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火星风沙地貌研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
李继彦  董治宝 《中国沙漠》2016,36(4):951-961
作为最活跃的地貌塑造外营力,风力作用在火星表面塑造了各种各样的地貌形态。对火星风沙活动及风沙地貌的认识是随着观测和探测技术的进步而逐渐明确的。火星沙丘在北极地区连绵成带状分布,在其他地区分布比较零散,且主要与撞击坑、河谷和山谷相伴分布。火星风沙地貌与地球上相应的地貌类型形态相似而规模更大,表明两个星球上塑造风沙地貌的动力系统具有一定的相似性。火星沙丘主要由玄武岩质(北极部分沙丘为石膏质)颗粒堆积而成,沉积物粒度比地球粗,主要是由中沙和粗纱组成。随着获取影像时空分辨率的提高和着陆器在火星近表面的观测,发现火星上部分区域的沙丘和沙波纹比较活跃。同地球一样,火星风沙地貌也可指示火星气候的变化。  相似文献   

风蚀影响因子的敏感性试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 对风蚀模式的各重要影响因子进行了敏感性试验,结果表明:①随风力的增大,跃动沙粒的粒径范围迅速增大,从而会使更多、更大的尘粒因受到更强烈的撞击作用而释放于空中。但随土壤水分和植被覆盖度的增加,跃动沙粒粒径范围会变窄,较大的粒子很难被激发到空中。②各种土壤沙流通量及尘粒释放率随粒径的变化趋势Q(d)和F(d)与相应的地表土壤有效粒度分布Ps(d)具有相似的特征,说明前人用近地层沙尘粒度分布来代表地表土壤的有效粒度分布是合理的。③若以总沙流通量Q>0.5 g·m-1·s-1为风蚀过程开始发生的标准,在干燥、裸露的情况下,沙土、沙壤土、壤土、黏土和粉黏土表面发生风蚀的临界摩擦速度都约为0.3 m·s-1。相同风力条件下(u*=0.6 m·s-1),若地表干燥(w=0)并忽略小于0.1 g·m-1·s-1的总沙流通量,则抑制5种土壤发生风蚀的最小植被覆盖度分别约为:沙土0.35、沙壤土0.45、壤土0.45、黏土0.55、粉黏土0.55;若地表裸露,抑制风蚀发生的最小水分含量分别为:沙土0.15、沙壤土0.18、壤土0.3、黏土0.36和粉黏土0.33。④通常情况下沙土最不易起尘,它在各个粒径的尘粒释放率比其他土壤均约小3~5个量级。粉黏土最易起尘,且粒径较小,较容易传输到下游很远处。⑤总尘粒释放率F和总沙流通量Q随风力、地表条件的变化一般是同相的,即Q增大,F也会增大。⑥一般情况下F随摩擦速度u*的增大或植被覆盖度cf和土壤水分w的减小而增大;土壤拖曳系数sx和弹性压力垂直分量pye的增加会大大降低尘粒释放率。⑦通常风蚀情况下,5种土壤中粉黏土和沙壤土因聚合粒子破碎产生的尘粒释放率Fc最大,Fc随风力、地表条件变化的敏感度也最强;沙土的Fc最小,其对风力、地表条件的敏感度也最弱。  相似文献   

地表风蚀导致的粉尘释放涉及全球变化研究的热点。自然条件下对粉尘释放的观测可以为风洞试验结果提供验证并为开发预测模型提供数据支撑与关键参数。本研究在河北坝上风蚀区,通过观测风蚀事件中农田近地表PM10浓度、垂直通量与流失通量,以及风速和风沙流强度的变化,探讨农田风蚀过程中的粉尘释放特征。结果表明:地表风蚀释尘对近地表粉尘浓度的影响随高度增大而逐渐减弱,各高度的粉尘浓度变化趋势与摩阻风速、输沙率变化趋势相同;粉尘垂直通量和流失通量与摩阻风速呈幂函数关系,与输沙率呈线性关系;农田土壤跃移颗粒的轰击效率α数量级为10-7m-1。  相似文献   

