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We present the first clear observations of meteor shower activity from meteor-head echoes detected by a high-power large-aperture radar (HPLAR). Such observations have been performed at the Jicamarca VHF radar using its interferometric capabilities allowing the discrimination of meteor shower echoes from the much more frequent sporadic meteors. Until now, HPLARs were unable to distinguish meteor shower from the much more common sporadic meteor ones. In this work we have been able to detect and characterize the η-Aquariids (ETA) as well as the Perseids (PER) showers. The shower activity is more conspicuous for the ETA than for the PER shower due to the more favorable geometry. Namely, PER meteors come from low elevation angles, experiencing more filtering due to the combined Earth-atmosphere-radar instrument. In both cases, there is an excellent agreement between the measured mean velocity of the shower echoes and their expected velocity, within a fraction of 1 km s−1. Besides the good agreement with expected visual results, HPLARs observe meteors with a variety of particles sizes and masses, not observed by any other technique. Taking into account the different viewing volumes, compare to optical observations Jicamarca observes more than 1000 times more ETA meteors. Our results indicate that Jicamarca and other HPLARs are able to detect the echoes from meteor showers, but without interferometric capabilities such populations are difficult to identify just from their velocity distributions, particularly if their velocity distributions are expected to be similar to the more dominant distributions of sporadic meteors.  相似文献   

During the first international joint observation of the Leo strong meteor shower, multidisciplinary and multi-media synthetic observation of Leo and Draco strong meteor showers and their catastrophic space weather events were carried out. The comprehensive analysis of the observed and related data of the Leo, Perseus and Draco strong meteor showers obtained for near half a century (from 1957 to 2003) fully verifies that the non-sporadic periodic strong meteor shower may lead to catastrophic space weather events. Preliminary identification is made of the following: the mechanism of formation of strong meteor showers, the law of occurrence of the fbEs abnormal peak and serious safety hazards for astronavigation. Also discussed in this paper are the evolutionary process of cometary dust, the law of occurrence and loss of cosmic dust storm and the mechanism of maintaining cosmic dust in the mid-latitude Es layer.  相似文献   

We discuss a new method for measuring the coordinates of meteor shower radiants from meteor radar data. The method uses a high accuracy of radar goniometer measurements of one of the angular coordinates for meteor radiants and collective properties of incident meteor showers. It is based on a computer technology of searching for the coordinates of radiants using the intersections of meteor position lines on the celestial sphere and filtering nonrandom combinations of these intersections. The method allows the following: to detect meteor showers with a rate of more than 5 per day of observations and to separate meteor groups from different meteor showers with different radiants and velocities. The method makes it possible to increase the angular resolution from 10° × 10° achieved with a quasi-tomographic technique to 2° × 2°, with a prospect of a further increase in the accuracy through the individual reduction of separated meteor groups. We use the reduction of one-day-long observations during maximum activity of the Geminids meteor shower in 1993 to illustrate the potentialities of the method. We show an example of detecting a weak meteor shower that was active during December 1993.  相似文献   

We present a new method to detect meteor showers using the density‐based spatial clustering of applications with noise algorithm (DBSCAN; Ester et al. 1996 ). The DBSCAN algorithm is a modern cluster detection algorithm that is well suited to the problem of extracting meteor showers from all‐sky camera data because of its ability to efficiently extract clusters of different shapes and sizes from large data sets. We apply this shower detection algorithm on a data set that contains 25,885 meteor trajectories and orbits obtained from the NASA All‐Sky Fireball Network and the Southern Ontario Meteor Network (SOMN). Using a distance metric based on solar longitude, geocentric velocity, and Sun‐centered ecliptic radiant, we find 25 strong cluster detections and six weak detections in the data, all of which are good matches to known showers. We include measurement errors in our analysis to quantify the reliability of cluster occurrence and the probability that each meteor belongs to a given cluster. We validate our method through false‐positive/negative analysis and with a comparison to an established shower detection algorithm.  相似文献   

