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This paper presents the theory which describes how the lateral correlation of vertical displacement is influenced by multiple scattering of seismic waves caused by the presence of fluid-filled fractures, along with an observational methodology to show how to extract fracture-related quantities (e.g. fracture porosity, degree of anisotropy of the fractures, change in orientation of the fractures, density of fluid filling the fractures) from seismic data using the theoretical development as an underpinning framework. A simple physical picture is given of the basic process, as well as some rough order of magnitude estimates to show that the parameters quantifying the size of the multiple scattering fall squarely in the seismic regime.These calculations serve to create a basis to determine, by seismic means ahead of the drill, (1) the degree of fracturing of reservoir rocks (such as the Monterey shale), and (2) the type of fluid filling the fractures.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how multiples, generated at the interfaces of plane parallel beds, modify the propagation characteristics of an originally coherent seismic wave. For waves propagating at an angle to the bedding plane we find that theSV andP-waves couple so that neither is a pure mode. TheSH-wave, while modified in its propagation characteristics by multiples, remains a pure mode. The coupling ofSV-multiples into the quasi-P-mode appears weaker than the coupling ofP-wave multiples into the quasi-SV mode; at least this is so for the two simple cases of (a) density fluctuations only and (b) correlatedV p andV s fluctuations which conserve Poisson's ratio.We also find that the coupling is sensitive to both the angle of propagation and frequency. In addition there is a cut-off angle forP-wave multiples influencing the quasi-SV mode. Propagation angles larger than the cut-off permit theP-multiples to modify the phase of the quasi-SV mode, but not its effective attenuation. No such cut-off effect is found for SV-multiples influencing the quasi-P mode, whose angle-dependent and frequency-dependent phase distortion and effective attenuation are influenced both byP-wave multiples andSV-multiples.In view of the mathematical complexity of the expressions describing the phase, and effective attenuation of modes when allowance is made forP-andS-wave multiples, we strongly advocate numerical coding of the major mathematical formulae. By so doing a systematic study can be undertaken of the frequency and offset dependence of seismic waves as a function of seismic source input and power spectral behavior of the fluctuations in density and elastic constants of beds. It is our opinion that the full mathematical expressions are too involved to permit an analytic, systematic investigation to be given of the phase and attenuation of seismic waves with any degree of sophistication or generality.  相似文献   

本文定义了各向异性黏弹性参数修正因子,并将其引入到黏弹性模型中以体现泥质含量对黏弹性机制的影响,同时将波传播过程中孔隙介质骨架黏弹性力学机制与两种孔隙流体流动力学机制(Biot流动和喷射流动机制)有机地统一起来处理,从而给出了描述含泥质低孔渗孔隙各向异性介质中波传播规律的黏弹性Biot/squirt (BISQ)模型.数值计算结果表明,入射波的方位角、各向异性渗透率以及泥质含量等对含流体复杂孔隙介质中波频散和衰减的影响具有显著的方位各向异性特征,在低频范围内(地震波勘探频率)黏弹性力学机制对波传播能量的衰减起主导作用.  相似文献   

周浩  符力耘 《地球物理学报》2018,61(3):1083-1094



地震波衰减反演研究综述   总被引:18,自引:20,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
对地震波衰减的研究经过近五十年的发展已经取得了不少进展.本文简述了地震波的衰减机制、有关衰减的基本理论以及影响地震波衰减的主要因素,重点概括了地震波衰减的反演方法,最后预测了地震衰减研究的发展趋势.  相似文献   

The processes of seismic wave scattering and dissipation are examined in a medium that, in addition to being inhomogeneous and anelastic, is nonlinear and seismically active (seismic emission). In such a medium, there is a complex interrelation between the effects of nonlinearity, scattering and dissipation. Thus, nonlinear interactions between the various components (primary, scattered and induced) of a developing wavefield cause nonlinear (or wave-on-wave) scattering and, by transferring part of the wave energy to the high-frequency region, contribute to its scattering and dissipation. On the other hand, whereas dissipation opposes the accumulation of nonlinear effects by reducing the wave amplitudes, scattering assists it by increasing the propagation distance (and hence the interaction time).Estimates based on results of field experiments involving vibrators indicate that, as a rule, scattering on inhomogeneities is much stronger than nonlinear scattering, and that nonlinear effects may often dominate dissipative ones.The nonlinearity of the transmitting medium explains observedQ-value anomalies, and its seismic activity explains the existence ofP coda and the temporal changes in codaQ.  相似文献   