We investigated how dustfall flux (DF) and dust particle size (DPS) were affected by geomorphic conditions, wind speed, and precipitation using data from 27 sites in northern China. The sites with the greatest DF and greatest median diameter of dustfall (MDD) were primarily in desert regions and had extensive mobile sands. DF and MDD were lowest in agricultural regions, which had low levels of coarse particles because of human land use and high vegetation coverage that restrained blowing sand. DF values were higher and MDD values were lower in the western agricultural region than in the eastern agricultural region because the former is closer to desert regions and contains more fine dust that has traveled far. In regions with extensive desertified lands, DF values were lower than those in desert regions, and MDD values were greater than in agricultural regions, possibly due to coarsening of soil texture by desertification processes combined with higher vegetation coverage and soil moisture than in desert regions, thereby restraining blowing sand. Although high DF and MDD always coincided spatially with strong winds and low precipitation, the strong winds and low precipitation did not always mean high DF and MDD. High DF also coincided temporally with periods of low precipitation, but low precipitation did not always mean high DF. Thus, although the spatial trends in DF and DPS were controlled mostly by geomorphic conditions, and monthly trends in DF were controlled mainly by wind speed, weak wind and high precipitation can restrain the blowing sand at certain times and locations. Seasonal changes in DPS may be controlled simultaneously by geomorphic conditions, meteorological factors, and distance from source areas, not solely by the winter monsoon.  相似文献   

沙漠-绿洲过渡带天然植被具有良好的防风阻沙效益,对绿洲内部农田起到重要生态保护作用。在新疆策勒沙漠-绿洲过渡带流沙地、半固定沙地、绿洲边缘固定沙地6个不同植被覆盖度样地风蚀、风积变化观测基础上,结合地表风速数据,探讨流沙地、半固定沙地、固定沙地不同植被覆盖度和地形下地表风蚀风积变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:流沙地表现出较强烈的地表风蚀;半固定沙地整体表现出强烈的地表风积;固定沙地上植被覆盖度越高、植株越高和排列方式越均匀、整体地势越低,单位面积风积量也就越大、风蚀量越小,风蚀主要发生在灌丛沙堆的上风向、侧翼、背风风向的裸低凹沙地表面,较高沙堆侧翼的地表风蚀量最大。植被覆盖度与单位面积风蚀量呈多项式或指数函数关系递减,植被覆盖度与单位面积风积量不呈函数分布,说明除了植被覆盖度外,植株类型、高度、排列方式、地形等都会对地表风积量产生一定影响。  相似文献   

本文在实地调查研究的基础上提出对北京风沙一些问题的看法:1)北京风沙物质来源为本地超沙,尘的来源复杂,以外来成分最多;2)分析35午风沙资料得出这些年北京平原风沙趋于成少。  相似文献   

灌丛沙堆表面压力分布特征的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
风成沙丘表面压力分布特征直接反映沙丘表面风蚀风积特点,因而是研究沙丘表面地貌过程的重要依据。依据风沙运动实验相似性理论,以新疆和田河流域实测柽柳沙堆为基础,按一定比例缩小制作成四组模型,选用起沙风速区间在6~14 m/s的5组不同风速分别对四组模型在风洞中作纯气流表面压力的模拟实验。结果表明,无植物覆盖的半球形沙堆和圆锥形沙堆的表面压力分布特征存在着较大差异,其中半球形沙堆迎风坡下部有较明显反射涡流,丘顶存在高压剪切气流区域,圆锥形沙堆则不存在这种风压变化,此外半球形和圆锥形沙堆两翼的高低压风蚀区域分布特点也不一致。人工“植物”引发的沙堆丘顶和背风坡区域表面风压的显著变化有利于截留沙尘、保护沙堆免受风蚀并促进沙堆增长。  相似文献   

Terrestrial ventifacts – rocks that have been abraded by windblown particles – are found in desert, periglacial, and coastal environments. On Mars, their abundance suggests that aeolian abrasion is one of the most significant erosional processes on the planet. There are several conflicting viewpoints concerning the efficacy of potential abrasive agents, principally sand and dust, and the relationships between wind direction and ventifact form. Our research, supported by a review of the literature, shows that sand, rather than dust or other materials, is the principle abrasive agent on Earth and Mars. Relative to dust, sand delivers about 1000× the energy onto rock surfaces on a per particle basis. Even multiple dust collisions will do little or no damage because the stress field from the impact is much smaller than the spacing of microflaws in the rock. The abrasion profiles of terrestrial ventifacts are consistent with a kinetic energy flux due to saltating sand, not airborne dust. Furthermore, Scanning Electron Microscope images reveal surfaces that are fractured and cleaved by sand grain impact. With respect to their distribution, ventifacts are found in regions that contain sand or did so in the past, but are not found where only dust activity occurs. Contrary to some published reports, our evidence from field studies, analytical models, and wind tunnel and other experiments indicates that windward, not leeward, abrasion is responsible for facet development and feature formation (pits, flutes, and grooves). Leeward abrasion is confined to fluvial conditions, in which the high viscosity and density of water are able to entrain sand-size material in vortices. Therefore, ventifacts and abraded terrain provide an unambiguous proxy for the direction of the highest velocity winds, and can be used to reconstruct palaeowind flow.  相似文献   

