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Tomographic reconstruction of the three-dimensional auroral are emission is used to obtain vertical and horizontal distributions of the optical auroral emission. Under the given experimental conditions with a very limited angular range and a small number of observers, algebraic reconstruction methods generally yield better results than transform techniques. Different algebraic reconstruction methods are tested with an auroral are model and the best results are obtained with an iterative least-square method adapted from emission-computed tomography. The observation geometry used during a campaign in Norway in 1995 is tested with the are model and root-mean-square errors, to be expected under the given geometrical conditions, are calculated. Although optimum geometry was not used, root-mean-square errors of less than 2% for the images and of the order of 30% for the distribution could be obtained. The method is applied to images from real observations. The correspondence of original pictures and projections of the reconstructed volume is discussed, and emission profiles along magnetic field lines through the three-dimensionally reconstructed arc are calibrated into electron density profiles with additional EISCAT measurements. Including a background profile and the temporal changes of the electron density due to recombination, good agreement can be obtained between measured profiles and the time-sequence of calculated profiles. These profiles are used to estimate the conductivity distribution in the vicinity of the EISCAT site. While the radar can only probe the ionosphere along the radar beam, the three-dimensional tomography enables conductivity estimates in a large area around the radar site.Former address: MPE Garching  相似文献   

我国空间物理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
刘立波  万卫星 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3493-3501
经过多年的建设与努力,我国日地空间物理与空间天气领域的研究呈现蓬勃的发展态势.《地球物理学报》以空间物理为专辑,集中在2014年11期刊发38篇文章,涵盖了基于\"子午工程\"观测数据分析在内的空间物理和空间天气方面的一批最新研究成果.这些工作涉及电离层、中高层大气、地磁与磁层、太阳及太阳风等学科方向,还有两篇工作涉及行星空间环境.本文将从这五个学科方向简要地介绍收入专辑的这些工作.  相似文献   

Satellite measurements show that ion beams above the auroral acceleration region are heated to hundreds of eV in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. We show that ion acoustic waves may be responsible for much of this heating. Even in the absence of a positive slope in the velocity distribution of the beam ions, ion acoustic waves can be generated by a fan instability. We present analytical estimates of the wave growth rate and ion beam heating rate. These estimates, which are confirmed by particle simulations, indicate that the perpendicular temperature of the beam ions will increase by 30 eV/s, or by 1 eV in 20–25 km. From the simulations we also conclude that the heating saturates at a perpendicular temperature around 200 eV, which is consistent with observations.  相似文献   

O. Amm 《Annales Geophysicae》1998,16(4):413-424
The method of characteristics for obtaining spatial distributions of ionospheric electrodynamic parameters from ground-based spatial observations of the ground magnetic disturbance and the ionospheric electric field is presented in spherical geometry. The method includes tools for separation of the external magnetic disturbance, its continuation to the ionosphere, and calculation of ionospheric equivalent currents. Based on these and the measured electric field distribution, the ionospheric Hall conductance is calculated as the primary output of the method. By estimating the Hall- to-Pedersen conductance ratio distribution, the remaining ionospheric electrodynamic parameters are inferred. The method does not assume = 0 to allow to study time-dependent situations. The application of this method to a Harang discontinuity (HD) situation on 27 October 1977, 17:39 UT, reveals the following: (1) The conductances at and north of the HD are clearly reduced as compared to the eastern electrojet region. (2) Plasma flow across the HD is observed, but almost all horizontal current is diverted into upward-flowing field-aligned currents (FACs) there. (3) The FACs connected to the Hall currents form a latitudinally aligned sheet with a magnitude peak between the electrically and magnetically defined HD, where break-up arcs are often observed. Their magnitude is larger than that of the more uniformly distributed FACs connected to the Pedersen currents. They also cause the southward shift of the magnetically defined HD with respect to the electrically defined one. (4) A tilt of the HD with respect to geomagnetic latitude as proposed by an earlier study on the same event, which used composite vector plot technique, and by statistical studies, is not observed in our single time-step analysis.Also at: Finnish Meteorological Institute, Geophysical Research, P.O. Box 503, FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland.  相似文献   

