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Capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (C-GC-MS) and Iatroscan thin layer chromatography-flame ionisation detection (TLC-FID) were used to study hydrocarbon distributions in a sediment core from Ace Lake, a saline, meromictic lake in the Vestfold Hills of Antarctica. Hydrocarbons were abundant in most core sections (up to 125/μg/g dry wt), particularly in near-surface samples, and the distributions were very complex. Major constituents were identified as phytane, 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane, tetrahydrosqualene, a mixture of phytenes, cholesta-3,5-diene and fern-7-ene. Smaller amounts of sterenes and hopenes were also present. The predominance of the first 3 acyclic isoprenoids in sediments buried less than 30 cm is consistent with high populations of methanogenic bacteria known to be present.Phytenes were abundant in all core sections, and there was no relationship between their abundance and that of phytane which suggests that they were not derived from methanogenic bacteria. Phytadienes were minor constituents at all depths studied. An unusual feature of some distributions was the high concentrations of fern-7-ene which was the major hydrocarbon in the 20–25 cm core section. This alkene was only abundant in sediments which contained high concentrations of methanogen markers suggesting that it may also be indicative of anoxic depositional environments. A possible source might be from purple non-sulphur bacteria. High concentrations of straight-chain C29 and C34 alkenes were also found in these sediments but their origin has not been determined. Major changes in the hydrocarbon distributions with depth indicate that the depositional environment in the lake has altered dramatically since the lake was formed less than 8000 years ago. The present condition of permanent anoxic bottom waters probably developed only in the last 1000 years.  相似文献   

对龙河口水库建库以来代表性沉积物柱样(ALE)进行了磁性参数测量和粒度分析,探讨了各磁性参数随深度变化的特点及与粒度参数的关系。同时通过与流域降水量曲线的比较,认为库区沉积物受降水量影响显著,cARM/c可作为反映流域降水量变化的一个间接指标。  相似文献   

This paper presents the first detailed multi-element geochemical data from the late Quaternary sediments of the Tecocomulco lake basin (central Mexico) and rocks exposed in the basin catchments to understand the extents of chemical weathering and provenance of the siliciclastic fractions. Ternary diagrams of A-CN-K, A-C-N and A-CNK-FM and elemental ratios suggest that most of the lacustrine sediments were derived from mafic volcanic deposits comprising the Chichicuatla and the Apan-Peñon andesites and the Apan-Tezontepec basaltic-andesites. The felsic tephra layers have chemical compositions comparable to the Acoculco volcanic sequences. The calculated indices of chemical weathering such as chemical index of alteration (CIA), plagioclase index of alteration (PIA) and chemical index of weathering (CIW) indicate low to extreme chemical weathering for the lacustrine sediments and low chemical weathering for tephra layers. The varying degree of chemical weathering in lacustrine sediments is related to the fluctuating average annual precipitation during the late Quaternary. However, the low weathering of tephra layers are due to their higher rate of deposition. The dacite-rhyolitic tephra layers of ca. 31,000 14C yr BP are relatively more weathered compared to the unweathered rhyolitic tephra of ca. 50,000 14C yr BP. This could be due to the rapid deposition of ca. 200 cm of tephra layers during the ca. 50,000 14C yr BP volcanic eruption that might have prevented the interaction between tephra layers and weathering agents.  相似文献   

Lake Boksehandsken, the largest lake on Jameson Land, central East Greenland, is situated 54 m a.s.l. and holds a long (6.3 m) and complex stratigraphy. It was analysed with respect to lithology, carbon content, 14C, micro- and macrofossils. The diamict material in the bottom is overlain by a fining-upwards sequence, possibly deposited close to a receding ice margin in a glaciomarine environment. These deposits are interpreted to have been formed at the time of the marine limit ( c . 70 m) in the area. In spite of a large series of 14C datings, very few of the obtained dates were considered reliable. This is because the sediments contain coal fragments and old redeposited plant remains. Based on a set of arguments and correlations to the surrounding glacial stratigraphy it is implied that the marine limit and deglaciation cannot be much older than 10,000 BP. The lithology of the lake sediments, in combination with occurrence of marine macrofossils. shows that deglaciation was succeeded by a (glacio)marine depositional environment. The lake was isolated from the sea at c . 9000 BP. followed by a short transgression and a final isolation at c . 8400 BP. This sequence of events is demonstrated by both litho-and biostratigraphy and possible causes are discussed. A later oscillation some time between 8000 and 7500 BP. evidenced by litho-, carbon-, pollen- and Pecliastrum stratigraphy, is interpreted as a regional climatic cooling possibly correlatable to a distinct δ18O minima in the Greenland ice cores.  相似文献   

