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Ocean Science Journal - Blooms of the moon jellyfish (Aurelia coerulea) have been responsible for huge economic losses and environmental disruptions in oceans around the world. The mass occurrence... 相似文献
There is the natural habitat of polyps of the common jellyfish Aurelia aurita in the Taniyama area, Kagoshima Bay. We examined the attachment substrata, density, colony structure and strobilation of
the polyps. The polyps were observed only on the horizontal undersurface of floating piers. They attached specifically to
Mytilus shells, solitary ascidians, calcareous polychaete tubes, muddy amphipod tubes and the gap space that fouling animals peeled
off the substrata. The polyp colonies were distributed in patches. Spatial distribution patterns of the polyps within their
colonies were uniform. Strobilation occurred during late December to March, when water temperatures were 16–17°C, and a large
number of ephyrae were released. An increase in man-made structures such as floating piers in coastal areas may lead to bloomings
of Aurelia aurita medusae.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Notes on the Biology and Ecology of the Jellyfish Aurelia aurita Lam. in Elefsis Bay (Saronikos Gulf, Greece) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract. The occurrence of pianktonic stages of the scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita LAM. in monthly samples, from May 1983 to July 1985, was studied in Elefsis Bay (Saronikos Gulf, Greece). Results showed that the medusae biomass had its maximum value during summer, followed by a sharp drop during fall and winter. The major peak for the ephyrae liberation was during January-February, when zooplankton biomass reached its maximum. The vertical distribution of A. aurita in relation to light intensity is discussed. 相似文献
用磁力浮沉子密度测量装置,在15 ~25 ℃之间的三个温度下测定了珠江口20 个水样的密度。结果表明,测定值皆高于相应条件下国际标准海水状态方程的计算值,在海水盐度范围0.08~33 .446 ,密度平均偏差范围为2 .4 ~54.0 ×10 - 3kg/m3 。测定密度和计算密度的偏差随盐度的降低而增大,与盐度的变化成直线相关:与(Ca2 + )/S、SO42 - /S比和比碱度之间皆呈指数曲线相关。珠江口水样(Ca2 + )/C1 、SO42 - /C1 和比碱度平均值分别超出大洋水平均值17 .8 % 、8 .21 % 和152 % ,其余的Na + /C1、K+ /C1 和Sr2 + /C1 比值与大洋水无明显差别,基本类同。珠江口海水的高碱度、高(Ca2 + )/C1 和高SO42 - /C1 是造成其海水密度正偏差的主要因素。经计算机拟合,首次导出了珠江口海水密度的状态方程,该方程计算值与实验值的平均标准偏差为±2.5×10- 3kg/m3 。 相似文献
S. Jacobs O. Beauchard E. Struyf T. Cox T. Maris P. Meire 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2009
Throughout the world, tidal marshes are being restored to obtain natural protection against recurring storm surges and sea level rise and to preserve the resources these habitats provide. Managed realignment, or breaching of the seaward dikes, is a restoration technique increasingly used; yet unsuitable site elevation has been a major constraint to habitat development. Controlled reduced tide (CRT), a new technique to implement tidal regime on low elevated sites, could offer solutions for several problems associated with reconstruction or mitigation of tidal marshes. 相似文献
Planulae of Aurelia aurita were exposed to 11 types of rocks (basalt, gabbro, granite, rhyolite, sandstone, limestone, conglomerate, gneiss, quartzite, marble and schist) to examine their attachment preference among rock material and position. Numbers of attached polyps was the highest on marble and the least on limestone. Their preference with regard to settling position was the same among the rocks, showing the highest density of polyps on the underside (88.5%) compared to upper (23.6%) and perpendicular sides (10.3%) of rock. The results showed that while position preference is more important than rock property, higher numbers of polyps were observed in rocks with a medium surface hardness. 相似文献