We have analysed the meteor records in the chronicles that describe the era of the Song dynasty ( ad 960–1279). The data are complementary to the record-vacant 10th century of the Koryo dynasty ( ad 918–1392). The annual activity of sporadic meteors analysed shows a generic sinusoidal behaviour as in modern observations. In addition, we have also found that there are two prominent meteor showers, one in August and the other in November, appearing on the fluctuating sporadic meteors. The date of occurrence of the August shower indicates it to be the Perseids. By comparing the date of occurrence of the November shower with those of the Leonid showers of the Koryo dynasty, recent visual observations and the world-wide historical meteor storms, we conclude that the November shower is the Leonids. The regression rate of the Leonids is obtained to be     days per century, which agrees with recent observations.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility of detectable meteor shower activity in the atmosphere of Venus. We compare the Venus-approaching population of known periodic comets, suspected cometary asteroids and meteor streams with that of the Earth. We find that a similar number of Halley-type comets but a substantially lesser population of Jupiter family comets approach Venus. Parent bodies of prominent meteor showers that might occur at Venus have been determined based on minimum orbital distance. These are: Comets 1P/Halley, parent of the η Aquarid and Orionid streams at the Earth; 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova which currently approaches the venusian orbit to 0.0016 AU; three Halley-type comets (12P/Pons-Brooks, 27P/Crommelin and 122P/de Vico), all intercepting the planet's orbit within a 5-day arc in solar longitude; and Asteroid (3200) Phaethon, parent of the December Geminids at the Earth. In addition, several minor streams and a number of cometary asteroid orbits are found to approach the orbit of Venus sufficiently close to raise the possibility of some activity at that planet. Using an analytical approach described in Adolfsson et al. (Icarus 119 (1996) 144) we show that venusian meteors would be as bright or up to 2 magnitudes brighter than their Earth counterparts and reach maximum luminosity at an altitude range of 100-120, 20-30 km higher than at the Earth, in a predominantly clear region of the atmosphere. We discuss the feasibility of observing venusian showers based on current capabilities and conclude that a downward-looking Venus-orbiting meteor detector would be more suitable for these purposes than Earth-based monitoring. The former would detect a shower of an equivalent Zenithal Hourly Rate of at least several tens of meteors.  相似文献   

The activity of a meteor shower is thought to be proportional to the activities through time of the parent comet. Recent applications of the dust trail theory provide us not only with a new method to forecast the occurrences and intensities of shower activities, but it is also offers a new approach to explore the history of past activities of the parent comet by retro-tracking its associated meteor showers. We introduce the result of an effort for relating meteor shower activities to the parent comet activities for which we chose the October Draconids and comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner in this paper.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and observational work has shown that the asteroids belonging to the Taurid meteoroid complex have a cometary nature. If so, then they might possess related meteoroid streams producing meteor showers in the Earth atmosphere. We studied the orbital evolution of ten numbered Taurid complex asteroids by the Halphen-Goryachev method. It turned out that all of these asteroids are quadruple crossers relative to the Earth's orbit. Therefore their proposed meteoroid streams may in theory each produce four meteor showers. The theoretical orbital elements and geocentric radiants of these showers are determined and compared with the available observational data. The existence of the predicted forty meteor showers of the ten Taurid complex asteroids is confirmed by a search of the published catalogues of observed meteor shower radiants and orbits, and of the archives of the IAU Meteor Data Center (Lund). The existence of meteor showers associated with the Taurid Complex Asteroids confirms that, most likely, these asteroids are extinct comets. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A new meteroid stream—October Ursa Majorids—was announced by Japanese observers on Oct. 14–16, 2006 (Uehara et al. 2006). Its weak manifestation was detected among coincidental major meteor showers (N/S Taurids, Orionids), as its meteors radiated from a higher placed radiant on the northern sky. We have tried to find out previous displays of the stream throughout available meteor orbits databases, and among ancient celestial phenomena records. Although we got no obvious identification, there are some indications that it could be a meteor shower of cometary origin with weak/irregular activity, mostly overlayed by regular coincidental meteor showers. With a procedure based on D-criterion (Southworth and Hawkins 1963) we found a few records in IAU MDC database of meteor photographic orbits which fulfill common similarity limits, for October Ursae Majorids. However, their real association cannot be established, yet. With respect to the mean orbit of this stream, we suggest for its parent body a long-period comet.  相似文献   