Cores and outcrops from the southern shore of Lake Biel were studied to reconstruct the nearshore environment of the lake between ca. 12000 and 5000 yr BP. Core correlations were established by lithostratigraphical and pollen analytical correlations. From the Allerød to the Preboreal time quiet hydrodynamic conditions favoured the deposition of lake marl in the littoral zone and peat on the shore. Between the Preboreal(?) and the Atlantic the littoral zone shows a higher hydrodynamic environment with allochthonous material, whereas peat and clay layers are recorded from the shore. During the Older Atlantic severe erosional episodes caused the erosion of Boreal, Preboreal and Younger Atlantic layers. The previously described long hiatus between the Allerød and the Boreal time can now be connected with these erosional episodes. From Younger Atlantic to Subboreal time the littoral zone displays quiet conditions again with sedimentation of lake marl. On the basis of these results a lake level curve for Lake Biel is proposed: high lake level stands can be traced during the Allerød, Boreal, Older Atlantic and Younger Atlantic biozones; low lake level stands are found during the Allerød, Younger Dryas, Preboreal and Older Atlantic biozones.  相似文献   

武汉市东湖沉积物的磁性特征与重金属含量之间的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对武汉市东湖主湖区的郭郑湖和塘林湖114个沉积物样品的磁化率与代表性样品的频率磁化率系数、磁滞回线参量和重金属元素进行系统分析, 综合区域环境背景, 探讨应用岩石磁性方法技术评价大型城市内陆湖泊沉积物污染程度的可行性及其效果.结果表明, 在主成分中, 郭郑湖沉积物没有一个主成分占绝对优势, 仅有少数重金属元素含量与磁化率相关, 磁化率χ与重金属富集强度的相关性较差; 而塘林湖沉积物有一个“工业源”的主成份占绝对优势, Fe (全铁)、Co、V、Mn、Ti、Ba、Cr、Ni、Cu等元素与饱和等温剩磁SIRM、χ关系密切(相关系数大于0.87).郭郑湖与塘林湖的沉积物的饱和等温剩磁与重金属富集强度的相关程度高于磁化率, 因此, 可以用其(SIRM) 作为环境污染程度的指示参量.   相似文献   

Greigite has been identified in the sediments of Loch Lomond using X-ray diffraction. Greigite is the dominant magnetic mineral in the oldest sediments recovered, while magnetite predominates in the younger sediments which had previously been used for palaeomagnetic secular variation studies. A layer of sediment in between these two magnetic mineral regimes has very low magnetic concentrations, probably as a consequence of magnetite dissolution associated with sulphide rich pore-waters produced at the time of a marine incursion. The greigite largely oxidises once the sediment is exposed to air, but if freeze dried the greigite becomes surprisingly stable. Following freeze drying the greigite can be heated to 280°C in air before it alters and loses its strong ferrimagnetic properties.  相似文献   

盐湖沉积具有成盐多期性和长期性、沉积连续性、淡化-咸化周期性等特色,因而成为在恢复古气候环境、进行全球变化研究的重要研究对象之一。本文以我国东部独具特色的古近纪古盐湖盆地--江汉盆地潜江凹陷潜江组盐韵律为例,通过对王平1等3口井连续取心段的精细研究,在前人划分Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级盐韵律的基础上,首次划分出组成含盐层系基础韵律单元--Ⅳ级盐韵律,弄清了其沉积过程基本遵循从盐岩→(含泥)钙芒硝岩→含云泥岩(含泥云岩)→泥岩→白云岩→钙芒硝岩→盐岩的淡化-咸化序列和盐类矿物的析出顺序;解析了Ⅳ级盐韵律及其沉积组合记录与水体古盐度波动和短尺度(0.05ka -1.0ka)古气候干-湿变化之间的对应关系。根据典型暖相盐类矿物原生钙芒硝及其薄层在潜江组中广泛发育,可以推断江汉盆地流域在晚始新世-早渐新世潜江组沉积期间,所出现的干旱古气候背景属于暖旱型而非寒旱型。  相似文献   

