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The Rwenzori Mountains are a high alpine mountain chain, about 40 × 80 km in size, just north of the equator in the western branch of the East African Rift System in Africa. The central part of the mountain chain is located in Uganda, and the highest peak, the Margherita Peak with 5119 m, lies on the border to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Topography is very pronounced, with steeply incised valleys and clear glacial landforms in the upper part of the mountain chain. The Rwenzori Mountains are an unusually high mountain chain located in the extensional setting of the East African Rift System, and the large elevation poses a challenging problem for geodynamists to explain.We have used the landscape evolution model ULTIMA THULE, which combines hillslope diffusion, fluvial erosion, and glacial abrasion and is driven by a climate driver, simulating the variations in temperature, precipitation, and relief over several glacial cycles. With a simulation time of 800 ka, we test the hypothesis of climate-tectonic interactions on the uplift of the Rwenzori Mountains.Our results show that a moderate cooling of around 6° causes widespread glaciation of the high mountain regions as observed during the peak glacial phases, and that morphological processes degrading the landscape allow for a tectonic uplift rate of around 0.5 mm a− 1.  相似文献   

喀拉峻-库尔德宁区域是新疆天山自然遗产地的重要组成部分,其生态健康状况将影响该自然遗产地的突出普遍价值。目前从景观生态学角度,通过景观格局动态演化过程反映自然遗产地生态健康研究较少。本研究以喀拉峻-库尔德宁区域为例,基于多源遥感影像,提取景观信息进行定性与定量分析,并结合景观格局指数,从景观动态特征、类型水平和景观水平分析景观格局演化特征,评价景观健康状况,形成自然遗产地景观数据的获取方法,探索景观格局与生态过程的关系,为相关研究提供借鉴。结果显示:裸地增加,冰雪、针阔混交林等景观减少;类型水平上,针阔混交林受人为干扰严重,中和低覆盖度草地呈破碎化;景观水平上,景观聚集度、连通性、分形状况稳定,景观多样性提升后维持稳定;总体景观生态健康,突出普遍价值(OUV)维持稳定,但对针阔混交林需要进行重点保护。结果可为研究区综合管理和生态健康分析提供有效数据。  相似文献   

We introduce a new computational model designed to simulate and investigate reach-scale alluvial dynamics within a landscape evolution model. The model is based on the cellular automaton concept, whereby the continued iteration of a series of local process ‘rules’ governs the behaviour of the entire system. The model is a modified version of the CAESAR landscape evolution model, which applies a suite of physically based rules to simulate the entrainment, transport and deposition of sediments. The CAESAR model has been altered to improve the representation of hydraulic and geomorphic processes in an alluvial environment. In-channel and overbank flow, sediment entrainment and deposition, suspended load and bed load transport, lateral erosion and bank failure have all been represented as local cellular automaton rules. Although these rules are relatively simple and straightforward, their combined and repeatedly iterated effect is such that complex, non-linear geomorphological response can be simulated within the model. Examples of such larger-scale, emergent responses include channel incision and aggradation, terrace formation, channel migration and river meandering, formation of meander cutoffs, and transitions between braided and single-thread channel patterns. In the current study, the model is illustrated on a reach of the River Teifi, near Lampeter, Wales, UK.  相似文献   

We present a chronological model of erosion surface development in the Iberian and Cantabrian Ranges of north-central Spain. We map four erosion surfaces and interpret these to be related to Duero basin continental sediments and tectonic activity from Upper Oligocene to Plio-Pleistocene. The oldest erosion surface, SE1, formed across Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene synorogenic deposits; while surface SE2 was contemporaneous with the Middle Miocene alluvial systems, ending with an uplift stage in the Astaracian. The two most recent erosion surfaces, SE3 and SE4, developed during extensional tectonic episodes and are associated with the deposition of Upper Páramo sedimentary units at the end of the Miocene (Upper Turolian) and alluvial fan deposits, known as rañas (Plio-Pleistocene). With the exception of SE1, which seems to be associated with a relatively wet climate, the surfaces formed during periods of marked aridity and generally warm temperatures. Through geostatistical reconstruction of the best preserved surface (SE2), applying ordinary kriging method to the topography (DEM) of the erosion surface and its correlating sedimentary plains, we identify the deformation processes which occurred on this surface after its formation.  相似文献   

