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New GLORIA imagery over the complex backarc area of the northern New Hebrides Arc clearly outlines the deeply faulted Jean Charcot Troughs. The troughs are 2400–3000 m deep and are not magmatically active. They appear to be fragmented older crust and are not backarc basins in the usual sense.Horst and graben structures on the Hazel Holme Fracture Zone (HHFZ) cut obliquely across the trend of the Zone, which therefore is not a simple transform. The enechelon ridges may form a relay, but Y-shaped grabens could be remnant spreading zones, formed earlier in the history of the western part of the North Fiji Basin.  相似文献   

A shallow hydrothermal brine seep located off the Greek island of Milos in the Aegean Sea was studied. The brine fluid outcropped as a pool of water in a seabed depression and was detected in the surrounding pore-waters of sediments colonised by the sulphur bacterium Achromatium volutans. The seep fluid was highly saline and sulphidic, depleted in Mg2+ and SO42−, but enriched over seawater in Na+, Ca2+, K+, Cl, SiO2, reduced species and dissolved gases. The high concentrations of Na+, Ca2+ and K+ were consistent with the Milos tectonic setting. Na-K and Na-K-Ca geothermometers predicted a reservoir temperature of 300–325 °C for the most concentrated seep samples. The deep geothermal reservoir within the metamorphic basement of Milos island has already been located and studied and may represent the source of the seep fluid. Faunal diversity was lowest in seep-influenced sediments, but a sulphide-intolerant species was found in areas of the bacterial mat where salinity and temperature were much lower. Pressure-induced variations in the vertical depth of the brine interface may be occurring in the sediment.  相似文献   

西太平洋中大多数已知的高温热液喷发都出现在洋内弧后环境中,如劳海盆、北斐济海盆和马里亚纳海沟.在弧前的海底火山上已经发现了热液喷发和相应的矿床,其中许多火山还在排气,并有释放到海底的岩浆挥发物的证据,但是只在水深超过1 km的最深的塌陷火山口发现了黑烟喷口、典型深洋中脊和弧后扩张中心.本文描述了汤加岛弧浅海底火山上首次发现的高温热液喷发和大面积的硫化物-硫酸盐烟道.  相似文献   

Rona  P.A.  Bemis  K.G.  Silver  D.  Jones  C.D. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2002,23(2):147-168
We develop and apply visualization and quantification methods to reconstruct hydrothermal plumes in 3D from acoustic images and to make the first direct measurements from the reconstructions of scalar properties that describe the behavior of two buoyant plumes discharging from adjacent black smoker chimneys. The actual behavior is then compared to that predicted by a classic simple buoyant plume model. The images are reconstructed as isointensity surfaces of backscatter from particulate matter suspended in the plumes. The measurements pertinent to the role of the plumes as agents of dispersal of heat and mass into the ocean include change with height of diameter, particle distribution, dilution, centerline attitude, surface protrusions, and connectivity. The protrusions are the surface expression of eddies and appear to follow a bifurcating helical flow pattern that resemble simulation of the naturally forced flow of coherent vortex rings as the eddies rise with the buoyant plume. These direct measurements and the derived entrainment coefficient are generally consistent with behavior predicted by the simple buoyant plume model and support engulfment by vortex shedding as a primary mechanism for entrainment of surrounding seawater. Deviations from predicted buoyant plume behavior are diagnostic of particle dynamics.  相似文献   

Submarine canyons have been the subject of intense studies in recent years because of their close link to deepwater systems. The Central Canyon is a large unusual submarine canyon in the northwestern margin of the South China Sea, has a total length of about 425 km and is oriented sub-parallel to the continental slope. Using integrated 2D/3D seismic, well log, core, and biostratigraphy data, the current study documents the stratigraphic framework, internal architecture, depositional processes, and controlling factors of the segment of the Central Canyon located in the Qiongdongnan Basin.The integrated analysis shows that the canyon fill consists of four 3rd-order sequences, SQ4, SQ3, SQ2, and SQ1. Each of them is bounded by regionally important erosional surfaces (3rd-order sequence boundaries). Within each 3rd-order sequence there is maximum regressive surface separating a regressive systems tract in the lower part and a transgressive systems tract in the upper part. Nine facies are identified and are further grouped into five depositional units, DU1 through DU5.The canyon evolved through four cut-and-fill stages, with a change from predominantly axial cut-and-fill to primarily side cut-and-fill. Axial cut-and-fill dominated during the first stage, and the slope-subparallel paleo Xisha Trough was intensely eroded by large-scale axial gravity flows. During the second cut-and-fill stage, the Central Canyon experienced both axial and side cut-and-fill. The third stage was dominated by side cut-and-fill. The canyon was eroded and fed by slope channels that transported sandy sediments from the shelf to the north during regression, and was covered by side-derived muddy MTCs during transgression. The last stage was also dominated by side cut-and-fill. The canyon, however, was filled predominantly by side-derived muddy MTCs.Evolution and depositional processes in the Central Canyon were likely controlled by slope-subparallel negative-relief induced by paleo-seafloor morphology, structural inversion of the Red River Fault and the slope-subparallel basement faults. Additionally, Coriolis force, sea-level fluctuations, high sedimentation rate, and rapid progradation of the slope also controlled and influenced the depositional processes, and internal architectures of the canyon.  相似文献   