Introduction The estuarine and coastal waters are nutrient-enriched and the nutrient ratios have been altered as a result of the changed riverine input due to land-use change and anthropogenic nutrient emission over the last century [1, 2]. Estuarine and coastal ecosystems respond to such changes in nutrient budgets by shifting population dynamics of phytoplankton and hence of the rest of the food web, leading to changes in top-down as well as bottom-up control of community structures [3]. Sin… 相似文献
长江冲淡水区细菌生产力研究 总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11
为了解细菌在长江口冲淡水区生态系营养动力学过程中的重要作用,笔者于1997年10月10日至20日,1998年5月14日至6月1日在观测海区以及在绿华山海域设置大水体围隔生态系实验装置进行细菌生产力的现场观测研究.结果表明,秋季观测海区平均细菌生产力(C)为(1.44±1.30)μg/(dm3·h),高值出现在测区中部的A3,B3和C3站.春季测区表层细菌生产力(2.43±1.22)μg/(dm3·h)高于底层(1.01±0.43)μg/(dm3·h),高值出现在测区中部的A3和B断面诸站.秋、春季平均细菌生产力相当于浮游植物初级生产力的23%.秋季和春季表层细菌数量分别为(5.22×108±0.88×108)个/dm3和(1.97×108±1.10×108)个/dm3.1998年5月18日至6月1日在围隔实验点的自然海区中细菌生产力变幅范围为0.13~5.79μg/(dm3·h),平均值为(2.47±1.60)μg/(dm3·h).围隔装置内加可溶性磷(PO43-)实验,春季细菌生产力由1.28μg/(dm3·h)增长至32.20μg/(dm3·h),其增长幅度低于秋季1.43~43.47μg/(dm3·h).油污染实验中细菌生产力由6.61μg/(dm3·h)增长至37.97μg/(dm3·h),呈逐日上升趋势. 相似文献
We examined the respiration rate of Aurelia aurita medusae at 20 °C and 28 °C to evaluate minimum metabolic demands of medusae population in Sihwa Lake, Korea during summer. While weight specific respiration rates of medusae were constant and irrespective to the wet weight (8?C220 g), they significantly varied in respect to temperatures (p<0.001, 0.11±0.03 mg C g?1 of medusa d?1 at 20°C and 0.28±0.11 mg C g?1 of medusa d?1 at 28 °C in average, where Q 10 value was 2.62). The respiration rate of medusae was defined as a function of temperature (T, °C) and body weight (W, g) according to the equation, R=0.13×2.62(T-20)/10 W 0.93. Population minimum food requirement (PMFR) was estimated from the respiration rate as 15.06 and 4.86 mg C m?3 d?1 in June and July, respectively. During this period, increase in bell diameter and wet weight was not significant (p=1 in the both), suggesting that the estimated PMFR closely represented the actual food consumption in the field. From July to August, medusae grew significantly at 0.052 d-1, thus the amount of food ingested by medusae population in situ was likely to exceed the PMFR (1.27 mg C m?3 d?1) during the period. In conclusion, the medusae population of higher density during June and July had limited amount of food, while those of lower in July and August ingested enough food for growth. 相似文献
Dispersion of disposed dredged slurry in the meso-tidal Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Jiaxue Wu James T. Liu Huanting Shen Shuying Zhang 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2006,70(4):663
To understand the dispersal pattern of sediment plume and its controlling processes, a field experiment of concentrated slurry dispersal created by a dredger was conducted in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary during the 2002 flood season. An acoustic suspended sediment concentration profiler and an acoustic Doppler profiler were deployed to simultaneously observe suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) and tidal currents at the pre-selected sections shortly following the release of dredged materials. Water sampling, grab sampling and shallow coring were simultaneously carried out to obtain the SSC and grain-size texture. High-resolution SSC profiler observations showed that two distinct sediment plumes (middle level- and near-bed plumes) occurred during the intermediate tidal phase between the spring and neap due to differential settling of the sediment mixture, whereas only a benthic plume occurred due to rapid flocculation settling during the neap tide. Three subsequent stages can be identified during the dispersal of the sediment plume: (1) initially stable stage before the release; (2) unstable stage shortly following the release as a settling cloud; and (3) stable stage after the formation of a primary lutocline or a benthic plume. Enhanced mixing due to oscillatory shear flows could raise only the elevation of the lutocline in the slurry, but could not enhance the transport capacity of suspension. In the presence of high concentration, the fate of bottom sediment plume was controlled by the bottom stress, independent of the interfacial mixing. 相似文献