Hillslopes in central and western parts of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa are often mantled by colluvial sediments of the Masotcheni Formation. These sediments have accreted in response to several cycles of deposition, pedogenesis and incomplete erosion. Climatic controls on these cycles are incompletely known. Results from fieldwork, micromorphology, stable carbon isotope analysis and Optically Stimulated Luminescence dating of Masotcheni Formation sediments from Okhombe valley in the Drakensberg foothills are combined. Deposition in the area had at least 11 phases, starting before 42 ka and ending before 0.17 ka. The first six deposits (from before 42 ka to after 29 ka) resulted from the interplay between slope processes and fluvial redistribution under cold conditions. Solifluction was the most important slope process. No deposits have been found from the Last Glacial Maximum, arguably because this period was too dry. The last five deposits (from about 11 ka to before 0.17 ka) resulted from fluvial redistribution of upslope material and older deposits under increasing precipitation. Current extreme gully erosion in the Masotcheni Formation indicates a lack of available upslope material, leaving downslope deposits as the only sediment source for fluvial redistribution. This model for landscape response to climate change may be able to explain how climate controlled landscape processes in other Masotcheni Formation sites in KwaZulu-Natal. In the research area and elsewhere, this proposition may be tested with numerical landscape evolution models.  相似文献   

The geomorphology of the martian valley networks is examined from a hydrological perspective for the compatibility with an origin by rainfall, globally higher heat flow, and localized hydrothermal systems. Comparison of morphology and spatial distribution of valleys on geologic surfaces with terrestrial fluvial valleys suggests that most martian valleys are probably not indicative of a rainfall origin, nor are they indicative of formation by an early global uniformly higher heat flow. In general, valleys are not uniformly distributed within geologic surface materials as are terrestrial fluvial valleys. Valleys tend to form either as isolated systems or in clusters on a geologic surface unit leaving large expanses of the unit virtually untouched by erosion. With the exception of fluvial valleys on some volcanoes, most martian valleys exhibit a sapping morphology and do not appear to have formed along with those that exhibit runoff morphology. In contrast, terrestrial sapping valleys form from and along with runoff valleys. The isolated or clustered distribution of valleys suggests localized water sources were important in drainage development. Persistent groundwater outflow driven by localized, but vigorous hydrothermal circulation associated with magmatism, volcanism, impacts, or tectonism is, however, consistent with valley morphology and distribution. Snowfall from sublimating ice-covered lakes or seas may have provided an atmospheric source of water for the formation of some valleys in regions where the surface is easily eroded and where localized geothermal/hydrothermal activity is sufficient to melt accumulated snowpacks.  相似文献   

干旱区绿洲农村居民点景观格局演变及机制分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
师满江  颉耀文  曹琦 《地理研究》2016,35(4):692-702
基于1987年、2002年、2013年三期Landsat TM、ETM+、OLI遥感影像提取研究区农村居民点时空分布信息,利用GIS空间分析、景观指数分析及多元线性回归分析干旱区绿洲农村居民点景观演化特征及驱动机制。研究表明:① 农村居民点集中分布在绿洲内部平原区,其中城市周边及沿河道、道路是居民点空间聚集较明显的区域。② 1987-2013年农村居民点面积增长较形状变化更为显著。新建居民点和旧居民点边界扩张是导致研究区农村居民点面积显著增长主要原因,且在不同时空区域表现出不同的增长方式;居民点形状以矩形和近圆形居多,条带型较少。③ 通过对居民点景观演变机制进行分析,发现城市辐射距离、水源地远近及距离道路远近是影响农村居民点景观变化的首要因素,其次是人口规模,最后才是区域经济的发展。  相似文献   

