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Deriving sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) for marine sediments is a difficult task. It will often be a trade off between reproducibility and relevance. One of the fundamental questions in ecotoxicology is to decide what one should measure to detect response in ecosystems exposed to human disturbance. In this paper we use field data to estimate threshold levels eliciting effects on soft bottom macrobenthos collected at different sediment types and depths on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and test these against natural levels occurring levels in reference conditions. SQGs are presented from multivariate analyses based on 121 gradients (represented with Ba, THC, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) incorporating more than 2000 species. Clear clusters with slightly disturbed communities related to contamination loadings were evident in 35% of the gradients. We found large variations in naturally occurring contamination concentrations and in the threshold levels electing effects on the fauna at different sediment types and depths. For example, an increase in depth of only 100 m can triple the Cu and Zn concentrations that elicit effects. Lowest background and threshold levels were found in shallow, sandy sediment. Our results suggest that current SQGs are too high. We hypothesised that setting a SQG of 4-times background concentrations will give sufficient protection for the fauna from metal contamination. The overall background concentration eliciting effects on metal was 3.6x.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to investigate the relative influence of waves, wind-induced currents and tidal currents on sediment mobility in coastal environment. It is based on the assumption that, knowing high uncertainties linked to sediment dynamics studies, simple sediment mobility indicators are sufficient tools to provide useful information. This method is based on five main steps: (1) assessing hydrodynamic conditions and related errors spatially and temporally for an area; (2) evaluating the bottom shear stress induced by these hydrodynamic conditions; (3) providing simple sediment mobility indicators; (4) analysing the sensitivity of these indicators to the existing hydrodynamic uncertainties; (5) interpreting indicators knowing their limits (identified in the sensitivity analysis). This methodology is applied to a test site on the inner shelf, seaward of the Pertuis Charentais region in France. Using wave (SWAN) and sea-level and currents (MARS-2DH) modelling, we study the spatial distribution of the relative contribution of waves, tides and wind-induced current in the non-cohesive sediment mobility under storm conditions. The deduced sediment dynamics indicators reveal the dominant action of waves in sediment initiation in the offshore area, in water depths of up to 60 m. The sensitivity study, performed in order to evaluate the validity of results, shows that the sediment mobility indicators still provide relevant information, even for hydrodynamic uncertainties of ±20% or furthermore when only a qualitative sedimentological knowledge of the area is available.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm for generating stationary stochastic hydrologic time series at multiple sites. The ideas in this paper constitute a radical departure from commonly accepted methodologies. The approach relies on the recent advances in statistical science for simulating random variables with arbitrary marginal distributions and a given covariance structure, and on an algorithm for re-ordering the generated sub-sets of each synthetic year of data such that the annual auto-correlation of desired lag is maintained, along with the autocorrelations between the end of the preceding year and the beginning of the current year. The main features of the proposed algorithm are simplicity and ease of implementation. A numerical test is presented containing the generation of 1000 years of weekly stochastic series for four sites based on the 84 years of historical natural weekly flows from Southern Alberta in Canada.  相似文献   

A fiber-optic microphobe is described which is inexpensive and simple to build and use. It consists of an 80-micrometers optical fiber which at the end is tapered down to a rounded sensing tip of 20-30-micrometers diameter. The detector is a hybrid photodiode/amplifier. The probe has a sensitivity of 0.01 microEinst m-2 s-1 and a spectral range of 300-1,100 nm. Spectral light gradients were measured in fine-grained San Francisco Bay sediment that had an undisturbed diatom coating on the surface. The photic zone of the mud was only 0.4 mm deep. Measured in situ spectra showed extinction maxima at 430-520, 620-630, 670, and 825-850 nm due to absorption by chlorophyll a, carotenoids, phycocyanin, and bacterio-chlorophyll a. Maximum light penetration in the visible range was found in both the violet and the red < or = 400 and > or = 700 nm.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, several integrated methods for marine sediment quality evaluation have been developed and applied to many coastal sites. This paper describes the development of a general integrated method based on the determination of organic and inorganic sediment contamination, lethal and sublethal toxicity assessments, in situ benthonic community structure alteration and bioaccumulation of contaminants. The proposed method was applied to sediments from Southern Spain's Atlantic coast where six rivers (Guadiana, Carreras, Piedras, Tinto, Odiel and Guadalquivir) drain pollutants from various anthropogenic sources. A series of experiments was conducted to determine the characteristics of the sediments: granulometry, organic matter content, etc. (1); metal contamination of sediments and Chamelea gallina (bivalves widely distributed in the area studied) (2); lethal and sublethal toxicity by a series of biological tests (3); and macrofauna distribution at the 16 stations included in the study (4). Ratio-to-reference values (RTR) calculated for each parameter were used to determine the organic and inorganic contamination indices, the lethal and sublethal toxicity indices, the index of bioavailability of metals in the organisms analyzed and the macrobenthic alteration index. The data were plotted on six-axis plots to describe better the relations between the physical, chemical and biological properties studied. A general integrated sediment quality index (ISQI) was determined and used as an indicator of pollution-induced degradation. The ISQI values summarize the main characteristics of the environmental situation at each sampling point and can be used for purposes of comparison.  相似文献   

