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Radial reactive transport is investigated in an aquifer–aquitard system considering the important processes such as advection, radial and vertical dispersions for the aquifer, vertical advection and dispersion for the aquitards, and first-order biodegradation or radioactive decay. We solved the coupled governing equations of transport in the aquifer and the aquitards by honoring the continuity of concentration and mass flux across the aquifer–aquitard interfaces and recognizing the concentration variation along the aquifer thickness. This effort improved the averaged-approximation (AA) model, which dealt with radial dispersion in an aquifer–aquitard system by excluding the aquitard advection. To compare with our new solution, we expanded the AA model by including the aquitard advection. The expanded AA model considerably overestimated the mass in the upper aquitard when an upward advection existed there. The rates of mass change in the upper aquitard from the new solution and the AA model solution increased with time following sub-linear fashions. The times corresponding to the peak values of the residence time distributions for the AA model, the expanded AA model, and the new model were almost the same. The residence time distributions seemed to follow the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution closely when plotting the time in logarithmic scale. In addition, we developed a finite-element COMSOL Multiphysics simulation of the problem, and found that the COMSOL solution agreed with the new solution well.  相似文献   

Effects of temporally correlated infiltration on water flow in an unsaturated–saturated system were investigated. Both white noise and exponentially correlated infiltration processes were considered. The moment equations of the pressure head (ψ) were solved numerically to obtain the variance and autocorrelation functions of ψ at 14 observation points. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to verify the numerical results and to estimate the power spectrum of ψ (S ψψ ). It was found that as the water flows through the system, the variance of the ψ (\( \sigma_{\psi }^{2} \)) were damped by the system: the deeper in the system, the smaller the \( \sigma_{\psi }^{2} \), and the larger the correlation timescale of the infiltration process (λ I ), the larger the \( \sigma_{\psi }^{2} \). The unsaturated–saturated system gradually filters out the short-term fluctuations of ψ and the damping effect is most significant in the upper part of the system. The fluctuations of ψ is non-stationary at early time and becomes stationary as time progresses: the larger the value of λ I , the longer the non-stationary period. The correlation timescale of the ψ (λ ψ ) increases with depth and approaches a constant value at depth: the larger the value of λ I , the larger the value of λ ψ . The results of the estimated S ψψ is consistent with those of the variance and autocorrelation function.  相似文献   

The decrease in Aral Sea area, which started in the 1960s, caused considerable changes in the hydrological, chemical, and biological structure of sea water. Regular observations of Aral water chemistry ceased in the early 1990s. There were no observations of the concentrations of biogenic element compounds in water (the so-called “first-day analyses”). During expeditions of the Institute of Oceanology, RAS, in September 2012 and October 2013, integrated hydrochemical observations were carried out, including measuring the concentrations of biogenic element compounds, dissolved oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, and carbonate equilibrium components. An objective of this study was to develop methods of hydrochemical studies under high water salinity (mineralization). In addition to the standard hydrochemical complex, water samples were taken to determine total water mineralization and the concentration of dissolved and suspended metal forms. The results of these studies are given.  相似文献   

Analysis of fault outcrops and trench sections indicates fault displacements of 0.2m - 6.0 m on the bottom paleosol layer of the Epipleistocene with the maximum rate of 0.047 mm/a and an average displacement of 1.1 meters. The activity appears as fissures on the fault surface in the late Epipleistocene and there is no obvious displacement. The fault activity is weak and the most active segment is the Bailuyuan segment.  相似文献   

The characteristics of climatic environment in the early Holocene epoch were studied through analyzing environmental proxies from the sediments in the Ebinur Lake——a closed one in the arid region. The pollen assemblage and other geochemical indices showed that, the temperature was somewhat low in the period (8.0-11.5 cal kaBP) as a whole, but in the early period (11.5-10.6 cal kaBP) the temperature was higher, in company with more precipitation. In the conversion period from the early Holocene epoch to the middle Holocene epoch (8.9-8.0 cal kaBP) the climate fluctuated remarkably. Particularly the three layers of peat sediment revealed the strong instability of climate in the early Holocene epoch in the Ebinur region. All information on the development of peat and the experimental data of pollen and stable isotopes implied that, the climatic condition at 8.2, 8.6 and 10.5 cal kaBP was characterized by noticeable cold and humidness, and could be regarded as three cold and humid events in the early Holoc  相似文献   

