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Predictions from a new theory for high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers during near-neutral conditions are shown to agree well with measurements of atmospheric surface-layer variances and spectra. The theory suggests surface-layer turbulence is determined by detached eddies that largely originate in the shearing motion immediately above the surface layer; as they descend into this layer, they are strongly distorted by the local shear and impinge onto the surface. Because the origin of these eddies is non-local, they are similar to those described in previous studies as `inactive' turbulence. However, they are, in fact, dynamically highly active, supplying the major mechanism for the momentum transport, including upward bursting on the time scale of the larger eddies. The vertical velocity results show that the variance and the low frequency parts of spectra increase with height in the surface layer, while in the self similar (k1 -1) range the streamwise low frequency components are approximately constant with height. These large-scale longitudinal eddies extend to a length s, which is equal to the boundary-layer height near the surface andincreases linearly to a maximum of about three times the boundary-layer height at roughly 15 m and decreases in the upper parts of the surface layer. This lower part of the surface layer, the eddy surface layer, is the region in which the eddies impinging from layers above are strongly distorted. This new result for the atmospheric boundary layer has practical application for calculating fluctuating wind loads on structures and lateral dispersion of pollution from local sources.  相似文献   

A simple model of the convective (thermal) internalboundary layer has been developed for climatologicalstudies of air-sea-ice interaction, where in situobservations are scarce and first-order estimates ofsurface heat fluxes are required. It is amixed-layer slab model, based on a steady-statesolution of the conservation of potentialtemperature equation, assuming a balance betweenadvection and turbulent heat-flux convergence. Boththe potential temperature and the surface heat fluxare allowed to vary with fetch, so the subsequentboundary-layer modification alters the fluxconvergence and thus the boundary-layer growth rate.For simplicity, microphysical and radiativeprocesses are neglected.The model is validated using several case studies.For a clear-sky cold-air outbreak over a coastalpolynya the observed boundary-layer heights,mixed-layer potential temperatures and surface heatfluxes are all well reproduced. In other cases,where clouds are present, the model still capturesmost of the observed boundary-layer modification,although there are increasing discrepancies withfetch, due to the neglected microphysical andradiative processes. The application of the model toclimatological studies of air-sea interaction withincoastal polynyas is discussed.  相似文献   

边界层和陆面过程对中国暴雨影响研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鸣 《湖北气象》2008,27(2):186-190
总结了近年来我国学者关于边界层和陆面过程对中国暴雨影响的研究成果。此类研究主要应用中尺度数值模式,有的对边界层过程和陆面过程做敏感性试验,有的则对模式中边界层和陆面过程参数化作改进。结果表明:边界层和陆面过程对我国暴雨有明显影响。主要表现在影响暴雨的强度以及使暴雨中心位置有一定的变动,但决定暴雨发生发展的主要因子是大中尺度动力过程。对边界层和陆面过程的改进能有效改善数值模式对暴雨的模拟。  相似文献   

许丽人  赵鸣  汤剑平 《高原气象》2002,21(2):145-153
在中尺度数值天气预报模式MM4中,用level3及E-ε-l两种湍流闭合方法对原总体边界层参数化方案进行改进,使得中尺度模式中可以直接输出有关湍流量,并对地表通量参数化方案进行改进,进而对不同下势需如沙漠,植被上的有关湍流量和边界层特征量进行分析。研究中尺度系统中边界层结构的特征,本文主要从地表通量,湍流交换系数,湍流动能(q^2),温度脉动方差(θ^2)及风温廓线等几个方面进行研究,结果表明,新方案能更好地反映边界层特征。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of turbulence measurementsmade in the south of Brazil in the Pampa region.Data collected at 1Hz are used to calculatestandard deviations of temperature and velocities. Onthe other hand data collected at 10Hz areused to study the behaviour of spectra and cospectraof turbulence in the surface layer. Dimensionless dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy and temperature variance are also presented. The frameworkof Monin–Obukhov Similarity theory is used and allresults are compared with other experimentalstudies.  相似文献   

The function ()=(1+|z/L|2/3)1/2,where z is the height, L the Obukhov length, and a constant,is proposed for the nondimensional wind speed and temperaturegradients (flux-profile relationships) in anunstable surface layer. This function agrees quite well withboth wind speed and temperature data,has the theoretically correct behaviour in convective conditions,and leads to simple results when integrated to produce the mean profiles.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地近地层春季铅直湍流的小波分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地近地层10m高度处快速响应探测系统的湍流资料,对春季晴天和沙尘暴天气下不同稳定层结的铅直湍流脉动进行小波变化及其方差分析,以期了解铅直湍流的尺度结构特征。结果表明,不稳定层结条件下,春季晴天近地层的铅直湍流脉动以12—17S的周期为主,最小周期为1-1.5s;春季沙尘暴时最主要的周期则为6-10s,最小周期为0.4—0.6s。沙尘暴时不稳定层结的湍流尺度总体上小于晴天,较小尺度波动振荡更加明显,湍流运动比晴天更加频繁。稳定层结条件下,春季晴天以10—16S的周期振荡为主,最小周期为1.3-1.8s;春季沙尘暴则以11—20s的周期振荡为主,最小周期为0.5—0.8s。晴天稳定层结时的铅直脉动比沙尘暴时周期小,小周期的湍流运动更明显一些,但周期更小的波动在沙尘暴天气时则多一些。  相似文献   

