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The Kuroshio East of Taiwan and in the East China Sea and the currents East of Ryukyu Islands during early summer of 1996 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Yaochu Yuan Arata Kaneko Jilan Su Xiaohua Zhu Yonggang Liu Noriaki Gohda Hong Chen 《Journal of Oceanography》1998,54(3):217-226
Using hydrographic data and moored current meter records and the ADCP observed current data during May–June 1996, a modified
inverse method is applied to calculate the Kuroshio east of Taiwan and in the East China Sea and the currents east of Ryukyu
Islands. There are three branches of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan. The Kuroshio in the East China Sea comes from the main (first)
and second branches of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan. The easternmost (third) branch of the Kuroshio flows northeastward to
the region east of Ryukyu Islands. The net northward volume transports of the Kuroshio through Section K2 southeast of Taiwan and Section PN in the East China Sea are 44.4×106 and 27.2×106 m3s−1, respectively. The western boundary current east of Ryukyu Islands comes from the easternmost branch of the Kuroshio east
of Taiwan and an anticyclonic recirculating gyre more east, making volume transports of 10 to 15×106 m3s−1. At about 21°N, 127°E southeast of Taiwan, there is a cold eddy which causes branching of the Kuroshio there. 相似文献
To investigate the fluctuation of the Kuroshio front, moored current meters were deployed near the shelf break and on the continental slope in the East China Sea, northwest of Okinawa Island, during a period from 25 June to 22 July 1984. Two mooring arrays were deployed on the slope of about 800 m water depth (under the Kuroshio), about 30 km apart along the path of the Kuroshio. Another two arrays were set near the shelf break of about 300 m water depth. The fluctuation of current on the slope is found to have a predominant period of 11–14 days and a were length of 300–350 km, propagating toward the downstream direction of the Kuroshio with a phase velocity of about 30 cm sec?1. When the Kuroshio front approaches the shelf break and the crest of the meander covers the mooring site, the current direction moves toward the downstream direction of the Kuroshio and the water temperature increases. On the other hand, when the trough of the meander covers the mooring site, the current direction changes off-shoreward across the Kuroshio or in the upstream direction of the Kuroshio, and the water temperature decreases. Three-dimensional distributions of water temperature and salinity around the mooring site were observed with a CTD twice at 5.5 days intervals, which indicate the meanders of the front is about 180° out of phase. This coincides with a period of 11–14 days obtained with the moored current meters. Wave lengths of the dominant meander of the front in the satellite thermal images were about 350 km and 100–200 km, which also coincides with results obtained with the moored current meters. 相似文献