In order to establish paleoenvironmental conditions during the late Quaternary, four cores from the Basin of Mexico (central Mexico) were drilled in Chalco Lake, located in the southeastern part of the basin. The upper 8 m of two parallel cores were studied, using paleomagnetic, loss-on-ignition, pollen, and diatom analyses. Based on 11 14C ages, the analyzed record spans the last 19,000 14C yr B.P. Volcanic activity has affected microfossil abundances, both directly and indirectly, resulting in absence or reduction of pollen and diatom assemblages. Important volcanic activity took place between 19,000 and 15,000 yr B.P. when the lake was a shallow alkaline marsh and an increase of grassland pollen suggests a dry, cold climate. During this interval, abrupt environmental changes with increasing moisture occurred. From 15,000 until 12,500 yr B.P. the lake level increased and the pollen indicates wetter conditions. The highest lake level is registered from 12,500 to ca. 9000 yr B.P. The end of the Pleistocene is characterized by an increase in humidity. From 9000 until ca. 3000 yr B.P. Chalco Lake was a saline marsh and the pollen record indicates warmer conditions. After 3000 yr B.P. the lake level increased and human disturbance dominates the lacustrine record.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating of the organic-rich sediments of Lake Illisarvik in the outer Mackenzie Delta indicates that formation of the lake occurred approximately 9500yr BP, with maximum expansion around 6000 yr BP. Sedimentation rates have remained relatively constant at an average of 0.3mm/yr. 13C results on biogenic and inorganic carbonates and organics indicate a change from dominantly terrestrial organics (?27 to ?28%0) to submerged aquatic vegetation or plankton (?18 to ?23%0) upon formation of the lake (9500yr BP), and a dramatic return to dominantly terrestrial organics at 5800yr BP (δ13C = ?27 to ?30%0). This latter shift is accompanied by a drastic reduction in the macroflora and fauna populations. 18O results suggest that a warmer climate than today existed prior to the shift at 5800yr BP.  相似文献   

High resolution sampling of sediment cores covering approximately the last 4000 yr from Lochan Uaine, a small corrie loch in the Scottish Cairngorm Mountains, show quasi‐periodic cycles in organic matter (measured as percentage loss on ignition). Analysis of these cycles show correspondences between loss on ignition, δ13C values and chironomid head capsule abundance. We interpret the changes as reflecting changes in lake productivity and hypothesise that they are driven by climate variability. However, it is not yet clear whether the periods of relatively high organic matter production and preservation are associated with colder or with warmer conditions. Nevertheless the results indicate the value of using sediments from remote, undisturbed mountain lakes as recorders of Holocene climate variability. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

查玲珑  徐宗恒  张宇 《第四纪研究》2022,42(6):1643-1654

滑坡堵江形成的堰塞湖沉积物是很好的地质记录体,是古气候和古环境很好的“见证者和记录者”,而沉积物的粒度特征是普遍、常用且重要的解析指标,对其进行精确测量就显得格外重要。本研究以云南省永胜县下院滑坡堰塞湖沉积物10.5 m厚的剖面为研究对象,从顶至底共取得15层样品,对样品采用5种不同的前处理方法以后用Mastersizer 2000粒度仪对其粒度进行测量,对75个样品测试结果从粒度频率、平均粒径、分选系数、偏度、峰度分析等参数来分析不同前处理对粒度特征的影响。结果表明:粒度频率分布曲线随前处理方法不同而不同,但均呈单峰形态,沉积物颗粒物质来源单一,非多物源沉积;加分散剂会使部分样品分选系数小幅增大,但对平均粒径、偏度、峰度均没有明显影响,表明采用超声波振荡也可以有好的分散效果;在本研究低有机质含量的堰塞湖沉积物中采用过氧化氢(H2O2)对有机质进行去除不会对平均粒径、分选系数、偏度和峰度产生显著影响;盐酸对粒度特征影响最为明显,特别是对于细粒沉积物,会使粒度整体变粗,20~50 μm粒组颗粒含量大幅增加,使所有粘土质粉砂皆转为粉砂;添加盐酸会使分选系数减小,分选性变好;对低偏度的沉积物使其偏度增加,对高偏度沉积物则使其偏度减小;对低峰度沉积物使其峰度增加。结合矿物分析结果和其他粒度参数分析可知,受不同前处理方法的影响不同类型不同成土条件形成的土样颗粒特征不同,需选择适宜的方法对不同沉积物样品进行前处理,本研究中建议采用C方法对滑坡堰塞湖沉积物进行前处理。