Specific type of energetic electron precipitation accompanied by a sharp increase in trapped energetic electron flux are found in the data obtained from low-altitude NOAA satellites. These strongly localized variations of the trapped and precipitated energetic electron flux have been observed in the evening sector near the plasmapause during recovery phase of magnetic storms. Statistical characteristics of these structures as well as the results of comparison with proton precipitation are described. We demonstrate the spatial coincidence of localized electron precipitation with cold plasma gradient and whistler wave intensification measured on board the DE-1 and Aureol-3 satellites. A simultaneous localized sharp increase in both trapped and precipitating electron flux could be a result of significant pitch-angle isotropization of drifting electrons due to their interaction via cyclotron instability with the region of sharp increase in background plasma density.  相似文献   

我国中低纬度地区Sq焦点的分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用1988年3月-1989年3月几次大的太阳活动期间我国9个台站的地磁资料,采用无穷大平板电流的等效电流体系方法,分析了我国中低纬度地区Sq焦点位置的变化特征,并对照KpDst,Ap等指数给出了Sq焦点位置变化的合理解释。结构表明:(1)在不同的Kp指数段Sq焦点有不同的规律性,当Kp<4时,随着Kp指数增大,Sq焦点向高纬方向移动;当Kp在4和6之间时,随着Kp指数增大,Sq焦点向低纬方向  相似文献   

基于探空火箭的朗缪尔探针方案设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究中国低纬电离层垂直高度的精细结构,研发了一种以探空火箭为平台朗缪尔探针,用于就位测量电离层空间等离子体的特性参数及其扰动情况.本文分析了朗缪尔探针的任务需求和目标,并在朗缪尔探针基本测量原理的基础上,对朗缪尔探针基本测量方案进行了论证分析和设计,包括传感器形状、大小和表面镀层的选取设计,双探针的设计,扫描电压和工作模式的设计,及电子学测量电路的设计.本朗缪尔探针采用两路完全相同的球形探针,两路探针同步工作,各自独立完成测量.朗缪尔探针研制完成后,分别进行了信号模拟源测试和等离子体源测试:信号模拟源测试结果显示两路探针电子学工作状态良好,对微弱电流信号的响应具有很高的线性度;在等离子体模拟装置内对电子探针整机测试的初步结果表明该载荷可以正确测量等离子体的特性参数,能够满足科学探测的需求.  相似文献   

For the six months from 1 October 1993 to 1 April 1994 the recordings of the IMAGE magnetometer network have been surveyed in a search for largeamplitude travelling convection vortices (TCVs). The restriction to large amplitudes (>100 nT) was chosen to ensure a proper detection of evens also during times of high activity. Readings of all stations of the northern half of the IMAGE network were employed to check the consistency of the ground signature with the notation of a dual-vortex structure moving in an azimuthal direction. Applying these stringent selection criteria we detected a total of 19 clear TCV events. The statistical properties of our selection resemble the expected characteristics of large-amplitude TCVs. New and unexpected results emerged from the superposed epoch analysis. TCVs tend to form during quiet intervals embedded in moderately active periods. The occurrence of events is not randomly distributed but rather shows a clustering around a few days. These clusters recur once or twice every 27 days. Within a storm cycle they show up five to seven days after the commencement. With regard to solar wind conditions, we see the events occurring in the middle of the IMF sector structure. Large-amplitude TCVs seem to require certain conditions to make solar wind transients geoeffective, which have the tendency to recur with the solar rotation period.  相似文献   

