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To enable the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic study of the Gurpi Formation,within the ‘Dezak’ or Globigerina Marl,a stratigraphic section at Booraki,located to the NNW of Shiraz,SW Iran,through the late Cretaceous was examined.The formation consists of shale and greenish-gray marls interbedded with cream limestone,brown sandstones and siltstones with an exposed thickness of 160 m in the studied section.Samples were taken at regular intervals in all yielding 14 genera and 16 different species of benthic and planktic foraminifera that allowed determination of the age of the beds as Maastrichtian.To examine the paleoecology of the formation,some important ecological factors including water level,salinity,and oxygen regime change during the depositional courses of the formation were analyzed.The density of foraminiferans decreases from the base to top of the Gurpi Formation whereas the ratio of planktic to benthic Foraminifera(i.e.,P/B) and proportion of shallow-water fauna increase.These foraminiferal changes indicate an increase and decrease in depth,temperature,salinity and oxygen,respectively,at the base and top of the Formation.  相似文献   

The Gurpi section in western Shiraz, faulted Zagros range of southwestern Iran, contains one of the most complete Early Santonian to Late Maastrichtian sequences. The lack of a good fundamental paleontological study is a strong motivation for investigating calcareous nannofossils in southwestern Iran. The Gurpi Formation is mainly made up of grey shale. As a result of this study, 23 genera and 47 species of nannofossils have been identified for the first time. This confirms the existence of biozones CC14–CC26, which suggests the age of Early Santonian to Late Maastrichtian. All Early Santonian to Late Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossil biozones from CC14 (equivalent to the Micula decussate Zone) to CC26 (equivalent to the Nephrolithus frequens Zone) are discussed. Additionally, the zonal subdivision of this section based on calcareous nannofossils, is correlated with planktonic foraminiferal zones (Dicarinella asymetrica Zone to Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone). We can also learn about the predominant conditions of the studied sedimentary basin that was in fact a part of the Neotethys basin with the existence of index species of calcareous nannofossils indicating a warm climate and high depths of the basin in low latitudes.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the genus Aquilapollenites in Upper Cretaceous and Neogene sediments of northwestern Pakistan is reported here. Aquilapollenites amplus, Aquilapollenites reductus, and Aquilapollenites sp. occur in the Maastrichtian palynomorph assemblage from an outcrop sample of the Mir Ali section, northern Waziristan. Aquilapollenites medeis in the Neogene Murgha Faqir Zai Formation of the Pishin Basin, Balochistan, is considered a reworked Cretaceous specimen. The Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Asian plate on the Tethys margin are considered to be the source of Aquilapollenites spp. in these samples.  相似文献   

Abstract: A rich assemblage of planktonic foraminifera has been studied from an outcrop of the Gurpi Formation, the hydrocarbon source rock in the southwest Iran, Deh Dasht area (Kuh-e Siah anticline). Based on the distribution of the planktonic foraminifera, eight biozones have been recognized that included: Dicarinella concavata Interval Zone (Earliest Santonian), Dicarinella asymetrica Total Range Zone (Santonian to Earliest Campanian), Globotruncanita elevata Partial Range Zone (Early Campanian), Globotruncana ventricosa Interval Zone (Middle to Late Campanian), Radotruncana calcarata Total Range Zone (Late Campanian), Globotruncanella havanensis Partial Range Zone (Late Campanian), Globotruncana aegyptiaca Interval Zone (Late to latest Campanian), Gansserina gansseri Interval Zone (Latest Campanian to Early Maastrichtian). These biozones indicates that the Gurpi Formation deposited during the Early Santonian- Early Maastrichtian. These biozones are compared to the most standard biozones defined in Tethysian domain. Based on distribution of morphotype groups of planktonic foraminifera, planktonic to benthic ratio (P/B) and content of carbonate, nine third-order sequences are recognized.  相似文献   