The macrofossils, lithology and chronology of two lake basins on Disko in central West Greenland have been investigated. Both lakes were isolated from the sea in the mid-Holocene as a result of relative land uplift. A marine-brackish-limnic sequence was recovered from the Qivittut Lake. The marine fauna is unusually diverse, whereas the brackish water fauna consists only of few species. Immediately after isolation the lake passed through a short-lived eutrophic phase, after which stable, mesotrophic conditions were established. From the second lake basin, the Fortunebay Lake, only limnic sediments were recovered. This lake record demonstrates that rather stable conditions have persisted since mid-Holocene times. Both lakes show anomalously high accumulation rates.  相似文献   

对察尔汗盐湖ISL1A钻孔沉积物样品进行了有机分子地球化学分析, 检测出了丰富的类脂物, 包括正构烷烃、一元正脂肪酸、一元正脂肪醇等, 本文主要讨论正构烷烃类脂物的分布特征。正构烷烃的分布型式表明其来源于低等菌藻类生物和陆生高等植物, 正构烷烃的高碳数部分均有显著的奇偶优势, 高碳数正构烷烃全部以C31 为主峰碳。正构烷烃分布特征表明在110.1~50.1 ka B.P.期间, 察尔汗盐湖地区为草原植被景观。对C27、C29、C31 长链正构烷烃进行了单体碳同位素测定, 利用二元模式估算了C3 和 C4 植物的相对输入贡献, 结果表明, 以C3 植物为主。  相似文献   

The Holocene environmental history of South Georgia is important because of the island's location in the Southern Westerlies in an oceanic zone of the world devoid of high resolution terrestrial records. This is the first attempt to interpret a palaeoenvironmental record from lake sediments in South Georgia. It is based on a wide variety of analyses undertaken on cores from two lakes. Both are in the same, unglaciated, drainage basin, but one is at 80 m above sea-level and near the altitudinal limit for vegetation growth, whereas the other is at 25 m and within the zone of continuous vegetation cover. Results from both lakes indicate shifts of vegetation boundaries, which, together with evidence for changing biotic productivity within the lakes themselves, are interpreted as indicating climatic changes. Radiocarbon dates on the main changes identify a climatic optimum, beginning before 5620 ± 290 14C yr BP, and ending at around 4815 ± 330 14C yr BP, when conditions in the upper part of the catchment were more conducive to plant growth than they are today. The record obtained from the lower lake was shorter, but indicates two periods of harsher climate relative to the present since 4000 yr BP. This interpretation of the lake evidence agrees with other dated evidence of environmental change from peat sections, glacial stratigraphy and geomorphology in South Georgia. Together the work allows an overall reconstruction of environmental change in the Holocene.  相似文献   

笔者通过对长江三角洲平原晚新生代钻孔SG7孔沉积物的粒度和磁性分析,揭示磁性矿物类型随时间的演变,探讨新构造运动、气候、海平面等对本区沉积物源、沉积环境的耦合作用。研究结果显示,上新世磁性强弱相间,且达到全剖面最强,磁性矿物为磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿、针铁矿和黄铁矿,反映本区气候暖湿,发育山间湖泊,沉积物主要来自周边白龙港玄武岩的风化产物;早更新世早期,磁性为全剖面最弱,以磁铁矿为主,反映在构造沉降作用下,发生物源改变,即主要来自贫铁的中酸性浅成岩或喷出岩,同时沉积物主要为冰期的河道相沉积,反映山间河流/冲积扇环境;早更新世晚期至晚更新世末,磁性显著增强且和沉积物粗细变化一致,粗颗粒沉积物中磁性矿物以变质岩来源的粗粒磁铁矿为主,细粒沉积物中磁性矿物见针铁矿、赤铁矿和黄铁矿,反映古地理环境逐渐向冲积平原、滨海平原演变;自晚更新世晚期出现细粒磁赤铁矿和磁铁矿,反映长江上游物源的加入。全新世沉积物磁性较更新世泥质沉积物显著增强,反映长江河口、三角洲环境。  相似文献   