利用高分辨率ROMS(regional ocean modeling system)数值模式模拟东海地区的多年平均流态。数值模拟结果在黑潮的流速、路径、流量等方面与近年来对黑潮的认识相一致。利用模式结果,计算东海及邻近海域主要水道的水通量。结果表明:台湾海峡、中国台湾-西表岛之间水道是海水进入东海的主要通道,对马海峡、吐噶喇海峡、大隅海峡与西表岛-宫古岛-冲绳岛-庵美大岛之间水道是海水流出东海的主要通道。分析PN断面的流量的变化特征,结果表明黑潮流量在春季与夏季较大,秋季与冬季较小,年平均流量为24.16 Sv,与前人研究结果一致。计算跨越200 m等深线的年平均净向岸体积输送为0.99 Sv,在台湾东北与九州西南地区表现为黑潮入侵陆架地区,年平均入侵流量分别为1.907 Sv与0.065 Sv,在黑潮中段地区,跨越200 m等深线流量呈现交错状分布,年平均净通量为0.982 Sv,表现为由东海陆架地区流向黑潮。上述结果对黑潮与东海之间物质与能量交换研究有一定参考价值。 相似文献
利用卫星高度计资料和再分析资料,本文分析研究了东海黑潮强度与东亚冬季风的关系,并初步探讨了二者相互作用的可能机制。结果表明,位置相近的断面,其流强变化具有相似的特征;在年际尺度上,冬季风与东海黑潮存在相互作用。当冬季风偏强,将削弱次年2-4月SC、SD断面的流强,弱冬季风年的情况相反。冬季风对流强影响的动力过程主要通过改变Ekman输送来实现;热力过程则表现为强(弱)冬季风增大(减少)了黑潮向大气释放的热通量,从而削弱(增强)流强,这一过程主要为冬季风对黑潮的影响。当冬季风偏强时,次年10-12月黑潮中下游流强偏弱,弱冬季风年的情况相反。这一过程与2-4月情况不同,其热力过程主要表现为黑潮对冬季风的影响。强冬季风通过准两年振荡对次年冬季的黑潮流强产生影响,由此构成了一个包含海洋和大气耦合过程的正反馈机制。黑潮流域的海气相互作用过程可能受冬季风和黑潮流强相对强弱的调制,海洋过程和大气过程主导一方的转换中存在一个“临界值”。 相似文献
基于日本海洋信息中心提供的东海黑潮PN断面CTD资料,本文采用动力高度法计算了1991-2011年间90个航次的断面流速,并对流场结构、最大流速、流幅和流量进行了统计分析。结果表明:东海黑潮PN断面流场存在单核、双核、多核3种结构;其中单核结构出现的概率为50%,双核结构为39%,多核结构为11%。东海黑潮的流结构存在显著的季节变化:秋季多核结构所占的比重为4个季节最大,平均流核数最多;冬季主要为单核结构,平均流核数最少;夏季和春季则没有明显的倾向性,单核、双核、多核3种结构出现概率相近,平均流核数介于秋季和冬季之间。其次东海黑潮的流量也存在显著的季节变化:冬季与夏季最强,秋季最小,春季居中。最后东海黑潮的最大流速和流幅也存在季节变化:夏季最大,秋季最小,春季和冬季居中。 相似文献
利用2011年7月5个断面共30个站位的温盐深(CTD)测量资料,分析东海南部陆架水体的温盐结构和温跃层特征,探讨黑潮和台湾暖流对东海陆架水文状况的影响。结果显示,本区广泛存在着浅部温跃层和深部温跃层。浅部温跃层分布于20 m水深以内,跃层强度普遍较弱,具有明显的日内生消变化。深部温跃层分布于中、外陆架和台湾海峡。在中、外陆架的深水区,跃层底界深度约80 m,跃层厚度约10 m;跃层强度大,约为0.8 ℃/m,且较为稳定。在台湾海峡北部,温跃层分布于水深14~30 m,跃层厚度6~10 m,跃层强度偏弱,为0.2~0.5 ℃/m。在温跃层附近,由于上、下层水团温度、盐度的差异,其混合过程常出现盐指现象。在东海陆架90~110 m等深线之间,深部温跃层之下盘踞着一个深层冷水团,水温为16.8~17.6 ℃。黑潮水的入侵,使得外陆架温跃层强度减弱至0.2~0.5 ℃/m;同时,跃层层位上升,厚度加大。温跃层强度可以作为指示黑潮入侵的灵敏指标。当夏季深部温跃层强度低于0.6 ℃/m,同时伴随跃层厚度加大时,可判别为黑潮入侵。本区夏季黑潮锋可以到达110 m等深线附近。在中陆架50~80 m等深线之间,深部温跃层的消失,说明台湾暖流的强烈影响遍及整个水柱;而从南向北,台湾暖流的影响逐渐减弱。台湾海峡北部深层水温度较低,平均值为22.52 ℃,要比东海南部中陆架深层水低3 ℃,这可能意味着台湾暖流深层水主要源于黑潮分支的加入。 相似文献
Kerim Aydin Franz Mueter 《Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography》2007,54(23-26):2501
The Bering Sea is a high-latitude, semi-enclosed sea that supports extensive fish, seabird, marine mammal, and invertebrate populations and some of the world's most productive fisheries. The region consists of several distinct biomes that have undergone wide-scale population variation, in part due to fisheries, but also in part due to the effects of interannual and decadal-scale climatic variation. While recent decades of ocean observation have highlighted possible links between climate and species fluctuations, mechanisms linking climate and population fluctuations are only beginning to be understood. Here, we examine the food webs of Bering Sea ecosystems with particular reference to some key shifts in widely distributed, abundant fish populations and their links with climate variation. Both climate variability and fisheries have substantially altered the Bering Sea ecosystem in the past, but their relative importance in shaping the current ecosystem state remains uncertain. 相似文献
东海黑潮温盐与中国东部气温和降水的相互关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用东海黑湖主流段长时间序列的实测温盐资料,研究了东海黑潮上层温度、上层盐度的变化及其与中国东部降水和地面气温的关系。结果表明,在过去50年内,东海黑潮上层海温呈上升趋势,而上层盐度略呈下降趋势。东海黑潮上层海温和我国东部地面气温的关系在冬季十分密切,呈现出大面积显著的正相关,这与冬季南下冷空气的整体降温作用有关。夏季,长江中下游江水的增多致使大量长江冲淡水入海,导致黑潮上层水盐度下降,此时东海黑潮上层盐度与我国大陆东部降水呈负相关。 相似文献
1992年东海黑潮的变异 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
