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鲤鱼在不同保藏温度下的质量变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作者对鲤鱼在冰藏(0-2℃)和常温(10℃、15℃、28℃)的保藏条件下,以TVB-N、K值,细菌总数和感官鉴定为鲜度指标,分析了质量变化。根据综合评定:达一级鱼鲜度的期限冰藏约为10天,常温10℃为3天,15℃为1天;达二级鱼鲜度的期限冰藏为18天常温分别为4天,2天和半天左右。可见,冰藏的保存期比常温保藏延长二周以上。作者认为冰藏是鲤鱼保鲜简便有效的方法。同时也证实了在不同保藏温度下,K值因初期变化显著而可作为高标准的鲜度指标。试验中发现TVB-N在保藏后期与细菌总数和感官鉴定不相符,TVB-N值偏低,其中冰藏鲤鱼尤为明显,此现象在鳙、鲢、鲤冻藏试验中也存在,因此,提出以TVB-N作为腐败指标是否适用于冰藏、冻藏的淡水鱼尚需商榷。  相似文献   

蒋欠欠  郭英  于杰 《海洋测绘》2019,39(1):70-74
合理的观测值权阵能提高BDS、GPS及其组合系统伪距单点定位的精度。对比分析了各系统在实测数据和模拟观测条件下等权模型、高度角模型、Helmert方差分量模型3种随机模型的定位精度。结果表明:在模拟观测条件下, BDS/GPS组合系统精度最高,BDS系统次之,基于Helmert方差分量模型的精度最优,高度角模型次之;在正常观测条件下, BDS系统平面精度高于GPS系统,但高程精度低于GPS系统,其余结论与模拟条件下结果一致。研究结果可在提高BDS、GPS及其组合系统伪距单点定位精度方法中起参考作用。  相似文献   

港口中系泊船在波浪作用下运动问题的本质是浅水波浪与浮体的相互作用。与深水情况不同,浅水问题应当考虑水底、水域边界的影响及浅水波浪自身的特性,单一模型很难实现该模拟过程。为此,建立了Boussinesq方程计算入射波和Laplace方程计算散射波的全时域组合计算模型。有限元法求解的Boussinesq方程能使入射波充分考虑到水底、水域边界的影响和浅水波浪的特性;散射波被线性化,采用边界元法求解,并以浮体运动时的物面条件为入射波和散射波求解的匹配条件。该方法为完全的时域方法,计算网格不随时间变动,计算过程较为方便。通过与实验及其他数值方法的结果进行比较,验证了本模型对非线性波面、浮体的运动都有比较理想的计算结果,显示了本模型对非线性问题具有较好的计算能力。  相似文献   

在不同水力停留时间(HRT)下考察了阴离子交换膜生物反应器对饮用水中ClO4-的还原效果.研究结果表明,在进水ClO4-浓度为60 μg/L情况下,HRT从5h逐渐降低到2.5h,水流动室出水ClO4-浓度随着HRT降低呈增大趋势,但运行稳定后出水ClO4-浓度均低于18μg/L.厌氧生物反应室在HRT降低初期高氯酸盐有一定的积累,随着运行时间的增加,积累的ClO4-能被厌氧微生物还原,厌氧污泥混合液中ClO4-浓度低于2.0 μg/L,说明厌氧生物反应室具有较强的抗负荷冲击能力.水流动室出水pH稳定在7左右,电导率和Cl-随着HRT降低而增大.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of peak energy and peak frequency o local wavelet energy spectrum for wind wavesTXFluctuationsofpeakenergyandpeak...  相似文献   

A numerical method is designed to examine the response properties of real sea areas to open ocean forcing. The application of this method to modeling the China’s adjacent seas shows that the Bohai Sea has a highest peak response frequency(PRF) of 1.52 d-1; the northern Yellow Sea has a PRF of 1.69 d-1; the Gyeonggi Bay has a high amplitude gain plateau in the frequency band roughly from 1.7 to 2.7 d-1; the Yellow Sea(including the Gyeonggi Bay), the East China Sea shelf and the Taiwan Strait have a common high amplitude gain band with frequencies around 1.76 to 1.78 d-1 and are shown to be a system that responds to the open ocean forcing in favor of amplifying the waves with frequencies in this band; the Beibu Gulf, the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea deep basin have PRFs of 0.91, 1.01 and 0.98 d-1 respectively. In addition, the East China Sea has a Poincare mode PRF of 3.91 d-1. The PRFs of the Bohai Sea, the northern Yellow Sea, the Beibu Gulf and the South China Sea can be explained by a classical quarter(half for the Bohai Sea) wavelength resonance theory. The results show that further investigations are needed for the response dynamics of the Yellow Sea-East China Sea-Taiwan Strait system, the East China Sea Poincare mode, the Taiwan Strait, and the Gulf of Thailand.  相似文献   

潘洪哲  徐明  陈丽  孙媛媛  王永龙 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6443-6449
采用基于密度泛函理论的广义梯度近似(GGA),对不同尺寸(N=2—11)的单层正三角锯齿型石墨烯量子点(Z N -GNDs)的结构进行优化,得到与实验数据较好符合的晶格常数,进一步计算得到不同尺寸下体系的自旋多重度、磁矩、电子态密度以及自旋电子密度.结果表明:所有体系都呈现金属性,在尺寸较小的体系中量子尺寸效应对电子结构的影响比较明显;与单层石墨烯片一样,sp2杂化作用和非键态电子在量子点中仍起到非常重要的作用;费米能级上有自旋向上的电子分布,体系的自旋多重度  相似文献   