散落核素7Be和137Cs在洱海和红枫湖沉积物中蓄积对比   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
沉积物柱芯分别采自滇西地区的洱海和黔中地区的红枫(及百花)湖,散落核素7Be和137Cs在沉积物中的蓄积特征对比分析表明,7Be在洱海及红枫湖沉积物中的累计值分别为(237±73)Bq/m2和(783±44)Bq/m2;按校正到沉降年代的数值,1986年以前137Cs的累计值分别为(519±26)Bq/m2及(3704±56)Bq/m2.由模式计算获知,(1)7Be和137Cs在红枫湖沉积物中的蓄积以侵蚀影响为主;在洱海的蓄积受直接散落控制.(2)在洱海和红枫湖地区7Be大气散落累计值分别为(0.07±0.02)Bq/cm2及(0.08±0.01)Bq/cm2;1986年以前137Cs大气散落累计值分别为(0.11±0.01)Bq/cm2及(0.37±0.01)Bq/cm2,显示出滇西与黔中地区之间137Cs散落的地区差异.这一现象可能反映出青藏高原对滇西地区存在着全球性大气扩散污染物散落的屏蔽效应.  相似文献   

洱海沉积物化学元素与古气候演化   总被引:46,自引:2,他引:46  
陈敬安  万国江 《地球化学》1999,28(6):562-570
测定了洱海沉积物中常量和微量元素的含量,利用因子分析方法,识别了控制沉积物化学组成的三个主要因子:流域侵蚀因子、早期成岩因子和湖 内生碳酸钙了。进一步 研究还发现,流域了和湖泊内生碳酸钙沉淀因子的因子得分曲线作为气候干湿和冷暖变化的代用曲线。从而为古气候重建提供了一条有效的新途径。结合沉积的柱^210Pb和^137C计年结果,初步评价了600多年来洱海区域气候及环境演化历史,提示他该区暖干与冷湿相  相似文献   

浅水湖泊沉积物中磷的地球化学特征   总被引:82,自引:2,他引:82       下载免费PDF全文
对太湖不同污染状况和生态系统状况的湖区沉积物中磷的地球化学形态及其分布进行了研究。结果发现,沉积物的理化性质和磷的化学形态一般都在表层下深5~15cm发生明显的转折;草型湖区、藻型湖区、开阔湖面的大湖区沉积物的理化性质、间隙水中的磷浓度及沉积物中磷的形态存在较大的差异。东太湖沉积物间隙水磷浓度和交换态磷含量都显著低于其他湖区;风浪扰动相对剧烈的开阔湖面湖区沉积物中磷的沉积规律也不同于梅梁湾藻型湖区和东太湖草型湖区。研究表明,浅水湖泊中水生生物状况、风浪扰动状况对沉积物中磷的地球化学行为有至关重要的影响。  相似文献   

Ian Snowball 《地学学报》1993,5(3):258-270
A mineral magnetic study of lacustrine sediments and soils from the Kårsa valley in Lappland, Sweden was undertaken to estimate the potential of mineral magnetic techniques in elucidating the variability of climate, recorded by glacier fluctuations and soil development. Sediment cores from two lake basins receiving sediment input from a glacial outflow stream, and their respective catchments, show a mineral magnetic record that can be interpreted in terms of glacial activity and soil development. Dissolution of magnetite is indicated during periods of climatic amelioration and causes a high S-ratio. During periods of glacial advance (and colder, wetter climate) the minerogenic sediment supply is increased and magnetite is preserved in the sediment, resulting in a low S-ratio. Variations in the S-ratio can then be used as a proxy-climate indicator.  相似文献   

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