The Elk Butte Member of the Pierre Shale of southeast South Dakota and northeast Nebraska yields a late Maastrichtian cephalopod fauna of nautiloids, belemnites and ammonites of theFeletzkytes nebrascensisZone, best known from the near-shore facies of the Fox Hills Formation. ThenebrascensisZone is the highest distinct marine assemblage that can be recognised in the Western Interior, although ammonites occur as rarities high in the Lance Formation in Wyoming. Elements of the fauna occur in the Gulf Coast and Atlantic Seaboard, and extend into the highest Maastrichtian nannofossil Subzone CC26b, ofMicula prinsii, in Texas. These occurrences point to the existence of a southerly marine route for migration into and out of the northern Interior during the late late Maastrichtian. An analysis of Maastrichtian ammonite occurrences in West Greenland reveals no evidence for a marine link to the western Interior at this time, but rather indicates an open marine link to the North Atlantic region.The presence of upper upper Maastrichtian Pierre Shale in southeast South Dakota and northeast Nebraska, deposited in water depths that are conservatively estimated at 100-200 m, suggests that marine conditions (evidence for which has been removed by post-Cretceous erosion) may have extended well to the north of the shoreline position indicated in recent palaeogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   

The Burren region in western Ireland contains an almost continuous record of Viséan (Middle Mississippian) carbonate deposition extending from Chadian to Brigantian times, represented by three formations: the Chadian to Holkerian Tubber Formation, the Asbian Burren Formation and the Brigantian Slievenaglasha Formation. The upper Viséan (Holkerian–Brigantian) platform carbonate succession of the Burren can be subdivided into six distinct depositional units outlined below. (1) An Holkerian to lower Asbian unit of skeletal peloidal and bryozoan bedded limestone. (2) Lower Asbian unit of massive light grey Koninckopora‐rich limestone, representing a shallower marine facies. (3) Upper Asbian terraced limestone unit with minor shallowing‐upward cycles of poorly bedded Kamaenella‐rich limestone with shell bands and palaeokarst features. This unit is very similar to other cyclic sequences of late Asbian age in southern Ireland and western Europe, suggesting a glacio‐eustatic origin for this fourth‐order cyclicity. (4) Lower Brigantian unit with cyclic alternations of crinoidal/bryozoan limestone and peloidal limestone with coral thickets. These cycles lack evidence of subaerial exposure. (5) Lower Brigantian bedded cherty dark grey limestone unit, deposited during the maximum transgressive phase of the Brigantian. (6) Lower to upper Brigantian unit mostly comprising cyclic bryozoan/crinoidal cherty limestone. In most areas this youngest unit is truncated and unconformably overlain by Serpukhovian siliciclastic rocks. Deepening enhanced by platform‐wide subsidence strongly influenced later Brigantian cycle development in Ireland, but localized rapid shallowing led to emergence at the end of the Brigantian. A Cf5 Zone (Holkerian) assemblage of microfossils is recorded from the Tubber Formation at Black Head, but in the Ballard Bridge section the top of the formation has Cf6 Zone (Asbian) foraminiferans. A typical upper Asbian Rugose Coral Assemblage G near the top of the Burren Formation is replaced by a lower Brigantian Rugose Coral Assemblage H in the Slievenaglasha Formation. A similar change in the foraminiferans and calcareous algae at this Asbian–Brigantian formation boundary is recognized by the presence of upper Asbian Cf6γ Subzone taxa in the Burren Formation including Cribrostomum lecomptei, Koskinobigenerina sp., Bradyina rotula and Howchinia bradyana, and in the Slievenaglasha Formation abundant Asteroarchaediscus spp., Neoarchaediscus spp. and Fasciella crustosa of the Brigantian Cf6δ Subzone. The uppermost beds of the Slievenaglasha Formation contain a rare and unusual foraminiferal assemblage containing evolved archaediscids close to tenuis stage indicating a late Brigantian age. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A selachian fauna is described for the first time from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) of Senegal. So far, the Campanian Paki Formation has only yielded a single tooth of Rhombodus sp. whereas the Cap de Naze Formation has yielded a more diverse fauna including juvenile Cretalamna cf. Cretalamna biauriculata, Serratolamna serrata, Carcharias cf. Carcharias heathi, ?Carcharias sp., Squalicorax pristodontus, Schizorhiza stromeri, Parapaleobates sp., Rhombodus binkhorsti and Rhombodus andriesi. Teeth of juvenile Cretalamna largely dominate the assemblage. Such an assemblage confirms a Late Maastrichtian age for the unit 3 in the Cap de Naze Formation. The assemblage, although composed of cosmopolitan taxa, is similar to the contemporaneous selachian assemblage from the phosphates of Morocco.  相似文献   