We have studied the temporal bond polarisabilities of para-nitroaniline from the Raman intensities by the algorithm proposed by Wu et al. in 1987 (Tian B, Wu G, Liu G 1987 J. Chem. Phys. 87 7300). The bond polarisabilities provide much information concerning the electronic structure of the non-resonant Raman excited virtual state. At the initial moment by the 514.5 nm excitation, the tendency of the excited electrons (mapped out by the bond polarisabilities) is to spread to the molecular periphery, and the electronic structure of the Raman virtual state is close to the pseudo-quinonoidic state. When the final stage of relaxation is approached, the bond polarisabilities of those peripheral bonds relax faster than those closer to the molecular core, the phenyl ring. The molecule is in the benzenoidic form as demonstrated by the bond polarisabilities after relaxation.  相似文献   

模拟深海热液口环境(最高压力40 MPa,最高温度350℃),对深海热液区的主要成分CO2、CH4及其混合物的水溶液在不同压力和温度条件下的拉曼光谱进行探测和分析,结果显示:常温低压下CO2水溶液的Fermi双峰分别位于1 384.9 cm-1和1 278.3 cm-1处,CH4的水溶液拉曼峰υ1位于2 912.1 cm-1处,均比其气相的拉曼频移小;常温下CO2和CH4水溶液的拉曼特征峰随压力(≤40 MPa)的变化均不明显;在40 MPa的压力下随着温度的升高(≤350℃),CO2水溶液的Fermi双峰分别向高波数区移动了约3.4 cm-1和7.0 cm-1,而CH4水溶液的拉曼峰υ1向低波数区移动了约3.1cm-1;混合后升温过程中CO2的双峰分别向高波数区移动了约4.3 cm-1和3.8 cm-1,CH4的特征峰υ1向低波数区移动了4.5 cm-1。说明在室温到350℃范围内温度的变化对CO2和CH4水溶液拉曼频移有影响,频移量与温度线性相关,而压力在≤40 MPa范围内的改变对拉曼频移影响不明显。  相似文献   

通过开展物理模型试验,进行不规则波作用下不同间距大直径圆筒防波堤的波峰压力分布规律研究,分析了圆筒相对间距、相对水深、波陡等主要影响因素对圆筒波压力的影响规律,并通过波压力试验值与各家理论公式计算值的比较,进行不同间距圆筒波压力的计算方法研究。基于直立墙结构和大尺度孤立墩柱结构波压力公式给出修正系数以及横向衰减函数的拟合公式,用以计算圆筒周身不同位置处的波压力,从而为工程设计和理论研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, loss with time of dredged sea sand in a tidal embankment subject to sea level variation was examined through the centrifugal model test. The experimental results demonstrate that a differential subsidence occurs on the surface of the dredged-sea-sand fill and that the largest subsidence was observed just above the damaged portion of the geosynthetic mat. In addition, image analysis provided the largest displacement vector at the damaged portion of the geosynthetic mat, the shear-strain localization from the damaged portion of the geosynthetic mat through the center of the slope surface, and the crest of the dredge-sea sand fill. These displacement vectors and shear strains occurred early in the experiment and increased over time. Therefore, the loss of dredged sea sand can occur rapidly with damage to the geosynthetic mat and can possibly induce differential subsidence and cracks at the surface of the dredged-sea sand fill.  相似文献   

This paper reports that vibrational spectroscopic analysis on hydrogen-bonding between acetone and water comprises both experimental Raman spectra and ab initio calculations on structures of various acetone/water complexes with changing water concentrations. The optimised geometries and wavenumbers of the neat acetone molecule and its complexes are calculated by using ab initio method at the MP2 level with 6-311+G(d,p) basis set. Changes in wavenumber position and linewidth (fullwidth at half maximum) have been explained for neat as well as binary mixtures with different mole fractions of the reference system, acetone, in terms of intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The combination of experimental Raman data with ab initio calculation leads to a better knowledge of the concentration dependent changes in the spectral features in terms of hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

加蓬G4-188区块是一个新的海外勘探区块,在钻井过程中遇到了井壁垮塌、气侵、井斜控制困难等诸多难题,影响了钻井施工的速度。针对这些难题,实施了解决G4-188区块钻井施工难点的各项技术措施,为G4-188区块后续钻井施工提供了有益的技术支持。  相似文献   

北极河流径流量变化及影响因子分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用最新的北极径流资料(R-arcticNET V3.0和Arctic RIMS),对进入北冰洋的4条主要河流的季节及年代际变化进行诊断分析。结果表明:入海径流在4-6月的大幅增加主要是由气温达到融点后积雪融化造成的,降水的作用次之。总的来说,欧亚区域在过去的70年里入海径流量是增加的,而北美区域在近30年里入海径流量是减小的,但注入北冰洋的径流总量是增大的。值得注意的是入海径流的年代际变化在不同季节增减趋势显著不同,夏季和秋季径流量减小,而其他两个季节径流量增大。进一步分析了影响入海径流变化的一些气候因子,结果表明:北大西洋涛动(北太平洋指数)与欧亚(北美)区域的冬、春季径流量存在正相关。春季气温与春季径流量呈正相关,而与夏季径流量呈负相关。降水与径流量基本上为同步正相关。春季积雪覆盖面积与春季径流量为负相关,而与夏季径流量为正相关,夏季积雪覆盖面积与夏季的径流量为正相关。  相似文献   

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