戈壁砾石覆盖度与风蚀强度关系实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
戈壁表面的砾石覆盖度对风沙物质的运移有不可忽略的影响,在极端干旱区砾石覆盖是防沙治沙的重要手段。通过风洞实验模拟了阿拉善戈壁区砾石覆盖度与风蚀强度的关系。结果表明,当因地表风化作用等产生的松散颗粒物被吹蚀后,不同地点、不同样品之间风蚀强度有明显的差异,因而砾石覆盖度与风蚀强度之间的相关关系并不显著;但数据标准化后则表明,当砾石覆盖度在40%以下时,随砾石覆盖度的增加风蚀强度也有所增大。戈壁地区的风沙运动中,在砾石覆盖度小于40%条件下,不同风速下风蚀强度的变异系数是不同砾石覆盖度下的风蚀强度的变异系数的2倍左右。在极端干旱的戈壁区,影响风蚀强度的因素十分复杂,砾石覆盖度增大不仅不能控制风蚀现象的发生,反而增强气流对地表的风蚀能力,这一因素可能是阿拉善高原戈壁区成为中亚强沙尘暴主要源地的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

内蒙古拐子湖地区风沙运动若干参数计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 利用内蒙古拐子湖地区风沙观测场2011年3~5月的沙尘暴强化观测资料,分析计算了巴丹吉林沙漠北缘平坦沙地的地表粗糙度、临界摩擦速度、临界起沙风速等风沙运动关键参数。初步结论如下:观测期间地表粗糙度的变化范围为1.0×10-7~ 9.0×10-1cm,平均粗糙度为0.942 cm;临界摩擦速度约为0.34 m/s;2 m高度的起沙风速约为4.6 m/s。  相似文献   

Holocene and post‐European settlement alluvial histories of three nested drainage basins were reconstructed from detailed litho‐ and chronostratigraphy of cut and fill terraces and flood‐plains in the upper Wollombi Brook catchment. Fernances Creek (13.8 km2) valley fill consisted of intercalated thin mud sheets deposited in ephemeral swamps and thick sand sheets deposited by discontinuous channels. Dairy Arm (39.8 km2) valley fill was more complex, with inset alluvial fills in the upper basin and overlapping vertically stacked fills in the lower basin. However, correlative lithostrati‐graphic units were not found on all tributaries. Furthermore, basal radiocarbon dates on the last inset fill of four tributaries did not overlap, allowing for plus or minus twice the standard deviation of the reported ages. Wollombi Brook (341 km2) valley fill was also complex, with longitudinally discontinuous units, most of which were not found in the two tributaries. Upstream late Holocene channel incision was coeval with downstream chain of ponds because sediment generated by incision was stored in the intervening valley. Historical channel incision occurred between 1838 and 1867 on Fernances Creek at a locally steeper section of valley floor during the period of peak population and frequent floods immediately after a road crossing was constructed, but coincided with a catastrophic flood on Dairy Arm (June 1949) and on Wollombi Brook (1927). Lack of correlative litho‐ and chronostrati‐graphic units plus out‐of‐phase post‐European incision indicate that stratigraphic complexity is a function of geomorphic complexity due to the operation of geomorphic thresholds and complex response.  相似文献   

阿拉善高原东南部干涸湖盆沉积物粒度特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
干涸湖盆是西北干旱区广泛分布的地貌类型,也被认为是重要的沙尘源区,但目前对该类地表的土壤风蚀过程与特征研究较少。干涸湖盆沉积物和植被盖度的空间差异性导致沙尘释放过程和风蚀过程具有时空差异性。为了探讨干涸湖盆的土壤风蚀特征,选择阿拉善高原东南部的干涸湖盆为研究区域,沿主风向(西北-东南)方向,选择4个区域,野外实地收集湖相沉积物和灌丛沙丘样品,进行粒度特征分析。结果表明:(1)干涸湖盆地表沉积物粒度存在明显的空间差异性,一方面反映了物源的差异性,另一方面反映了风蚀过程的差异性。(2)受植被和风程长度的影响,上风向和下风向风蚀较弱,而中部地区风蚀最大。  相似文献   