The North American fossil record of dinosaur eggshells for the Cretaceous is primarily restricted to formations of the middle (Albian–Cenomanian) and uppermost (Campanian–Maastrichtian) stages, with a large gap in the record for intermediate stages. Here we describe a dinosaur eggshell assemblage from a formation that represents an intermediate and poorly fossiliferous stage of the Upper Cretaceous, the Santonian Milk River Formation of southern Alberta, Canada. The Milk River eggshell assemblage contains five eggshell taxa: Continuoolithus, Porituberoolithus, Prismatoolithus, Spheroolithus, and Triprismatoolithus. These ootaxa are most similar to those reported from younger Campanian–Maastrichtian formations of the northern Western Interior than they are to ootaxa reported from older middle Cretaceous formations (i.e., predominantly Macroelongatoolithus). Characteristics of the Milk River ootaxa indicate that they are ascribable to at least one ornithopod and four small theropod species. The taxonomic affinity of the eggshell assemblage is consistent with the dinosaur fauna known based on isolated teeth and fragmentary skeletal remains from the formation, although most ornithischians and large theropods are not represented by eggshell. Relative to the Milk River Formation eggshell, similar oospecies occurring in younger Cretaceous deposits tend to be somewhat thicker, which may reflect an increase in body size of various dinosaur lineages during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Compared to earlier representatives of the family, pachycephalosaurids are less well known from upper Maastrichtian deposits around the world. Here, we report on a nearly complete left postorbital attributable to the pachycephalosaurid Sphaerotholus cf. Sphaerotholus buchholtzae from the upper Maastrichtian Frenchman Formation of Saskatchewan. This marks a probable northern range extension for the species into Canada, and the first occurrence of a pachycephalosaurid from this formation. We further demonstrate the taxonomic distinction between Stegoceras edmontonense and S. buchholtzae, which has been debated, based on postorbital sutural proportions. The northerly occurrence of Sphaerotholus cf. S. buchholtzae is consistent with the hypothesis of low beta diversity during the late Maastrichtian of North America, and its high stratigraphic incidence documents the persistence of non-pachycephalosaurin pachycephalosaurines in a critical interval for understanding the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event.  相似文献   

This study is based on calcerous nannofossil assemblages changes and fluctutions of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes was collected clayey limestones, limestones, and marls in the Maastrichtian to Selandian from Akveren Formation (Western Black Sea). As the relative abundances of species of Micula spp, Watznauera barnesiae, and Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis, which tolerated changes of temperature and nutrition, carbon and oxygen isotopes compositions, and low species richness imply strong diagenesis effect at the Maastrichtian, there is no important diagenesis effect at Paleocene. Just after the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K-Pg) boundary, Thoracosphaera spp. and Braarudosphaera bigelowi were dominant species; Danian is characterized by Thoracosphaera, Ericsonia ovalis, Cruciplacolithus spp., Coccolithus pelagicus, and Ericsonia subpertusa. Generally, the nutrition productivity is good–moderate in Lower Maastrichtian, and decreasing carbon isotope values during the Uppermost Maastrichtian shows the presence of oligotrophic environmental conditions suitable with global nutrition crises before the K-Pg boundary and diagenesis in study area. Throughout the Danian, mesotrophic–oligotrophic environmental conditions dominate; however, the decrease in nutrition before Selandian represents oligotrophic environmental conditions. The increasing nutrition at Selandian is related to the change in the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Planktic and benthic foraminifera including uvigerinids are documented from the Upper Bhuban Formation, exposed at Thingdawl village, Kolasib district, Mizoram. The foraminiferal assemblage is poorly preserved and consists of index fossils useful for precise biochronology and interpretation of the depositional environment. A total of ten benthic and six planktic foraminiferal species are described. Six species belong to the genus Uvigerina, four to Ammonia, one species each of Globorotalia, Globigerinoides, Clavatorella, Praeorbulina and two species of the genus Orbulina. Based on lithological and foraminiferal assemblage, middle neritic to upper part of outer neritic paleobathymetry is inferred for the deposition of this part of the Upper Bhuban Formation. The foraminiferal assemblage suggests late Early Miocene to early Middle Miocene, (∼16 Ma) equivalent to planktic foraminiferal zones N8-N9 for the Upper Bhuban Formation.  相似文献   

