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The polarimetric and spectrophotometric data of observations, the results of laboratory simulations, and theoretical calculations are considered as evidence in favor of the presence of large irregular particles in cometary atmospheres. The attempt is made to define more precisely the particle parameters. In particular, observations of some comets at small phase angles can be interpreted by light scattering on large icy grains. The results of laboratory experiments with ice at low temperatures and pressures are adduced; this can be explain the formation of a large icy grain cloud near the cometary nucleus. Changes of these particles under the effects of solar radiation are considered.  相似文献   

If the structure of the magnetic field and electric current in the cometary type I tail can be represented by an electric current circuit, disruption of the cross-tail current system may lead to a current discharging through the cometary ionosphere, and the dissipation of the magnetic energy stored in the tail. From the point of view of energy budget, a tail-aligned magnetic field on the order of 10γ will be sufficient to produce a strong ionization effect of the cometary atmosphere.  相似文献   

Dirty ice of a second kind (major components, H2O, CO, and N2; minor components less than several percents, NH3, CH4, and other organic substances such as HCN, CH3CN etc.) is assumed for the composition of volatiles in the cometary nucleus. The consistency with the observations of molecular ions and daughter molecules in the cometary atmosphere is argued by taking into account various ion-molecular reactions and dissociative recombinations. There is a satisfactory agreement for the second kind of dirty-ice model, but the presence of large amounts of CH4 and NH3 is found to be rather in contradiction with observational evidence. A velocity of 8 km s?1 for the hydrogen atoms, derived from analysis of the hydrogen Lyman-alpha corona around comets, is found from the dissociative recombination of H3O+, the dominant constituent of cometary ionosphere, in accordance with H3O++e ?→OH+H+H.  相似文献   

Infrared observations of comets over the 2–4 m waveband are interpreted in terms of a model with varying contributions from bacterial-type and viral-type particles, and with small additional contributions arising from degraded organic molecules at grain surfaces.  相似文献   

The nature of unidentified cometary emission lines is discussed. A model of ice particles in cometary halos as a mixture of frozen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and acyclic hydrocarbons is considered. The properties of frozen hydrocarbon particles are described and 5–7% of the unidentified cometary emission lines are considered as the photoluminescence of frozen hydrocarbons. The positions of unidentified emission lines in the spectrum of Comet 19P/Borrelly are compared with the positions of quasi-lines in the photoluminescence spectra of PAHs that were dissolved in acyclic hydrocarbons at a temperature of 77 K and that constitute a polycrystalline solution.  相似文献   

The wavelength dependence of the polarization (“polarization spectra”) of cometary dust is discussed. It is shown that, in the case of large phase angles, the wavelength dependence of the polarization is mainly controlled by the complex refractive index of the particle material, whereas the spectral dependence of the intensity is also sensitive to the size of the particles. This suggests that observations of “polarization spectra” may determine the composition of cometary dust. An attempt is made to find the composition of the cometary dust material by comparing the observed polarimetric data with laboratory measurements of complex refractive indices of possible cometary constituents. Silicates, graphite, metals, organics, water ice and their mixtures are considered. It is shown that astronomical silicate must be the most abundant constituent of cometary dust in the range of heliocentric distances from 0.8 to 1.8 AU, whereas the volume fraction of pure graphite or pure metals is less then 1%. A substance similar to that of F-type asteroids may be present in comets. There is evidence for an organic material that is being destroyed between heliocentric distances of 0.8–1.8 AU.  相似文献   

