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We present results from a numerical study of the runaway instability of thick discs around black holes. This instability is an important issue for most models of cosmic gamma-ray bursts, where the central engine responsible for the initial energy release is such a system consisting of a thick disc surrounding a black hole. We have carried out a comprehensive number of time-dependent simulations aimed at exploring the appearance of the instability. Our study has been performed using a fully relativistic hydrodynamics code. The general relativistic hydrodynamic equations are formulated as a hyperbolic flux-conservative system and solved using a suitable Godunov-type scheme. We build a series of constant angular momentum discs around a Schwarzschild black hole. Furthermore, the self-gravity of the disc is neglected and the evolution of the central black hole is assumed to be that of a sequence of exact Schwarzschild black holes of varying mass. The black hole mass increase is thus determined by the mass accretion rate across the event horizon. In agreement with previous studies based on stationary models, we find that by allowing the mass of the black hole to grow the disc becomes unstable. Our hydrodynamical simulations show that for all disc-to-hole mass ratios considered (between 1 and 0.05), the runaway instability appears very fast on a dynamical time-scale of a few orbital periods, typically a few 10 ms and never exceeding 1 s for our particular choice of the mass of the black hole (2.5 M) and a large range of mass fluxes  ( m 10-3 M s-1)  . The implications of our results in the context of gamma-ray bursts are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We discuss the runaway instability of axisymmetric tori with non-constant specific angular momentum around black holes, taking into account self-gravity of the tori. The distribution of specific angular momentum of the tori is assumed to be a positive power law with respect to the distance from the rotational axis. By employing the pseudo-Newtonian potential for the gravity of the spherical black hole, we have found that self-gravity of the tori causes a runaway instability if the amount of the mass which is transferred from the torus to the black hole exceeds a critical value, i.e. 3 per cent of the mass of the torus. This has been shown by two different approaches: (1) by using equilibrium models and (2) by dynamical simulations. In particular, dynamical simulations using an SPH code have been carried out for both self-gravitating and non-self-gravitating tori. For non-self-gravitating models, all tori are runaway stable. Therefore we come to the conclusion that self-gravity of the tori has a stronger destabilizing effect than the stabilizing effect of the positive power-law distribution of the angular momentum.  相似文献   

We investigate the runaway instability of configurations consisting of a massive dense but non-self-gravitating thick disc/torus surrounding a massive black hole (MBH). We limit our model parameters to values that result in a self-consistent thick disc around an MBH. We identify, analytically, the index of the angular momentum distribution that will form a thick disc as an initial equilibrium state, and obtain the mass ratio of the disc to the central black hole for which the disc is dominated by the radiation pressure. In our theoretical framework we find that a self-consistent thick disc with constant angular momentum leads to a runaway instability on a dynamical time-scale. However, even a slight increase of the specific angular momentum outwards has a strong stabilizing effect on the accretion process. Finally, we discuss our results and present possible applications to high-energy emission.  相似文献   

We study the dynamical structure of a self-gravitating disc with coronae around a supermassive black hole. Assuming that the magnetorotational instability responsible for generating the turbulent stresses inside the disc is also the source for a magnetically dominated corona, a fraction of the power released when the disc matter accretes is transported to and dissipated in the corona. This has a major effect on the structure of the disc and its gravitational (in)stability according to our analytical and self-consistent solutions. We determine the radius where the disc crosses the inner radius of gravitational instability and forms the first stars. Not only the location of this radius which may extend to very large distances from the central black hole, but also the mass of the first stars highly depends on the input parameters, notably the viscosity coefficient, the mass of the central object and the accretion rate. For accretion discs around quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) and the Galactic Centre, we determine the self-gravitating radius and the mass of the first clumps. Comparing the cases with a corona and without a corona for typical discs around QSOs or the Galactic Centre, when the viscosity coefficient is around 0.3, we show that the self-gravitating radius decreases by a factor of approximately 2, but the mass of the fragments increases with more or less the same factor. The existence of a corona implies a more gravitationally unstable disc according to our results. The effect of a corona on the instability of the disc is more effective when the viscosity coefficient increases.  相似文献   

Transonic discs with accretion rates relevant to intrinsically bright Galactic X-ray sources ( L ≈1038–1039 erg s−1) exhibit a time-dependent cyclic behaviour due to the onset of a thermal instability driven by radiation pressure. In this paper we calculate radiation spectra emitted from thermally unstable discs to provide detailed theoretical predictions for observationally relevant quantities. The emergent spectrum has been obtained by solving self-consistently the vertical structure and radiative transfer in the disc atmosphere. We focus on four particular stages of the disc evolution, the maximal evacuation stage and three intermediate stages during the replenishment phase. The disc is found to undergo rather dramatic spectral changes during the evolution, emitting mainly in the 1–10 keV band during outburst and in the 0.1–1 keV band off-outburst. Local spectra, although different in shape from a blackbody at the disc effective temperature, may be characterized in terms of a hardening factor f . We have found that f is more or less constant, both in radius and in time, with a typical value ∼ 1.65.  相似文献   