The Gurpi Formation in the southwest of Iran has been studied for microfacies and bulk organic geochemistry in order to elucidate its depositional environment and petroleum source rock characteristics. The obtained results ended up with four types of organic facies and three types of microfacies through the formation. Three microfacies types differentiated including Pelagic mudstone Wackstone, microbioclast Packstone and bioclastic Packstone reflect a distal outer ramp or basinal environment. Combination of palynofacies and organic geochemistry resulted in differentiation of four organic facies corresponding to organic facies B, BC, C and CD of Jones 1987. Detailed organic facies shows that the formation is characterized by low values of TOC, high percentages of amorphous organic matter and black phytoclasts, rare marine algae thereby representing a mixture of terrestrial and marine kerogen that confirm the formation was deposited in a distal anoxic to oxic condition. The formation shallows upward to the Microbioclast Packstone facies below the Lopha Member reaching its minimum depth in boundstones of this member in uppermost Campanian and then is followed by stagnant condition and high contents of organic matter in suboxic to anoxic condition that favoured accumulation of organic matter in early Maastrichtian. Organic geochemical and petrographical data indicate that the formation is not potentially suitable for petroleum production except for the minor interval (organic facies 2) in early Maastrichtian. Tmax values vary between 340 and 440 °C confirming immaturity trends indicated by Rock-Eval data.  相似文献   

Shallow carbonate deposits(Tarbur Formation)were formed in the Zagros foreland basin with dynamic tectonics during the Maastrichtian age.From the viewpoint of reconstruction of depositional conditions in these deposits,studies of biostratigraphy,microfacies,microtaphofacies,and sequence stratigraphy were performed in a single area at Tang-e Shabi Khoon,northwest of Zagros.Based on the identification of two assemblage zones consisting of benthic foraminifera in these strata,the formation was deposited during the middle to late Maastrichtian.The number of cycles in test size and type of coiling in Loftusia decreased from the study area toward the northwest of the Neotethys basin.The input of clastic sediments affected the distribution of Loftusia and rudists in the study area.Nine microfacies,six microtaphofacies,and one terrigenous facies(shale)were identified based on the sedimentary features.These deposits of the middle-late Maastrichtian were deposited on a homoclinal carbonate ramp.The platform can be divided into restricted and semi-restricted lagoon,shoal,and open marine environments.In the study area,the deposits of the Tarbur Formation were deposited during four third-order depositional sequences.Local fault activities affected the formation of depositional sequences in the study area.  相似文献   

The uppermost Cretaceous (upper Campanian-Maastrichtian) pelagic successions from the Malatya Basin (NW Malatya, eastern Anatolia) were studied by 688 samples, which were collected from five stratigraphic sections in the Hekimhan area. The pelagic deposits conformably overlie rudist bearing shallow-water limestones and are overlain conformably by Maastrichtian dolomites and unconformably by Paleocene-Eocene deposits, respectively.The pelagic successions in the Hekimhan area comprise the Kösehasan Formation at the base and the Zorbehan Formation at the top and reach up to 1100 m in thickness. The Kösehasan Formation rests over the neritic rudist-bearing limestones of the Güzelyurt Formation along a sharp contact and consists mainly of flysch-type sandstone-mudstone alternation with complete and partial Bouma sequences. The carbonate content of abundant planktonic foraminifera and nannoplankton-bearing 980-m-thick succession increases upwards and the formation passes gradually to the clayey limestones and marlstones of the Zorbehan Formation to the top. Occurrences of nannoplankton Lithraphidites quadratus Bramlette and Martini and Micula praemurus (Bukry) in the first beds of the Kösehasan Formation indicate that the age of the Kösehasan Formation and overlying Zorbehan Formation is of late Maasthrichtian. Another late Maastrichtian taxa Cribrosphaerella daniae Perch-Nielsen and Arkhangelskiella maastrichtiana Burnett are observed from the lowermost part of the succession. Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera such as Contusotruncana walfischensis (Todd) and Globotruncanita pettersi (Gandolfi) were recorded through the successions. Although planktonic foraminifera are diverse and abundant particularly in the Kösehesan Formation, index late Maasthrichtian species were not encountered. Campanian and Santonian-Campanian planktonic foraminifera, e.g. Radotruncana calcarata (Cushman) and Globotruncanita elevata (Brotzen), obtained particularly from the lower part of the succession and calcareous nannofossils such as Broinsonia parca parca Bukry, Reinhardtites anthophorus (Deflanre) and Eiffellithus eximius (Stover) are interpreted as reworked from older strata. Trace fossils are common throughout the succession.Rareness of planktonic foraminifera and nannoplankton in the uppermost part of the succession (Zorbehan Formation) indicates maximum shallowing of the latest Maastrichtian sea in this part of the basin. Rare echinoids, bivalves and ammonites are observed in that part of the sequence.The obtained data indicate that sediment accumulation rate of the pelagic deposits is rather high and about 27.5 cm/ky for this part of the basin. Changes in thickness of the formations along short distances in the five stratigraphic sections analysed in this study should be related to the diachroneity of the depositional and erosional events.  相似文献   

