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An in situ monitoring of the sediment characteristics and macrobenthic communities was undertaken at a marine fish culture site in subtropical waters of Hong Kong before and after the deployment of biofilters which were made of cement concrete artificial reef (AR) structures. According to the distance to the boundary of the fish cages, 6 points were selected as sampling stations: 2 at the fish cages, 2 near the boundary of the fish culture area, and 2 reference sites further away from the culture area. Bimonthly sediment samples were collected for analysis of silt-clay fraction (SCF), moisture content (MC), total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (TP). The macrobenthos (>0.5mm) present in the sediment were sorted, identified and enumerated. TOC, TKN and TP levels at the fish cage stations were consistently higher than those at the reference stations over the 1-year pre-AR and 2-year post-AR deployment monitoring period. The diversity of macrofauna was significantly reduced at the fish cage stations relative to the reference sites. The intermediary stations near the fish culture area showed a transitional state of disturbance. Over the 2-year post-AR deployment period, TOC, TKN and TP showed a decreasing trend at the fish cage and intermediary stations. More diverse macrofaunal communities were recorded at the fish cage stations, with species diversity H'increasing from 0-1 at the beginning of the AR deployment to H'>2 at the end of the study. The present results demonstrated that artificial reefs can improve the benthic abiotic environment and biotic conditions beneath fish rafts which are deteriorated due to farming activities.  相似文献   

Artificial reefs can enhance habitat heterogeneity, especially in seabed degraded by bottom-dredging and trawling. However, the trophodynamics of such reef systems are not well understood. This study provided baseline data on trophic relationships in the benthic environment associated with artificial reefs in late spring and mid summer of subtropical Hong Kong, using fatty acid profiles as an indicator. Data from sediments collected at the reef base, materials from sediment traps deployed on top and bottom of the reefs, total particulate matter from the water column and oyster tissues from reef surface were subjected to principal component analysis. Results showed variations of fatty acid profiles in the total particulate matter, upper sediment trap and oyster tissue samples collected in the two samplings, indicating seasonal, trophodynamic changes within the reef system. The wastes produced by fish aggregating at the reefs can also contribute a source of biodeposits to the nearby benthic environment.  相似文献   

We examined whether replantation of benthic microalgae (BMA) can remediate shallow organically enriched sediment. Nitzschia sp., the dominant species in the tested area (Hiroshima Bay, Japan), was isolated and mass cultured, then replanted in the same area. Changes in the condition of the sediment were monitored for five months. During the study period, we observed an increase in redox potential (ORP) and a decrease in acid-volatile sulfide (AVS) in the experimental area, indicating that the sediment condition changed from reduced to oxic. Organic matter in the sediment, represented by chemical oxygen demand (COD), ignition loss (IL) and organic nitrogen (ON) decreased significantly, while inorganic nutrients (ammonia and phosphate) increased in the interstitial water. These changes imply that oxygen produced by the replanted BMA may have enhanced aerobic bacterial activity, accelerating the decomposition of organic matter. Thus, replantation of BMA shows potential as a novel and promising "phytoremediation" method for organically enriched sediment.  相似文献   

Microplastics as contaminants in the marine environment: a review   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Since the mass production of plastics began in the 1940s, microplastic contamination of the marine environment has been a growing problem. Here, a review of the literature has been conducted with the following objectives: (1) to summarise the properties, nomenclature and sources of microplastics; (2) to discuss the routes by which microplastics enter the marine environment; (3) to evaluate the methods by which microplastics are detected in the marine environment; (4) to assess spatial and temporal trends of microplastic abundance; and (5) to discuss the environmental impact of microplastics. Microplastics are both abundant and widespread within the marine environment, found in their highest concentrations along coastlines and within mid-ocean gyres. Ingestion of microplastics has been demonstrated in a range of marine organisms, a process which may facilitate the transfer of chemical additives or hydrophobic waterborne pollutants to biota. We conclude by highlighting key future research areas for scientists and policymakers.  相似文献   

