical data acquired during rabi (January) and summer (March) season were classified using supervised maximum likelihood classifier. A co-incidence matrix was generated using logical approach for a combined “rabi-summer” and “kharif-rabi-summer” landcover mapping. The major landcovers obtained in South 24 Paraganas using remote sensing data are rice, water, aquaculture ponds, homestead, mangrove, and urban area. The classification accuracy of rice area was 98.2% using SAR data. However, while generating combined “kharif-rabi-summer” landcovers, the classification accuracy of rice area was improved from 81.6% (optical data) to 96.6% (combined SAR-Optical). The primary aim of the study is to achieve better accuracy in classifying rice area using the synergy between the two kinds of remotely sensed data.  相似文献   

The hydrologic cycle and understanding the relationship between rainfall and runoff is an important component of earth system science, sustainable development, and natural disasters caused by floods. With this in mind, the integration of digital earth data for hydrologic sciences is an important area of research. Currently, it takes a tremendous amount of effort to perform hydrologic analysis at a large scale because the data to support such analyses are not available on a single system in an integrated format that can be easily manipulated. Furthermore, the state-of-the-art in hydrologic data integration typically uses a rigid relational database making it difficult to redesign the data model to incorporate new data types. The HydroCloud system incorporates a flexible document data model to integrate precipitation and stream flow data across spatial and temporal dimensions for large-scale hydrologic analyses. In this paper, a document database schema is presented to store the integrated data-set along with analysis tools such as web services for data access and a web interface for exploratory data analysis. The utility of the system is demonstrated based on a scientific workflow that uses the system for both exploratory data analysis and statistical hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

ERS-1 radial positioning using the JGM-2 and JGM-3 gravity fields is assessed by analysing dual crossovers with TOPEX/Poseidon, neither field containing ERS-1 data. This method allows a more complete recovery of ERS-1 radial orbit error, specifically of the previously unattainable mean geographical error. The global analysis shows that the theoretical error derived from the JGM-2 covariance matrix is realistic and that JGM-3 represents a slight improvement, at least at the inclination of ERS-1. A latitudinal-based study in the southern ocean indicates possible weaknesses in both fields, notably for low and resonant geopotential orders m. A refinement of JGM-2, RGM-2, is undertaken through inclusion of ERS-1 and STELLA laser tracking and ERS-1 altimetry, reducing several of its deficiencies. Received: 14 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 February 1997  相似文献   

StarFire^TM差分GPS系统是由美国NavCom公司建立的一个全球双频GPS差分定位系统,它是目前世界上第一个可以提供分米级实时精度的星基增强差分系统。RTG是StarFire^TM系统提供的一种单机高精度测量模式,其采用StarFire^TM差分网络服务系统,给无基站地区的实际应用带来了很多便利。本文阐述了StarFire^TM差分GPS系统的组成、工作原理与技术特点,介绍了我院引进的快测双频RTG接收机的部分性能指标及在水利工程中的初步应用情况。  相似文献   

Image compositing is a multi-objective optimization process. Its goal is to produce a seamless cloud and artefact-free artificial image. This is achieved by aggregating image observations and by replacing poor and cloudy data with good observations from imagery acquired within the timeframe of interest. This compositing process aims to minimise the visual artefacts which could result from different radiometric properties, caused by atmospheric conditions, phenologic patterns and land cover changes. It has the following requirements: (1) image compositing must be cloud free, which requires the detection of clouds and shadows, and (2) the image composite must be seamless, minimizing artefacts and visible across inter image seams. This study proposes a new rule-based compositing technique (RBC) that combines the strengths of several existing methods. A quantitative and qualitative evaluation is made of the RBC technique by comparing it to the maximum NDVI (MaxNDVI), minimum red (MinRed) and maximum ratio (MaxRatio) compositing techniques. A total of 174 Landsat TM and ETM+ images, covering three study sites and three different timeframes for each site, are used in the evaluation. A new set of quantitative/qualitative evaluation techniques for compositing quality measurement was developed and showed that the RBC technique outperformed all other techniques, with MaxRatio, MaxNDVI, and MinRed techniques in order of performance from best to worst.  相似文献   

The present study proposes land surface temperature (LST) retrieval from satellite-based thermal IR data by single channel radiative transfer algorithm using atmospheric correction parameters derived from satellite-based and in-situ data and land surface emissivity (LSE) derived by a hybrid LSE model. For example, atmospheric transmittance (τ) was derived from Terra MODIS spectral radiance in atmospheric window and absorption bands, whereas the atmospheric path radiance and sky radiance were estimated using satellite- and ground-based in-situ solar radiation, geographic location and observation conditions. The hybrid LSE model which is coupled with ground-based emissivity measurements is more versatile than the previous LSE models and yields improved emissivity values by knowledge-based approach. It uses NDVI-based and NDVI Threshold method (NDVITHM) based algorithms and field-measured emissivity values. The model is applicable for dense vegetation cover, mixed vegetation cover, bare earth including coal mining related land surface classes. The study was conducted in a coalfield of India badly affected by coal fire for decades. In a coal fire affected coalfield, LST would provide precise temperature difference between thermally anomalous coal fire pixels and background pixels to facilitate coal fire detection and monitoring. The derived LST products of the present study were compared with radiant temperature images across some of the prominent coal fire locations in the study area by graphical means and by some standard mathematical dispersion coefficients such as coefficient of variation, coefficient of quartile deviation, coefficient of quartile deviation for 3rd quartile vs. maximum temperature, coefficient of mean deviation (about median) indicating significant increase in the temperature difference among the pixels. The average temperature slope between adjacent pixels, which increases the potential of coal fire pixel detection from background pixels, is significantly larger in the derived LST products than the corresponding radiant temperature images.  相似文献   

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