The first data on the distribution of calcareous nannofossils in the Behbehan section, the Kuh-e-Rish, are considered. According to the distribution of nannofossils, the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the section are subdivided into nine biostratigraphic zones. CC17 (Calculites obscurus zone) indicate the Late Santonian. Biozones CC18 (Aspidolithus parcus zone), CC19 (Calculites ovalis zone), CC20 (Ceratolithoides aculeus zone), CC21 (Quadrum sissinghii zone), and CC22 (Quadrum trifidum zone) represent the Campanian. Biozone CC23 (Tranolithus phacelosus zone) indicate the Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian. Biozones CC24 (Reinhardtites levis zone) and CC25 (Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis zone) suggest the Middle and Late Maastrichtian, respectively. In the late Late Maastrichtian, due to decreasing in water depth at the study area, Nephrolithus frequens zone (CC26) defined in Tethysian domain was not recognized. The boundary between Gurpi–Pabdeh Formations represented a non-depositional period from the late Late Maastrichtian to the end of Early Paleocene. Also, it seems that predominant conditions of the sedimentary environment of Neotethys basin with the presence of index species calcareous nannofossils specified, which itself indicates that the warm climate and high depth of the basin in Late Santonian to Late Maastrichtian, in low latitudes has been prevalent.  相似文献   

Twenty-six deep-sea ostracod species are described from the late Campanian to late Maastrichtian of ODP Site 689 in the Southern Ocean. Three are described as new:Cytherelloidea megaspirocostata,Agulhasina sudoceanicaandPennyella foveolata. Correspondence analysis identified three faunal sample groups. The first is mainly characterised byA. sudoceanica,Kirthesp. andCytherellasp. This is replaced, first temporarily (betweenc. 71 and 69 Ma) by a group mainly characterised byArgilloeciaspp. andC. megaspirocostata, possibly a consequence of a short-lived global palaeoceanographic event marked by increased ventilation and cooling of intermediate waters at site 689. It then reappears before finally being replaced by a third group largely characterised byEucytherecf.circumcostata,P. foveolataandDutoitella mimicaDingle. This final change is coeval with a marked increase in the faunal density of ostracods, probably owing to an increase in food supply. However, the oxygen isotopic records of benthonic foraminifera suggests that the replacement of the first ostracod group by the third is a result of the long term Maastrichtian cooling of intermediate waters at high latitudes. This replacement is also coeval with a gradual change in benthonic foraminiferal assemblages at site 689. It is suggested, therefore, thatPennyellaandDutoitellahad a greater potential of adapting to successively colder palaeoceanographical conditions thanAgulhasina. The former genera have a cosmopolitan deep-sea distribution today.  相似文献   