Jose Luis Antinao  John Gosse   《Geomorphology》2009,104(3-4):117-133
The distribution and age of large (> 0.1 km2) Pliocene to recent rockslides in the Chilean Cordillera Principal (32–34.5 S), the Southern Central Andes, has been analyzed to determine the rockslide triggering mechanisms and impact on regional landscape evolution. Most of the rockslides appear in the western Cordillera Principal and cluster along major geological structures. Variographic analyses show spatial correlation between rockslides, geological structures and shallow seismicity. A relative chronosequence was calibrated with existing 14C and 40Ar/39Ar dates and new cosmogenic nuclide exposure ages for selected rockslides. Rockslide-induced sediment yield was estimated with empirical relations for rockslide area distributions. Throughout the Quaternary, rockslides have delivered sediment to streams at rates equivalent to denudation rates of 0.10 ±0.06 mm a− 1, while estimates using short term (20 a) seismicity records are 0.3− 0.2+ 0.6 mm a− 1. The estimates of sediment transfer and the spatial distribution of rockslides reflect a landscape in which tectonic and geological controls on denudation are more significant than climate.  相似文献   

River ice jams are generally perceived as significant erosive events and are well known to impact both channel morphology and geometry. However, the extent of these impacts and the frequency of events required to maintain erosion-induced morphologies remain unexplored in most cold region watersheds. In this study, we investigated downstream variations in channel width, cross-sectional area, depth, and geomorphological characteristics in a small high-boreal basin. We coupled these observations to dendrochronological data on ice jam frequency. Our results show that channels affected by ice erosion appear enlarged and present an important retreat of the upper bank. Such enlarged channels present a typical two-level, ice-scoured morphology when ice jams recur more often than once every 5 years. By contrast, channels appear unaffected when ice jams are less frequent. These results suggest that ice jams maintain ice-scoured and enlarged morphologies once a minimal frequency-of-occurrence threshold is exceeded. We therefore conclude that ice jam frequencies should be taken into account in order to better define the role of ice as a geomorphological agent in cold environments.  相似文献   

On upland Triassic sandstone slopes of the western Blue Mountains, nonswamp, sclerophyllous heath (shrub-dominated vegetation) on shallow soils is commonly found downslope and adjacent to sclerophyllous forest on deeper soils. Some consider heath—and thus shallow soils—as favouring west-facing slopes, which are expected to experience drier microclimates due to insolation, strong and desiccating winds, and severe summer fires. However, our analysis of extensive areas with heath on shallow soils, based on vegetation and topographic maps, and fieldwork of uplands with various degrees of dissection, suggests that aspect is a poor predictor of shallow soils. Rather, shallow soils and heath are found on short slopes and the lower segments of longer slopes with the latter significantly steeper than forested segments.The shallow–deep soil boundary, marked by contrasting modern vegetation structures, does not signify a catchment area threshold, and correspondingly, the vegetation patterns are not in balance with distributary catchment processes, as short slopes are mantled exclusively by shallow soils. Instead, the soil depth boundary represents the propagation of base-level lowering signals, which takes place not only by the headward retreat of knickpoints but also via increased lowering of slope segments adjacent to drainage lines. This leads to steep slopes immediately adjacent to canyons, narrow gorges, and small steep valleys, that are mantled by shallow, discontinuous soils undergoing rapid erosion. These steep slopes persist in the landscape for ≥ 10 My after upland stream rejuvenation until incision of more weatherable Permian sediments, underlying the Triassic cliff-forming sandstones, triggers rapid lateral expansion of gorges. Once shallowly mantled and steeper slopes adjacent to streams are consumed by gorge widening, slopes adjacent to wide gorge clifflines reflect former upland drainage patterns rather than the redirected flow to rapidly widening gorges. Hence, modern vegetation patterns reflect a significant phase of landform development, perhaps combined with enhanced erosion during the Last Glacial Period that is compounded by a humped soil production function on bedrock.  相似文献   