In unpolluted areas the log-normal distribution of individuals per species fits well data from many benthic communities. Using a simple plotting method, under slight pollution the data show a distinct break in the normally straight line log-normal plot and the plot covers more geometric classes than data from unpolluted areas. Under more severe pollution stress the data show a return to a log-normal distribution, but with a shallower slope, and span more geometric classes than data from less polluted areas. The above-mentioned patterns are consistent for spatial effects of pollution in Oslofjord and for temporal effects in data from a Scottish sea loch and also apply to other communities. An explanation of the reasons for such patterns is given and consideration given to the robustness of and application of the methods described.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to establish potential indicators of fish farming pollution in muddy substrate, by means of meiofauna, and to test whether the effect of the fish farm is more important to determine the meiofauna community than the seasonal environmental conditions. Sampling was performed in spring, after several months of light feeding, and in summer, at high food supply. Samples were collected in three directions at various distances from the floating cages. Harpacticoid copepods and kinorhynchs, whose abundance decreased under the cages, were put forward as indicator taxa. However, harpacticoid copepods were sensitive to fish farm only, while kinorhynchs showed responsiveness to fish farm and to seasonal environmental conditions. Total meiofauna density was dependent on season sensu stricto. The nMDS clearly showed a ‘cage community’ and ‘control community’ in both sampling occasions; therefore it is a good tool for impact assessment.  相似文献   

A brackish lagoon near Marseilles now receives an erratic inflow of fresh water. The fauna and flora were studied before and after the construction of a canal which introduces the fresh water. Instead of the expected change from a marine-dominated to a brackish biota, a general impoverishment has resulted. Increasing urbanization and industrialization of the area is causing extensive deterioration of the coastal environment of which this lagoon forms a part.  相似文献   

Despite Antarctica being the largest pristine wilderness on Earth, many coastal Antarctic research stations release untreated sewage waste into the marine environment, which may have negative effects on local wildlife. In February 2003 a sewage treatment plant was installed at Rothera Research Station (Adelaide Island, Antarctic Peninsula). After one year of operation the sewage treatment plant had dramatically reduced the microbiological pollution in the near-shore marine environment around the outfall and seawater quality conformed to European Union Bathing Water Standards.  相似文献   

The priorities for the protection of the seas have been discussed extensively. Many consider that the problem of marine pollution can only be solved on the basis of joint international actions. This is particularly true for the various countries bordering on the North Sea. To implement such ‘Joint Actions’, a new understanding of safety, namely ‘global maritime safety’ should be discussed with all those involved.  相似文献   

Cover of the main reef benthic groups, and abundances and taxonomic richness of octocorals were surveyed in the reefs of Hong Kong, and related to spatial and water quality gradients. Nutrient and particle concentrations are high throughout the area, with concentrations declining from the south towards the north-eastern region. Regression tree analyses showed that hard coral cover was most strongly related to water clarity, that macroalgal cover was highest in areas with high wave action and high water clarity, and that crustose coralline algae were negatively related to sedimentation. Octocoral communities (42 species in 23 genera) were dominated by zooxanthellae-free taxa; those few species with zooxanthellae were restricted to reefs with low wave action and high water clarity in the north-eastern region. The water quality gradient spans from conditions that are marginal for zooxanthellate octocorals while still supporting diverse scleractinian communities, towards an estuarine endpoint where zooxanthellate octocorals cease to exist and hard coral communities are reduced to a few resilient colonies. The data suggest that the types, abundances and richness of zooxanthellate octocorals, and the shift from zooxanthellate to azooxanthellate octocoral communities, may act as useful indicators of water clarity in regions where long-term water quality data are unavailable.  相似文献   