To what degree the variability of surface features can be identified in the turbulent signals observed in the atmospheric boundary layer is still an unresolved problem. This was investigated by conducting an analytical experiment for a one-dimensional 'chessboard'-type surface-flux distribution on the basis of local free convection scaling. The results showed that, due to their nonlinear dependency on the surface fluxes, the dimensionless gradients of the mean quantities and the dimensionless standard deviations are altered by the surface-flux variability. Furthermore, passive scalars, such as humidity, are considerably more sensitive to surface variability than the main active scalar, temperature. However, the response of the gradients of the mean quantities is fairly negligible in the range of variability studied herein as compared to that of the standard deviations, which were found to be more sensitive to the surface-flux variability. In addition, the phase difference between the active and the passive scalar flux distribution strongly affects the passive scalar turbulence. This dissimilarity between passive and active scalars, or between passive scalars when their source distributions are different, brings into question the use of variance methods for the measurement of a scalar flux, such as evaporation, over variable surfaces. The classical Bowen ratio method, which depends on the validity of the Reynolds analogy for the vertical gradients of the mean quantities, was shown to be relatively more robust. However, under conditions of strong surface variability, it can also be expected to fail.  相似文献   

A simple new model is proposed to predict the distribution of wind velocity and surface shear stress downwind of a rough-to-smooth surface transition. The wind velocity is estimated as a weighted average between two limiting logarithmic profiles: the first log law, which is recovered above the internal boundary-layer height, corresponds to the upwind velocity profile; the second log law is adjusted to the downwind aerodynamic roughness and local surface shear stress, and it is recovered near the surface, in the equilibrium sublayer. The proposed non-linear form of the weighting factor is equal to ln(z/z 01)/ln(δ i /z 01), where z, δ i and z 01 are the elevation of the prediction location, the internal boundary-layer height at that downwind distance, and the upwind surface roughness, respectively. Unlike other simple analytical models, the new model does not rely on the assumption of a constant or linear distribution for the turbulent shear stress within the internal boundary layer. The performance of the new model is tested with wind-tunnel measurements and also with the field data of Bradley. Compared with other existing analytical models, the proposed model shows improved predictions of both surface shear stress and velocity distributions at different positions downwind of the transition.  相似文献   

用大涡模式研究对流边界层湍流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用三维对流边界层的大涡模拟模式研究对流边界层湍流统计特征量,模拟结果与前人的同类模拟工作及实验观测结果相比较,得到了一致的结论.    相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation and Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models were used to study heavy particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL). The effects of various geostrophic winds, particle diameters, and subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence were investigated. Results showed an obvious depression in the vertical dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL and major vertical stratification in the distribution of particle concentrations, relative to the passive dispersion. Stronger geostrophic winds tended to increase the dispersion of heavy particles in the lower CBL. The SGS turbulence, particularly near the surface, markedly influenced the dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL. For reference, simulations using passive particles were also conducted; these simulation results agreed well with results from previous convective tank experiments and numerical simulations.  相似文献   

一个引入近地层的区域气候模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
把近地层引入到NCAR的区域气候模式RegCM2中(简称为RCMC1),用该模式及1991年梅雨期间的观测资料作了3组模拟试验,并同实况进行了比较。结果表明,在区域气候模式中引入近地层后,能够更合理的模拟出地表及植被同大气之间的感热和潜热通量输送,从而改善模式模拟的月降水及月平均地面温度的分布。l0层的RCMC1比18层RCM具有更优的模拟气候的能力,且一个模式天的计算量节省227s。  相似文献   

A numerical model for the computation of the wind field,air temperature and humidity in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) including the urbancanopy was developed for urban climate simulation. The governing equations of the modelare derived by applying ensemble and spatial averages to the Navier–Stokes equation, continuityequation and equations for heat and water vapour transfer in the air. With the spatial averagingprocedure, effects of buildings and other urban structures in the urban canopy can be accounted for byintroducing an effective volume function, defined as the ratio between the volume of air in acomputational mesh over the total volume of the mesh. The improved k - model accounts for the anisotropyof the turbulence field under density stratification. In the improved k - model, the transportof momentum and heat in the vertical direction under density stratification is evaluated based onthe assumption of a near-equilibrium shear flow where transport effects on the stresses andheat fluxes are negligible. The heating processes at surfaces of buildings and ground are alsomodelled. The comparison of the computational results obtained with the present modeland existing observational data and numerical models shows that the present model is capableof predicting the structure of turbulence in the urban canopy layer under density stratification.Numerical experiments with the new model show that the flow behaviour of the air in the urbancanopy layer is strongly affected by the existence of buildings and density stratification.  相似文献   