A widespread distribution of hydrothermal and hydrogenetic manganese deposits is described in the results of the Hakurei‐Maru cruises conducted in the Bonin Arc areas of the West Pacific from 1984 to 1989. Manganese deposits occur in the active volcano chains, back‐arc basins, remnant back‐arc ridges, and oceanic seamounts.

The hydrogenetic iron‐manganese deposits commonly form earthly black crusts and nodules on the topographic highs of inactive ridges and old seamounts, sometimes as thick as 10 cm. They are always composed of the iron‐manganese mineral vernadite. Co and Ni contents are relatively high in the crusts from the seamounts in the open Pacific Ocean (up to 1.1% Co and 1.0% Ni). Two generations of distinct chemistry and texture are typical of these crusts, which can be compared to reported thick crusts from the Central Pacific seamounts.

The hydrothermal deposits, characterized by dense, submetallic, and gray appearance, are dominant in the recent and also in past submarine volcanoes of the island‐arc systems. Evidence of past hydrothermal activity was ascertained as fossil hydrothermal manganese deposits inside the hydrogenetic nodules or beneath the hydrogenetic crusts over the Tertiary island arc. Their component minerals are considered to be todorokite and bimessite (stable and contractible upon dehydration), having almost negligible amounts of Fe, Si, Al, Ni, Co, Zn, Pb, Cu, etc. In the small model site, the Kaikata Seamount hydrothermal area, the presumably recent hydrothermal activity has yielded thin slabs of pure manganate deposits growing downward within volcanic and sand layers.

Early diagenetic influence is negligible on nodules of this area.  相似文献   

The absence of a trench and the existence of a separate, western chain of islands in the central New Hebrides island arc are a consequence of earlier tectonic evolution, and not the result of subduction of the d'Entrecasteux Zone as was previously suggested. Because of tectonic consolidation in the western islands prior to present subduction, a resistant block was created opposing subduction, and a trench never did form, here. The d'Entrecasteux Zone is responsible only locally for additional deformation of the subducting plate, in a way that can be regarded as an initial stage of obduction.  相似文献   

Abstract. A new rhynchonellid brachiopod genus Tethyrhynchia , with type species Tethyrhynchia mediterranea n. sp., is described from specimens discovered in dark zones of submarine caves along the Mediterranean coast of France between Marseille and La Ciotat, and also at Zembra Island, off the Gulf of Tunis, Tunisia. Other brachiopods occurring with this diminutive rhynchonellid are also small and include the megathyridids Argyrotheca cistellula and Megathiris detruncata . This is the first recorded occurrence of a rhynchonellid from the Mediterranean Sea. The new form is apparently neotenous, in that the lophophore in adults never develops beyond the trocholophous stage. A new type of rhynchonellid crus, crescentic in profile and here named the lunifer type, is described. The new genus is assigned to the new family Tethyrhynchiidae , and comparisons are made with other extant rhynchonellid genera.  相似文献   