The intensity residuals are analyzed from a series of solar limb-darkening measurements in the wavelength range 5656 to 2997 Å. The lengths of residual strings of the same sign exceed expectation by several orders of magnitude. The power spectrum of the residuals shows a weak excess around 6000 km. For further study the 34 000 limb-darkening residuals are subdivided into 5100 bright and faint cells. The frequency distribution of cell sizes peaks around 4500 km and increases from center to limb, the faint cells showing the greater center-limb effect. The cells are also studied as to contrast. A synoptic view indicates that only 12% of the cells are identifiable after a half hour. Phenomena that may combine to produce the observed wide spectrum of brightness inhomogeneities are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A self-consistent solution of the dynamical and thermal structure of an H2O-dominated, two-phase, dusty-gas cometary atmosphere has been obtained by solving the simultaneous set of differential equations representing conservation of number density, momentum and energy together with the transfer of solar radiation in the streams responsible for the major photolytic processes and the heating of the nucleus. The validity of the model is restricted to the collision-dominated region where all the gas species are assumed to attain a common velocity and common temperature. Two models are considered for the transfer of solar radiation through the circum-nuclear dust halo. In the first only the direct extinction by the dust is considered. In the second, the finding of some recent models, that the diffuse radiation field due to multiple scattering by the dust halo more or less compensates for radiation removed by direct absorption when the optical depth is near unity, is approximated by neglecting the attenuation of the radiation by the dust altogether.As has been shown earlier, the presence of dust results in a transonic solution, and it is obtained by a two-step iterative procedure which makes use of the asymptotic behaviour of the radiation fields sufficiently far from the nucleus and a regularity condition at the sonic point.The calculations were performed for a medium sized comet (R n =2.5 km) having a dust to gas production rate ratio of unity, at a heliocentric distance of 1 AU. The dust grains were assumed to be of the same radius (1), of low density (1g cm–3) and be strongly absorbing (having the optical properties of magnetite).The main effect of the dust on the cometary atmosphere is dynamic. While the dust-gas coupling persists to about 20R n , the strong throat effect of the dust friction on the gas causes the latter to go supersonic quite rapidly. Consequently the sub-sonic region around the nucleus is very thin, varying between 45 and 85m in the two models considered. On the other hand, while this highly absorbing dust has a temperature substantially above that of the gas in the inner coma, heat exchange between them does not significantly change the temperature profile of the gas. This is because of the predominance of the expansion cooling, and even more importantly, the IR-cooling by H2O, in the inner coma. Consequently, the gas temperature goes through a strong inversion, as in the dust-free case, achieving a temperature as low as about 6K within about 50km of the nucleus, before increasing to about 700K atr=104km, due to the high efficiency of photolytic heating over the cooling process in the outer coma. The Mach number achieves a maximum value of about 10 at the distance of the temperature minimum, thereafter steadily decreasing to a value of about 2.5 atr104km.It is shown that while the dust attenuation has a strong effect on the production rate of H2O, it also has an interesting effect on the electron density profile. It increases the electron density in the inner coma over the unattenuated case, while at the same time, decreasing it in the outer coma. In conclusion, the limitations of the present model and the necessity to extend it using a multi-fluid approach are discussed.  相似文献   

New investigations of the photoluminescence of frozen hydrocarbon particles of icy cometary halo have been made. The process of photoluminescence of icy particles in the ultraviolet solar radiation field is considered. The comparative analysis of laboratory and observed data leads to the preliminary identification of some sixty eight photoluminescent emission features in the spectra of 109P/Swift–Tutle and 23P/Brorsen–Metcalf comets. Formulae are given for the calculation of the efficiency of the photoluminescence of icy organic particles in the cometary halo.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that W Cep has an eclipsing variability is discussed on the basis of our photometric and polarimetric observations of it from 1983–2003. Here we attempt to use our observations of W Cep to construct an average light curve, after separating out the slow variation, with the elements JDmin=2448105d+2090d. A strong variability is found from period to period at phases of 0.1–0.3 that may be caused by a variable flow of matter between the components. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 187–196 (May 2006).  相似文献   

Acceleration mechanism of particles in the Type-I cometary plasma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the paper, the accelerated effect of ions has been discussed. The transversal magnetic disturbance is able to bring about the magnetic annihilation and merge in some cometary area. The non-steady-state reconnection process can transform the magnetic energy of some cometary area into the kinetic energy of plasma. In addition, the two stream instability caused by both solar wind and cometary plasmas exists in Type-I tail, it can also lead the paticles to be accelerated and heated in the plasma tail.  相似文献   

Photoelectric observations of the brightness and polarization of the carbon star UX Dra in 1989–1993 are presented and discussed. The strong variations in this star’s period and the impossibility of determining it from our observations forced us to use an extrapolation of Vetešnik’s periodvariation curve. As in Vetesnik’s observations, our determinations of UX Dra’s brightness are satisfied far better by a period twice as long. The variations in UX Dra’s brightness and polarization parameters resemble most closely those of an RV Tau star, in our opinion. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 41. No. 4, pp. 561–568, October–December, 1998.  相似文献   

Differential evolution of the orbits of near-Earth asteroid (NEA) 2003 EH1 and comet 96P/Machholz 1 under perturbing action of planets was investigated for the time interval of 28000 years. The similarity of the orbits was analyzed with the Southworth–Hawkins criterion D SH. It has been shown that both the comet and the asteroid can be fragments of a nucleus of the same larger comet being a progenitor of the Quadrantid complex. A break-up of the parent comet apparently occurred approximately 9500 years ago. NEA 2003 EH1 is actually a dormant fragment of a nucleus of the parent comet. It was concluded that comet 96P/Machholz 1, NEA (186256) 2003 EH1 of the Amore group, and the Quadrantid meteorite swarm form a family of related objects.  相似文献   

The October 1976 spectroscopic observations of the solar chromosphere with the great coronagraph of the Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo Observatory were analysed using the autocorrelation method. The autocorrelation function and the power spectrum were calculated. It was found that the brightness distribution in the chromosphere is essentially bimodal and has characteristic scales of 1.2 × 104 km and 2.4 × 104 km. The supergranulation (3.5 × 104 km) in the brightness field was found to show up more faintly at all heights.  相似文献   