Dispersion estimates with a Gaussian plume model are often incorrect because of particle settling (β), deposition (γ) or the vertical gradient in diffusivity (K v (z) = K 0μz). These “non-Gaussian” effects, and the interaction between them, can be evaluated with a new Hankel/Fourier method. Due to the deepening of the plume downwind and reduced vertical concentration gradients, these effects become more important at greater distance from the source. They dominate when distance from the source exceeds L β = K 0 U/β 2, L γ  = K 0 U/γ 2 and L μ = K 0 U/μ 2 respectively. In this case, the ratio β/μ plays a central role and when β/μ = 1/2 the effects of settling and K gradient exactly cancel. A general computational method and several specific closed form solutions are given, including a new dispersion relation for the case when all three non-Gaussian effects are strong. A more general result is that surface concentration scales as C(x) ~ γ −2 whenever deposition is strong. Categorization of dispersion problems using β/μ, L γ and L μ is proposed.  相似文献   

On 11 August 1999, a near-total solar eclipse (80%) was observed in Campistrous, France. The influence of this particular event on the atmospheric boundary layer was observed with a UHF-RASS radar, a sodar and an instrumented mast. The changes in turbulence intensity, radar reflectivity, and temperature on the radiative budget are described in relation to collocated ground meteorological data. The impact of the eclipse induces a clear response of the atmosphere, with a time lag of 15 to 30 min, perceptible in several mean and turbulent meteorological variables up to the top of the atmospheric boundary layer.  相似文献   

We developed a simple, single-layer urban canopy model, and comparedit to both multi-layer and slab models. Our single-layer model has thefollowing features: (a) It is a column model of energy and momentumexchange between an urban surface and the atmosphere, (b) it includesthe influence of street canyons, which are parameterized to representthe urban geometry, (c) it includes shadowing from buildings andreflection of radiation, and (d) it estimates both the surfacetemperatures of, and heat fluxes from, three surface types: roof, wall,and road. In the simulation of the single-layer model, the roof washottest during the daytime, but coolest from midnight to early morning.This is consistent with output from the multi-layer model and fieldobservations at a residential area on a clear, summer day. The diurnalvariation of the energy budget from the single-layer model agrees wellwith that from the multi-layer model. Our single-layer model'sperformance is nearly that of a multi-layer model for studyingmesoscale heat islands. Nevertheless, it is simply parameterized,and thus easily included in larger-scale atmospheric models. The slabmodel has the largest nighttime cooling rate of the three models. Toovercome this, it needs more adjustments than for the canopy models.  相似文献   

An examination of boundary-layer meteorological and avian aerodynamic theories suggests that soaring birds can be used to measure the magnitude of vertical air motions within the boundary layer. These theories are applied to obtain mixed-layer normalized thermal updraft intensity over both flat and complex terrain from the climb rates of soaring American white pelicans and from diagnostic boundary-layer model-produced estimates of the boundary-layer depth zi and the convective velocity scale w*. Comparison of the flatland data with the profiles of normalized updraft velocity obtained from previous studies reveals that the pelican-derived measurements of thermal updraft intensity are in close agreement with those obtained using traditional research aircraft and large eddy simulation (LES) in the height range of 0.2 to 0.8 zi. Given the success of this method, the profiles of thermal vertical velocity over the flatland and the nearby mountains are compared. This comparison shows that these profiles are statistically indistinguishable over this height range, indicating that the profile for thermal updraft intensity varies little over this sample of complex terrain. These observations support the findings of a recent LES study that explored the turbulent structure of the boundary layer using a range of terrain specifications. For terrain similar in scale to that encountered in this study, results of the LES suggest that the terrain caused less than an 11% variation in the standard deviation of vertical velocity.  相似文献   

The atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) depth was observed by airborne lidar and balloon soundings during the Southern Great Plains 1997 field study (SGP97). This paper is Part I of a two-part case study examining the relationship of surface heterogeneity to observed ABL structure. Part I focuses on observations. During two days (12–13 July 1997) following rain, midday convective ABL depth varied by as much as 1.5 km across 400 km, even with moderate winds. Variability in ABL depth was driven primarily by the spatial variation in surface buoyancy flux as measured from short towers and aircraft within the SGP97 domain. Strong correlation was found between time-integrated buoyancy flux and airborne remotely sensed surface soil moisture for the two case-study days, but only a weak correlation was found between surface energy fluxes and vegetation greenness as measured by satellite. A simple prognostic one-dimensional ABL model was applied to test to what extent the soil moisture spatial heterogeneity explained the variation in north–south ABL depth across the SGP97 domain. The model was able to better predict mean ABL depth and variations on horizontal scales of approximately 100 km using observed soil moisture instead of constant soil moisture. Subsidence, advection, convergence/divergence and spatial variability of temperature inversion strength also contributed to ABL depth variations. In Part II, assimilation of high-resolution soil moisture into a three-dimensional mesoscale model (MM5) is discussed and shown to improve predictions of ABL structure. These results have implications for ABL models and the influence of soil moisture on mesoscale meteorology  相似文献   

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