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T. C. Sharma 《水文研究》1998,12(4):597-611
In many arid and semi-arid environments of the world, years of extended droughts are not uncommon. The occurrence of a drought can be reflected by the deficiency of the rainfall or stream flow sequences below the long-term mean value, which is generally taken as the truncation level for the identification of the droughts. The commonly available statistics for the above processes are mean, coefficient of variation and the lag-one serial correlation coefficient, and at times some indication of the probability distribution function (pdf) of the sequences. The important elements of a drought phenomenon are the longest duration and the largest severity for a desired return period, which form a basis for designing facilities to meet exigencies arising as a result of droughts. The sequences of drought variable, such as annual rainfall or stream flow, may follow normal, log-normal or gamma distributions, and may evolve in a Markovian fashion and are bound to influence extremal values of the duration and severity. The effect of the aforesaid statistical parameters on the extremal drought durations and severity have been analysed in the present paper. A formula in terms of the extremal severity and the return period ‘T’ in years has been suggested in parallel to the flood frequency formula, commonly cited in the hydrological texts. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
T.C. Sharma 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(3):549-569
Abstract A hydrological drought magnitude (M T ) expressed in standardized terms is predicted on annual, monthly and weekly time scales for a sampling period of T years in streamflow data from the Canadian prairies. The drought episodes are considered to follow the Poisson law of probability and, when coupled with the gamma probability distribution function (pdf) of drought magnitude (M) in the extreme number theorem, culminate in a relationship capable of evaluating the expected value, E(M T ). The parameters of the underlying pdf of M are determined based on the assumption that the drought intensity follows a truncated normal pdf. The E(M T ) can be evaluated using only standard deviation (σ), lag-1 autocorrelation (ρ) of the standardized hydrological index (SHI) sequence, and a weighting parameter Φ (ranging from 0 to 1) to account for the extreme drought duration (L T ), as well as the mean drought duration (Lm ), in a characteristic drought length (Lc ). The SHI is treated as standard normal variate, equivalent to the commonly-used standardized precipitation index. A closed-form relationship can be used for the estimation of first-order conditional probabilities, which can also be estimated from historical streamflow records. For all rivers, at the annual time scale, the value of Φ was found equal to 0.5, but it tends to vary (in the range 0 to 1) from river to river at monthly and weekly time scales. However, for a particular river, the Φ value was nearly constant at monthly and weekly time scales. The proposed method estimates E(M T ) satisfactorily comparable to the observed counterpart. At the annual time scale, the assumption of a normal pdf for drought magnitude tends to yield results in close proximity to that of a gamma pdf. The M T , when transformed into deficit-volume, can form a basis for designing water storage facilities and for planning water management strategies during drought periods. Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor C. Onof Citation Sharma, T.C. and Panu, U.S., 2013. A semi-empirical method for predicting hydrological drought magnitudes in the Canadian prairies. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 549–569. 相似文献
Abstract Two parameters of importance in hydrological droughts viz. the longest duration, LT and the largest severity, ST (in standardized form) over a desired return period, T years, have been analysed for monthly flow sequences of Canadian rivers. An important point in the analysis is that monthly sequences are non-stationary (periodic-stochastic) as against annual flows, which fulfil the conditions of stochastic stationarity. The parameters mean, μ, standard deviation, σ (or coefficient of variation), lag1 serial correlation, ρ, and skewness, γ (which is helpful in identifying the probability distribution function) of annual flow sequences, when used in the analytical relationships, are able to predict expected values of the longest duration, E(LT ) in years and the largest standardized severity, E(ST ). For monthly flow sequences, there are 12 sets of these parameters and thus the issue