The uppermost Cretaceous (upper Campanian–Maastrichtian) marine deposits of the central south Pyrenees host a rich larger benthic foraminiferal fauna and several rudist-rich levels. These marine deposits are directly overlain by the continental facies of the Arén and Tremp Formations, which are famous for their fossil dinosaur remains. Larger benthic foraminiferal distribution documents an important faunal turnover in all the carbonate platform environments within the photic zone, from open marine to littoral areas. Biostratigraphy indicates that this turnover occurred close to the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary. This is also confirmed by strontium isotope stratigraphy which indicates an earliest Maastrichtian age for the appearance of the larger benthic foraminiferal assemblage constituted by Lepidorbitoides socialis, Clypeorbis mammillata, Wannierina cataluniensis, Orbitoides gruenbachensis, Siderolites aff. calcitrapoides, Fascispira colomi, Omphalocyclus macroporus and Laffiteina mengaudi. In particular, a numerical age of 71 Ma is obtained for the Hippurites radiosus level, just a few meters below the first continental deposits of the Arén sensu stricto Formation. The youngest marine sediments of the central south Pyrenees are early Maastrichtian in age. This is also an important constraint for the age of the end-Cretaceous dinosaur fossil localities of the Tremp basin.  相似文献   

The exposed Cretaceous shelf succession of the Cauvery Basin, southeastern India, has provided a world-class record of mid and Late Cretaceous invertebrates, documented in a substantial literature. However, the lithostratigraphy of the succession has been little studied and previously subject to a range of nomenclature. It is revised here, on the basis of intensive regional mapping, to stabilize the definition and nomenclature of lithostratigraphic units. The Uttattur Group is restricted in outcrop to the Ariyalur district and divided into the Arogypapurum Formation (new; Albian), Dalmiapuram Formation (late Albian), and Karai Formation (late Albian–early Turonian) for which the Odiyam and Kunnam Members are recognized. The Trichinopoly Group follows unconformably and is also restricted in outcrop to the Ariyalur district. It is divided into the Kulakkalnattam Formation (Turonian) and Anaipadi Formation (late Turonian–Coniacian). The Ariyalur Group is more widely distributed. In the Ariyalur district, the Sillikkudi Formation (Santonian–Campanian) and its Kilpaluvari Member, the Kallakurichchi Formation (early Maastrichtian), the Kallamedu Formation (mid and Late Maastrichtian) and the Niniyur Formation (Danian) are recognized. The sequence in the Vriddhachalam area consists of the Parur and Patti formations (Campanian), Mattur Formation (late Campanian–earliest Maastrichtian) and Aladi Formation (Maastrichtian). For the Pondicherry district, the Valudavur and Mettuveli formations (Maastrichtian) and Kasur and Manaveli formations (Paleocene) comprise the succession. The interpreted depositional environments for the succession in the Ariyalur district indicate four eustatic cycles in the mid and Late Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary: late Albian–early Turonian, late Turonian–Santonian, Campanian, Maastrichtian, and Paleocene. Overall the Cauvery Basin sequence is arenaceous and relatively labile in terms of framework grain composition, and contrasts with the pelitic assemblage developed on the west Australian margin from which eastern India separated in the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian). The difference is ascribed to palaeoclimate as controlled by palaeolatitude. For the Late Cretaceous, the Cauvery Basin drifted north on the Indian plate from 40 to 30°S. This zone is inferred to constitute Southern Hemisphere horse latitudes for Late Cretaceous time, characterized by an arid climate, physical weathering and the production of labile sands. By contrast, the west Australian margin of matching tectonic history remained in a high palaeolatitude (>40°S) throughout the Late Cretaceous, experiencing a pluvial climate, the dominance of chemical weathering and the production of clays.  相似文献   

Here we describe a mosasaurid from the upper Maastrichtian Quiriquina Formation near the town of Cocholgüe about 30 km north of Concepción, central Chile. The specimen comprises a concretion preserving the rostral part of a pair of mandibular rami. The bulbous base of the teeth allows referral to cf. Plotosaurus sp. This is southernmost record of this piscivorous and pelagic taxon. The southern dispersal of mosasaurs during the late Maastrichtian may not only have depended from warm south-bound Equatorial currents but mainly from the nutrient-rich oceanic regime along an upwelling zone of cold abyssal water that mixed with the warm surface water, resulting in an enormous primary production. Apparently mosasaur dispersal depended more on food than on suitable temperatures or currents.  相似文献   

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