Relict surfaces contain information on past surface processes and long-term landscape evolution. A detailed investigation of relict non-glacial surfaces in a formerly glaciated mountain landscape of northern Sweden was completed, based on interpretation of colour infrared aerial photographs, analysis in a GIS, and fieldwork. Working backwards from landscape to process, surfaces were classified according to large- and small-scale morphologies that result from the operation of non-glacial processes, the degree of weathering, regolith characteristics, and the style of glacial modification. Surfaces were also compared in the GIS according to elevation, slope angle, and bedrock lithology. The study revealed five types of relict non-glacial surfaces but also two types of extensively weathered glacial surfaces that were transitional to relict non-glacial surfaces, illustrating spatially variable processes and rates of non-glacial and glacial landscape evolution. Rather than being static preglacial remnants, relict non-glacial surfaces are dynamic features that have continued to evolve during the Quaternary. The classification provides hypotheses for landscape evolution that can be field tested through, for example, terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide studies and geochemical analyses of fine matrix materials. The classification may be applicable to relict non-glacial surfaces in other formerly glaciated landscapes.  相似文献   

Based on measured data of coastline and bathometry, processed by softwares of Surfer and Mapinfo, and combined with sediment loads in different phases at Lijin gauging station, temporal and spatial evolution of coastline and subaqueous geomorphology in muddy coast of the Yellow River Delta is analyzed. The results show that ~68% of sediments were delivered by the Yellow River deposited around the river mouth and in the littoral area from 1953 to 2000. Coastline in different coasts had distinctive changes in response to shifts of river course. Coastline was stable in the west of the Diaokou river mouth. Coastline from the east of the Diaokou river mouth to the north of the Gudong oilfield had experienced siltation, then serious erosion, and finally kept stable with sea walls conservation. Generally, coastline of the survived river mouth of the Qingshuigou river course stretched seaward, whereas the south side of sand spit at the Qingshuigou old river mouth was eroded after the Yellow River inpouring near the position at the Qing 8. The subaqueous geomorphology off the survived river mouth exhibited siltation from 1976 to 1996, with flat topset beds and steeper foreset beds. From 1996 to 2005, the subaqueous geomorphology off the Qingshuigou old river mouth was eroded in the topset and foreset beds, but silted in the bottomset beds. The subaqueous geomorphology off the new river mouth sequentially performed siltation with small degree compared to that of 1976–1996.  相似文献   

沙漠倒置河床是干旱区一种特殊的河流状正地貌,这种地形倒置现象蕴含着河床由负转正的重要环境变化信息。本文遵循地貌学思路,基于全球范围内对沙漠倒置河床的研究报道以及野外勘察工作,对该地貌的空间分布、形态特征、物质组成、沉积结构以及形成机制进行了详细梳理。总体而言,世界各大主要沙漠地区均发育该地貌类型,其表层多为岩石碎屑或胶结物硬层,下伏质地相对松软的砂、黏土物质,由于河床和河岸周边沉积物的差异化侵蚀,河床被相对抬高。基于此,对火星倒置河床的成因机制、物质组成和形成时间进行了讨论。尽管对地球上沙漠倒置河床的研究已经取得一定进展,但未来研究仍需对其形成年代及其代表的气候意义进行深入分析;同时还应更多地与不同类型的火星倒置河床进行类比研究,这将对揭示火星水文活动和环境变化等科学问题提供重要依据。  相似文献   

太湖地区多剖面地层学分析与良渚期环境事件   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
史威  马春梅  朱诚  王富葆  李世杰 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1129-1138
太湖地区多剖面地层学分析和环境考古研究表明:本区良渚期为全新世大暖期中气候逐渐向干凉转变的时期,但大部分时间里仍略比今天暖湿。良渚期末气候走入低谷并剧烈波动,良渚期侵蚀面反映一次较长时间的海面下降过程,气候剧烈波动的转型期与海面下降至低海面过程相一致。此时本区洪积层、埋藏遗址及遗址地层中文化间歇层等发育皆反映古洪水泛滥事件的存在;而良渚期侵蚀面上的铁锰结核聚集现象及现没于水下的众多良渚期开挖的古井等遗迹还反映出这一时期也曾发生过气候干燥事件。分析认为良渚文化繁荣发展期陆地面积扩大,气候略好于今天;而良渚文化衰亡期则处于4300~3800aB. P.间的水、旱灾丛生的低海面气候异常期。  相似文献   