M.J. Klein 《Icarus》2006,184(1):170-180
We present a self-consistent, 36-year record of the disk-averaged radio brightness of Uranus at wavelengths near 3.5 cm. It covers nearly half a uranian year, and includes both equatorial and polar viewing geometries (corresponding to equinox and solstice, respectively). We find large (greater than 30 K) changes over this time span. In agreement with analyses made of more limited microwave data sets, our observations suggest the changes are not caused by geometric effects alone, and that temporal variations may exist in the deep uranian troposphere down to pressures of tens of bars. Our data also support an earlier suggestion that a rapid, planetary-scale change may have occurred in late 1993 and early 1994. The seasonal record presented here will be useful for constraining dynamical models of the deep atmosphere, and for interpreting observations made during Uranus' 2007 equinox passage. As part of a multi-wavelength observing campaign for this event, the Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) project will continue to make frequent, single-dish observations near 3.5 cm.  相似文献   

A self-consistent multi-fluid solution of the dynamical and thermal structure of an H2O-dominated, two-phase dusty-gas cometary atmosphere has been obtained by solving the simultaneous set of differential equations representing conservation of number density, momentum and energy, together with the transfer of solar radiation in streams responsible for the major photolytic processes and the heating of the nucleus. The validity of this model, as in the earlier single-fluid ones, is restricted to the collision-dominated region where all the heavy species (ions and neutrals) are assumed to achieve a common temperature and velocity. However, recognizing that the photo-produced hydrogen is rather inefficient in exchanging energy with the heavier species we treat the hydrogen separately: it is assumed to be composed of a thermalized component (the second fluid) and a pre-thermal component.The present model, which is transonic due to the presence of the dust in the inner coma, causes the heavy species to expand subsonically from the nucleus and to smoothly traverse the sonic point within about 45 m of the nucleus, although the dust-gas coupling persists to about 50 km. While the temperature of the heavy species goes through a strong inversion within about 100 km from the nucleus, due to the effects of IR cooling and expansion, it increases to about 300–400 K in the outermost part of the collision-dominated coma due to UV photolytic heating. These temperatures are smaller by a factor of 2–3 from the predictions of the earlier single-fluid models, which assumed instant thermalization of the photo-produced hydrogen.While the velocities of the heavy species and the thermal hydrogen increase to, respectively, 1.1 km s–1 and 1.6 km s–1 in the outer (collisional) coma, the velocity of the pre-thermal component reaches about 15 km s–1. This latter value is consistent with Ly- observations of a number of comets, which implies a fast (20 km s–1) hydrogen component in the outer coma. The boundary of the exosphere, where the non-thermal hydrogen dominates, is predicted to be around 1.5×104 km from the nucleus. The calculations are for a comet of radius 2.5 km with a dust/gas ratio of 1, at a heliocentric distance of 1 AU.  相似文献   

We discuss the possible nature of unidentified cometary emission lines. We propose a model of the ice particles in cometary halos as a mixture of frozen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and acyclic hydrocarbons. We describe the general properties of frozen hydrocarbon particles (FHPs) and suggest interpreting some of the unidentified cometary emission lines as the photoluminescence of FHPs. We compare the positions of unidentified emission lines in the spectrum of Comet 122P/de Vico with the positions of quasi-lines in the photoluminescence spectrum of PAHs that were dissolved in acyclic hydrocarbons at a temperature of 77 K and that constituted a polycrystalline solution. We estimate the detectability of FHP photoluminescence in cometary spectra.  相似文献   

Simultaneous photoelectric recordings of the intensities and the Doppler shifts in 5 Fraunhofer lines (H, Na D1, Mg b2, Fe5123, Fe5223) were used to study the structure of local large-scale fluctuations of the intensity and velocity in different layers of the solar atmosphere. We derived the autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions and the powerspectra of the fluctuations. Fluctuation patterns with a characteristic size of 3–4 × 104 km were found in all observed lines. The intensity of the fluctuations decreases sharply from the chromospheric H-core to the weak iron lines. The results are discussed in terms of the solar supergranulation pattern.  相似文献   

R. A. Duncan 《Solar physics》1984,92(1-2):363-373
Solar 80 MHz emission recorded by the Culgoora radioheliograph over a number of years, no matter what its spectral type, has followed a persistent pattern. Emission with average polarization < 40%, even if bursty, shows constant polarization: the polarization remains weak during both lulls and bursts of brightness. By contrast, if emission with average polarization > 40% is bursty, it shows fluctuating polarization: the polarization decreases during the bursts. The effect is discussed in terms of streaming versus gyrating electrons.  相似文献   

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