Ascertaining the emplacement mechanism of oceanic basaltic lavas is important in understanding how ocean floor topography is produced and oceanic plates evolve, particularly during the early stages of crustal development of a supra-subduction zone. A detailed study of the volcanic stratigraphy at International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1438 in the Amami Sankaku Basin, west of the Kyushu–Palau Ridge, has revealed the development of lava accretion and ridge topography on the Philippine Sea plate at about 49 Ma. Igneous basement rocks penetrated at Site U1438 are the uppermost 150 m of ~6 km-thick oceanic crust, and comprise, in a downhole direction, sheet flows (12.6 m), lobate sheet flows (61.3 m), pillow lavas (50.7 m), and thin sheet flows (25.3 m). The lowermost sheet flows are intercalated with layers of limestone and epiclastic tuff. Lithofacies analysis reveals that the lowermost sheet flows, limestone, and tuff formed on an axial rise, the pillow lavas were emplaced on a ridge slope, and the lobate sheet flows formed off ridge on an abyssal plain. The lithofacies of the basement basalt corresponds to the upper portions of fast-spreading oceanic crust, suggesting that subduction initiation was associated with intermediate to fast rates of seafloor spreading. The surface sheet flows are olivine–clinopyroxene-phyric basalt and differ from the lower basalt flows that contain phenocrysts of olivine and plagioclase, with or without clinopyroxene. The depleted chrome-spinel composition and olivine–clinopyroxene phenocryst assemblage in the surface sheet flows suggests a slight contribution of water for magma generation not present for the lower basalt flows. Considering the lithological difference between the backarc and forearc oceanic crust in the Izu–Bonin–Mariana arc, with sheet flow dominant in the former, seafloor spreading occurred faster in the later stage of subduction initiation.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The results of our study show that the natural waters in the southwestern part of the Crimean Peninsula are characterized by a wide range of chemical and isotopic composition. The...  相似文献   

FractalandchaoticphenomenaofseismicdissipatedenergyinanenergysystemofengineeringstructuresYU-HONGCUI1)(崔玉红)YONG-ANNIE2)(聂永安)Z...  相似文献   

In order to probe the geochemical relationship between the quality of economic crops and ecological geochemistry, this project studies the chestnut production area of Chengde City, Hebei Province, China. The chemical weathering index, chemical depletion fraction CDF,mass transfer coefficient, and bioconcentration coefficient were used to quantify the characteristics of element migration and accumulation in the BRSPC(Bedrock–Regolith–Soil–Plant Continuum system) system of gneiss formation area an...  相似文献   

Based on the earthquake activity characteristics of the diamond block in the Sichuan-Yunnan region and by using the method of the meso-scope damage dynamics and damage evolution,we studied the damage evolution process for moderately strong earthquakes along two seismicbelts.The original combination patterns of all the units which illuminate the changes from stable state to destroyed state are given.All these patterns can direct the earthquake prediction practice in this region  相似文献   

Deterioration of air quality as a result of rapid eco- nomic development in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) has attracted much scientific and public attention[1―7]. To explore the air quality of a region, measurement of pollutants in locations reflecting the “background” atmospheric conditions of the region is essential. The Regional Baseline Air Quality Monitoring Station of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS) at Lin’an is located in such an area in Zhe- jiang Pro…  相似文献   

To understand and help settle the controversy around the living time of Pinnatiramosus qianensis Geng, a paleo-weathering profile situated in the town of Yongle near the city of Zunyi, north Guizhou Province, China, was analyzed. The profile formed during a break in sedimentation between the Early Silurian and the Early Permian.Paleosol developed with a depth of several meters. The fossil plant P. qianensis Geng is present, but only in the lower portions(Layer 2) of the paleosol. Another plant with an irregularly branching system is found in Layers 2and 3. The distinct geochemical characteristics of the lower and upper portions of the Gaojiayan paleosol indicate a compound genesis. Its lower portions(Layers 1 and 2)resulted from in situ weathering of silty mudstone of the lower Silurian Hanjiadian Formation. The upper portions(Layer 3) are allochthonous. Transgression brought substantial concentrations K and Na, and led to K- and Naenrichment in the profile. Pumping of vascular plants and downward leaching enhanced the K enrichment in the middle portions. A superior preservation of P. qianensis Geng was observed in an exposure of Layer 2. Mass balance calculation indicates a great K enrichment related to bioaccumulation in the top of Layer 2 and a K loss in Layer3. Fossil plants(e.g., P. qianensis Geng) preserved in the paleosol are Permian rooting systems growing down into the lower Silurian rocks.  相似文献   


Forward–backward solute dispersion with an intermediate point source in one-dimensional semi-infinite homogeneous porous media is studied in this paper. Solute transport under sorption conditions, first-order decay and zero-order production terms are included. The first type of boundary condition is taken as a constant point source at an intermediate point from where forward and backward solute dispersion is examined. The Laplace transform method is adopted to solve the governing equation analytically. All the analytical results are obtained in graphical form to investigate the forward–backward solute transport in porous media for various hydrological input data. The graphical nature of the analytical solution is compared with numerical data taken from existing literature and similar results are obtained. Also, numerical solution of the governing equation is obtained by the Crank-Nicolson finite difference scheme and validated with the analytical solution, which demonstrates good agreement between them. Accuracy of the solution is also observed by using RMSE.  相似文献   