Quenching of fluorescence emission by the Cu2+ ion is measured in five samples from the Gironde Estuary (France). Non-linear regression analysis allows us to calculate from experimental data the values of CL (complexing capacities or total ligand concentrations), K (conditional stability constants) and IML (residual fluorescence at the end of the titration). The results obtained on the Gironde estuarine samples indicate that CL values are very low (<0.1 micromolar) and K values decrease from upstream to downstream. The relatively high values of IML are an indication that much of the organic fluorescing matter does not bind to Cu2+. 相似文献
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The creation of space technology in the Soviet Union in 1957 initiated flights of automated interplanetary stations to the Moon, Venus, and Mars and... 相似文献
强台风0814(黑格比)和9615(莎莉)台风暴潮珠江口内超高潮位分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
0814(黑格比)和9615(莎莉)是登陆粤西沿岸的强台风,台风路径相似、强度相同、登陆点相近,两次台风均造成珠江口内高潮位,而前者形成超高潮位。通过现有资料的比较,对两场台风特点及产生风暴潮灾害程度不同的原因进行分析。0814台风造成珠江口内特高潮位的原因主要有:1.台风强度,0814台风低压控制时间较9615台风长;2.天文潮大小,0814台风登陆日珠江口外天文潮潮差超过9615台风25%;3.登陆时所遇天文潮涨落阶段不同,0814台风登陆时逢珠江口内处于高潮位时,而9615登陆时珠江口内处于落潮过程。 相似文献
Methodology for estimation of river discharge and application of the Zhujiang River Estuary(ZRE)

The ZRE is a very complicated estuary with multi-river inlets. The total sum of river discharge in the upstream(away from the tidal influence region) of the Zhujiang River can be easily measured. However, when the total river discharges into the estuary from eight inlets, it is a very difficult task to obtain a continuous river discharge flux data from each branch of the Zhujiang River. However, the different ratios of river discharges between the river branches can significantly affect the estuarine circulation feature and baroclinic process. Moreover, the accuracy of numerical forecast for the estuarine circulation is very much dependent on the accuracy of the time history of the river discharge flux for each branch. Therefore, it is important to estimate river discharge from each branch in order to improve the accuracy of the model forecast for the circulation of the ZRE. The development of a new estimation method of the river discharges is focused on based on the system identification theory, numerical modeling and the time history data from the CODAR observed sea surface current. The new approach has been appfied to estimating the time history (hourly) of river discharge from each branch in the upstream of the ZRE. 相似文献
Spatial Distribution of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Contaminants in the Tidal-flat Sediments of Yangtze Estuary 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1 IntroductionYangtze River estuary is the biggest one in China, and there are domestic and manufactural rubbish disposal sites for Shanghai city in this tidal-flat. The Shanghai city, the whole Yangtze delta, or even all the Yangtze basin, will be PCBs contaminant sources of Yangtze estuary tidal-flat[1]. According to literatures so far, only two investigations for waters have included PCBs in the Yangtze estuary[2, 3]. No PCBs pollution of the tidal-flat sediments has been reported… 相似文献