The relatively high cost of commercially available turbidity meters has inhibited detailed and intensive research on spatiotemporal patterns of suspended sediment transport. We describe here the electronic and physical design of an inexpensive turbidity sensor which is easy to construct, simple to interface with portable millivolt meters, dataloggers, computers, or chart recorders, consumes exceptionally small currents, and is robust and reliable. the very low individual cost allows a large number of sensors to be distributed throughout the water body of interest to facilitate turbidity mapping. Turbidity profilers to detect vertical or lateral turbidity changes in rivers, lakes, estuaries, or near-shore zones are also shown to be feasible. Test data are presented from a highly turbid glacial river in southern Iceland.  相似文献   

Slag material was dumped in two sites off southwestern Taiwan by the China Steel Corporation during 1984–1995. By geochemically analyzing four sediment cores, we investigated the impact of slag on the sediment chemistry. Elemental profiles from the dumping sites show a strong depletion in detrital elements and enrichment in alkaline and redox-sensitive elements, especially for the top ~20 cm of sediments. The relative enrichment factor (EFrel) exhibits wider range for Ca (0.73–13.33), Fe (0.88–3.03), Mg (0.94–9.58) and Mn (1.22–33.30) due to contamination of sediments by slag. Sediment weathering indicators also show a distinct change with lower values in sediments influenced by dumping due to Ca and Sr addition. Higher EFrel for As, Cd and Pb in the top sections of the cores indicate an additional modern/industrial input of these elements since ~1950. Our study suggests that slag dumping may have a localized effect on biogeochemical processes by inducing the diagenetic remobilization of certain elements.  相似文献   

The logistical demands of coring lake sediments tend to preclude the replicate coring necessary to establish error estimates for measured sedimentary parameters. However, if such parameters are to be used to reconstruct sediment yield, and particularly to identify temporal variability of sediment yield, reasonable error estimates are required. In this paper data from a series of alpine lakes in British Columbia are applied to develop a new method for deriving such estimates. Regression surfaces fitted to point values of sediment mass are used to model the physically controlled spatial variability of sedimentation. Deviations from these surfaces are assumed to represent remaining unstructured variance, which constitutes a conservative error estimate. Application of the technique to the alpine lake dataset gives sediment yield estimates with error ranges of ±7–21 per cent. The potential error is minimized where the spatial variability of sedimentation is strongly predictable. The best fits were achieved for elongate lakes of simple basin morphology. The range of the error estimates is sufficiently low to allow detection of variability in Holocene sediment yield to one of the lakes. By using this technique, absolute sediment yields with associated error estimates may be derived. The associated gains in precision justify multicore approaches to lake sediment‐based reconstructions of sediment yield. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface sediments were collected from five nearshore (wastewater discharges, aquaculture facilities and a seaport) sites in Bohai Bay and Laizhou Bay, China. The equilibrium partitioning (EqP) model and empirical sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) were applied to assess the potential metal toxicity in the collected sediments. The results show that, based on the EqP model, 35% of stations exhibited potential metal toxicity. Several metals (Cu, Ni and Cr) exceeded the empirical SQGs (9–93% of the time), however these guidelines may not be suitable for use in the Bohai Sea owing to the background concentrations. The EqP model is a more useful method for assessing potential metal toxicity in Bohai Sea sediment than the empirical SQGs. Additionally, we have provided new understanding about methods for assessing sediment metal toxicity in the Bohai Sea that may be useful in other coastal areas in China.  相似文献   