Jack D. Drummond 《Icarus》1981,47(3):500-517
Sixteen comets produce recognizable meteor showers that are found in A. F. Cook's (1973, In Evolutionary and Physical Properties of Meteoroids (C. L. Hemenway, P. M. Millman, and A. F. Cook, Eds.), pp. 183–191, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.), working list of meteor streams. Of these, five are long period, including one in a parabolic and one in a hyperbolic orbit. The largest Earth-comet orbit miss distance is 0.20 AU for P/Encke and the Northern and Southern Taurids. Using this is an upper limit for meteor showers from comets, all comets which approach the Earth's orbit to within 0.20 AU were extracted from the Catalogue of Cometary Orbits (B. G. Marsden, 1979. 3rd ed., Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams, IAU SAO, Cambridge, Mass.). A compilation of such comets is presented by date minimum approach, along with the distance of closest approach and the theoretical geocentric radiants and velocities of possible associated meteor showers. Both pre- and postpperihelion encounters with the Earth's orbit are considered. There are 240 entries for 178 long-period comets, and 36 for 28 short-period comets. It is noted that all short-period comets that have approached the Earth's orbit to within 0.08 AU have produced meteors, except P/Lexell, P/Finlay, P/Denning-Fujikawa, and P/Grigg-Skjellerup. Attention is called to the favorable observing conditions for detecting meteors from P/Grigg-Skjellerup in April 1982, and for the possibility of another great Draconid storm from P/Giacobini-Zinner in October 1985. A comparison is made between observed sporadic meteor rates and the distribution of theoretical radiants throughout the year, from which it is concluded that the currently known comets can account for sporadic meteors. A criterion is developed to test whether or not an observed meteor shower can be associated with a given theoretical radiant. Based on known examples, a qualitative model for comet/meteor relationships is also presented.  相似文献   

In the northern hemisphere, the month of February is characterized by a lack of major meteor shower activity yet a number of weak minor showers are present as seen by the Kazan radar. Using the Feller transformation to obtain the distribution of true meteor velocities from the distribution of radial velocities enables the angle of incidence to be obtained for the single beam AO (Arecibo Observatory) data. Thus the loci of AO radiants become beam-centered circles on the sky and one can, with simple search routines, find where these circles intersect on radiants determined by other means. Including geocentric velocity as an additional search criterion, we have examined a set of February radiants obtained at Kazan for coincidence in position and velocity. Although some may be chance associations, only those events with probabilities of association > 0.5 have been kept. Roughly 90 of the Kazan showers have been verified in this way with mass, radius and density histograms derived from the AO results. By comparing these histograms with those of the “background” in which the minor showers are found, a qualitative scale of dynamical minor shower age can be formulated. Most of the showers are found outside the usual “apex” sporadic source areas where it is easiest to detect discrete showers with less confusion from the background.  相似文献   

吴光节 《天文学进展》2001,19(4):457-469
对近20年来狮子座流星雨的预报工作,进行了系统的阐述和分析。1998年Tempel-Tuttle彗星的回归,再度带来了狮子座流星雨的观测热,也大大促进了对狮子座流星雨预报工作的研究与验证。有的研究在时间预报准确度方面已显示出其模型的优越性,有的在流星雨的强度方面显示出一定的准确度。指出了两大类不同的方法实际上是在三维空间强调了不同的方面。将不同方法的优势结合起来,可能会使流星雨的预报更加成熟。  相似文献   