尘卷风是地球上常见的小型风沙灾害输移系统,但在火星上却大的多。而且尘卷风内部的电场对火星探测器产生严重的电磁干扰。通过建立尘卷风及其电场形成的模型,对尘卷风结构特征及电场进行数值计算。研究表明:尘卷风的形成机理可以用热对流泡理论来解释。沙粒在尘卷风中出现分层现象,粒径小的沙尘往往在粒径大的沙尘上面。尘卷风中带正负电荷的沙粒大约各占23.4%,荷质比大约为60 μC·kg-1时,尘卷风数值模拟结果与野外观测值吻合。在尘卷风发展过程中,尘卷风电场大约需要60 s达到稳定。而且电场关于尘卷风中心基本对称,并且在尘卷风中心电场强度较大,在离尘卷风较远的地方,电场趋于零。在距离尘卷风中心一定距离处电场随高度增大先增大后减小,大约10 m以下电场随高度增大而增大,在10 m以上电场随高度增大而减小。  相似文献   

塔里木沙漠公路风沙危害分异规律的研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
王雪芹  雷加强  黄强 《中国沙漠》2000,20(4):438-442
从塔里木沙漠公路风沙危害的影响因素入手,分析了公路沙害水平分异和垂直分异的原因,并给出相应的分异规律。公路沙害的水平分异是在不同风沙地貌背景上不同的风力及组合综合作用的结果,同时受人为因素对防沙体系设置的影响;公路沙害的垂直分异通过不同地貌部位体现出来,它是由地形地貌对风动力、有效沙物质量、公路断面形式和防沙体系防护作用等因素的分异作用来实现的。  相似文献   

A V-shaped nylon net fence installed in 1990 on top of the Mogao Grottoes is shown to be effectively resisting aeolian sand damage to the grottoes. The structure guides and causes deposition of sand from westerly wind (the primary hard wind), but to some extent hinders the inverse function of easterly wind carrying sand away from the grottoes toward Mount Mingsha. The gobi side by the fence experiences higher wind speed, so that on which are easily formed undercutting pits, and the deposited sands on it generally form double-peak structures due to abundant sand sources. If the earth surface characteristics in gobi areas by both sides of the fence are quite varied, the erosion and deposition features of the accumulating sand section are similar in different seasons; however, if the earth surface characteristics are similar, the features become irregular in different seasons. Sand depositions with long slope feet are formed along the south and north sides of V-shaped nylon net fence. Disrupted by strong westerly wind and northwesterly wind, sand accumulations by north of the fence are in form of single peaks. Although the operation duration of the V-shaped nylon net fence has exceeded its design life (10 years), our observations indicate that it is still effective in reducing wind-driven sand damages to the Mogao Grottoes, so it should not be withdrawn.  相似文献   

Low-lying atoll islands appear highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and extreme natural events. Potentially disastrous effects of future sea-level rise have been inferred in many studies, and the actual impacts of tropical storms on island destruction and formation have been well documented. In contrast, the role of tsunami in the geomorphic development of atoll islands has not been investigated. The Sumatran earthquake of 26 December 2004 generated a tsunami that reached the Maldives 2500 km away, with waves up to 2.5 m high. Observations on the geomorphic changes resulting from the tsunami are detailed here, based on pre-and post-tsunami profile measurements of island, beach and reef topography, and GPS surveys of the planform shape of islands and beaches of 11 uninhabited islands in South Maalhosmadulu atoll, Maldives. Erosional and depositional impacts were observed on all islands and these have been quantified. In general the changes were of a minor nature with a maximum reduction in island area of 9% and average of 3.75%. Rather, the tsunami accentuated predictable seasonal oscillations in shoreline change, including localised erosion reflected in fresh scarps and seepage gullies. Depositional features in the form of sand sheets and sand lobes emplaced on the vegetated island surfaces provide clear evidence that the tsunami waves washed over parts of all the islands. Both erosional scarps and overwash deposits were concentrated at the tsunami-exposed eastern sides of the islands. Impacts on leeward shores were primarily accretionary, in the form of spit and cuspate foreland extension. Whereas the nature and magnitude of intra-and inter-island impacts was variable, an east to west decline in aggregate effects was noted. Detailed consideration of the morphodynamic interaction between the tsunami waves and island morphology, show that this cross-atoll gradient resulted not just from the reduction in tsunami energy as it passed through the atoll, but also from variations in elevation of the encircling island ridge, and the quantity and distribution of sediment in the antecedent beach. A conceptual model identifying the sequence of changes to individual islands supports the observational data and the pattern of geomorphic changes resulting from the tsunami. This model leads to consideration of the longer-term impacts of the tsunami on the future stability of islands. Four scenarios are presented, each of which has a different island-beach sediment budget, and different relaxation time to achieve dynamic equilibrium.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠塔中地区春夏季风蚀起沙研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
利用塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中地区的观测资料,对塔中地区春夏季地表土壤风蚀起沙的临界摩擦速度及其变化特征和起沙风速进行了分析研究,并计算了2008年4月19日和7月19日两次沙尘暴天气过程沙漠地表的风蚀起沙量。结果表明:塔中地区春夏季地表起沙的临界摩擦速度为0.26 m·s-1;2 m高度的临界起沙风速约为4.1 m·s-1;两次沙尘暴过程的顺风向沙粒通量和垂直尘粒通量的平均值分别为17.44×10-4 kg·m-1·s-1 、13.8×10-8 kg·m-2·s-1、164.69×10-4 kg·m-1·s-1和799.77×10-8 kg·m-2·s-1;沙尘通量的变化与风速及摩擦速度的变化具有一致性。  相似文献   