In seismic exploration, elastic waves are sent to investigate subsurface geology. However, the transmission and interpretation of the elastic wave propagation is complicated by various factors. One major reason is that the earth can be a very complex medium. Nevertheless, in this paper, we model some terrestrial material as an elastic medium consisting of randomly distributed inclusions with a considerable concentration. The waves incident on such an inhomogeneous medium undergo multiple scattering due to the presence of inclusions. Consequently, the wave energy is redistributed thereby reducing the amplitude of the coherent wave.The coherent or average wave is assumed to be propagating in a homogeneous continuum characterized by a bulk complex wavenumber. This wavenumber depends on the frequency of the probing waves; and on the physical properties and the concentration of discrete scatterers, causing the effective medium to be dispersive. With the help of multiple scattering theory, we are able to analytically predict the attenuation of the transmitted wave intensity as well as the dispersion of the phase velocity. These two sets of data are valuable to the study of the inverse scattering problems in seismology. Some numerical results are presented and also compared, if possible, with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

浙江地区地震波衰减和场地响应研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
根据浙江数字地震台网记录的发生在浙江省及其附近海域的中小地震的波形资料,采用互相衔接的三段几何衰减模型,利用遗传算法联合计算,通过在频率域内的分析,测定和研究了浙江地区剪切波的几何衰减和非弹性衰减以及场地响应的特征。  相似文献   

杨伟松    王长理    许卫晓    杜轲  于德湖   《世界地震工程》2021,(1):207-218
收集了我国南北地震带地区1970年~2012年的85次地震事件的烈度等震线资料,建立了震中烈度与震级之间的经验关系,利用长轴和短轴椭圆模型拟合得到了该地区的地震烈度衰减关系。同时还搜集整理了近年来基于我国各地区的地震资料,研究得到的地震烈度衰减关系,并将其中与南北地震带存在地域重合的研究结果与本文结果进行对比分析。该研究结果能够较好地反映南北地震带地区的地震烈度衰减规律,对该地区的地震灾害快速评估具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Wigner-Ville分布及其在地震衰减估计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
地震信号的衰减一般是在频域内利用信号功率谱的统计性质进行表征。但是,传统的基于傅立叶变换的功率谱估计方法的分辨率较低,使得衰减估计的精度较低。Wigner-Ville分布是一种重要的Cohen类时频分布,它具有一系列的优良性质,如时频边缘分布性质、好的时频聚集性等。这些性质对信号的时频分析具有重要意义。因此,Wigner-Ville分布为地震信号的衰减估计提供了新的手段。本文首先介绍了Wigner-Ville分布以及能够减少或消除交叉项影响的平滑Wigner-Ville分布,然后,提出了一种基于Wigner-Ville分布的衰减估计方法。在这一方法中,利用Wigner-Ville分布得到的瞬时能量谱中高频段的能量下降速率度量衰减。将这一方法应用到塔中地区奥陶系礁滩相碳酸盐岩储层预测,结果表明,基于Wigner-Ville分布的衰减能够有效地检测出礁滩相带和泻湖区域之间衰减特性的差异。  相似文献   

重庆及邻近地区地震烈度衰减关系分析与确定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据重庆及邻近地区的地震烈度资料,通过回归分析得到了重庆及邻近地区地震烈度衰减规律。这些研究可供重庆及邻近地区进行地震危险性分析和抗震规划时使用。  相似文献   

A method for the calculation of seismic waves velocities at focal depth is here proposed. A stratified earth model with spherical symmetry and the analytical relationship between the epicentral distance and the travel times of seismic waves are used.This method, applied to the southern Tyrrhenian region and to the Japanese islands, allows to reduce the observed travel times to the focal depth independently of a particular velocity model.  相似文献   

The attenuation characteristics of Indian lithosphere and its comparison with different tectonic settings in the world are determined from the observations of the Q for Lg(QLg)-, and S(QS)-waves in the 1-30 Hz frequency range. The scattering is approximated with a Gaussian distribution of spherical scatterers. To approximate single scattering, we use Dainty's [Geophy. Res. Lett. 8 (11) (1981) 1126] model that attenuation is given by 1/Q(ω) = 1/Qi + g(ω)v/ω, where Qi is intrinsic Q due to anelastic attenuation, v is shear wave velocity, ω is angular frequency, g = ∫n(a)σ da is the total scattering coefficient for S-to-S scattering, n(a) da is the number of scattering spheres of radius a per unit volume, and σ is the scattering cross-section for the sphere. We find that if n(a) is described by a simple two parameter (a0 and c) Gaussian of amplitude c and standard deviation and mean a0, the attenuation data for different regions of the world are well approximated over the frequency band of seismic observations. Our major findings are: (1) the maximum effect of scattering on attenuation occurs at 0.84 Hz or a wavelength of 4.16 km; (2) the values of g are frequency dependent. Values of g are of the order of 10−3 km−1 at 1-30 Hz, varying from 0.0031 to 0.01 and 0.001 to 0.0083 km−1 for tectonically active and stable regions, respectively; (3) regions of active tectonics and seismicity generally have lower Qi values (1000) than that in stable regions (2000); and (4) regions of high Qi value exhibit low intensity of scattering.  相似文献   