基于1992年4个航次的水文调查资料,运用改进逆方法计算了东海黑潮的流速、流量和热通量.计算结果表明:(1)PN断面黑潮在春季和秋季都有两个流核,冬季和夏季则只有一个流核.主核心皆位于坡折处.Vmax值春季最大,冬季和夏季次之,而秋季最小.黑潮以东及以下都存在逆流.(2)TK断面黑潮在冬季为两核,春、夏季为3核.海峡南端及海峡深处存在西向逆流.(3)通过A断面的对马暖流Vmax值在秋季最大,冬季最小.黄海暖流位于其西侧,相对较弱.(4)通过PN断面净北向流量夏季最大,秋季最小,而冬、春季介于上述二者之间,1992年四季平均值为28.0×106m3/s;TK断面的净东向流量也是在夏季最大;A断面净北向流量则在秋季最大.(5)PN断面4个航次的平均热通量为2.03×1015W.TK断面3个航次的平均热通量为2.00×1015W.(6)在计算海区,冬、春和秋季都是由海洋向大气放热;夏季则从大气吸热.冬季海面上热交换率最大,而夏季热交换率最小.关键词##4东海;;黑潮;;季节变化 相似文献
Variability of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea in 1995 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
INTRODUCTIONTherearemanyresearchworksabbottheKUrOShioVTanditSSeaSOnalvacationintheEastChinaho(GUan,1988;Nishizawaetal.,1982;TangandTaShiro,1993;SunandKaneko,1993;Yuanetal.,1990;Yuanetal.,1993;Yuanetal.,1994;Yuanetal.,1995;LiuandYuan,1997a,b).~previou... 相似文献
INTRODUCTIONMostofpreviousstudiesshowthatthedynamicmethodswereoftenusedtocomputethevelocityandVToftheKuroshiointheEastChinaSea(Guan,1988;Nishizawaetal.,1982;SunandKaneko,1993).Duringrecentyearsdifferentkindsofinversemethodshavebeentriedby*ThisprojectwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChinaundercontractNo.49776287.1.Secondinstituteofoceanography,StateOceanicAdministration,Hangzhou310012,ChinaYuanetul(1988,1991,1992a,1992b,1993,1994,1995).Theircalculatedresultsshowt… 相似文献
Characteristics of variations of water properties and density structure around the Kuroshio in the East China Sea 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Quarterly data of CTD at the PN line in the East China Sea during 1988–94 were analyzed to examine the variations of water
properties and density structure in relation to the Kuroshio. The Kuroshio flows over the continental slope at the PN line.
Water properties in the surface layer less than 100 db change greatly and show a clear seasonal cycle, while those in the
subsurface layer are much less variable. The small isobaric variations in the subsurface layer are almost due to the vertical
movement of isopycnals, on which the water properties vary little. The subsurface variations of salinity, temperature and
isopycnal depth are classified into four groups occurring in the four regions, divided vertically by the middle of the main
pycnocline and horizontally by the offshore edge of the Kuroshio, named Groups 1 (upper Kuroshio), 2 (upper offshore region),
3 (lower Kuroshio), and 4 (lower offshore region). The difference in averaged isopycnal depth between Groups 1 and 2 (3 and
4) is highly correlated with the vertical shear of the Kuroshio velocity in the upper (lower) pycnocline. The isopycnal depth
of Groups 1 and 3 has little annual cycle (with large intraseasonal variations in Group 3), while that of Groups 2 and 4 shows
a clear seasonal variation with the minimum in fall. As a result, the Kuroshio velocity is smallest in fall almost every year,
although the amplitude of seasonal variation and the season of maximum velocity are different from year to year. Interannual
variations of isopycnal depth are characterized by a large amplitude of Group 2 and an opposite phase between Groups 3 and
4, so that the variations of difference in isopycnal depth between Groups 1 and 2 and Groups 3 and 4, i.e., the upper and
lower shear of the Kuroshio velocity, are comparably significant. 相似文献