We introduce a two-step method to perform spatio-temporal balanced sampling in a design-based approach. For populations with spatio-temporal trends and with anisotropic effects in the variable of interest, the prediction can be further improved by selecting samples that are well spread over the entire population in space and time. We control the spread of the sample over the population by using the volume of the corresponding three-dimensional Voronoi tessellation. Indeed, spatio-temporal design-based balanced sampling is even more efficient under the presence of a trend and anisotropic effects. We present an intensive simulation study comparing our method to other available methods for spatio-temporal sampling. Finally, we analyze real data by sampling from a population of temperature stations over six European countries.  相似文献   

A fast and simple method to quantify filamentous algae in inverted microscope is described. It is based on the number of intersections between the midline of a diametrical transect and the filaments on the chamber bottom. It is shown to be theoretically sound and is compared with the common length measurement method.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is essential in water resources management and hydrological practices. Estimation of ET in areas, where adequate meteorological data are not available, is one of the challenges faced by water resource managers. Hence, a simplified approach, which is less data intensive, is crucial. The FAO‐56 Penman–Monteith (FAO‐56 PM) is a sole global standard method, but it requires numerous weather data for the estimation of reference ET. A new simple temperature method is developed, which uses only maximum temperature data to estimate ET. Ten class I weather stations data were collected from the National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia. This method was compared with the global standard PM method, the observed Piche evaporimeter data, and the well‐known Hargreaves (HAR) temperature method. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the new method was as high as 0.74, 0.75, and 0.91, when compared with that of PM reference evapotranspiration (ETo), Piche evaporimeter data, and HAR methods, respectively. The annual average R2 over the ten stations when compared with PM, Piche, and HAR methods were 0.65, 0.67, and 0.84, respectively. The Nash–Sutcliff efficiency of the new method compared with that of PM was as high as 0.67. The method was able to estimate daily ET with an average root mean square error and an average absolute mean error of 0.59 and 0.47 mm, respectively, from the PM ETo method. The method was also tested in dry and wet seasons and found to perform well in both seasons. The average R2 of the new method with the HAR method was 0.82 and 0.84 in dry and wet seasons, respectively. During validation, the average R2 and Nash–Sutcliff values when compared with Piche evaporation were 0.67 and 0.51, respectively. The method could be used for the estimation of daily ETo where there are insufficient data. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamical responses of a shoreline over long-term (years or decades) is a non-linear and time-dependent random process. It is affected by both longshore and cross-shore sediment transports. The former tends to cause cumulative changes in the mean shoreline position while the latter usually only leads to beach profile fluctuations relative to the moving mean beach profile. Due to the time-dependency of the process the life-cycle approach is ideally suited to formulate the probability distribution of extreme shoreline erosion. A model based on such approach and using standard Monte Carlo simulation techniques has been reported by Dong and Chen (1999). In this paper a simplified procedure is developed by introducing the assumption that the longshore and cross-shore processes are statistically independent. This then allows the probability distribution of the extreme erosion to be calculated in terms of the marginal probability distributions of the maximum recessions due to purely longshore and purely cross-shore transport. This method was applied to two idealised shoreline configurations and its usefulness for engineering applications is evaluated by comparison with the full Monte Carlo method.  相似文献   

Summary Second derivative coefficients for various grid systems are derived followingPeters' andElkins' approaches. Two simple formulae, one for three dimensional bodies and the other for two dimensional bodies are also suggested. These utilise the average of the anomalies around a single circle and the anomaly at the central point.All the coefficient sets and the proposed simple formulae are applied to gravity fields of spheres and cylinders. Coefficients ofElkins' type derived with a weightage of 1/r 4 to all the circles gave excellent results in both the cases of spheres and cylinders, whereasPeters' coefficients without any weightage to the circles gave reliable results in case of cylinders only. The simple formulae suggested gave more accurate results than any of the above coefficient sets.  相似文献   

The introduced collecting method is based on a common entomologist exhauster, which is specified for the fieldwork in aquatic systems with a sieve-inset and a bottom-lid. The living organisms are collected visually from the sampled debris and no further extraction is needed. The apparatus is designed for qualitative sampling of microcrustaceans (e.g. Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda) and minimises disturbance at the sampling site.  相似文献   