During the 6th August 1995, the CUTLASS Finland HF radar ran in a high time resolution mode, allowing measurements of line-of-sight convection velocities along a single beam with a temporal resolution of 14 s. Data from such scans, during the substorm expansion phase, revealed pulses of equatorward flow exceeding 600 m s–1 with a duration of 5 min and a repetition period of 8 min. Each pulse of enhanced equatorward flow was preceded by an interval of suppressed flow and enhanced ionospheric Hall conductance. These transient features, which propagate eastwards away from local midnight, have been interpreted as ionospheric current vortices associated with fieldaligned current pairs. The present study reveals that these ionospheric convection features appear to have an accompanying signature in the magnetosphere, comprising a dawnward perturbation and dipolarisation of the magnetic field and dawnward plasma flow, measured in the geomagnetic tail by the Geotail spacecraft, located at L = 10 and some four hours to the east, in the postmidnight sector. These signatures are suggested to be the consequence of the observation of the same field aligned currents in the magnetosphere. Their possible relationship with bursty Earthward plasma flow and magnetotail reconnection is discussed.  相似文献   

中国区域电离层TEC与月均值偏差的空间相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
姚璐  张学民  余涛 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3600-3610
本文利用美国喷气动力实验室(JPL)提供的电离层总电子含量(TEC)的地图网格产品,计算了中国区域上空电离层TEC与月均值偏差及其空间相关系数矩阵,从而分析了TEC与月均值偏差空间相关性的分布特征,根据统计学中定义的相关距离提取了这种偏差在经、纬度方向上的空间特征尺度.并以2008年和2011年为例,着重考察了TEC月偏差的空间特征尺度与太阳活动水平、地磁条件和季节变化之间的关系.结果发现,TEC与月均值偏差的空间相关性呈现椭圆形高斯分布的特征,沿纬线方向的特征尺度大于沿经线方向,不同纬度区域偏差的空间相关性特征差异明显,高纬的特征尺度在两个方向上均小于低纬,而不同经度区域在相同地方时条件下表现差异不大;两个方向的特征尺度在白天、太阳活动水平高和地磁活动剧烈时均存在增大的现象.  相似文献   

We discuss the creation of mid-latitude sporadic-E plasma irregularities (with length-scales smaller than sporadic layer thickness) by the neutral atmosphere turbulence. Using fluid equations, the relation between plasma density fluctuations and the velocity field of neutrals is derived. After a brief discussion of the relevant neutral turbulence, the analytical expression for the power spectrum of plasma irregularities is obtained. This expression allows a power-law type of experimental irregularity spectra (the spectral index depends on sporadic-E characteristics) and possible departures in detail of the irregularity spectra from the power-law form to be explained. In addition, it allows us to make estimates of length-scales at which such departures must occur.  相似文献   

本文利用火星具有电离层而无内禀磁场的特点以及它与太阳风相互作用的性质,通过适当的假设,建立了火星感应磁场模型.此模型建立如下,利用电流连续的特性: Δ·j=0 (j为感应电流)以及对火星磁层中的电流体系分布的合理假设给出电流,并由毕奥—萨伐尔定理得到火星周围的磁场强度的表达式;利用我们自编的磁力线跟踪程序由求得的磁场强度得到火星周围的磁力线分布.我们发现:利用此火星磁场模型得到的火星周围的磁力线分布与卫星观测的结果以及其他方法得到的结果符合的很好.  相似文献   

Using a collision by collision model from Lorentzen et al., the latitudinal and longitudinal dispersion of single auroral protons are calculated. The proton energies varies from 1 to 50 keV, and are released into the atmosphere at 700 km altitude. The dipole magnetic field has a dip-angle of 8 degrees. Results show that the main dispersion region is at high altitudes (300–350 km) and occurs during the first few charge exchange collisions. As the proton travels further down the atmosphere the mean free path becomes smaller, and as a result the spreading effect will not be as pronounced. This means that the first few charge exchange collisions fully determines the width of both the latitudinal and longitudinal dispersion. The volume emission rate was calculated for energies between 1 and 50 keV, and it was found that dayside auroral hydrogen emissions rates were approximately 10 times weaker than nightside emission rates. Simulations were also performed to obtain the dependence of the particle dispersion as a function of initial pitch-angle. It was found that the dispersion varies greatly with initial pitch-angle, and the results are summarized in two tables; a main and an extreme dispersion region.  相似文献   