is how to involve these parameters to derive the estimates of E(LT ) and E(ST ). Moreover, the truncation level (i.e. the monthly mean value) varies from month to month. The analysis in this paper demonstrates that the drought analysis on an annual basis can be extended to monthly droughts simply by standardizing the flows for each month. Thus, the variable truncation levels corresponding to the mean monthly flows were transformed into one unified truncation level equal to zero. The runs of deficits in the standardized sequences are treated as drought episodes and thus the theory of runs forms an essential tool for analysis. Estimates of the above parameters (denoted as μav, σav, ρav, and γav) for use in the analytical relationships were obtained by averaging 12 monthly values for each parameter. The product- and L-moment ratio analyses indicated that the monthly flows in the Canadian rivers fit the gamma probability distribution reasonably well, which resulted in the satisfactory prediction of E(LT ). However, the prediction of E(ST ) tended to be more satisfactory with the assumption of a Markovian normal model and the relationship E(ST ) ≈ E(LT ) was observed to perform better. 相似文献
利用西江下游马口水文站1959 2009年月径流量数据计算径流干旱指数,经游程理论提取了水文干旱特征值.应用Copula函数分析水文干旱强度和历时之间的联合概率分布.对构建的干旱历时和强度联合分布模式进行分析,结果表明:(1)径流干旱历时和强度之间具有高关联性,秩相关系数达0.617;(2)三参数Weibull分布较好地描述了干旱历时和强度的边缘分布特征;(3)经拟合优度检验结果优选的干旱历时和强度之间的较优连接函数为Archimedean类的Gumbel-Hougaard Copula函数;(4)5~10年重现期和20年重现期的水文干旱分别达到了重旱级别和特旱级别;(5)干旱历时和强度之间的遭遇概率可为特定干旱历时与水文干旱级别或特定干旱强度与干旱历时之间的对应关系提供概率意义上的干旱特征诊断与预测. 相似文献
MIKE BONELL 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(5):809-810
Abstract Since droughts are natural phenomena, their occurrence cannot be predicted with certainty and thus it must be treated as a random variable. Once drought duration and magnitude have been found objectively, it is possible to plan for the transport of water in known quantities to drought-stricken areas either from alternative water resources or from water stored during wet periods. The summation of deficits over a particular period is referred to as the drought magnitude. Drought intensity is the ratio of drought magnitude to its duration. These drought properties at different truncation levels provide significant hydrological and hydrometeorological design quantities. In this study, the run analysis and z-score are used for determining drought properties of given hydrological series. In addition, kriging is used as a spatial drought analysis for mapping. This study is applied to precipitation records for Istanbul, Edirne, Tekirdag and Kirklareli in the Trakya region, Turkey and then the drought period, magnitude and standardized precipitation index (SPI) values are presented to depict the relationships between drought duration and magnitude. 相似文献
In Part 1 we demonstrated the applicability of stochastic models to predicting the characteristics of point drought events within any planning period by means of a case study (Mohan S, Sahoo PK (2007) Hydrological Processes 21 : this issue). In addition, studies on regional droughts are important in the context of regional level planning and evolving management strategies. The small number of drought events from a particular streamflow or rainfall series, when subjected to statistical analysis in order to predict future occurrences, produces results that are not very reliable. To overcome this difficulty, we propose using a long sequence of synthetically generated annual rainfall series at various rain‐gauge stations of a region, and multiyear regional droughts were derived from both historic and generated series. The key parameters for a successful regional multiyear drought study are the critical area ratio and the critical level, and the area affected by the drought can be ascertained using these parameters. The important regional drought parameters were determined and their suitable probability distributions were arrived at by studying a total of nine possible probability models; these models can be used in predicting the longest regional drought duration and the greatest regional drought severity with a given return period. The effect of change of critical parameters on the regional drought parameters is also studied and reported. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Drought is a temporary, random and regional climatic phenomenon, originating due to lack of precipitation leading to water deficit and causing economic loss. Success in drought alleviation depends on how well droughts are defined and their severity quantified. A quantitative definition identifies the beginning, end, spatial extent and the severity of drought. Among the available indices, no single index is capable of fully describing all the physical characteristics of drought. Therefore, in most cases it is useful and necessary to consider several indices, examine their sensitivity and accuracy, and investigate for correlation among them. In this study, the geographical information system‐based Spatial and Time Series Information Modeling (SPATSIM) and Daily Water Resources Assessment Modeling (DWRAM) software were used for drought analysis on monthly and daily bases respectively and its spatial distribution in both dry and wet years. SPATSIM utilizes standardized precipitation index (SPI), effective drought index (EDI), deciles index and departure from long‐term mean and median; and DWRAM employs only EDI. The analysis of data from the Kalahandi and Nuapada districts of Orissa (India) revealed that (a) droughts in this region occurred with a frequency of once in every 3 to 4 years, (b) droughts occurred in the year when the ratio of annual rainfall to potential evapotranspiration (Pae/PET) was less than 0·6, (c) EDI better represented the droughts in the area than any other index; (d) all SPI, EDI and annual deviation from the mean showed a similar trend of drought severity. The comparison of all indices and results of analysis led to several useful and pragmatic inferences in understanding the drought attributes of the study area. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
太湖是太湖流域最大的调蓄水体,合理地推求太湖流域设计暴雨,对于太湖设计洪水位确定非常重要.针对近年来太湖流域变化环境造成的暴雨特性及产汇流机制的变异,采用水文水动力学模型模拟分析了现状条件下太湖流域设计暴雨控制时段及时空分布对太湖洪水位影响.结果表明,以30、60、90日为控制时段的设计雨量与太湖最高洪水位关联密切,控制时段低于30日的暴雨时程分配对太湖最高洪水位基本没有影响.当设计暴雨中心位于太湖上游区域时,模拟的太湖洪水位具有明显升高的趋势,表明太湖洪水位对上游暴雨更为敏感.分析了1999、2016、2020年暴雨为典型的设计暴雨场景,结果表明,暴雨时程分配对太湖洪水位影响显著,主雨峰位于暴雨后期的设计暴雨可以造成更高的太湖洪水位.从太湖防洪安全考虑,采用30、60、90日为控制时段,暴雨中心位于上游,且雨峰位于暴雨过程后期的设计暴雨推求太湖洪水位是合适的.建议将2016、2020年暴雨过程列入太湖设计暴雨计算的备选典型,并作进一步分析论证. 相似文献
持续降雨是边坡发生失稳破坏的主要诱因之一,基于饱和—非饱和渗流理论,对梅州市大埔县某边坡的渗流场进行模拟,研究在不同降雨工况下该边坡土体体积含水率的时空变化规律。研究结果表明:相同条件下,降雨强度越大(降雨历时越长),边坡表层土体体积含水率变化越大;降雨强度60 mm/d历时1 d的暴雨对边坡表层土体体积含水率的增幅作用存在着一定的滞后性,其余工况未表现出滞后现象;降雨强度为120mm/d和300 mm/d的两种工况各研究点任意时段体积含水率较为接近;当降雨强度达到60 mm/d以上时,边坡内部体积含水率空间变化主要受降雨历时影响,降雨历时越长,降雨入渗深度和体积含水率变化越大。 相似文献
K. J. SENE 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(1):125-145
Abstract A theoretical model is described for estimating the impacts of changes in Lake Victoria levels on river flows, lake levels and swamp areas in the upper White Nile basin. The basis of the model is to represent the main river channel by a series of interconnected lakes and swamps, whose water balances are described by differential equations relating outflows to levels, areas and the net basin supply at each point. Closed form solutions are obtained for two situations: (a) a long-term change in the mean level of Lake Victoria, and (b) a return to equilibrium levels following an initial disturbance in Lake Victoria levels. A simple model for the net basin supply to Lake Victoria is also used to relate these changes in levels to changes in climate and runoff in the basin. The results illustrate the extreme sensitivity of White Nile flows to changes in Lake Victoria levels and outflows, and in particular to variations in the direct rainfall on the lake surface. Estimates are also presented for the various time scales and time delays which affect the White Nile system. 相似文献
Heavy tailed random variables (rvs) have proven to be an essential element in modeling a wide variety of natural and human-induced processes, and the sums of heavy tailed rvs represent a particularly important construction in such models. Oriented toward both geophysical and statistical audiences, this paper discusses the appearance of the Pareto law in seismology and addresses the problem of the statistical approximation for the sums of independent rvs with common Pareto distribution F(x)=1 – x– for 1/2 < < 2. Such variables have infinite second moment which prevents one from using the Central Limit Theorem to solve the problem. This paper presents five approximation techniques for the Pareto sums and discusses their respective accuracy. The main focus is on the median and the upper and lower quantiles of the sums distribution. Two of the proposed approximations are based on the Generalized Central Limit Theorem, which establishes the general limit for the sums of independent identically distributed rvs in terms of stable distributions; these approximations work well for large numbers of summands. Another approximation, which replaces the sum with its maximal summand, has less than 10% relative error for the upper quantiles when < 1. A more elaborate approach considers the two largest observations separately from the rest of the observations, and yields a relative error under 1% for the upper quantiles and less than 5% for the median. The last approximation is specially tailored for the lower quantiles, and involves reducing the non-Gaussian problem to its Gaussian equivalent; it too yields errors less than 1%. Approximation of the observed cumulative seismic moment in California illustrates developed methods. 相似文献