简述了改进的最佳匹配地震子波的小波函数构造及参数的物理含义;根据地震波的高、低频分量在黏弹介质中传播时被地层吸收的差异,给出了一种在时-频域定性估计地震波衰减特性的方法;分别以改进的最佳匹配地震子波的小波及Morlet小波作为母小波分析地层吸收特性,并比较了两种小波函数刻画地层吸收特性的能力;测试了这种方法对噪声的敏感程度. 将文中提出的方法用于某油田的一段实测地震资料衰减分析,得到的吸收特性剖面能较好地反映油气的空间展布.  相似文献   

利用海南岛及邻区17次地震的42条等震线数据,通过最小二乘法回归分析得到海南岛及邻区地震烈度衰减关系;这些资料符合海南岛历史和近代地震震害分布的地域性特点,可进一步应用于地震安全性评价、震害预测和快速评估损失等工作。  相似文献   

随机弹性介质中地震波散射衰减分析(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震波衰减一直是许多学科研究的热点,因为可以反映介质的特性。导致地震波衰减的因素很多,如:传播过程中由于能量扩散导致的几何衰减,固体岩石内部晶粒间相对滑移导致的摩擦衰减,岩石结构不均匀引起的地震波散射衰减。本文主要从统计的观点出发,通过多次数值模拟的方法研究纵波散射在随机弹性介质中所引发的衰减。首先用随机理论建立了二维空间随机弹性介质模型,然后用错格伪谱法的数值方法模拟了波在随机介质中的传播,再通过波场中虚拟检波器的记录,用谱比法估计了弹性波在随机介质中的散射衰减。不同非均匀程度随机弹性介质中的数值结果表明:介质不均匀程度越高,散射衰减越大;在散射体尺寸小于波长的前提下,不同散射体尺寸的计算结果说明:散射体尺寸越大,弹性波衰减越明显。最后提出了一种不均匀孔隙介质中流体流动衰减的方法。通过对随机孔隙介质中地震波的总衰减和散射衰减分别进行了计算,并定量得出了随机孔隙介质中流体流动衰减,结果表明:在实际地震频段下,当介质不均匀尺度101米量级时,散射衰减比流体流动衰减要大,散射衰减是地震波在实际不均匀岩石孔隙介质中衰减的主要原因。  相似文献   

由于介观尺度的孔隙流体流动,弹性波传播过孔隙岩层时在地震频段表现出较强的频散和衰减。Johnson理论给出了在任意孔隙形状的条件下,部分气水饱和孔隙介质的理论相速度和品质因子的解析解。本文在Johnson模型的基础上,通过对Q值曲线的低频和高频近似,推导了Q值曲线的近似公式,以及基于孔隙介质基本地球物理参数和孔隙斑块几何形态参数T和比表面积S/V的最大衰减Qmin近似公式。通过与理论值的对比,对Qmin近似公式存在的线性误差进行改正,进一步提高了精度。复杂的斑块形态对最大衰减Qmin和过渡频率ftr的都产生一定影响,且对ftr影响更大。因为数值模拟直接求解介观尺度的Biot孔隙介质方程需要极大的计算量,我们使用Zener模型建立了等效粘弹模型,有效地模拟了地震频带内的衰减和频散现象。  相似文献   

地震波衰减的物理机制研究   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:11  
对近年来有关地震波衰减的物理机制进行评述和初步研究认为,对于地壳介质,造成地震波衰减的主要原因是地壳内存在大量裂隙,裂纹中饱含水或部分含水,地震波传播时引起裂隙中的流体运动,从而造成地震波的衰减,对于上地幔,扩散控制的位错阻尼机制可能是造成地幔地震波衰减的一个重要原因,而上地幔软流层部分熔融的存在也是造成地震波衰减不可忽视的原因.  相似文献   

地震数据去噪中的小波方法   总被引:5,自引:12,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
地震资料去噪是地震数据处理中是必不可少的步骤,随着地震勘探的进步和勘探目的层加深,对地震资料的信噪比和分辨率提出了越来越高的要求.小波分析作为一个新兴的数学方法在地震资料去噪中也有巨大的潜力.本文从小波去噪的特点出发,介绍了小波分频和小波域阈值去噪的特点,并详细总结了地震资料去噪中的小波方法,主要有面波的压制和随机噪声的衰减.最后简要叙述了地震资料小波去噪的一些问题和发展.  相似文献   

通过对沙漠区近地表地层大量微测井资料的对比分析发现,速度梯度带的存在可能是导致低降速带地震波衰减的一个重要原因.本文在沙漠地区低降速带速度结构分析的基础上,研究地震波在线性过渡体地层的传播规律,并同实际观测记录进行对比,从理论和实际上验证上述推论的正确性.  相似文献   

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