张天华  肖佐 《地球物理学报》2000,43(05):589-597
电离层不规则结构的形成和演化与电离层等离子体不稳定性密切相关 .长期以来 ,在中低纬区扩展 -F现象的研究中 ,没有考虑电离层上下层结之间的相互作用 .本文从理论上全面探讨了在中纬度地区 ,E区可变的Pedersen电导率和Hall电导率 ,与F区可变的Pedersen电导率的共同作用对F区梯度漂移不稳定性的影响 ,导出了存在这种耦合时电离层梯度漂移不稳定性的统一表达式 .这一耦合理论不但解释了实际观测中发现的 ,在某些地方电离层F区顶部的不稳定性发生率要高于F区底部这一现象 ;同时还表明 ,电离层E区与F区的耦合对F区夜晚梯度漂移不稳定性的形成不仅会有阻碍作用 ,同时还使得中、低纬度地区的扰动增长具有了方向的选择性 .该理论的一个重要结论是 ,F区中某一地区能否发展出梯度漂移不稳定性 ,并不完全由当地电离层F区的状态决定 ,同一根磁力线连接的、位于不同纬度地区的E区层结对其发展和演化也会有相当大的影响 .  相似文献   

电离层不规则结构的形成和演化与电离层等离子体不稳定性密切相关 .长期以来 ,在中低纬区扩展 -F现象的研究中 ,没有考虑电离层上下层结之间的相互作用 .本文从理论上全面探讨了在中纬度地区 ,E区可变的Pedersen电导率和Hall电导率 ,与F区可变的Pedersen电导率的共同作用对F区梯度漂移不稳定性的影响 ,导出了存在这种耦合时电离层梯度漂移不稳定性的统一表达式 .这一耦合理论不但解释了实际观测中发现的 ,在某些地方电离层F区顶部的不稳定性发生率要高于F区底部这一现象 ;同时还表明 ,电离层E区与F区的耦合对F区夜晚梯度漂移不稳定性的形成不仅会有阻碍作用 ,同时还使得中、低纬度地区的扰动增长具有了方向的选择性 .该理论的一个重要结论是 ,F区中某一地区能否发展出梯度漂移不稳定性 ,并不完全由当地电离层F区的状态决定 ,同一根磁力线连接的、位于不同纬度地区的E区层结对其发展和演化也会有相当大的影响 .  相似文献   

We have determined the MLT distribution and KpKP dependence of the ion upflow and downflow of the thermal bulk oxygen ion population based on a data analysis using the EISCAT VHF radar CP-7 data obtained at Tromsø during the period between 1990 and 1996: (1) both ion upflow and downflow events can be observed at any local time (MLT), irrespective of dayside and nightside, and under any magnetic disturbance level, irrespective of quiet and disturbed levels; (2) these upflow and downflow events are more frequently observed in the nightside than in the dayside; (3) the upflow events are more frequently observed than the downflow events at any local time except midnight and at any KP level and the difference of the occurrence frequencies between the upflow and downflow events is smaller around midnight; and (4) the occurrence frequencies of both the ion upflow and downflow events appear to increase with increasing KP level, while the occurrence frequency of the downflow appears to stop increasing at some KP level  相似文献   