We report the development of a methodology for assessing confidence in ecological status classifications. The method presented here can be considered as a secondary assessment, supporting the primary assessment of eutrophication or ecological status. The confidence assessment is based on scoring the quality of the indicators on which the primary assessment is made. This represents a first step towards linking status classification with information regarding their accuracy and precision. Applied to an existing data set used for assessment of eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea (including the Kattegat and Danish Straits) we demonstrate that confidence in the assessment is Good or High in 149 out of 189 areas assessed (79%). Contrary to our expectations, assessments of the open parts of the Baltic Sea have a higher confidence than assessments of coastal waters. We also find that in open waters of the Baltic Sea, some biological indicators have a higher confidence than indicators representing physical-chemical conditions. In coastal waters, phytoplankton, submerged aquatic vegetation and indicators of physical-chemical conditions have a higher confidence than indicators of the quality of benthic invertebrate communities. Our analyses also show that the perceived weaknesses of eutrophication assessments are due more to Low confidence in reference conditions and acceptable deviations, rather than in the monitoring data.  相似文献   

The exchange flow of water and sediment between a harbor and the surrounding waters can be geometrically decomposed into three main components: tidal filling, horizontal, and vertical exchange flows. The method is applied to analyze available measurements at two important harbor basins in Belgium. The geometric analysis can also be applied to the results of a numerical model of hydrodynamics and sediment transport, provided it has sufficient horizontal, vertical, and temporal resolutions to capture the dynamics at the harbor mouth. As such, it can be used as a tool in model calibration. The presented method can provide some insight into the complex relationship (phasing and spatial correlations) between hydrodynamics and sediment concentration that determines harbor siltation.  相似文献   

We present a mechanical method to horizontally section soft bottom sediment cores to minimize the vertical post-sampling redistribution of motile infaunal macroinvertebrates. A clear acrylic core tube for a standard Kajak-Brinkhurst corer was modified by cutting a series of horizontal slits into the side of the core tube to allow the insertion of sectioning plates for physically sealing each section immediately after core retrieval. The modification is simple, inexpensive and easily adapted to any open barrel gravity corer.  相似文献   

Obtaining depth of closure (DoC) in an accurate manner is a fundamental issue for coastal engineering, since good results for coastal structures and beach nourishment depend mainly on DoC. Currently, there are two methods for obtaining the DoC, mathematical formulations and profile surveys. However, these methods can incur important errors if one does not take into account the characteristics and morphology of the area, or if one does not have a sufficiently long time series. In this work the DoC is obtained from the break in the trend of the sediment with the depth, that is, in general with the increase of the depth a decrease in the size of the sediment takes place. However, at one point this tendency changes and the size increases, and then decreases again. When comparing the point where the minimum sediment size occurs before the increase, it is observed that the error incurred is small compared to other methods. If the Standard Deviation of Depth Change (SDDC) method is considered as the most accurate method, the error incurred by the proposed method is less than 7%. In addition, it can be seen that the dispersion of the sediment method always occurs outside the zone of bar movement. Whereas in the methods of profiles survey (using 2 cm precision profiles), sometimes the DoC is obtained within the active zone of bar movement. In addition, where the relative minimum of the median sediment size is found, and the sizes of 0.063 and 0.125 mm predominate in the composition of the sample. Therefore, this new method allows the precise location of the DoC to be obtained in a fast and simple way. Furthermore, this method has the advantage that it is not affected by the modifications that may be experienced by both the study area and the cross-shore beach profile.  相似文献   

Consumption of aquifer Fe(III) during biodegradation of ground water contaminants may result in expansion of a contaminant plume, changing the outlook for monitored natural attenuation. Data from two research sites contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons show that toluene and xylenes degrade under methanogenic conditions, but the benzene and ethylbenzene plumes grow as aquifer Fe(III) supplies are depleted. By considering a one-dimensional reaction front in a constant unidirectional flow field, it is possible to derive a simple expression for the growth rate of a benzene plume. The method balances the mass flux of benzene with the Fe(III) content of the aquifer, assuming that the biodegradation reaction is instantaneous. The resulting expression shows that the benzene front migration is retarded relative to the ground water velocity by a factor that depends on the concentrations of hydrocarbon and bioavailable Fe(III). The method provides good agreement with benzene plumes at a crude oil study site in Minnesota and a gasoline site in South Carolina. Compared to the South Carolina site, the Minnesota site has 25% higher benzene flux but eight times the Fe(III), leading to about one-sixth the expansion rate. Although it was developed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes, the growth-rate estimation method may have applications to contaminant plumes from other persistent contaminant sources.  相似文献   

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