Several flatfishes spawn in oceanic waters and pelagic larvae are transported inshore to settle in the nursery areas, usually estuaries, where they remain during their juvenile life. Nursery areas appear as extremely important habitats, not only for juveniles but also for the earlier planktonic larval fish. Yet, the majority of nursery studies tend to focus only on one development stage, missing an integrative approach of the entire early life that fishes spent within a nursery ground. Thus, the present study assessed the influence of environmental parameters on the dynamics of the larval and juvenile flatfishes, throughout their nursery life in the Lima Estuary. Between April 2002 and April 2004, fortnightly subsurface ichthyoplankton samples were collected and juveniles were collected from October 2003 until September 2005. Larval assemblages comprised nine flatfish species, while only six were observed among the juvenile assemblages. Solea senegalensis and Platichthys flesus were the most abundant species of both fractions of the Lima Estuary flatfishes. Larval flatfish assemblages varied seasonally, without relevant differences between lower and middle estuary. Platichthys flesus dominated the spring samples and summer and autumn periods were characterized by an increase of overall abundance and diversity of larval flatfishes, mainly S. senegalensis, associated with temperature increase and reduced river flow. On the contrary, during the winter abundance sharply decreased, as a consequence of higher river run-off that might compromised the immigration of incompetent marine larvae. Juvenile flatfishes were more abundant in the middle and upper areas of the estuary, but the species richness was higher near the river mouth. Sediment type, distance from the river mouth, salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen were identified as the main environmental factors structuring the juvenile flatfish assemblages. Juveniles were spatially discrete, with the most abundant species S. senegalensis and P. flesus associated with the middle and upper estuary, while the remaining species were associated with the lower estuarine areas. The larval fraction exhibited distinct dynamics from the juvenile estuarine flatfish community. Larval flatfishes showed a strong seasonal structure mainly regulated by biological features as the spawning season and also by seasonal variations of water characteristics. On the other hand, juvenile flatfishes were markedly controlled by site specific characteristics such as sediments structure, distance from the river mouth and salinity regime. The present study emphasized the idea that the environmental control varies throughout the ontogenetic development, stressing the importance of integrating all the early life of a species in flatfish nursery studies. 相似文献
潮汐河口断面悬沙通量组分模式及其在长江口的应用 总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2
断面泥沙通量估算的误差主要来源于计算方法、测点布局等,通量模式应该建立在通量估算统计误差最小的原则基础之上.在断面网格设计中采用统计误差最小的等面积单元网格,在泥沙通量估算中采用泥沙组分浓度,在流速变量插值上垂向采用对数函数插值,横向采用第一边界三次方样条函数插值.这样建立的潮汐河口悬沙断面通量组分模式较以往的任何模式更完善,断面通量估算的误差最小.将该模式应用于长江河口南港断面悬沙通量估算及其输移机制分析,断面泥沙通量表现为大潮期大进大出、大出大于大进;小潮期小进小出、小出大于小进;主要输移机制是拉格朗日输移和潮泵. 相似文献
Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) taken from several sites in the Mersey Estuary, an urban-industrial water body in NW England, have been analyzed for residues of the persistent organochlorines, DDT, PCB congeners nos. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180 (ICES7), and alpha-MHCH (alpha-methyl hexachlorocyclohexane). The concentration range for sigmaPCB (ICES7) was 13.9-34.9 microg kg(-1) in 1994 compared with 9.6-31.9 microg kg(-1) in 1998, whilst the equivalent concentrations of sigmaDDT were 8.9-32.4 microg kg(-1) and 4.5-16.8 microg kg(-1), respectively. The concentration of alpha-MHCH, an organochlorine largely restricted to the Mersey Estuary, was 1.2-11 microg kg(-1) in 1994 and 0.3-1.3 microg kg(-1) in 1998. At both sampling dates the inner estuary sites of Rock Ferry and Egremont were more contaminated than the outer estuary sites of New Brighton. Dove Point and Caldy Blacks. The lower concentrations of organochlorines in mussels in 1998 compared with 1994 are thought to be early evidence of significant improvements in water quality derived from major capital investment in the treatment of industrial effluents and sewage wastewater, linked to a combination of stricter legislative controls and the environmental benefits from the adoption of new, clean technologies in manufacturing. 相似文献