Ricardo N. Szupiany Cecilia Lopez Weibel Massimo Guerrero Francisco Latosinski Molly Wood Lucas Dominguez Ruben Kevin Oberg 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2019,44(6):1295-1308
Quantifying sediment flux within rivers is a challenge for many disciplines due, mainly, to difficulties inherent to traditional sediment sampling methods. These methods are operationally complex, high cost, and high risk. Additionally, the resulting data provide a low spatial and temporal resolution estimate of the total sediment flux, which has impeded advances in the understanding of the hydro-geomorphic characteristics of rivers. Acoustic technologies have been recognized as a leading tool for increasing the resolution of sediment data by relating their echo intensity level measurements to suspended sediment. Further effort is required to robustly test and develop these techniques across a wide range of conditions found in natural river systems. This article aims to evaluate the application of acoustic inversion techniques using commercially available, down-looking acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) in quantifying suspended sediment in a large sand bed river with varying bi-modal particle size distributions, wash load and suspended-sand ratios, and water stages. To achieve this objective, suspended sediment was physically sampled along the Paraná River, Argentina, under various hydro-sedimentological regimes. Two ADCPs emitting different sound frequencies were used to simultaneously profile echo intensity level within the water column. Using the sonar equation, calibrations were determined between suspended-sand concentrations and acoustic backscatter to solve the inverse problem. The study also analyzed the roles played by each term of the sonar equation, such as ADCP frequency, power supply, instrument constants, and particle size distributions typically found in sand bed rivers, on sediment attenuation and backscatter. Calibrations were successfully developed between corrected backscatter and suspended-sand concentrations for all sites and ADCP frequencies, resulting in mean suspended-sand concentration estimates within about 40% of the mean sampled concentrations. Noise values, calculated using the sonar equation and sediment sample characteristics, were fairly constant across evaluations, suggesting that they could be applied to other sand bed rivers. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
G. Mateu-Figueras V. Pawlowsky-Glahn C. Barceló-Vidal 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2005,19(3):205-214
There is a dearth of suitable models with which to adequately model compositional data sets, especially those which exhibit skewness after additive logratio-transformation. In order to address this deficit we propose the additive logistic skew-normal distribution, an extension to the additive logistic normal model on the simplex derived from the skew-normal distribution in real space. The purpose of this paper is to outline the potential of this distribution in the modelling of compositional data. We present its most important properties and use an example to exhibit the potential of this distribution. 相似文献
Droughts are one of the normal and recurrent climatic phenomena on Earth. However, recurring prolonged droughts have caused far‐reaching and diverse impacts because of water deficits. This study aims to investigate the hydrological droughts of the Yellow River in northern China. Since drought duration and drought severity exhibit significant correlation, a bivariate distribution is used to model the drought duration and severity jointly. However, drought duration and drought severity are often modelled by different distributions; the commonly used bivariate distributions cannot be applied. In this study, a copula is employed to construct the bivariate drought distribution. The copula is a function that links the univariate marginal distributions to form the bivariate distribution. The bivariate return periods are also established to explore the drought characteristics of the historically noticeable droughts. The results show that the return period of the drought that occurred in late 1920s to early 1930s is 105 years. The significant 1997 dry‐up phenomenon that occurred in the downstream Yellow River (resulting from the 1997–1998 drought) only has a return period of 4·4 years and is probably induced by two successive droughts and deteriorated by other factors, such as human activities. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