Introduction The Pamirs region where Jiashi is located is one of the most active regions of continental plate dynamics in China. Frequent earthquakes here, especially several strong earthquakes oc- curred in 1997 and 2003, have provided excellent conditions for studying the tectonic stress field in this region and a large number of results (GAO and WEN, 2000; GAO et al, 2004; XU, 2001; ZHOU et al, 2001) have been obtained. Although different methods and data were used, under- standings …  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The results of ground-based microwave measurements of the stratospheric ozone profiles over Moscow during the cold half-years of 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 are...  相似文献   

A wireless water-level monitoring system for an urban drainage flood warning is developed, and stations equipped with pressure sensors are installed to monitor water levels. The water levels for flood warning are investigated. Two stages of warning water level for “larger” conduits are set based on the rate of rising water levels. In a similar way, only one stage of the warning water level is set for “smaller” conduits. The average rates of rising water levels for different scenarios are estimated using the US EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). When evaluating the impact of flooding, the outflows from manholes simulated by the SWMM are used as sources for a two-dimensional overland flow simulation. The integrated system is successfully executed in Jhonghe, New Taipei City, Taiwan, which has experienced urban drainage floods. Therefore, this system can provide urban drainage flood warnings to the authorities to take disaster reduction measures.  相似文献   

A closed-form analytical solution is presented for the dynamic response of a SDOF oscillator, supported by a flexible composite foundation embedded in an elastic half-space, and excited by plane SH waves. The solution is obtained by the wave function expansion method. The solution is verified for the two limiting cases of a rigid–flexible composite foundation and a homogeneous flexible foundation by comparison with published results. The model is used to investigate the effect of the foundation flexibility variation on the system response. The results show that the effect is significant for both foundation response and structural relative response. For a system with larger foundation flexibility variation, the peak of the foundation effective input motion is smaller, while the amplitude of structural relative response less changes. When foundation flexibility variation decreases, system frequency will shift to lower frequency, and the shift value is also highly dependent on the foundation flexibility variation.  相似文献   

INT正ODU**!0厂Nln以la Is located In the nol’th segmentdthe North-southselsnuc Belt,Whlchls thejuncturedthe Qinghai-Xizang(Dbet)block,Alxa block and Odos block.In that region,the tectonic activity。svery strong;。y strong earthquakes occu。d In history,such as the 1739 ingluo M。8.0 earthqu拙eandl920 Halyuan M。8.5 eafthquake,etc.; Merately strongeaFthquakes are still veryactlve atpresent,onlyln the Wuzhong-un斟m area,there have been7 e血hquakes tvlth M。>5.0 to occ…  相似文献   

The time variations in the tidal response of the medium in 2011–2015 according to the measurements at the global seismographic network (GSN) in Kamchatka are considered. Based on the data from the horizontal pendulums recording the eastward tilts at the station, it is established that there was a linear growth in the tidal tilt amplitudes up to May 24, 2013 due to the changes in the elastic moduli caused by tectonic stress accumulation. The growth phase was followed by the decline in the tidal tilt amplitudes induced by the release of stresses after the Sea-of-Okhotsk earthquake.  相似文献   

The benthic fluxes (diffusive and with chambers) of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved oxygen (DO) and total alkalinity (TA) have been calculated in summertime in the estuary system formed by the mouths of the Tinto and Odiel rivers (SW of Spain). An increase of DIC in interstitial water with depth was found for all stations showing values of up to 28 mM at a depth of 5 cm. The diffusive fluxes of DIC and TA obtained ranging between 1.8–7.8 and 1.5–7.3 mmol m−2 d−1, respectively. These intervals are in agreement with those found for other coastal systems. Considering the plots of DIC vs. alkalinity (ΔDIC/ΔTA) in the first 30 cm of interstitial water, it was deduced that sulphate reduction and the oxidation of sulphides seem to have special relevance in the sediments of the stations studied. The benthic fluxes of inorganic carbon and DO measured by benthic chambers were variable, presenting elevated values (309–433 mmol DIC m−2 d−1 and 50–120 mmol DO m−2 d−1). The most elevated fluxes of DIC were seen at the stations with high anthropogenic influence (close to populated areas and industrial discharges). A great proportion of these fluxes are due to CaCO3 dissolution processes, which constitute an estimated 49% of total DIC flux. DIC and DO benthic flux quotients were far in excess of unity, indicating the significance processes of anaerobic degradation of organic material at the stations studied.  相似文献   

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