The Nysa K odzka river drainage basin in the Sudeten Mts., SW Poland, preserves a complex late Cainozoic succession that includes eight fluvial series or terraces and deposits from two glacial episodes as well as local volcanic rocks, slope deposits and loess. Fluvial sedimentation took place during the Late Pliocene and from the early Middle Pleistocene (Cromerian), with a long erosion phase (gap) during the Early Pleistocene. Fluvial series are dated to the Late Pliocene, Cromerian, Holsteinian, late Saalian/Eemian, Weichselian, and the Holocene. Glacial deposits represent the early Elsterian and early Saalian stages. Almost all these stratigraphic units have been observed in all geomorphic zones of the river: the mountainous K odzko Basin, the Bardo Mts. (Bardo gorge) and in the mountain foreland. The main phase of tectonic uplift and strong erosion was during the Early Pleistocene. Minor uplift is documented also during the post-early Saalian and probably the post-Elsterian. The post-early Saalian and post-Elstrian uplift phases are probably due to glacio-isostatic rebound. The Quaternary terrace sequence was formed due to base-level changes, epigenetic erosion after glaciations and neotectonic movements. The Cromerian fluvial deposits/terraces do not indicate tectonic influence at all. All other Quaternary terraces indicate clear divergence, and the post-early Saalian terraces also show fault scarps. The fluvial pattern remained stable, once formed during the Pliocene, with only minor changes along the uplifted block along the Bardo gorge, inferring an antecedent origin for the Bardo gorge. Only during the post-glacial times, have epigenetic incisions slightly modified the valley.  相似文献   

干旱向湿润转变的过渡区受到风力与水力的交互作用,交互作用形成的风水复合地貌显著区别于单一风力或水力形成的地貌,探究风力与水力的交互作用有助于对干旱-湿润过渡区地貌过程的理解.基于野外考察、遥感影像解译和沉积物粒度分析等手段,分析了无定河上游河道对毛乌素沙地东进的阻截效应,结果表明:(1)无定河上游河道的西侧以流动、半流...  相似文献   

台特玛湖干涸湖盆区风蚀沙漠化快速发展,发育了以新月形沙丘和风蚀坑(主要为槽状坑和碟状坑)为主的风沙地貌。风蚀坑的发育不仅受来流风影响,还与坑内三维流场有关。基于风洞实验和计算机流体力学(Computational fluid dynamics, CFD)数值模拟,对风蚀坑三维流场进行了探究。结果表明:(1) 从入风侧到出风侧,槽状风蚀坑和碟状风蚀坑底面的风速均呈减速—加速—减速—加速的变化模式,上口所在水平面的风速变化呈加速—减速—加速变化模式,上口气流压强也相应地发生变化,槽状风蚀坑和碟状风蚀坑整体呈低压—高压—低压变化模式,其中槽状坑变化更为明显。(2) 两种形状风蚀坑对气流均具有一定的吸附效应,使坑外一定范围的风沙流被吸入坑内,聚集能量和风沙流,加剧风蚀坑风蚀发育。(3) 风蚀坑加剧了地表侵蚀,侵蚀程度与风蚀坑尺度有关,风蚀坑尺度越大,对地表侵蚀越强。本文直观展示了两种典型风蚀坑中的三维速度、压力、风沙流流向分布,揭示了风蚀坑的风沙流吸附机制,研究结果可加深对风蚀坑形态动力学的理解,也可为内陆干涸湖盆沙漠化防治提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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