MERVYN C. JACKSON 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(1):127-142
Abstract A simple guide (shown in the appendix) is produced, which enables a water manager or engineer to make an estimate of statistics of water equivalent of snow cover for return periods between 5 and 100 years for most places in the United Kingdom. This paper describes how the guide was produced using many different sources of data. The methods described here will be of help to both meteorologists and hydrologists in temperate countries with similar snow questions. 相似文献
Understanding the intensity and duration of tropical rain events is critical to modelling the rate and timing of wet‐canopy evaporation, the suppression of transpiration, the generation of infiltration‐excess overland flow and hence to erosion, and to river responsiveness. Despite this central role, few studies have addressed the characteristics of equatorial rainstorms. This study analyses rainfall data for a 5 km2 region largely comprising of the 4 km2 Sapat Kalisun Experimental Catchment in the interior of northeastern Borneo at sampling frequencies from 1 min?1 to 1 day?1. The work clearly shows that most rainfall within this inland, forested area is received during regular short‐duration events (<15 min) that have a relatively low intensity (i.e. less than two 0·2 mm rain‐gauge tips in almost all 5 min periods). The rainfall appears localized, with significant losses in intergauge correlations being observable in minutes in the case of the typical mid‐afternoon, convective events. This suggests that a dense rain‐gauge network, sampled at a high temporal frequency, is required for accurate distributed rainfall‐runoff modelling of such small catchments. Observed rain‐event intensity is much less than the measured infiltration capacities, and thus supports the tenet of the dominance of quick subsurface responses in controlling river behaviour in this small equatorial catchment. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
ABSTRACTRecords of precipitation extremes are essential for hydrological design. In urban hydrology, intensity–duration–frequency curves are typically estimated from observation records. However, conventional approaches seldom consider the areal extent of events. If they do, duration-dependent area reduction factors are used, but precipitation is measured at only a few locations. Due to the high spatial variability of precipitation, it is relatively unlikely that a gauged observation network will capture the extremes that occur during a precipitation event. Therefore, the area reduction approach cannot be regarded as the reduction of an observed maximum. To investigate precipitation extremes, spatial aspects need to be considered using different approaches. Here, we both address the conventional practice of area reduction and consider a within-area chance of increased precipitation, defined as the maximum precipitation intensity observed in a cluster within a selected domain. The results show that (1) the risk of urban flooding is routinely underestimated in current design practice, and (2) traditional calculations underestimate extremes by as much as 30–50%. We show how they can be revised sensibly. 相似文献
Many landslides are triggered by rainfall. Previous studies of the relationship between landslides and rainfall have concentrated on deriving minimum rainfall thresholds that are likely to trigger landslides. Though useful, these minimum thresholds derived from a log–log plot do not offer any measure of confidence in a landslide monitoring or warning system. This study presents a new and innovative method for incorporating rainfall into landslide modelling and prediction. The method involves three steps: compiling radar reflectivity data in a QPESUMS (quantitative precipitation estimation and segregation using multiple sensors) system during a typhoon (tropical hurricane) event, estimating rainfall from radar data and using rainfall intensity and rainfall duration as explanatory variables to develop a landslide logit model. Given the logit model, this paper discusses ways in which the model can be used for computing probabilities of landslide occurrence for a real‐time monitoring system or a warning system, and for delineating and mapping landslides. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献