通过最新的高分辨率再分析海洋数据资料,对于东海黑潮以及琉球群岛以东海域的海流进行了研究。结果表明琉球群岛以东西边界流最大流速出现在600~1200 m深度的地形坡度最大处,大小约为0.2 m/s。由于冲绳岛以南庆良间水道的水交换对于东海黑潮流量有重要的影响,东海黑潮的平均流量从南向北逐渐递增,平均流量为28×106~35×106m3/s;琉球群岛以东的西边界流流量则比东海黑潮小一个量级,平均值小于其变化的方差;由于受庆良间水道海流的影响,冲绳岛东侧的流量要远小于奄美大岛东侧的流量。同一纬度大洋中西传的Rossby波对琉球群岛以东的西边界流有较大影响,因此琉球群岛以东西边界流的流量有大约100 d的显著变化周期。庆良间水道以南的东海黑潮由于主要受台湾以东黑潮流量的控制,也有大约100 d的显著变化周期,庆良间水道以北的东海黑潮则没有该特征。 相似文献
Toshimichi Ito Arata Kaneko Hirohito Furukawa Noriaki Gohda Wataru Koterayama 《Journal of Oceanography》1995,51(3):267-278
The ADCP on an advanced towed fish with controllable main and tail wings, called DRAKE measured a detailed sectional structure of the Kuroshio flowing to the NE along the East China Sea shelf slope west of Okinawa. At the observation period, a countercurrent directed to the SW formed in near-bottom water on the shelf slope. The horizontal flow perpendicular to the stream axis of the Kuroshio constructed a convergence zone around the boundary between the Kuroshio and the countercurrent. An intensive upwelling with the maximum velocity of 2.8 cm s–1 was found to distribute on the shelf slope around the convergence zone. A dynamic cause of this intensive upwelling is discussed carefully. 相似文献
On the basis of the analysis of the data obtained from five cruises of the R/V Xiangyanghong 09 and the data from Japan, it is shown that a large meander of the Kuroshio appeared again during 1986-1988. The processes of formation , maturity and decline of this large meander are discussed in this study. The variation of the volume transport at Section Kb (PN) in the East China Sea is related to the large meander of the Kuroshio in the area south of Japan. By using maximum entropy spectrum analysis,the volume transport of the Kuroshio and the swing of its axis are analysed and their major periods are obained. 相似文献
2014年夏季南海北部浮游植物群落结构 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
2014年8月20日-9月6日对南海北部(18°~22°N,114°~116°E)的11个站位进行了浮游植物群落结构的调查,其中2个站位为时间连续站。共鉴定出浮游植物4门68属229种(包括变种、变型及未定种),其中硅藻门43属147种,甲藻门20属75种。浮游植物平均细胞丰度为16.318×103 cells/L,硅藻的平均细胞丰度为14.653×103 cells/L,占总丰度的89.80%,硅藻的分布决定了浮游植物的分布。近岸冲淡水含有丰富的营养盐,因此近岸海域的细胞丰度高于大洋海域,垂直分布表现出先增加后降低的趋势。本次调查的优势种为铁氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebautii)、中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、拟脆杆藻(Fragilariopsis sp.)、短孢角毛藻(Chaetoceros brevis)、菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)、柔弱伪菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima)、尖刺伪菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzschia pungens)、扁面角毛藻(Chaetoceros compressus)、洛氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros lorenzianus)以及海洋角毛藻(Chaetoceros pelagicus),各优势种的分布趋势相似,呈现出近岸高于外海的趋势。Shannon-Weiner多样性指数与Pielou均匀度指数的平均值分别为2.37和0.56。浮游植物昼夜垂直变化明显。典范对应分析结果显示浮游植物空间分布主要受总氮盐、硅酸盐、微型浮游动物与盐度的影响。根据细胞丰度进行的站位的聚类分析显示浮游植物群落明显可划分为近岸群聚与大洋群聚。 相似文献
1993和1994年东海黑潮的变异 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
基于“长风丸”1993~1994年共8个航次的水文调查资料,采用改进逆方法计算了东海黑潮的流速、流量和热通量.计算结果表明:(1)PN断面黑潮流速在秋季时均呈双核结构;而在其他季节,有时为单核,有时为双核;黑潮主核心皆位于坡折处.黑潮以东及黑潮以下都存在南向逆流.(2)TK断面较复杂,可出现单、双或三核结构.在吐噶喇海峡中部、北部出现流核的机率较高.海峡南端及海峡深处都存在西向逆流,而且海峡南端的逆流在秋季较强.(3)在A断面,对马暖流核心位于陆坡上,但有时偏西或偏东.Vmax值的变动范围为26~46cm/s.黄海暖流位于其西侧,流速则相对减小.(4)东海黑潮流量在这两年中,在春季均出现最小值,在夏季出现最大或较大值.黑潮流量,以PN断面为例,每年四季平均流量值1994年与1993年几乎相同,但略小于1992年的平均流量值.8个航次中通过PN、TK断面的平均净流量分别为27.1×106和25.0×106m3/s.(5)8个航次中,通过PN、TK断面的热通量的平均值分别为1.99×1015和1.78×1015W.(6)在计算海域秋季和冬季均是由海洋向大气放热;夏季则均从大气吸热;春季则不确定.海面上热交换率在冬季最大,而春、夏季较小. 相似文献