Auroral and airglow emissions over Eureka (89° CGM) during the 1997/98 winter show striking variations in relation to solar wind IMF changes. The period January 19 to 22, 1998, was chosen for detailed study, as the IMF was particularly strong and variable. During most of the period, Bz was northward and polar arcs were observed. Several overpasses by DMSP satellites during the four day period provided a clear picture of the particle precipitation producing the polar arcs. The spectral character of these events indicated excitation by electrons of average energy 300 to 500 eV. Only occasionally were electrons of average energy up to 1 keV observed and these appeared transitory from the ground optical data. It is noted that polar arcs appear after sudden changes in IMF By, suggesting IMF control over arc initiation. When By is positive there is arc motion from dawn to dusk, while By is negative the motion is consistently dusk to dawn. F-region (anti-sunward) convections were monitored through the period from 630.0 nm emissions. The convection speed was low (100/150 m/s) when Bz was northward but increased to 500 m/s after Bz turned southward on January 20.  相似文献   

Incoherent scatter radars (ISR) are versatile instruments for continuous monitoring of ionisation processes in the Earths atmosphere. EISCAT, The European Incoherent Scatter facility has proven effective also in meteor studies. The time resolution of the radar can be reduced to a few milliseconds, sufficient to resolve the passage of individual meteors through the narrow ISR beam. Methods for group and phase velocity determination of the meteoroids and the discrepancy between the results related to the target behaviour are presented. The radar cross sections of echoes associated with moving meteoroids (–meteor head echoes) are very small and increase with decreasing wavelength. The parent meteoroids are found to have visual magnitudes far below the detection limit of most optical observations. The equivalent visual magnitude limit of the smallest objects observed by EISCAT in the current experiments has been estimated by two different methods, both from the cross-section measurements and from the measured event rates. Both methods give a limit value of +10 for the smallest objects while the upper limit is +4. The lower limit of the visual magnitude for the collocated optical measurement system is +4. Thus the two detection systems observe two different meteor size ranges, with the radar almost reaching micrometeorite population. Meteor fluxes estimated from the event rates and the radar system parameters agree well with previous extrapolated values for this size range.  相似文献   

We present a model that describes the decay of beam generated Langmuir waves into ion-acoustic waves in the topside ionosphere. This calculation is done within the frame of the weak turbulence approximation. We study the spectral signature of such a process as seen by a VHF incoherent scatter radar. An incoherent scatter (IS) spectrum is characterized by two maxima at kradar and −kradar, the right and left ion lines respectively. It is shown that, for reasonable beam parameters, the parametric decay of beam-generated Langmuir waves can enhance either the right, the left or both ion lines simultaneously. The shape of the spectrum can change drastically on time scale of about 0.1 to 1 s. The role of the beam parameter as well as the ionospheric parameters is also investigated. For a given beam number density, the beam energy or the background density are important to trigger either the left or the right ion line. A large energy spread of the beam or low electron collision frequencies can explain the simultaneous observations of the left and the right ion line. The importance of the electron collision frequency can explain the altitude distribution of the coherent echoes observed by incoherent scatter radars.  相似文献   

Global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the Earths magnetosphere must be coupled with a dynamical ionospheric module in order to give realistic results. The usual approach is to compute the Reld-aligned current (FAC) from the magnetospheric MHD variables at the ionospheric boundary. The ionospheric potential is solved from an elliptic equation using the FAC as a source term. The plasma velocity at the boundary is the E × B velocity associated with the ionospheric potential. Contemporary global MHD simulations which include a serious ionospheric model use this method, which we call the electrostatic approach in this paper. We study the possibility of reversing the flow of information through the ionosphere: the magnetosphere gives the electric Reld to the ionosphere. The Reld is not necessarily electrostatic, thus we will call this scheme electromagnetic. The electric Reld determines the horizontal ionospheric current. The divergence of the horizontal current gives the FAC, which is used as a boundary condition for MHD equations. We derive the necessary formulas and discuss the validity of the approximations necessarily involved. It is concluded that the electromagnetic ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling scheme is a serious candidate for future global MHD simulators, although a few problem areas still remain. At minimum, it should be investigated further to discover whether there are any differences in the simulation using the electrostatic or the electromagnetic ionospheric coupling.  相似文献   

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