We consider the inward propagation of warping and eccentric disturbances in discs around black holes under a wide variety of conditions. In our calculations, we use secular theories of warped and eccentric discs and assume the deformations to be stationary and propagating in a disc model similar to regions (a) and (b) of Shakura & Sunyaev discs. We find that the propagation of deformations to the innermost regions of the disc is facilitated for low viscous damping and high accretion rate. We relate our results to the possible excitation of trapped inertial modes, and to the observations of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in black hole systems in the very high spectral state.  相似文献   

We calculate the structure of the accretion disc around a rapidly rotating black hole with a super-Eddington accretion rate. The luminosity and height of the disc are reduced by the advection effect. In the case of large viscosity parameter, α>0.03, the accretion flow deviates strongly from thermodynamic equilibrium and overheats in the central region. With increasing accretion rate, the flow temperature steeply increases, reaches maximum, and then falls off. The maximum is achieved in the advection-dominated regime of accretion. The maximum temperature in the disc around a massive black hole of M =108 M⊙ with α=0.3 is of order 3×108 K. The discs with large accretion rates can emit X-rays in quasars as well as in galactic black hole candidates.  相似文献   

We discuss a special case of formation of axisymmetric shocks in the accretion flow of ideal gas on to a Schwarzschild black hole: when the total energy of the flow is negative. The result of our analysis enlarges the parameter space for which these steady shocks are exhibited in the accretion of gas rotating around relativistic stellar objects. Since Keplerian discs have negative total energy, we guess that, in this energy range, the production of the shock phenomenon might be easier than in the case of positive energy. So our outcome reinforces the view that sub-Keplerian flows of matter may significantly affect the physics of the high energy radiation emission from black hole candidates. We give a simple procedure to obtain analytically the position of the shocks. The comparison of the analytical results with the data of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) axisymmetric numerical simulations confirms that the shocks form and are stable.  相似文献   

In the present communication of our series of papers dealing with the accretion flows in the pseudo-Kerr geometry, we discuss the effects of viscosity on the accretion flow around a rotating black hole. We find the solution topologies and give special attention to the solutions containing shocks. We draw the parameter space where standing shocks are possible and where the shocks could be oscillating and could produce quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) of X-rays observed from black hole candidates. In this model, the extreme locations of the shocks give the upper limits of the QPO frequencies  (νQPO)  which could be observed. We show that both the viscosity of the flow and the spin of the black hole a increase the QPO frequency while, as expected, the black hole mass reduces the QPO frequencies. Our major conclusion is that the highest observed frequency gives a strict lower limit of the spin. For instance, a black hole exhibiting  νQPO∼ 400  and  700 Hz  must have the spin parameters of   a > 0.25  and  >0.75  , respectively, provided viscosity of the flow is small. We discuss the implications of our results in the light of observations of QPOs from black hole candidates.  相似文献   

According to one model, high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) can be identified with inertial waves, trapped in the inner regions of accretion discs around black holes due to relativistic effects. In order to be detected, their amplitudes need to reach large enough values via some excitation mechanism. We work out in detail a non-linear coupling mechanism suggested by Kato, in which a global warping or eccentricity of the disc has a fundamental role. These large-scale deformations combine with trapped modes to generate 'intermediate' waves of negative energy that are damped as they approach either their corotation resonance or the inner edge of the disc, resulting in amplification of the trapped waves. We determine the growth rates of the inertial modes, as well as their dependence on the spin of the black hole and the properties of the disc. Our results indicate that this coupling mechanism can provide an efficient excitation of trapped inertial waves, provided the global deformations reach the inner part of the disc with non-negligible amplitude.  相似文献   

Viscous Keplerian discs become sub-Keplerian close to a black hole since they pass through sonic points before entering into it. We study the time evolution of polytropic viscous accretion discs (both in one- and two-dimensional flows) using smoothed particle hydrodynamics. We discover that for a large region of the parameter space spanned by energy, angular momentum and polytropic index, when the flow viscosity parameter is less than a critical value, standing shock waves are formed. If the viscosity is very high then the shock wave disappears. In the intermediate viscosity, the disc oscillates very significantly in the viscous time-scale. Our simulations indicate that these centrifugally supported high density regions close to a black hole play an active role in the flow dynamics, and consequently, the radiation dynamics.  相似文献   

Accretion on to black holes in wind-fed binaries and in collapsars forms small rotating discs with peculiar properties. Such 'mini-discs' accrete on the free-fall time without the help of viscosity and nevertheless can have a high radiative efficiency. The inviscid mini-disc model was previously constructed for a non-rotating black hole. We extend the model to the case of a spinning black hole, calculate the structure and radiative efficiency of the disc and find their dependence on the black hole spin. If the angular momenta of the disc and the black hole are anti-aligned, a hydrodynamic analogue of Penrose process takes place.  相似文献   

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