First results are presented from a newly developed meteoroid orbit survey, called CAMS – Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance, which combines meteor detection algorithms for low-light video observations with traditional video surveillance tools. Sixty video cameras at three stations monitor the sky above 31° elevation. Goal of CAMS is to verify meteor showers in search of their parent comets among newly discovered near-Earth objects.This paper outlines the concept of operations, the hardware, and software methods used during operation and in the data reduction pipeline, and accompanies the data release of the first batch of meteoroid orbits. During the month of November 2010, 2169 precisely reduced meteoroid trajectories from 17 nights have an error in the apparent radiant of the trajectory <2° and error in speed <10%. Median values of the error are 0.31° and 0.53 km/s, respectively, sufficient to resolve the intrinsic dispersion of annual meteor showers and resolve minor showers from the sporadic background. The limiting visual magnitude of the cameras is +5.4, recording meteors of +4 magnitude and brighter, bright enough to stand out from the mostly fainter sporadic meteors detected as under dense radar echoes.CAMS readily detected all established showers (6) active during the clear nights in November. Of the showers that needed confirmation, we confirm the theta Aurigids (THA, IAU#390), the chi Taurids (CTA, IAU#388), and the omicron Eridanids (OER, IAU#338). We conclude that the iota November Aurigids (IAR, IAU#248) are in fact the combined activity of the theta Aurigids and chi Taurids, and this shower should be dismissed from the list. Finally, there is also a clustering consistent with the zeta Cancrids (ZCN, IAU#243), but we cannot exclude that this is lower perihelion dust belonging to the Orionid shower.Data are submitted to the IAU Meteor Data Center on a semi-regular basis, and can be accessed also at http://cams.seti.org.  相似文献   

The results of an analysis of the orbital structure of the meteor complex accessible for radar observations at northern midlatitudes are reported. Experimentally, the study is based on the long-term monitoring of the influx of meteor matter into the Earth’s atmosphere performed with the meteor radar of Kazan State University starting from 1986. The study uses a discrete quasi-tomographic method to measure the radiants and velocities of meteor showers based on goniometric data of the meteor radar and diffraction measurements of meteor velocities. The discretization of the detection environment—in particular, in terms of velocity—is shown to result in no substantial loss of measurement accuracy. The error of the measured velocity of the shower does not exceed 1.5 km/s for a standard deviation of a single velocity measurement equal to 3 km/s. Microshower representation is used with microshowers either representing the correlated part of the sporadic complex or being partial streams of major and minor showers, or fragments of the dust environment of minor bodies passing by Earth or falling onto it. The data of measurements made over the entire annual cycle are used to construct combined maps of the distribution of the observed 2263 microshowers (a total of 22 604 orbits) by their inclination, aphelion distance, and longitudes of the ascending nodes of their orbits. The observing conditions are shown to have a significant effect on the parameters of the distribution of aphelion distances for different months, and the corresponding distributions for prograde and retrograde orbits are shown to differ fundamentally. A specific feature of such distribution maps is that they allow uniform representation of both meteor showers and irregularities of the sporadic complex.  相似文献   

The International Astronomical Union at its 2006 General Assembly in Prague has adopted a set of rules for meteor shower nomenclature, a working list with designated names (with IAU numbers and three-letter codes), and established a Task Group for Meteor Shower Nomenclature in Commission 22 (Meteors and Interplanetary Dust) to help define which meteor showers exist from well defined groups of meteoroids from a single parent body.  相似文献   

The asteroid 3200 Phaethon is suggested as a candidate for direct impact research. The object is considered to be an extinct comet and the parent of the Geminid meteor shower. One could say that this provides a possible argument for a space mission. Based on such a mission, this paper proposes to investigate the nature of the extinct comet and the additional interesting possibility of artificially generated meteor showers.
Dust trail theory can calculate the distribution of a bundle of trails and be used to show in which years artificial meteors would be expected. Results indicate that meteor showers will be seen on Earth about 200 yr after the event, on 2022 April 12.  相似文献   