Debris flows have caused enormous losses of property and human life in Taiwan during the last two decades. An efficient and reliable method for predicting the occurrence of debris flows is required. The major goal of this study is to explore the impact of the Chi‐Chi earthquake on the occurrence of debris flows by applying the artificial neural network (ANN) that takes both hydrological and geomorphologic influences into account. The Chen‐Yu‐Lan River watershed, which is located in central Taiwan, is chosen for evaluating the critical rainfall triggering debris flows. A total of 1151 data sets were collected for calibrating model parameters with two training strategies. Significant differences before and after the earthquake have been found: (1) The size of landslide area is proportioned to the occurrence of debris flows; (2) the amount of critical rainfall required for triggering debris flows has reduced significantly, about half of the original critical rainfall in the study case; and (3) the frequency of the occurrence of debris flows is largely increased. The overall accuracy of model prediction in testing phase has reached 96·5%; moreover, the accuracy of occurrence prediction is largely increased from 24 to 80% as the network trained with data from before the Chi‐Chi earthquake sets and with data from the lumped before and after the earthquake sets. The results demonstrated that the ANN is capable of learning the complex mechanism of debris flows and producing satisfactory predictions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Marine benthic polychaete Capitella sp. I is widely known to adapt to polluted habitats; however, its response to xenobiotics under hypoxic conditions has been rarely studied. This research aimed to test the hypothesis that interactive effects of hypoxia and congener BDE-47 of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), which is ubiquitous in marine sediments, may alter the settlement of Capitella sp. I. Our results revealed that under hypoxic condition, settlement success and growth in body length of Capitella larvae were significantly reduced compared to those under normoxia of similar BDE-47 concentration. While no significant changes in morphology of settled larvae were noted in both exposure conditions, the presence of BDE-47 could enhance polychaete growth. The present findings demonstrated that the interactive effects of hypoxia and environmentally realistic concentrations of BDE-47 in sediments could affect polychaete settlement, which, in turn, reduce its recruitment and subsequent population size in the marine benthic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Blooms of macroalgal matting are increasingly common within temperate zones and are often comprised of opportunistic species such as Ulva lactuca. Where this algae forms a dense mat, a stressful environment is created in the sediment below, influencing the invertebrate infaunal assemblage. This study was conducted over a six month period during which a dense mat of U. lactuca developed and subsequently dispersed. The algal mat was found to have a significant negative impact on species richness, abundance and biomass of the macroinfauna. However, a faunal community developed within the algal mat which contained several species not previously observed. This community increased the abundance and diversity of the overall invertebrate assemblage. The results are discussed in relation to impacts on the ecosystem as a whole.  相似文献   

伊乐藻-草鱼圈养人工复合生态系统建设的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
十多年来,在长江中下游浅水湖泊,特别是城郊湖泊,围栏圈养草食性鱼类发展迅速,产量大幅度提高,经济效益明显增长。养鱼过程中,由于大量投喂商品饲料和过量利用湖泊水草资源,加之湖滨人口不断增加等多种原因,导致不少草型湖泊水生植被退化,水草消失,加速了湖泊富营养化进程,湖泊整体功能下降。 伊乐藻是1986年从国外引种东太湖的高等沉水植物,已在东太湖归化,并被广大渔民用作草食性养殖鱼类的饲料。本研究是充分利用伊乐藻的生物学和生态学特性,以及易种植、生物量大、可利用程度高等特点,研究了在浅水湖泊人工种植、采收时间和刈割方法,提高其单位面积产量;测定了草鱼对伊乐藻的消化吸收和饲料系数;研究了伊乐藻在水生态系统中的功能等,从而在浅水湖泊中设计和建设伊乐藻—草鱼圈养人工复合生态系统。即以种植伊乐藻为中心,并以它作为草食性鱼类饲料和在水界物质循环的中介,在湖泊大系统内建立的草—鱼平衡系统,以提高湖泊养鱼产量和其他水产品产量,改善渔业水质和优化湖泊生态环境为主要目的。  相似文献   

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