A series of Mesozoic rift basins formed in eastern China were associated with magmatic activity and subduction along the Eurasia, Izanagi and Pacific plate margins. The impact of magmatic activity on lacustrine sequence development was documented with well-log and 3-D seismic data from the Jupiter Depression in the North Yellow Sea Basin. We identified key surfaces, retrogradational and progradational parasequence sets, and defined the characteristics of systems tracts and the internal sequence components for the Lower Cretaceous (K1SQ1). A 2-D SEDPAK numerical stratigraphic forward modeling was used to further constrain sequence development in the Jupiter Depression by considering different modeling parameters and the spatial-temporal characteristics of magmatic activity. Modeling results were compared and matched with the sequence architecture observed from seismic and well interpretations. Magmatic activity impacts on the development of the K1SQ1 sequence in the North Yellow Sea Basin include topographic variation, lake level fluctuation, and sediment supply ratios. Results suggest that magmatic upwelling uplifted the northwestern area of the Jupiter Depression and formed its slope break during the late Jurassic or early Cretaceous. Along with uplifting, relative lake level dropped sharply and lake accommodation was reduced, but with increased sediment supply. Therefore, sediment accumulated along the slope break as a lowstand systems tract. Later on, as lake level continuously rose, transgressive and highstand systems tracts were developed. The proposed stacking pattern provides an analog, and a useful model, for lacustrine sequence development in response to magmatic activities in eastern China and other rift basins of similar tectonic setting.  相似文献   

Polymetallic sulfides from two hydrothermal chimneys and talus deposit from the Vienna Woods field of Manus Basin were studied for mineralogy, elemental composition, and S-isotope ratio to understand their evolution. The factors including the nature of source fluid, mineral paragenesis, and related geochemical processes have been discussed. Mineralogy and elemental concentration of Cu and Fe-rich large chimney at the central part of this hydrothermal field was completely different from the smaller Zn-rich peripheral chimney and Fe-rich talus deposit, suggesting the variable degree of alterations generate physico-chemically different source fluids responsible for these hydrothermal structures. Similarly, S-isotope ratios also indicate chemically diverse fluids and different modes of precipitation were involved in their evolution. Distinct mineral zonings and associated elemental and isotopic compositions within individual deposit confirm paragenetic shifts were involved during their growth process.  相似文献   

Two measures of microbial activity were used to characterise a variety of sediment habitats in three intertidal inlets in the Nelson region, South Island, New Zealand. Rates of microbial mineralisation potential and epibenthic microalgal production were compared with sediment textures, concentrations of photosynthetic pigments, ATP concentrations, and organic and inorganic nutrients. Baseline ranges for these parameters were established for relatively undisturbed estuarine sites for assessing future environmental deterioration and for comparison with sites affected by organic enrichment. Sediment mineralisation rates were increased more than 1000‐fold by enrichment from a fruit processing plant and microalgal production was enhanced by more than 50‐fold at a site exposed to slaughterhouse wastes. The remaining variables, although often strongly correlated with activity measurements, were not as sensitive as measures of enrichment. Sediment microbial activity measurements are proposed as a means of detecting changes in nutrient status of estuarine environments.  相似文献   

Shallow water hydrothermal vents can be compared to polluted places due to high concentrations of heavy metals, and are thus good models for bioaccumulation studies. The present study intended to estimate the time of exposure required for the accumulation of certain elements to stabilize in specimens of Cystoseira abies-marina , to be used as a reference in future work. Cystoseira abies-marina intertidal specimens were transplanted from Mosteiros (a non-hydrothermal and pristine site) to Ferraria (with hydrothermal activity) and left there. Transplanted samples were collected after 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks and the concentrations of Cd, Mg, Mn and Zn were measured through flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Although further studies with increased periods of exposure are needed because the concentration of these elements never stabilized in the collected samples, there is strong evidence that increased time of exposure led to increased concentrations of Cd, Mg, Mn, but not Zn. These results are consistent with the assumption that C. abies-marina is bioaccumulating some of the heavy metals and can thus be a good indicator for polluted waters.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycles of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) from the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand, were followed between June 1998 and January 2000. Histological examination of the gonad confirms an annual cycle with a winter inactive period followed by rapid gonad development and a single short spawning period. The population gonad index correlated with seawater temperature and changes in tissue dry weight, condition index, and biochemical components. In winter, few individuals with early gametogenic stages were present and rapid development of primary oocytes (diam. 11 μm) occurred during spring (September‐November). The developmental rate and the diameter of mature oocytes (37 μm) was similar for the 1998 and 1999 seasons. For a standard 110‐mm‐length oyster, maximal tissue body weight and condition index were recorded in December. Rapid weight loss in January was length dependent and was attributed to spawning. Temperature was the environmental variable which best correlated with the timing of gametogenesis. Food availability (phytoplankton biomass) may have been responsible for inter‐annual variations. The biochemical composition (% glycogen, lipid, protein) of separated gonad and somatic tissues were variable seasonally and annually. Gametogenesis (oocyte diameter) was associated with increased gonad protein and glycogen and a decrease in lipid concentrations. These changes are similar to those in Pacific oyster populations from other parts of the world.  相似文献   

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