Efforts to link minor meteor showers to their parent bodies have been hampered both by the lack of high-accuracy orbits for weak showers and the incompleteness of our sample of potential parent bodies. The Canadian Meteor Orbital Radar (CMOR) has accumulated over one million meteor orbits. From this large data set, the existence of weak showers and the accuracy of the mean orbits of these showers can be improved. The ever-growing catalogue of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) provides the complimentary data set for the linking procedure. By combining a detailed examination of the background of sporadic meteors near the orbit in question (which the radar data makes possible) and by computing the statistical significance of any shower association (which the improved NEA sample allows) any proposed shower–parent link can be tested much more thoroughly than in the past. Additional evidence for the links is provided by a single-station meteor radar at the CMOR site which can be used to dispel confusion between very weak showers and statistical fluctuations in the sporadic background. The use of these techniques and data sets in concert will allow us to confidently link some weak streams to their parent bodies on a statistical basis, while at the same time showing that previously identified minor showers have little or no activity and that some previously suggested linkages may simply be chance alignments.  相似文献   

The 33.2 MHz interferometric meteor radars located at Davis Station, Antarctica and Darwin, Australia typically detect around 15 000 specular underdense meteor echoes every day. While the angle of arrival of the scattered radio wave can be inferred using phase differences between receive antennae, the direction of individual meteors is not known beyond a plane of ambiguity perpendicular to the angle of arrival. Using the great circle mapping technique with a Jones & Jones type weighting function, 37 meteor shower systems were detected in data collected at both locations over 2006–2007, including nine undocumented showers. The orbital elements of the parent debris streams were then calculated for the 31 showers where sufficiently precise measurements were available.  相似文献   

The prime measurement objective of the Near Earth Object Chemical Analysis Mission (NEOCAM) is to obtain the ultraviolet spectra of meteors entering the terrestrial atmosphere from ∼125 to 300 nm in meteor showers. All of the spectra will be collected using a slitless ultraviolet spectrometer in Earth orbit. Analysis of these spectra will reveal the degree of chemical diversity in the meteors, as observed in a single meteor shower. Such meteors are traceable to a specific parent body and we know exactly when the meteoroids in a particular shower were released from that parent body (Asher, in: Arlt (ed.) Proc. International Meteor Conference, 2000; Lyytinen and van Flandern, Earth Moon Planets 82–83:149–166, 2000). By observing multiple apparitions of meteor showers we can therefore obtain quasi-stratigraphic information on an individual comet or asteroid. We might also be able to measure systematic effects of chemical weathering in meteoroids from specific parent bodies by looking for correlations in the depletions of the more volatile elements as a function of space exposure (Borovička et al., Icarus 174:15–30, 2005). By observing the relation between meteor entry characteristics (such as the rate of deceleration or breakup) and chemistry we can determine if our meteorite collection is deficient in the most volatile-rich samples. Finally, we can obtain a direct measurement of metal deposition into the terrestrial stratosphere that may act to catalyze atmospheric chemical reactions.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(1):52-59
In the present age, several techniques for the application to the observation of meteors and meteor showers have been developed in modern meteor astronomy. The initial definition for a meteor storm based on the visual observation with a Zenithal Hourly Rate of above 1000 seems insufficient now, since it only means a storm or burst of meteors in numbers and means that an eyewitness could have a chance to see a spectacular meteor show. Up to now, peoples have also recorded the meteoric flashes on the Moon during the Leonid meteor showers. Especially, the increasing activities of mankind in space for scientific, commercial and military purposes, have led to an increase in the problems concerning the safety of the satellites, space stations and astronauts. How the intense activity of a meteor storm is defined and forecast, some new points of view are needed. In this paper, several aspects about the intensity of the meteor storm are analyzed, including the number, mass, impulse, energy, electric charge, different purposes and different physical meanings. Finally, a synthetical index denoting the activity and potential threat of an intense meteor shower is suggested.  相似文献   

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