沙丘是柴达木盆地可类比火星的重要地貌类型,沙丘形态是类火星风沙地貌研究的重要内容。基于数字地形分析(DTA)的方法,采用高程、坡度、坡向及地表复杂程度4个地形计量学指标对火星(北极地区)和地球(柴达木盆地)格状沙丘的地貌形态特征进行定量对比分析。结果表明:(1)两个研究区的高程剖面、坡度、坡向的地理学空间分布格局具有较大相似性;(2)高程、高程梯度、坡度和坡向的直方图相似度指数均大于0.7;(3)不同尺度上的分形维数近似相等,即地表复杂程度相似。用数字地形分析与直方图相似度指数结合的方法,定量或半定量地分析两个研究区沙丘地貌形态的相似性,这对类火星风沙地貌研究中科学选择试验点是一种新的尝试,以期为反演火星风沙地貌的形成与演化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

作为一种风蚀地貌,雅丹地貌是对环境长期适应的一种表现,其形态特征可以反映所受内外营力的作用。对火星埃律西昂平原和地球柴达木盆地雅丹体的形态参数进行对比分析。结果显示:(1)埃律西昂平原雅丹体的长宽比(3.49)与柴达木盆地雅丹体的长宽比(3.57)较为接近,同时也与理想状态下的长宽比(4)接近,它们都具有流线型的形态,且处于雅丹体发育的成熟期。(2)柴达木盆地雅丹体是鲸背状,埃律西昂平原雅丹体是椭圆状,原因是柴达木盆地雅丹体常年受盛行风的影响,埃律西昂平原雅丹体受两种反向风的影响。柴达木盆地雅丹体表面崩裂的痕迹不明显,埃律西昂平原雅丹体表面崩裂的痕迹比较明显,原因是形成雅丹体的物质基础和温差环境不同:柴达木盆地雅丹体的物质基础是湖相沉积物,雅丹体表面有减弱风化的盐壳;埃律西昂平原雅丹体的物质基础是火山熔岩流,而且火星的昼夜温差大于地球。  相似文献   

A chronosequence of surface and buried soils in moraines and outwash, ranging in age from Middle to Late Holocene, i.e., Little Ice Age, and forming under alpine and subalpine vegetation in the Okstindan Mountains of central‐north Norway (66o N) (Oksskolten) was studied to determine if topographic/stratigraphic setting, weathering characteristics, soil/paleosol properties, SEM/EDS analysis, and extractable Fe and Al could be used to elucidate information on paleoenvironment and age. The geochemical data previously published and geological mapping by the Norwegian Geological Survey indicate a uniform parent material in these profiles. Slight geochemical anomalies of higher U, Th and Br in organic‐rich horizons are related to vegetation and/or higher water content at various times, confirmed by extractable Fe evidence. The data interpretation also shows that extractable Fe, principally Feo, is useful in identifying previous perched water tables, possibly generated by permafrost. The activity ratio of Feo/Fed (oxalate to dithionite) and the ratio Fed/Fet (dithionite to total Fe) appear useful in distinguishing older from younger soils on the basis of the conversion of ferrihydrite to goethite+hematite. Pyrophosphate extracts, proved useful in determining movement of organically bound Al, and showed a pronounced difference between the alpine and subalpine environments. Oxalate‐extractable and dithionite‐extractable Al proved of little value in relative age determination, presumably because sodium dithionite does not extract all crystalline Al.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of so-called wine trails as planners and managers of viticultural landscapes, using the case of the Finger Lakes region in New York, USA. Using key informant interviews, it assesses the current capacity and the future potential of these non-governmental, fee-based ‘clubs’ to mediate between global markets and the local agricultural landscape in the absence of policy frameworks designed for this purpose. Though it finds little evidence of such mediation today, the paper argues that the structure and institutional position of wine trails, organizations whose members’ livelihoods depend substantially on long-term landscape coherence, position them to play a more assertive role in doing so in the future, particularly in places marked by lax planning regimes and scarce resources.  相似文献   

基于扩展强度指数、等扇分析法、核密度分析及空间句法等方法,运用1998年、2008年、2018年3个时期的文化产业企业地理数据、夜间灯光数据及城市道路网轴线模型分析西安市核心区文化产业空间成长与城市空间形态演变的特征,探究二者空间关系与作用机制.结果表明:①西安市核心区文化产业沿"东北-西南"走向扩展,其空间集聚格局逐...  相似文献   

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